Training Manual For Meat Handlers
Training Manual For Meat Handlers
5.1 General requirements
5.2 Environment
5.3 Location of establishment
5.4 Layout of premises and workplace------------------------------------------------------- 9
5.5 Utilities - air, water, energy ----------------------------------------------------------- 11
5.6 Waste disposal------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
5.7 Equipment suitability, maintenance, cleaning and sanitation
5.8 Control of operations - management of purchased materials
5.9 Prevention of cross contamination
5.10 Cleaning and sanitation
5.11 Pest control
5.12 Personal hygiene and employees facilities
5.13 Re-use or rework
6.1 Water
6.2 Ice
6.3 Waste disposal
6.4 Prevention of cross contamination
6.5 Glass / metal policy
6.6 Protection from adulterants
6.7 Rodent/ pest control
6.8 Cleaning and disinfection
6.9 Maintenance
6.10 Staff Cafeteria
7.1 Location
7.2 Size of meat shop
7.3 Premises
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7.4 Ventilation
7.5 Equipment and other accessories
7.6 Transportation
7.7 Pest control
7.8 Personal hygiene
7.9 Sanitary practices
7.10 Other requirements
7.11 Operators’ Check System (Annexure II)
8.1 General requirements
8.2 Location of premises
8.3 Premise requirements
8.4 Sanitary practices
8.5 Equipment & machinery
8.6 Personnel hygiene
8.7 Animal welfare
Annexure I
Annexure II - Operators’ Check System Log
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Food shall be clean and safe. This is not only the requirement of Bhutan alone,
but a current global demand today. Over the past two decades, consumers have
been exposed to a series of food safety scares including major outbreaks of Food
Borne Diseases (FBDs), food security issues, tainted food and feed supplies and
widespread prevalence of Bioterrorism. Under these uncertainties, there is a
growing need to address these issues in a scientific and transparent manner in
the national regulations of the country and make the Food Business Operators
(FBOs) aware of the mandate to ensure food safety in their areas of activities.
The urgent goal of food safety can be achieved only through the following:
• Strong regulations
• Inspection and monitoring activities
• Laboratory testing
• Education, training and competence
Bhutan has already established the food safety regulation in 2007 and is trying
to implement the same in the most practical possible manner. The country has a
national food testing lab under the regulatory authority which has already been
accredited under ISO17035:2005, catering to the routine testing needs of the
country. However, it is true that testing cannot eliminate the problem. It is the
commitment of all the stake holders in the food chain to see that such food safety
issues are not introduced into the food chain at any stage of the food handling,
storage or distribution. This preventive approach only can ensure clean and safe
food for the consumers and transform the country to a destination for safe food.
To achieve this goal, Bhutan has to develop the knowledge and the skill of all
involved in the food safety sector, not limited to the regulators, but all from farm
to table. Simple need based training to cater to the different sectors in food
handling is the need of the hour so that each one can be made aware of the
importance of the activity he is performing and the responsible person shall be
accountable for the food safety concerns in the products released by him.
For this, training is the priority. This Manual deliberates scientifically the need
for Good Hygiene Practices (GHPs) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)
and the practical way in which many of these can be implanted in the meat
handling so that the FBOs can demonstrate their compliance to the food safety
officials during their visit to the facility. In other words, today under the global
food safety regulation the responsibility to ensure food safety has been shifted to
the FBOs. They have to design GMPs, practice, check, verify and keep records as
evidence to prove compliance. THIS IS WHAT IS DESCRIBED IN THIS
MANUAL. BAFRA food safety officials will be over viewing the system in place
in the food handling facility and will provide guidance for continual
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Any exclusions or alternative measures adopted should not affect the capability
of the organization to comply with these requirements. The exclusions or
alternative methods developed and applied need to be justified to ensure that
food safety and other legal compliances are not diluted.
A small or medium establishment or a meat shop may have to alter many of the
points but it shall not affect the safety of the products they serve to the
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Safe Food
Codex defines safe food as “Food that will not cause any harm to the consumer
when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use”. In other words,
food which is free of contaminants and will not cause harm, injury or illness.
What is contamination?
Cross contamination
What is Hygiene?
All measures and conditions necessary to control hazards to ensure food safety
and fitness for consumption of a food taking into account of its intended use (EC
Regulation No. 852/2004). This involves preventing objectionable foreign matter
getting into the food.
Food Poisoning
Acute illness usually with diarrhea and /or vomiting caused by the consumption
of contaminated or poisonous foods (multiplication of microorganisms and toxin
production occurs within the food).
Risk is the probability of occurring the problem. Based on the nature of the foods
identify how best it support the growth, multiplication and survival of pathogen
and leads to FBD.
HRFs are identified as vehicle for food poisoning and FBDs outbreak. RTE foods
support rapid growth of food poisoning bacteria. Intended use of RTE is without
further heating to destroy bacteria. Usually high protein and high moisture
content favours the growth. Highly perishable food requires refrigerated storage
eg. raw meat, fish, poultry etc. Cooked meat and poultry, dairy products, cooked
fish, shell fish, cook-chill meals, baby foods, etc. must be kept separate from raw
foods. Raw foods are often contaminated with large no of bacteria including
pathogens and it shall be kept separate from RTE foods even if frozen.
These are always risky and should be protected from contamination, subjected to
washing and disinfection prior to consumption. Raw vegetables, salads, cooked
meat mixed with raw vegetables are few examples. There is always a risk from
low dose pathogens such as Salmonella, E.coli 0157 and so on. Good handling
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practices, good storage practices and overall hygiene is the most important to
prevent contamination and multiplication and to avoid food poisoning.
What are the risk factors associated with foods and FBDs?
