Form IT-2104-E - 2020 - Certificate of Exemption From Withholding - It2104e
Form IT-2104-E - 2020 - Certificate of Exemption From Withholding - It2104e
To claim exemption from withholding for New York State personal income tax (and New York City and Yonkers personal income tax, if
applicable), you must meet the conditions in either Group A or Group B:
Group A
• you must be under age 18, or over age 65, or a full‑time student under age 25; and
• you did not have a New York income tax liability for 2019; and
• you do not expect to have a New York income tax liability for 2020 (for this purpose, you have a tax liability if your return shows tax
before the allowance of any credit for income tax withheld).
Group B
• you meet the conditions set forth under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), as amended by the Military Spouses Residency
Relief Act and the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act. See Military spouses.
If you do not meet all of the conditions in either Group A or Group B above, stop; you cannot claim exemption from withholding (see Note below).
First name and middle initial Last name Social Security number Filing status: Mark an X in only one box
A Single B Married
Mailing address (number and street or PO box) Apartment number Date of birth (mmddyyyy)
C Qualifying widow(er) or
head of household with
City, village, or post office State ZIP code qualifying person...............
Are you a full-time student?...... Yes No Are you a military spouse exempt under the SCRA?...... Yes No
I certify that the information on this form is correct and that, for the year 2020, I expect to qualify for exemption from withholding of New York State income tax
under section 671(a)(3) of the Tax Law or under the SCRA. I will notify my employer within 10 days of any change requiring revocation of the exemption from
withholding as explained in the instructions.
Employee’s signature (give the completed certificate to your employer) Date
Employer: complete this section only if you must send a copy of this form to the NYS Tax Department (see instructions).
Employer name and address Employer identification number
Are dependent health insurance benefits available for this employee? ............................... Yes No
If Yes, enter the date the employee qualifies (mmddyyyy) : .........
Employee must withhold New York State income tax (and New York City and
Yonkers personal income tax, if applicable) from your wages. Do
Who qualifies – To claim exemption from withholding for New
not send this certificate to the Tax Department.
York State personal income tax (and New York City and Yonkers
personal income tax, if applicable), you must meet the conditions in Generally, as a resident, you are required to file a New York State
either Group A or Group B: income tax return if you are required to file a federal income tax
return, or if your federal adjusted gross income plus your New
Group A York additions is more than $4,000, regardless of your filing status.
• you must be under age 18, or over age 65, or a full‑time student However, if you are single and can be claimed as a dependent on
under age 25; and another person’s federal return, you must file a New York State
• you did not have a New York income tax liability for 2019; and return if your federal adjusted gross income plus your New York
• you do not expect to have a New York income tax liability for additions is more than $3,100.
2020 (for this purpose, you have a tax liability if your return If you are a nonresident and have income from New York sources,
shows tax before the allowance of any credit for income tax you must file a New York return if the sum of your federal adjusted
withheld). gross income and New York additions to income is more than your
New York standard deduction.
Group B
• you meet the conditions set forth under the Servicemembers A penalty of $500 may be imposed for furnishing false information
Civil Relief Act (SCRA), as amended by the Military Spouses that decreases your withholding amount.
Residency Relief Act and the Veterans Benefits and Transition Note: If you do not qualify for exemption, or you want New York
Act. See Military spouses. State, New York City, or Yonkers personal income tax withheld
If you meet the conditions in Group A or Group B, file this certificate, from your pay, file Form IT-2104, Employee’s Withholding
Form IT-2104-E, with your employer. Otherwise, your employer Allowance Certificate, with your employer. Follow the instructions
IT-2104-E (2020) (back)
Privacy notification
See our website or Publication 54, Privacy Notification.
Need help?
• Information and forms are available on the Tax Department’s website (at
• For help completing this form, employees may call 518-457-5181, and employers may call 518-485-6654.