Bridge Report Khwopa
Bridge Report Khwopa
Nepal is geographically challenged country. Its geography is the major hindrance for
the development of pre-requisites of development. The large number of rivulets and
rivers crisscross the country’s landscape and definitely create obstacles to a smooth
and proper movement in the trails. Loss of life, livestock and property of those who
risk through the rivers is quite common. Trail bridge, being easy to construct,
economical and feasible in our context can be the better solution for this.
Our project has main aim to design Trail Bridge over the Kali Gandaki river
connecting Parbat and Gulmi district which are the rural areas of our country.
Different surveys including topographical, hydrological, socio-economic, geological
and material surveys were carried out for checking the pre-feasibility of the bridge
prior to its detail design and estimation. The construction of bridge to the area will
undoubtedly help the local people uplift their living standard.
We have taken efforts in this project. However, it wouldn’t have been possible
without the kind support and help of many individuals. We would like to express our
sincere thanks to all of them.
We are using this opportunity to express our gratitude to everyone who supported us
throughout the project. We are thankful for their aspiring guidance, invaluably
constructive criticism and friendly advice during the project work. We are sincerely
grateful to them for sharing their truthful and illuminating views on a number of
issues related to the project.
We are highly indebted to our supervisor, Er. Raju Miyan, for his guidance and
constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the
project and also for his support in completing the project.
We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents for their kind co-operation
and encouragement which helped us in completing this project.
Our thanks and appreciation also goes to our colleagues in developing this project and
people who have willingly helped us with their abilities.
The natural resources like ropes of creepers, vines are the sources of idea for the
development of the idea of suspension bridge. It is believed that the first practice of
such concept was seen in Tibet. The advancement from tuin cable to use of three
ropes hoisted in V shape then the use of bamboo then to use of iron chains, and the
advancement further continues.
Suspension bridges are simple to construct and inexpensive in cost. In past few
decades, the number of such bridges have reached to hundreds and now to about
thousands. The suitability of such bridges is more in country like Nepal which is
geographically challenged and the economy is poor. Aids obtained from foreign
countries for assistance to construct such bridges have helped us to construct many of
the suspension bridges throughout various parts of our country.
The development of bridge in Nepal dates back to many centuries. Starting with
construction of simple and inexpensive bridges, the development of bridge has
upgraded. The development of the Short Span Trail Bridge Standard started in 1989,
when both HMG and Helvetas concluded that the time had come to initiate a
programme with a fresh approach to community Trail Bridge building in the hill areas
of Nepal. The ultimate objective of this programme, named Bridge Building at the
Local Level (BBLL) was to help reactivate, promote and support the people's problem
solving and self-help ability for local bridge building. For achieving this goal the
development of appropriate techniques for pedestrian trail bridges was of paramount
The bridge site is the Kaligandaki river banks. The bridge connects two districts-
Parbat to its left bank and Gulmi to its right bank and Kaligandaki being the barrier.
Figure 1: District Map of Parbat
To complete final year project as a part of curriculum set by Tribhuvan
To carry out different surveys to check the feasibility of trail bridge in the site
To carry out detail design of the bridge components-foundation, anchor and
bridge as a whole
To estimate the cost of the bridge for construction
To prepare the serviceability report for the maintenance and improvements in
the future
The span of the bridge and its type is within the limit of the present day design
scope of the trail bridge.
The river flow, its discharge, its direction, its meandering tendency, its width,
its high flow level and bank conditions must be favourable for the durable
The tendency of the river for its bank erosion, its bed erosion, its silting and
filling up of bed has to be studied and evaluated.
The presence of rivulets, springs, drains, irrigation channels in the vicinity of
the bridge site has to be marked and their effect in the bridge design shall be
The vegetation should be present on the bank and slope area around the site.
The access trail to the site should not be long enough, unjustifiable by cost
The bridge site should not be far away from existing traditional crossing and
The steepness of the soil slope should be less than 35, while that of rock
slope should be less than 50.
The technical feasibility study of a site is usually done at the office. And it is also
done at the site in some complicated cases.
There are two possible standard bridge types namely "Suspension" and "Suspended".
The selection of the bridge type mainly depends on the prevailing topography of the
bridge site.
The Suspended type bridge is selected when the bridge foundations can be placed at a
sufficiently high position giving the required free board from the highest flood level.
The Suspension type bridge is selected when the bridge site is in comparatively flat
terrain and the suspended bridge is not feasible due to the constraint of the free board.
The Suspension type bridge is more expensive (per meter cost), and needs more
inputs in design and construction than the Suspended type.
Therefore, assess the possibility of the Suspended type which should be the first
choice. The Suspended type is more preferable due to economic reasons and easy
construction technology which is more appropriate for the community bridge building
The main purpose of the technical field survey is to select the appropriate bridge site.
The site should optimally serve the local people. The selected site must be
economically be justified and have a long lifespan. It must:
For study of geological condition, in case of soil slope, test pits shall be dug. The pit
size should be 0.80 x 1.5 m 2. The depth of pit shall be minimum 1.5 m. For tower
foundation it should be 2 m. In case of highly weathered rock or fractured rock, the
depth must be up to the fresh rock.
For study of soil, check list no. 2 and 6 has to be used. For rock study, check list no. 2,
3, 4, 5 and 6 should be used. Samples from rock site for each location of anchorage
blocks shall be collected for study at office. Similarly the samples from soil site shall
include on mixed sample from top to bottom soil and one sample from the bottom
layer of each pit has to be collected.