• Cross contamination
• Raw materials from unsafe sources
• Inadequate heat treatment without proper validation
• Improper holding temperature and lack of good storage practices
• Contaminated equipment
• Poor personal hygiene
• Health status of the food handlers
• Poor water quality
• Lack of pest management
• Lack of training
• Lack of TCS system (Time, Temperature, Humidity Control System to
contain pathogens)
• The issue of Mycotoxins
The objective of this section is to make the trainees aware of the types, sources
and routes of contaminating hazards including microbiological, chemical,
physical and allergens and understand their role in food safety. Hazard is an
agent in foods which causes disease / illness or injury to the consumers, eg.
pathogens in foods (present in raw materials or introduced at some time from
delivery to service).
a) Microbiological
• Food poisoning bacteria or pathogens or their toxins in foods
• Spoilage bacteria
• Yeast and mold
• Viruses
c) Chemical hazards
• Acute or chronic carcinogens
• Industrial chemicals (PCBs)
• Pesticide residues
• Drug residues
• Toxic metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, etc)
• Cleaning chemicals
d) Allergic hazards
What is allergen?
Allergen causes the body’s immune system to react, often within minutes. In
serious cases, a person may face life threatening anaphylactic shock.
Control of –
• Raw material
• Packaging materials
• Control of structure, equipments and machineries through maintenance
• Personal hygiene
• Pest control
• General control measures during processing by the use of sieves, filters,
magnets, color sorters, x ray machines, metal detectors, magnifying glass
In all food processing activities, micro, small or large, a documented system shall
be developed to identify hazards in all areas and evaluate them based on risk
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and severity to determine which hazards are significant in a specific food product
so that the same can be prevented or eliminated to produce a safe product.
Hazards are specific to the products, process, the facility and the location. Both
Government and the industry shall work as a team to have a successful food
safety program in the country which requires commitment from all stake holders
in the food chain.
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5.2 Environment
Site boundaries shall be clearly identified and access to site to be under control
(exceptions shall be justified). The site shall be well maintained, fruit trees shall
not touch the buildings, roads shall be well maintained and the yards too.
Drainage facilities to be in good order and no stagnant water in the compound
near the facility.
The building shall provide adequate space with a uni-directional flow of the
materials, products and personnel and physical separation of the raw from the
processing areas. Eg of separation include barriers, physical separation or
sufficient distance to minimize the risk of cross contamination. Openings or
chute doors for transfer of materials shall be designed to minimize entry of
foreign matter or pests.
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5.4.3 Internal structures and fittings
Process area walls and floors shall be washable or cleanable as appropriate for
the process or product hazard. Materials of construction shall be resistant to the
cleaning system applied. Floor wall junctions shall be rounded off to facilitate
cleaning and prevent pest infestation. Proper slope for the floor must be provided
to facilitate drainage and to prevent stagnant water. All drains shall be sealed or
screened to protect the entry of rodents and vermins.
Potable water shall be available in adequate quantity and the potability shall be
ensured through a well designed water quality management program. Water
used for processing shall be well protected. Facilities for storage, distribution and
where needed temperature control of the water shall be designed to meet the
national standard. Water used as an ingredient shall meet the drinking water
standard for the country. Water potability shall be ensured through sampling
and testing for chemical as well as microbiological parameters for compliance at
regular intervals - once in a year for all parameters and once in 6 months for
microbiological compliance. Water for cleaning of food contact surfaces where
there is potential for indirect product contamination shall also be potable. In case
water is chlorinated the residual chlorine level shall be as given in the regulation
and the same shall be monitored and recorded for compliance.
If non-potable water is used, the same shall be identified and care shall be taken
to prevent the possibility of refluxing the same into the potable water system. A
program shall be designed for cleaning of the water tank and disinfection
including the pipeline.
Boiler chemicals if used shall be approved by the BAFRA in case of water for
In case air come in contact with the foods at any stage, the same shall be checked
for quality particularly for microbiological parameters and recorded. If
temperature and humidity are critical for the product safety and shelf life,
control system shall be put in place. Ventilation shall be provided to remove
excess steam, odor, or dust and to facilitate drying after cleaning. Protocols for
air quality monitoring shall be in practice to minimize contamination, if
identified as a need. Air flow shall not be from dirty to the clean area. And air
supply ports shall be examined for physical integrity.
5.5.6 Lighting
Lighting should allow the operators to perform their job hygienically. The
intensity of light should be appropriate to the nature of the work done. However,
in the processing and inspection areas it is recommended to have 500 lux. Light
fittings shall be protected to ensure materials, products or equipments are not
contaminated in case of breakages.
Provision shall be made for collection, segregation of wastes, and storage and
removal. Accumulation of waste shall not be allowed in food handling areas.
Removal of waste shall be in sufficient frequencies to avoid cross contamination.
This frequency shall be minimum once in a day. Labeled materials, products,
printed packages and labels shall be disfigured or destroyed so that misuse of the
same can be avoided. Records for destruction as well as the responsibilities for
ensuring timely disposal shall be kept for verification.
5.7.1 General
Product contact surfaces shall be constructed from materials designed for food.
They shall be impermeable and rust or corrosion free.
Wet and dry cleaning program shall be documented to ensure that all plant,
utensils and equipment are cleaned at defined frequencies. Program shall specify
what is to be cleaned including the drains, the responsibility, the method of
cleaning (COP or CIP), the use of dedicated cleaning tools, removal and
disassembly requirements and method for verifying the effectiveness of cleaning.
Lubricants and heat transfer fluids shall be food grade where there is a risk of
direct contact to maintenance activities in the processing areas or indirect
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contact with the products. The procedure for releasing the maintained
equipment back to production shall include clean up, sanitizing, where specified
in the process sanitation procedures and pre use inspections. Local area PRP
requirements shall be applied to maintenance areas and maintenance activities
in processing area. Maintenance personnel shall be trained in the product
hazards associated with their activities.
There shall be a defined process for the selection, approval and monitoring of
suppliers. The process used shall be justified by hazard assessment, including
the potential risk to final product and shall include;
Products shall be protected from intended allergen cross contact by cleaning and
line change over practices and or product sequencing. Cross contamination can
arise during manufacturing either from;
When brittle materials are used, periodic inspection requirements and defined
procedures in case of breakages shall be developed and personnel are to be
trained well to practice. Where possible, brittle materials such as glass and
plastics shall be avoided. Glass breakage records shall be in place. Based on
hazard assessment procedures, measures shall be put in place to prevent, control
or detect potential contamination.
