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Manual 3 Phase Power Meter

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Manual 3 Phase Power Meter

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3 Phase Power Meter

User manual
© 2019 VPInstruments

MAN-VP-AKW-EN-1900 Date: 22-07-2019

3 Phase Power Meter
© 2019 VPInstruments

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Crea ti on da te: 22-07-2019 i n Del ft

Van Putten Instruments BV
Buitenwatersloot 335
2614 GS Delft
The Netherlands

Table of Contents
1 Warning - Read this first 5

2 Introduction 6

3 Product overview 7

4 Quick start 10

5 Measurement 13

6 Installation 14
1 Electrical connection ................................................................................................................................... 14
Single phase..........................................................................................................................................................
two wire with neutral 14
Single phase..........................................................................................................................................................
three wire 14
Single phase..........................................................................................................................................................
two wire without neutral 15
Three phase..........................................................................................................................................................
four wire 16
Three phase..........................................................................................................................................................
three wire delta without neutral 17
Grounded leg service
.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
2 Mechanical installation ................................................................................................................................... 18
3 Selecting Current Transformers
................................................................................................................................... 19
4 Connecting Current Transformers
................................................................................................................................... 20
5 Circuit protection ................................................................................................................................... 21
6 Connecting voltage terminals
................................................................................................................................... 21

7 Connectivity & communication 22

1 Modbus ................................................................................................................................... 22
Wiring .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Communication diagnostics
.......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Registers .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Basic registers
......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Advanced register
......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Configuration register list
......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Communication register list
......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Diagnostic register list
......................................................................................................................................................... 43
2 Diagnostic LEDs ................................................................................................................................... 46
3 Current Transformers ................................................................................................................................... 49

8 Specification 50

9 Order information and accessories 53

10 Appendix A - Federal Communications

Commission (FCC) Statement 54

11 Appendix B - Measurement troubleshooting 55


12 Appendix C - Maintenance 57

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


1 Warning - Read this first

1. Only qualified personnel or licensed electricians should install the meter. The
mains voltages of 120 Vac to 600 Vac can be lethal!
2. Follow all applicable local and national electrical and safety codes.
3. Install the meter in an electrical enclosure (panel or junction box) or in a limited
access electrical room.
4. Verify that circuit voltages and currents are within the proper range for the meter
5. Use only current transformers (CTs) with built-in burden resistors, that generate
0.333 Vac (333 millivolts AC) at rated current. Do not use current output (ratio) CTs
such as 1 amp or 5 amp output CTs: they will destroy the meter and may create a
shock hazard. See Current Transformers for CT maximum input current ratings.
6. Ensure that the line voltage inputs to the meter are protected by fuses or circuit
breakers (not needed for the neutral wire). See Circuit Protection for details.
7. Equipment must be disconnected from the HAZARDOUS LIVE voltages before
8. The terminal block screws are not insulated. Do not contact metal tools to the screw
terminals if the circuit is live!
9. Do not place more than one line voltage wire in a screw terminal; use wire nuts
instead. You may use more than one CT wire per screw terminal.
10. Before applying power, check that all the wires are securely installed by tugging on
each wire.
11. Do not install the meter where it may be exposed to temperatures below –30°C or
above 55°C, excessive moisture, dust, salt spray, or other contamination. The meter
requires an environment no worse than pollution degree 2 (normally only non-
conductive pollution; occasionally, a temporary conductivity caused by condensation
must be expected).
12. Do not drill mounting holes using the meter as a guide; the drill chuck can damage
the screw terminals and metal shavings can fall into the connectors, causing an arc
13. If the meter is installed incorrectly, the safety protections may be impaired.

Feedback leads to product improvement. Please share your experience

with us, as we are continuously improving our products in our commitment to
quality, reliability and ease of use. Let us know via sales@vpinstruments.com!

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


2 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the 3 Phase Power Meter.

This meter offers precision energy and power measurements in a compact package. It enables you to
make power and energy measurements within existing electric service panels avoiding the costly
installation of subpanels and associated wiring. It is designed for use in demand side management, sub-
metering, and energy monitoring applications. The meter communicates on an RS485 two-wire bus using
the Modbus protocol. Models are available for single-phase, three-phase wye, and three-phase delta
configurations for voltages from 120 VAC to 600 VAC at 50 and 60 Hz.

Great products deserve great user manuals. We have done our best to make this user manual as
complete as possible. New users, please read it carefully to familiarize yourself with our products.
Experienced users can check out the Quick start chapter.

Check the packaging box for any inconsistencies. Should there be any shipping damage, notify the local
carrier. At the same time a report should be submitted to Van Putten Instruments BV, Buitenwatersloot 335,
2614 GS DELFT, The Netherlands.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


3 Product overview
Model Type L to N voltage L to L voltage Electrical service types
VPA.8000.Y208 Wye 120 208–240 1 Phase 2 Wire 120V with neutral
1 Phase 3 Wire 120V/240V with neutral
3 Phase 4 Wire Wye 120V/208V with neutral
VPA.8000.Y400 Wye 230 400 1 Phase 2 Wire 230V with neutral
3 Phase 4 Wire Wye 230V/400V with neutral
VPA.8000.D240 Delta 120–140 208–240 1 Phase 2 Wire 208V (no neutral)
or 1 Phase 2 Wire 240V (no neutral)
Wye 1 Phase 3 Wire 120V/240V with neutral
3 Phase 3 Wire Delta 208V (no neutral)
3 Phase 4 Wire Wye 120V/208V with neutral
3 Phase 4 Wire Delta 120/208/240V with
VPA.8000.D400 Delta 230 400 3 Phase 3 Wire Delta 400V (no neutral)
or 3 Phase 4 Wire Wye 230V/400V with neutral
VPA.8000.D480 Delta 277 480 3-Phase 3-Wire Delta 480V (No neutral)
or 3-Phase 4-Wire Wye 277/480V
VPA.8000.Y480 Wye 277 480 Single-Phase 277V with neutral
3-Phase 4-Wire Wye 277/480V
VPA.8000.Y600 Wye 347 600 3 Phase 4 Wire Wye 347V/600V with neutral
The wire count does NOT include ground. It only includes neutral (if present) and phase wires.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


A Product information window. Contains product code, production date and serial number.
B Functional ground. This terminal should be connected to earth ground if possible. It is not
required for safety grounding, but ensures maximum meter accuracy.
C Neutral. This terminal “N” should be connected to neutral when available.
D, E, F Line voltage inputs. These terminals connect to the ØA (phase A), ØB (phase B), and ØC
(phase C) electric mains. On wye models the meter is powered from the ØA and N terminals.
On delta models, the meter is powered from the ØA and ØB terminals.
G FCC Mark. This logo indicates that the meter complies with part 15 of the FCC rules.
H CE Marking
I Line voltage measurement ratings. This block lists the nominal line-to-neutral “Ø-N 120V~”
voltage, line-to-line “Ø-Ø 240V~” voltage, and the rated measurement voltage and category
“240V CAT III” for this model. See the Specifications for more information about the
measurement voltage and category.
J Status LEDs. These are status LEDs used to verify and diagnose meter operation. See
Diagnostic LEDs for details.
K Current Transformer (CT) voltage rating. These markings “0.333V~” indicate that the meter
must be used with CTs that generate a full-scale output of 0.333 Vac (333 millivolts).
L DIP switch. This DIP switch block is used to set the Modbus address and baud rate. See
M, N, O Current Transformer (CT) inputs. These indicate CT screw terminals. Note the white and black
circles at the left edge of the label: these indicate the color of the CT wire that should be
inserted into the corresponding screw terminal. The terminals marked with black circles are
connected together internally.
P Auxiliary output terminal. This screw terminal is used for the X terminal options.
Q Modbus common terminal. This is the common or ground terminal for Modbus RS485
communication wiring. It is also the common for the X terminal options if they are installed.
R Modbus signal terminals. These are the RS485 A- and B+ signals (half-duplex, two-wire).
There are several names for these terminals:
· Inverting pin: A-, A, -, TxD-, RxD-, D0, and “B”
· Non-inverting pin: B+, B, +, TxD+, RxD+, D1, and “A”
S Communication status. This LED indicates communication status. See Communication
diagnostics for details.
T Serial number. This shows meter serial number and options if any are selected. The barcode
contains the serial number in Code 128C format.
U Model number. The “Y” or “D” indicates wye or delta models, although delta models can
measure wye circuits (the difference is in the power supply). The “208” (or other value)
indicates the nominal line-to-line voltage.
V Manufacture date. This is the date of manufacture for this meter.
W Caution, risk of electrical shock. This symbol indicates that there is a risk of electric shock
when installing and operating the meter if the installation instructions are not followed
X Attention - consult Manual. This symbol indicates that there can be danger when installing and
operating the meter if the installation instructions are not followed correctly.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Attention - consult Read, understand, and follow all instructions in this Installation
installation and operation and Operation Manual including all warnings, cautions, and
manual precautions before installing and using the product.

Caution – risk of Potential shock hazard from dangerous high voltage.

electrical shock

CE marking Complies with the regulations of the European Union for

Product Safety and Electro-Magnetic Compatibility.
· Low Voltage Directive – EN 61010-1: 2001
· EMC Directive – EN 61327: 1997 + A1/1998 + A2/2001

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


4 Quick start
To set up the Current Transformer (CT) ration and other parameters using Modbus RTU, follow these

The procedure works with the following models:

Model Number Voltage to apply between “A” and “N” Notes

VPA.8000.Y208 120Vac 110Vac is OK
VPA.8000.Y400 230Vac 220Vac and 240Vac are OK
VPA.8000.Y480 277Vac A transformer will be needed in most cases

VPA.8000.Y600 347Vac A transformer will be needed in most cases

VPA.8000.D240 139Vac 120Vac is OK
VPA.8000.D400 230Vac 220Vac and 240Vac are OK
VPA.8000.D480 277Vac A transformer will be needed in most cases

The following items are needed to set up a power meter:

1. A computer and Modpoll software. (see section D for a download link).
2. An ATC RS485 to USB converter with D sub 9 to screw terminal connection (part of the JB5
communications kit (VPA.5001.205).
3. Three wire cable to connect to Modbus to “A -” and “B +” and ground (common connection “C” on the
power meter).
4. Power cable with unterminated leads on one end. The power cable wall plug end will depend on the
voltage and available power outlet design and can be used for 120Vac and 230Vac. For higher
voltages, consult a qualified electrician for how to provide a voltage higher than 230Vac. The
unterminated leads need to have enough bare wire available to make a good electrical connection in
the terminals of the power meter.
5. A small Phillips and a small flat blade screwdriver.

Procedure to set the CT ratio

A. Initial power up of the meter:

1. Make sure the power is off (i.e. that the plug has not been inserted into the power outlet).

2. Connect the yellow/green wire to the safety ground terminal (right side in the picture).
3. Connect the “hot” lead to "A" on the power meter (right side in the picture).
4. Connect the “neutral” lead to "N" on the power meter (right side in the picture).
5. Turn on the power by plugging in the power plug into the power outlet. Verify that the status LEDs on
the power meter are on.
6. Turn off the power to the meter before continuing with the Modbus wire connections.

B. Modbus wiring connections:

1. Set the DIP switches on the power meter for Modbus address 1 (Position 1 set to ON. All other
positions set to OFF. – This sets the Modbus address to “1” and sets the baud rate to 9600, 8 data
bits, no parity and one stop bit).
2. Connect the terminal strip that is part of the JB5 Kit to the ATC Modbus RTU to USB converter.
3. Connect the 3-wire Modbus cable as follows:

Signal Designation Terminal Strip (ATC converter) Power Meter (upper left side)
Modbus RS485 A 485 - A-
Modbus RS485 B 485 + B+
Modbus Common GND C

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


C. Determine the COM port that the ATC convert is using:

1. Windows 10: Open the Device Manager.
2. Look at Ports (COM & LPT). Note the active COM ports.
3. Plug the USB connector of ATC Modbus RTU to USB converter into a USB port on the computer.
(You should hear a beep when the COM port activates.)
change it to a COM port between 1 and 9. To change the COM port, click “port settings” choose
“advanced” select a new (unused) port number between 1 and 9 and overwrite the port number.
5. Unplug the USB connector and note which COM port disappears (That is the COM port that will be
used with Modpoll).
6. If a COM port does not appear when plugging in the USB connector, download and install driver
“VPFlowScope RS485 converter driver (ATC-RS485)” from

Note for the purpose of these instructions, COM 9 is specified. Change it to the COM port that is correct
for your computer per section C of these instructions.

D. Set up Modpoll and communicate with the power meter:

1. Download Modpoll from https://www.modbusdriver.com/modpoll.html.
2. Plug the USB connector of the ATC Modbus RTU to USB converter into the USB port on the
3. Open the Command Prompt window.
4. Move a copy of modpoll.exe into the directory that is in the Command Prompt window (using
Windows Explorer).
5. Apply voltage to the power meter (per section A) and verify that the power meter status LED's are on.
6. Read register 1603 using the following command line in the Command window:
Modpoll -m rtu -a 1 -r1603 -t4 -b9600 -p none COM9
7. A value of 5 should be returned. (5 is for a CT ratio of 5A to 0.333Vac)
8. Use Control-C to stop the flow of returned data.

E. Write the CT ratio to the power meter:

1. Apply power to the power meter.
2. Write a CT value to register 1603. Writing to this register will put the same CT value in all three
registers (for phases A, B and C). The typical values are 100A, 400A, 1000A or 1500A. Other values
are possible depending on which CTs are used and how the CTs are physically used. The
following command line writes 400 (for a 400A CT) to register 1603:
Modpoll -m rtu -a 1 -r1603 -t4 -b9600 -p none COM9 400
3. Read Register 1603 again to verify that it returns 400:
Modpoll -m rtu -a 1 -r1603 -t4 -b9600 -p none COM9
4. Remove power from the power meter.

F. Set the CT ratio on each power meter by repeating step E.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


G. Set a unique Modbus address for meters on the same Modbus daisy chain:
1. Remove power to the power meter when setting the Modbus address.
2. Use the DIP switches to set a unique Modbus address on each meter that is on a daisy chain. See
“Setting the Modbus Address in section 7.1.

Basic configuration
If you are planning on using demand measurements and you don’t want to use the default 15 minute
interval, you should set the DemPerMins as well.

