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© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You May Share With Family and Friends But No Alterations or Public Dissemination of The Material Is Permitted Without Permission From CAC
© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You may share with family and friends but no alterations or public
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CAC General Reading- Paul Shockley Interpreter, Avaton & Vikki This Awareness indicates that information of this
Questioners & Energizers type is not suitable for history, and the teaching of
GETTING HISTORY STRAIGHT young minds; therefore, the writers give more noble
motives such as greed, or desire for wealth or ambition
Alcohol, Sugar & Drugs are Tearing Apart as the motivating factors for these warmongers.
Our Nation
This Awareness indicates that at the present time,
the use of alcohol and sugar, and also the use of drugs,
as being the greatest forces in tearing apart the nation. Columbus landed on the West Indies island of San
These are generally the causes for the greater internal Salvador. He raised the Spanish flag stating, “I claim
turbulence of crime and loss and tragedies. this land and all the dope thereon for Isabella and
This Awareness indicates that likewise, the war in Ferdinand of Spain.”
Vietnam was largely a war over drugs—this basically This Awareness indicates that in these earlier times,
as drugs and rubber. The control of these substances as kings and queens and entities of great royalty had no
having triggered the motives and economic interests television, no movies, no sports to watch, had no arena
that began the movements that led to and sustained this in which to watch Christians being fed to lions,
war. therefore, for their entertainment, they would seek
This Awareness indicates that politicians often have certain exotic food, drink or activities, and drugs from
a way of finding words that make the actions appear to India and gems and jewels and precious cloth from
be noble, when in fact the actions are purely economic foreign lands...these were their simple joys.
or for some less than noble purpose. This Awareness indicates that it is not so
unreasonable to assume or to realize that kings and
queens and royalty would be interested in maintaining
The Real Reason For Columbus’s Voyages a route, or finding a new route to those areas whereby
these things could be retrieved.
This Awareness indicates that whereas Columbus
This Awareness indicates that the Queen sending discovered instead the West Indies, another voyage in
Columbus on his voyage, seeking to go around the that direction eventually brought back gold, and in
earth to prove the earth being round; this action was time tobacco, which served as a substitute for some of
intended to send Columbus to the East Indies in order those herbs which were more difficult to obtain from
to find hemp or marijuana. This Awareness indicates other sources.
that little did the Queen know that there was a
continent and two oceans between Spain and India
Drugs Have Played a Role Throughout History
when sailing westward. This was an effort to receive
her substance while there was the inability to cross
through the old routes, due to those forces that were This Awareness indicates that the witches in
hostile to the Spaniards, preventing them from England and in Europe often also were in demand as
traveling to India across the Middle East. herbalists; these entities as capable of producing
This Awareness indicates that there were many certain altered states through the use of herbs and
events in history that were reported in ways that sound mixtures of herbs such as belladonna. This Awareness
much more noble than in their realities. This indicates that small amounts of poison, and certain
Awareness indicates this does not diminish the events, herbal mixtures for an antidote, could be brought
and many great accomplishments and discoveries have together to give entities visions and hallucinations,
occurred, even though the motives of the explorers which were often mistaken for mystic experiences.
might have been less than noble. This Awareness indicates that the witches’ brew in
Macbeth as that which allowed this entity to see what
QUESTIONER: he presumed to be the future. This Awareness
What did the Queen do with that hemp? Was it made indicates that while this is a fictional story, it was
into rope, as I was told as a little shaver in school, or nevertheless based upon Shakespeare’s knowledge of
did they smoke it in those days? the activities of the witches of his time. This
Awareness indicates that not all of the visions and
COSMIC AWARENESS: hallucinations experienced were induced by these
This Awareness indicates that this as having been substances.
for personal indulgence among those of the palace. This Awareness indicates that Joan of Arc, hearing
The use of marijuana, although at that time it was voices—this entity had a particular physical
called hemp, which essentially is the female hemp deficiency, and was being guided by spirits. This
plant—this was used as a special treat by royalty. Awareness indicates that many of the Biblical entities
This Awareness indicates this information is not the also used certain herbs and substances that allowed for
type of information that would be printed up in history the alteration of consciousness.
books, just as the wars with the British in China, This Awareness indicates that the combination of
known as the Opium wars, would not reveal that an myrrh and frankincense, which was brought to the
empire would be subdued, an empire would be entity Jesus also had certain slight properties in
established based upon the value and commodity of altering consciousness. This Awareness indicates also
opium. the Greek Oracle of Delphi as having the alteration of
consciousness due to the carbon dioxide gas which
emerged from the pit in the cave in which this Oracle
resided at Delphi.
