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Court Appeal 2013 26

This document is a judgment from the Court of Appeal of Uganda regarding a land dispute. It summarizes that the appellant had entered into an agreement to sell land to the respondent bank, but was unable to transfer legal title. The agreement included a clause for the appellant to refund the purchase price if unable to transfer title. The trial court dismissed the appellant's case. The Court of Appeal must now determine whether the trial court's decision can be supported after re-evaluating the evidence, with consideration given to not seeing the witnesses directly.
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Court Appeal 2013 26

This document is a judgment from the Court of Appeal of Uganda regarding a land dispute. It summarizes that the appellant had entered into an agreement to sell land to the respondent bank, but was unable to transfer legal title. The agreement included a clause for the appellant to refund the purchase price if unable to transfer title. The trial court dismissed the appellant's case. The Court of Appeal must now determine whether the trial court's decision can be supported after re-evaluating the evidence, with consideration given to not seeing the witnesses directly.
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(Appeal from the Judgment of His Lordship Justice Rubby Aweri Opio in HCCS No. 348 of 2001
5 given at Kampala on the 6th day of July 2005)

NIPUN NORATTAM BHATIA ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: APPELLANT


CRANE BANK LIMITED :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::





15Background to this Appeal, as set out by the respondent is as follows.

The Appellant sued the Respondent in the High Court of Uganda seeking an order
of vacant possession of the Land situate at Plot 1 Martin Road, Old Kampala
(hereinafter referred to as ‘the suit Property’) and a declaration that the ownership
of the said land had reverted to the estate of the Late Narottam Bhatia. The
20Appellant sued in his representative capacity as the holder of letters of

administration of the estate of the late Narottam Bhatia. The late Narottam Bhatia
had entered into a sale agreement with the Respondent in respect of the suit
property on the 17th April, 1996 in which he agreed to sell the suit property to the
Respondent at US$ 75,000/= (United States Dollars Seventy Five Thousand) half
25of which was paid on execution of the agreement and the balance was to be paid on

delivery of the title deed in the Respondent’s name. Clause 2 of the sale agreement

stipulated that the Vendor would indemnify the Purchaser from any loss or damage
suffered as a result of any defect in the Vendor’s title to the suit property.

The late Narottam Bhatia was a sole beneficiary of the suit property under a trust
created by the registered proprietors now deceased. Having failed to trace the trust
5deed, the late Narottam Bhatia claimed he had failed to transfer the title to the

Respondent and decided to invoke Clause 2 above. The Respondent declined the
refund and hence the suit in the High Court. The trial judge dismissed the suit with
costs and entered judgment in favour of the Respondent on the Counterclaim.

The appellant set out seven grounds in his Memorandum of Appeal as follows.

10 1. The learned trial judge erred in law and in fact in finding that the
appellant was not entitled to invoke clause 2 of the sale agreement.
2. The learned trial judge erred in law and in fact in finding that the
appellant was in breach of its contractual obligations under the sale
15 3. The learned trial judge erred in fact and in law in finding that the
respondent was not a trespasser on the suit land.
4. The learned trial judge erred in law in granting the respondent an order
of specific performance in addition to an award of general damages.
5. The learned trial judge erred in law in giving simultaneously and in the
20 same matter, two alternative and contradictory judgments resulting in a
miscarriage of justice.
6. The learned trial judge erred in awarding the sum of US $20,000/= in
general damages which amount was excessive in the circumstances.
7. The learned trial judge erred in law and in fact in granting the
25 respondent an exorbitant interest rate of 36% per annum compounded

weekly on the dollar amount of $37,500/= that he had awarded as
special damages in his alternative judgment.

He seeks an order of this Court setting aside the judgment of the High Court and
substituting it with an order in favour of the appellant as prayed in the plaint.

5During the hearing the Appellant was represented by Mr. E. Byenkya while the

Respondent was represented by Mr. Ronald Tusingwire.