Verify operation
You should be able to read several registers to check that the meter is correctly installed and measuring
power and energy. If your Modbus software supports floating point Modbus registers, you may want read
from the set Basic Register List - Floating Point. If you cannot easily read floating point values, use Basic
Register List - Integer instead. Verify registers in the following sequence:
· Freq (power line frequency): should be near 50 or 60 Hz (or 500 or 600 if you are reading the integer
· VoltA, VoltB, VoltC: should match your line-to-neutral voltage.
· PowerA, PowerB, PowerC: should be positive (unless you are measuring something that can generate
power like a PV system) and in a reasonable range for the load being measured (make sure your load is
ON). Note: the integer power registers are scaled, so if you expect to see 75,000 W (75 kW) and instead
you see 7500, that is probably because the meter is reporting integer power in 10 W increments. See
PowerIntScale for details.
· ErrorStatus: this will return 0 if there are no errors. If you see any non-zero values, write them down and
check the Diagnostic Registers section below to determine the problem. If you are measuring floating
point values and the numbers are way off, your software may be combining the floating point registers in
the wrong order. Compare the values to the integer registers and check to see if your software has an
option like “Float - swapped” or “Float - reversed”; if so, see if this fixes the problem.
· If you don’t get reasonable results, check Appendix B - Measurement Troubleshooting.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


5 Measurement
The 3 Phase Power Meter measures the following:
· True RMS Power - Watts (Phase A, Phase B, Phase C, Sum)
· Reactive Power - VARs (Phase A, Phase B, Phase C, Sum)
· Power Factor (Phase A, Phase B, Phase C, Average)
· True RMS Energy - Watthours (Phase A, Phase B, Phase C, Sum)
· Reactive Energy - VAR-hours (Sum)
· AC Frequency
· RMS Voltage (Phase A, Phase B, Phase C)
· RMS Current (Phase A, Phase B, Phase C)
· Demand and Peak Demand

One 3 Phase Power Meter can measure up to three different “single-phase two-wire with neutral” branch
circuits from the same service by separately monitoring the phase A, B, and C values. If necessary, you can
use different CTs on the different circuits.

Measurement overview
The meter performs measurements every one second. The measurements are used to update three types
of registers:
· Energy registers: These accumulate up (or sometimes down) based on the consumed energy during
each measurement period. Energy values are preserved across power failures.
· Instantaneous registers: These are non-accumulating values, like power, volts, current, etc. These are
not preserved across power failures.
· Demand registers: these accumulate data from each measurement, but the reported demand values
only update at the completion of a demand interval (or subinterval), which is typically every 15 minutes.
Only the peak demand values are preserved across power failures.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


6 Installation
1. Mount the meter.
2. Turn off power before installing solid-core (non-opening) CTs or making voltage connections.
3. Mount the CTs around the line voltage conductors being measured. Take care to orient the CTs facing
the source of power.
4. Connect the twisted white and black wires from the CT to the six position black terminal block on the
meter, matching the wire colors to the white and black dots on the front label.
5. Connect the voltage wires including ground and neutral (if present) to the green terminal block, and
check that the current (CT) phases match the voltage measurement phases.
6. Set the Modbus network address and baud rate with the DIP switches.
7. Connect the output terminals of the meter to the monitoring equipment.
8. Apply power to the meter.
9. Verify that the LEDs light correctly and don’t indicate an error condition.

Please find detailed instructions below.

6.1 Electrical connection

6.1.1 Single phase two wire with neutral
This configuration is most often seen in homes and offices. The two conductors are neutral and line. For
these models, the meter is powered from the N and ØA terminals.

Recommended models
The following table shows the models that should be used, depending on the line to neutral voltage.

Line to Neutral Voltage Model

120 Vac VPA.8000.Y208

230 Vac VPA.8000.Y400

277 Vac VPA.8000.Y480

6.1.2 Single phase three wire

This configuration is seen in North American residential and commercial service with 240 Vac for large
appliances. The three conductors are a mid-point neutral and two line voltage wires with AC waveforms
180° out of phase; this results in 120 Vac between either line conductors (phase) and neutral, and 240 Vac
(or sometimes 208 Vac) between the two line conductors (phases).

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Recommended models
The following table shows the models that can be used. If neutral may or may not be present, you should
use the VPA.8000.D240 (see Single-Phase Two-Wire without Neutral). If neutral is present, it must be
connected for accurate measurements. If phase B may not be present, you should use the VPA.8000.Y208
(see Single-Phase Two-Wire with Neutral).

Meter power source Model

N and ØA (Neutral and Phase A) VPA.8000.Y208

ØA and ØB (Phase A and Phase B) VPA.8000.D240

6.1.3 Single phase two wire without neutral

This is seen in residential and commercial service with 208 to 240 Vac for large appliances. The two
conductors have AC waveforms 120° or 180° out of phase. Neutral is not used. For this configuration, the
meter is powered from the ØA and ØB (phase A and phase B) terminals.

For best accuracy, we recommend connecting the N (neutral) terminal to the ground terminal. This will not
cause ground current to flow because the neutral terminal does not power the meter.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Recommended model
This configuration is normally measured with the following model.

Line-to-Line Voltage Model

208 - 240 Vac VPA.8000.D240

If neutral is available, you may also use the VPA.8000.Y208 model. If you use the VPA.8000.Y208, you will
need to hook up the meter as shown in section Single-Phase Three- Wire and connect neutral. You will
need two CTs.
If one of the conductors (phase A or phase B) is grounded, see Grounded Leg Service for

6.1.4 Three phase four wire

This is typically seen in commercial and industrial environments. The conductors are neutral and three
power lines with AC waveforms shifted 120° between phases. The line voltage conductors may be
connected to the ØA, ØB, and ØC terminals in any order, so long as the CTs are connected to matching
phases. It is important that you connect N (neutral) for accurate measurements. For wye “-3Y” models, the
meter is powered from the N and ØA terminals.

Recommended models
The following table shows the models that should be used, depending on the line-to-neutral voltage and
line-to-line voltage (also called phase-to-phase voltage).

Line-to-Neutral Voltage Line-to-Line Voltage Model

120 Vac 208 Vac VPA.8000.Y208

230 Vac 400 Vac VPA.8000.Y400

277 Vac 480 Vac VPA.8000.Y480

347 Vac 600 Vac VPA.8000.Y600

Note: you may also use the following delta models to measure three-phase four-wire wye circuits. The only
difference is that delta models are powered from ØA and ØB, rather than N and ØA. If neutral is present, it
must be connected for accurate measurements.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Line-to-Neutral Voltage Line-to-Line Voltage Model

120 - 140 Vac 208 - 240 Vac VPA.8000.D240

230 Vac 400 Vac VPA.8000.D400

277 Vac 480 Vac VPA.8000.D480

6.1.5 Three phase three wire delta without neutral

This is typically seen in manufacturing and industrial environments. There is no neutral wire, just three
power lines with AC waveforms shifted 120° between the successive phases. With this configuration, the
line voltage wires may be connected to the ØA, ØB, and ØC terminals in any order, so long as the CTs are
connected to matching phases. For these models, the meter is powered from the ØA and ØB (phase A and
phase B) terminals. Note: all delta models provide a neutral connection N, which allows delta models to
measure both wye and delta configurations.

For best accuracy, we recommend connecting the N (neutral) terminal to earth ground. This will not cause
ground current to flow because the neutral terminal is not used to power the meter.

Recommended models
The following table shows the models that should be used, depending on the line-to-line voltage (also
called phase-to-phase voltage).

Line-to-Line Voltage Model

208 - 240 Vac VPA.8000.D240

400 Vac VPA.8000.D400

480 Vac VPA.8000.D480

6.1.6 Grounded leg service

In rare cases with delta services or single-phase two-wire services without neutral, one of the phases may
be grounded. You can check for this by using a multimeter to measure the voltage between each phase
and ground. If you see a reading between 0 and 5 Vac, that leg is probably grounded (sometimes called a
“grounded delta”).

The meter will correctly measure services with a grounded leg, but the measured voltage and power for the
grounded phase will be zero and the status LED will not light for whichever phase is grounded, because

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


the voltage is near zero. Also, one or both of the active (non-grounded) phases may indicate low power
factor because this type of service results in unusual power factors.
For optimum accuracy with a grounded leg, you should also connect the N (neutral) terminal on the meter
to the ground terminal; this will not cause any ground current to flow because the neutral terminal is not
used to power the meter. If you have a grounded leg configuration, you can save money by removing the CT
for the grounded phase, since all the power will be measured on the non-grounded phases. We
recommend putting the grounded leg on the ØB or ØC inputs and attaching a note to the meter indicating
this configuration for future reference.

6.2 Mechanical installation

Protect the meter from moisture, direct sunlight, high temperatures, and conductive pollution (salt spray,
metal dust, etc.) If moisture or conductive pollution may be present, use an IP 66 or NEMA 4 rated
enclosure to protect the meter. Due to its exposed screw terminals, the meter must be installed in an
electrical service panel, an enclosure, or an electrical room. The meter may be installed in any orientation,
directly to a wall of an electrical panel or junction box

The meter has two mounting holes spaced 5.375 inches (137 mm) apart (center to center). These
mounting holes are normally obscured by the detachable screw terminals. Remove the screw terminals by
pulling outward while rocking from end to end. The meter may be used as a template to mark mounting
hole positions, but do not drill the holes with the meter in the mounting position because the drill may
damage the connectors and leave drill shavings in the connectors.
You may mount the meter with the supplied #8 self-tapping sheet metal screws using 1/8 inch pilot hole
(3.2 mm). If you use screws, avoid over-tightening which can crack the case. If you don’t use the supplied
screws, the following sizes should work (bold are preferred); use washers if the screws could pull through
the mounting holes

Screw style U.S.A. UTS sizes Metric sizes

Pan Head or Round Head #6, #8, #10 M3.5, M4, M5

Truss Head #6, #8 M3.5, M4

Hex Washer Head (integrated washer) #6, #8 M3.5, M4

Hex Head (add washer) #6, #8, #10 M3.5, M4, M5

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


6.3 Selecting Current Transformers

The rated full-scale current of the CTs should normally be chosen somewhat above the maximum current
of the circuit being measured (see Current Crest Factor below for more details). In some cases, you might
select CTs with a lower rated current to optimize accuracy at lower current readings. Take care that the
maximum allowable current for the CT can not be exceeded without tripping a circuit breaker or fuse; see
Current Transformers.

We only offer CTs that measure AC current, not DC current. Significant DC current can saturate the CT
magnetic core, reducing the AC accuracy. Most loads only have AC current, but some rare loads draw DC
current, which can cause measurement errors.

CTs can measure lower currents than they were designed for by passing the wire through the CT more
than once. For example, to measure currents up to 1 amp with a 5 amp CT, loop the wire through the CT
five times. The CT is now effectively a 1 amp CT instead of a 5 amp CT. The effective current rating of the
CT is the labelled rating divided by the number of times that the wire passes through the CT.

If you are using the measurement phases of the meter (ØA, ØB, and ØC) to measure different circuits, you
can use CTs with different rated current on the different phases. Instead of setting one CtAmps value for all
phases, you can use different values for each phase: CtAmpsA, CtAmpsB, and CtAmpsC.

Current Crest Factor

The term “current crest factor” is used to describe the ratio of the peak current to the RMS current (the RMS
current is the value reported by multimeters and the meter). Resistive loads like heaters and incandescent
lights have nearly sinusoidal current waveforms with a crest factor near 1.4. Power factor corrected loads
such as electronic lighting ballasts and computer power supplies typically have a crest factor of 1.4 to 1.5.
Battery chargers, VFD motor controls, and other nonlinear loads can have current crest factors ranging from
2.0 to 3.0, and even higher.

High current crest factors are usually not an issue when metering whole building loads, but can be a
concern when metering individual loads with high current crest factors. If the peak current is too high, the
meter’s CT inputs can clip, causing inaccurate readings.
This means that when measuring loads with high current crest factors, you may want to be conservative in
selecting the CT rated current. For example, if your load draws 10 amps RMS, but has a crest factor of 3.0,
then the peak current is 30 amps. If you use a 15 amp CT, the meter will not be able to accurately measure
the 30 amp peak current. Note: this is a limitation of the meter measurement circuitry, not the CT.

The following graph shows the maximum RMS current for accurate measurements as a function of the
current waveform crest factor. The current is shown as a percentage of CT rated current. For example, if you
have a 10 amp load with a crest factor of 2.0, the maximum CT current is approximately 85%. Eighty-five
percent of 15 amps is 12.75, which is higher than 10 amps, so your measurements should be accurate.
On the other hand, if you have a 40 amp load with a crest factor of 4.0, the maximum CT current is 42%.
Forty-two percent of a 100 amp CT is 42 amps, so you would need a 100 amp CT to accurately measure
this 40 amp load.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


You frequently won’t know the crest factor for your load. In this case, it’s generally safe to assume the crest
factor will fall in the 1.4 to 2.5 range and select CTs with a rated current roughly 150% of the expected RMS
current. So if you expect to be measuring currents up to 30 amps, select a 50 amp CT.

6.4 Connecting Current Transformers

· Use only current transformers (CTs) with built-in burden resistors that generate 0.33333 Vac (333.33
millivolts AC) at rated current. See Current Transformers for the maximum input current ratings.
· Do not use ratio (current output) CTs such as 1 amp or 5 amp output CTs: they will destroy the meter and
present a shock hazard! These are commonly labelled with a ratio like 100:5.
· Find the arrow or label “THIS SIDE TOWARD SOURCE” on the CT and face toward the current source:
generally the utility meter or the circuit breaker for branch circuits. If CTs are mounted backwards or with
their white and black wires reversed the measured power will be negative. The diagnostic LEDs
indicates negative power with flashing red LEDs.
· Be careful to match up the current transformers to the voltage phases being measured. Make sure the
ØA CT is measuring the line voltage connected to ØA, and the same for phases B and C. Use the
supplied colored labels or tape to identify the wires.
· To prevent magnetic interference, the CTs on different phases should be separated by 1 inch (25 mm).
The line voltage conductors for each phase should be separated by at least 1 inch (25 mm) from each
other and from neutral.
· For best accuracy, the CT opening should not be much larger than the conductor. If the CT opening is
much larger, position the conductor in the center of the CT opening.
· Because CT signals are susceptible to interference, we recommend keeping the CT wires short and
cutting off any excess length. It is generally better to install the meter near the line voltage conductors
instead of extending the CT wires. However, you may extend the CT wires by 300 feet (100 m) or more by
using shielded twisted-pair cable and by running the CT wires away from high current and line voltage
· OPTIONAL: if you see spurious readings on unused phases, jumper the unused CT inputs.

To connect CTs, pass the wire to be measured through the CT and connect the CT to the meter. Always
remove power before disconnecting any live wires. Put the line conductors through the CTs as shown in
the section Electrical connection. You may measure generated power by treating the generator as the

For solid-core CTs, disconnect the line voltage conductor to install it through the CT opening.

Split-core and bus-bar CTs can be opened for installation around a wire by puling the removable section
straight away from the rest of the CT or unhooking the latch; it may require a strong pull. Some CT models
include thumb-screws to secure the opening. The removable section may fit only one way, so match up the
steel core pieces when closing the CT. If the CT seems to jam and will not close, the steel core pieces are
probably not aligned correctly; DO NOT FORCE together. Instead, reposition or rock the removable portion
until the CT closes without excessive force. A nylon cable tie can be secured around the CT to prevent
inadvertent opening.