THE HISTORY OF ERGOT properties of ergot more than one thousand years ago.
This Awareness indicates this appears to be
approximately 1500 years ago for the St. John Cross of
RAP BY HISTORIANS? This Awareness indicates that prior to this, those
entities in that Order known as the Mysteries of the
Eleusinian Order—this was a secret organization that
QUESTIONER: has long been a mystery, these entities also as having
used ergot. This Awareness indicates that this
For most of our lives the phrase “Let them eat substance as having been used by the Knights
cake”, attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette of 18th Templar, and through certain secret occult
century France, has been used as a symbol of the hard- organizations throughout history, this including Adam
heartedness of those who have, when they regard those Weishaupt’s Illuminati and the Masonic Order
who have naught. operating under this entity.
Well, It turns out that the Queen may have gotten a This Awareness indicates that it was through these
bum rap from history. In a paper prepared for the forces that the substance was used during the French
American Medical Association, Mary Matossian, an Revolution. This Awareness indicates that basically,
associate professor of history at the University of the Masonic Order had much to do with the French
Maryland, recently expanded on her idea that ergot, a Revolution. This, along with the ergot, as having
fungus which infects rye grain, has played an caused consciousness to undergo great changes,
important role in history. whereby these entities were influenced in this manner.
Last summer she proposed that the convulsions, This Awareness indicates that essentially, ergot as
hallucinations and visions that led to the Salem witch having similar properties, (although of a somewhat
trials in Massachusetts in 1692 resulted from the more dangerous degree) to that known as LSD.
population eating rye bread made from infected grain. Lysergic Acid is associated with ergot; this as a
Ergot produces a hallucinogenic, potentially fatal, derivative. This substance in its raw form of ergot as
drug. having been used by the Hashashin as a substance to
control and alter the minds of entities who were
Professor Matossian also suggests that ergot- kidnapped, and brought to the Hashashin to be used
infected rye bread caused the “great awakening in and turned into an assassin for them. This Awareness
Southern New England in 1741, held down the indicates, that this and other substances, including the
birthrate in much of Europe during the 18th Century, substance known as hash, whose name comes from
and, in the paper referred to, caused the “Great Fear” Hashashin.
which swept across France, creating popular support
for the French Revolution In 1789. She believes that DID LEAD IN WINE JUGS BRING DOWN
ergot is responsible for many of the bizarre incidents
involving whole populations. THE ROMAN EMPIRE?
The fungus develops in rye grain during cold, damp QUESTIONER:
summers. When the grain is made into flour, the In this article just read, is there any truth to the
hallucinogenic ergot is distributed to those who eat rye statement: “Lead in wine jars brought down the
bread. Which leads us to Marie Antoinette, who has Roman Empire?”
gone down in history as a lame-brained elitist who lost
her bubblehead to the guillotine. COSMIC AWARENESS:
She was told that fear and hunger were causing This Awareness indicates this as having had some
riots among the commoners, If Professor Matossian is effect on entities in weakening them. That it does not
correct, they had been eating rye bread infected with appear to have been the major cause of the decline of
ergot, causing them to see all sorts of scary visions. Rome.
“Let them eat cake”, is the way history has recorded
her comment. But eating “de gateau” at that time
didn’t mean cake, but bread made of refined wheat CAC General Reading April 3, 2014, Will Berlinghof Interpreter;
Zoey Zen Questioner and Energizer
flour, which would have restored their sanity.
Instead of a party-loving bubblehead, the queen THE EXTERNAL WORLD IS A
could have been an expert diagnostician and
nutritionist, from whose loss France has suffered ever REFLECTION OF THE INTERNAL ONE
since. If lead in wine jars brought down the Roman QUESTIONER:
Empire, as some have alleged, and a fungus in grain Does Awareness have an opening message?
brought the blood bath of the French Revolution,
perhaps it would benefit us all to pay less attention to COSMIC AWARENESS:
what the politicians in office do, and more to what the
cook puts on the table." This Awareness would say that these times are a
Would Awareness please comment on that difficult period for many. Change has begun—the
information? change from one reality and the adherence to that
reality, to a new reality, an unknown quantity of
COSMIC AWARENESS: reality. In this new quantity of reality, what has been
long awaited is beginning to manifest, but for this to
This Awareness indicates that this information is be fully realized there are of course many challenges
correct essentially in its entirety. This Awareness along the way, both on an individual level as well as
indicates that ergot has been used down through the on a collective level of humanity itself.
ages from the time of Egypt. This Awareness indicates Many may be troubled by some of the events that
that the Sovereign Order of St. John Cross of have recently taken place.
