Robin Hood Strategic Inflection Point v7pdf
Robin Hood Strategic Inflection Point v7pdf
This case was written by Professor Terrance Power, Royal Roads University. It was prepared to provide material for class 1
discussion and publication. The author does not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial
situation. The author may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Robin “robbed the rich and gave to the poor,” redistributing this wealth to the villagers, who
quickly became loyal supporters and more importantly protectors, of Robin’s activity.
In the early days his chief lieutenants, sharing the enmity towards Prince John and the Sheriff,
found their values and their goals perfectly aligned with Robins’.
Littlejohn – who stood a full foot higher than Robin quickly
became the ‘sergeant major’ of the band, responsible for training
and enforcing discipline. Robin treated him as his chief lieutenant
and second in command. As a seven-foot warrior, skilled with
bow and quarterstaff, it was not often any Robin’s Merry Men
challenged Littlejohn in a serious way. Robin’s first encounter
with Little John was over a small tree bridge across a stream,
where neither would yield to the other to be the first to cross. They
exchanged a few blows with their staffs… and within moments
Robin was in the water looking up. That was a bonding minute for
Will Scarlett – a good man, often hot-headed, and fond of wearing red silk attire. He was one of
the few swordsmen in England to fight with a sword in both hands. He had been the humorous
friend and companion of Robin from the beginning. Indeed, there was some evidence he was the
illegitimate half-brother of Robin of Locksley. Scarlet was responsible for the financial affairs of
the band.
Woodcut of Maid Marian, from a 17th-century broadside
This case was written by Professor Terrance Power, Royal Roads University. It was prepared to provide material for class 2
discussion and publication. The author does not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial
situation. The author may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Friar Tuck – a jovial well fed soul who liked the daily ration of ale. Some
even suggest he was Irish. The author Cahill argues it was during this
period that the Irish monks were purported to have saved Western
civilization1. Tuck was a former cleric from St. Mary’s Abbey in York,
who had been expelled from his order because of his lack of respect for
Like his first meeting with Littlejohn, Robin again encountered a water
obstacle. The friar happened to be sitting by a tree eating a recently
cooked small bird when Robin demanded, at the point of his dagger, to get
across the stream without getting wet. Tuck reluctantly commenced
carrying Robin across the water. About midstream the Friar dropped
Robin into the water, and by the time Robin recovered the dagger was in Tuck’s hand. The Friar
then insisted that Robin carry him back to the shoreline – a difficult task for Robin as the Friar
weighed almost twice as much as he did. Again, a bonding exercise.
"The friar took Robin on his back" Illustration by Louis Rhead to Bold Robin Hood and His Outlaw Band: Their Famous
Friar Tuck became the confidant of all in the Merry Band and acted as their chaplain and mentor.
His other function, that he quite enjoyed, was that of quartermaster, ensuring that the
organization had sufficient provisions. Part of the job description of course was to taste
everything prior to serving it up!
The growing state of tyranny in England was exacerbated when King Richard’s ship, returning
from the holy lands, encountered bad weather and was wrecked. The king and his party now
faced a dangerous land route on the return home. In England, Prince John was determined not to
have his brother take back the reins of power, and posted lookouts at all ports and main roads to
prevent the king’s return. Richard was aware of this and disguised himself and a small party as
Knights Templers. Unfortunately, the Duke of Austria captured both Richard and his party
shortly before Christmas 1192, near Vienna. A year later Richard, still a prisoner, was transferred
by Henry VI of the Holy Roman Empire. Henry VI demanded 100,000 pounds of silver as
ransom for Richard’s release.
How The Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe is a non-fiction historical
book (1995) written by Thomas Cahill.