Some split-core CT models have flat mating surfaces. When installing this type of CT, make sure that
mating surfaces are clean. Any debris between the mating surfaces will increase the gap, decreasing

Next, connect the CT lead wires to the meter terminals labelled ØA CT, ØB CT, and ØC CT. Route the
twisted black and white wires from the CT to the meter. We recommend cutting off any excess length to
reduce the risk of interference. Strip 1/4 inch (6 mm) of insulation off the ends of the CT leads and connect
to the six position black screw terminal block. Connect each CT lead with the white wire aligned with the
white dot on the label, and the black wire aligned with the black dot. Note the order in which the phases are
connected, as the voltage phases must match the current phases for accurate power measurement.

Finally record the CT rated current as part of the installation record for each meter. If the conductors being
measured are passed through the CTs more than once, then the recorded rated CT current is divided by
the number of times that the conductor passes through the CT.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


6.5 Circuit protection

The meter is considered “permanently connected equipment”, because it does not use a conventional
power cord that can be easily unplugged. Permanently connected equipment must have overcurrent
protection and be installed with a means to disconnect the equipment.
· A switch, disconnect, or circuit breaker may be used to disconnect the meter and must be as close as
practical to the meter. If a switch or disconnect is used, then there must also be a fuse or circuit breaker
of appropriate rating protecting the meter.
· Meters only draw 10-30 milliamps; VPInstruments recommends using circuit breakers or fuses rated for
between 0.5 amps and 20 amps and rated for the line voltages and the current interrupting rating
· The circuit breakers or fuses must protect the ungrounded supply conductors (the terminals labelled ØA,
ØB, and ØC). If neutral is also protected (this is rare), then the overcurrent protection device must
interrupt neutral and the supply conductors simultaneously.
· Any switches or disconnects should have at least a 1 amp rating and must be rated for the line voltages.
· The circuit protection / disconnect system must meet IEC 60947-1 and IEC 60947-3, as well as all
national and local electrical codes.
· The line voltage connections should be made with wire rated for use in a service panel or junction box
with a voltage rating sufficient for the highest voltage present. VPInstruments recommends 14 or 12 AWG
(1.5 mm2 or 2.5 mm2) stranded wire, rated for 300 or 600 volts. Solid wire may be used, but must be
routed carefully to avoid putting excessive stress on the screw terminal.
· The meter has an earth connection, which should be connected for maximum accuracy. However, this
earth connection is not used for safety (protective) earthing.

6.6 Connecting voltage terminals

Always turn off or disconnect power before connecting the voltage inputs to the meter. Connect each phase
voltage to the appropriate input on the green terminal block; also connect ground and neutral (if required).
The voltage inputs to the meter do not need to be powered from to the same branch circuit as the load
being monitored. In other words, if you have a three-phase panel with a 100 A three-pole breaker powering
a motor that you wish to monitor, you can power the meter (or several meters) from a separate 20 A three-
pole breaker installed in the same, or even adjacent panel, so long as the load and voltage connections
are supplied from the same electric service.
The green screw terminals handle wire up to 12 AWG (2.5 mm2). Strip the wires to expose 1/4” (6 mm) of
bare copper. When wiring the meter, do not put more than one wire under a screw. If you need to distribute
power to other meters, use wire nuts or a power distribution block. The section Electrical connection shows
the proper connections for the different meter models and electrical services. Verify that the voltage line
phases match the CT phases.
If there is any doubt that the meter voltage rating is correct for the circuit being measured, unplug the green
terminal block (to protect the meter), turn on the power, and use a voltmeter to compare the voltages (probe
the terminal block screws) to the values in the white box on the meter front label. After testing, plug in the
terminal block, making sure that is pushed in all the way.
The meter is powered from the voltage inputs: ØA (phase A) to N (neutral) for wye “-3Y” models, or ØA to ØB
for delta “-3D” models. If the meter is not receiving at least 80% of the nominal line voltage, it may stop
operating. Since the meter consumes a small amount of power itself (typically 1-3 watts), you may wish to
power the meter from a separate circuit or place the current transformers downstream of the meter, so its
power consumption is not measured
For best accuracy, always connect the N (neutral) terminal on the meter. If you are using a delta meter and
the circuit has no neutral, then jumper the earth ground to the N (neutral) terminal.
When power is first applied to the meter, check that the LEDs behave normally (see Installation LED
Diagnostics below): if you see the LEDs flashing red-green-red-green, then disconnect the power
immediately! This indicates the line voltage is too high for this model.

A Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green
B Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green
C Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green
1.0 sec

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


7 Connectivity & communication

7.1 Modbus
Introduction to Modbus
The meter uses Modbus RTU communication. A complete introduction on the Modbus standard can be
found on www.modbus.org. See the document Modbus_over_serial_line_V1_02.pdf, which can be
downloaded from their website. We strongly recommend to download and read this information carefully
before installing Modbus communication. The following paragraphs in this chapter assume you are
familiar with the Modbus communication standard.

The Modbus protocol is a master/slave protocol, with only one master and many slaves. The meter is
always a slave device, and responds only when queried.

Modbus functions
In most cases, your Modbus software will automatically use the correct Modbus command for any action
you wish to perform, so you may be able to skip this section. The Modbus specifications list numerous
possible commands, but the meter only supports the following:
· 03 (0x03) - Read Holding Registers: Holding registers can be read and written and are intended for
configuration values, but the meter treats input registers and holding registers interchangeably, so you
can use functions 04 or 03 to read any registers.
· 04 (0x04) - Read Input Registers: Input registers are generally read-only and report power, energy, and
related values. The meter treats input registers and holding registers as interchangeable, so you can
use functions 04 or 03 to read any registers.
· 06 (0x06) - Write Single Register: This writes a new value to a single register.
· 16 (0x10) - Write Multiple Registers: This writes a new value to a range of registers.
Other functions will result in Modbus exception 01 - Illegal Function Code.

Baud rates
The standard baud rates are 9,600 and 19,200 baud, and rates from 1,200 to 38,400 baud can be
configured by writing to the communication registers.

Communication parameters
The communication always uses 8 data bits and one stop bit. The parity defaults to none but can be
changed to even by writing to the communication registers.

Baud Rates 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Duplex Half (two-wire plus common)
Polarity Auto-detect Will automatically correct swapped A- and B+
terminals provided network has at least 200 millivolt
bias between A- and B+
Parity: Standard: N81 (no parity, eight data bits, one stop
Configurable: E81 (even parity, eight data bits, one
stop bit)
Modbus Buffer 256 bytes
Communication Response Time 5 - 25 milliseconds (may be longer immediately
after a Modbus write command while values are
saved to non-volatile memory)
RS485 interface
RS485 Output Isolation 4500 Vac RMS
Driver Output Voltage (Open Circuit) ±6 Vdc maximum Driver Output Voltage (54 Ω load):
±1.5 Vdc minimum Driver Output Current (54 Ω
load): ±60 mA typical

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Driver Output Rise Time (54 Ω || 50 pF load): 900 nS typical

Receiver Common-Mode Voltage Range -7 Vdc to +12 Vdc maximum
Receiver Sensitivity
±200 mV
Receiver Bus Load: 1/8 unit load (up to 256 meters per subnet)
Receiver Failsafe Modes Bus open, bus shorted, bus idle

Setting the Modbus address

Every device on a Modbus network must have a unique address and the correct baud rate. The meter sets
the address and baud rate with an eight position DIP switch.

The meter supports Modbus addresses from 1 to 127 using the DIP switch. Address 0 is used for
broadcast messages and is not a valid address. As shipped from the factory, the
meter will be configured with an address of 0, which is invalid and will prevent any communication and
cause the “Com” LED to light solid red.

Set the Modbus address by switching DIP switch positions 1-7, each of which adds a different value to the
address. The change will take effect immediately.

Dip switch values

DIP Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Up (1) Value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64

Address examples

1 Up Down Down Down Down Down Down

1+2+4 = 7 Up Up Up Down Down Down Down

4+16 = 20 Down Down Up Down Up Down Down

1+2+16+32+64 = 115 Up Up Down Down Up Up Up

For example, if DIP switch positions 3 and 5 are in the 1 (up) position and the rest are 0 (down), the
resulting Modbus address is 4 + 16 = 20.
Once you are communicating with the meter, you can change the address using either the DIP switches or
the Address(1652) register.
Setting all DIP switch positions to zero for ten seconds resets all communication settings to the factory

Setting the baud rate

Select the baud rate by setting DIP switch position 8 as shown below. The change will take effect
immediately. You may also use the BaudRate(1653) register to reprogram the baud rate from 1,200 to
38,400 baud.
Baud rate DIP switch position 8

9,600 (default) 0 (down)

19,200 1 (up)

7.1.1 Wiring
Connecting Modbus outputs
The meter communicates using a serial RS485 interface. The meter uses half-duplex two-wire (plus
common) communication, so the same pair of wires is used for sending AND receiving. Up to 127 devices
can be connected together on the same RS485 bus (or up to 247 devices if you assign Modbus addresses
using the Address register).

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Planning the Modbus network

RS485 networks should always be wired in a bus (or daisy-chain) configuration. In other words, the bus
should start at the PC, Modbus master, or monitoring device and then run to each meter in turn. Try to avoid
branches, and avoid home-run wiring (where each meter has its own wire back to the PC or logger).
· Since the Modbus / RS485 wiring may be located near line voltage wiring, use wires or cables rated for
the highest voltage present, generally 300 V or 600 V rated wire.
· If this cable will be in the presence of bare conductors, such as bus-bars, it should be double insulated
or jacketed.
· Use shielded twisted-pair cable to prevent interference.
Because the meter uses half-duplex communication, it only needs a single twisted-pair, but it also needs a
conductor for common, which may be the shield or a spare conductor.

Length limits
Under ideal conditions, using cable with a 120 ohm impedance and proper termination, it should be
possible to run RS485 signals 1200 m (4000 ft) at up to 19,200 baud. However, a number of factors can
reduce this range, including electrical and magnetic interference (EMI), bus loading, poor termination, etc.
Repeaters are available to extend the range if necessary.
If it isn’t convenient to daisy-chain the main RS485 bus to each meter, you may use stubs or branches.
Long stubs or branches, greater than 30 m (100 ft), may cause signal reflections and should be avoided.

Networks shorter than 500 m (1650 ft) should not need termination. Longer networks and networks in
electrically noisy environments may need termination at both ends of the bus with 120 ohm resistors
between the “A-” and “B+” terminals. Generally, you will put one termination resistor at the PC or monitoring
device and one at the meter farthest from the monitoring device.
Some RS485 PC interfaces include jumpers or switches to provide internal termination at one end of the
In some cases, termination can cause problems. It dramatically increases the load on the bus, so that
some RS485 PC interfaces cannot handle the load (particularly port powered ones). Also, adding 120 ohm
termination resistors may require the addition of bias resistors (see next section).

RS485 networks frequently use bias resistors to hold the bus in a “high” or logic 1 state when no devices
are transmitting. In this state, the Modbus “A-“ terminal is more negative than the “B+” terminal. Without
bias resistors, the bus can float and noise can appear as bogus data.

The meter uses an RS485 failsafe transceiver that eliminates the need for bias resistors except in noisy
environments. Furthermore, many RS485 PC interfaces include internal bias resistors, so it is rare to need
to add bias resistors.
If you determine that your network is experiencing noise problems, then you may want to add termination
and possibly bias resistors.

Once you’ve planned the network and strung the cable, you can connect the meters.
· The Modbus terminals (A-, B+, C, and X) are completely isolated (4500 Vac RMS isolation) from
dangerous voltages, so you can connect them with the meter powered. They are also isolated from the
meter’s earth ground and neutral connections.
· When connecting meters to a PC or monitoring device, connect all “A-” terminals together, all “B+”
terminals together, and all “C” (common) terminals together. In most cases, if you swap “A-” and “B+”,
Modbus meters can auto-detect the polarity and communicate correctly. Note: if your RS485 network isn’t
properly biased (one terminal more positive than the other), then the auto-detect feature will not work.
· You may put two sets of wires in each screw terminal to make it easier to daisy-chain the network from
one device to the next. If you do this, we recommend that you twist the wires tightly together before putting
them into the screw terminal to ensure that one wire doesn’t pull free, causing communication
· If you are using shielded cable, you may use the shield to provide the Modbus common “C” connection
between all devices on the network.
· Connect the cable shield or Modbus common (if there is no shield) to earth ground at just the Modbus
master end of the cable. Grounding both ends can cause ground loops. Leaving the common floating
risks damaging the RS485 circuitry.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


7.1.2 Communication diagnostics

The “Com” LED indicates many Modbus communication conditions by lighting green, yellow, or red. Other
Modbus errors are indicated by returning a Modbus exception response to the master and by saving an
error code to the ErrorStatus(1712-1723) registers.

Modbus idle
Whenever the Modbus network is idle, the Com LED will stay off.

Received packet / sending response

Every time the meter receives a properly formatted packet it will light the Green Off
LED green for 200 milliseconds.
0.2 sec

Other Modbus activity

If the meter sees packets on the bus addressed to other devices, it will Yellow Off
light the LED yellow for 200 milliseconds or longer if the packet duration is
longer than 200 milliseconds. 0.2 sec

Modbus address zero invalid

Modbus address 0 is reserved for broadcast messages, so if the DIP Red
switch is set for address zero, the Com LED will light red continuously and
the meter will not respond to any Modbus packets.

Modbus address conflict or bus contention

Red Yellow Red Yellow Red Yellow Red Yellow Off

1.0 sec 1.0 sec

The meter displays this indication in these cases:

· It sees unexpected data on the RS485 bus when it is preparing to respond to a command. This generally
is due to another meter with the same address responding first, although it could also be extra bytes
from the Modbus master or another device.
· It starts transmitting a response, but doesn’t see the data it is transmitting on the RS485 bus. This can
happen if two devices have the same address and start transmitting at nearly the same time. It can also
be caused by a short circuit on the bus or extreme interference.
· Your RS485 adapter is configured for full duplex (four wire) operation instead of half-duplex.
· Your RS485 adapter is continuing to drive the transmit lines after sending a packet; this can happen with
older RS232 to RS485 adapters that require an RTS signal to transmit.

If you see this indication, make sure there are not two meters with the same Modbus address. You may
want to disconnect all but one meter to see if the problem goes away.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Invalid Modbus packet

The meter will light the Com LED red for one second for any of the Red Off
following errors (the ErrorStatus(1712-1723) registers will also be set, but
depending on the problem you may not be able to read register values). 1.0 sec
· CRC error: this could indicate noise on the RS485 bus.
· Framing error: this normally indicates a bad baud rate or noise on the
RS485 bus. This can happen if you have the “A-” and “B+” wires
swapped and your network isn’t properly biased. Properly biased
networks will transparently auto-detect that “A-” and “B+” wires are
swapped and correct. Note: some RS485 PC interfaces label “A” and “B”
the opposite of the meter or just use “+” and “-” indications.
· Buffer overrun error: the packet was longer than 256 bytes.
· Parsing error: the packet could not be correctly parsed as a Modbus

Invalid request
If the meter receives a valid packet, but with an invalid request (see below), Green Off
then the meter will respond with a Modbus exception message and store
an error in the ErrorStatus(1712-1723) registers. Because the packet was 0.2 sec
valid, Com LED will flash green for 200 milliseconds.

