English 4 Año: Unidad Educativa "Dr. José María Vargas"
English 4 Año: Unidad Educativa "Dr. José María Vargas"
Action verb
Form the passive voice with the verb to be+ the past participle of the action verb.
The object of the active sentences becomes the subject of the passive sentences,
and the person or thing that carries out the action in the active voice is introduced by
the preposition by. However, the use of the by phrase is optional.
Verb to be
Mr. Mendoza and Mr. Rojas were best friends and classmates at the
university. They were educated by very good teachers. In 2002, Mr. Mendoza
was introduces to the members of our club by Mr. Rojas. Mr. Mendoza was
accepted as a new member by the Membership Committee. Last year, he was
elected president of the club by the committee. He was congratulated by his
friends. His wife Sara is a lovely person. She is very kindly by all the members,
and she is invited to their parties.
5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb “to be” and the
past participle of the given verb.
Lesson 13 If you do it every day…
First conditional
Use the first conditional to talk about possible future events.
First conditional sentences are divided into two parts: an if clause in the present
simple, and a result clause in the future simple.
When the if clause is placed before the result clause, it is followed by a comma (,).
When the result clause is placed before the if clause, the comma is omitted
because if connects the two clauses.
b) She´ll never be a great tennis player. ___ she´ll call the police.
c) I´ll buy you the blue jacket. ___ if she doesn´t practice a lot.
d) You´ll really love Margarita island. _a_ all the best seats will be taken.
e) If Ana finds out the truth, ___ if you really like it.
2. Write conditional questions.
4. Complete the conditional sentences with the verbs in parentheses.
b) If I study a lot,______________________________________(pass)
g) If he invites her,_________________________________________(accept)
Now, select one of the sentences and write a sequence. Follow the
example. Then, share it with your classmates.
If the weather is nice, I´ll run in the park. If I run in the park, I´ll be thirsty. If I´m
thirsty , I´ll drink water. If I drink water,.._______________________________
b) If I go there, ___________________________________________________
Second conditional
Use the second conditional to talk about events that are not very likely to happen.
Second conditional sentences are divided into two parts: an if clause in the past
simple, and a result clause with the conditional would+ the base form of the verb.
When the if clause is placed before the result clause, it is followed by a comma.
If clause in past simple result clause with would+base form of the verb
When the result clause is place before the if clause, the comma is omitted because
if connects the two clauses.
Result clause with would+base form of the verb If clause in past simple
In second conditional sentences, use were with all the personal pronouns.
› If I were you, I would go home. ›If she were here, your room wouldn´t be a mess.
1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
4. Writ three answers for each question.
a) What would you tell your friend if you didn´t like her new dress?
On Tuesday evening, January 15th, Ingmar has to travel to San Cristobal from
Caracas. She will give an important speech at a business conference there. The
weather is terrible today. If it were good, she would fly today. Unfortunately,
that´s not possible.
Lesson 15 What did he say?
Reported speech
Use reported speech to quote the speaker without saying the exact words he/she said.
Reporting verbs
Say and tell are reporting verbs. Use tell when you mention the person you are talking
In question, the verb say can be also used, but it is necessary to add the word to.
Use say without to when you are not talking to a specific person; in that case you don´t
mention anybody.
Some changes are necessary when you report what other people say.
a. Lourdes _____ that she had been very busy the day before.
c. She told ______ him that she was studying all day.
e. She told me she was going to travel to Italy the following month.
3. Read the text.
By Mandy Simmons.
This he was he told us about his job: “I´m a doctor in Central Hospital in Trenton, New
Jersey. Whenever I tell people I´m a doctor, they are astonished because I´m too
young. And it´s true, I´m 17! However, I´ve studied for years to get a degree.
Nowadays, I continue learning about new advances in medicine.
He said that
a. What did your parents tell you before you began the school?
c. What did your friends say when they left the concert?
d. What did you tell your classmates the first day of class?
e. What did you parents say when you were going on vacations?
5. Report what these people say.
Lesson 16 What did the label said?
Reporting questions.
Use the verbs ask in the past (asked) to report questions.
Elena: What´s your name? You: Elena asked me what my name was.
Use the same word at the direct question
Use the verb tell in the past (told) to report imperatives sentences (orders,
prohibitions, commands and instructions).
Mom: “Don’t talk in class, boys” She told them not to talk in class
Use not and the infinitive with to when reporting imperative sentences.
1. Change the statements from reported speech into direct speech.
b) “Don´t be late.”
c) She asked Carlos why he had left.
a) She asked me what my name was. I told her my name was Andrea._______
b) _____________________________________________________________
5. Use reported speech to write the orders that the teacher gave to the
The teacher has given the following orders to the students: “First, read the
text silently. Then write the unknown words in your notebook. Look up at he
words in a dictionary. Use the English-Spanish dictionary. Do not write on your
6. Answer these questions.
a) When are you going to Europe? _He asked me when I was going to Europe.