Astro Book
Astro Book
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What is actual Birth Time?
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positions are not at all reliable. HOWEVER, you
can still gain valuable information even if the birth-
time is not sure. You can still read a lot of good
information from just a birth-date and place. You
can still learn to read about the Planets and
Aspects and many other parts of the chart. In time,
with interest and observation (of yourself and family
charts) most people can work out their Moon &
Ascendant (houses) signs that can be included for
observation. Astrology does have a true way of
finding out - this is called Rectification; however, it
is very involved, very interesting & quite irrelevant
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It works much the same as reading a roadmap; you
look at the legends & distances to find a certain
destination. Your natal chart is just like this – you
look at the legends & symbols to find your way to
self-knowledge. Many roads lead to a certain
destination on a roadmap; so your natal map shows
the many roads to self-integration – success and
happiness. Your map shows you the way, but you
still make the choices on the pathway to your
destination…. Astrologers call this a natal chart.
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not allowing a reliable house system to be used.
Refer to chart wheels on following pages.
Get familiar with the chart you have first and then
you can look at other types.
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difficult thing to learn. Just learn to look at your
chart and become familiar with it. A brief
description in each chapter follows just to help you
understand it, but it is not necessary again to
KNOW it.
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All other legends, symbols and information on your
chart are also important and sometimes, more
important. (See the following chart forms.)These
are explained briefly in following chapters. The
methods for reference are the same for each and
every legend, angle, point, aspect, position etc, so
once you are familiar with looking at your chart you
can refer to all of the natal chart as your want or
what material is available to you.
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understanding the human psyche more fully if you
want to study astrology in more depth.
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3: This is a chart wheel from an Astrological
Programme which calculates the chart & prints it.
Note the ascendant on the left.
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Chapter 2
Air signs + Virgo are not represented by animals
Gemini is not the only dual sign – others are
Signs are not “made up” – the meanings are all
about us
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Libra Scales Air
Scorpio Scorpion Water
Sagittarius Centaur Fire
Capricorn Goat Earth
Aquarius Water-bearer Air
Pisces Two Fish Water
Aries Libra
Taurus Scorpio
Gemini Sagittarius
Cancer Capricorn
Leo Aquarius
Virgo Pisces
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to book does not make either correct or incorrect.
All or any of the material may be relevant, so
reading different authors is very valuable.
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you “relate” by looking at the visual of the relevant
signs in your wheel.
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Chapter 3
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wheel. This side is called the Descendant.
Sometimes the houses are all drawn in sections to
an inner circle in the centre of the chart and
numbered…. (see visual ) inside that is the aspects.
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The Midheaven or Q is read on the chart and
referred to in books in the same way. All
reference/interpretative material is compiled in
order of the signs Aries around to Pisces, so just
refer to the respective pages.
NB: There is exception to this. This is called
Intercepted Signs and do not worry if there seems
to be 2 signs missing in the house system. You can
find good reading material on Intercepted Signs
which may be valuable in understand certain
difficulties or challenges in areas of your life,
represented by the house sign missing. Planets are
always placed within a sign, whether it is “missing”
on the house system or not - as is the Asc/Mc
cross, but not always each house cusp.
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From this cusp the houses are counted in an anti-
clockwise direction around the wheel from 1 –12.
Just as there are 12 zodiac signs, there are 12
houses. If they are not numbered on your wheel,
you might want to pencil the numbers in yourself for
easy visual reference.
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knowing about “the order” of things…then you can
get on with reading the relevant references in
books…however it may prove to be valuable
reference so you can confirm that you are
observing all the information correctly.
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will come to evaluate whether it is an issue you
need to be honest about; deal with or choose to
ignore. None of this makes the reading incorrect or
invalid but you must determine what it is for you!
Do not believe everything you read!!! But read
everything and assimilate it for what feels right for
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Chapter 4
Planets shine and Stars (suns) twinkle
The Moon only reflects the light of the Sun
The Sun is eclipsed by the Moon
Pluto Chiron
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The planets are the physical heavenly bodies
moving in their own orbit around the Sun in our
Solar System.
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There may also be some numbers next to the
planetary symbol. These are the
mathematical/astrological readings for your planet/s
in degrees (or hours) and minutes. If these readings
are NOT next to the symbols on the inner wheel,
then they will be in a separate legend on your chart
form. It is common to find both.
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around. Your Sun can be in any of the houses from
1 – 12; it depends upon your birth-time & latitude.
In this case, the Sun is in the 4 th House. (See
chart 3)
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Sun in (sign) in (house) Sun in Aquarius/4th house
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Chapter 5
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Order of aspect intensity:
Conjunction (0deg) – strong
Opposition (180) - very difficult
Trine (120) – very easy
Square (90) - difficult
Sextile (60) – easy
Inconjunct (150deg) or Quincunx - frustration
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lines drawn with symbols on them, or drawn in
different colours. They will be different in every
chart, although similarities occur all the time.
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not be a grid on your chart form, but it is generally
on most charts. It is one of the larger legends on
the chart. It will have planet symbols only for
reference and they will appear on 2 sides of the
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is aspected to the planets with symbols next to
them in each column, according to that symbol.
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Fortune – Cross of Matter (inside) Circle of Spirit.
These 2 symbols are mentioned briefly under a
separate chapter and are referred to and
interpreted in the same way as planets and angles.
However, some books do not have these
interpretations in them. There are books with
reading material on these also.
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Chapter 6
What are the other things on my natal chart?
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Positive & Negative: each sign/house is positive or
negative. This more accurately represents male &
female. Each 2nd sign is male/female around the
zodiac beginning always with Aries as the 1 st male
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– NO, not really.
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