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Redis Tutorial

Uploaded by

Kamal Lakis
This document provides a summary of Redis, including: 1. Redis is a NoSQL database that follows a key-value store model where data is stored as key-value pairs. 2. The document covers Redis tutorials, data types, architecture, installation, configuration, and commands. It discusses Redis features like speed, persistence, data structures, and replication. 3. Comparisons are made between Redis and RDBMS, as well as other key-value stores like Memcached in terms of data storage, speed, and capabilities.


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0% found this document useful (0 votes)
378 views110 pages

Redis Tutorial

Uploaded by

Kamal Lakis
This document provides a summary of Redis, including: 1. Redis is a NoSQL database that follows a key-value store model where data is stored as key-value pairs. 2. The document covers Redis tutorials, data types, architecture, installation, configuration, and commands. It discusses Redis features like speed, persistence, data structures, and replication. 3. Comparisons are made between Redis and RDBMS, as well as other key-value stores like Memcached in terms of data storage, speed, and capabilities.


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Redis Tutorial

Redis tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Redis Database. Our Redis tutorial is
designed for beginners and professionals both.

Redis is a No SQL database which works on the concept of key-value pair.

Our Redis Tutorial includes all topics of Redis such as what is redis, how to install redis,
redis commands, data types, keys, lists, strings, hashes, sets, sorted sets, transaction,
scripting, connection, server, interview questions etc.

What is Redis
Redis is a NoSQL database which follows the principle of key-value store. The key-value
store provides ability to store some data called a value, inside a key. You can recieve this
data later only if you know the exact key used to store it.

Redis is a flexible, open-source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as
database, cache, and message broker. Redis is a NoSQL database so it facilitates users to
store huge amount of data without the limit of a Relational database.

Redis supports various types of data structures like strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets,
bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries.

Redis Architecture
There are two main processes in Redis architecture:
o Redis Client
o Redis Server

These client and server can be on same computer or two different computers.

Redis server is used to store data in memory . It controls all type of management and forms
the main part of the architecture. You can create a Redis client or Redis console client when
you install Redis application or you can use
Redis Index

Redis Tutorial

o Redis Tutorial
o Features of Redis
o Redis vs RDBMS
o Redis vs Other Key-value
o Installation on Windows
o Installation on Ubuntu
o Redis Configuration
o Redis Data types
o Redis All Commands

Redis Commands

o Redis Commands
o Redis Keys
o Redis Strings
o Redis Hashes
o Redis Lists
o Redis Sets
o Redis Sorted Sets
o Redis Transaction
o Redis Scripting
o Redis Connection
o Redis Server

Redis Advance

o Redis Backup & Restore

o Redis Security
o Redis Benchmarks
o Redis Client Connection
o Redis Pipelining
o Redis Partitioning

Redis Differences

o Redis vs Memcached
o Redis vs MongoDB
o Redis vs Elasticsearch
o Redis vs Aerospike

Interview Questions

o Redis Interview Questions

Before learning Redis, you must have the basic knowledge of SQL.

Our Redis Tutorial is designed to help beginners and professionals.

We assure that you will not find any problem in this Redis tutorial. But if there is any
mistake, please post the problem in contact form.

Next Topic Features of Redis

Features of Redis
Following is the list of main features of Redis:

Speed: Redis stores the whole dataset in primary memory that's why it is extremely fast. It
loads up to 110,000 SETs/second and 81,000 GETs/second can be retrieved in an entry
level Linux box. Redis supports Pipelining of commands and facilitates you to use multiple
values in a single command to speed up communication with the client libraries.

Persistence: While all the data lives in memory, changes are asynchronously saved on disk
using flexible policies based on elapsed time and/or number of updates since last save.
Redis supports an append-only file persistence mode. Check more on Persistence, or read
the AppendOnlyFileHowto for more information.

Data Structures: Redis supports various types of data structures such as strings, hashes,
sets, lists, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes
with radius queries.

Atomic Operations: Redis operations working on the different Data Types are atomic, so it
is safe to set or increase a key, add and remove elements from a set, increase a counter

Supported Languages: Redis supports a lot of languages such as ActionScript, C, C++,

C#, Clojure, Common Lisp, D, Dart, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Haxe, Io, Java, JavaScript
(Node.js), Julia, Lua, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Pure Data, Python, R, Racket, Ruby, Rust,
Scala, Smalltalk and Tcl.

Master/Slave Replication: Redis follows a very simple and fast Master/Slave replication.

It takes only one line in the configuration file to set it up, and 21 seconds for a Slave to
complete the initial sync of 10 MM key set on an Amazon EC2 instance.

Sharding: Redis supports sharding. It is very easy to distribute the dataset across multiple
Redis instances, like other key-value store.

Portable: Redis is written in ANSI C and works in most POSIX systems like Linux, BSD, Mac
OS X, Solaris, and so on. Redis is reported to compile and work under WIN32 if compiled
with Cygwin, but there is no official support for Windows currently.

Next Topic Redis vs RDBMS

Redis vs RDBMS
Following is a list of differences between Redis and RDBMS:


Redis stores everything in primary memory. RDBMS stores everything in secondar

In Redis, Read and Write operations are extremely fast In RDBMS, Read and Write operations
because of storing data in primary memory. of storing data in secondary memory.

Primary memory is in lesser in size and much expensive Secondary memory is in abundant in
than secondary so, Redis cannot store large files or binary primary memory so, RDBMS can easil
data. type of files.

Redis is used only to store those small textual information RDBMS can hold large data which has
which needs to be accessed, modified and inserted at a usage and not required to be very fas
very fast rate.
If you try to write bulk data more than the available
memory then you will receive errors.

Next Topic Redis vs Other Key-value stores

Redis vs Other Key-Value Stores
Key-value store is a special type of database storage system where data is stored in form of
key and value pairs.

Redis is different compared to other key-value stores because of the following:

o Redis is a different evolution path in the key-value databases where values can
contain more complex data types, with atomic operations defined on those data
o Redis data types are closely related to fundamental data structures and are exposed
to the programmer as such, without additional abstraction layers.
o Redis is an in-memory but persistent on disk database, so it represents a different
trade off where very high write and read speed is achieved with the limitation of data
sets that can't be larger than memory.
o Another advantage of in memory databases is that the memory representation of
complex data structures is much simpler to manipulate compared to the same data
structure on disk, so Redis can do a lot, with little internal complexity.
o At the same time the two on-disk storage formats (RDB and AOF) don't need to be
suitable for random access, so they are compact and always generated in an
append-only fashion.

Next Topic Redis Installation

Redis Installation
Go to Redis official website https://redis.io/ and follow images given below:

Scroll down to Windows section. You will see learn more. Click on it.
You will get release page:
Click on download:
You can see that Redis is downloaded now.

You can also download one click Redis and install as a Windows service by using the
following Github link.

Start Redis
Redis is now ready to use. Start Redis server. Go to program files, followed by redis,
followed by:

Click on the redis-server.exe and you will find that the server is started.

Now start Redis client.

Redis is started. Now you can check whether it is connected.

Use PING command.

You can see the Redis server. It will also specify that 1 client is connected.

Next Topic Redis Installation on Ubuntu

Install Redis on Ubuntu
Follow the steps given below to install Redis on Ubuntu:

First setup a non-root user using sudo and then install build and test dependencies:

1. sudo apt update  
2. sudo apt full-upgrade  
3. sudo apt install build-essential tcl  
To continue press Y
Install Redis Server
Use the following command to install Redis server:

1. sudo apt-get install redis-server  
Now Redis Server is installed. You can start the Redis server:
Start Redis Server
You the following command to start redis server:

1. redis-server  

Start Redis Client

Redis server is started so you can start redis client to make communication between them.

1. redis-cli  
Verify if Redis is working
Execute the following command:

1. redis-cli  

This will open a redis prompt.


In the above prompt, is machine's IP address and 6379 is the port on which Redis
server is running.

Now type the following PING command.

It specifies that Redis is successfully installed on your system.


Next Topic Redis Configuration

Redis Configuration
In Redis, there is a configuration file (redis.conf) available at the root directory of Redis.
Although you can get and set all Redis configurations by Redis CONFIG command.


Following is the basic syntax of Redis CONFIG command.