Study of bridge site slopes: Site should be stable, free of landslides, rivulets,
seepage, rock fall or debris slide, erosions etc. The bridge axis should be
selected along the crest of the slope as far as practicable.
The bridge should have a shortest possible span and sufficient free board (FB)
(generally ¿ 5.0 m or even more in deep gorge) from highest flood level to
the lowest point of any bridge anchorage foundation or the cable alignment,
whichever is lower.
Tributary: Site should be selected away from the confluence with the tributary
and delta formation should be avoided.
The excavation for anchorage foundation should be minimum and should not
disturb the stability of natural slope.
Possible type of bridge i.e. suspended or suspension, which also affects in site
Structural features: Weathering, fracture, developments, opening of fractures
should be minimum. Planes dipping along the direction of slope or
development of wedge patterns, folded and faulted rocks should be avoided as
far as possible.
River bank morphology: Should be stable, free of erosion or landslides,
transverse bank profile preferably straight or convex towards the river, smooth
bank etc.
The river flow direction should preferably be parallel to the bank to avoid
bank erosion, should not have meandering tendency.
Main objective of rock reinforcement technique is to minimize the relaxation and
loosing of the rock mass that may take place as a result of excavation and unloading.
Disaster managers are familiar with the fact that once the relaxation of the rock mass
has taken place, it is not possible to reverse the process. Reinforcement is essential to
maintain the interlocked rock mass and to prevent it from its significant decrease in
shearing strength.
Stability of rock slope can be maintained by the removal of potentially unstable rock.
Rock removal is a preferred method of stabilization as it eliminates the hazard and no
future maintenance is required but in certain circumstances, the removal should not be
used. Typical removal methods including following are mentioned in figure 4.
Benched Slope:
Intermediate benches excavations on rock cuts are sometimes useful for the protection
measures. When the narrow benches fill with debris, they will no more effective in
catching further rock falls. Maintenance of such narrow benches is rarely possible.
On availability of space, a catch ditch at the toe of the slope is often a cost-effective
means of stopping rock falls. The required dimensions of ditch as defined by the
width of the base and the depth are related to the high & face angle of slope. In case
of the steeper slops (> 750) the rocks tends to stay close to the face and land near to
the toe of the slope whereas in case of slope angles 55 0-750, the rock tent to bounce or
spin so that they travel considerable distance from the toe demanding wide ditch. In
the slopes of 400 to 550, the rock blocks tend to roll down the face and into the ditch
and a steep outer face are required to prevent them from rolling out. The slopes with
protrusions on the face demand increased dimensions of the ditches.
Variety of barrier can be constructed as for the protection measures selection of the
appropriate type of barrier depend on the energy of the falling blocks, the slope
dimensions and the availability of construction materials. Gabions, concrete blocks or
geo fabric and soil barriers are common to the disaster managers.
The live load for SSTB and LSTB standard is standardized as such:
For span longer than 50: Live Load P = 3.0+50/L KN/m2 or 300+5000/L kg/m2
4.4.2. DEAD LOAD
The dead load includes the weight of all permanent components of the bridges
structure. It is the weights of all cables, connected to the walkway structure, walkway
beams, walkway decks, hangers and pretension due to spanning cables in N-type. The
pretension due to wind guy cables is not considered. Care must be taken that the mass
(kg, ton) is properly converted into the force unit (N, kN) according to the
“International System of Units” (1 kg = 9.81N 10 N or 1 ton = 9.81 kN 10 kN).
For SSTB Bridge, dead load excluding handrail and walkway cables is:
Cable diameter in mm
Unit weight 13 26 32 36 40
According to the Swiss standard SIA 160, wind pressure is equal to 1.3 kN/m 2 for the
wind velocity 39m/s (140 kmph). This wind pressure with a coefficient of 1.3
produces a wind load of 0.5 kN per running meter of LSTB and SSTB standard
bridges. It is assumed that the wind exposed area of the standard bridge is 0.3 m 2 per
running meter of the bridge. For a bridge site with an exposed area or located high
above the water level. It is recommended to use wind load of 0.6 kN/m.
Fiber Core
Steel Strand Core, which may be either Wire Strand Core (WSC)
Independent Wire Rope Core (I.W.R.C.); this itself is a small wire rope
consisting of 7 strands having 7 wires in each.
Ordinary Lay: The wires in the strands and the strands in the rope are laid in the
reverse direction. If the wires in the strands are laid left hand and the strands in the
rope are laid right hand, it is called Right Hand Ordinary Lay. The Left Hand
Ordinary Lay is opposite – the wires are laid right hand and the strands are left hand.
Langs Lay: The wires in the strands and the strands in the rope are laid in the same
direction. There are also two types. Right Hand Langs Lay is the lay when the wires
in the strands and the strands in the rope are laid in right hand direction. Left Hand
Langs Lay is the lay when the wires in the strands and the strands in the rope are laid
in left hand direction.
Pre-stretching is a process of cyclic loading of the rope between 10% and 50% of the
minimum breaking load until the virtual elimination of “Initial or Construction
stretch”. A pre-stretched wire rope has a definite and known Modulus of Elasticity.
When a new wire rope is stretched, certain amount of increase in length takes place.
This increment occurs due to its construction and is called construction stretch. This
is caused by compression of core due to the gradual bedding-in of wires and strands
under load. The amount of construction stretch varies and depends upon the size and
type of core, the lengths of both strands and rope lays, the construction of both strands
and rope, the amount and type of load on the rope and the amount of bending to which
the rope is submitted. For ropes with steel cores, the stretch is 0.5 to 1.0%.