CIP system shall be separated from the active product lines. Parameters for CIP
cleaning shall be defined and monitored (including type, concentration, contact
time and temperature of any chemical used).
The results of implementation and corrective action and its verification for
effectiveness shall be documented and be available for BAFRA officials for their
verification on demand. Employees training details also shall be documented and
Establishment shall have a responsible person to manage all the pest control
activities, including dealing with the out sourced expert pest control contractors.
Pest management program shall be documented and shall identify target pests
and address plans, methods, schedules, control procedures and where necessary
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training requirements. The program shall include a list of chemicals which are
approved for use in the country by the National Plant Protection Centre to be
used in the specified areas of the establishment.
Buildings shall be maintained in good repair. Holes, drains, gaps and other
potential pest access points shall be sealed. External openings, doors,
ventilations, etc shall be designed in such a way to minimize the entry of pests.
Doors can be self closing and tight fitting. All openings can be screened. Insect
electrocutes can be fitted at the entry doors as a part of prevention. Positioning
of the insect killers are to be decided so that the entry is prevented. Do not fix
the insect killers over the processing table.
Pest monitoring program shall include the placing of detectors, traps, glues in
key locations to identify pest activity. A map of detectors can be kept. The
detector shall be kept and monitored in such a way that no potential
contamination to the products can happen. Detectors and traps shall be of
robust, tamper resistant and shall be appropriate for the target pest. The person
responsible for pest control shall monitor the bait and keep record of the same.
In case pests are detected inside the processing facility, immediate corrective
and/or preventive action shall be taken and effectiveness of the same verified
and recorded.
5.11.6 Eradication
Establishment shall;
Staff canteens and designated areas for food storage and consumption shall be
situated in an area to minimize the potential for cross contamination with food
waste and pests. Staff canteen shall be managed to ensure hygienic storage,
preparation of food and storage and serving of the prepared foods, storage and
storage conditions, cooking and holding temperatures, time limitations for
holding of the prepared foods all shall be specified. Employees own food shall be
stored and consumed in designated area only. No food shall be stored in the
change room or in the processing areas.
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5.12.4 Work wares and protective clothings
Personnel who work in or enter into the facility where exposed food or food
materials are handled shall wear work clothings that is fit for the purpose, clean
and in good repair. Clothings mandated for food or hygiene purpose shall not be
used for other purposes. Work ware shall not have buttons, outside pockets, zips
or pressed studs or well crow is advisable. Work wear shall be laundered based
on the required frequency based on the intended use of the dress. Work wear
shall provide adequate protection to ensure that hair, perspiration, etc shall not
contaminate the product.
Hair, beards, moustaches shall be covered by restraints. Where gloves are used
as product contact surface, they shall be cleaned and sanitized at regular
intervals and procedures and practices shall be in place and monitored.
Otherwise, use of gloves will provide a false sense of security. If disposable gloves
are used, the same shall also be changed frequently to avoid contamination. Use
of latex gloves shall be avoided.
Shoes used shall be fully enclosed and shall be made from non absorbent
Personal protective equipment shall be designed to prevent product
contamination and shall be well maintained.
Exclusion Policy
The facility has to document its policy on exclusion in case of personnel with
illness or injuries. The employees shall be required to report the following
conditions to the management for possible exclusions from food handling areas -
jaundice, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, sore throat, visible infections on skin,
lesions, boils, cuts or sores, discharges from eye, ear or nose.
Personnel working in food production area shall wash hands before start and
sanitize if required;
• Before starting any food handling activity
• Immediately after using toilets
• Blowing nose (sneezing)
• Scratching head or body parts
• Whenever feel the hands are contaminated
• Immediately after handling any contaminated or spoiled material or waste
or cleaning materials
Personnel shall refrain from sneezing over the product or materials. They shall
cover nose and wash hands and sanitize after sneezing. No spitting in and
around the processing area and premises. Smoking shall be prohibited in food
handling area. Finger nails can be kept clean and trimmed.
In case of suspicion of any contaminant being introduced into the products which
may have the potential to cause harm to the consumer, the same shall be
withdrawn from the line and isolated with clear identification. If on further
investigation, it is found satisfactory by a competent person, the same can be
released. Otherwise, the same shall be rejected and disposed as stated in the
regulation. Any reprocessing of unsafe food shall be carried out only with the
knowledge of the BAFRA officials and following the legal requirements. Action
shall be initiated to ensure that such incidences are not repeated. All the
relevant records shall be maintained for verification in future. Big
manufacturers shall develop a system for traceability and recall through proper
labeling and control and shall practice the same.
6.1 Water
Water used for washing shall be protected from external contamination. The
source of water supply must be identified and potability ensured. If suspected
not safe, chlorination to a level of less than 1ppm (residual Chlorine) can be a
method to have safe water. Chlorine tablets and rapid test methods to verify the
level of residual chlorine are all available. If water is collected in jars or pots the
same shall be covered and used hygienically. If water taps are provided, ensure
the cleanliness and see no taps are leaking. If hoses are connected the same shall
not be on floor to avoid back flow. Hoses shall be on hose resters. The
underground tank and overhead tanks if installed are to be covered properly to
avoid contamination due to wind, dust, insects, etc. These tanks are cleaned and
sanitized once in six months.
Initial stage of tank cleaning begins with thorough cleaning of manhole of tank
by pressure jet spraying to remove dirt and algae that are impossible to remove
by conventional method. Drain out dirty sludge and clean manually by brushing
with bleach and rinse of all bleach. Check water and ensure chlorine free. Rinse
several times.
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6.2 Ice
In case ice is used, the same shall be from safe source and shall be handled
hygienically. The ice manufacturing unit shall have approval from the BAFRA
and shall operate with GHPs.