1. redis> CONFIG GET loglevel    


1. "loglevel"
2. "notice"

To get all configuration settings, use * in place of CONFIG_SETTING_NAME


1. redis> CONFIG GET *    


1. "dir"
2. "C:\\Program Files\\Redis"
3. "dbfilename"
4. "dump.rdb"
5. "requirepass"
6. (nil)
7. "masterauth"
8. (nil)
9. "maxmemory"
10. "0"
11. "maxmemory-policy"
12. "volatile-lru"
13. "maxmemory-samples"
14. "3"
15. "timeout"
16. "0"
17. "appendonly"
18. "no"
19. "no-appendfsync-on-rewrite"
20. "no"
21. "appendfsync"
22. "everysec"
23. "save"
24. "3600 1 300 100 60 10000"
25. "auto-aof-rewrite-percentage"
26. "100"
27. "auto-aof-rewrite-min-size"
28. "1048576"
29. "slave-serve-stale-data"
30. "yes"
31. "hash-max-zipmap-entries"
32. "512"
33. "hash-max-zipmap-value"
34. "64"
35. "list-max-ziplist-entries"
36. "512"
37. "list-max-ziplist-value"
38. "64"
39. "set-max-intset-entries"
40. "512"
41. "zset-max-ziplist-entries"
42. "128"
43. "zset-max-ziplist-value"
44. "64"
45. "slowlog-log-slower-than"
46. "10000"
47. "slowlog-max-len"
48. "64"
49. "loglevel"
50. "verbose"
Edit Configuration
To update configuration, you can edit redis.conf file directly or you can update
configurations via CONFIG set command.


Following is the basic syntax of CONFIG SET command.



1. CONFIG GET "loglevel"  

Next Topic Redis Data Types

Redis Data Type
There are five types of data types supported by Redis database.

o Strings
o Hashes
o Lists
o Sets
o Sorted Sets

String is a set of bytes. In Redis database, strings are binary safe. It means they have a
known length and not determined by any special terminating characters. So it is possible to
store anything up to 512 megabytes in one string.

Let's store a string name "Ajeet Kumar" in the key by using SET command and then retrieve
the same by using GET command.

1. SET name "Ajeet Kumar"  
2. OK  
3. GET name   
4. "Ajeet Kumar"  

In the above example, SET and GET are the Redis command, name is the key used in Redis,
"Ajeet Kumar" is string value stored in Redis.
Hash is a collection of key-value pairs. In Redis, hashes are maps between string fields and
string values. So, they are used to represent objects.

Let's store a user's object which contains basic information of a user.

1. HMSET user:1 username ajeet password javatpoint alexa 2000  
2. OK  
3. HGETALL  user:1  
4. "username"  
5. "ajeet"  
6. "password"  
7. "javatpoint"  
8. "alexa"  
9. "2000"  

Here, HMSET and HGETALL are the command for Redis, while user:1 is the key.

Every hash can store up to 232 - 1 field-value pairs (more than 4 billion).

Redis Lists are defined as a lists of strings, sorted by insertion order. You can add elements
to a Redis List on the head or on the tail.

1. lpush javatpoint java  
2. (integer) 1  
3. lpush javatpoint java  
4. (integer) 1  
5. lpush javatpoint java  
6. (integer) 1  
7. lpush javatpoint java  
8. (integer) 1  
9. lrange javatpoint 0 10  
10. "cassandra"  
11. "mongodb"  
12. "sql"  
13. "java"  

The max length of a list is 232 - 1 elements (more than 4 billion of elements per list).

Sets are an unordered collection of strings in Redis database. In Redis, you can add,
remove, and test for the existence of members in O(1) time complexity.

1. sadd tutoriallist redis  
2. (integer) 1  
3. redis> sadd tutoriallist sql  
4. (integer) 1  
5. redis> sadd tutoriallist postgresql  
6. (integer) 1  
7. redis> sadd tutoriallist postgresql  
8. (integer) 0  
9. redis> sadd tutoriallist postgresql  
10. (integer) 0  
11. redis> smembers tutoriallist  
12. 1) "redis"  
13. 2) "postgresql"  
14. 3) "sql"  

In the above example, you can see that postgresql is added thrice but due to unique
property of the set it is added only once.

The max number of members in a set is 232 - 1 elements (more than 4 billion of elements
per list).

Sorted Sets
Redis Sorted Sets are similar to Redis Sets. They are also a set of non-repeating collections
of Strings. But every member of a Sorted Set is associated with a score, that is used in
order to take the sorted set ordered, from the smallest to the greatest score. While
members are unique, the scores may be repeated.
1. redis> zadd tutoriallist 0 redis  
2. (integer) 1  
3. redis> zadd tutoriallist 0 sql  
4. (integer) 1  
5. redis> zadd tutoriallist 0 postgresql  
6. (integer) 1  
7. redis> zadd tutoriallist 0 postgresql  
8. (integer) 0  
9. redis> zadd tutoriallist 0 postgresql  
10. (integer) 0  
11. redis> ZRANGEBYSCORE tutoriallist 0 10  
12. 1) "postgresql"  
13. 2) "redis"  
14. 3) "sql"  

Next Topic Redis All Commands

Redis All Commands
Command Description

APPEND key value Append a value to a key

AUTH password Authenticate to the serve

BGREWRITEAOF Asynchronously rewrite t

BGSAVE Asynchronously save the

BITCOUNT key [start end] Count set bits in a string

BITFIELD key [GET type offset] [SET type offset value] [INCRBY type Perform arbitrary bitfield
offset increment] [OVERFLOW WRAP|SAT|FAIL] on strings

BITOP operation destkey key [key ...] Perform bitwise operation

BITPOS key bit [start] [end] Find first bit set or clear

BLPOP key [key ...] timeout Remove and get the first
block until one is availab

BRPOP key [key ...] timeout Remove and get the last
block until one is availab

BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout Pop a value from a list, p

and return it; or block un

CLIENT KILL [ip:port] [ID client-id] [TYPE normal|master|slave|pubsub] Kill the connection of a cl
[ADDR ip:port] [SKIPME yes/no]

CLIENT LIST Get the list of client conn

CLIENT GETNAME Get the current connectio

CLIENT PAUSE timeout Stop processing comman

some time
CLIENT REPLY ON|OFF|SKIP Instruct the server wheth

CLIENT SETNAME connection-name Set the current connectio

CLUSTER ADDSLOTS slot [slot ...] Assign new hash slots to

CLUSTER COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS node-id Return the number of fai

for a given node

CLUSTER COUNTKEYSINSLOT slot Return the number of loc

specified hash slot

CLUSTER DELSLOTS slot [slot ...] Set hash slots as unboun

CLUSTER FAILOVER [FORCE|TAKEOVER] Forces a slave to perform

of its master.

CLUSTER FORGET node-id Remove a node from the

CLUSTER GETKEYSINSLOT slot count Return local key names i


CLUSTER INFO Provides info about Redis

CLUSTER KEYSLOT key Returns the hash slot of

CLUSTER MEET ip port Force a node cluster to h

another node

CLUSTER NODES Get Cluster config for the

CLUSTER REPLICATE node-id Reconfigure a node as a

specified master node

CLUSTER RESET [HARD|SOFT] Reset a Redis Cluster nod

CLUSTER SAVECONFIG Forces the node to save c

CLUSTER SET-CONFIG-EPOCH config-epoch Set the configuration epo


CLUSTER SLAVES node-id List slave nodes of the sp

CLUSTER SLOTS Get array of Cluster slot

COMMAND Get array of Redis comm

COMMAND COUNT Get total number of Redi

COMMAND GETKEYS Extract keys given a full

COMMAND INFO command-name [command-name ...] Get array of specific Redi

CONFIG GET parameter Get the value of a config

CONFIG REWRITE Rewrite the configuration

memory configuration

CONFIG SET parameter value Set a configuration param


CONFIG RESETSTAT Reset the stats returned

DBSIZE Return the number of ke


DEBUG OBJECT key Get debugging informatio

DEBUG SEGFAULT Make the server crash

DECR key Decrement the integer va

DECRBY key decrement Decrement the integer va

given number

DEL key [key ...] Delete a key

DISCARD Discard all commands iss

DUMP key Return a serialized versio
stored at the specified ke

ECHO message Echo the given string

EVAL script numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...] Execute a Lua script serv