Modbus exceptions
If the meter receives an invalid request, it will reply with a Modbus exception code. In most cases, your PC
software should be able to display the code, which should help you determine the problem. For more
information about the problem, check the ErrorStatus(1712-1723) registers, which will provide more
detailed error codes.
· 01 - Illegal function code
o ErrorStatus 213: The Modbus function code is not supported by the meter, such as 07 Read Exception
· 02 - Illegal data address
o ErrorStatus 206: Attempted to read an invalid register address or write to a read-only register. This is
common if your addresses are off by one or you request extra registers.
o ErrorStatus 203: A partial 32 bit write (a dual register like ConfigPasscode) was aborted by a write to
an unrelated register.
· 03 - Illegal data value
o ErrorStatus 202: When changing the ConfigPasscode, the confirmation entry didn’t match the first
o ErrorStatus 205: Invalid ConfigPasscode value entered. You will have to wait five seconds to try again.
o ErrorStatus 207, 208: An attempt was made to write an illegal data value to a register.
o ErrorStatus 211, 212: The Modbus packet contained an invalid count of registers or an invalid byte
· 04 - Slave device failure
o ErrorStatus 200: The correct ConfigPasscode must be entered before changing configuration
registers, or resetting the energy or demand registers.
o ErrorStatus 19, 20, 72, 79, 80, 215: Internal hardware failure.
o ErrorStatus 67: Calibration data lost. The meter will report a slave device failure until it is calibrated.
· 06 - Slave device busy
o ErrorStatus 209: Attempts to unlock the configuration with ConfigPasscode are locked out for five
seconds after entering an invalid passcode.

Diagnostic registers
If Modbus communications are working, but with intermittent problems, check the following diagnostic
registers (see Diagnostic Registers for details): ErrorStatus(1712-1723), CrcErrorCount(1712),
FrameErrorCount(1713), PacketErrorCount(1714), OverrunCount(1715).

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


7.1.3 Registers
This section lists the Modbus registers. The following sections provide detailed information about each
register. The registers are grouped as follows:
Register category Data type
Basic registers Floating point
Basic registers Integer
Advanced registers Floating point
Advanced registers Integer
Configuration registers Integer
Customer diagnostic registers Integer

Modbus register addressing

There are a few points about Modbus register addressing that can cause confusion.
· In the Modbus specification, register numbers are documented as “one based”, but transmitted as “zero
based”. For example, we document that EnergySum appears at address 1001. If you are using any
Modbus software or Modbus aware device, you should use “1001” as the register address. However, if
you are writing your own low-level Modbus driver or firmware, you will need to subtract one from the
register number when creating the Modbus frame (or packet), so the actual register number that appears
on the RS485 bus will be “1000” (or in hexadecimal, 0x03E8).
· A common Modbus convention adds the function code as a leading digit on the register number, so a
register like EnergySum(1001) would be documented as 41001. All input registers (function code 04)
would use the form 4xxxx, while holding registers (function code 03) would use the form 3xxxx. The meter
treats holding registers and input registers interchangeably, and does not use this convention. If your
Modbus software expects a leading “3” or “4”, either will work for most registers, and use “3” for
configuration registers.

Floating point and integer registers

Most registers are available in floating point and integer formats. We generally recommend using the
floating point registers, because they provide more resolution and dynamic range and they never requiring
scaling. However, for energy variables, the 32 bit integer registers may be a better choice, because they
provide a constant resolution of 0.1 kWh. Since most of the integer registers are 16 bits, they are faster to
transfer over the Modbus interface and may require less space if they are being logged.

Most of the integer registers are 16 bit signed integers that can report positive or negative values from -
32,768 to +32,767. In a few special cases, such as the energy registers, we use 32 bit signed integer
registers (sometimes called “long integer”), which use two adjacent Modbus registers and can report
values up to approximately ± two billion.

Floating point values can report positive or negative values with typically six or seven significant digits,
which is far higher than the meter’s accuracy. However, for energy measurements (kWh), floating point
values have a limitation: the effective resolution in kWh gets lower as more energy accumulates. If the total
energy exceeds 100,000 kWh, the resolution of the floating point energy will become coarser than 0.1 kWh,
the constant resolution of the integer energy values. At a total energy of 1,000,000 kWh, the floating point
energy resolution becomes 1.0 kWh.

Reading and writing 32 bit registers

Since floating point and 32 bit long integer registers require two adjacent registers to store 32 bits, there
are some things to note when reading and writing these 32 bit dual registers:
· The first register (at the lower address) contains the least significant 16 bits of data. This is called little-
endian and is the default for many programs that read 32 bit Modbus values, but if this results in bizarre
values (very large, very small, strange exponents, invalid values), look for an option to reverse the
registers, commonly referred to as “Float - Swapped”, “Float - Reversed”, “Long - Swapped”, etc. Do not
select 64 bit double precision formats.
· When reading a 32 bit register, read both registers with a single Modbus read command. The meter is
guaranteed to return consistent results for a single multiple register read command. If you (or your
software) issues two separate read commands for the two registers making up a 32 bit register, the

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


underlying 32 bit register may be updated between the two read commands, resulting in an inconsistent
or scrambled value.
· When writing to 32 bit registers, the recommended approach is to use the Write Multiple Registers (16)
command to update both registers at the same time. However, meter incorporates logic to allow two
Write Single Register (06) commands within 30 seconds, provided no other Modbus commands are
issued between the two writes. Basic registers

Basic register list - floating point

The following registers provide the most commonly used measurements in floating point units. See basic
registers below for detailed information.

Registers Name Units Description

Energy registers
1001 - 1002 EnergySum *† kWh Total net (bidirectional) energy
1003 - 1004 EnergyPosSum *† kWh Total positive energy
1005 - 1006 EnergySumNR * kWh Total net (bidirectional) energy - non-
1007 - 1008 EnergyPosSumNR * kWh Total positive energy - non-resettable
Power registers
1009 - 1010 PowerSum W Real power, sum of active phases
1011 - 1012 PowerA W Real power, phase A
1013 - 1014 PowerB W Real power, phase B
1015 - 1016 PowerC W Real power, phase C
Voltage registers
1017 - 1018 VoltAvgLN V Average line to neutral voltage
1019 - 1020 VoltA V RMS voltage, phase A to neutral
1021 - 1022 VoltB V RMS voltage, phase B to neutral
1023 - 1024 VoltC V RMS voltage, phase C to neutral
1025 - 1026 VoltAvgLL V Average line to line voltage
1027 - 1028 VoltAB V RMS voltage, line to line, phase A to B
1029 - 1030 VoltBC V RMS voltage, line to line, phase B to C
1031 - 1032 VoltAC V RMS voltage, line to line, phase A to C
Frequency register
1033 - 1034 Freq Hz Power line frequency
*These registers are preserved across power failures.
†These registers support resetting or presetting the value.

Basic register list - integers

The following registers provide the most commonly used measurements in integer units. The energy
registers are 32 bit signed integer values, which require two registers, the first register provides the lower
16 bits, and the second register provides the upper 16 bits of the 32 bit value. See basic registers below for
detailed information.
Registers Name Units Description
Energy registers
1201 - 1202 EnergySym *† 0.1 kWh Total net (bidirectional) energy
1203 - 1204 EnergyPosSum *† 0.1 kWh Total positive energy

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1205 - 1206 EnergySumNR * 0.1 kWh Total net (bidirectional) energy non
1207 - 1208 EnergyPosSumNR * 0.1 kWh Total positive energy non resettable
Power registers
1209 PowerSum PowerIntScale Real power, sum of active phases
1210 PowerA PowerIntScale Real power, phase A
1211 PowerB PowerIntScale Real power, phase B
1212 PowerC PowerIntScale Real power, phase C
Voltage registers
1213 VoltAvgLN 0.1 V Average line to neutral voltage
1214 VoltA 0.1 V RMS voltage, phase A to neutral
1215 VoltB 0.1 V RMS voltage, phase B to neutral
1216 VoltC 0.1 V RMS voltage, phase C to neutral
1217 VoltAvgLL 0.1 V Average line to line voltage
1218 VoltAB 0.1 V RMS voltage, line to line, phase A to B
1219 VoltBC 0.1 V RMS voltage, line to line, phase B to C
1220 VoltAC 0.1 V RMS voltage, line to line, phase A to C
Frequency register
1221 Freq 0,1 Hz Power line frequency
*These registers are preserved across power failures.
†These registers support resetting or presetting the value.

Energy registers
Commonly known as kWh (kilowatt-hours), the energy is the integral of power over time. Many installations
will only use the energy measurement. It is commonly used for billing or sub-metering. Because energy is
an accumulated value, it can be used on networks that are accessed infrequently (like a utility meter that
only needs to be read once a month). All energy register values are preserved through power failures.

In the meter, most energy registers can be reset to zero by writing “1” to the ZeroEnergy register. They can
also be set to zero or a preset value by writing the desired value directly to each register. All energy
registers ending with “NR” (for non-resetting) cannot be reset to zero for billing security. You can protect all
energy registers from being zeroed or preset by setting a ConfigPasscode.

All energy registers wrap around to zero when they reach 100 gigawatt-hours (100 x 109 watt- hours) or
negative 100 gigawatt-hours (only some energy registers allow negative values).

During a power outage, the energy consumed will not be measured. Whenever the line voltage drops
below 60–80% of nominal, the meter will shut down until power is restored. To preserve the energy
measurement across power outages, the meter writes the energy to non-volatile (ferroelectric RAM)
memory every second. When power returns, the last stored value is recovered.

EnergySum, EnergySumNR
EnergySum is the net real energy sum of all active phases, where “net” means negative energy will
subtract from the total. This value is appropriate for net metering applications (i.e. photovoltaic) where
you wish to measure the net energy in situations where you may sometimes consume energy and other
times generate energy. Use EnergyPosSum instead if you don’t want negative energy to subtract from
the total.

EnergySum is reset to zero when “1” is written to the ZeroEnergy register.

The EnergySumNR is identical to EnergySum except that it cannot be reset to zero.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


EnergyPosSum, EnergyPosSumNR
EnergyPosSum is equivalent to a traditional utility meter that can only spin in one direction. Every second,
the measured real energies for each active phase are added together. If the result is positive, it is added
to EnergyPosSum. If it is negative, then EnergyPosSum is left unchanged.

EnergyPosSum is reset to zero when “1” is written to the ZeroEnergy register.

The EnergySumPosNR is identical to EnergySumPos except that it cannot be reset to zero.

Power registers
PowerA, PowerB, PowerC
The meter measures real power (watts) for each phase (PowerA, PowerB, PowerC). The measured
power is generally positive, but may also be negative, either because you are generating power (such as
with solar panels), or because the meter isn’t connected properly.

The integer power registers are scaled by PowerIntScale to prevent overflow. The integer power registers
can only report values from -32767 to +32767. To allow for large power values, PowerIntScale acts as a
multiplier to multiply by 1, 10, 100, or 1000. See Configuration Registers for details. To scale the integer
PowerA, PowerB, PowerC, or PowerSum to watts, use the following equation:

Power(W) = PowerSum * PowerIntScale

For example, if PowerIntScale (1609) is 100, and the integer PowerSum (1209) reports 2500, then the
power sum is 2500 * 100 = 250,000 W (or 250 kW).

This is the sum of the real power for active phases (line voltage above 20% of nominal). This can include
negative values, so if one phase is negative, it will reduce the reported PowerSum.

Voltage registers
All integer voltage registers are reported in units of 0.1 VAC, so 1234 = 123.4 VAC.

This is the average line-to-neutral voltage (average of VoltA, VoltB, and VoltC). Only active phases are
included (phases where the voltage is above 20% of nominal).

VoltA, VoltB, VoltC

These are the RMS AC voltages for each phase, measured relative to the neutral connection on the
meter. If neutral is not connected, then they are measured relative to the ground connection.
Voltage phases that are not connected may report small random voltages, but the meter treats any
phase reporting less than 20% of the nominal VAC as inactive and will not measure power or energy on
inactive phases.

This is the average line-to-line voltage (average of VoltAB, VoltBC, and VoltAC). All phases are included in
the average.

VoltAB, VoltBC, VoltAC

The meter cannot directly measure line-to-line voltages. It provides these registers as estimates of the
line-to-line voltage. In order to estimate these voltages, the meter must know the phase offset or the type
of electrical service (see PhaseOffset configuration register).

The meter measures the AC line frequency in Hertz. The integer Freq register reports the frequency in
units of 0.1 Hz. All phases must have the same line frequency; otherwise this value will be erratic or

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019

31 Advanced register

Advanced register list - floating point

The following registers provide more advanced measurements in floating point units. See advanced
registers below for detailed information.
Registers Name Units Description
Energy registers
1101 - 1102 EnergyA *† kWh Net (bidirectional) energy, phase A
1103 - 1104 EnergyB *† kWh Net (bidirectional) energy, phase B
1105 - 1106 EnergyC *† kWh Net (bidirectional) energy, phase C
1107 - 1108 EnergyPosA *† kWh Positive energy, phase A
1109 - 1110 EnergyPosB *† kWh Positive energy, phase B
1111 - 1112 EnergyPosC *† kWh Positive energy, phase C
1113 - 1114 EnergyNegSum *† kWh Negative energy, sum of active phases
1115 - 1116 EnergyNegSumNR * kWh Negative energy, sum of active phases
non resettable
1117 - 1118 EnergyNegA *† kWh Negative energy, phase A
1119 - 1120 EnergyNegB *† kWh Negative energy, phase B
1121 - 1122 EnergyNegC *† kWh Negative energy, phase C
1123 - 1124 EnergyReacSum *† kVARh Reactive energy, sum of active phases
1125 - 1126 EnergyReacA *† kVARh Net reactive energy, phase A
1127 - 1128 EnergyReacB *† kVARh Net reactive energy, phase B
1129 - 1130 EnergyReacC *† kVARh Net reactive energy, phase C
1131 - 1132 EnergyAppSum *† kVAh Apparent energy, sum of active phases
1133 - 1134 EnergyAppA *† kVAh Apparent energy, phase A
1135 - 1136 EnergyAppB *† kVAh Apparent energy, phase A
1137 - 1138 EnergyAppC *† kVAh Apparent energy, phase A
Power factor registers
1139 - 1140 PowerFactorAvg Power factor, average
1141 - 1142 PowerFactorA Power factor, phase A
1143 - 1144 PowerFactorB Power factor, phase B
1145 - 1146 PowerFactorC Power factor, phase C
Reactive and apparent power registers
1147 - 1148 PowerReacSum VAR Reactive power, sum of active phases
1149 - 1150 PowerReacA VAR Reactive power, phase A
1151 - 1152 PowerReacB VAR Reactive power, phase B
1153 - 1154 PowerReacC VAR Reactive power, phase C
1155 - 1156 PowerAppSum VA Apparent power, sum of active phases
1157 - 1158 PowerAppA VA Apparent power, phase A
1159 - 1160 PowerAppB VA Apparent power, phase B
1161 - 1162 PowerAppC VA Apparent power, phase C
Current registers
1163 - 1164 CurrentA A RMS current, phase A
1165 - 1166 CurrentB A RMS current, phase B

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1167 - 1168 CurrentC A RMS current, phase C

Demand registers
1169 - 1170 Demand W Real power demand averaged over the
demand period
1171 - 1172 DemandMin * W Minimum power demand
1173 - 1174 DemandMax * W Maximum power demand
1175 - 1176 DemandApp W Apparent power demand
1177 - 1178 DemandA W Real power demand, phase A
1179 - 1180 DemandB W Real power demand, phase B
1181 - 1182 DemandC W Real power demand, phase C
*These registers are preserved across power failures.
†These registers support resetting or presetting the value.