Jerusalem and the Knights of Malta discovered the
This Awareness would remind you that all is thought, an impression, or a conceptualization of the
illusionary and even though one may put great bright new future that is dawning.
emphasis and onus on the external, it is always the This Awareness is complete with its opening
internal that is of greater importance, especially during statement. Please proceed with the questions.
these times of change. Therefore, despite what may be
playing itself out in the external world, that which ABOUT THE BOOK
many take to be the reality, it is to be remembered
always that while change is happening around oneself, CHANNELING WITH BUDDHA
it is the internal change that is of greater importance. QUESTIONER:
Therefore, during these troubled times, these
challenging times, do not put your focus and belief The next question is from GL. He refers to a book,
entirely on the external reality that is playing itself out. Channeling With Buddha by Corinne Urakawa. He
Remember that the external is an expression of that wants to know if this book is genuine. He has seen the
which is based on one’s internal beliefs and Awareness warning that the CIA might be behind
suppositions. Because this is so, this Awareness would some of the channelings, which could provide the
ask all to focus on their own internal beliefs and readers false information. So he wants to know if this
understandings. book’s information if genuine, by channeling the
Buddha energy for Itself.
While the changes may put one into a state of fear
and apprehension and anxiety, it is to be remembered Specifically, the Buddha, in this book, repeatedly
that if one manages to find peace and calm within, wants readers to focus on the positive instead of on the
their own personal experience of the external reality suffering, so that the reader can live more positively
they find themselves in will be positively influenced and forget the negative. But I also see this Awareness
so that despite all changes that are happening, one is mentioned that some people would like to experience
able to surf the waves of changes that are underway. the negative and suffering more to gain their life
experiences for their soul plan.
It is to be remembered that the third dimensional
reality is not yet at a point of instant manifestation. Could Awareness comment on the message just
This means that even though the external events seem mentioned by Buddha, whether it is a universal truth,
so concrete, so real and so resistant to change, that or could be subject to further discernment by the
change still is underway and the results of these reader, to further their own unique soul plan? Thank
changes, although perhaps not immediately available, you.
are still forthcoming. COSMIC AWARENESS:
Hold within oneself that the changes are part of a It is the latter statement presented here that this
grander plan, a plan that involves not only you, the Awareness would start with: the matter of
individual, but the collective as well. It is a most discernment. It is indeed the case here, and in other
powerful sea of change that all are swimming in at this readings, other prophets, other voices that come
time, and staying calm, focused and centered will help forward at this time—to be discerning to these ones. It
one to swim these oceans of change that humanity and is only through discernment, through neutrality, and
even Mother Earth herself are currently swimming in. through asking questions, that one can extract from
At this time, the beginning times of the changes any work the relevant bits that may be contained
that are now underway to have effect on the mindset of within the work and to take them and use them.
the human collective, one needs to understand that all Discernment would also ensure the dropping of
begins within oneself, and as one observes the changes those statements, those projections that are meant to
that are occurring in the external, one must stay calm, focus the mind on negativity. This Awareness agrees
focused and attentive, but not to the degree that one that it is important to stay focused in a most positive
gives away one’s power by believing that the external way, despite events of a negative nature occurring
is that which has greater precedence than the internal around one. It is of course part of a known reality that
and personal. the Elite come from wherein they know that if they
Work on your own being. Let go of your fears by can keep the people dumbed down and ignorant, keep
facing them, working through them, and holding that them in a negative fearful state, that they can
all will be well, for all will be well. This is seen by this manipulate and control them, using fear as the stick
Awareness. There are many timelines that lead to the that will prod society into the type of reaction those in
new Planet A/B, the new Mother Earth, the new control wish.
collective of humanity, but to reach these places of In this situation, it is imperative to see this and
change that have manifested, one must still go through recognize this as being so, but it is even more
the change that is happening, the change that is important to stay positive, stay hopeful, stay in a state
underway. of mind and emotion that allows one to see the
It can be a most difficult journey if one stays unfolding of the events around them and not be drawn
focused in the external and believes in those who are into them. Being drawn into the negative fearful state
the deceivers, or it can be a relatively easy passage to is truly the objective of those in power in their bid to
the new reality that is forming and is underway. It is maintain control and to misdirect.
always a matter of choice as to how you make the Indeed, there are many now who claim to be
journey: in ease and comfort, or in turmoil and channeling Higher Beings, who claim to be channeling
anxiety. Ascended Masters or extraterrestrial beings and
At this time, this Awareness simply wishes to collectives. Much of this is actually manipulated and
remind all that the changes so long awaited and controlled by those agencies within the secret
anticipated are now underway, and it is now the government, but it must also be remembered that the
personal responsibility of each and every individual to way these ones work is to present certain truths in
allow the changes, to flow with the transformation that order to hook individuals.