It is the duty of the first appellate court to reappraise or re-evaluate the entire
evidence on record and make its own finding of fact on the issues while giving
allowance for the fact that it had not seen the witnesses as they testified before it
10can decide on whether the decision of the trial court can be supported. See:

Mujuni Ruhenba vs. Skanka Jensen Ltd Court of Appeal Civil Appeal No. 56
of 2000 (unreported).

During the hearing counsel for the appellant chose to argue grounds 1, 2 and 3
together since they all related to the issue whether or not the Appellant could
15invoke Clause 2 of the Agreement. There are two Clause 2 of the agreement of sale

of land dated 12th April 1996 (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”). This
was clearly a drafting problem. However, the operative Clause 2 for these purposes
is found at page 2 of the agreement and reads;

“...the vendor undertakes to indemnify the purchaser for any loss or damage
20 suffered as a result of any defect in the vendor’s title to the property which
may prevent the purchaser from acquiring legal title to the same or from
acquiring quiet possession of the same, and in such event a full refund shall
be effected and the property shall revert fully to the vendor...”

Counsel for the appellant (plaintiff in the lower court) submitted that the learned
judge wrongly found that the appellant did not have a defect in the title to the suit
property which prevented him from transferring the said property into the names of
the Respondent Bank (defendant in the lower court). He further submitted that it
5was known by all the parties that Mr. Nipun Bhatia did not have legal but rather

equitable title to the suit property and therefore its perfection into a legal transfer
was always in issue that is why the parties inserted clause 2 in the agreement. The
suit property was held in trust for his late father however the actual trust deed had
been lost.

10Counsel for the Appellant pointed out that even though his client was the vendor,

the suit property was actually in the hands of a third party the family of the late Col
Moses Nyanzi (alias Drago) and that the respondent bank wanted to buy it for the
said person.

Counsel for the Respondent submitted that it was not true that the appellant did not
15undertake enough efforts to transfer the property to the respondent bank but rather

all attempts to effect the transfer failed and that is why the appellant invoked
clause 2 of the agreement.

Counsel for the Respondent submitted that the learned trial judge rightly found that
the appellant did not undertake sufficient efforts to transfer the suit property. This
20is because the Registrar of Titles had written to the appellants that they could have

used the procedure under Sections 134 and 166 of the Registration of Titles Act
(Cap hereinafter referred to as “The RTA”), there was therefore no basis in learned
counsel’s view for the appellants to invoke clause 2.

Counsel for the Respondent however, conceded that the family of the late Col
25Nyanzi (Drago) was in possession of the suit property.

I have had the opportunity to review the submissions of both counsels and the
record of the court below. The purpose of the agreement was to transfer legal title
from the appellant to the respondent.

Legal title signifies “a trite that evidences apparent ownership but does not
5necessarily signify full and complete title or a beneficial interest”. BLACK’S

LAW DICTIONARY, NINTH EDITION (Bryan A. Garner, Ed). The effect of

a trust is to separate legal title and administrative authority of particular property
from the beneficial title or equitable interest in that same property. In this case, a
trust created by the appellant grandfather made Mrs. Suman Kara the trustee and
10the appellant’s father the beneficiary. Therefore, the legal title to the property at

interest remains in the trust and the appellant’s aunt retains administrative rights
over it. Without a determination by the court or consent of Mrs. Kara, the appellant
has been and continues to be unable to convey full legal title to a purchaser.

The agreement that the parties signed creates rights and obligations in two distinct
15stages. First, an agreement to sell creates the corresponding obligations to convey

title and render payment. This stage culminates in the closing, where title is
actually transferred. Suit may be brought for a breach of contract, and the remedies
for contractual breach apply.

The second is after title is transferred, the buyer may acquire different rights based
20on the title deed. In this stage, the buyer may be entitled to protections from

liability as a bona-fide purchaser for value without notice.

Here the seller may also be obligated to indemnify the buyer from various third
party claims or later discovered defects.

In this case, these two stages are continuously confused and conflated. The
25“agreement of sale” purports to immediately transfer “all the property herein

described to hold absolutely without encumbrances”. (See 47 of the record of
proceedings in the High Court). Thus, not only is the distinction between a contract
to sell property and the actual transfer of title completely ignored, but Appellant
also attempts to convey a greater ownership interest than he had at the time.

