Recycling 2013 Eng Doppelseitig
Recycling 2013 Eng Doppelseitig
For 150 years • Aurubis has been involved in metal recycling. That makes
us experts in this field.
Aurubis – Recycling 3
Emmerich (Germany)
Fehrbellin (Germany)
Hamburg (Germany)
Group headquarters
Chicago (USA)
Yverdon-les-Bains (Switzerland)
Röthenbach (Germany)
Lyon (France)
Stolberg (Germany)
Madrid (Spain)
Strass (Germany)
Copper materials
Concentrates and
Copper scrap
recycling materials
are the raw
materials from Industrial
which copper is residues
Shanghai (China)
St. Petersburg (Russia)
Brussels (Belgium)
Istanbul (Turkey)
Olen (Belgium)
Bangkok (Thailand)
Singapore (Singapore)
Sales and
Products Slitting Centers distribution
Cathodes Continuous Wire rod
The copper is pro- cast shapes Service Centers An international
cessed into products. located near sales and
Some products are our customers distribution
already the result of cut strips to network
copper production. Strips/ Specialty rod/ Precious the desired markets our
foils profiles, metals dimensions. products.
shaped wire
The subsidiaries CABLO
Metall-Recycling und Handel
GmbH and E.R.N. Elektro-
Recycling NORD GmbH, which
are active as specialized waste
management companies in
different market segments, are
also part of the Recycling
business unit.
metals at the Hamburg, Pirdop
and Olen sites. The production CABLO with processing opera-
of cathode copper in Hamburg tions in Fehrbellin and Strass
and Pirdop is primarily based is specialized in metal/plastic
on copper concentrate pro- separation, in particular in
cessing. the recycling of cable produc-
Our recycling facilities set tion waste and cable scrap.
benchmarks worldwide as High-quality metal granules
regards technology and envi- are produced from the cable
ronmental protection. Thanks in accordance with customer
to constant capital investment specifications. The services
to improve technologies and provided by CABLO close the
Sustainability environmental protection, material cycles completely and
and organization demand for primary energy long-term. The cable industry
About a third of the copper has been reduced by 25 % and is supplied with the extracted
produced in the Aurubis Group CO2 emissions have decreased raw materials in a usable form
is sourced from recycling by 13 % per ton of raw material such as copper cathodes,
materials. The production of input from 2005 to 2011 with a copper wire rod or conductive
cathode copper in Lünen is 40 % increase in the through- aluminum.
based totally on recycling raw put of recycling raw materials.
materials. The Kayser Recy- E.R.N. in Hamburg is a service
cling System (KRS) consists of The production processes and center in the dismantling, recy-
the most modern and environ- methods as well as the servic- cling and disposal of electric
mentally friendly facilities for es are certified in accordance and electronic appliances. In
melting and enriching non- with DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN addition, it supports its cus-
ferrous and precious metals. EN ISO 14001. tomers in collecting individual
A wide range of recycling raw Furthermore, Aurubis has been appliances or components and
materials is processed here in intensively involved in imple- in dismantling and transport-
an environmentally compat- menting and establishing the ing plants. E.R.N. also assists
ible manner and the recyclable REACH directive from the very small and medium-sized recy-
fractions are returned to the beginning. clers by purchasing small units
economic cycle. We therefore make an impor- of dismantling fractions and
tant contribution to protecting combines these into smelter-
Recycling raw materials are the natural fundamentals of compatible delivery quantities.
also processed to produce life for future generations.
cathode copper and precious
Aurubis – Recycling 5
Recycling –
a never-ending cycle
Marketable cathode copper, which is no different in quality from copper made from
primary raw materials, is produced from the various recycling raw materials after the
refining process in the tankhouse. However, Aurubis Recycling achieves even more.
As part of multi-metal recycling, precious metals, nickel, tin, lead, zinc products and
iron silicate products are also produced from the – in some cases – very complex
feed materials. Aurubis uses the properties of copper and other metals to ensure
recycling without quality loss.