is underway, and to always maintain an image, a When one is hooked upon a truth it is easy then to
misguide, to slip in falsehood, lies and deception, for if This Awareness would therefore state that it must be
one holds that this or that source is authentic because it recognized that one comes to a certain point in one’s
has spoken a truth, then it is easier to accept that spiritual evolution that is right for the individual, and
everything spoken by that channeled source is equally if it is right for the individual to accept half truths, for
the truth, and this is a dangerous assumption. This is it is part of their journey still to go further and deeper
why one must be discerning with the information that along that evolutionary path of soul development, and
is received, the information that is read and taken in. what is essential to this is that they deny the truth, do
This particular book has much wisdom contained not question and are not discerning, then this is simply
within it, and if one is open to the wisdom but a reflection of where they are.
intolerant to that which is deception, then one can still For those who are further along the path, it is not
derive much merit from the reading of this book, or that there is superiority, it is not that they are better
any other book or source that speaks of such matters. It than those who deny and do not question, it is simply
is when commands are put forward that one must act where they are, where their soul‘s expression and
irresponsibly or negatively or in a way that could harm manifestation is at that time. This means that there are
one or others, one must understand, “Here is the con! different levels of need for the human experience.
Here is the deception!” Some have the need to experience a reality where they
Equally, when the source of information insists that are enslaved and victims.
one follows what is said and one does not believe There are many who are waking up from this, and
others, for they and they alone have the truth, the there are those who have totally understood this and
whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and all others accepted this and are at a place of higher awareness of
are wrong and should be disregarded and even such matters, but even there, even those who are
destroyed, as some more extreme philosophies would deeply committed to Spirit and to the Light are at the
state—then the true danger is apparent. level they individually need to be at, and that is the
Most of these sources, most of this channeling is of level of their own individual spiritual evolution.
a very subtle nature, and it is sometimes hard to be It is not that this Awareness is saying those who are
able to see the truth of the matter, to take the wisdom, lower in their spiritual understanding are of lesser
but to leave the dross, and one chomps down on the importance. It is not that this Awareness is saying that
bait, hook line and sinker. In this case, this Awareness those who are higher are superior. It is simply that all
would say that it is not quite what the channel are where they need to be. All will come to a point
perceives it to be in her own reception and receiving of where they will be pushed to break through the
the information, yet this Awareness would say of this envelope. Many do not break through but retract or
particular book that there is of course much wisdom stay at that level, but for those who do break through
within. their own beliefs and suppositions of reality, these
Take this wisdom and disregard the dross. Do so in ones do take it to the next level, for they are able to
all other situations, including the situation of the mass walk in more rarified air, and more stratified levels of
media and what it reports. This Awareness has said consciousness.
many times, even of Itself, that one is to question, to If you are one who has reached a point of
hold that which has resonance, which has a feeling of breakthrough, then understand that even though this
rightness to it, but to release and let go of that which might take you into greater understanding and
does not create such a feeling, and which somehow awareness, you will still only be where you need to be.
may cause one to be uncomfortable. It is in accordance to your own spiritual plan and
This is part of that which this Awareness has design.
described as the detector within that allows one to Those who do not see this and do not understand
sense matters, to respond from that level of gut instinct this are nonetheless still where they need to be in their
and intuition. Even the teachings and information of spiritual evolution. An understanding and level of
this Awareness does not suit all, for not all are ready to awareness of this will reduce the level of frustration
hear the truth at such a level and many are not willing that many feel when they have perceived the higher
to question at all and blindly accept all that they are truths and cannot comprehend or understand why
given, especially in terms of mass media reporting. others, even their closest friends and families do not
Herein lies the matter of those souls that are here not see what they, the individual has seen.
to experience Ascension, not to reach enlightenment or It is important to understand that each entity is at
even to put themselves on the path toward their own level. Each has reached their own point of
understanding and enlightenment. The soul has many consciousness in this physical reality. What now exists
reasons for projecting itself into physical reality and is the opportunity for many to break out of the box that
for some it may well be that their soul’s need is to has for so long contained humanity and to create a new
have experiences of deception wherein an individual level of the physical experience, of the human
accepted the deception without question, was not in a experience, but not all have reached this point.
position whereby they were willing to question or to For those who are still stuck in old mindsets, a
be discerning. tolerance is needed, an acceptance is needed, an
Upon the conclusion of this individual’s life and understanding is needed by those who are pushing
their return back into the soul, back to Spirit, there will their boundaries, and who are opening to new levels of
be a recognition of the experience of the lifetime, but reality and their new levels of conscious awareness.
during the life, the recognition is absent for the onus This Awareness is complete in the answering of this
and emphasis is on experience and the experiencing of question.
the situation, even if it is an experience of separation
from Spirit, a situation where one puts one’s powers
into the hands of the controllers and manipulators and
does not stand up, does not resist, does not deny the
ones who are in control.