5Thus, the contract may either be treated as void and unenforceable in its entirety,

or it may be treated as a mere contract for the sale of land and not as an actual
conveyance of property. Assuming the latter approach, there are several issues that
this case presents.

Looking at the evidence as a whole it appears unlikely that the title in this
10agreement could be perfected under Section 166 of the RTA as there is no trust

deed as it is said to be lost and Section 134 of the RTA does not apply because the
appellant as Administrator of his father’s estate could not be registered as a
proprietor of the suit property when his late father was only a beneficiary of the
same under a trust that had been created by the registered proprietors that had gone

There is also the question of possession. A review of the evidence clearly shows
that the suit property was neither in the possession of the appellant as vendor and
ultimately the respondent bank as purchaser but rather the property has been for
along time and continues to be in the possession of the third party the family of the
20late Lt. Col. Nyanzi. This is a clear encumbrance. The agreement was therefore

concluded above this reality on the ground possibly as a way to regain possession
of the suit property from the third party who nobody was willing to tackle head on.

It is therefore not in doubt that there was a high possibility that this agreement for
the above reasons would go into default and this is where clause 2 of the agreement
25comes in.

Clause 2.2 provided the remedy in case of a specific type of contractual breach.
This interpretation is supported by the language specifying those defects “which
may prevent the purchaser from acquiring legal title......”.If the defect was such as
to “prevent” the purchaser from acquiring title, then It would seem by implication
5that the transfer of title would not take place. This to my mind is the reasonable

interpretation reading the contract as a whole. It is clear from Clauses 1-2 in the
contract specifically 2(b) that Vendor was obligated to convey title to Purchaser
and register it in Purchaser’s name, “having discharged all encumbrances

10Thus, a failure to convey title would be a breach of contract. Moreover, it seems

illogical to draft an agreement whereby the same act (refusing to convey title)
would be both a breach of the contract and permitted by the contract. Thus clause
2.2 prescribed the remedy in case of such a breach to be refund and reversion
(essentially rescinding the contract).

15Applying this interpretation then Appellant did in fact breach the contract by

failing to deliver legal title. However, Respondent’s remedy is limited to the refund
provided for by the contract. Conversely, Appellant was entitled to a return of all
property transferred, but in this case neither the vendor nor the purchaser ever had
physical possession of the suit property so there was no physical property to return
20or give up.

In relation to ground 1 the learned judge did err when he found that the appellant
could not invoke clause 2 of the sales agreement.

In relation to ground 2 the learned judge was correct in his findings that the
appellant was in breach of its contractual obligations under the agreement of sale.

In relation to ground three since physical possession was in the hands of a third
party, it was not possible for the respondent bank to be a trespasser.

The appellant then argued grounds 4, 5, 6 and 7 together as remedies. Counsel for
the appellant submitted that the learned Judge gave two judgments in one which
5made it difficult to enforce. He further submitted that general damages should not

have been awarded because there was no order for specific performance. In this
regard he relied on the Judgment of Wroth vs. Fothergill [1874] 1 All ER 897.

Counsel for the appellant further submitted that the interest awarded was too high
at 36% pa with weekly rests on the US Dollars.

10Counsel for the respondent submitted in reply that the learned judge correctly

applied his discretion in granting general damages as there had been breach of
contract by the appellant. He also found no fault with the interest awarded as it was
in line with what Banks at the time were charging.

I have considered the submission of both counsel and also perused the record of
15the trial court.

I think the appellant is uncertain of what he wants to achieve by this appeal, or he

probably misunderstood the judgment of the High Court.

My understanding of that judgment is that it was in favour of the respondent. It

directed the appellant to opt for one of the two orders of Court. The orders as set
20out in the decree are as follows:

a) A declaration that the defendant is in lawful possession of the suit land

situate at Plot 1 Martin Road, Old Kampala.
b) An order of specific performance against the plaintiff
c) General damages for inconvenience to the tune of US 20,000/=

d) In the alternative: Special damages of USD 37,500/= plus interest at 36%
per annum with weekly rests from 17th April, 1996 until payment in full.

