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BoneCement PDF
Bone cement
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j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 7 e1 6 3
Review Article
Bone cement
Article history: The knowledge about the bone cement is of paramount importance to all Orthopaedic
Received 6 November 2013 surgeons. Although the bone cement had been the gold standard in the field of joint
Accepted 21 November 2013 replacement surgery, its use has somewhat decreased because of the advent of press-fit
Available online 15 December 2013 implants which encourages bone in growth. The shortcomings, side effects and toxicity
of the bone cement are being addressed recently. More research is needed and continues in
Keywords: the field of nanoparticle additives, enhanced boneecement interface etc.
Bone cement Copyright ª 2013, Delhi Orthopaedic Association. All rights reserved.
Joint replacement
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Vaishya).
0976-5662/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2013, Delhi Orthopaedic Association. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
158 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 7 e1 6 3
cement. The era of modern PMMA bone cements comes from temperature dissipation via the large prosthesis surface and
the patent by Degussa and Kulzer (1943), who had described the flow of blood.8
the mechanism of polymerization of methyl methacrylate
(MMA) at room temperature if a co-initiator, such as a tertiary
aromatic amine, is added.4 3.1. Antibiotic bone cement
The first bone cement use in Orthopaedics is widely
credited to the famous English surgeon, John Charnley, who in Bone cement has proven particularly useful because specific
1958, used it for total hip arthroplasty.5 He had used cold- active substances, e.g. antibiotics, can be added to the powder
cured PMMA to attach an acrylic cup to the femoral head component. This makes bone cement a modern drug delivery
and to seat a metallic femoral prosthesis. This was a signifi- system that delivers the required drugs directly to the surgical
cant milestone in the advancement of Orthopaedic surgical site. The local active substance levels of bone cements are
procedures. Also, Charnley was the first to realize that PMMA significantly below the clinical routine dosages for systemic
easily could be used to fill the medullary canal and is easy to single injections. Research has shown that adding various types
blend with the bone morphology. of antibiotics to bone cement, in quantities less than 2 g per
In the 1970’s, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standard packet of bone cement, does not adversely affect some
approved bone cement for use in hip and knee prosthetic of the cement’s mechanical properties (compressive or dia-
fixation.6 Since then, while bone cement has become widely metrical tensile strengths), although quantities exceeding 2 g
used for fixation of prostheses to living bone, the trends of did weaken them.9 Various antibiotics have been successfully
bone cement usage have evolved. mixed and used with bone cements like Gentamycin, Tobra-
mycin, Erythromycin, Cefuroxime, Vancomycin, Colistin etc.
The basic requirement, being that the mixable antibiotic should
be heat resistant and should last for longer duration of time.
3. PMMA constituents Gentamycin, when used in combination with tobramycin,
shows a synergistic effect, with a 68% greater elution of
PMMA is an acrylic polymer that is formed by mixing two tobramycin (P ¼ 0.024), and 103% greater elution of vanco-
sterile components (Table 1): a liquid MMA monomer and a mycin from the bone cement (P ¼ 0.007), compared to controls
powered MMA-styrene co-polymer.7 When the two compo- containing only one antibiotic.10
nents are mixed, the liquid monomer polymerizes around the van Staden in his study reported that Bacteriocins may be a
pre polymerized powder particles to form hardened PMMA. In possible alternative to antibiotics incorporated into bone
the process, heat is generated, due to an exothermic reaction. cement. The in vitro results of the study showed that bacte-
PMMA, along with the presence of various additives, gives riocins incorporated into brushite cement did not significantly
the mixture a set of physical and chemical properties.3 alter the characteristics of the matrix and that the peptides
Exposure to light or high temperatures can cause premature were released in an active form. Finally it was shown that
polymerization of the liquid component. Hydroquinone nisin F-loaded brushite cement controlled S. aureus infection
therefore is added as a stabiliser or inhibitor to prevent pre- in mice.11
mature polymerization. An initiator, di-benzoyl peroxide Silver containing nanoparticles have also shown promise
(BPO), is added to the powder, and an accelerator, mostly N, N- as effective antibacterial agents which can be added to bone
dimethyl-p-toluidine (DmpT), is added to the liquid to cement.12 Vitamin E additives (10%) have shown a positive
encourage the polymer and monomer to polymerise at room effect on free radical oxidation and exothermic activity, with
temperature (cold curing cement). only modest reduction (<5%) in tensile strength.4
In order to make the cement radiopaque, a contrast agent Compared to intramuscular administration, systemic
is added. Commercially available cements use either zirco- concentration levels of Gentamycin are low with bone
nium dioxide (ZrO2) or barium sulphate (BaSO4). Zirconium cement, usual maximum level being <1 mg/ml (<10%). There
dioxide is one hundred times less soluble than barium sul- are no detectable systemic levels after seven days from
phate and has less effect on the mechanical properties of the administration. Gentamycin levels in urine after bone cement
cement. administration range from 10 mg/ml initially to 1e2 mg/ml after
During the exothermic free-radical polymerization pro- seven days.
cess, the cement heats up. This polymerization heat reaches Different bone cements have different chemical formula-
temperatures of around 82e86 C in the body. The cause of the tions, giving a range of antibiotic bone cements with varying
low polymerization temperature in the body is the relatively handling characteristics, which are suited to a broad range of
thin cement coating, which should not exceed 5 mm, and the clinical requirements and surgical techniques.