Advanced register list - integer

These registers provide advanced integer measurements. The energy registers are 32 bit signed dual
registers: the first register provides the lower 16 bits, and the second register provides the upper 16 bits of
the 32 bit value. See advanced registers below for detailed information.
Registers Name Units Description
Energy registers
1301 - 1302 EnergyA *† 0.1 kWh Net energy, phase A
1303 - 1304 EnergyB *† 0.1 kWh Net energy, phase B
1305 - 1306 EnergyC *† 0.1 kWh Net energy, phase C
1307 - 1308 EnergyPosA *† 0.1 kWh Positive energy, phase A
1309 - 1310 EnergyPosB *† 0.1 kWh Positive energy, phase B
1311 - 1312 EnergyPosC *† 0.1 kWh Positive energy, phase C
1313 - 1314 EnergyNegSum *† 0.1 kWh Negative energy, sum of active phases
1315 - 1316 EnergyNegSumNR * 0.1 kWh Negative energy, sum of active phases
non resettable
1317 - 1318 EnergyNegA *† 0.1 kWh Negative energy, phase A
1319 - 1320 EnergyNegB *† 0.1 kWh Negative energy, phase B
1321 - 1322 EnergyNegC *† 0.1 kWh Negative energy, phase C
1323 - 1324 EnergyReacSum *† 0.1 kVARh Reactive energy, sum of active phases
1325 - 1326 EnergyReacA *† 0.1 kVARh Net reactive energy, phase A
1327 - 1328 EnergyReacB *† 0.1 kVARh Net reactive energy, phase B
1329 - 1330 EnergyReacC *† 0.1 kVARh Net reactive energy, phase C
1331 - 1332 EnergyAppSum *† 0.1 kVAh Apparent energy, sum of active phases
1333 - 1334 EnergyAppA *† 0.1 kVAh Apparent energy, phase A
1335 - 1336 EnergyAppB *† 0.1 kVAh Apparent energy, phase A
1337 - 1338 EnergyAppC *† 0.1 kVAh Apparent energy, phase A
Power factor registers
1339 PowerFactorAvg 0.01 Power factor, average
1340 PowerFactorA 0.01 Power factor, phase A
1341 PowerFactorB 0.01 Power factor, phase B
1342 PowerFactorC 0.01 Power factor, phase C
Reactive and apparent power registers

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


1343 PowerReacSum PowerIntScale Reactive power, sum of active phases

1344 PowerReacA PowerIntScale Reactive power, phase A
1345 PowerReacB PowerIntScale Reactive power, phase B
1346 PowerReacC PowerIntScale Reactive power, phase C
1347 PowerAppSum PowerIntScale Apparent power, sum of active phases
1348 PowerAppA PowerIntScale Apparent power, phase A
1349 PowerAppB PowerIntScale Apparent power, phase B
1350 PowerAppC PowerIntScale Apparent power, phase C
Current registers
1351 CurrentA CurrentIntScale RMS current, phase A
1352 CurrentB CurrentIntScale RMS current, phase B
1353 CurrentC CurrentIntScale RMS current, phase C
Demand registers
1354 Demand PowerIntScale Real power demand averaged over the
demand period
1355 DemandMin * PowerIntScale Minimum power demand
1356 DemandMax * PowerIntScale Maximum power demand
1357 DemandApp PowerIntScale Apparent power demand
1358 DemandA PowerIntScale Real power demand, phase A
1359 DemandB PowerIntScale Real power demand, phase B
1360 DemandC PowerIntScale Real power demand, phase C
*These registers are preserved across power failures.
†These registers support resetting or presetting the value.

Per-Phase energy registers

EnergyA, EnergyB, EnergyC
The per-phase energy registers report the net real energy for each phase, where “net” means negative
energy will subtract from the total. This value is appropriate for net metering applications (i.e.
photovoltaic) where you wish to measure the net energy in situations where you may sometimes
consume energy and other times generate energy.

These values are reset to zero when “1” is written to the ZeroEnergy register. You may also reset them to
zero or load preset values by writing to these registers.

Positive energy
EnergyPosA, EnergyPosB, EnergyPosC
The per-phase positive energy registers measure the positive real energy for each phase. Negative
energy is ignored (instead of subtracting from the total). Energy is measured once per second, so the
determination of whether the energy is positive is based on the overall energy for the second.

These values are reset to zero when “1” is written to the ZeroEnergy register. You may also reset them to
zero or load preset values by writing to these registers.

Negative energy
The negative energy registers are exactly like the positive energy registers except they accumulate negative
energy. The reported energy values will be positive. In other words, if meter measures 1000 kWh of
negative energy, EnergyNegSum will report 1000 (not -1000).
The negative energy registers are reset to zero (except for EnergySumNegNR) when “1” is written to the
ZeroEnergy register. You may also reset them to zero or load preset values (except for EnergySumNegNR)
by writing to these registers.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Every second, the measured real energies for each active phase are added together. If the result is
negative, it is added to EnergyNegSum. If it is positive, then EnergyNegSum is left unchanged.

The EnergySumNegNR is identical to EnergyNegPos except that it cannot be reset to zero.

EnergyNegA, EnergyNegB, EnergyNegC

These are the per-phase negative real energy registers.

Reactive energy
EnergyReacSum, EnergyReacA, EnergyReacB, EnergyReacC
Reactive energy is also known as kVAR-hours. Inductive loads, like motors, generate positive reactive
power and energy, while capacitive loads generate negative reactive energy. These are all bidirectional
registers that can count up or down depending on the sign of the reactive power.

The meter only measures the fundamental reactive energy, not including harmonics.

These values are reset to zero when “1” is written to the ZeroEnergy register. You may also reset them to
zero or load preset values by writing to these registers.

Apparent energy
EnergyAppSum, EnergyAppA, EnergyAppB, EnergyAppC
Apparent energy (kVA-hours) is the accumulation of apparent power over time. The apparent power is
essentially the RMS voltage multiplied by the RMS current for each phase. For example, if you have 120
VAC RMS, 10 amps RMS, one phase, the apparent power will be 1200 VA. At the end of an hour, the
apparent energy will be 1.2 kVA-hour. Apparent energy is always positive.

The meter’s apparent energy includes real harmonics, but not reactive harmonics.

These values are reset to zero when “1” is written to the ZeroEnergy register. You may also reset them to
zero or load preset values by writing to these registers.

Power factor
The power factor is the ratio of the real power to the apparent power. Resistive loads, like incandescent
lighting and electric heaters, should have a power factor near 1.0. Power-factor corrected loads, like
computers, should be near 1.0. Motors can have power factors from 0.2 to 0.9, but are commonly in the 0.5
to 0.7 range.

If the power for a phase is negative, the power factor will also be negative. The reported power factor will be
1.0 for any phases measuring zero power, and will be 0.0 for any inactive phases (line voltage below 20%
of nominal VAC).

The meter measures the displacement or fundamental power factor, which does not include harmonics.
Integer power factor registers are reported in units of 0.01, so 85 equals a power factor of 0.85.

PowerFactorA, PowerFactorB, PowerFactorC

These are the power factor values for each phase.

This is the average power factor, computed as PowerSum / ApparentPowerSum.

Reactive power
Reactive power is also known as VARs. Inductive loads, like motors, generate positive reactive power,
while capacitive loads generate negative reactive power. Reactive power transfers no net energy to the load
and generally is not metered by the utility. Loads with high reactive power relative to the real power will tend
to have lower power factors. The integer reactive power registers are scaled by PowerIntScale.

The meter only measures the fundamental reactive power, not including harmonics.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


To scale the integer PowerReacA, PowerReacB, PowerReacC, or PowerReacSum to VARs, use the
following equation:

PowerReac(VAR) = PowerReacSum * PowerIntScale

For example, if PowerIntScale (1609) is 100, and the integer PowerReacSum (1343) reports 1500, then the
reactive power sum is 1500 * 100 = 150,000 VAR (or 150 kVAR).

PowerReacA, PowerReacB, PowerReacC

These are the per-phase reactive power measurements.

The PowerReacSum is the sum of the reactive power of active phases. This can include negative values,
so if one phase is negative, it will reduce the reported PowerReacSum.

Apparent power
Apparent power (VA) can be described three ways:
· The RMS voltage multiplied by the RMS current.
· The square root of the real power squared plus the reactive power squared.
· The absolute value or magnitude of the complex power.

The meter’s measurement of apparent power includes real, but not reactive harmonic apparent power

Apparent power is always a positive quantity. The integer apparent power registers are scaled by

PowerAppA, PowerAppB, PowerAppC

These are the per-phase apparent power measurements.

The PowerAppSum is the sum of apparent power for active phases.

The meter estimates the RMS current for each phase. This is an indirect measurement and does not
include all harmonic content, so the current is not as accurate as the power and energy measurements.

CurrentA, CurrentB, CurrentC

Technically, AC current does not have a sign (positive or negative), but the meter sets the sign of the
current to match the sign of the real power for the same phase. For example, if the power on phase A is
negative, then the current for phase A (CurrentA) will also be negative.

The floating point current registers are in units of amps. The integer current registers are in scaled amps
(CurrentIntScale, default value 20000), so the following equations will convert to amps.

Ia = CurrentAInt * CtAmpsA / CurrentIntScale

Ib = CurrentBInt * CtAmpsB / CurrentIntScale
Ic = CurrentCInt * CtAmpsC / CurrentIntScale

For example, with 200 amp current transformers and CurrentIntScale = 20000, if CurrentAInt (1351)
reports 5000, the actual current is 5000 * 200 / 20000 = 50.00 amps.

Demand is defined as the average power over a specified time interval. Typical demand intervals are 5, 10,
15 (default), 30, 60, etc. up to 720 minutes, but the meter supports arbitrary demand intervals from 1 to 720
minutes (12 hours). The meter records the peak demand for metering applications where the
measurements may only be accessed weekly or monthly.

Since the meter can measure bidirectional power (positive and negative), and the demand is the average
power over an interval, demand can also be positive or negative. This is only likely to occur with something
like a grid-tied PV system, where you may put energy back into the grid at certain times of the day (negative
power). In this case, you would see negative demand. If you have both positive and negative power during a

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


demand interval, both the positive and the negative data will be averaged together, such that the negative
power subtracts from the positive, reducing the overall demand.

The meter also supports rolling demand (also called “sliding window”), in which the demand intervals are
evenly divided into a fixed number of subintervals. At the end of each subinterval, the average power over
the demand interval is computed and output. This results in better accuracy, especially for demand peaks
which would not have lined up with the demand interval without subintervals. On power up, the demand
measurements will report zero until one full demand interval is completed. From 1 to 10 subintervals are
supported. A subinterval count of one (or zero) results in the standard demand measurement without
rolling demand. See Configuration Registers for information on configuring the demand.

Any changes to the demand configuration (DemPerMins, DemSubints) or CT configuration (CtAmps,

CtAmpsA, CtAmpsB, CtAmpsC, CtDirections) will zero the reported demand and start a new demand
measurement. The DemandMin and DemandMax will not be reset by configuration changes.

To manually zero some or all of the demand registers, see the ZeroDemand register in Configuration

The floating point demand registers are reported in units of watts, while the integer demand registers must
be scaled by PowerIntScale to compute watts. To scale the integer Demand, DemandA, DemandB,
DemandC, DemandMin, DemandMax, or DemandApp, use the following equation:

Demand(W) = Demand * PowerIntScale

For example, if PowerIntScale (1609) is 100, and the integer Demand (1354) reports 4700, then the
demand is 4700 * 100 = 470,000 watts (or 470 kW).

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


The Demand register is updated at the end of every subinterval with the average PowerSum over a full
demand interval. After a power cycle or configuration change, Demand will report zero until the
completion of one full demand interval.

DemandA, DemandB, DemandC

The real power demand is computed for each phase from PowerA, PowerB, and PowerC.

The DemandMin is the smallest measured Demand (this may be negative for systems with power
generation). It is preserved across power failures and can be reset with the ZeroDemand register. Note:
there are no minimum or maximum demand registers for DemandA, DemandB, and DemandC.

The DemandMax is the largest measured Demand. It is preserved across power failures and can be reset
with the ZeroDemand register.

DemandApp is computed the same way as Demand, but using apparent power. Configuration register list

Configuration register list

These integer registers configure and customize the Modbus meter. For simple installations, only CtAmps
needs to be set. By default, there is no passcode for the configuration, but if security is required, a
passcode can be assigned. The configuration registers are all integer format. See the section
configuration registers below for detailed information.

Registers Name Units Default Description

1601 - 1602 ConfigPasscode 0 Optional passcode to prevent unauthorized
changes to configuration
1603 CtAmps 1A 5 Assign global current transformer rated
1604 CtAmpsA * 1A 5 ØA CT rated current (0 to 6000)
1605 CtAmpsB * 1A 5 ØB CT rated current (0 to 6000)

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


1606 CtAmpsC * 1A 5 ØC CT rated current (0 to 6000)

1607 CtDirections * 0 Optionally invert CT orientations (0 to 7)
1608 Averaging * 1 (fast) Configure measurement averaging (0 to 3)
1609 PowerIntScale * 1W 0 (auto) Scaling for integer power register (0 to 1000)
1610 DemPerMins * 1 minute 15 Demand period (1 to 720)
1611 DemSubints * 1 Number of demand subintervals (1 to 10)
1612 GainAdjustA * 1/10000th 10000 ØA power/energy adjustment (5000 to
1613 GainAdjustB * 1/10000th 10000 ØB power/energy adjustment (5000 to
1614 GainAdjustC * 1/10000th 10000 ØC power/energy adjustment (5000 to
1615 PhaseAdjustA * 0.001 deg -1000 ØA CT phase angle adjust (-8000 to 8000)
1616 PhaseAdjustB * 0.001 deg -1000 ØB CT phase angle adjust (-8000 to 8000)
1617 PhaseAdjustC * 0.001 deg -1000 ØC CT phase angle adjust (-8000 to 8000)
1618 CreepLimit * 1500 Minimum power for readings (100 to 10000)
1619 PhaseOffset * 1 degree 120 Normal angle between primary voltage
phases (0, 60, 90, 120 or 180)
1620 ZeroEnergy 0 Write 1 to zero all resettable energy registers
1621 ZeroDemand 0 Write 1 to zero all demand values
1622 CurentIntScale * 20000 Scale factor for integer currents (0 to 32767)
*These registers are preserved across power failures.