Separate garbage bags can be used for collection of solid waste, cans and
glass bottles. The solid waste collected is disposed to the garbage disposal
area and ensure that the waste shall not contaminate the food or food
contact surface. Waste shall not be thrown on the floor or open places
All measures are being taken in the facility to avoid cross contamination of the
product through restricting traffic and avoiding even the slightest backtracking.
The structure and layout of the processing facility is such that the movement of
the people, product and utensils are from dirty area to the clean area as the
process moves forward and not vice versa. The product movement and personal
movement are unidirectional. No personnel are allowed to move in and out of the
processing hall without adequate protective gear. The construction of the facility
is such that it provides adequate space to prevent overcrowding of personnel and
equipment and maintains hygiene and sanitation. The facility is protected well
against the entry of pests, insects and vermin. The material used for
construction permits easy and adequate cleaning. The area in which the raw
material is received is separated from the process area.
There is clear separation between the preprocessing area and the finished
products area. All chances of cross contamination are prevented. The walls and
floors are easily washable and light coloured. The floor is smooth to keep the
area clean and sanitized. All the processing areas are well lighted and lights are
of protective type to avoid contamination. The entire process facility is
maintained as new as possible.
All possible precautions must be taken to see that the products are not
contaminated with glass and metal pieces. No glass vessels are taken inside the
production area. Incase of an accidental breakage, the broken glass pieces are
removed using brooms exclusively used for this purpose. If mops are used they
shall not be used in other areas. The food handlers are not allowed to take
ornaments or other personal belongings (like hair pins, watches, equipment
parts, etc.) to the processing area.
All foods, food contact surfaces and serving dishes are protected from
adulteration with lubricants, fuels, pesticides, cleaning compounds, sanitizing
agents and other physical and chemical hazards. Only necessary chemicals are
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stored in the premises. Chemicals are stored in a separate area away from the
preparation area, such that they can’t contaminate food, food contact surfaces,
serving dishes, etc. All chemicals are labeled properly. Insecticides and
rodenticides are not used inside the area. Detergents and chlorine disinfectant
solutions are thoroughly washed out after cleaning. The soaps and other
cleaning chemicals shall be used by only authorized personnel.
Rat traps are kept at different area for pest and check every day. Areas where
traps are kept are indicated in the rodent map. Related records are documented
and maintained by the designated personnel. If any rodent has been identified in
any area, preventive action is taken immediately.
The cleaning is well planned, organized and implemented in all areas of food
premises. Cleaning schedules are monitored and documented and kept filed. All
chemicals and disinfectants are stored separately from food. Cleaning equipment
are kept clean, dried; brushes and mops are hung off the floor in well-designated
cleaning equipment area. Food contact surfaces, equipment, food containers,
cutting boards, preparation surfaces, slicing machines, utensils, etc are cleaned
and disinfected in chlorinated water (100 PPM) after every usage for a suitable
contact time to destroy bacteria. At least within 2 hours of time, all the food
contact surfaces shall be disinfected if in use. If other sanitizers are available,
the same can also be used.
a. Pre cleans – removing waste by wiping with a wiper and pre rinsing.
b. The dishes are loaded into a plastic crate and then on to the dishwasher.
c. The dishes are washed in a three-cycle process with automatic dosage
cleaning liquids with properties of destroying micro organisms. The
automatic dosage pump is checked and monitored by the supervisor for
every batch.
Work Area
The work area including tables, racks, storage area and surrounding floors are
cleaned before actual assembly work begins. Periodic cleaning of these areas is
made necessary and, cleaning is done at least once during each operating shift.
The concerned area is rinsed with water and detergent, scrubbed with brush and
washed and disinfected with chlorine water (100 PPM) and mopped dry. In the
final rinse, it is ensured that all the particulate matter and detergent are
removed effectively. In case of heavy soiling, the utensils are soaked for some
time, scrubbed, rinsed and washed.
Thermometer disinfection
Personnel Hygiene
Daily check of the personnel hygiene of every employee shall be done. Checks
whether the nails and hairs are trimmed properly, jewellery are avoided, any
cuts or wounds are present, if present kept covered or not, and for any signs of
skin diseases etc. They are also interviewed for the presence of symptoms of
intestinal infection. The food handlers are strictly instructed to report to their
supervisor, if suffering from any of communicable disease or symptoms. It is
ensured that no food handler known or suspected to be suffering from or to be a
carrier of disease likely to be transmitted through food is allowed to work.
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Employees Visual
health, proper observation
cutting of nails,
presence of Weekly Personal
ornaments and daily verification of Hygiene Log
cuts and wounds records
Cleanliness of Visual
head cap, observation
uniforms and
Hand wash
All area is provided with turn off taps, sufficient liquid soap, soft bristled
nailbrush, disposable paper towels and hand dips of chlorinated water (20
PPM) solutions. Food handlers are instructed to wash their hands regularly
throughout working hours especially after visiting toilets and entering the
food processing halls. The DP also monitors the effectiveness of hand wash.
Separate change rooms are provided for all executives, gents and ladies staff.
Each employee is provided with 3 sets of uniforms. Every day they are issued
with clean uniforms coming from the outside laundry by the linen keeper.
Appropriate clean protective clothing is issued to necessary food handlers.
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Protective clothing is removed when visiting the toilets. Uniforms are not
worn outside premises.
All the staff inside the unit will wear clean and hygienic footwear. The ladies
wear suitable head covering enclosing the hair inside the head caps. All the
issues of shoes, caps and uniforms are documented and recorded. Separate
uniform checklists are maintained. All these are documented by Linen
Keeper, verified by DP.
6.9 Maintenance
All the facilities including building, equipment, machinery, utensils, etc are
maintained in good condition on a regular basis. Even in case of street vendors,
proper maintenance of the utilities shall be done.
Separate cafeteria is provided with non-vegetarian and vegetarian food for all
staff on duty. A Bain Marie in the cafeteria facilitates the food to remain hot.