Galvanizing should follow the process as below:
Preparatory work:
All welding slags should be removed from the steel parts to be galvanized. Acid traps
should be avoided.
Alkaline cleaning:
Rust, oil and other contaminants should be removed from the steel by preliminary
treatment with Alkaline cleaning in Sodium Hydroxide Solution of 10 ~ 15%
Acid Bath:
The preliminary treated steel is then cleaned by Acid Bath in Hydrochloric Acid
Solution of 50% concentration.
During the operation, close control of acid content in the solution is necessary. It is
done by testing for acid and iron contents at regular intervals. The strength of the
solution should be maintained by periodic addition of fresh concentrated acid
maintain PH value in range of 1 to 3 (PH Meter reading). If the iron content in the
solution is more than 100g/l, it should be changed by the new fresh solution. The iron
content is measured by the specific gravity of the solution. Specific gravity of solution
should not exceed 1.2 (Hydrometer reading), after which it should be changed by the
new fresh solution.
Pre-flux treatment:
Acid bathed steel is dipped in a solution of Zinc Ammonium Chloride (ZnCl 23NH4Cl)
of 20 ~ 40% concentration. This solution is prepared by mixing 45% of Zinc Chloride
(Zncl2) + 55% of Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl).
The treated steel is dipped into the melted Zinc (zinc bath). Temperature of the melted
Zinc should be maintained within the range of 4500 C to 4700 C. Appropriate dipping
time also should be maintained.
The wire ropes used in the LSTB and SSTB trail bridges are given table:
(12 x 6 x 1)7 x(619x 1)7 x7 of wiresNumber
All cables are: Right Ordinary Lay (RHO), Wire Strand Core, construction same as
other strand (WRC), Heavy “A” Galvanizing, Preformed and with non-drying and
non-bituminous lubricant
The cable particularly in a suspension bridge, has the loads, instead of being
distributed as though uniform along the cables, are more nearly distributed
uniformly along the span length.
The difference in shape between a parabola and a catenary with the same span
and same central sag is only about 0.04% and 0.10% for the sag/span ratio of
0.10 and 0.20. Hence the difference in the cable geometry is almost negligible
for the sag/span ratio of practical range. The assumed shape of parabola does
influence very little in calculating suspenders and tensions in the cable.
Y- axis
eb, fb)
ea, fa)
x, y)
(0,0) X- axis
eb ea
Let a cable suspended between points A and B has the lowest point at O. Let the
length of the cable along the curve measured from point O to the point B is S. If the
weight of the cable per unit length is gh, the weight of section OB will be gh s .
T sin = gh s
Tan θ= s
and H .
gx 2
∑ M P=Hy− 2
1. 2H
gx 2 1 gx 2
1 g2 x 2 1 g 2 x2
T x =H 1+
√ ( ) ( ( ))
=H 1+
2 H
=H +
=H +
2 gx 2
=H + gy
T x =H+ g . y
3. ea + eb = l and fb – fa = h
e b =ℓ
√ f a+ √ f a
e a =ℓ
4. √ f a+ √ f b
ge 2b gℓ 2 f b gℓ 2 gℓ2
H= = = =
2 f b 2 f ( √ f +√ f )2 ( √ f a+√ f b) 8 b
b a b
(√ f a+ √ f b)
Here , b=
5. 4
( 4 b +h )2
f b=
16 b
( 4 b−h )2
f a=
6. 16 b
Sag calculation:
The hoisting sag of the cable for achieving pre-defined dead load sag,
corresponding to the whole dead load in the cable structure (all loads
connected to the main cable under study).
The full load sag for calculating the tensions on both cable ends due to the
increment of dead load to full load in the cable structure (dead load + live
Basic principles:
The system in equilibrium at a given cable geometry and load combination yields
certain stress (tension) in the cable; its axial value at any point along the cable is
defined. At a definite change in the load combination, the given cable geometry will
also be changed. But the change in the geometry cannot be known by linear equation
of elasticity. The cause is that once the geometry is changed, the stress in the cable
will consequently change. The change in the cable length due to the changed cable
geometry on one side and the change in the cable length due to the elastic effect on it
by the changed stresses on the other side must match. This procedure is done in
iterative way.
Sag calculation:
In a suspended bridge, all the load bearing cables are suspended with the same sag
ℓ ℓ
(dip). The sag ranges from 39 to 19 in LSTB design standard. The level
difference, h between the two saddles is permitted below the value, 14 i.e.
14 . The sag in the dead load condition is defined in consideration of the
entrance angle at the higher saddle. The entrance angle at the higher saddle is not
permitted above 12. The concept is that the movement at the entrance part will be
difficult if the entrance angle is high. The sag in dead load case in LSTB standard is
variable and lies as such:
l h ℓ h
b rec = − ⇒⇒ β rec ≤10o b max = − ⇒ ⇒ β max ≤12o
d 23 4 d and d 19 4 d
In SSTB standard, the dead load sag is fixed and taken as such:
ℓ ℓ
ℓ≤80 . 0 m, ⇒⇒ bd = and h=
For span, 20 40
ℓ ℓ
ℓ≻80 .0 m ,⇒ ⇒b d = and h=
For span, 22 25
For finding hoisting and full load sags, bh and bf , corresponding to the hoisting and
full unit loads, gh and gf, respectively, the following procedure of iteration is carried
8 b 2 1 h 2
2. Calculate:
Ld =ℓ . 1+
[ ( ) ( )]
3 ℓ 2 ℓ
64 EA bi
gi = b i ( b2i −b 2d )+ g d
3 ℓ Ld bd
3. Calculate:
g h ( g f ) −gd
bi +1=bd + ( bi−b d ) .
