Indus Valley Civilisation
Indus Valley Civilisation
com 1
1/7/2018 .
Prof. S.K. Patil, 2
large public buildings, market areas, large and small houses as well as
craft workshops have been found in the same neighbourhood.
Barrack-like group of single-roomed tenements were for the poorer
Indus valley civilization Summary
Town structure consists of: …
Basic house plans ranging from single room tenements to houses with
Timber used for flat roofs and as frames or lacing for brickwork
Most private houses had rooms arranged around a central courtyard.
Doors and windows opened out into side lanes. Stairs led up to the
roof or the second storey. Windows had shutters and latticework.
Indus valley civilization Summary
Drainage system
Wells and reservoirs were provided in cities to ensure drinking and
the wells. The floors of the baths were made of tightly-fitted bricks,
often set on edge to make a watertight floor. A small drain cut through
the house wall out into the street directed the dirty water into a larger
sewage drain. Drains and water chutes in the upper storeys were
often built inside the wall with an exit opening just above the street
drains . Tapered terracotta drainpipes were used to direct water out to
the street.
Indus valley civilization Summary
Drainage system …
Many houses had distinct toilets, separate from the bath areas.
Commodes were large jars or sump pots sunk into the floors and
many of them contained a small jar. Sometimes the sump pots were
connected to drains to let the sewage flow out and most had a tiny
hole on the bottom to allow the water to seep into the ground.
Drains were made of burnt bricks and connected the bathing platforms
bricks, wood and reeds. The average size of the bricks was 7 x 12 x
34 cm (for houses) and 10 x 20 x 40 cm for the city walls. The larger
bricks have a standard ratio of 1:2:4. Mud brick and baked brick and
wood or stone were used for the foundation and walls of the houses.
The doors and the windows were made from wood and mat. House
Indus valley
not desert
well-watered and heavily forested
advanced agriculture
surplus production
textiles: wool and cotton
domesticated animals and fish
Bronze Age technology
no swords
spears and bows
stone arrow heads
dominated by priests ?
from the fortified palaces and temples ?
power base: fertility ?
deities: male and female,
bull worship and phallic symbols
Indus Valley Civilization Abstract
3300–1300 BC, (flowered 2600–1900 BC)
Worlds first sophisticated urban sanitation systems
knowledge of urban planning and efficient municipal governments
which placed a high priority on hygiene.
Streets laid out in perfect grid patterns
houses were protected from noise, odors, and thieves
individual homes or groups of homes obtained water from wells.
waste water was directed to covered drains, which lined the major
Houses opened only to inner courtyards and smaller lanes
advanced architecture is shown by dockyards, granaries,
warehouses, brick platforms and protective walls.
Abstract Cont……
massive citadels of Indus cities that protected the Harappans from
floods and attackers
no large monumental structures were built
no evidence of palaces or temples - or of kings, armies, or priests
public bath
Combination of Changes : The Purge