Although the decree is framed in accordance with the orders of the trial judge as
they appear at P.2 of his judgment, the order itself does not reflect the whole
5picture. At P.21 of His judgment page 134 of the record of appeal the learned trial

judge states as follows;

“As regards specific performance, it is clear that plaintiff neglected and or

refused to invoke the provision of the Registration of Titles Act and the
Succession Act to effect transfer of the property into the names of the
10 defendant. I accordingly order the plaintiff to make use of the above
provisions in order to fulfill his obligations under the sale agreement.

In the alternative if the defendant is bent on the property he should

indemnify the purchaser for the loss and damage suffered”.

It’s clear to me that the Judge gave the appellant two alternatives and not two
15judgments as Mr. Byenkya submitted in this Court.

The first alternative was for the appellant to go back and exhaust all legal avenues
available to him in order to perfect the title. That is to transfer the title into the
names of the respondent. The learned judge had already held that the respondent
was in lawful possession. Because of the inconvenience caused to the respondent
20by the appellant in delaying to have the title transferred the judge awarded the

respondent USD 20,000/= as general damages.

In the alternative, the appellant was free to repossess the property, refund USD
37,500/= with interest at 36%per annum with weekly rests from 17 th April, 1996
until payment in full. This is my understanding of the judgment of court. The

appellant chose the second alternative. That is to refund the money and pay interest
on it, then repossess the property.

The appeal as I understand it is made only in respect of interest. The appellant is

willing and asserts he has at all material times been willing to refund the money
5but the respondent had rejected the refund.

He now appeals only against the interest rate and the mode of calculation of
interest. It is the appellant’s case that interest at 36% per annum on United States
Dollar is too high. That fact that it is compounded weekly, makes it even higher.
As far as I can determine, that is all this court is required to determine in this

I agree that interest at 36% per annum or dollars in far too high. The learned judge
did not state the basis of decision in this regard.

Counsel for the respondent submitted that, the judge was right to award punitive
interest. But the judge did not say that the interest was punitive and why.

15The award of interest is guided by established principles. Either it is the court rate,

or commercial rate, or central bank rate. At least there ought to have been a
guideline. This is especially so as the Civil Procedure Act prevents courts from
enforcing payment of interest that is harsh and unconscionable.

Section 26 of the Civil Procedure Act provides as follows:

20 26. Interest.

1. Where an agreement for the payment of interest is sought to be

enforced, and the court is of opinion that the rate agreed to be paid is
harsh and unconscionable and ought not to be enforced by legal

process, the court may give judgment for the payment of interest at
such rate as it may think just.
2. Where and insofar as a decree is for the payment of money, the court
may, in the decree, order interest at such rate as the court deems
5 reasonable to be paid on the principal sum adjudged from the date of
the suit to the date of the decree, in addition to any interest adjudged
on such principal sum for any period prior to the institution of the
suit, with further interest at such rate as the court deems reasonable
on the aggregate sum so adjudged from the date of the decree to the
10 date of payment or to such earlier date as the court thinks fit.
3. Where such a decree is silent with respect to the payment of further
interest on the aggregate sum specified in subsection (2) from the
date of the decree to the date of payment or other earlier date, the
court shall be deemed to have ordered interest at 6% per year.

15In the case of Asam Products and another vs. National Bank of Commerce;

Court of Appeal Civil Appeal No. 51 of 2003 this court found that interest at
25% per annum which included as agreed penalty of 5% was neither harsh nor
unconscionable. Interest in that case was in respect of a loan granted to the
appellant in that appeal by the respondent Bank. The appellant had defaulted. The
20loan was in Uganda Shillings. In this particular appeal before me, there was no


The agreement does not even mention that upon refund of USD 37,500/= under
clause 2 of the appellant would pay any interest. If the parties had wanted interest
to accrue, they would have clearly stated so in clause 2 of the agreement. They did
25not. I find no basis upon which the judge awarded interest. I would have been

inclined to allow this appeal and set aside the order the High Court in respect of

interest and substitute it with order of refund of USD 37,500/= with simple interest
at a rate of 6% per annum from date this judgment until payment in full that would
have been more appropriate. This is because the interest charged on US dollar is
far less than that charged on Uganda Shillings. This, it seems is as a result of the
5exchange rate and the central bank rate.