EVALSHA sha1 numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...] Execute a Lua script serv

EXEC Execute all commands is

EXISTS key [key ...] Determine if a key exists

EXPIRE key seconds Set a key's time to live in

EXPIREAT key timestamp Set the expiration for a k


FLUSHALL [ASYNC] Remove all keys from all

FLUSHDB [ASYNC] Remove all keys from the

GEOADD key longitude latitude member [longitude latitude member ...] Add one or more geospat
geospatial index represen

GEOHASH key member [member ...] Returns members of a ge

standard geohash strings

GEOPOS key member [member ...] Returns longitude and lat

a geospatial index

GEODIST key member1 member2 [unit] Returns the distance betw

of a geospatial index

GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius m|km|ft|mi [WITHCOORD] Query a sorted set repres
[WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count] [ASC|DESC] [STORE key] index to fetch members m
[STOREDIST key] maximum distance from

GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member radius m|km|ft|mi [WITHCOORD] Query a sorted set repres
[WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count] [ASC|DESC] [STORE key] index to fetch members m
[STOREDIST key] maximum distance from

GET key Get the value of a key

GETBIT key offset Returns the bit value at o

value stored at key

GETRANGE key start end Get a substring of the str

GETSET key value Set the string value of a

old value

HDEL key field [field ...] Delete one or more hash

HEXISTS key field Determine if a hash field

HGET key field Get the value of a hash f

HGETALL key Get all the fields and valu

HINCRBY key field increment Increment the integer va

by the given number

HINCRBYFLOAT key field increment Increment the float value

the given amount

HKEYS key Get all the fields in a has

HLEN key Get the number of fields

HMGET key field [field ...] Get the values of all the

HMSET key field value [field value ...] Set multiple hash fields t

HSET key field value Set the string value of a

HSETNX key field value Set the value of a hash fi

does not exist

HSTRLEN key field Get the length of the valu

HVALS key Get all the values in a ha

INCR key Increment the integer va

INCRBY key increment Increment the integer va

given amount

INCRBYFLOAT key increment Increment the float value

given amount

INFO [section] Get information and stati


KEYS pattern Find all keys matching th

LASTSAVE Get the UNIX time stamp

successful save to disk

LINDEX key index Get an element from a lis

LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value Insert an element before

element in a list

LLEN key Get the length of a list

LPOP key Remove and get the first

LPUSH key value [value ...] Prepend one or multiple

LPUSHX key value Prepend a value to a list,


LRANGE key start stop Get a range of elements

LREM key count value Remove elements from a

LSET key index value Set the value of an eleme


LTRIM key start stop Trim a list to the specifie

MGET key [key ...] Get the values of all the

MIGRATE host port key|"" destination-db timeout [COPY] [REPLACE] Atomically transfer a key
[KEYS key [key ...]] instance to another one.

MONITOR Listen for all requests rec

in real time

MOVE key db Move a key to another da

MSET key value [key value ...] Set multiple keys to mult

MSETNX key value [key value ...] Set multiple keys to mult
none of the keys exist

MULTI Mark the start of a transa

OBJECT subcommand [arguments [arguments ...]] Inspect the internals of R

PERSIST key Remove the expiration fr

PEXPIRE key milliseconds Set a key's time to live in

PEXPIREAT key milliseconds-timestamp Set the expiration for a k

timestamp specified in m

PFADD key element [element ...] Adds the specified eleme


PFCOUNT key [key ...] Return the approximated

set(s) observed by the H

PFMERGE destkey sourcekey [sourcekey ...] Merge N different HyperL


PING [message] Ping the server

PSETEX key milliseconds value Set the value and expirat

of a key
PSUBSCRIBE pattern [pattern ...] Listen for messages publ
matching the given patte

PUBSUB subcommand [argument [argument ...]] Inspect the state of the P

PTTL key Get the time to live for a

PUBLISH channel message Post a message to a chan

PUNSUBSCRIBE [pattern [pattern ...]] Stop listening for messag

channels matching the gi

QUIT Close the connection

RANDOMKEY Return a random key fro

READONLY Enables read queries for

cluster slave node

READWRITE Disables read queries for

cluster slave node

RENAME key newkey Rename a key

RENAMENX key newkey Rename a key, only if the


RESTORE key ttl serialized-value [REPLACE] Rename a key, only if the


RESTORE key ttl serialized-value [REPLACE] Create a key using the pr

value, previously obtaine

ROLE Return the role of the ins

of replication

RPOP key Remove and get the last

RPOPLPUSH source destination Remove the last element

to another list and return
RPUSH key value [value ...] Append one or multiple v

RPUSHX key value Append a value to a list,

SADD key member [member ...] Add one or more membe

SAVE Synchronously save the d

SCARD key Get the number of memb

SCRIPT DEBUG YES|SYNC|NO Set the debug mode for e

SCRIPT EXISTS sha1 [sha1 ...] Check existence of script


SCRIPT FLUSH Remove all the scripts fro

SCRIPT KILL Kill the script currently in

SCRIPT LOAD script Load the specified Lua sc


SDIFF key [key ...] Subtract multiple sets

SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] Subtract multiple sets an

set in a key

SELECT index Change the selected data


SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX] Set the string value of a

SETBIT key offset value Sets or clears the bit at o

value stored at key

SETEX key seconds value Set the value and expirat

SETNX key value Set the value of a key, o

not exist

SETRANGE key offset value Overwrite part of a string

the specified offset

SHUTDOWN [NOSAVE|SAVE] Synchronously save the d

then shut down the serve

SINTER key [key ...] Intersect multiple sets

SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...] Intersect multiple sets an

resulting set in a key

SISMEMBER key member Determine if a given valu


SLAVEOF host port Make the server a slave o

or promote it as master

SLOWLOG subcommand [argument] Manages the Redis slow q

SMEMBERS key Get all the members in a

SMOVE source destination member Move a member from on

SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET Sort the elements in a lis
pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] [STORE destination]

SPOP key [count] Remove and return one o

members from a set

SRANDMEMBER key [count] Get one or multiple rando


SREM key member [member ...] Remove one or more me

STRLEN key Get the length of the valu

SUBSCRIBE channel [channel ...] Listen for messages publ


SUNION key [key ...] Add multiple sets

SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...] Add multiple sets and sto
in a key

SWAPDB index index Swaps two Redis databas

SYNC Internal command used f

TIME Return the current serve

TOUCH key [key ...] Alters the last access tim

Returns the number of ex

TTL key Get the time to live for a

TYPE key Determine the type store

UNSUBSCRIBE [channel [channel ...]] Stop listening for messag

given channels

UNLINK key [key ...] Delete a key asynchrono

thread. Otherwise it is ju

UNWATCH Forget about all watched

WAIT numslaves timeout Wait for the synchronous

the write commands sent
the current connection

WATCH key [key ...] Watch the given keys to

of the MULTI/EXEC block

ZADD key [NX|XX] [CH] [INCR] score member [score member ...] Add one or more membe
update its score if it alrea

ZCARD key Get the number of memb

Count the members in a sorted set with

ZCOUNT key min max
scores within the given values
ZINCRBY key increment member Increment the score of a member in a
sorted set
ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store
[key ...] [WEIGHTS weight [weight ...]]
the resulting sorted set in a new key
Count the number of members in a
ZLEXCOUNT key min max sorted set between a given
lexicographical range
Return a range of members in a sorted
ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]
set, by index
ZRANGEBYLEX key min max [LIMIT offset Return a range of members in a sorted
count] set, by lexicographical range
Return a range of members in a sorted
ZREVRANGEBYLEX key max min [LIMIT offset
set, by lexicographical range, ordered
from higher to lower strings.
ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max Return a range of members in a sorted
[WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] set, by score
Determine the index of a member in a
ZRANK key member
sorted set
Remove one or more members from a
ZREM key member [member ...]
sorted set
Remove all members in a sorted set
ZREMRANGEBYLEX key min max between the given lexicographical
Remove all members in a sorted set
ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop
within the given indexes
Remove all members in a sorted set
within the given scores
Return a range of members in a sorted
ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] set, by index, with scores ordered from
high to low
Return a range of members in a sorted
set, by score, with scores ordered from
[WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
high to low
Determine the index of a member in a
ZREVRANK key member sorted set, with scores ordered from
high to low
Get the score associated with the given
ZSCORE key member
member in a sorted set
ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key
Add multiple sorted sets and store the
[key ...] [WEIGHTS weight [weight ...]]
resulting sorted set in a new key
SCAN cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] Incrementally iterate the keys space
SSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT
Incrementally iterate Set elements
HSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT Incrementally iterate hash fields and
count] associated values
ZSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT Incrementally iterate sorted sets
count] elements and associated scores