ConfigPasscode (1601, 1602)

The meter has an optional configuration passcode to prevent unauthorized changes to the configuration.
As shipped from the factory, the ConfigPasscode is set to “0”, disabling the passcode. If a passcode is
set, the meter must be unlocked by writing the correct value to ConfigPasscode before any configuration
registers can be changed and before the energy or demand registers can be reset to zero.

You can read the ConfigPasscode register to determine if the meter is locked. You cannot read the
actual passcode itself. If you lose your passcode, contact support for assistance.
· 0 - Unlocked
· 1 - Locked

Invalid unlock attempts will result in the Modbus exception 03 - “Illegal data value”, and prevent more
attempts for five seconds. An unlocked meter will become locked again after five minutes or when “1” is
written twice to ConfigPasscode.

The passcode can be set (or changed) by writing the new passcode to ConfigPasscode twice within 30
seconds. If a passcode is already set, the meter must be unlocked first.

Valid passcode values are:

· 0 - this disables the passcode.
· 2 to 2,147,483,647 - use at least six digits for a secure passcode.

The passcode is a 32 bit value, so both register locations 1601 and 1602 must be written when
unlocking the meter or setting a passcode.

CtAmps (1603)
Writing the CtAmps register is a shortcut to quickly set CtAmpsA, CtAmpsB, and CtAmpsC to the same
value. If you read CtAmps and CtAmpsA, CtAmpsB, CtAmpsC are all identical, then CtAmps will return
the common value; otherwise it will return 0 (zero) to indicate there is no common value.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


CtAmpsA, CtAmpsB, CtAmpsC (1604 , 1605, 1606)

The CT amps registers are integer registers in units of amps used to set the rated current of the
attached current transformers (CTs). This allows the use of different CTs on different input phases: ØA,
ØB, and ØC. Rated current is the 100% value; the current that results in a 0.33333 VAC output from the

The specified rated CT amps for each phase (CtAmpsA, CtAmpsB, and CtAmpsC), affect the scaling
CurrentIntScale for the integer current registers CurrentA, CurrentB, and CurrentC. See section Current
above for details.

CtDirections (1607)
On occasion, current transformers are installed with the label “This side towards source” facing the load
instead of the source, or with the white and black wires swapped at the meter. If the electrical installer
notices this, they can fix it, but sometimes the problem isn’t noticed until the electrician is gone and
some or all of the reported power values are unexpectedly negative.
You can correct this with the CtDirections register:
· 0 - All CTs normal
· 1 - Flip phase A CT
· 2 - Flip phase B CT
· 4 - Flip phase C CT
· 3 - Flip phase A CT and flip phase B CT
· 5 - Flip phase A CT and flip phase C CT
· 6 - Flip phase B CT and flip phase C CT
· 7 - Flip all CTs (A, B, and C)

Flipping a CT with CtDirections will also reverse the status LED indications. So if the status LED for a
phase was flashing red and you flip the CT with CtDirections, the LED will change to green flashing. This
cannot be used to correct for situations where CT phases do not match the voltage phases, such as
swapping phases A and B on the current transformer inputs.

Averaging (1608)
The meter includes averaging for these registers: PowerSum, PowerA, PowerB, PowerC, VoltAvgLN,
VoltA, VoltB, VoltC, VoltAvgLL, VoltAB, VoltBC, VoltAC, Freq, PowerFactorAvg, PowerFactorA,
PowerFactorB, PowerFactorC, PowerReacSum, PowerReacA, PowerReacB, PowerReacC,
PowerAppSum, PowerAppA, PowerAppB, PowerAppC, CurrentA, CurrentB, CurrentC.

Averaging is beneficial because it reduces measurement noise, and if the meter is being polled less
often than once a second (say once a minute), then the average over the last minute provides a more
accurate reading than just the data from the last second, which might be randomly high or low. Averaging
is configured by setting the Averaging (1608) register to one of the following values:

Averaging register Description Averaging period Update rate

0 Fastest 1 second Every 1 second

1 Fast (default) 5 seconds Every 1 second

2 Medium 20 seconds Every 4 seconds

3 Slow 60 seconds Every 12 seconds

When medium or slow averaging are specified, the reported values for averaged registers will only
update every 4 or 12 seconds respectively, instead of once a second.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


PowerIntScale (1609)
In order to report power as an integer value (±32,767), the meter must scale the power so that it doesn’t
overflow. By default, the meter selects a PowerIntScale value of 1, 10, 100, or 1000 whenever the
CtAmps (or CtAmpsA, CtAmpsB, or CtAmpsC) are changed. The meter selects a value that won’t
overflow unless the power exceeds 120% of full-scale.

PowerIntScale Power resolution Maximum power reading

0 (default) Auto-configure varies

1 1 watt ±32767 W

10 10 watt ±327.67 kW

100 100 watts ±3276.7 kW

1000 1000 watts ±32767 kW

Custom Values PowerIntScale • 1 W ±(PowerIntScale • 32767 W)

You may also choose your own custom value for PowerIntScale including values that are not multiples of

If PowerIntScale is set to auto-configure, then reading PowerIntScale will show the actual scale factor
instead of 0.

To compute the actual power from integer power registers, use the following equation (note, there is no
scaling for the floating-point power registers, which always report power in watts):

ActualPower(W) = PowerRegister * PowerIntScale

PowerIntScale is used with the following registers: PowerSum, PowerA, PowerB, PowerC,
PowerReacSum, PowerReacA, PowerReacB, PowerReacC, PowerAppSum, PowerAppA, PowerAppB,
PowerAppC, Demand, DemandMin, DemandMax, DemandApp.

CurrentIntScale (1622)
When reporting current values as integers, the meter scales the current values so that a current equal to
the CT rated amps will result in an output value of CurrentIntScale. The default CurrentIntScale is 20000.
See CurrentA, CurrentB, CurrentC for more details.

Demand Configuration
DemPerMins, DemSubints (1610, 1611)
The variable DemPerMins sets the demand interval in minutes (default 15 minutes), and DemSubints
sets the number of demand intervals (default 1). The time period of each subinterval is the demand
interval divided by the number of subintervals. Setting DemSubints to 1 disables subinterval
computations. The demand period cannot be longer than 12 hours (720 minutes), and a demand
subinterval cannot be less than 1 minutes. The DemSubints can be set from 1 to 10.
An example configuration could use a demand period of 60 minutes with 4 subintervals. This would
result in a subinterval period of fifteen minutes. Every fifteen minutes, the average power over the last
hour would be computed and reported.

GainAdjustA, GainAdjustB, GainAdjustC (1612, 1613, 1614)

You may need to adjust the meter to match the results from a reference meter (such as the utility meter)
or to correct for known current transformer errors. The GainAdjust registers effectively adjust the power,
energy, and current calibration or registration for each phase.

The default values for the GainAdjust registers are 10,000, resulting in no adjustment. Setting the value
to 10,200 increases all the power, energy, and current readings from the meter by 2% (10,200 / 10,000 =
102%). Setting the value to 9,800 decreases the readings by 2% (9,800 / 10,000 = 98%). The allowed
range is from 5,000 to 20,000 (50% to 200%).

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


PhaseAdjustA, PhaseAdjustB, PhaseAdjustC (1615, 1616, 1617)

For maximum accuracy, there may be cases where you wish to compensate for the phase angle error of
the current transformers you are using. The PhaseAdjust registers allow the phase angle to be adjusted
on each phase by up to ±8 degrees in increments of one millidegree. For example, if your CT causes a
phase lead of 0.6 degrees (or 36 minutes), you could correct for this by setting PhaseAdjustA, B, and C to
-600, which subtracts 600 millidegree or 0.6 degree from the phase lead. Use negative values to
compensate for a phase lead in the CT (most common).

The default adjustment is -1000; this corrects for a one degree phase lead in the CT. Since our CTs
typically have phase leads ranging from 0.2 degrees to 2.5 degrees, the default adjustment improves the
typical performance.

CreepLimit (1618)
Creep refers to the situation where the wheel on an traditional electro-mechanical energy meter moves
even though there is no power being consumed. The meter has no wheel, but all electrical systems have
some noise, which can cause small readings in the absence of any power consumption. To prevent
readings due to noise, if the readings fall below the creep limit, the meter forces the real and reactive
power values to zero, and stops accumulating energy. This is performed independently for each
measurement phase using the following equation.

MinimumPower = FullScalePower / CreepLimit

Any measured power or reactive power below MinimumPower is forced to zero. FullScalePower is
defined as the nominal line-to-neutral VAC (see Specifications) multiplied by the full-scale or rated CT

Generally, the default value of 1500 (which sets the creep limit to 1/1500th of full-scale power) works
well. Sometime, in electrically noisy environments, you may see non-zero power readings when the
power should be zero. You can adjust the creep limit to eliminate this problem. For example, to adjust
the creep limit to 1/500th of full-scale (0.2%), set CreepLimit to 500.

PhaseOffset (1619)
The meter cannot directly measure line-to-line voltages (VoltAB, VoltBC, VoltAC, VoltAvgLL). To estimate
these voltages, the meter must know the phase offset of the electrical service being measured. This
setting has no effect on any other measurements or registers and is only needed if you plan to monitor
the line-to-line voltages.

PhaseOffset Electrical service type

0 Single-phase (all line-to-line voltages will read zero). Use this set- ting when
monitoring multiple independent branch circuits.

60 Three-phase grounded delta (grounded leg), where one phase is connected to earth

90 Four-wire delta (wild leg): 120/208/240

120 (default) Three-phase: 120/208, 230/400, 277/480, 347/600

Single-phase three-wire (mid-point neutral): 120/240

180 VoltAB will report the line-to-line voltage. VoltBC and VoltAC will report zero regardless
of the actual phase C voltage.

Zeroing registers
ZeroEnergy (1620)
Writing 1 to ZeroEnergy will simultaneously set all of the energy registers to zero, except those ending in
“NR” (for non-resettable). They can also be set to zero or a preset value by writing the desired value
directly to each energy register. If a ConfigPasscode has been set, then you must unlock the meter
before you can zero or preset the energy.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


As a security measure, there are three non-resettable energy registers—EnergySumNR,

EnergyPosSumNR, EnergyNegSumNR—that can never be reset to zero.

ZeroDemand (1621)
The ZeroDemand register can be written with three values (or zero which does nothing). If a
ConfigPasscode has been set, then you must unlock the meter before you can zero demand.
· 1 - Zero DemandMin and DemandMax registers.
· 2 - Zero Demand, DemandA, DemandB, DemandC and DemandApp registers. Start a new demand
· 3 - Zero DemandMin, DemandMax, Demand, DemandA, DemandB, DemandC and DemandApp
registers. Start a new demand interval. Communication register list

Communication register list

These integer registers can be used to override the DIP switch address and baud rate settings and for
more advanced communication settings, like even parity or 38400 baud. See communication registers
below for details.

Registers Name Default Description

1651 ApplyComConfig 0 Writing 1234 applies the configuration
settings below.
Reads 1 if changes not applied yet.
1652 Address * 0 Modbus address (if non-zero, overrides
DIP switches)
1653 BaudRate * 0 0 = DIP switch assigned.
1 = 1200 baud, 2 = 2400 baud, 3 = 4800
4 = 9600 baud, 5 = 19200 baud, 6 =
38400 baud
1654 ParityMode * 0 0 = N81 (no parity, 8 data bits, one stop
1 = E81 (even parity, 8 data bits, one stop
1656 ReplyDelay * 5 Minimum Modbus reply delay: 5 to 180
*These registers are preserved across power failures.

Most customers will never need these registers, but they can be useful for special situations. If you are
using these registers to configure multiple meters, you may want to use the broadcast address (0) so that
all meters will update together. This isn’t permitted for setting the address, because then multiple devices
would share the same address.

The communication configuration can be restored to factory defaults by switching all the DIP switches to
the OFF position and leaving them OFF for 10 seconds, then setting them to the desired address and baud

ApplyComConfig (1651)
If any of the following communication configuration registers are changed, the new values will not take
effect until “1234” (decimal) is written to this register. This makes it easier to configure multiple changes
and have them all take effect together.
Reads of ApplyComConfig will return “1” if there are any pending changes, otherwise “0”.

Address (1652)
This register can override the DIP switch address setting and also allows addresses to be assigned up
to 247 (the DIP switches can only set addresses up to 127). Set this register back to zero to use the DIP
switch setting.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


BaudRate (1653)
This register overrides the DIP switch baud rate setting for speeds up to 38,400 baud.
· 0 - Use DIP switch assigned baud rate (9,600 or 19,200 baud)
· 1 - 1,200 baud
· 2 - 2,400 baud
· 3 - 4,800 baud
· 4 - 9,600 baud
· 5 - 19,200 baud
· 6 - 38,400 baud

ParityMode (1654)
The meter defaults to no parity, eight data bits, and one stop bit, but even parity is supported using this.
· 0 - N81 (no parity, one stop bit)
· 1 - E81 (even parity, one stop bit)

ReplyDelay (1656)
ReplyDelay configures a user-defined minimum Modbus reply delay between 5 and 180 milliseconds
(the default is 5 milliseconds). This is useful with some Modbus master devices or software that can
miss response data if the meter responds to a request too quickly. Diagnostic register list

These registers, all integer registers, provide information and diagnostics for the meter. UptimeSecs and
TotalSecs are 32 bit integer dual registers: the first register provides the lower 16 bits, and the second
register provides the upper 16 bits of the 32 bit value. See diagnostic registers and error codes below for
detailed information.

