Parents-Teachers Association Action Plan: S.Y. 2018-2019 Objectives Strategies Persons Involved Time Frame Budget Remarks
Parents-Teachers Association Action Plan: S.Y. 2018-2019 Objectives Strategies Persons Involved Time Frame Budget Remarks
Region 02
Division of Santiago City
Santiago City
Help in the implementation of Encourage parents to support Parents, Teachers June-March 1,000.00 Helped in the
the school policies and and follow school policies and Pupils implementation of school
regulations. through regular meetings policies and regulations.
Implement various PTA Encourage parents to support Parents, Teachers Every last 1,000.00 Implemented various PTA
activities; these activities during and Pupils Friday of the activities
meetings month year
- Oplan Linis Paaralan round
- Tree Planting
Tap stakeholders to provide PTA Officers,
Improve the nutritional status food for the undernourished Parents, Teachers July - March P3,000.00 Improved nutritional
of undernourished children. children to sustain the SBFP. and Other status of undernourished
Assists the teachers in Stakeholders. pupils
cooking food for children
Generate Local fund to raise to Raise Fund for PTA Project PTA Officers, November-April P2,000.00 Generated Local fund to
finance PTA project through Search for Little Mr. Parents, Teachers raise to finance PTA
and Miss Salvador 2018. and Pupils. project
Develop a School Park Tap stakeholders to provide PTA Officers, October P2,000.00 Developed a school park
materials for the school park Teachers and
Barangay Officials
Conduct a capability building Conduct School-Based PTA Officers, October P3,000.00 Conducted a capability
seminar. capability building Parents, Teachers building seminar
Pay tribute to the teachers Organize a whole day special PTA Officers, All 1st Week of P5,000.00 Paid tribute to teachers
during the celebration of the program for the teachers Parents and October
World’s Teachers Day. Stakeholders.
Organize alumni of the school. Conduct Class Reunion PTA Officers, December P5,000.00 Organized alumni of the
Teachers, and school
Prepared by:
Recommending Approval:
PTA Coordinator
Head Teacher III