Cahill argues a case for the Irish people's critical role in preserving Western Civilization from utter destruction by the Huns and
the Germanic tribes (Visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Ostrogoths, etc.). The book retells the story from the collapse of the Roman Empire and the pivotal role
played by members of the clergyat the time. A particular focus is placed upon Saint Patrick and retells his early struggles through slavery; basically retelling portions
of The Confession of Saint Patrick. Early parts of the book examine Ireland before Patrick and the role of Saint Augustine of Canterbury. Particular focus is placed
upon Saint Columba and the monks he trained and the monasteries he set up in the Hiberno-Scottish mission. These holy men, according to Cahill, "single-handedly
refounded European civilization throughout the continent." (p. 4) See
This case was written by Professor Terrance Power, Royal Roads University. It was prepared to provide material for class 3
discussion and publication. The author does not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial
situation. The author may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
Prince John had been left as administrator to govern England until Richard returned from the
Crusades. The King could not return until the ransom was paid; Prince John, unpopular,
paranoid, and increasingly fearful of being removed from his Chief magistrate’s position wanted
none of that, and covertly made increasing efforts to ensure the ransom was not raised. He
strengthened the Sheriff of Nottingham’s resources, and prodded the Sheriff to become more
robust in preserving the king’s game and collecting the ever-increasing taxes. All communities in
England were experiencing severe tax fatigue.
The Barons secretly conspired to raise the funds to enable Richard’s return. The oppressive taxes
made it difficult for them to raise the enormous sum of 100,000 pounds of silver. They needed
allies. Indeed, it was these Barons who revolted towards the end of John’s reign by forcing King
John, after the death of King Richard, to sign the Magna Carta in 1215. This document forms the
grounding for the Constitution of England and most Anglo-Saxon countries.
Robin and his small band of colleagues, so successful in their early days, increasingly had
volunteers coming from distant villages to join up. Unfortunately many of the newcomers were
not motivated by the same values as Robin and ‘the old guard;’ many simply wanted a better
quality of life than they had in their villages.
The organization’s symptoms of entropy were readily identified. The band was getting so large
that often Robin commented he knew very few of those coming and going. Friar Tuck
increasingly complained about the challenge of putting enough provisions aside for winter, to
sustain the organization. And to make matters worse, Will Scarlett noted revenues were falling
and all expenditures were up. This left little of the liberated taxes available for distribution to
villagers. The Sheriff of Nottingham’s tyrannical activities had dramatically increased, making it
difficult to maintain secrecy in Sherwood Forest, and large rewards were placed on the heads of
Robin and his key lieutenants. Littlejohn and Robin discussed, with increasing frequency, the
actions of the new guard. The additional men were now robbing almost every rich traveller who
entered Sherwood Forest. It seemed the organizational structure was breaking down. As result,
many travellers were now seeking alternative routes. It was not a healthy organization!
Two days previously, Maid Marion had arranged for a visit by a small representative group from
the Barons, who proposed to Robin that he join the conspiracy against Prince John. It was one
thing to be in outlaw --- it was another to be caught for treason. The barons promised their full
support to obtain a pardon for Robin and the return his ancestral lands, if he joined their initiative
and assisted in raising the $100,000 pounds of silver, to gain freedom for King Richard.
Certainly getting King Richard back on the throne of England was a driving motivator for Robin.
But, Robin thought, what would happen to his loyal lieutenants, his old guard, and the new
guard? Did he owe them a duty? What were the advantages and disadvantages of this proposal?
What business models were available - licensing, franchising? And that raised the question of
succession planning. He needed a framework of the advantages and disadvantages of the options
This case was written by Professor Terrance Power, Royal Roads University. It was prepared to provide material for class 4
discussion and publication. The author does not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial
situation. The author may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
available. There seemed no end to the variables that needed to be considered at this strategic
inflection point. Possibly, Robin said to himself, some business modelling may help in selecting
the options.
During these discussions one of the barons had suggested that the Sheriff of Nottingham be
assassinated. This would bring some relief to the barons, as well as to the villagers. Robin
considered, and asked himself if there was merit in that argument. Surely that would end the
growing strength of the Sheriff and bring relief… or would it?
Robin felt Maid Marion’s hand on his shoulder, announcing it was dinner time. Robin got to his
feet and thought of these events, recognizing it was a strategic inflection point for the
organization. Increasingly, Robin questioned if they could they maintain robbing the rich to give
to the poor. What were the problems and issues he would have to face? What strategies / action
plans would he have to craft? Using the waterfall method, what actions and steps would have to
be undertaken to execute these plans? And which ones should they pursue?
After dinner, Robin assembled his small team. He opened with the comment, “I’ve asked you,
my trusted lieutenants, to help me reconfirm or replace our vision, and provide a way forward
from this strategic inflection point.” He asked each of them for their recommendations and
This case was written by Professor Terrance Power, Royal Roads University. It was prepared to provide material for class 5
discussion and publication. The author does not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial
situation. The author may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.