SEX AND SPIRITUALITY intercourse through intimate bonding, that it is not of a
nature that the male comes as an empty vessel that is
filled by the feminine and carried along by the
The traditional understanding is that the female is
Thank you Awareness. The next question comes the vessel to receive the energies and gifts of the
from JDB. His question is, “I have read that an Indian masculine, and that the masculine is then supported
spiritual teacher said that a sexual relationship between and contained by the vessel of the feminine, and it is
a man and a woman establishes a link or bond that why in that moment of sexual union and intimacy,
remains for months, and across this kind of link, the there is a feeling of wholeness and expansion.
man is being fed spiritually by the woman. This is This can be achieved in a solitary way as well. A
because the woman can get access to spiritual realities male can connect with the feminine within, the vessel
or energies in a natural way that is out of the reach of within, and the female equally can connect with the
the average man.” masculine within, that which gives her an expansion
Would Awareness please comment on this? and power. The truth here is that humanity itself is
approaching this new awareness—this new
COSMIC AWARENESS: understanding that makes each individual responsible
This Awareness would say, this is indeed a for himself or herself and therefore they do not then
document that needs discernment and that needs to be seek in another their answer and their completion.
looked at closely, for it is feeding on certain The philosophy contained in this book, this
perceptions of human sexuality that many are drawn to presentation would not allow this. In fact it curtails
and many hold, but it is a most limiting concept that is even the examination of this discovery of the blended
being expressed here, and one that can lead to male/female with the opposite that is within
enslavement, one that denies the male capacity for themselves. It curtails the expansion in consciousness
self-awareness and self-realization. that each might achieve in the investigation of their
This Awareness would say that the human individuality and wholeness, their spiritual wholeness
experience of the bonding of the male and female that as well.
is achieved through sex and sexuality is of a very This Awareness therefore, cannot support the
strong nature, a primordial state indeed, but it is much, premises of this book, for it is a much more complex
much deeper and much more powerful than what is matter, and while it is possible through sex and sexual
perceived by most. Most think that it takes their intercourse to reach heights that cannot normally be
opposite gender to find completion, and as a male, one reached on one’s own in terms of sexual satisfaction, it
needs a female to become whole. It is a basis of does not mean that one cannot reach heights within
society that wholeness is achieved only when this oneself of spiritual awareness, spiritual integration of
bonding occurs; when the male and the female join the masculine and the feminine. Respect and honor the
together in sex. opposite gender. Accept and honor that one is
This of course is in reference to intercourse. There complete, one is whole.
are those who hold that only intercourse is sex. This is When one understands this concept, when one takes
incorrect. This is a side issue that this Awareness will responsibility for oneself and accepts ownership of
not go into deeply at this time, but it is so that at the one’s own life and does not make another responsible
moment of conjunction, at the moment of unity and for his or her own completion and fulfillment, freedom
the joining of two bodies, there is an energetic act that is achieved. When one is a responsible individual, free
occurs. There is a blending of the male and female in of entanglements and beliefs that another must support
that moment of deepest intimacy. them and fulfill them and complete them, that
This book, this philosophy holds that this lasts for individual is then capable of moving further along in
weeks and months afterwards and that the male can awareness and understanding.
receive afterwards spiritual influence through the Furthermore, when one has achieved such
feminine. This is partially correct. The assumption it is independence and awareness, when one then comes
so however, is erroneous. It must be understood that it into a relationship with another who is equally free and
is always a two-way street here. The female also whole and complete, that which is created in this
receives from the male certain energies, certain coupling is much greater than two half individuals
properties that allow her to find a completion, an coming together seeking in each other their completion
expansion, and a fulfillment. and fulfillment.
