Compare and Contrast Essay-Arrogance Vs Confidence
Compare and Contrast Essay-Arrogance Vs Confidence
Josiah Bomers
Miss Schimmel
Senior English
Arrogance and confidence may seem similar or the same thing, but there are
only a few similarities. First off, Arrogance is the act of making claims or
appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities. A person can see that the difference
is that one is arrogant because they assume they are important or are better than
others, while confidence is that a person knows what their skills are and
understands how to use their skills. These two very different traits can tell someone
Arrogance is when a person thinks they are better than their peers. This can
be either because a lot of people look up to them, or because they think they are
way more capable than others. One can identify an arrogant person because of the
many ways they treat others. Arrogance makes one to want to feel smarter,
stronger or in general, better than everyone else. Some examples would be how
they are constantly making people feel self conscious about the mistakes they
make and mocking them for it, or by the way they treat others by pushing them out
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of their way or shunning them in front of other people. An arrogant person always
wants to be the best and will bully those who they consider weaker to feel better.
Confidence however is that a person knows what their skills are, and they
are confident or know that they are not lesser or greater than everyone else; they
are content. They do not feel the need to bully others to raise themselves up, nor do
they feel the need to impress others by what they can do. A confident person helps
or volunteers not to impress but because they are just trying to be of use. Finally,
confident people are more likely to help others than mock them to make
Similarities between these two are few, even though arrogance and
confidence are often mixed up. These two may be mixed up because both have to
do with how confident you are with your skills, but arrogance is more of a
delusined sort of confidence; it comes from breaking down others and building
yourself up. Even though these two attributes of a person may seem very similar,
there is still a big difference that is important to identify inorder to tell if one is
arrogant or confident.