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 7 e1 6 3 159
3.2. Usage and properties Following introduction the implant must be firmly held in
position to avoid movement and pressurization must be
Since Charnley first began using acrylic bone cement in hip maintained until the cement finally hardens. Excess bone
arthroplasty, there have been a number of developments in cement must be removed before the cement has completely
the usage and properties of bone cement. hardened.
4. Methods of application
4.1. Digital
160 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 7 e1 6 3
4.4. Pressurization
4.5. Viscosity
5.1. Micro-interlock
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 7 e1 6 3 161
5.2. Reaming
5.3. Brushing
5.5. Anchorage holes in the acetabulum It involved the hand mixing of cement in bowels. There was
only a minimal preparation of the femoral canal and cancel-
The anchorage holes are made in order to remove as little lous bone was left in-situ. The canal was irrigated and suc-
bone as possible and they may be drilled and/or impacted. tioned prior to the digital application of cement. The
prosthesis was then inserted into the femoral canal. During
the 1980’s these techniques were refined. Steps were taken to
reduce the porosity of the cement and thereby increase the
fatigue life. Pressurization of the cement was introduced to
improve osseo-integration of the cement and the importance
of a good cement mantle around the prosthesis was more
clearly understood.
162 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 7 e1 6 3
6.3. Third generation cementing techniques femoral cement implantation, insertion of the prosthesis
or joint reduction. It is an important cause of intraoperative
Cement is now prepared using a vacuum-centrifugation, mortality and morbidity in patients undergoing cemented
which further reduces porosity. The femoral canal is irri- hip arthroplasty and may also be seen in the postoperative
gated with pulsatile lavage and then packed with adrenaline period in a milder form causing hypoxia and confusion.
soaked swabs. After insertion of the cement in a retrograde Hypoxaemia.
fashion, the cement is pressurised. Finally the prosthesis is Cardiac arrhythmia.
inserted using distal and proximal centralizers to ensure an Bronchospasm.
even cement mantle (4th generation). Adverse tissue reaction.
Bladder fistula.
7. Caution and adverse effects Local neuropathy.
Local vascular erosion and occlusion.
Hypotensive episodes and cardiac arrest have been reported Transitory worsening of pain due to heat released during
during cement insertion.26 polymerization.
Pressurization and thorough cleaning of the bone with Delayed sciatic nerve entrapment due to extrusion of the
expulsion of bone marrow has been associated with the bone cement beyond the region of its intended application.
occurrence of pulmonary embolisms, and this risk has been Intestinal obstruction because of adhesions and stricture
found to be increased in patients with highly osteoporotic of the ileum due to the heat released during cement
bone and patients diagnosed with femoral neck fracture. polymerization.
Reaming of the marrow cavity can have similar effects on
mean arterial pressure as the introduction of the bone
cement. Marrow cavities should be vented when the cement is
introduced digitally. The premature insertion of bone cement 8. Drawbacks of bone cement
may lead to a drop in blood pressure, which has been linked to
the availability of methyl methacrylate at the surface of the One of the major drawbacks of bone cement in joint replace-
product,27 although this has not been proven. This drop in ment is cement fragmentation and foreign body reaction to
blood pressure, on top of hypotension induced either acci- wear debris, resulting in prosthetic loosening and peri-
dentally or intentionally, can lead to cardiac arrhythmias or to prosthetic osteolysis. The production of wear particles from
an ischaemic myocardium. However, according to a report, roughened metallic surfaces and from the PMMA cement
the possible risk of death associated with the use of cemented promotes local inflammatory activity, resulting in chronic
implant is confined to early postoperative and perioperative complications to hip replacements. Histologically, a layer of
period.28 synovial like cells which line the bone cement interface sup-
The hypotensive effects of methyl methacrylate are ported by a stroma containing macrophages and wear parti-
potentiated if the patient is suffering from hypovolaemia. cles, has been described in loose prostheses.31 A third of
The most frequent adverse reactions reported with acrylic dense fibrous tissue contains polymethyl methacrylate, poly-
bone cements are: ethylene and metallic debris. Activated macrophages express
cytokines including interleukin-1, interleukin-6 and tumour
Transitory fall in blood pressure. necrosis factor alpha, which mediate periprosthetic osteolysis.
Elevated serum gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase (GGTP) Bone cement generates heat as it cures and contracts and
upto 10 days post-operation. later expands due to water absorption. It is neither osteoin-
Thrombophlebitis. ductive nor osteoconductive and does not remodel.
Loosening or displacement of the prosthesis. The monomer is toxic and there is a potential for allergic
Superficial or deep wound infection. reactions to cement constituents.
Trochanteric bursitis.
Short-term cardiac conduction irregularities.
Heterotopic new bone formation. 9. Conclusion
Trochanteric separation.
The knowledge about the bone cement is of paramount
importance to all Orthopaedic surgeons. Although the bone
7.1. Other known adverse effects29,30 cement had been the gold standard in the field of joint
replacement surgery, its use has somewhat decreased
BCIS (Bone cement implantation syndrome) is character- because of the advent of press-fit implants which encourage
ized by a number of clinical features that may include bone in growth. The shortcomings, side effects and toxicity of
hypoxia, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, increased the bone cement are being addressed recently. More research
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and cardiac arrest. It is needed and continues in the field of nanoparticle additives,
is most commonly associated with, but is not restricted to, enhanced bone cement interface and other developments in
hip arthroplasty.29 It usually occurs at one of the five stages quest for improving the quality and eliminating or reducing
in the surgical procedure; femoral reaming, acetabular or undesired side effects of bone cement.
Author's personal copy
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