Next Topic Redis Commands

Redis Commands
Redis commands are used for performing some operation on Redis Server. You must have a
Redis client to run Redis command.
Start Redis Client
To start Redis client, first go to "Program files" where Redis is installed. Open the folder
Redis and click on the "redis-server.exe".
After that, click on the Redis client. You will see this:

Now, you are connected with local server and you can run any command.
Let's write a command "PING". If it returns a response "PONG" that means you are

Run Commands on the Remote Server

You can also connect to another server by using redis-cli command on windows command


1. $ redis-cli -h host -p port -a password  

Let's take an example to see how to connect to Redis remote server. Open command
prompt and run the following command:

1. redis-cli   
Now the Redis port is open. You can use the "PING" command to check if it is connected.

Now you can see that the remote server is connected to Redis.

Next Topic Redis Keys

Redis Keys
Redis Keys are used with Redis command to manage themselves. See the syntax of using
Redis keys with commands.


1. redis> COMMAND KEY_NAME   


Let's take an example of Redis key using with Redis DEL command. It will give an output 1,
if the key is deleted otherwise it will be 0.

1. redis> SET javatpoint redis   
2. OK   
3. redis> DEL javatpoint  
4. (integer) 1   
Here, "DEL" is a Redis command while "javatpoint" is a key.

Redis Keys with Commands

Inde Command Description


1 DEL key This command is used to delete the key, if it exists.

2 DUMP key This command is used to return a serialized version of the value sto

3 EXISTS key This command is used to check whether the key exists or not.

4 EXPIRE key This command is used to set the expiry of the key after the specifie

5 EXPIREAT key This command is used to set the expiry of the key after the specifie
in UNIX timestamp format.

6 PEXPIRE key This command is used to set the expiry of key in milliseconds.

7 PEXPIREAT key This command is used to set the expiry of the key in UNIX timestam

8 KEYS pattern This command is used to find all keys matching the specified patter

9 MOVE key It is used to move a key to another database.

10 PERSIST key It is used to remove the expiration from the key.

11 PTTL key It is used to retrieve the remaining time in keys expiry in millisecon

12 TTL key It is used to retrieve the remaining time in keys expiry.

13 randomkey It is used to get a random key from Redis.

14 RENAME key It is used to change the key name.


15 RENAMENX key It is used to rename the key, if a new key doesn't exist.

16 TYPE key It is used to fetch the data type of the value stored in the key.

Next Topic Redis Strings

Redis String
Redis strings commands are used to manage string values in Redis. See the syntax for
using Redis string commands.


1. redis> COMMAND KEY_NAME   


1. redis> SET javatpoint redis   
2. OK   
3. redis> GET javatpoint   
4. "redis"  

Here, SET and GET are commands and "javatpoint" is key.

Redis Strings Commands
Following is a list of some basic commands which are used to manage strings in Redis.

Inde Command Description


1 SET key value This command is used to set the value at the specified key

2 GET key This command is used to retrieve the value of a key.

3 GETRANGE key start end This command is used to get a substring of the string store

4 GETSET key value This command is used to set the string value of a key and

5 GETBIT key offset This command is used to return the bit value at the offset
stored at the key.

6 MGET key1 [key2..] This command is used to get the values of all the given ke

7 SETBIT key offset value This command is used to set or clear the bit at the offset i
stored at the key

8 SETEX key seconds value This command is used to set the value with the expiry of a

9 SETNX key value This command is used to set the value of a key, only if the

10 SETRANGE key offset value This command is used to overwrite the part of a string at t
the specified offset
11 STRLEN key This command is used to retrieve the length of the value s

12 MSET key value [key This command is used to set multiple keys to multiple valu
value ...]

13 MSETNX key value [key This command is used to set multiple keys to multiple valu
value ...] the keys exist

14 PSETEX key milliseconds This command is used to set the value and expiration in m

15 INCR key This command is used to increment the integer value of a

16 INCRBY key increment This command is used to increment the integer value of a

17 INCRBYFLOAT key increment This command is used to increment the float value of a ke

18 DECR key This command is used to decrement the integer value of a

19 DECRBY key decrement This command is used to decrement the integer value of a

20 APPEND key value This command is used to append a value to a key

Next Topic Redis Hashes

Redis Hashes
Redis Hashes are the perfect data type to represent objects. They used to map between the
string fields and the string values. In Redis, every hash can store up to more than 4 billion
field-value pairs.

redis> HMSET javatpoint name "A solution to all Technology" description
"India's fastest growing tutorial website" daily 1 million visitors 10 millions page visit.

1. OK  
2. redis> HGETALL javatpoint  
3.  1) "name"  
4.  2) "A solution to all Technology"  
5.  3) "description"  
6.  4) "India's fastest growing tutorial website"  
7.  5) "daily"  
8.  6) "1"  
9.  7) "million"  
10.  8) "visitors"  
11.  9) "10"  
12. 10) "millions"  
13. 11) "page"  
14. 12) "visit."  
15. redis>  

In the above example, "javatpoint" is Redis hash which contains the details (name,
description, 1, million, 10, vistiors, page, visit) etc.

Redis Hash Commands

Inde Command Description

1 HDEL key field2 [field2] It is used to delete one or more hash fields.

2 HEXISTS key field It is used to determine whether a hash field exists

3 HGET key field It is used to get the value of a hash field stored at

4 HGETALL key It is used to get all the fields and values stored in
specified key

5 HINCRBY key field increment It is used to increment the integer value of a hash

6 HINCRBYFLOAT key field increment It is used to increment the float value of a hash fie

7 HKEYS key It is used to get all the fields in a hash

8 HLEN key It is used to get the number of fields in a hash

9 HMGET key field1 [field2] It is used to get the values of all the given hash fie

10 HMSET key field1 value1 [field2 It is used to set multiple hash fields to multiple va
value2 ]

11 HSET key field value It is used to set the string value of a hash field

12 HSETNX key field value It is used to set the value of a hash field, only if th

13 HVALS key It is used to get all the values in a hash

Next Topic Redis Lists

Redis Lists
Redis lists can be defined as a list of strings, sorted by insertion order. You can add
elements in Redis lists in the head or the tail of the list.

A list can contain more than 4 billion elements.


1. redis> LPUSH javatpoint sql  
2. (integer) 1  
3. redis> LPUSH javatpoint mysql  
4. (integer) 2  
5. redis> LPUSH javatpoint cassandra  
6. (integer) 3  
7. redis> LRANGE javatpoint 0 10  
8. 1) "cassandra"  
9. 2) "mysql"  
10. 3) "sql"  
11. redis>  
Redis Lists Commands

Inde Command Description


1 BLPOP key1 [key2 ] timeout It is used to remove and get the first element in a list, o

2 BRPOP key1 [key2 ] timeout It is used to remove and get the last element in a list, or

3 BRPOPLPUSH source It is used to pop a value from a list, pushes it to another

destination timeout or blocks until one is available.

4 LINDEX key index It is used to get an element from a list by its index.

5 LINSERT key before|after pivot It is used to insert an element before or after another el

6 LLEN key It is used to get the length of a list.

7 LPOP key It is used to remove and get the first element in a list.

8 LPUSH key value1 [value2] It is used to prepend one or multiple values to a list.

9 LPUSHX key value It is used to prepend a value to a list, only if the list exis

10 LRANGE key start stop It is used to get a range of elements from a list.

11 LREM key count value It is used to remove elements from a list.

12 LSET key index value It is used to set the value of an element in a list by its in
13 LTRIM key start stop It is used to trim a list to the specified range.