Registers Name Units Description

0001 - 0002 Dummy Dummy register. Always returns zero. Can be
used to scan for active Modbus devices
1701 - 1702 Serial number * The meter serial number
1703 - 1704 UptimeSecs Seconds Time in seconds since last power on
1705 - 1706 TotalSecs * Seconds Total seconds of operation
1707 Model * Encoded model
1708 Version * Firmware version
1709 Options * Meter options
1710 ErrorStatus * List of recent errors and events
1711 PowerFailCount * Power failure count
1712 CrCErrorCount Count of Modbus CRC communication errors
1713 FrameErrorCount Count of Modbus framing errors
1714 PacketErrorCount Count of bad Modbus packets
1715 OverrunCount Count of Modbus buffer overruns
1716 ErrorStatus1 Newest error or event (0 = no errors)
1717 ErrorStatus2 Next oldest error or event
1718 ErrorStatus3 Next oldest error or event
1719 ErrorStatus4 Next oldest error or event
1720 ErrorStatus5 Next oldest error or event
1721 ErrorStatus6 Next oldest error or event
1722 ErrorStatus7 Next oldest error or event
1723 ErrorStatus8 Next oldest error or event
*These registers are preserved across power failures.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


SerialNumber (1701, 1702)

This is a 32 bit long integer register containing the meter’s serial number, as printed on the label.

UptimeSecs (1703, 1704)

This 32 bit long integer counts the number of seconds the meter has been running since the last power
failure or reset. Resets can be caused by power brownouts or severe errors.

TotalSecs (1705, 1706)

This 32 bit long integer counts the total seconds of meter operation since factory calibration.

Model (1707)
This register can be used to determine the model.
· 201 - VPA.8000.Y208
· 202 - VPA.8000.Y400
· 203 - VPA.8000.Y480
· 204 - VPA.8000.Y600
· 205 - VPA.8000.D240
· 206 - VPA.8000.D400
· 207 - VPA.8000.D480

Version (1708)
This reports the meters firmware version. The firmware is not field upgradable.

Options (1709)
This register indicates factory configured options.

PowerFailCount (1711)
This counts (up to 32767) the number of times power has been cycled on this meter.

Communication error counts

The following four registers report communication error counts. Each register counts up to 32767 and
stops. All four of these registers are reset to zero whenever power is cycled or by writing zero to any of them.

CrcErrorCount (1712)
This counts (up to 32767) the number of Modbus packets with an invalid CRC (cyclic redundancy check).

FrameErrorCount (1713)
This counts (up to 32767) the number of Modbus packets with framing errors. A framing error can
indicate bad baud rate, bad parity setting, RS485 noise or interference, or an RS485 bus collision.

PacketErrorCount (1714)
This counts (up to 32767) the number of Modbus packets that could not be parsed.

OverrunCount (1715)
This counts (up to 32767) the number of times the Modbus input buffer has been overrun. The buffer is
256 bytes and normal requests are less than 80 bytes, so an overrun normally indicates non-Modbus
traffic on the RS485 bus or severe noise on the bus.

Error codes
ErrorStatus (1710)
ErrorStatus1 - ErrorStatus8 (1716 - 1723)
The ErrorStatus registers hold queues of the most recent eight errors or status notifications.

ErrorStatus allows access to the eight most recent errors from a single Modbus register. Each time you
read it, you’ll get another value (starting with the oldest). When there are no more errors, ErrorStatus will
report 0. The ErrorStatus values are preserved across power failures. ErrorStatus is generally best used
with unattended data logging, since each error will only be reported once.

ErrorStatus1 through ErrorStatus8 also list the eight most recent errors, but with a few differences.
ErrorStatus1 lists the most recent error or status, while ErrorStatus8 lists the oldest. Reading these
registers won’t change the reported values for ErrorStatus1 through ErrorStatus8, so they can be read

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


repeatedly without clearing the values. ErrorStatus1 through ErrorStatus8 can all be cleared by writing 0
to any of them. They are not preserved across power failures. ErrorStatus1 through ErrorStatus8 are
generally best used when a person will be looking at the values in real time, because they provide a
visual history of recent errors and events and will not be cleared when they are read.
The following lists many of the error and status code values. For any not listed or those marked
“ERROR” contact technical support.
· 0: No error or status messages.
· 1-49, 50-58, 60-61, 71-73: ERROR: Internal firmware error. Contact technical support.
· 59: ERROR: Non-volatile data lost: energy, peak demand, etc.
· 62-66: WARNING: Internal energy measurement overflow
· 67: ERROR: Calibration data lost. Meter will not function until it is recalibrated.
· 68: ERROR: Configuration data lost (CtAmps, etc.)
· 69: WARNING: Could not measure AC line frequency, may indicate high noise condition.
· 70, 74: ERROR: Non-volatile memory failure: energy, demand, etc. will be lost when power fails.
· 75-77: ERROR: Internal measurement error.
· 78-83: WARNING: Measured high AC line voltage. Sustained high voltage may damage the WattNode.
· 84, 85, 86: INFO: EnergyA, B, C registers overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 87: INFO: EnergySum register overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 88: INFO: EnergySumNR register overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 89, 90, 91: INFO: EnergyReacA, B, C registers overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 92: INFO: EnergyReacSum register overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 93, 94, 95: INFO: EnergyPosA, B, C registers overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 96: INFO: EnergyPosSum register overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 97: INFO: EnergyPosSumNR register overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 98, 99, 100: INFO: EnergyNegA, B, C registers overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 101: INFO: EnergyNegSum register overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 102: INFO: EnergyNegSumNR register overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 103, 104, 105: INFO: EnergyAppA, B, C registers overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 106: INFO: EnergyAppSum register overflowed 100 gigawatt-hours, reset to 0.
· 107: INFO: PulseCount register overflowed from 4,294,967,295 to zero.
· 197: WARNING: Tried to write to read-only register.
· 198: WARNING: IoPinMode write not allowed because required option not installed.
· 199: WARNING: IoPinState write command rejected because IoPinMode is an input.
· 200: WARNING: Configuration register cannot be changed without entering ConfigPasscode first.
· 202: WARNING: ConfigPasscode update failed because second write (verify) did not match the first
· 203: WARNING: A write to a dual register (typically ConfigPasscode) was aborted.
· 205: WARNING: Invalid ConfigPasscode entered.
· 206: WARNING: Invalid Modbus register address specified.
· 207: WARNING: Invalid Modbus register data value specified.
· 208: WARNING: Invalid configuration register value specified.
· 209: INFO: ConfigPasscode unlock attempt rejected because it was within five seconds of a previous
failed attempt.
· 211: WARNING: Invalid Modbus write length specified.
· 212: WARNING: Invalid Modbus single-register write length specified
· 213: WARNING: Invalid Modbus function code specified.
· 215: WARNING: Slave device failure exception occurred: ConfigPasscode required, etc.
· 216: ERROR: Custom register map error. Custom map disabled.
· 220: INFO: Factory reset of energies completed.
· 241: WARNING: Invalid Modbus TCP/IP header.
· 242, 246: WARNING: Modbus collision. The meter received extra data after receiving a command. This
may indicate an address conflict or electrical interference.
· 243: WARNING: Invalid Modbus message length.
· 244: WARNING: Timeout receiving the Modbus TCP header (only applies in TCP-RTU mode).
· 245: WARNING: Invalid length in the Modbus TCP header (only applies in TCP-RTU mode).
· 247: WARNING: RS485 parity error. Generally caused by baud rate mismatch, parity mode mismatch,
or electrical interference.
· 248: WARNING: RS485 bus contention during transmit. Generally caused by two or more meters with
duplicate Modbus addresses.
· 249: WARNING: Duplicate Modbus address detected.
· 250: WARNING: Modbus receiver overrun. This is generally caused by non-Modbus data on the bus or
packets longer than 256 bytes.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


· 251: WARNING: RS485 receiver error. Generally caused by baud rate mismatch, parity mode
mismatch, or electrical interference.
· 252-253: WARNING: Short Modbus packet detected (less than four bytes). Modbus RTU uses a brief
pause (3.5 byte periods) to indicate the end of a packet, so any break in the stream of bytes can cause
this, such as hot-connecting the RS485 lines.
· 254: WARNING: False Modbus start bit. This generally indicates electrical noise, or inadequate
termination or biasing. See Termination and Biasing sections under Modbus wiring for more
· 255: WARNING: Invalid Modbus packet cyclic redundancy check (CRC). This generally indicates
electrical noise on the RS485 bus.

7.2 Diagnostic LEDs

The meter includes multi-color power diagnostic LEDs for each phase to help verify correct operation and
diagnose incorrect wiring. The LEDs are marked “Status” on the label. The following diagrams and
descriptions explain the various LED patterns and their meanings. The A, B, and C on the left side indicate
the phase of the LEDs. Values like “1.0sec” and “3.0sec” indicate the time the LEDs are lit in seconds.

Normal startup
On initial power-up, the LEDs will all light up in a red, yellow, green A Red Yellow Green
sequence. After this startup sequence, the LEDs will show the status, such
as Normal Operation below. B Red Yellow Green
C Red Yellow Green
1.0 sec 1.0 sec 1.0 sec

Normal operation
During normal operation, when positive power is measured on a Green Off Green Off Green Off
phase, the LED for that phase will flash green. Typical flash rates
are shown below.

Percent of full-scale power LED flash rate Flashes in 10 seconds

100% 5.0 Hz 50

50% 3.6 Hz 36

25% 2.5 Hz 25

10% 1.6 Hz 16

5% 1.1 Hz 11

1% (and lower) 0.5 Hz 5

Zero power
For each phase, if line Vac is present, but the measured power is below Green
the minimum that the meter will measure(Creep Limit) the meter will
display solid green for that phase.

Inactive phase
If the meter detects no power and line voltage below 20% of nominal, it will Off
turn off the LED for the phase.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Negative power

A Red Off Red Off Red

B Off Red Off Red Off Red
C Off Red Off Red Off Red

If one or more of the phase LEDs are flashing red, it indicates negative power (flowing into the grid) on
those phases. The rate of flashing indicates magnitude of negative power. This can happen for the
following reasons:
· This is a bidirectional power measurement application, such as a photovoltaic system, where negative
power occurs whenever you generate more power than you consume.
· The current transformer (CT) for this phase was installed backwards on the current carrying wire or the
white and black wires for the CT were reversed at the meter. This can be solved by flipping the CT on the
wire or swapping the white and black wires at the meter. Alternatively, you can use the configuration
register CtDirections (1607) to reverse the polarity of one or more of the CTs.
· The CT wires are connected to the wrong inputs, such as if the CT wires for phases B and C are
swapped or the CT wires are rotated one phase.

Note: if all three LEDs are flashing red and they always turn on and off together, like the diagram for Low
Line Voltage below, then the meter is experiencing an error or low line voltage, not negative power.

Erratic flashing

A Off Green Off Red Off

B Red Off Green Off Red

C Green Off Red Green Red Off

If the LEDs are flashing slowly and erratically, sometimes green, sometimes red, this generally indicates
one of the following:
· Earth ground is not connected to the meter (the top connection on the green screw terminal).
· Voltage is connected for a phase, but the current transformer is not connected, or the CT has a loose
· In some cases, particularly for a circuit with no load, this may be due to electrical noise. This is not
harmful and can generally be disregarded, provided that you are not seeing substantial measured power
when there shouldn’t be any. Try turning on the load to see if the erratic flashing stops.

To fix this, try the following:

· Make sure earth ground is connected.
· If there are unused current transformer inputs, install a shorting jumper for each unused CT (a short
length of wire connected between the white and black dots marked on the label).
· If there are unused voltage inputs (on the green screw terminal), connect them to neutral (if present) or
earth ground (if neutral isn’t available).
· If you suspect noise may be the problem, try moving the meter away from the source of noise. Also try to
keep the CT wires as short as possible and cut off excess wire.

Meter not operating

It should not be possible for all three LEDs to stay off when the meter is A Off
powered, because the phase powering the meter will have line voltage
present. Therefore, if all LEDs are off, the meter is either not receiving B Off
sufficient line voltage to operate, or is malfunctioning and needs to be C Off
returned for service. Verify that the voltage on the Vac screw terminals is
within ±20% of the nominal operating voltages printed in the white
rectangle on the front label.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Meter error
If the meter experiences an internal error, it will light all LEDs red for three A Red
seconds or longer. Check the ErrorStatus (1710) register to determine the
exact error. If this happens repeatedly, return the meter for service. B Red
C Red
3.0 sec

Bad calibration
This indicates that the meter has detected bad calibration data and must A Red
be returned for service.
B Red
C Yellow

Line voltage too high

A Red Green Red Green Red Green Red

B Red Green Red Green Red Green Red
C Red Green Red Green Red Green Red
1.0 sec

Whenever the meter detects line voltages over 125% of normal for one or more phases, it will display a fast
red/green flashing for the affected phases. This is harmless if it occurs due a momentary surge, but if the
line voltage is high continuously, the power supply may fail. If you see continuous over-voltage flashing,
disconnect the meter immediately! Check that the model and voltage rating is correct for the electrical

Bad line frequency

If the meter detects a power line frequency below 45 Hz or above 70 Hz, it A Yellow
will light all the LEDs yellow for at least three seconds. The LEDs will stay
yellow until the line frequency returns to normal. During this time, the meter B Yellow
should continue to accurately measure power. This can occur in the C Yellow
presence of extremely high noise, such as if the meter is too close to an
3.0 sec
unfiltered variable frequency drive.

Low line voltage

These LED patterns occur if the line voltage is too low for the meter to operate correctly and the meter
reboots repeatedly. The pattern will be synchronized on all three LEDs. Verify that the voltage on the Vac
screw terminals is not more than 20% lower than the nominal operating voltages printed in the white
rectangle on the front label. If the voltages are in the normal range and the meter continues to display one
of these patterns, return it for service.

A Red Yellow A Red Yellow A Red Off Red Off Red Off Red
B Red Yellow B Red Yellow B Red Off Red Off Red Off Red
C Red Yellow C Red Yellow C Red Off Red Off Red Off Red
1.0 sec 1.0 sec

No line voltage

A Red Off Red Off

B Red Off Red Off
C Red Off Red Off
3.0 sec

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


If the measured line voltage on all three phases is less than 20% of the nominal line Vac, then the meter
will briefly flash all three status LEDs together every three seconds. This is very rare, but can indicate the
· You have purchased a DC instrument powered meter and the meter has power, but the circuit being
monitored is off. You can check for this by measuring the AC volts from neutral to each phase or between
phases for delta circuits.

The measurement circuitry has been damaged and cannot read the line voltages.

Other fixed pattern

If you see any other steady (non-flashing) pattern, contact VPInstruments for support.

7.3 Current Transformers

The 3 Phase Power Meter uses current transformers (CTs) with a full-scale voltage output of 0.33333 Vac.
Split-core and bus-bar CTs are easier to install without disconnecting the circuit being measured. Solid-
core CTs are more compact, generally more accurate, and less expensive, but installation requires that you
disconnect the circuit to install the CTs.

The meters use CTs with built-in burden resistors generating 0.33333 Vac at rated AC current. The
maximum input current rating is dependent on the CT. Check the CT label to find the maximum current
rating. Exceeding the maximum input current rating may damage CTs, but should not harm the meter.

None of these CTs measure DC current and the accuracy can be degraded in the presence of DC currents,
as from half-wave rectified loads. The solid-core CTs are most susceptible to saturation due to DC


Please always check the label of your product for the specifications.
Specifications are subject to change as we are continuously improving our products.
Please contact us to obtain the latest specification sheet.