Instrument Calibration
All the equipments and instruments used in the measuring or testing are
calibrated for accuracy. Thermometers used for checking product
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temperature are calibrated once in a year with thermometer traceable to
national standards.
A training program is implemented to ensure competency of all food
handlers to produce safe food. All food handlers receive appropriate
supervision, instructions, commensurate with their work activities, thus
ensuring that they are aware of the hygiene hazards associated with their
job to ensure safety of food produced.
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Bhutan does not have a well organized slaughterhouse or meat processing plant.
However, a few such units are under consideration. Meat and meat products are
one of the major foods consumed by the public and hence the hygiene and safety
of the meat sold in Bhutan is a thrust area under the Food Act of Bhutan (2005)
and the Livestock Act of Bhutan (2001). Major quantity of meat is being
imported in the country. The slaughtered carcasses are imported into the
country from India and the officials of BAFRA ensure that they are transported
under hygienic conditions to Bhutan. There is a good system of verification and
clearance of the meat for quality and freshness at the entry point.
Meat and meat products are the most high risk foods, easily perishable and are
subject to contamination due to various handling process throughout the food
chain from Farm to Fork. BAFRA is having veterinarians and paravets
throughout the country who have been trying to guide and assist the retailers to
comply with the specific requirements in GMPS and GHPs on a continuous basis
to guarantee safety and suitability of the meat sold in Bhutan.
7.1 Location
7.1.1 The meat shop shall be located as a unit of meat market preferably, away
from vegetables, and other food market and shall be free from undesirable
odor, smoke, dust and other contaminants.
7.1.2 Where meat market is not available, individual shops can be set up
considering the above factors which have an impact on the hygiene
conditions of the meat shop and safety of the meat sold.
7.2.1 The size of the meat shops shall be determined by the concerned BAFRA
officials based on the space available, types and quantity of meat handled
on a daily basis.
7.2.2 The height of the shops (from floor to ceiling) shall not be less than 3
meters and if air conditioned, the height should not be less than 2.5
7.3 Premises
7.3.1 The building shall be structurally sound. The walls up to the height of 5
feet from the floor level shall be made of impervious materials (glazed
tiles, hygienic panels, SS sheets etc) for easy washing and cleaning
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7.3.2 The floors should be made of impervious material, non slippery with a
slope for easy cleaning and removal of filth, waste and dirty water. The
wall to floor joints shall be coved or rounded off for easy cleaning and pest
7.3.3 All the fittings in the meat shop shall be non-corroding and non-rusting.
7.3.4 All processing tables, racks, shelves, boards have washable surfaces for
easy cleaning.
7.3.5 A sign board indicating the type of meat shall be displayed prominently.
Nothing else but meat should be sold at the premises.
7.3.6 Ideally, fish shall be sold from a separate shop to prevent cross
contamination due to intact guts, gills, scales. In case, fish need to be sold
from a meat shop, the same shall be done in a separate counter along with
designated utilities such as knives, cutting boards, freezers, weighing
machine, etc
7.3.7 Meat to be displayed for sale must be segregated by type of meat and
displayed in a refrigerated display cabinet.
7.3.8 The shop must have connection to the drainage for proper discharge of
waste water. The same shall not be exposed to open areas outside and the
opening shall be screened to prevent pest entry.
7.3.9 All openings such as windows, exhausts etc shall be protected with insect
proofing nets which can be removable and washable. In case the door is
with screens they shall also be washable.
7.3.10 There shall be connection for continuous potable water supply, if not
arrangements shall be made for collection of water from a potable water
supply and storage.
7.3.11 Door of the meat shop shall be self closing and shall always be closed.
7.3.12 In case glass doors are provided, they shall be protected using sun film to
avoid glass pieces falling into the product in case of a breakage. Open
bulbs hanging over the products are also to be protected to prevent
physical hazard of foreign object.
7.4 Ventilation
7.4.1 The meat shop should have proper ventilation. At least one electric fan
and one exhaust fan shall be provided to facilitate cross ventilation.
7.4.2 The rails and hanging hooks provided for hanging carcasses shall be made
of and easily cleanable. The hooks shall be sufficiently apart (preferably
30 cms) and the distance between the rails shall be 60 to 70 cms
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depending on the type of carcasses to be hanged to keep the carcass
7.4.1 The meat shop shall have suitable arrangements for fly proofing in the
form of air curtains, flytraps or screens. The positioning of the fly traps
shall be placed inside of the entry point.
7.4.2 The shop should have cabinet type refrigerator of size for maintaining the
temperature at 4 to 8 degree Celsius or freezing cabinet if the meat needs
to be stored for more than 48 hours. The condition and cleanliness of the
chillers and freezers shall be checked by the owner or supervisor daily
before start and at the end of business.
7.4.3 The weighing scale shall be of stainless steel or any material easily
7.4.4 The knives and other cutting or handling tools shall be non-corrosive and
have designated area or cupboards to keep it hygienically.
7.4.5 There should be provision for hot water at a temperature above 82°Celsius
(geysers) in each meat shop to sanitize the premises and equipment used
in the shop.
7.4.6 Wash basins made of stainless steel or ceramic shall be in each meat shop
and shall be provided with soap and disinfectant for hand washing and
sanitizing. Single use towel is preferable for hand drying. In case,
community towels are used the same shall be replaced every 2 hours and
cleaned and disinfected. Electric dryer is another option.
7.4.7 Chopping boards shall be of food grade synthetic materials which do not
contaminate the meat as it is easily cleanable. If wood is used, they shall
be hard wood trunks and shall not be damaged with crevices. The surfaces
shall be shaved and kept easily cleanable and shall not contaminate the
7.4.8 At the end of the day or at each break, the chopping equipment shall be
cleaned and disinfected with preferably 100 ppm chlorinated water.
7.4.9 Waste bins shall be with pedal operated cover for collection and disposal of
7.6 Transportation
7.6.2 The cleanliness of the vehicle shall be ensured prior to loading as well as
after delivery and cleaning. Carcasses shall never be carried out in a
vehicle used for human transport or in an open vehicle.