This is because English law for a long time has accepted a third category of
remedy that is generally different from that in tort and contract that provides
against unjust enrichment or benefit (See the speech of Lord Wright in the case of
Fibrosa Spolka Akcyjna versus Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd [1943]
10AC 32 at 61).

Since in this case the appellant received US$ 37,500 from the respondent bank for
a consideration that totally failed, the respondent bank could recover this sum of
US $ 37,500 as money had and received and nothing more.

In the Fribrosa case (supra) Lord Wright, had this to say on unjust enrichment:

15 The claim in the action was to recover a prepayment of Pounds 1,000 made
on account of the price under a contract which had been frustrated. The
claim was for money paid for a consideration which had failed. It is clear
that any civilized system of law is bound to provide remedies for cases of
what has been called unjust enrichment or unjust benefit, that is to prevent a
20 man from retaining the money of or some benefit derived from another
which it is against conscience that he should keep. Such remedies in English
law are generally different from remedies in contract or in tort, and are now
recognized to fall within a third category of the common law which has been
called quasi-contract or restitution (emphasis added).

Restitution is an equitable remedy. Courts have long held that actions for
money had and received lie “for money paid by mistake, or upon a
consideration which happens to fail, or for money got through imposition
(express or implied) or extortion or oppression or undue advantage taken of
5 the plaintiff’s situation contrary to laws made for the protection of persons
under those circumstances”.

As Lord Mansfield CJ put it in Moses versus Macferlan.

“The gist of this kind of action is that the defendant, upon circumstances of
the case is obliged by the ties of natural justice and equity to refund the
10 money”

However, there is the question of whether this agreement of sale is valid and
enforceable by the parties.

The Financial Institutions Act Cap 54, Section 18 thereof prohibits financial
institutions such as the respondent from purchasing immovable property, except
15only in specific circumstances.

Section 18 (c) provides as follows:

18(1) A financial institution shall not –

(c) purchase or acquire any immovable property or any right in it

except as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of
20 conducting its business or of housing or providing amenities for its
staff, but this paragraph shall not prevent a financial institution –

(i) from letting part of any building which is used for the purpose of
conducting its business; or

(ii) from securing a debt on any immovable property and in the
event of default in payment of such debt, from holding such
immovable property for realization at the earlier moment suitable to
that financial institution.

5It is not in dispute that the respondent is a financial institution which is defined

under Section 9(n) as follows:

“Financial institution includes a bank.......

Contravention of Section 18 of that Act is an offence under Section 52 (5) and (6).
They both provide as follows:-

10 52 (5) A financial institution which contravenes any provision of

this Act commits an offence; ....

52 (6) where a director or officer of a financial institution

authorizes or commits the contravention of any provision of
this Act, he or she shall be personally liable to the penalty
15 specified in relation to the contravention.

The agreement of sale of the suit property was entered into in contravention of the
law. It was not for the purpose of conducting its business or of housing or
providing amenities for its staff.

The purpose for the purchase is clearly set out in the testimony of appellant at page
20163 of the record of appeal he states;

“I was approached by Mr. Sudhir Ruparelia to sell the property to the

Bank. He waited it for his client Lt. Col. Moses Nyanzi.

At page 164 of the record the appellant in his testimony continues as follows;

“A few months later Sudhir Ruparelia approached me to say the Bank
was interested in purchasing the property on behalf of their client. He
named the client as Lt. Col. Nyanzi”

This is corroborated by the evidence of the Director and Vice Chairman of the
5respondent Bank, Mr. Sudhir Ruparelia.

In his own testimony at P.181 of the record he states as follows;

“Plot 1 Martin Road was acquired by the defendant in order to sell to

prospective client. The client was the late Lt. Col. Dragon’s (sic) family. The
defendant acquired that land from Bhatia. This is an agreement of sale
10 (exhibit P3) in respect of the said property it was made on 17th April, 1996”.