Current transformers
Type Voltage output, integral burden resistor
Output voltage at rated current 0.333 Vac (one-third volt)
CT wires 1.05 m (4 feet), twisted pair, 0.34mm 2 (22AWG)
Accuracy ±1% from 5% tot 120% of rated current
Phase angle Less than 2 degrees at 50% of rated current
Insulation Voltage 600 Vac
Maximum primary voltage 5000 Vac (insulated coductor)
Operating temperature -15..60 °C | 5...76 °F
Frequency range 50-400Hz

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


8 Specification
Please always check the label of your product for the specifications.
Specifications are subject to change as we are continuously improving our products.
Please contact us to obtain the latest specification sheet.

Current transformers
Nominal input voltage (at CT 0.33333 Vac RMS
rated current
Absolute maximum input voltage 5.0 Vac RMS
Input impedance at 60/60 Hz 23 k Ohm

Operating temperature -30...55 °C | -22...131 °F
Altitude Up to 2000 m | 6560 ft
Operating humidity Non-condensing, 5 to 90% relative humidity up to 40°C, decreasing
linearly to 50% RH at 55°C.
Pollution Pollution degree 2. Normally only non-conductive pollution; occasionally,
a temporary conductivity caused by condensation must be expected
Indoor use Suitable for indoor use
Outdoor use Suitable for outdoor use when mounted inside an electrical enclosure
that is rated NEMA 3R or 4 (IP 66)

Enclosure High impact, ABS and/or ABS/PC plastic
Flame resistance rating IEC FV-0
Size 153 x 85 x 38 mm | 6.02 x 3.35 x 1.50 inch
Weight 307..314 gram | 10.8...11.1 oz
Connectors Euroblock style pluggable terminal blocks
Green Up to 12 AWG (2.5mm), 600 V
Black Up to 12 AWG (2.5mm), 300 V

Safety CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-04; IEC 61010-1
Immunity EN 61326:2002 (Industrial locations)
Electrostatic discharge EN 61000-4-2
Radiated RF immunity EN 61000-4-3; EN 61000-4-3; EN 61000-4-4; EN 61000-4-5; EN
Voltage dips, Interrupts EN 61000-4-11
Emissions FCC part 16, Class B; EN 55022 1994, Class B

Power Consumption: The following table shows typical power consumption and power factor values with
all three phases powered at nominal line voltages. The power supply draws most of the total power
consumed, while the measurement circuitry draws 1-10% of the total (6-96 milliwatts per phase,
depending on the model). Due to the design of the power supply, meters draw slightly more power at 50

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Model Active power Active power Power Rated Power supply Power supply
at 60 Hz at 50 Hz factor power* range terminals
VPA.8000.Y2 1.5 W 1.8 W 0.79 3W 96 – 138 Vac N and ØA
VPA.8000.Y4 1.6 W 1.8 W 0.73 3W 184 – 264 Vac N and ØA
VPA.8000.D 1.2 W 1.5 W 0.70 4W 166 – 276 Vac ØA and ØB
VPA.8000.D 1.1 W 1.4 W 0.67 3W 320 – 460 Vac ØA and ØB
VPA.8000.D 1.2 W 1.4 W 0.70 3W 384 – 552 Vac ØA and ØB
VPA.8000.Y4 1.6 W 2.0 W 0.73 4W 222 – 318 Vac N and ØA
VPA.8000.Y6 1.0 W 1.3 W 0.76 4W 278 – 399 Vac N and ØA
*Note: This is the maximum rated power at 115% of nominal Vac at 50 Hz. This is the same as the rated
power that appears on the front label of the meter.

Maximum Operating Power Supply Voltage Range: -20% to +15% of nominal (see table above). For the
VPA.8000.D240, this is -20% of 208 Vac (166 Vac) to +15% of 240 Vac (276 Vac).

Operating Frequencies: 50/60 Hz

Measurement Category: CAT III

Measurement category III is for measurements performed in the building installation. Examples are
measurements on distribution boards, circuit-breakers, wiring, including cables, bus-bars, junction boxes,
switches, socket-outlets in the fixed installation, and equipment for industrial use and some other
equipment, for example, stationary motors with permanent connection to the fixed installation.
The line voltage measurement terminals on the meter are rated for the following CAT III volt- ages (these
ratings also appear on the front label):

Model CAT III voltage rating

VPA.8000.Y208, VPA.8000.D240 240 Vac

VPA.8000.Y400, VPA.8000.D400 400 Vac

VPA.8000.Y480, VPA.8000.D480 480 Vac

VPA.8000.Y600 600 Vac

The following accuracy specifications do not include errors caused by the current transformer accuracy or
phase angle errors. “Rated current” is the current that generates a CT output voltage of 0.33333 Vac.
Condition 1 - Normal operation
Line voltage -20% to +15% of nominal
Power factor 1.0
Frequency 48 - 62 Hz
Ambient temperature 25 °C
CT current 5% - 100% of rated current
Accuracy ±0.5% of reading

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


Condition 2 - Low CT current

All conditions the same as Condition 1 except: CT Current: 1% - 5% of rated current
Accuracy ±1.0% of reading

Condition 3 - Very low CT current

All conditions the same as Condition 1 except: CT Current: 0.2% - 1% of rated current
Accuracy ±3.0% of reading

Condition 4 - High CT current

All conditions the same as Condition 1 except: CT Current: 100% - 120% of rated current
Accuracy ±1.0% of reading

Condition 5 - Low power factor

All conditions the same as Condition 1 except: Power factor: 0.5 (±60 degree phase shift between
current and voltage)
Additional error ±0.5% of reading

Condition 6 - Temperature variation

All conditions the same as Condition 1 except: Ambient temperature: -30°C to +55°C
Additional error ±0.75% of reading

Creep Limit: 0.067% (1/1500th) of full-scale. Whenever the power or reactive power for a phase drops
below the creep limit, the power or reactive power for the phase will be forced to zero. Also, if the line
voltage for a phase drops below 20% of nominal Vac, the output power for the phase will be set to zero.
These limits prevent spurious readings due to measurement noise. To customize the creep limit, see
CreepLimit(1618) in Configuration Registers.

Update Rate: 1.0 second. Internally, all measurements are performed at this rate.

Start-Up Time: Approximately 1.0 second. The meter starts measuring 50-100 milliseconds after AC power
is applied, but requires a full 1.0 second measurement cycle before it starts reporting data. The meter does
not respond to Modbus packets during this start-up time.

Current Transformer Phase Angle Correction: 1.0 degree leading. Current transformers (CTs) typically have
a leading phase angle error ranging from 0.2 degrees to 2.5 degrees. The meter is normally programmed
to correct for a 1.0 degree phase lead to provide good accuracy with typical CTs. The CT phase angle
correction can be changed using the PhaseAdjustA, PhaseAdjustB, PhaseAdjustC registers.

Over-Voltage Limit: 125% of nominal Vac. If the line voltage for one or more phases exceeds this limit, the
status LEDs for these phases will flash alternating red-green as a warning. Extended over-voltage
operation can damage the meter and void the warranty.

Over-Current Limit: 120% of rated current. Exceeding 120% of rated current will not harm the meter but the
current and power will not be measured accurately.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


9 Order information and accessories

Model Nominal Vac Line-to-Neutral Nominal Vac Line-to-Line Phases Wires
VPA.8000.Y208 120 208–240 3 4

VPA.8000.Y400 230 400 3 4

VPA.8000.Y480 277 480 3 4

VPA.8000.Y600 347 600 3 4

VPA.8000.D240 120* 208–240 3 3–4

VPA.8000.D400 230* 400 3 3–4

VPA.8000.D480 277* 480 3 3–4

*Note: the delta models have an optional neutral connection that may be used for measuring wye circuits.
In the absence of neutral, voltages are measured with respect to ground. Delta models use the phase A
and phase B connections for power.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


10 Appendix A - Federal Communications Commission

(FCC) Statement
This equipment has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part
15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.

The FCC limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
· Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
· Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
· Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
· Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician to help.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


11 Appendix B - Measurement troubleshooting

There are a variety of possible measurement problems. The following procedure should help narrow down
the problem. This assumes you can communicate with the meter and read registers. You can combine
these diagnostic steps with the status LED diagnostics.

Start by checking the reported voltage (VoltA, VoltB, VoltC) for active (connected) phases. Make sure the
voltages match the expected line-to-neutral voltages (or line-to-ground for delta circuits). You should check
the actual voltages present at the meter with a multimeter if possible.
· If one or more voltages are zero, then you either have a wiring problem or something is wrong with the
meter. Verify the actual voltages with a multimeter. In rare cases, with delta circuits, one phase may be
grounded and will read zero volts.
· If one or more voltages are too low (by more than 5%), then make sure you have the correct model. For
example, a VPA.8000.Y208 expects line-to-neutral voltages of 120 Vac and can measure up to about 150
Vac. If you apply 208 Vac line-to-neutral, the meter will read a voltage in the 150 Vac to 180 Vac range.
· If any voltages read high, then check your wiring. If the wiring is correct, contact support.
· If the voltages are close to the measured (or expected) values, continue with the next step.

Next, check the measured power for each active phase (PowerA, PowerB, PowerC). If possible, estimate or
measure the actual power. Also, make sure the load you are measuring is currently on.
· If one or more active phases are reporting zero power, then the problem is probably one of the following:
o There is no active power (the load is off) or the power is too low to measure (generally less than
1/1000th of full-scale).
o CT wires are not securely connected.
o The CT or its wires are damaged.
o There is strong electrical interference, as might occur if the meter is in very close proximity to a variable
speed drive (also called variable frequency drive or inverter).
o The meter is not working correctly: try swapping it with a replacement meter.
· If one or more active phases are reporting negative power:
o The current transformer has been installed backward on the wire being measured. CTs are marked
with either an arrow or a label saying “This side toward source”. If the arrow or label are not oriented
toward the source of power (generally the panel or breaker), then the measured current will be inverted
and the power negative. This can be fixed either by flipping the CT or by swapping the white and black
wires where they enter the meter.
o The current transformer white and black wires have been swapped where they enter the meter (at the
black screw terminal block).
o The line voltage phases (green screw terminals) are not matched up with the current phases (black
screw terminals). For example, the phase A CT is around the phase B wire.
o This may be normal if you are measuring in an environment were power may be consumed or
generated, such as a house with PV panels.
· If one or more phases are reporting low or high power:
o Make sure the CtAmps configuration is set correctly for your current transformers.
o The current transformers may have a rated current too high or too low for your application. CTs should
be used between 10% and 100% of their rated current for best results. They generally work with
reduced accuracy as low as 0.5% to 0.1% of rated current.
o The CTs may not be installed properly. Check for: CTs touching each other or pre- existing CTs; CT
opening too large for the conductor being measured.
o The voltage phases (green screw terminal block) are not matched up with the current phases (black
screw terminal block). The easiest way to determine this is to skip ahead to the next troubleshooting
section: Power Factor and Reactive Power.
o Interference from a variable frequency or variable speed drive: VFD, VSD, inverter, or the like. Generally,
these drives should not interfere with the meter, but if they are in very close proximity, or if the CT leads
are long, interference can occur. Try moving the meter at least three feet (one meter) away from any
VFDs. Use short CT leads if possible. NEVER install the meter downstream of a VFD: the varying line
frequency and extreme noise will cause problems!
o Our current transformers can only measure AC currents. Strong DC currents will saturate the magnetic
core of the CT, preventing an accurate measurement of the AC current. The overwhelming majority of
AC powered electric devices do not draw significant DC current, so this is a rare occurrence.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


o Loads with a high current crest factor (ratio of the peak current to the RMS current) can cause clipping
in the measurement circuitry, resulting in lower than expected readings. You can check for this with a
handheld power quality analyzer that can measure crest factor (CF) or by trying a CT with a higher
rated current, which should allow the meter to measure the peak current accurately.
o The CTs may be malfunctioning. If possible, use a current clamp to verify the current, then use a
multimeter to measure the AC voltage between the white and black wires from the CT (leave them
connected to the meter during this test). At rated current, the CT output voltage should equal 0.333 Vac
(333 millivolts AC). At lower currents, the voltage should scale linearly, so at 20% of rated current, the
output voltage should be 0.20 * 0.333 = 0.0666 Vac (66.6 millivolts AC).
o If possible, verify the expected power with a handheld power meter. Current clamps can be useful to
very roughly estimate the power, but since they measure current, not power, the estimated power
(voltage times current) may be off by 50% or more.

Power Factor and Reactive Power

The measured power factor and reactive power are very useful in determining if there is a phasing
mismatch between the voltage and current measurement phases on the meter. For example, if the phase
A CT is around the phase B wire.
However, this troubleshooting is complicated because different loads have different typical power factors
and the power factor can vary significantly for some devices, like motors, as a function of the mechanical
load on the motor. Here are some general guidelines:
· Motors, idling or with a light load: power factor from 0.1 to 0.6, positive reactive power.
· Motors, normal or heavy load: power factor from 0.5 to 0.8, positive reactive power.
· Motor with VSD: power factor between 0.5 and 0.9.
· Incandescent lighting: power factor near 1.0, small negative reactive power.
· Florescent lighting: power factor between 0.4 and 1.0.
· Electrical heating: power factor near 1.0.
· Office equipment: power factor between 0.6 and 1.0, reactive power may be positive or negative.

Negative power factor values either indicate you are generating power (as with a PV system) or that the CTs
are reversed.
If the measured power factor or reactive power appears to be outside the normal ranges, this most
commonly indicates that the voltage and current phases on the meter are not connected properly, although
some loads fall outside the normal ranges. Check the following:
· The CT connected to the ØA CT terminal is installed around the line wire being measured by the ØA Vac
terminal (green terminal block).
· The CT connected to the ØB CT terminal is installed around the line wire being measured by the ØB Vac
terminal (green terminal block).
· The CT connected to the ØC CT terminal is installed around the line wire being measured by the ØC Vac
terminal (green terminal block).

If this doesn’t solve your problem, contact technical support for more assistance.

© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019


12 Appendix C - Maintenance
Maintenance and Repair
The meter requires no maintenance. There are no user serviceable or replaceable parts except the
pluggable screw terminals.

The meter should not normally need to be cleaned, but if cleaning is desired, power must be disconnected
first and a dry or damp cloth or brush should be used.

The meter is not user serviceable. In the event of any failure, the meter must be returned for service using
our RMA form. In the case of a new installation, follow the diagnostic and troubleshooting instructions
before returning the meter for service, to ensure that the problem is not connection related.

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© 2019 VPInstruments | MAN-VP-AKW-EN | Revision: 1900 | Date: 22-07-2019

easy insight into energy flows

Buitenwatersloot 335
2614 GS Delft
The Netherlands

Date: 22-07-2019

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