7.6.4 If the transportation of meat takes more than 48 hours, the same shall be
in frozen condition.
7.7.1 The meat shop shall have a continuous program for control of insects,
rodents, animals and vermins within the premises. The surrounding area
also shall be kept clean so as to prevent pest infestation.
7.7.2 Any chemical used shall be with the approval of the BAFRA. Only those
chemicals approved for use in the country by the National Plant
Protection Centre shall be used. The records of use shall be maintained
along with instructions and inventory of chemicals.
7.7.3 The pest control measures adopted shall be kept as record by the owner of
the shop for verification by the BAFRA officials.
7.7.5 Strict control for the collection of wastes and regular timely disposal and
scheduled cleaning of the entire shop with adequate supervision can
prevent the attack of pests.
7.7.6 Proper maintenance of the shop and insect proofing also shall be under
regular supervision by the owner and inspection by the BAFRA officials.
No live animal or birds are allowed inside the facility.
7.8.1 Every person engaged in meat handling should have undergone a medical
check-up and the certificate of fitness to work in a meat handling facility
shall be maintained in the shop to be inspected by the BAFRA officials on
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demand. The medical check-up shall be repeated once in every 6 months
and as and when deemed necessary by the BAFRA officials. The medical
examination shall be as required under the Food Act of Bhutan (2005) and
its rules.
7.8.3 All the meat handlers in meat shop shall keep their hair and nails short
and trimmed and keep them clean always. Wash hands with warm soapy
water before start of the work and at every break.
7.8.4 Eating, chewing tobacco or betel leaves, spitting, nose blowing, scratching
over the body, smoking, etc. are not allowed in a meat handling shops.
Sign boards prohibiting all the above shall be placed prominently in the
7.8.5 All employees shall cover their hair with a clean head gear, and have
mouth covers and aprons worn. They shall refrain from using any loose
jewelries while working as it is difficult to clean and sanitize them.
7.8.6 All meat handlers shall be trained in basic hygiene, GHPs and the need
for complying with the regulations.
7.8.7 Records of regular checking of the employees’ practices and facilities shall
be available in the meat shop for verification by the BAFRA officials.
7.8.8 Toilets in meat shops must be hygienically maintained at all times and
any maintenance work required must be carried out promptly.
7.9.1 All chopping blocks and food contact surfaces shall be cleaned and
sanitized either by hot water above 82 degree Celsius or with Chlorine
(100 ppm) at the end of the day or at break.
7.9.2 The floor should be washed with kitchen grade detergent and disinfected
with chorine or hot water at the end of the day or at break.
7.9.3 There should be high standards of cleanliness in the working area in the
shop with no signs of meat waste on the floor.
7.9.4 All the cooling and storage equipment shall be cleaned at regular intervals
and well maintained. There shall be a schedule for cleaning and shall be
done under supervision. The functioning of the refrigerator and freezers to
be ensured as a part of temperature control.
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7.9.5 Records of compliance of the cleaning procedures shall be maintained.
7.9.6 At a scheduled interval, the BAFRA officials shall draw samples of swabs
from the cleaned food contact surfaces from each shop and test in the lab
to verify the effectiveness of cleaning and in case coliforms and/or E. coli
are detected, corrective actions must be initiated in the shop. Corrective
action may include, but not limited to increasing the frequency of
inspection, more training in cleaning operations, strengthening
supervision, change in the detergent and disinfectant and methods of
7.9.7 Slaughtering of any bird or animal in the meat shop is strictly prohibited.
7.9.8 The carcasses shall not be covered with any kind of clothes.
7.9.9 Wholesome meat from authorized suppliers and abattoirs only be sold in
the shop. Records thereof shall also be maintained.
7.9.10 Premises shall not be used for residential purpose or it shall not be
attached to residential facility. No personal belongings such as clothings,
beddings, shoes and such other items shall be kept in the premises of the
shop. All waste shall be disposed and the waste bins shall be cleaned and
sanitized daily.
7.9.11 Hides, skins, hoofs, heads and unclean guts shall not be allowed to be
stored in the shops. Guts if required to be sold, must be cleaned and sold
as tripe.
7.9.12 The cutting utilities shall be cleaned every break and at the end of
business and disinfected.
7.9.13 Preparation and consumption of food inside the area shall be strictly
7.9.14 Meat shops are not allowed to sell uninspected or illegally supplied meat.
They shall not accept and sell meat without certification/stamping by the
BAFRA officials. Provision for confiscation of unauthorized meat supply
shall be there for the BAFRA officials.
7.9.15 The manager/proprietor of the meat shop shall keep current inventory of
meat received and sold along with details of the supplier of the material as
a part of identity.
7.10.3 Regular services of the BAFRA officials from the Government shall be
available for control and verification of the GMPs and maintenance of
records of actions taken.
7.10.4 In case the services of the BAFRA officials are not adequate, contractual
arrangements shall be made with qualified professionals under the
supervision and monitoring of the BAFRA officials. At no cost, the meat
shops as well as meat processing units shall be left without proper
inspections and controls taking into the high risk nature of the food.
7.10.5 All meat shop owners shall have valid trade licenses issued by the
concerned authority and are liable to comply with the above requirements.
All the meat handlers shall undergo basic hygiene training and possess a
valid meat handlers’ license.
7.10.6 Meat shop owner must issue cash receipt to the customer for every
transaction conducted.
7.11.2 The BAFRA officials can verify this report and will be a useful tool to
review and schedule their inspection and monitoring activities based on
the level of compliance by the meat shop operators.
Meat processing plant which slaughters large animals and small animals
including sheep and goat or poultry birds within the premises of the factory for
production of meat/ meat products for supply / sale/ distribution to the public
shall comply with the following requirements.