4. Calculate: new gi −g d
6. Check if:
If the condition in step 6 is fulfilled, the iteration is completed. We find the required
gh ( g f )
sag corresponding to the unit load . In case the condition is not fulfilled,
Cable design
In LSTB standard, the cable design is done for desired dead load sag in the range:
ℓ ℓ
bd ≈ →
29 19 . The sag, bd and level difference, h is so selected that the entrance
angle, dead does not exceed 12 inclination.
14 and
l h
b rec = − ⇒⇒ β rec ≤10o
d 23 4 d
l h
b max = − ⇒ ⇒ β rec ≤12o
d 19 4 d
The handrail cables and main cables have same dead load sag. The handrail cables are
always two numbers. The sag calculation is performed for the combination of all
cables as a single unit. The distribution of tension in the cables is done as such:
T =T main +T hand
σ= = main = hand
The stress is: A main + Ahand A main A hand . And from here we get:
A main Ahand
T main=T and T hand =T
A main + A hand A main + A hand
Here, Amain and Ahand are metallic areas of main cables and handrail cables respectively.
1. Make a sketch of the profile and locate cable saddles on both banks.
2. Define design span, l and check the level difference, 14 .
3. Check if the free board is sufficient. FB =∇ h −f dead
max −∇
≥5 . 0 m .
In case if the span is greater than 80.0m, the wind-guy arrangement shall
also be included in the design. In that system, the free board is counted
from the high flood level to the wind-guy cable system, which is in usual
practice placed below the lowest point of the walkway.
4. The approximate maximum tension in the cables is:
gf ℓ 4 . 70 ℓ2 0 . 5 ℓ2
T max ≈ sec 12 o= 1 .022= ≈11. ℓ
8 bf 8 x 1 . 2b d ℓ
22 kN
Up to the value of maximum tension equal to 2088 kN, the handrail cable
size can be taken 26mm. For higher tension than 2088 kN, the handrail
cable shall be 40mm as per anchorage standard design. The number and
size of the main (Walkway) cables have to be so selected that the
permissible tension of the total cables should be nearest to the calculated
maximum tension.
5. The dead load should include the weight of wind-guy and wind-ties cables.
The wind-guy is not necessary for span less than 80m. For sag calculation,
in initial stage, in dead load the following wind-guy cable can be taken.
For span up to 200m, the wind-guy cable size can be taken 26mm. And
for higher span up to 300m span bridge, 32mm wind-guy cable can be
6. After the sag calculation is completed, the following table shall be filled
Any bridge foundation or retaining structure buried in the soil will have to bear the
loads of respective pressures acting from the soil. Depending upon the direction in
which the foundation will be moved, these loads are called “active” (movement any
form the soil) or “passive” (movement towards the soil) earth pressure loads; If there
is no movement the load is called “earth pressure at rest” (Eo).
In order to develop active earth pressure (e a,Ea ), the necessary movement of the
foundation is small ; about 0.1% of the supported height; whereas the
deformation of the soil needed to develop the passive earth
e ah=λ ah . ha . γ kN/m2
1 1
Eah= eah .h a = λah .h 2 . γ
2 2 a kN/m
Eav =E ah . tan ( δ ) kN/m
cos2 ( Φ )
λ ah= 2
[√ 1+
sin ( Φ+δ ) . sin (Φ +Ψ )
cos ( δ ) . cos ( Ψ ) ] and where
δ= Φ
Earth resistance in front of the foundation is not recommended for common bridge
foundatins except for :
deadman foundations where the calculations are based on that resistance, and
for the walkway / tower foundations where the earth resistance is taken partially
into consideration.
e ph=λ ph .h p .γ kN/m2
1 1
E ph= e ph . h p = λ ph . h 2 . γ
2 2 p kN/m2
E pv =E ph .tan δ kN/m2
|ε| ¿
¿ if > 0 then > 0
cos Φ
λ ph = 2
[ √
sin (Φ−δ ) .sin ( Φ +ε )
cosδ . cosε ]
Check against sliding:
The major load leading to the failure of cable anchorage foundations is the horizontal
component of the cable tension, which drives the foundation to slide forward. As soon
as the increase of driving load results in a shear load, which exceeds the shear
resistance in the foundation base, a flat foundation being loaded by a more or less
horizontal load will start sliding on the subsoil. The shear resistance develops
basically due to frictional resistance, interlocking and adhesion between different
particles. In our practice, the shear force is the product of the normal force acting in
the foundation base and the friction angle between foundation base and subsoil (or
rock). The adhesive characteristic between is neglected. Generally a safety factor of
F SL≥1. 5 is required against sliding failure. The surface of movement for this
failure mode is equal to the contact area between the foundation base and subsoil (or
RetainingForces N .Tan Φ SL R H . Tan Φ SL TanΦ SL
F SL= = = '
= ≥1. 5
DrivingForces S RV Tan ( δ R −α )
∑ H =Eah +T H ¿ R H ∑ V =W + A+ Eav +T V ¿ R V δ R=arctan
If the foundation base is inclined at an angle with the horizontal plane, then we
R H . Tan Φ SL + A S . τ t . comb
F SL= ≥1 .5
Safety factor with anchor rods, R'V
Here, N or RV the total forces acting perpendicular to the base of the foundation;
RH Total forces acting parallel to the foundation base;
SL angle of friction between the subsoil (or rock) and foundation base;
Bearing Capacity:
When a limited portion of the soil surface is loaded, the surface settles. In practice, the
loads are transmitted to the soil by means of footings. The relation between the load
and the settlement depends on the soil characteristics Up to a certain critical load, the
settlement in relation to the load, is slow and the relation curve is more or less linear. .
