Graph Theory Assignment 2: S. No Question Prove or Answer The Flowing
Graph Theory Assignment 2: S. No Question Prove or Answer The Flowing
S. No Question
Prove or Answer the flowing.
2 Given G, f, we define the bottleneck capacity of an s-t path as the least residual capacity
of its edges. Therefore, a path is an augmenting path iff it has non-negative bottleneck
capacity. We restate the max-flow min-cut theorem in the following alternate form:
1. There is an s-t cut S with C(S, Sc) = Val(f).
2. If is a max flow in G.
3. There is no augmenting path for f in G.
3 Find the max flow for the following graphs (shown Figures a & b) using Ford
Fulkerson Algorithm and Edmonds Karp Algorithm indicating all the internal steps:
augmenting paths, residual graphs and etc.