Your waste – »» Electronic scrap, e.g., »» Tin/lead-bearing recycling
our raw materials printed circuit boards and raw materials
As the market leader in copper components »» Lead scrap
recycling, we have a strong »» Electric scrap »» Copper/iron materials
market presence. Aurubis pro- »» Other precious metal- »» Copper-bearing residues
cures raw materials worldwide bearing materials (slag, dross, ash, dust, other
from more than 60 countries; »» Copper and aluminum cable slimes)
nevertheless, the main source scrap »» Metal hydroxide slimes,
is Europe. »» Copper/lead granules foundry sands, catalysts
Aurubis – Recycling 7
Well positioned
in all sectors
The Aurubis sites are kept supplied with recycling raw materials
centrally by the raw material procurement sector in Lünen and
are divided into Metal Scrap Recycling, Electronic Scrap Recy-
cling and Industrial Recycling.
Metal scrap
We procure recycling materi- our core markets of the United
als in the form of copper scrap Kingdom, Italy, Spain, North
and copper alloy scrap in local, America and the CIS countries.
national and international mar-
kets. By sourcing supplies from
some 60 countries worldwide,
we have considerable market
exposure. The supply of recy-
cling raw materials from the
trade is supported by a wide
network of buying agents in
Aurubis – Recycling 9
Electronic scrap
A valuable business – Recycling electronic appli-
special requirements ances is very demanding on
for sampling account of the complex appli-
Electric and electronic appli- ance and material structures.
ances are used by more and Aurubis is your competent
more people worldwide while partner for this, with modern,
the useful life of high-quality environmentally safe plant
products in particular is be- technology and extensive
coming appreciably shorter. experience in electrical and
Since 2006 producers and dis- electronic scrap recycling.
tributors of electric and elec-
tronic appliances in Europe Our range of services stretch-
have been obliged to take back es from mechanical material
end-of-life appliances from the preparation to material-
consumer and to recycle them specific sampling and analysis
in an environmentally sound to conversion into raw materi-
manner. als in line with market trends.
Modern processing facilities are used both for direct metal
in the Aurubis Group enable extraction and as auxiliaries
the input of industrial residues and supplies in our production
and waste that would for- processes.
merly have found their way to At the same time, no
landfills. Complex materials production-related waste
can be recycled thanks to the arises in the Aurubis recycling
numerous processing options. plants. The charged materials
The range of the processed are almost totally recycled in
recycling raw materials varies an environmentally friendly
from classic residues from in- process.
dustrial collection points along
the copper value-added chain
to metal-bearing waste from
different industrial sectors,
such as the chemical industry.
The individual raw materials
Aurubis – Recycling 11
Delivery by truck: residues,
electronic scrap, copper scrap
Material preparation
Anode furnace
At a glance
Aurubis services in the recycling sector
Aurubis attributes particular importance to providing top
service. As a leading company in metal recycling, we offer
tailor-made service packages: individual contracts, correct
value determination and environmentally friendly processing.
We offer:
»» Competitive prices and environmental protection proval procedures: drafting
terms within the context of and occupational safety recycling certificates and
pricing agreements custom- standards notifications in the event of
ary in the industry »» Complete destruction of transboundary movement
»» Advice on all aspects of components or products to of waste
metallurgical recycling avoid reuse and to protect »» Completion of customs
»» Professional sampling and know-how clearance in international
assaying as the basis of pre- »» Logistics offers with se- trade at our works
cise material evaluation lected partners, from single »» Up-to-date market informa-
»» Complete processing of all deliveries to site-related tion
recycling raw materials in complete disposal
state-of-the-art facilities »» Preparation and processing
adhering to the highest of mandatory disposal ap-
Aurubis – Recycling 13
Your contacts:
Aurubis Bulgaria AD
Industrial Zone
BG-2070 Pirdop
+35 9887 9866 69
14 Service
Aurubis AG
Hovestrasse 50
20539 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 7883-0
Fax: +49 40 7883-2255
Mediengruppe Hamburg GmbH
claim GmbH
istockphoto: p. 4 c.,
Sebastian Vollmert: p. 5 t.,
N. Selisky/Wikipedia: p. 5 r.,
all others: PR Aurubis AG
Aurubis – Recycling 15
Our Copper for your Life