At page 184 of the record Mr. Ruparelia goes on to state as follows:

“As I talk now the property belongs to the family of the late Lt. Col.
Dragon. They took possession from the date of the sale agreement.
The family of the late is the one collecting rent from that property”

15It is clear from the evidence above that the respondent and its director Mr.

Ruparelia acted in breach of Section 18 (c) (supra) when they sought to purchase
the suit property from the appellant. They both committed an offence. It is trite law
that an agreement entered into in contravention of the law is a nullity and it is

20Interestingly this was the holding of the Supreme Court affirming the decision of

this Court in a similar transaction involving the respondent Bank.

Active Automobile Spares Ltd vs. Crane Bank and Rajesh Pakesh; Supreme
court Civil Appeal No. 21 of 2001.

The Supreme Court summed up the case as follows:-

“It is trite law that courts will not condone or enforce an illegality. This well
established principle of the law was put this way by Lindley L.J, in Scott vs.
Brown Doering –MCNo.1 & Co (3) (1892) 2QD, 724 at P.728: “ Exturpi
5 causa non oritur action. This old and well known legal maxim is founded in
good sense, and expresses a clear and well recognized legal principle,
which is not confined to indictable offences. No court ought to enforce an
illegal contract or allow itself to be made the instrument of enforcing
obligations alleged to arise out of a contract or transaction which is illegal
10 if the illegality is duly brought to the notice of the court, and if the person
invoking the aid of the court is himself implicated in the illegality. It matters
not whether the defendant has pleaded the illegality or whether he has not.
If the evidence by the plaintiff proves the illegality the court ought not to
assist him.”

15 In the same case, A.I.Smith, L.J said: “If a plaintiff cannot maintain his
cause of action without showing, as part of such cause of action, that he has
been guilty of illegality, then the court will not assist him.”

In the earlier case of Taylor vs. Chester (4) (1869) L.R.4 Q.B. 309, it was
said at P.314:

20 “The true test for determining whether or not the plaintiff and the defendant
were in pari delicto, is by considering whether the plaintiff could make out
his case otherwise than through the medium and by aid of the illegal

In the present case, the appellant and the Bank were in pari delicto in the
25 illegal transaction under consideration. The appellant cannot make out its
case for refund of the US dollars 97,000/= without depending on the illegal
transaction. In the circumstances the Court cannot order for the return of its

In that case the Supreme Court refused to enforce an illegal contract against the
respondent, and no remedies were granted to any of the parties. This court cannot
5condone an illegality either. It cannot enforce an illegal contract. In this case I find

that both the appellant and the respondent and its Director were in pari delicto in
the illegal transaction.

I am alive to the fact that the matters I have raised herein were neither pleaded nor
conversed at the trial and at the hearing of this appeal. However it is now trite law
10that an illegality once brought to the attention of court overrides all matters

including pleadings. See Makula International vs. His Eminence Emmanuel

Cardinal Nsubuga 1982 HCB page 11.

In any event this court has a duty as the first appellant court to re-appraise all the
evidence on record and make his own conclusion as to whether the decision arrived
15at by the trial court can be supported or not. This duty is provided for under Rule

30(1) of the Rules of this Court, which provides as follows:-

30(1) On any appeal from the decision of a High Court acting in exercise
of its original jurisdiction the court may;

a) Re-appraise the evidence and draw inferences of fact.

20See also Pandya vs. R. [1957] EA 32 and Milly Masembe vs. Sugar

Corporation of Uganda Ltd; Civil Appeal No. 10 of 1997, Fredrick Zaabwe vs.
Orient Bank & 5 others Supreme Court Civil Appeal N.4 of 2006.

In the result this appeal fails.

The judgment of the High Court is hereby set aside as the contract is unenforceable
on account of illegality and it is substituted with an order dismissing the suit.

No order as to costs.

Dated at Kampala this......20th...... day of......December...... 2013.

5 ...............................


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