14 RPOP key It is used to remove and get the last element in a list.

15 RPOPLPUSH source destination It is used to remove the last element in a list, append it
returns it.

16 RPUSH key value1 [value2] It is used to append one or multiple values to a list.

17 RPUSHX key value It is used to append a value to a list, only if the list exist

Next Topic Redis Sets

Redis Sets
Redis Sets are an unordered collection of unique strings. Unique strings means there is not
a single string repeated in the set.

In Redis set add, remove, and test for the existence of members in O(1) (constant time
regardless of the number of elements contained inside the Set). The maximum length of a
list is more than 4 billion of elements per set.

1. redis> SADD javatpoint db2  
2. (integer) 1  
3. redis> SADD javatpoint mongodb  
4. (integer) 1  
5. redis> SADD javatpoint db2  
6. (integer) 0  
7. redis> SADD javatpoint cassandra  
8. (integer) 1  
9. redis> SMEMBERS javatpoint  
10. 1) "cassandra"  
11. 2) "db2"  
12. 3) "mongodb"  
In the above example, you can see that we have added 4 elements in the set by using
SADD command. But only 3 elements are retrieved by using SMEMBERS command because
one element was duplticate and Redis sets read duplicate values only once.

Redis Sets Commands

Inde Command Description


1 SADD key member1 [member2] It is used to add one or more members to a

2 SCARD key It is used to getsthe number of members in

3 SDIFF key1 [key2] It is used to subtract multiple sets.

4 SDIFFstore destination key1 [key2] It is used to subtract multiple sets and store
in a key.

5 SINTER key1 [key2] It is used to intersect multiple sets.

6 SINTERSTORE destination key1 [key2] It is used to intersect multiple sets and stor
in a key.

7 SISMEMBER key member It is used to determine if a given value is a

8 SMOVE source destination member It is used to move a member from one set t

9 SPOP key It is used to remove and returns a random

10 SRANDMEMBER key [count] It is used to get one or multiple random me

11 SREM key member1 [member2] It is used to remove one or more members

12 SUNION key1 [key2] It is used to add multiple sets.

13 SUNIONSTORE destination key1 [key2] It is used to add multiple sets and stores th

14 SSCAN key cursor [match pattern] [count It is used to incrementally iterates set elem

Next Topic Redis Sorted Sets

Redis Sorted Sets

Redis Sorted Sets are similar to Redis Sets but the first one has the unique feature of values
stored. It means every member of a Sorted Set is associated with a score which can be
used to take the sorted set ordered, from the smallest to the greatest score.

1. redis> ZADD javatpoint 1 redis  
2. (integer) 0  
3. redis> ZADD javatpoint 2 cassandra  
4. (integer) 1  
5. redis> ZADD javatpoint 3 cassandra  
6. (integer) 0  
7. redis> ZADD javatpoint 3 mysql  
8. (integer) 1  
9. redis> ZADD javatpoint 4 mysql  
10. (integer) 0  
11. redis> ZRANGE javatpoint 0 10 WITHSCORES  
12. 1) "redis"  
13. 2) "1"  
14. 3) "cassandra"  
15. 4) "3"  
16. 5) "mysql"  
17. 6) "4"  

Redis Sorted Sets Commands

Following is a list of commands used in sorted sets.

Inde Commands Description


1 ZADD key score1 member1 [score2 It is used to add one or more members to a so
member2] updates its score, if it already exists

2 ZCARD key It is used to get the number of members in a

3 ZCOUNT key min max It is used to count the members in a sorted se

the given values

4 ZINCRBY key increment member It is used to increment the score of a member

5 ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key It is used to intersect multiple sorted sets and
[key ...] sorted set in a new key

6 ZLEXCOUNT key min max It is used to count the number of members in

between a given lexicographical range

7 ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] It is used to return a range of members in a s

8 ZRANGEBYLEX key min max [LIMIT offset It is used to return a range of members in a s
count] lexicographical range

9 ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max It is used to return a range of members in a s


10 ZRANK key member It is used to determine the index of a member

11 ZREM key member [member ...] It is used to remove one or more members fro

12 ZREMRANGEBYLEX key min max It is used to remove all members in a sorted s

given lexicographical range

13 ZREMRANGEBYRANK key start stop It is used to remove all members in a sorted s


14 ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max It is used to remove all members in a sorted s


15 ZREVRANGE key start stop It is used to return a range of members in a s

[WITHSCORES] with scores ordered from high to low

16 ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key max min It is used to return a range of members in a s

[WITHSCORES] with scores ordered from high to low

17 ZREVRANK key member It is used to determine the index of a member

with scores ordered from high to low

18 ZSCORE key member It is used to retrieve the score associated with

in a sorted set

19 ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key It is used to add multiple sorted sets and stor
[key ...] sorted set in a new key

20 ZSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] It is used to incrementally iterates sorted sets
[COUNT count] associated scores

Next Topic Redis Transaction

Redis Transactions
Redis transaction is used to facilitates users to execute group of commands in a single step.

There are two properties of execution:

o All commands in a transaction are sequentially executed as a single isolated

operation. You can't issue a request by another client served in the middle of the
execution of a Redis transaction.
o Redis transaction is also atomic. Atomic means either all of the commands or none
are processed.

In Redis, transaction is initiated by using "MULTI" command and then you need to pass a
list of commands that should be executed in the transaction, after which the entire
transaction is executed by "EXEC" command.

Let's take an example to see how Redis transaction can be initiated and executed.


1. redis> MULTI  
2. OK  
3. redis> EXEC  
4. (empty list or set)  
5. redis> MULTI  
6. OK  
7. redis> SET javatpoint redis  
9. redis> GET javatpoint  
10. QUEUED  
11. redis> INCR visitors  
12. QUEUED  
13. redis> EXEC  
14. 1) OK  
15. 2) "redis"  
16. 3) (integer) 1  

Redis Transaction Commands

Following is a list of some basic commands of Redis transaction.

Inde Command Description


1 DISCARD It is used to discard all commands issued after MULTI

2 EXEC It is used to execute all commands issued after MULTI

3 MULTI It is used to mark the start of a transaction block

4 UNWATCH It is used to forget about all watched keys

5 WATCH key It is used to watche the given keys to determine the execution of th
[key ...] block

Next Topic Redis Scripting

Redis Scripting
Redis scripting is used to evaluate scripts using the Lua interpreter. It is built into Redis
starting from version 2.6.0. The command used for scripting is EVAL command.

See the syntax of EVAL command.


1. redis> EVAL script numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...]  


Let's take an example to see how Redis scripting works:

1. redis> EVAL "return {KEYS[1],KEYS[2],ARGV[1],ARGV[2]}" 2 key1   
2. key2 first second    
3. 1) "key1"   
4. 2) "key2"   
5. 3) "first"   
6. 4) "second"  

Next Topic Redis Connection

Redis Connections
Redis connection commands are used to control and manage client connections with Redis

Following example explains how a client authenticates itself to Redis server and checks
whether the server is running or not.

1. redis> AUTH "password"  
2. (error) ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set  
3. redis>  
4. redis> PING  
5. PONG  
6. redis>  

Note: Here you can see that "password" is not set so you can access any command directly.

Redis Connection Commands

Following is a list of some basic connection commands used in Redis database:

Index Commands Description

1 AUTH password It is used to authenticate to the server with the given password.
2 ECHO message It is used to print the given string.

3 PING It is used to check whether the server is running or not.

4 QUIT It is used to close the current connection.

5 SELECT index It is used to change the selected database for the current connectio

Next Topic Redis Server

Redis Server
Redis Server commands are used to manage Redis Server. There are different server
commands which can be used to fetch server information, statistics and other
characteristics of server.

Let's take an example to see how to get all statistics and information about the server.