A further small increment in the load over the critical load leads to a rapid settlement
of the foundation with the load- settlement relation curve almost steep. At this point
the bearing capacity of the subsoil is exceeded and the foundation fails. The bearing
capacity of the soil is assumed equal to this critical load, at which the soil support
The mathematical investigations concerning the states of plastic equilibrium beneath
the foundation are sophisticated methods of soil mechanics. The ground shear failure
analysis is still a subject of controversy among specialists. Generally this problem is
analysed by using the bearing capacity formula developed by Terzaghi and extended
and amplified by different authors. The different correction factors are introduced in
the original formula. This model is a rough approximation of the actual mechanism in
FOS bearing = ❑
B '
e = | −x |
x ∑M
x' = x=
cos ∝ ∑ Rv
Check against overturning:
A monolithic foundation, such as retaining wall can be seen in usual practice, toppled
around its front base point. The cause is the misbalance of retaining moment against
driving moment around that point. The gravity foundation at rest must exercise
gravitational forces at any point of its base. For this condition, the sum of the
retaining and driving moments should be zero only at certain area around the middle
of foundation base. Hence, a resulting force of all forces acting on the foundation
shall lie only at that area. The resultant force can be determined with its line of action
and location of point on the base of the foundation by equating sum of the moments.
A foundation with its resultant outside the foundation base or close to its border will
start to topple. This mechanism is generally controlled by comparing the driving and
retaining moment at the border of the foundation. Usually, a safety factor of
FT ≥1. 5 is required.
Re tainingMoment M
FT = = ≥1. 5
DrivingMoment M +
Fix the position of the walkway and bridge foundations and the span.
Transfer data to the bridge profile and prepare the General Arrangement
Fix the position of the bridge foundations and the actual span of the bridge in the
bridge profile. This bridge profile will be the basis for the layout of the bridge at the
construction site. Fulfill following criteria while fixing the position of the bridge
The cable supported trail bridge is not a stiffened structure, hence its movement in
any plane, either with live load or alone in dead load condition, is an issue. This issue
is important both for the serviceability and for the safety of the bridge. There are
many unknown factors influencing the stability of the bridge. The margin of the
acceptable movements of such cable supported trail bridges has also not yet been
defined. Here, the effect of the wind in bridge stability and in the safety of the
structure will be discussed in brief.
The wind pressure at a certain place is determined mainly by wind velocity. It is also
dependent on the air density, atmospheric pressure and air temperature of that place.
The wind pressure also increases with the height of the affecting object above the
ground or river level, even at the same location. The maximum wind velocity
recorded in Nepal is about 35 meters per second (123 km/hr ) in the Mustang area.
The wind pressure is directly proportional to the quadratic value of the wind velocity.
The wind velocity in the vicinity of rivers and lakes is assumed to be 18%. The wind
pressure on an object located about 15 meters above the ground or river level can be
calculated thus:
c = 0.5 Cx ρ v2 F sin 2 ϕ
The wind load of 1.0 kN/m span, adopted in the standard design Manual of
Suspension Bridge, corresponds to a wind pressure of 1.5 kN/m2 resulting from a
wind velocity of 45m/s.
According to the Swiss standard SIA 160, wind pressure is equal to 1.3 kN/m 2 for a
wind velocity of 39 m/s. As stated earlier, using this wind pressure of 1.3kn/m 2 for
the design of the windguy cable of a trail bridge is recommended. Only in exposed
places it is recommended to increase the wind pressure up to 1.5kN/m2.
In general, the area of the walkway component of a trail bridge exposed to the wind is
estimated to be 0.3 m2/m-span. Hence, the wind load taken in the standard design
manual is very high. For the static calculation, a wind load of 0.5 kN/ span is good for
the design. It is only in exposed places that the wind load has to be taken as 0.6kN/m
In a suspended type bridge the wind-guy arrangement is so designed that the wind guy
cable is below the whole bridge. It gives the bridge additional stiffness to the
walkway. Also it supports the bridge to overcome wind load directed upwards from
beneath the bridge.
The design of wind-guy cable is based on tension developed in the cable for the
defined geometry of the wind-guy cable. The following assumption is considered in
the design:
The effect of the wind load on the bridge is totally taken by the wind-guy
system. The cooperative resistance of the bridge against wind load is
The increase in sag of the wind guy cable due to wind load is neglected in
calculating the tension
The inclined position of the wind guy cable is neglected. The calculation of
tension in windguy cable is done for wind load directed perpendicular to the
bridge axis and for its layout in plan.
The self-weight of wind guy and wind tie cables are omitted.
The principle of windguy anchorage foundation is identical of the main cable
anchorage foundation.
The choice between retaining wall and breast wall depends on different factors, such
as the available space behind the blocks, the required height of the protection, soil
conditions etc.
Retaining walls are used when the earth to be retained is loose soil with a great
protection height. For the design of the retaining wall, use the following table.