8.2.1 Such abattoirs should be located away from vegetable, fish or other food
markets and shall be free from undesirable odour, smoke, dust or other
contaminants. The premises shall be located at elevated level in a sanitary
8.3.1 The abattoirs shall have a animal holding yard/lairage, slaughter hall,
side halls for hide collection, paunch collection, offal collection, and
separation, holding room for suspected/condemned carcass, by-product
harvesting, refrigeration room/cold room etc.
8.3.2 Every such abattoirs shall make separate provision in the slaughter hall
for the slaughter of different species which are proposed to be slaughtered
(like large animal viz. cattle and buffalo, and small animals like sheep,
goat and pigs) and for different methods of slaughter (like Halal, Jewish
and Jhatka). After every type of operation the abattoirs shall be cleaned,
washed wiped/dried and sanitized thoroughly.
8.3.3 The abattoirs shall have separation between clean and dirty sections and
shall be so organized that from the introduction of a live animal into the
abattoirs up to the emergence of meat and offal classed as fit for human
consumption there shall be a continuous forward movement without any
possibility of reversal, intersection or overlapping between the live animal
meat, and between meat and bye products or waste.
8.3.4 The animal holding yard/ lairage shall have facilities for watering and
examining animals. Animals suspected of contagious or infectious diseases
shall be segregated and kept in separate isolation pens which shall also be
provided with arrangements for watering and feeding. After confirmation
for any notifiable disease outbreaks or case of notifiable disease detected,
the concerned authority shall notify the disease as per the existing
procedures. The resting yard must have overhead protective shelter.
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8.3.5 The lairage shall be adequate in size for the number of animals to be
8.3.6 Separate space shall be provided for stunning (wherever applicable), for
collection of blood and for dressing of the carcasses. The slaughtering of an
animal shall not be done in the sight of other animals. The dressing of the
carcass shall not be done on the floor. Suitable hoists will be provided to
hang the carcass before it is eviscerated.
8.3.7 All the floors in lairage, slaughter halls, work rooms, hanging rooms shall
be of impervious and non slippery material.
8.3.8 The internal walls will be paved with impervious glazed tiles up to 1
meter height in case of poultry and small ruminant animals and 5 meter
height in case of large ruminant animals. The walls and floors should be
epoxycoated so as to avoid accumulation/absorption of dust, blood/meat
particles, microbial/fungal growth.
8.3.12 Windows, doors and other openings must be screened and shall be fly
proof. All doors shall be self closing .
8.3.14 There shall be efficient drainage and plumbing systems and all drains and
gutters shall be properly and permanently installed. There shall be
provision for the disposal of refuse.
8.3.15 The drainage system for blood shall either be underground with facility for
easy cleaning or a portable receptacle with lid. All drainages will have
traps and screens so as to prevent entry of scavengers like rats, mice,
vermin etc.
8.3.16 The rooms and compartments where edible products are handled shall be
separate and distinct from the rooms and compartments for inedible
8.3.17 Suitable and separate space shall be provided for the storage of hides and
skins. This room shall have a separate exit.
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8.3.18 A constant and sufficient supply of clean potable cold water with pressure
hose pipes and supply of hot water should be made available in the
slaughter hall during working hours.
8.3.19 Suitable and sufficient facilities shall be provided for persons working in
the abattoirs for changing their clothes and cleaning their footwear, and
cleaning their hands before entering rooms used for the preparation and
storage of meat.
8.3.20 Provision for toilets and change rooms will be made. Sufficient number of
urinals, washbasins and bathrooms for each gender shall be provided.
8.3.22 Whenever cooking is done on open fire, chimneys shall be provided for
removal of smoke and soot.
8.3.23 Whenever the dressed meat is not used up for the preparation of meat food
products and some portion has to be stored without further immediate
processing, such storage shall be in a room maintained at 0° C to 5°C.
8.3.24 All abattoir refuse and waste materials will be suitably processed to
prepare animal by-products or dumped in pits that are suitably covered so
as to prevent access to scavengers. For large abattoirs, a suitable provision
of effluent treatment plant will be made.
8.3.25 In case of small abattoirs, waste material may be composted which can be
used for manure purpose and in case of large abattoirs, waste material
should be rendered (cooked) in a rendering plant to produce meat, bone
meal and inedible fats.
8.3.26 Suitable and sufficient facilities shall be provided for the isolation of meat
requiring further examination by the authorised veterinary officer in a
suitable laboratory (within the premises of the abattoirs).
8.3.27 Consistent with the size of the factory, volume and variety of meat
products manufactured, a laboratory shall be provided, equipped and
staffed with qualified and trained personnel.
8.4.1 Every part of the internal surface above the floor or pavement of such
abattoirs shall be washed thoroughly with hot water and disinfected.
Every part of the floor or pavement of the abattoirs and every part of the
internal surface of every wall on which any blood or liquid refuse or filth
may have been spilt or splashed or with which any offensive or noxious
matter have been brought into contact during the process of slaughtering,
dressing and cutting, shall be thoroughly cleaned, washed with water,
wiped/dried and disinfected within three hours after the completion of
8.4.3 All parts of the abattoirs shall always be kept clean, adequately lighted
and ventilated and shall be regularly cleaned, and disinfected. The
floorings shall be impervious and washed daily. Lime washing, colour
washing or painting as the case may be, shall be done at least once in
every twelve months.
8.4.4 All yards, outhouses, stores and all approaches to the abattoirs shall
always be kept clean and in a sanitary condition.
8.4.5 Suitable and sufficient receptacles furnished with closely fitted covers
shall be provided for collection and removal of all garbage, filth and refuse
from the abattoirs at a convenient time to a place away from the factory
for disposal.
8.4.6 All blood, manure, garbage, filth or other refuse from any animal
slaughtered and the hide, fat, viscera and offal there from, shall be
removed from the abattoirs within 8 hours after the completion of the
slaughtering and in such a manner and by such means as will not cause
nuisance at the premises or elsewhere. Every such vessel or receptacle
shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected immediately after use and
shall be kept thoroughly clean when not in actual use.