1. redis> ping  
2. PONG  
3. redis> AUTH "password"  
4. (error) ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set  
5. redis> PING  
6. PONG  
7. redis> ECHO "Welcome to Javatpoint"  
8. "Welcome to Javatpoint"  
9. redis> INFO  
10. redis_version:2.4.6  
11. redis_git_sha1:26cdd13a  
12. redis_git_dirty:0  
13. arch_bits:64  
14. multiplexing_api:winsock2  
15. gcc_version:4.6.1  
16. process_id:6360  
17. uptime_in_seconds:4442  
18. uptime_in_days:0  
19. lru_clock:1716856  
20. used_cpu_sys:1.80  
21. used_cpu_user:0.42  
22. used_cpu_sys_children:0.00  
23. used_cpu_user_children:0.00  
24. connected_clients:1  
25. connected_slaves:0  
26. client_longest_output_list:0  
27. client_biggest_input_buf:0  
28. blocked_clients:0  
29. used_memory:1188152  
30. used_memory_human:1.13M  
31. used_memory_rss:1188152  
32. used_memory_peak:1188112  
33. used_memory_peak_human:1.13M  
34. mem_fragmentation_ratio:1.00  
35. mem_allocator:libc  
36. loading:0  
37. aof_enabled:0  
38. changes_since_last_save:0  
39. bgsave_in_progress:0  
40. last_save_time:1506142039  
41. bgrewriteaof_in_progress:0  
42. total_connections_received:1  
43. total_commands_processed:4  
44. expired_keys:0  
45. evicted_keys:0  
46. keyspace_hits:0  
47. keyspace_misses:0  
48. pubsub_channels:0  
49. pubsub_patterns:0  
50. latest_fork_usec:0  
51. vm_enabled:0  
52. role:master  
Redis Server Commands
Following is a list of some server commands used in Redis database:
Inde Command Description

1 BGREWRITEAOF This command is used to asynchronously rewrite


2 BGSAVE This command is used to asynchronously save th


3 CLIENT KILL [ip:port] [ID client-id] This command is used to kill the connection of a

4 CLIENT LIST This command is used to get the list of client con

5 CLIENT GETNAME This command is used to get the name of the cu

6 CLIENT PAUSE timeout This command is used to stop processing comma

clients for a specified time.

7 CLIENT SETNAME connection-name This command is used to set the current connec

8 CLUSTER SLOTS This command is used to get an array of Cluster


9 COMMAND This command is used to get an array of Redis c

10 COMMAND COUNT This command is used to get total number of Re

11 COMMAND GETKEYS This command is used to extract the keys given


12 BGSAVE This command is used to asynchronously save th


13 COMMAND INFO command-name This command is used to get an array of specific

[command-name ...] details.

14 CONFIG GET parameter This command is used to get the value of a conf

15 CONFIG REWRITE This command is used to rewrite the configuratio

memory configuration.

16 CONFIG SET parameter value This command is used to get a configuration par

17 CONFIG RESETSTAT This command is used to reset the stats returne

18 DBSIZE This command is used to return the number of k


19 DEBUG OBJECT key This command is used to get debugging informa

20 DEBUG SEGFAULT This command is used to make the server crash

21 FLUSHALL This command is used to remove all the keys fro

22 FLUSHDB This command is used to remove all the keys fro


23 INFO [section] This command is used to get information and sta


24 LASTSAVE This command is used to retrieve the UNIX time

successful save to the disk.

25 MONITOR This command is used to listen for all the reques

server in real time.

26 ROLE This command is used to return the role of the in

context of replication.

27 SAVE This command is used to synchronously saves th


28 SHUTDOWN [NOSAVE] [SAVE] This command is used to synchronously saves th

disk and then shuts down the server .

29 SLAVEOF host port This command is used to make the server a slav
instance, or promotes it as a master .
30 SLOWLOG subcommand [argument] This command is used to manage the Redis slow

31 SYNC This command is used for replication.

32 TIME This command is used to return the current serv

Next Topic Redis Backup and Restore

Redis Backup & Restore
SAVE command is used to create a backup of a current Redis database. This command will
create a dump.rdb file in your Redis directory by performing synchronous save.


1. SAVE  

Return Value

The SAVE command returns OK after successful execution.

Redis Backup Example

Use the SAVE command to create a backup of the current database.


It will create a dump.rdb file in your Redis directory.

You can see that the dump.rdb file is created.

Restore Redis Data
You have to move Redis backup file (dump.rdb) into your Redis directory and start the
server to restore Redis data.

Use CONFIG command of Redis as shown below.

The Redis server is installed in the following directory.


BGSAVE Command
There is an alternate command named BGSAVE which is used to create Redis backup.

This command will start the backup process and run this in the background.



Next Topic Redis Security

Redis Security
Security is very necessary for a database to keep the data safe and secure. It provides an
authentication so if a client want to make a connection needs to authenticate before
executing a command.

You need to set a password in the config file to secure a Redis databse.

Let's see how to secure your Redis instance.

Use the "config get command"

1. config get requirepass  

You can see that the above property is blank means we don't have any password for this
instance. You can change this property and set a password for this instance by executing
the following command.

1. config set requirepass "javatpoint123"  

1. CONFIG get requirepass  

When you set this password then if a client runs the command without authentication, he
will get an error "NOAUTH Authentication required.". Hence, the client needs to use AUTH
command to authenticate himself.
Usage of AUTH Command
1.> AUTH "javatpoint123"  
2. OK  
3.> SET mykey "hindi100"  
4. OK  
5.> GET mykey  
6. "hindi100"  

Next Topic Redis Benchmarks

Redis Benchmarks
Redis benchmark is a utility tool which is used to check the performance of Redis by using
multiple (n) command simultaneously.


1. redis-benchmark [option] [option value]  

Let's call Redis Benchmarkcommands:

redis-benchmark -n 100000
See the list of available options in Redis benchmark:

Index Option Description

1 -h Specifies server host name

2 -p Specifies server port

3 -s Specifies server socket

4 -c Specifies the number of parallel connections

5 -n Specifies the total number of requests

6 -d Specifies data size of SET/GET value in bytes

7 -k 1=keep alive, 0=reconnect

8 -r Use random keys for SET/GET/INCR, random values for SADD

9 -p Pipeline requests

10 -h Specifies server host name

11 -q Forces Quiet to Redis. Just shows query/sec values

12 --csv Output in CSV format

13 -l Generates loop, Run the tests forever

14 -t Only runs the comma-separated list of tests

15 -I Idle mode. Just opens N idle connections and wait

Let's take an example to show multiple usage options in Redis benchmark utility.

1. redis-benchmark -h -p 6379 -t set,lpush -n 100000 -q    

Next Topic Redis Client Connection

edis Client Connection
Redis can accept different type of clients' connections on the configured listening TCP port
and on the Unix socket, if enabled.

When a new client connection is accepted, it performs the following operations:

o The client socket is put in non-blocking state since Redis uses multiplexing and non-
blocking I/O.
o The TCP_NODELAY option is set in order to ensure that we don't have delays in our
o A readable file event is created so that Redis is able to collect the client queries as
soon as new data is available to be read on the socket.

Maximum number of Clients

In Redis config (redis.conf), there is a property called maxclients, which specifies that how
many number of clients can be connected to Redis.

Following is the basic syntax of command.

1. Config get maxclients  
2. "maxclients"  
3. "4064"  

The maximum number of clients depends upon the maximum number of file descriptors
limit of OS. Its default value is 10000, although you can change this property.

Let's take an example to set the maximum number of clients to 100000, while starting the

1. redis-server --maxclients 100000  
Client Commands

Inde Command Description


1 CLIENT LIST Returns the list of clients connected to Redis server

2 CLIENT Assigns a name to the current connection


3 CLIENT Returns the name of the current connection as set by CLIENT SETNAME

4 CLIENT PAUSE This is a connections control command able to suspend all the Redis clien
amount of time (in milliseconds)

5 CLIENT KILL This command closes a given client connection.

Next Topic Redis Pipelining

Redis Pipelining
Before knowing pipelining, first know the concept of Redis:

Redis is a TCP server which supports request/response protocol. In Redis, a request is

completed in two steps:

o The client sends a query to the server usually in a blocking way for the server
o The server processes the command and sends the response back to the client.

What is Pipelining
Pipelining facilitates a client to send multiple requests to the server without waiting for the
replies at all, and finally reads the replies in a single step.


Let's see an example of Redis pipelining. In this example, we will submit multiple commands
to Redis once and Redis will provide the output of all commands in a single step.