Breast walls are used when the earth to be retained is fractured or weathered rock, or
compact soil with temporarily unstable nature. For designing breast walls, use the
following table.
Water should be collected as close as possible to its origin and safely channelled to a
nearby watercourse. The surface drainage can be catch drain on the slope or drainage
around the anchorage foundation or a combination of both.
The choice depends on the position of the anchorage foundation and the profile of the
natural terrain as shown in the sketch below.
The drain should be open type. The following design shows the typical sections of the
To avoid self-scouring, the drain outlet should be protected as shown in the following
Surface drainage alone may not be sufficient to protect unstable slopes. The most
effective method for stabilizing such slopes is bio-engineering in combination with
light civil structures such as catch drains, check dams, cascades, etc. This is a cheap
and easy method. The main concept of this method is to grow trees and plants such as
shrubs or grasses. Deep rooted and fast growing trees and plants are most suitable for
this purpose. The proper selection of plant types is most important, and it should be
based upon local experience. Some of the vegetation measures are:
Foundation locations
Check for h:
ℓ 120 .5
= =8 . 61m>h=6 . 043 m
14 14 o.k.!
ℓ h 120. 5 6 . 043
= − = −
bd (max.) 19 4 19 4 = 4.831 m
ℓ h 120. 5 6 . 043
= − = −
bd (recom.) 23 4 23 4 = 3.728 m
8 bd
Ld =ℓ⋅ 1 +
1 h
2 ℓ ( ) ( )]
3 ℓ
1 6. 043 2 8 3 . 728 2
[ ( ) ( )]
=120 . 5∗ 1 + +
2 120 .5 3 120. 5
Ld = 120.959 m
64 EA 64∗110∗2353 .367
C= =
3 ℓ3⋅Ld 3∗120 .53∗120 . 959
C = 0.02609 kN/m4
Sag calculation:
1 s t iteration
[0] b1 = bh = 3.467m
=c∗b1∗( b21 −b2d ) + ⋅g d
[1] g1 bd
3 . 467
=0 . 02609*3 . 467* ( 3 . 467 2−3 . 7282 ) + ∗0. 918
3 . 728
= 0.684 kN/m
gh −g d
b2 =b d + ( b1 −b d )∗
[2] g1 −gd
0 . 152−0 . 918
=3 . 728+ ( 3 . 467−3 . 728 )∗
0 . 684−0. 918 = 2.874 m
Δg=g1 −gh =0 . 684−0 .152 = 0.532 kN/m
1 s t iteration
[0] b1 = bf = 4.548m
=c∗b1∗( b21 −b2d ) + ⋅g d
[1] g1 bd
4 .548
=0 . 02609*4 . 548* ( 4 . 5482−3. 7282 )+ ∗0 .918
3. 728
= 1.925 kN/m
g f −gd
b2 =b d + ( b1 −b d )∗
[2] g1 −gd
4 .333−0 . 918
=3 . 728+ ( 4 . 548−3. 728 )∗
1 . 925−0. 918 = 6.508 m
Δg=g1 −g f =1. 925−4 . 333 = -2.408 kN/m
2 2
g ⋅ℓ 4⋅b f + h
T max = f ⋅ 1+
8⋅b f √
ℓ ( )
4 . 333∗120. 52 4∗5 . 567+6 . 043 2
8∗5 . 567 √
∗ 1+
120 .5( )
= 1402.944 kN
T per∗3 1038∗3
F= = =2 .22>2 . 0
T max 1402. 944 Ok!
Table 7: Calculation of final data
[ ( ) ( )]
ℓ⋅ 1+ +
2 ℓ 3 ℓ
H g⋅ℓ 2 kN 106.478 446.942 1363.713
Tmax H kN 107.461 453.650 1402.944
cos β 1
TM.max AM kN 80.793 341.070 1054.783
T max⋅
TM H AM kN 80.105 336.936 1035.471
cos β 2 A
Full Load:
bf = 5.767 m
Tmax = 1402.944 kN
Load Case Load ‘g' Tension Sag ‘b’ Hz. Dist. ‘e’ Lowest point Elevation
(kN/M) ‘Tmax’ (kN) (m) (m) Vert. Dist. (m)
‘f’ (m)
1 15 deg 15 deg
Table 11: Related Standard Drawing for Main and Handrail Cable
Table 14: Calculations of Loading Forces and Moments of Main Foundation on Right Bank
Volume of foundation
W 1 +W 2 2340+592 .8
Vol= =
γe 22
= 122.2 m3 kN
RH 1363 .714
δ R=arctan
( )
=arctan (
3312 .263 )
= 22.378 deg
B∗¿ MF
= ¿
2 R V⋅( 1+tan ℓ⋅tan δ R )
3907 . 322
3312 .263⋅( 1+tan 4 .398 o⋅tan 22. 378o )
= 1.143 m
Check for 2
B∗¿ B
=1.143 m> (=1. 083 m) ¿
2 6
Safety factor against toppling
M + 10057 . 963
FT = =
M − 6150 . 631 = 1.635 1.5 Ok!
