3rd QTR PT TLE G10
3rd QTR PT TLE G10
Region V (Bicol)
Province of Albay
Matara. Libon, Albay
I - Multiple Choise. Read and understand the questions below. Select the best answer for each item then write your
choice on the blank provided.
______ 1. Which among the family of vegetable crops is commonly used as condiments and for medicinal
a. Allium family c. Cruciferaceae family
b. Cucurbitaceae family d. Solanaceae family
______ 2. Which among the following crops do not belong to Solanaceae family?
a. Tomato c. Ladies finger
b. Eggplant d. Sweet pepper
______ 3. Most of the vegetables under Cucurbitaceae family possess tendrils and vines for crawling or climbing on
a trellis. Which among the following crops is not a cucurbit?
a. Squash c. Bottle gourd
b. Snap beans d. Bitter gourd
______ 4. This family of vegetable crops is rich in protein and commonly regarded as the “poor man’s meat”.
a. Leguminosae family c. Crucifereae family
b. Cucurbitaceae family d. Solanaceae family
______ 5. This method of classification was developed by botanists for the purpose of identifying plants and
usually it is based on relationships among different plants.
a. Botanical classification
b. Classification Based on Edible Parts
c. Classification of Vegetable Crops According to Their Methods of Culture
d. Classification of Vegetable Crops According to Their Temperature or Seasonal Requirements
______ 6. Almost all parts of the plant can be used as planting materials. What is that part of the plant that develops
into a young plant through the process of germination whose primary function is for reproduction?
a. Leaf c. Stem
b. Seed d. Root
______ 7. Seeds for planting purposes must be of good quality to obtain quality seedlings and quality and quantity
produce. Which is not a characteristic of quality seeds?
a. Viable c. True-to-type
b. Immature d. Free from seed-borne diseases and impurities
______ 8. It is important to test the viability of the seeds before planting them in the field. Which is not true about
seed testing?
a. Find out the percentage of germination of the seeds.
b. Determine whether or not the seeds are viable, clean, and true-to-type.
c. Seed testing does not economize labor and expenses in replanting.
d. Determine the amount of seeds/seedlings needed to plant a certain area.
______ 9. Growing seedlings requires patience and extra care. Vegetable seeds for transplanting purposes could be
grown using different materials. Which are recycled materials for growing seedlings?
a. Seed beds c. Seed boxes
b. Seed trays d. Used plastic cups/tin cans
______ 10. You need to test the seeds for planting to attain good results. Which is NOT a method of seed testing?
a. Winnowing c. Breaking the seed coat
b. Floating in water d. Using better storage facilities
______ 11. Which is not a part of the process for preparing the growing media?
a. Thoroughly mix the components.
b. Gather the components of equal amount.
c. Collect any available materials as your growing media.
d. Sterilize the media to suppress soil-borne diseases.
______ 12. We sterilize the soil to ensure that the production of seedlings is free from any soil-borne diseases.
Which of the following methods of soil sterilization is not environment friendly?
a. Solarization c. Chemical treatment
b. Biofumigation d. Pouring boiling water on to the soil
______ 13. Which of the following is not true about raising seedlings in trays?
a. It produces less seeds and promotes uniform growth of superior seedlings.
b. It minimizes transplanting shock and lowers seedlings mortality.
c. It saves on labor for thinning, weeding, and watering.
d. It allows frequent cultivation and pest management.
______ 14. Which one is not a benefit of growing media?
a. It achieves high porosity. c. It provides adequate aeration
b. Water retention is improved. d. It influences the growth of microorganisms.
______ 15. Which of the following are the most common methods of sterilizing the soil?
a. Biofumigation and solarisation c. Solarization and pouring boiling water
b. Chemical and biofumigation d. Chemical method and pouring boiling water
______ 16. Pricking is a practice in seedling production to produce uniform size of seedlings. Which is not a
practice in pricking?
a. Pricking is the transfer of seedlings to another seed box, seed bed, or individual plastic bags.
b. Seedlings to be pricked are taken from a thinly populated seed box or seed bed.
c. A dibble is used to separate individual seedlings in order not to damage delicate roots.
d. Pricking is practiced when the seedlings have already two developed true leaves.
______ 17. Before seedlings are transplanted to their permanent places to continue their growth and development
they must be prepared to avoid stress in the open field. What is the practice of exposing gradually the
seedlings to sunlight to acclimatize them?
a. Thinning c. Pricking
b. Roguing d. Hardening
______ 18. Which of the following is the factor which least affects the growth of vegetable seedlings and
a. Soil requirements c. Nutrient requirements
b. Water requirements d. Climatic requirements
______ 19. Which is not a practice of thinning?
a. Moisten the seed box or seed bed a few hours before thinning.
b. Throw the seedlings being pulled out or bury them into the soil.
c. Incorporate into the soil uprooted unhealthy and disease-infected seedlings.
d. Remove the weak, unhealthy and poor-looking seedlings and press back firmly the disturbed soil
with hands immediately.
______ 20. Which of the following should not be done in pricking?
a. Hold the seedling on their true leaves and place the root system in the hole previously prepared in the
new planting medium.
b. Set the seedlings even if the roots are curled.
c. Press the soil firmly around the roots after setting them.
d. Water the new transplants gently and thoroughly.
______ 21. Pricking is a practice in seedling production to produce uniform size of seedlings. Which is not a
practice in pricking?
a. Pricking is the transfer of seedlings to another seed box, seed bed or individual plastic bags.
b. Seedlings to be pricked are taken from a thinly populated seed box or seed bed.
c. A dibble is used to separate individual seedlings in order not to damage delicate roots.
d. Pricking is practiced when the seedlings have already two developed true leaves.
______ 22. Before seedlings are transplanted to their permanent places to continue their growth and development
they must be prepared to avoid stress in the open field. What is the practice of exposing gradually the
seedlings to sunlight to acclimatize them?
a. Thinning c. Pricking
b. Rogueing d. Hardening
______ 23. Which of the following is the factor which least affects the growth of vegetable seedlings and
a. Soil requirement c. Nutrient requirement
b. Water requirement d. climatic requirements
______ 24. Which is not a practice of thinning?
a. Moisten the seed box or seed bed a few hours before thinning.
b. Throw the seedlings being pulled out or bury them into the soil.
c. Incorporate into the soil uprooted unhealthy and disease infected seedlings.
d. Remove the weak, unhealthy, and poor-looking seedlings and press back firmly the disturbed soil
with hands immediately.
______ 25. Which of the following should not be done in pricking?
a. Hold the seedling on their true leaves and place the root system in the hole previously prepared in the
new planting medium.
b. Set the seedlings even if the roots are curled.
c. Press the soil firmly around the roots after setting them.
d. Water the new transplants gently and thoroughly.
II – Matching Type. Match the items in Column A with their descriptions in Column B. Write the
letter of your choice in the space provided for each item.
41-45. Mr. Coco tested 125 seeds of hybrid tomato and 105 germinated. What is the percentage germination
of the tomato seeds?
46-50. You needed 200 seedlings to plant your garden. You found out that your seeds have only 75 %
germination. How many seeds will you sow?
51-55. Mr. Sarturio tested 75 seeds of tomato which he took from the school seed bank. He found out that
only 53 seeds germinated. What is the percentage germination of the tomato seeds?
56-60. Britney needed 342 seedlings to plant your garden. She found out that your seeds have only 82 %
germination. How many seeds will she sow?