Open Redis terminal and use the following command:

1. (echo -en "PING\r\n SET sssit javatraining\r\n GET sssit\r\n INCR visitor\r\n INCR vi
sitor\r\n INCR visitor\r\n"; sleep 10) |  
2.  nc localhost 6379  

o PING command is used to check Redis connection.

o A string is set named "sssit" having a value "javatraining".
o Got the key values and incremented the visitors numbers three times.

You can see that every time the value is incremented.

Advantage of Pipelining
The main advantage of Redis pipelining is speeding up the Redis performance. It drastically
improves the protocol performance because of multiple commands simultaneous execution.

Pipelining vs Scripting
Redis Scripting is available in Redis version 2.6 or greater. A lot number of use cases for
pipelining can be addressed more efficiently using scripts that perform a lot of the work
needed at the server side.

The main advantage of scripting is that it can both read and write data with minimal
latency. It makes operations like read, compute, write very fast.
On the other hand, pipelining doesn't use this scenerio. In pipelining, the client needs the
reply of the read command before it can call the write command.

Next Topic Redis Partitioning

Redis Partitioning
Partitioning is used to split your Redis data into multiple Redis instances so that every
instance contain only a subset of your keys.

It is generally used for large databases.

Types of Partitioning
There are two types of partitioning in redis:

o Range Partitioning
o Hash Partitioning

Range Partitioning
Range partitioning is one of the simpliest way to perform partitioning. It is done by mapping
ranges of objects into specific Redis instances.

For example:

Suppose that you have 3000 users. So you can say that users from ID 0 to ID 1000 will go
into instance R0, while users form ID 1001 to ID 2000 will go into instance R1, users form
ID 2001 to ID 3000 will go into instance R2 and so forth.

Hash Partitioning
Hash partitioning is an alternative of Range partitioning. In Hash partitioning, a hash
function is used to convert the key into a number and then the data is stored in different-
different Redis instances.

Advantage of Redis Partitioning

o Partitioning facilitates you to use the collective memory of multiple computers. For
example: In the case of larger databases you need a large amount of memory, so
partitioning provides sum of memory from different computers. Without partitioning
you can use only a limited amount of memory that a single computer can support.
o Partitioning is also used for scaling the computational power to multiple cores and
multiple computers, and the network bandwidth to multiple computers and network
Disadvantage of Redis Partitioning
There are some disadvantages of partitioning because some features of Redis are
obstructed with partitioning.

o Partitioning doesn't usually support the operations which have multiple keys. For
example, you can't perform the intersection between two sets if they are stored in
keys that are mapped to different Redis instances.
o Partitioning doesn't support the transactions which have multiple keys.
o The partitioning granularity is the key, so it is not possible to shard a dataset with a
single huge key like a very big sorted set.
o When partitioning is used, data handling is more complex, for instance you have to
handle multiple RDB / AOF files, and to make a backup of your data you need to
aggregate the persistence files from multiple instances and hosts.
o Adding and removing capacity can be complex. For instance Redis Cluster supports
mostly transparent rebalancing of data with the ability to add and remove nodes at
runtime, but other systems like client side partitioning and proxies don't support this
feature. However a technique called Pre-sharding helps in this regard.

Next Topic #
Redis Vs Memcached
Comparison Memcached Redis

What is Memcached is in-memory key-value store, Redis is in-memory data st

originally intended for caching purpose. as database, cache and me

Description MemcacheD is easy, simply designed yet Redis is an open source in-
powerful. Its simple design promotes fast structure store which also
deployment, ease of exaggeration, and solves database as well as cachin
many problems related to large data caches. It almost all types of data str
has its inbuilt APIs which provide a very large strings, hashes, lists, sets,
hash table distributed across multiple machines range queries, bitmaps, hy
& uses internal memory management to geospatial indexes through
provide more efficiency. MemcacheD supports Redis also can be used for
only String data type which are ideal for used as pub/sub.
storing read-only data. Memcached is a volatile
in-memory key-value origin. It is multi-
threaded and used primarily for caching

Primary database Memcached follows Key-value store database Redis also follows Key-valu
model model. model.

Developed By Memcached is developed by Danga Interactive. Redis is developed by Salv

Initial release Memcached was initially released in 2003. Redis was initially released

Current release Memcached current version is 1.5.1, released Redis current version is 4.0
in August 2017. September 2017.

License Memcached is free and open source. Redis is also free and open

Cloud-based No No

Implementation Memcached is implemented in C language. Redis is also implemented

Server operating FreeBSD Linux OS X Unix Windows BSD Linux OS X Windows

Supported .Net, C, C++, ColdFusion, Erlang, Java, Lisp, C,C#,C++, Clojure, Crysta
programming Lua, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby Erlang, Fancy, Go, Haskell,
languages JavaScript (Node.js), Lisp,
Objective-C, OCaml info, P
Pure Data, Python, R, Rebo
Scala, Scheme, Smalltalk,

Server-side No Lua

Triggers No No

Partitioning None Sharding


Replication None Master-slave replication


MapReduce No No

Foreign keys No No

Transaction No Optimistic locking, atomic

concepts commands blocks and scrip

Concurrency Yes Yes

Durability No Yes

User concepts Yes Simple password-based ac

Installation Memcached is little bit complicated to install Installing Redis is so much

and run. dependencies required.

Memory Usage MemcacheD is more memory efficient than Redis is more memory effic
Redis because it consumes comparatively less use Redis hashes.
memory resources for metadata.
Persistence Memcached doesn't use persistent data. While Redis can handle persisten
using Memcached, data might be lost with a syncs data to the disk at le
restart and rebuilding cache is a costly process. seconds, offering optional
persistence meant to boots
a planned shutdown or an
failure. While we tend to re
caches as volatile and tran
data to disk can be quite v

Replication Memcached does not support replication. Redis supports master-slav

Storage type MemcacheD stores variables in its memory and Redis is like a database tha
retrieves any information directly from the memory. It executes (read
server memory instead of hitting the database key/value pair from its dat
again. result set. That's why it is
for real-time metrics and a

Execution Speed MemcacheD is very good to handle high traffic Redis can neither handle h
and Performance websites. It can read many information at a nor heavy writes.
time and give you back at a great response

Data Structure MemcacheD uses only strings and integers in Redis has stronger data str
its data structure. So, everything you save can handle not only strings inte
either be a string or an integer. It is binary-safe strings, lists of
complicated because with integers, the only sets of binary-safe strings
data manipulation you can do is adding or
subtracting them. If you need to save arrays or
objects, you will have to serialize them first
and then save them. To read them back, you
will need to un-serialize.

Key Length Memcached's key length has a maximum of Redis' key-length has a ma
250 bytes.

Next Topic Redis Vs MongoDB

Redis Vs MongoDB
Comparison Redis MongoDB

Introduction Redis is in-memory data structure store, MongoDB is one of the most p
used as database, cache and message database which follows the do
broker. structure.

Primary Redis follows key-value store model. MongoDB follows document s

database model

Official Website redis.io www.mongodb.com

Technical You can get technical documentation of Redis You can get technical docume
Documentation on redis.io/documentation on docs.mongodb.com/manu

Developed By Redis is developed by Salvatore Sanfilippo. MongoDB is developed by Mo

Initial Release Redis is initially released in 2009. MongoDB is also initially relea

Licence Redis is subscription based and open-source. MongoDB is free to use and o

Cloud based No No

Implementation Redis is written and implemented in C MongoDB is written and imple

Language language. language.

Server operating BSD, Linux, OS X, Windows Linux, OS X, Solaris, Window


Data Scheme schema-free schema-free

Secondary No Yes


APIs and other Redis follows proprietary protocol. MongoDB follows proprietary
access methods JSON.
Supported C, C#, C++, Clojure, Crystal, D, Dart, Elixir, Actionscript, C, C#, C++, Clo
programming Erlang,Fancy, Go, Haskell, Haxe, Java, Dart, Delphi, Erlang, Go, Groo
languages JavaScript (Node.js), Lisp, Lua, MatLab, JavaScript, Lisp, Lua, MatLab
Objective-C, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Pure PowerShell, Prolog, Python, R
Data, Python, R, Rebol, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Smalltalk
Scheme, Smalltalk, Tcl

Server-side Lua JavaScript


Triggers No No

Partitioning Redis uses Sharding for partition. MongoDB also uses Sharding

Replication Redis follows master-slave replication. MongoDB also follows master


MapReduce No Yes

Consistency Eventual Consistency and Immediate Eventual Consistency

concepts Consistency

Foreign keys No No

Transaction Optimistic locking, atomic execution of No

concepts commands blocks and scripts.