Stress distribution and number of anchor rods
"Uncracked" condition at inclined base
R'V =R V⋅cos α +R H⋅sin α=3312. 263⋅cos 4 . 398o + 1363. 714⋅sin 4 . 398o
= 3407.085 kN
B 6 . 50
B '= = =6 .519 m
cos α cos 4 .398 0
B ' B */ 2 1 .259
= = =1 .263 m
2 cos α cos 4 . 3980
Table 15: Compilation of Data of Main Foundation on Right Bank (on Rock)
[√ 1+
sin (φ+δ )⋅sin (φ −ϕ )
cos δ⋅cosϕ ] with
δ= φ 2
cos 2 φ2
= 2
[√ ]
sin( 30+ ⋅30)⋅sin ( 30−20 )
cos ⋅30*cos 20
= 0.2276
Coefficient of horizontal passive earth pressure:
cos φ
λ ph = 2
sin( φ+δ )⋅sin( φ −ϕ )
cos δ⋅cos ϕ ] with
δ= φ 2
cos φ
= 2
[√ ]
sin( 30+ ⋅30)⋅sin ( 30−20 )
cos ⋅30⋅cos 20
= 0.2387
Base inclination
H 1−H 2 4−3 .75
tan α = =
B 7 .50
= 1.909 deg
Check for
= 1.909 deg 15 deg Ok!
Calculation of Loading forces and moments
Volume of foundation
W 1 +W 2 3487 .5+ 855
Vol= = Vol = 180.938 m3
γe 24
Total vertical force RV = 4916.615kN
Total horizontal force RH = 1676.443 kN
Total moments
Total positive moment M+ = 22785.744 kN-m
Total negative moment M-= 7336.986 kN-m
Algebraic sum of static moment about F; MF = 15448.758 kN-m
Inclination of resultant
R H 1676 . 443
tan δ R = =
R V 4916 . 615 R= 18.828 deg
B∗¿ MF 15448 . 758 B∗¿
= = ; ¿¿
2 R V⋅(1+tan α⋅tan δ R ) 4916 .615∗(1+tan 1. 909⋅tan 18. 828 ) 2 =
3.152 m
Tension Crack
e < B’/6
or, 1.25m <1.251m
Hence, no tension crack is formed.
Compilation of Final Data
Main Foundation, L/B
A) Main Calculation
2⋅f W 2
T R =H W⋅ 1+
V )
=60 . 877∗ 1+
2∗11.557 2
53 .05
√ ( ) TR = 66.405 kN
T L=H W⋅ 1+
√( 2⋅f W⋅( ℓ−V )
V2 ) =60. 877∗ 1+
√ ( 2∗11 . 557∗(120 .5−53 .05
53 . 052 )
Tmax=69.594kN TL = 69.594 kN
Calculation of R and L
2⋅f W
α R =arctan
[ V2
( V −B R )
R =21.516 deg
[ 53 .05 2
(53 .05−5 . 05) ;
2⋅f W
α L =arctan
[ V2
( ℓ−V −B L )
2∗11.557 L = 21.516 deg
[ 53 .05 2
(120 . 5−53 . 05−19 . 45 ) ;
Calculation of CRO and CLO
CR O= 2
⋅( V −B R )2 + tan α R⋅B R +2 .2
11. 557
= 2
∗(53 . 05−5 . 05)2 +tan 21. 516 o∗5. 05+2 . 2;
53 . 05 CRO= 13.653m
CLO = 2
⋅( ℓ−V −B L )2 + tan α L⋅B L+ 2. 2
11 . 557
= 2
∗(120 .5−53 .05−19 . 45)2 +tan 21 .516 o∗19. 45+2. 2 ;
53 . 05 CLO=
These data will be the same for both upstream and downstream windguy
arrangements as they are arranged symmetrically.
Calculation of CR and CL
For downstream windguy cable
C R= ⋅( V −B R )2 + tan α R⋅( B R + D R )+ 2. 2
11. 557
= 2
⋅( 53. 05−5 .05 )2 +tan 21. 516o∗(5. 05−0 )+2 . 2
53 . 05
CR= 13.653m
C L= 2
⋅( ℓ−V −B L )2 + tan α L⋅( B L+ D L ) + 2. 2
11 . 557
= 2
∗(120 .5−53 .05−19 . 45)2 +tan 21 .516 o∗(19 . 45−(−15. 5 ))+2. 2
53 . 05
CL= 13.219m
Determination of parabola 4
fW 11 . 557
2 a 4= =
y=a4 x +c 4 ; V 2
53 . 052 a4 =0.004107
c 4 =2 . 2−k =2. 2−0. 51 c4 = 1.69 m
Calculation of Δ hLP
Δh L⋅P⋅¿= y ¿
L⋅P⋅¿⋅tan γ
y 2 ¿
L⋅P⋅¿=a ( γ −v ) + 2. 2−k
=0 . 004107*(35 .334−53 . 05) +2. 2−0 . 51 yLP=2.979 m
( H 1 −H R−f d )⋅(ℓ+ D R + D L )−( D R + γ )⋅( H R −H L )
tan γ=
(C R −k )⋅( ℓ + DR + D L )−( D R+ γ )⋅(C R −C L )
(ℓ+D R +D L )=(120 .5−0−(−15. 50 ))=136 . 00 m
DR + γ =(0+35 . 334 )=35 .334 m
(573 . 629−568 . 283−1 .158 )∗136 . 00−35. 334∗(568 . 283−570 . 00)
tan γ=