The sexual energies are mutual, but unfortunately, The sum total of two whole individuals who have
this philosophy in this document holds that the male is come together is much greater than that which is the
bereft of the capacity to expand spiritually and it must result of current philosophies of such matters—the
happen through a traditional heterosexual relationship philosophy of need and neediness, the philosophy of
for a man to achieve any measure of spiritual growth. irresponsibility: expecting others to provide for one the
This is completely false. For one thing, this does not keys for one’s own development.
recognize or acknowledge that each human being is This is a matter of great importance. Society itself is
complete and whole within himself or herself. It does beginning to face this, but there are still many taboos
not acknowledge that the male has the feminine within against sex and sexual understanding and awareness.
him, or that the feminine has the male within her. Unfortunately, this particular book that is being asked
Holding that this completion and spiritual about is not one that accelerates the understanding of
expansion can only be attained through the feminine is the sexual energies or human consciousness. It is one
to deny the masculine, is to demote it into a most that in fact enslaves and retards such growth and
subservient position. This understanding does not development.
serve and it must be understood that while something This Awareness cannot and does not recommend
of union is created and achieved through sexual this particular book or this philosophy. This completes
the answering of this very complex question. There is simply that the low self, the subconscious is
so much more in regards to this matter and this responding, and part of the response is the issuance of
Awareness welcomes future questions on this topic noises that are to break the ice so to speak, to let the
and of this subject. son know she is aware he is coming, and this is why
she unconsciously is making sounds.
MOM DISTURBS SON WITH UNCANNY It does not have to do with her being consciously
VOCAL SOUND EFFECTS afraid. It has much to do with certain personal
experiences she had as a child where she learned to
make sounds so that those who were approaching her
Thank you Awareness. And now a question from JL: knew she was there, so that no harm could come. This
He says, “My mom likes to make sounds and noises is a very deep and personal issue that this Awareness
whenever I enter from this space to that space, and the does not wish to go into any deeper.
timing is very precise, whenever she hears my It is simply saying to JL that what he is picking up
footsteps coming, for instance from the kitchen to the is his own reaction to this unconscious fear that is
living room or vice versa. From my intelligence, the being expressed by his mother, and he knows he is not
ordinary male could not perform this feat like the a danger or a threat and he is somewhat affected then
female does. Could Awareness please comment on this by the sounds that she is making unconsciously. It is
particular female mentality behavior consciousness, all played out at a very unconscious level here, and he
their purpose behind the behavior—to enlighten us? It is to have forbearance and tolerance and
makes me feel very fearful. Thank you.” understanding.
COSMIC AWARENESS: This situation is a personal one between his mother
and himself, and there is nothing wrong here. It is
This Awareness indicates first and foremost, the simply an example of how the low self may respond in
individual is making an assumption. This individual JL certain situations; a response that the conscious mind
is making the assumption that all females have this, is not even necessarily aware of. He too then responds
and that males do not. This is untrue. This is at an unconscious level and is uncomfortable with the
inaccurate. What he must understand is that it is situation. He is not to project this as something that
simply a personal experience with his mother than he applies to all females, for it most certainly does not!
is having, and it is his mother that is responding this But he is to be congratulated for understanding that
way. It is not so of all females across the board, nor is this unconscious response of his mother is troubling to
it truly a matter of something to be fearful of. It is him and upsets him.
personal, in that JL is personally affected by this
unconscious action of his mother and it is making him Now he needs to develop a deeper compassion for
uncomfortable, and he is therefore projecting this as a his mother, and if he wishes can project to his mother
trait of the feminine across the board. as he is approaching that all is well and that she is
well, and the situation will go well. This should help
It simply is not so. However, what is true is that his certainly for JL himself, as he releases and lets go of
mother is responding to him and his approach to her his own personal apprehension in such situations. This
space and into her space from an unconscious level. completes this answer.
This Awareness does not see that she herself is even
aware that she makes such noises. This Awareness WAS MOHAMMED GROOMED BY THE
also states that it is a very personal matter, a
subconscious matter as well that is at play here. The EARLY CATHOLIC CHURCH TO UNITE
mother is hearing sounds of an approaching individual, ARABS AGAINST JEWS AND TRUE
and she has within her certain subconscious CHRISTIANS?
parameters and beliefs upon the hearing of the
approach of another. QUESTIONER:
Even if consciously she realized it was her son, it is Thank you, Awareness. The next question is from
not from this conscious level this woman is responding LJ, and she has come across some readings that state
from. It is from the internal, it is from the that many of the people surrounding Mohammed were
subconscious. It is in a fear response to the hearing of early Arab Catholics, including the brother of the older
sound that indicates someone is approaching. Added to widow that Mohammed married. Mohammed was
this, there is unconscious or low self recognition of groomed by elements within the Catholic Church to
who the individual is that is approaching, and thus the unite the non-Catholic Arabs as a force against the
sounds are aligned to this understanding. They are Jews and the true Christians that the Catholic Church
expressive of the inner state and recognition that the was working to suppress, so that they could take back
son is coming into the room and this Awareness would Jerusalem.
