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Using Redis With Ruby On Rails: Problem Solution

The document discusses using Redis as a key-value store and for its various data structures to store application data more efficiently compared to a relational database. It provides examples of using Redis hashes to store user objects, sets for a social network's circle of friends implementation, and keys to store and increment page visit counters with atomic commands like INCR. Adding Redis to a Rails application is also briefly described.
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Using Redis With Ruby On Rails: Problem Solution

The document discusses using Redis as a key-value store and for its various data structures to store application data more efficiently compared to a relational database. It provides examples of using Redis hashes to store user objects, sets for a social network's circle of friends implementation, and keys to store and increment page visit counters with atomic commands like INCR. Adding Redis to a Rails application is also briefly described.
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> r.

get 'hellofoo'
=> "hellobar"
> r.sadd 'parkdogs', 'fido'
=> true
> r.sadd 'parkdogs', 'rudolph'
=> true
> r.sadd 'parkdogs', 'rex'
=> true
> r.smembers 'parkdogs'
=> ["rex", "rudolph", "fido"]

In these examples, we cut a little bit of the irb output for brevity and simplicity.
As you can see, using Redis from inside a Ruby script (or full-blown application) is
quite trivial. In the next recipe, we’ll look into how we can build upon what we just
learned to use Redis from a Ruby on Rails-based application.

Using Redis with Ruby on Rails

You want to store and access data in Redis from a Ruby on Rails application.

Use Ezra Zygmuntowicz’s redis-rb library to access and manipulate Redis data from
Ruby on Rails.

If you already have a Ruby on Rails application, you can add Redis support to it by
adding the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'redis'

and by creating a file inside your config/initializers directory with the following initial-
izer to connect your application to Redis:
$redis = Redis.new

This will create a global variable called $redis with which you can manipulate data and
run commands on the engine. You can pass the :host and :port options to the
Redis.new method in order to connect to a specific host and port instead of the default
localhost:6379. redis-rb also lets you connect to Redis by using a Unix socket by pass-
ing the parameter :path.
Once these two steps are done, you are ready to start using Redis from Ruby on Rails.
You can test out your setup by accessing and using the $redis variable from your Rails
console by running:

12 | Chapter 2: Clients

rails console

and exploring Redis commands to get and set specific keys, hashes, sets, or lists.

Adding Redis functionality to ActiveRecord models

Let’s imagine you have a User model and a Book model and you wanted to store a list
of books that person owns by using a Redis set, thus allowing you to do creative things
like seeing books users have in common easily. In this case, you could implement the
following methods in the User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def books
b = $redis.smembers("books:#{self.id}")
Book.where :id => b

def addbook(book)
$redis.sadd("books:#{self.id}", book.id)

def delbook(book)
$redis.srem("books:#{self.id}", book.id)

def common(user)
c = $redis.sinter("books:#{self.id}", "books:#{user.id}")
Book.where :id => c

From this point, on it would be trivial to use the methods we just implemented from
anywhere in our application, or from the Rails console. You could specify things like
User.first.books to grab the first user’s list of books, or maybe User.first.add
book(Book.first) to add the first book on your database to your user’s collection.

Using Redis with Ruby on Rails | 13

Leveraging Redis

In this chapter, we’ll look into how we can leverage Redis’s data structures, speed, and
flexibility to create complex systems and functionality, typically in a fraction of the time
we’d spend doing the same with a RDBMS. We’ll start by looking at ways to store
simple data sets, and work up from there in terms of complexity and interest.

Using Redis as a Key/Value Store

Most applications need to store temporary data about usage, configuration, or other
relevant information that might not be a great fit for the fixed structure of relational
databases. Traditionally, developers have resorted to hacking a table structure to
accommodate this data and using MySQL or another RDBMS to store it. In this recipe,
we’ll look at how we can use Redis and its built-in data types to store application data
in a lighter, faster, and looser manner.

Redis positions itself not simply as a key/value store but as a server for data structures
as well. This means that on top of typical key/value store functionality, it gives you
several ways to store and manipulate application data. We’ll use these structures and
commands to store application sample data: as examples, we’ll store usage counters in
regular keys, user objects in Redis hashes, and a circle-of-friend implementation (like
Google+) using sets.


Storing application usage counters
Let’s begin by storing something quite basic: counters. Imagine we run a business social
network and want to track profile/page visit data. We could just add a column to
whatever table is storing our page data in our RDBMS, but hopefully our traffic is high
enough that updates to this column have trouble keeping up. We need something much
faster to update and to query. So we’ll use Redis for this instead.
Thanks to the atomicity of Redis commands (see “Using Redis Data
Types” on page 7 for more about data types and atomicity), we know that if we store
a counter key, we can use commands such as INCR (or INCRBY) and DECR (or DECRBY) to
increment or decrement its contained value. So by designing a proper namespace for
our data, maintaining our counters becomes a trivial one-operation endeavor.
There’s no actual convention for organizing keys in systems like Redis, but a lot of
people (including the authors) like to build keys out of keywords separated by colons,
so we’ll do that here. To store our social network page visit data, we could have a key
namespace such as visits:pageid:totals, which for a page ID of 635 would look like
visits:635:totals. If we already were storing visit data somewhere, we can first seed
redis with that data by setting our keys to the current values:
SET visits:1:totals 21389
SET visits:2:totals 1367894

On a visit to a given page, a simple INCR command would update the counter in Redis:
INCR visits:635:totals

We could then grab the page visits for any page, at any time by doing a simple GET
command by key:
GET visits:635:totals

You can also be smarter about the number of commands you run. Let’s say you’re
showing the visitor himself how many visits the page he’s looking at has had. Naturally,
you’ll be counting his own visit too, so you wouldn’t even have to do the last GET: you
can take advantage of the return value from the INCR command because it returns the
post-increment count. A simple pseudocode for visits and counters could look like this:
1. The visitor requests the page.
2. We INCR the visits counter related to the page (INCR visits:635:totals, for in-
3. We capture the return value of the INCR command.
4. We show the user the page with the return value.

16 | Chapter 3: Leveraging Redis


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