Concurrency Yes Yes

MapReduce No Yes

Durability Yes Yes

In-memory Yes Yes


User concepts Simple password-based access control. Access rights for users and ro

Special Redis is ranked as world?s fastest database. MongoDB is considered as the

Characteristics It reduces application complexity, simplifies database. It successfully help
development, accelerates time to market and to transform their industries b
provides unprecedented flexibility to data. The world?s most sophi
developers with its visionary data structures organizations, from cutting-e
and modules. largest companies, use Mongo
applications never before pos

Comparing Redis is an in-memory database platform MongoDB provides the best o

Advantages provides support of wide range of data databases as well as flexibility
structures such as strings, hashes, sets, lists, performance required by toda
sorted sets, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, and MongoDB is a database of gia
geospatial indexes. Redis provides effortless keeps the most valuable featu
scaling in a fully automated manner by database i.e. strong consisten
overseeing all the operations of sharding, re- query language and secondar
sharding, migration. It also includes facilitates developers to build
persistence, instant automatic failure applications faster than NoSQ
detection, backup and recovery, and in-
memory replication across racks, zones,
datacenters, regions, and cloud platforms.

Key Customers Key customers of Redis are: Verizon, Key customers of MongoDB a
Vodafone, Atlassian, Trip Advisor, Jet.com, AstraZeneca, BBVA, Bosch, C
Nokia, Samsung, HTC, Docker, Staples, Department of Veteran Affairs
Intuit, Groupon, Shutterfly, KPMG, TD Bank, Electronic Arts, Expedia, Face
UnitedHealthcare, RingCentral, The Motley Forbes, Foursquare, Genentec
Fool, Bleacher Report, HipChat, Salesforce, Sage, Salesforce, The Weathe
Hotel Tonight, Cirruspath, Itslearning.com, Ticketmaster, Under Armour,
Xignite, Chargify, Rumble Entertainment, etc.
Scopely, Havas Digital, Revmob, MSN,
Bleacher Report, Mobli, TMZ, Klarna, Shopify

Market Metrics Redis Labs consists of more than 60000 20 million downloads (growin
customers globally and is consistently ranked downloads per day). More tha
as a leader in top analyst reports on NoSQL, including over one third of the
in-memory and operational databases. Redis Named a leader in the Forres
is rated as no. 1 cloud database, no.1 NoSQL, Q3 2016. Highest pla
database in Docker, no.1 NoSQL datastore, database in DB Engines ranki
most popular NoSQL database in container.

Next Topic Redis vs Elasticsearch

Redis vs Elasticsearch
Comparison Redis Elasticsearch

Introduction Redis is in-memory data structure store, used Elasticsearch is a modern

as database, cache and message broker engine based on Apache L

Primary database Key-value store Search Engine


DB-Engines Score120.41 Overall Rank #9 Rank in Key- Score 120.00 Overall Rank
Ranking value stores #7 Search engines #1

Website redis.io www.elastic.co/¬products/

Technical redis.io/¬documentation www.elastic.co/¬guide/¬in


Developed By Salvatore Sanfilippo Elastic

Initial release 2009 2010

Current release 4.0.2, September 2017 5.6.1, September 2017

License info Open Source info Open Source info

Cloud-based info no no

Implementation C Java

Server operating BSD Linux OS X Windows All OS with a Java VM


Data scheme schema-free schema-free

Typing partial yes

XML support no
Secondary no yes

SQL no no

APIs and other proprietary protocol Java API RESTful HTTP/JSO

access methods

Supported C C# C++ Clojure Crystal D Dart Elixir Erlang .Net Clojure Erlang Go Gro
programming Fancy Go Haskell Haxe Java JavaScript JavaScript Lua Perl PHP Py
languages (Node.js) Lisp Lua MatLab Objective-C OCaml
Perl PHP Prolog Pure Data Python R Rebol Ruby
Rust Scala Scheme Smalltalk Tcl

Server-side Lua yes


Triggers no yes

Partitioning Sharding Sharding


Replication Master-slave replication yes


MapReduce no no

Consistency Eventual Consistency Eventual Consistency


Foreign keys no no

Next Topic Redis Vs Aerospike

Redis Vs Aerospike
Comparison Redis Aerospike

Introduction Redis is in-memory data structure store, used Aerospike is a flash-optimize

as database, cache and message broker. NoSQL Database.

Primary Key-value store Key-value store

database model

Official Website redis.io www.aerospike.com

Technical redis.io/documentation www.aerospike.com/docs


Developed By Salvatore Sanfilippo Aerospike

Initial release 2009 2012

License Open Source Open Source

Cloud-based No No

Implementation Redis is written and implemented in C Aerospike is also written and

language language. language.

Server operating BSD, Linux, OS X, Windows Linux


Data scheme schema-free schema-free

XML support No No

Secondary No Yes


APIs and other proprietary protocol Proprietary protocol,JDBC

access methods

Supported C, C#, C++, Clojure, Crystal, D, Dart, Elixir, .Net, C, C#, C++, Erlang, G
programming Erlang, Fancy, Go, Haskell, Haxe, Java, (Node.js), Lua, Perl, PHP, Py
languages JavaScript (Node.js), Lisp, Lua, MatLab,
Objective-C, OCaml info, Perl, PHP, Prolog,
Pure Data, Python, R, Rebol, Ruby, Rust,
Scala, Scheme, Smalltalk, Tcl

Server-side Lua user defined functions


Triggers No No

Partitioning Sharding Sharding


Replication Master-slave replication Selectable replication factor


MapReduce No Yes

Consistency Eventual Consistency Eventual Consistency in cros

concepts configuration and Immediate
local cluster configuration

Foreign keys No No

Transaction Optimistic locking, atomic execution of Atomic execution of operatio

concepts commands blocks and scripts

Concurrency Yes Yes

Durability Yes Yes

In-memory Yes Yes


User concepts Simple password-based access control Access rights for users and r
Special Redis is ranked as world?s fastest database. It Aerospike is an enterprise-cl
Characterstics reduces application complexity, simplifies database solution delivering
development, accelerates time to market and performance at scale, superi
provides unprecedented flexibility to availability at the lowest cos
developers with its visionary data structures generation NoSQL or relation
and modules. Aerospike was mainly built w
parallelized architecture to s
Big Data-driven applications
scale up and out.

Comparing Redis is an in-memory database platform Optimized for use with SSDs
Advantages provides support of wide range of data drives) Scales horizontally a
structures such as strings, hashes, sets, lists, sharding & auto-healing Sma
sorted sets, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, and mission-critical deployments
geospatial indexes. Redis provides effortless companies across many indu
scaling in a fully automated manner by
overseeing all the operations of sharding, re-
sharding, migration. It also includes
persistence, instant automatic failure
detection, backup and recovery, and in-
memory replication across racks, zones,
datacenters, regions, and cloud platforms.

Key Customers Key customers of Redis are: Verizon, Key customers of Aerospike
Vodafone, Atlassian, Trip Advisor, Jet.com, Williams-Sonoma, Inmobi, A
Nokia, Samsung, HTC, Docker, Staples, Intuit, (confidential), Financial Serv
Groupon, Shutterfly, KPMG, TD Bank, Partners include Intel, Sams
UnitedHealthcare, RingCentral, The Motley Services, Cloudera, Dell and
Fool, Bleacher Report, HipChat, Salesforce,
Hotel Tonight, Cirruspath, Itslearning.com,
Xignite, Chargify, Rumble Entertainment,
Scopely, Havas Digital, Revmob, MSN,
Bleacher Report, Mobli, TMZ, Klarna, Shopify

Market Metrics Redis Labs consists of more than 60000 Aerospike is a combination o
customers globally and is consistently ranked and reliability. It delivers 10
as a leader in top analyst reports on NoSQL, or 1/10th the cost compared
in-memory and operational databases. Redis
is rated as no. 1 cloud database, no.1
database in Docker, no.1 NoSQL datastore,
most popular NoSQL database in container.

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