say that they are sounds that are reflective of a fear This force eventually became too powerful and “out
state of the subconscious. of control” of the leaders in Rome, and this was the
This is generally first and foremost the fear of true origin of the Crusades: an attempt by the Catholic
approaching strangers, then secondarily, fear of the Church to put the Genie back in the bottle, so to speak.
son as he approaches, her space being intruded upon. It Would Awareness please comment?
is an apprehension of the situation. This Awareness
wishes to be clear here. It is not that the mother is COSMIC AWARENESS:
afraid of the son. It is more than she has at a This question and what it is asking can be seen and
subconscious level an internalized fear of ones that understood on two levels. There is first the historical
approach her, the apprehension of some exchange that accuracy of this claim, the accuracy of a hidden group
might be distasteful or harmful. in power trying to control and manipulate a situation to
This is at a very unconscious level and this their advantage. This was the early power of the
Awareness does not wish JL to understand by what is Catholic Church, and it could be said that there was an
being said here that the mother is fearful of him. It is attempt to unify the Arabs under a more Christianized
belief system that could then be used to favor the early of the Kabaa. The black stone is a Muslim relic, which
church, to be used against those of the Jewish faith and according to Islamic tradition dates back to the time of
to recapture Jerusalem. Adam and Eve.
From this historical point of view it would also then Some Muslims believe this stone fell from the sky at
be accurate that what was created left their control and the time of Adam and Eve and that it has the power to
became something worse than the situation with the cleanse worshipers of their sins by absorbing the sins
Jews and the control of Jerusalem at that time. It into it. What is immediately apparent upon seeing this
became an intolerable situation. The Genie was indeed relic is the obvious likeness to the female aspect. The
released from the bottle, but the Genie could not be stone and the casing resemble a vagina or a vulva.
recaptured and stuck back into the bottle, even though It has been said that the misogynist anti-woman
there were attempts through military operations, those Muslim religion has its origin in goddess worship—
operations now known as the Crusades to do this, to that Allah is a revamped version of the ancient
regain control, to return the Genie back to the bottle. goddess Al’Lat, and that it was her shrine in the
It could not be done, and thus another religion beginning. Researchers have noted that the Kabaa is
became available upon this planet. This is one point of accurately aligned on two heavenly phenomenon, the
view and understanding. Another is the understanding cycles of the moon and the rising of Canopus, the
that this was part of a much greater plan, a much brightest star of Sirius.” Her questions are: Why is
greater design for humanity and for this planet, and there such a focus around the Kabaa in Mecca? What
from the higher levels of Spirit it was seen and known is it about the Kabaa that makes it so important?
that the creation of this religion would create future
situations centuries down the road that would be used COSMIC AWARENESS:
for the purpose of those times to advance humanity, to This Awareness will seek to answer this, for there is
create situations that would be necessary at those times much involved here. This Awareness will start by
to assist the evolutionary process. explaining that the Kabaa is not earthly in nature. It
Therefore, even though the actual actions may have comes from beyond. It has connections with
been through the authority of the early Catholic extraterrestrial ones, those who were formerly known
Church that was the ‘present power’ for those times, as the gods of ancient times. These ones would be the
there is a much deeper reason and purpose. This is Anunnaki, those ones who came hundreds of
how it is. One can always identify the circumstances thousands of years ago to this planet and have been
that have created situations, but seldom is it taken any here since. They have genetically engineered modern
further. Seldom is there an understanding that perhaps humans and have placed themselves in positions of
there are even greater forces at play behind the scenes. Godship—gods and goddesses that controlled the early
This is across the board. This happens time and time peoples.
again. It is happening now in these present times. This stone, which has its connections to those
Certain situations worldwide are playing themselves ancient times, is not of this earth and is recognized by
out. They can be understood from their political and these ones who are devout Muslims, those who had
economic sources. They can be understood from the ascribed to this black stone certain properties and
point of those in power manipulating and controlling, characteristics and sanctity. This stone does hold much
but seldom is it ever presented that perhaps there is an power on the practicing Muslims and is an object of
ulterior design behind this, an ulterior and higher their faith, an object that can be touched and interacted
purpose behind the events that are unfolding. with.
Therefore, this Awareness would conclude by There is that tradition that this sacred stone will
stating it is imperative that when one is observing the absorb their sins. In an act of devotion and ritual—that
present situations that are unfolding, one always being the circling of the stone itself 7 times in the Hajj,
remembers there is purpose and design behind the that will absolve the individual of their sin. This is
actual actions themselves. akin to the Christian belief that Jesus was a living
This Awareness is complete in the answering of this touchstone and he would take the sins of the world
question. upon his shoulders.
