Castrol Pyroplex Blue - Data Sheet
Castrol Pyroplex Blue - Data Sheet
Castrol Pyroplex Blue’s Dependable performance under varying conditions reduces maintenance costs
while extending equipment life. Castrol Pyroplex Blue’s environmental impact is reduced through the non-
utilization of Antimony, Barium, Lead, or Chlorinated Compounds.
Typical Properties*
NLGI Grade 1 2
Thickener-Type Lithium Complex Lithium Complex
Color Blue Blue
Appearance Smooth-Tacky/Stringy Smooth-Tacky/Stringy
Penetration, Worked @ 77°F D217 325 280
Dropping Point, ºF D2265 530 550
4-Ball EP Weld Point, kg D2596 500 500
Load Wear Index D2596 90 93
4-Ball Wear Scar, mm D2266 0.33 0.39
Timken OK Load D2509 60 60
Mobility-g/Min. 77°F 660 410
Mobility-g/Min., 60°F 300 170
Mobility-g/Min., 40°F 82 55
Mobility-g/Min., 20°F 27 14
Mobility-g/Min., 0°F 6 2
Water Sprayoff @ 100ºF, % D4049 40 18
Base Oil Viscosity, SSU@100°F D445 750 1150
Base Oil Viscosity, SSU@210°F D445 75 115
Base Oil Viscosity, cSt@40°C D445 114 247
Base Oil Viscosity, cSt@100°C D445 60 24
Rust Prevention D1743 Pass Pass
Wheel Bearing Life, hrs D3527 225 240
Wheel Bearing Leakage,g D4290 9.3 1.9
Oxidation Stability, @ 100 Hr, psi loss D942 2 1
Copper Corrosion D4048 1B 1B
* Due to continual product research and development, the information contained herein is based on products purchased in the U.S. and
subject to change without notification. Typical properties may vary slightly.
NLGI Grade 1 2