(13. 653−0 .51 )∗136 . 00−35 . 334∗(13 .653−13 .219 )
= 0.367
Δh L⋅P⋅¿=2 .907∗0 .367 ¿ ΔhL⋅P⋅¿ ¿ =1.068m
Δh L⋅P⋅¿−H
a3 =H L +f d + ¿
Parabola 3: ( ℓ−γ + D L )2
- for xi 0
Δh i=a i x i + Δh ¿
L⋅P⋅¿ −a x2
2 i
- for xi 0
Δh i=a i x i + Δh ¿
L⋅P⋅¿−a x 2
3 i
6) Calculation of ER and EL
E R=
cos α R⋅cos β R
5 . 05+(−15 .5 ) ER = 5.489m
cos 21. 516o *cos (8 .541 )
BL + D L
E L=
cos α L⋅cos β L
EL = 4.249 m
19 . 45+(−15 . 5)
cos 21. 516o *cos 2. 138o
2⋅f W 2
T R=H W⋅ 1+
√(V )
=76 . 228∗ 1+
2∗9 .23 2
53. 05
√ ( ) TR = 80.711 kN
T L=H W⋅ 1+
√( 2⋅f W⋅( ℓ−V )
V2 ) =76. 228∗ 1+
√ ( 2∗9 . 23∗( 120 .5−53 .05
53 . 052 )
Tmax=83.355kN TL = 83.355 kN
Calculation of R and L
2⋅f W
α R =arctan
[ V2
( V −B R )
R =17.476 deg
2∗9 . 230
[ 53 .05 2
(53 . 05−5 . 05 ) ;
2⋅f W
α L =arctan
[ V2
( ℓ−V −B L )
2∗9 . 230 L = 17.476 deg
[ 53 .05 2
(120 . 5−53 . 05−19 . 45 ) ;
Calculation of CRO and CLO
CR O= 2
⋅( V −B R )2 + tan α R⋅B R +2 .2
9. 230
= 2
∗(53 . 05−5 . 05 )2 +tan 17 . 476 o∗5. 05+2 . 2;
53 . 05 CRO= 11.346m
CLO = 2
⋅( ℓ−V −B L )2 + tan α L⋅B L+ 2,2
9. 230
= 2
∗(120 . 5−53 . 05−19 . 45 )2 + tan17 . 476 o∗19 . 45+2. 2 ;
53 . 05 CLO=
These data will be the same for both upstream and downstream windguy
arrangements as they are arranged symmetrically.
Calculation of CR and CL
For downstream windguy cable
C R= ⋅( V −B R )2 + tan α R⋅( B R + D R )+ 2. 2
9. 230
= 2
⋅(53 .05−5 . 05)2 +tan 17 . 476o∗(5. 05−0 )+2. 2
53 . 05
CR= 11.346m
C L= 2
⋅( ℓ−V −B L )2 + tan α L⋅( B L+ D L ) + 2. 2
9. 230
= 2
∗(120 . 5−53 . 05−19 . 45 )2 + tan17 . 476 o∗(19 . 45−(−18. 682))+2. 2
53 . 05
CL= 9.998m
Determination of parabola 4
fW 9. 230
2 a 4= =
y=a4 x +c 4 ; V 2
53 . 052 a4 =0.003280
c 4 =2 . 2−k =2. 2−0. 51 c4 = 1.69 m
Calculation of Δ hLP
Δh L⋅P⋅¿= y ¿
L⋅P⋅¿⋅tan γ
y 2 ¿
L⋅P⋅¿=a ( γ −v ) + 2. 2−k
=0 . 003280*(35 .834−53 .05) +2. 2−0. 51 yLP=2.662m
( H 1 −H R−f d )⋅(ℓ+ D R + D L )−( D R + γ )⋅( H R −H L )
tan γ=
(C R −k )⋅( ℓ + DR + D L )−( D R+ γ )⋅(C R −C L )
(ℓ+D R +D L )=(120 .5−0−(−15. 50 ))=136 . 00 m
DR + γ =(0+35 . 834 )=35 . 834 m
(573 . 629−569 . 562−1. 158 )∗136 . 00−35 . 334∗(569 .562−570. 00 )
tan γ=
(11.346−0 . 51)∗136 . 00−35 .334∗(11. 346−9 . 998)
= 0.271
Δh L⋅P⋅¿=2 .662∗0 .271 ¿ ΔhL⋅P⋅¿ ¿ =0.721m
Δh L⋅P⋅¿− H
a2 = H R + f d + ¿
( γ + D R )2
Δh L⋅P⋅¿−H
a3 =H L +f d + ¿
Parabola 3: ( ℓ−γ + D L )2
- for xi 0
Δh i=a i x i + Δh ¿
L⋅P⋅¿ −a x2
2 i
- for xi 0
Δh i=a i x i + Δh ¿
L⋅P⋅¿−a x 2
3 i
β i=arctan (2⋅a 3⋅x i )
Starting from right side (i=1) the windtie data are calculated continuously upto the left
side (i-imax) as shown in the following tabular calculation.
Tabular calculation of windtie lengths
6) Calculation of ER and EL
E R=
cos α R⋅cos β R
5 . 05+0 ER = 5.323m
cos 17 . 476 o *cos5 . 989o
BL + D L
E L=
cos α L⋅cos β L
EL = 0.806 m
19 . 45+(−18 . 682)
cos 17 . 476 o *cos 3 . 001o
A) Initial Data
(m) (deg) (kN)
Right bank:
upstream 569.562 5.989 80.711
downstream 568.283 8.542 66.405
Left bank:
upstream 570 3.001 83.355
downstream 570 2.138 69.595
downstream: number = 1
diameter = 26 mm
Windties: diameter = 13 mm
Total length, LT (tot) [D/S] = 112.165 m