For many, the relic of crucifixion of Jesus on the
THE MYSTERIOUS BLACK STONE OF cross has a similar quality to it than what is achieved
KABAA: AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL by those who go to Mecca to the pilgrimage, the Hajj,
and the Christian ones who hold this do their own
ARTIFACT WORSHIPED BY THE form of ritualization of this philosophy and thought;
MUSLIMS they have their own active faith as they go to their
churches and worship the icon of the individual Jesus
QUESTIONER: upon the Cross.
Thank you Awareness. The next series of questions It is not as dramatic perhaps as making a pilgrimage
is also from LJ. They concern the mysterious black to Mecca. It is but a pilgrimage to one’s own local
stone of Kabaa. The background is the Hajj pilgrimage church. But nonetheless, the energy is similar for it is a
to Mecca, one of the great religious observances in belief that these relics contain power, a power to take
Islam. People often associate the Hajj with the familiar away sins, to absolve the sinful and to align them with
image of devout Muslims making the journey to the Higher Spirit, that being the spirit of their faith.
Kabaa, and seven times circling the ancient stone This Mecca, this point of attraction has ancient
building toward which they pray. What is less roots, but has been used subsequently as a place to
commonly known is the presence of a holy relic, bring individuals together so that the energies released
literally a cornerstone, that is part of the worship. during the mass-movement of the throngs of people
“The origins of the dark stone remain a mystery, not around this touchstone, this black sacred stone or relic,
only to the Muslims, but also to geologists, scientists can be harvested, can be used.
and historians alike. This is referring to the black stone This is that which is known as the Egregore, a
concept well understood by those in power. The or UFO base beneath or tied to Mecca?
Catholic Church for example, uses the Egregore to
draw energy from. Thus it is that at any time of the day COSMIC AWARENESS:
there are somewhere devotees who are gathered in This Awareness indicates this is in the affirmative.
prayer in churches around the world, and the primary There is seen an underground base, an ancient base
day for this is Sunday for most. The point is that the extending back millennia. It is even now active,
collection of masses for the one purpose: to extend although it is not understood or recognized and has not
their religious need and beliefs, to project their been exposed. However, there are those in the know
energies is that which is utilized by the Catholic that are aware of this ancient alien base that lies
Church. beneath Mecca.
This is similar to the Hajj, to the gathering of This Awareness would also state that such
pilgrims, to their march around the sacred relic, the underground bases are contained under many of the
touching, the movement of the energies that are there gathering center points of various religions and various
and released and utilized by those who have the power groups. Thus there are bases under Rome, and
knowledge of how to do this. These are arcane under Salt Lake City. These bases extend into the
teachings. This knowledge is deeply protected so that mountain ranges in Utah. This underground complex
the understanding of what is also being done here is is worldwide, and there are many tunnels that stem
not readily available for the masses for it is understood from the most ancient times that connect these
that if it is seen and comprehended that they are being different centers and bases. It is so with Mecca, and
used, there may be a response and a rejection of this. the base that exists there as well.
But as it stands at this time, the Kabaa, the black This completes the answering of this question.
stone, the sacred relic, has a deep history, and is
connected to the gods and goddesses of ancient times. Extraterrestrial Forces Related to Mecca
At one point it was goddess worship, and the imagery
seen within the rock, the vulva/vagina is part of a time
of goddess worship, so old is this rock, this relic. This If there are extraterrestrial forces related to Mecca,
has been taken over, if you will, by later are they working with the Orion/ Reptilian
developments, and this site became known as a sacred /Zionist/Banker system forces?
place, one where magic could occur, where sins could
be absolved, where one could practice their devotion COSMIC AWARENESS:
to their god that was real and pertinent. This Awareness indicates that this is so. The
This sacred place is one of many—Jerusalem being facilities under Mecca are connected via these tubes or
another for many religions around the world: the tunnels to such areas as Jerusalem and Damascus and
Catholics, the Jews, and the Muslims. There are other other areas in the Middle East and then beyond. This
sites as well; Rome being the Mecca for the Catholics; Awareness would also state that this is still part of the
Salt Lake City being the Mecca for Mormons. Such underground power structure of those in power, of the
sites are necessary for power groups that work along Elite Cabal. There are many underground bases that
religious lines. This completes the answering of this are active at this time. This completes the answering of
portion of the question. this question.
The Sirius Connection QUESTIONER: