Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) : January 2016
Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) : January 2016
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of the justice system), valid PCL-R ratings can be Ed., M.S.W., Ph.D., D.Ed., or M.D.); have com-
made based solely on file information given that pleted graduate courses in psychopathology, sta-
sufficient and high-quality information is avail- tistics, and psychometric theory; be familiar with
able. The PCL-R cannot be used to make present the clinical and research literature on psychopa-
state assessments of psychopathy nor as a measure thy; have appropriate professional credentials
of pre- or posttreatment change. The PCL-R has (e.g., registration in a local provincial registration
no exclusion criteria, allowing for the assessment body that regulates the assessment and diagnosis
of individuals with psychiatric or comorbid of mental disorder); have experience in forensic or
diagnoses. relevant populations; insure they have adequate
The PCL-R contains 20 items, each coded on a training and experience using the PCL-R (e.g.,
3-point scale with a “0” indicating that the item complete five to ten practice assessments and
does not apply to the individual, a “1” indicating achieve an acceptable level of inter-rater reliabil-
that the item applies to a certain extent, and a “2” ity); and be cautious and judicious when using the
indicating that the item fully applies to the indi- PCL-R with populations or groups of individuals
vidual. Item scores are summed to obtain a total for whom it has not been validated. The above
dimensional score ranging from 0 to 40, where user recommendations are based on the second
higher scores indicate more psychopathic fea- edition of the manual.
tures. In North America, a score of 30 or higher
on the PCL-R has typically been used as a thresh-
old for a psychopathy diagnosis. In a number of Inter-rater Reliability
European countries, clinicians and researchers
interpret a score of 25 as emblematic of The most common metric for reporting the reli-
psychopathy. ability of continuous data is the intraclass correla-
tion coefficient (ICC). ICC1 (two-way mixed
effects model for single raters) values for individ-
Factor Structure ual PCL-R items are moderate to excellent rang-
ing from 0.41 to 0.82 in samples of offenders and
Research into the factor structure of the PCL-R male psychiatric patients (Hare 2003). Across the
originally described a two-factor model: Factor same samples, ICC1 values for the total PCL-R
1 (interpersonal and affective) and Factor 2 (life- score, Factor 1, Factor 2, and all four facets are
style and antisocial). More recently, the items of reported to be excellent (0.67–0.84; Hare 2003).
the PCL-R have been found to form four first- There is therefore good evidence that institutional
order factors (also referred to as facets): interper- PCL-R assessments can be very reliable if done
sonal, affective, lifestyle, and antisocial. The four- properly and in accordance with professional
facet solution has received ample support from standards and the procedures described in the
subsequent research (e.g., Babiak et al. 2010; PCL-R manual.
Weaver et al. 2006). It should also be noted that Within the adversarial context of the Criminal
a three-factor model (excluding the antisocial Justice System (e.g., sexually violent predator
facet) for the PCL-R is also empirically defensible [SVP] hearings and dangerous offender hearings),
(Cooke and Michie 2001). reported reliability estimates for the PCL-R have
tended to fall below those reported within more
traditional research settings and within the PCL-R
User Qualifications manual. When competing parties hire two experts,
there is the possibility of “partisan allegiance”
Clinicians who use the PCL-R or who supervise which refers to the tendency of experts to assign
its use should meet the following user recommen- scores in keeping with the expectation of the party
dations: possess an advanced degree in the social, that retained them (Lloyd et al. 2010; Murrie
medical, or behavioral sciences (e.g., M.A., M. et al. 2013). Experience, thorough training,
Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) 3