8.4.7 The inner side of the skin shall not be rubbed or caused to be rubbed upon
the ground within any portion of the slaughter hall. Hides and skins shall
not be dragged within the slaughter hall. No gut-scraping, tripe cleaning,
manufacture or preparation of meat food products, household washing of
clothes or work of any nature other than is involved in the slaughter and
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dressing of the carcass shall be permitted in any slaughter hall except in
the adjuncts to the slaughter hall intended for these products and
8.4.8 The premises shall be cleaned thoroughly with disinfectants, one day in
advance of production of meat food products and the equipment shall be
sterilized/sanitized before use. The rooms and compartments in which any
meat food product is prepared or handled shall be free from dust and from
odours emanating from dressing rooms, toilet rooms, catch basins, hide
cellars, casing rooms and livestock pens.
8.4.9 Every practicable precaution shall be taken to exclude flies, rats, mice and
vermin from the establishments / abattoirs. The use of poisons for any
purpose in rooms or compartments where any unpacked product is stored
or handled is forbidden. The use of approved bait poisons in hide cellars,
compartments where inedible products are stored, outhouses or similar
buildings containing canned products is, however, not forbidden.
8.4.10 It shall be ensured that dogs, cats or birds do not have access to the
slaughter hall. Open areas in the factory shall have covered wire rope
netting to prevent carrion birds from access to the slaughter hall or the
8.4.11 Water used in the abattoirs shall be potable. The water shall be examined
chemically and bacteriologically in a recognized laboratory. The water
quality shall comply with the standards prescribed.
8.5.1 The equipment and fittings in slaughter hall except for chopping blocks,
cutting boards and brooms, shall be of such material and of such
construction as to enable them to be kept clean. The implements shall be
of metal or other cleanable and durable material resistant to corrosion.
8.5.2 No vessel, container or other equipment, the use of which is likely to cause
metallic contamination injurious to health shall be employed in the
preparation, packing or storage of meat food products. (Copper or brass
vessels shall always be heavily lined. No iron or galvanised iron shall
come in contact with meat food products).
a. General
1. The floor of the slaughter area should not cause slipping or falling of
2. Vocalization is an indicator of animal discomfort and need to be watched
3. Use of electric pods for moving animal should be discouraged. Movement of
animals can be managed by grouping, use of plastic wrapped sticks etc.
4. Pen stocking density should be monitored. All animals should have room to
lie down simultaneously. The condition of animals arriving for slaughter
should be closely monitored so that injured, diseased animals are not
5. High pitch sounds such as whistling and yelling should be avoided to spare
distress to animals.
Annexure I
Any building or area in which food is handled and the surroundings under the
control of the same management.
Food Safety
Assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared
and/or eaten according to its intended use.
Standard is a document approved by a recognized body that provides, for
common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for products &
related processes and production methods, with which compliance is not
mandatory. It may also deal with terminologies, symbols, packaging, marking or
labeling requirements as they apply to a product, process or production method
(WTO-TBT- Annex 1).
Technical regulation is a document which lays down product characteristics or
their related process and production methods, including the administrative
provisions with which Compliance is Mandatory. It may also include or deal
exclusively with terminologies, symbols, packaging, marking or labeling
requirements as they apply to a product, process or production methods (WTO-
TBT-Annex 1).
Any substance, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, which is
intended for human consumption and includes primary food to the extent
defined, genetically modified or engineered food or food containing such
ingredients, packaged drinking water, beverages, chewing gum, and any
substance, including water used into the food during its manufacture,
preparation or treatment but does not include any animal feed, live animals
unless they are prepared or processed for placing on the market for human
A set composed of one or several units or a portion of matter selected by different
means in a population or in an important quantity of matter, which is intended
to provide information on a given characteristic of the studied population or
matter and to provide a basis for a decision concerning the population or matter
in question or concerning the process which has produced it.
Any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter, or other substances not
intentionally added to food products that may compromise food safety or
The introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in food or food environment.
Control measure
Any action and activity that can be used to prevent or eliminate a food safety
hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.
Corrective action
Any action taken when the results of monitoring indicate a loss of control (Codex
Food Handler
Any person who directly handles packaged or unpackaged food, food equipment
and utensils, or food contact surfaces and is therefore expected to comply with
food hygiene requirements.
Food Hygiene
All conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of
food at all stages of the food chain.
Evaluating for conformity by measuring, observing, testing or gauging the
relevant characteristics to assess compliance with specified standards.
The act of conducting a planned sequence of observations or measurements of
control parameters to assess whether a Critical Control Parameter is under
Potable water
Water that is fit for human consumption as prescribed by WHO.
An operation affecting the wholeness or any other chemical or physical
characteristics (heating, salting, dehydration, canning, bottling, pulverising,
blending or extraction).
Adequate treatment of surfaces by a process that is effective in destroying
vegetative cells of micro-organisms to a safe level.
The application of methods, procedures, tests and other evaluations, in addition
to monitoring to determine compliance with the documented procedures.
Removal of soil, dirt, grease, oil , food residue or other objectionable matter.
Demarcation of an area within an establishment where specific operating,
hygiene or other practices may be applied to minimize the potential for
microbiological cross contamination.
FHTM/04/April 2014
Hygiene & Sanitary Daily Weekl Monthl Designated Verified by Corrective CA verified by MO
condition of y y Personnel Action (CA) with remarks &
item/area/activity Signature
Surroundings *
Premises *
Floor/walls/ceilings *
w/o crevices
Corrosion on the fittings & *
unprotected fittings
Dents, damages, *
crevices on the food contact
surfaces & with food residues
Sign boards *
Stagnant water *
Leaking taps/water tanks * *
Refrigerator and freezers *
Freshness of carcasses *
Uncompatible items displayed *
eg. hides, other meat products,
separate from meat
Cross contamination *
Cleaning and disinfection of *
chopping boards
FHTM/04/April 2014
Knives *
Work surfaces *
Hot water provision and its *
Storage of chemicals *
H.W facility cleanliness *
Towels changed *
Cleanliness of workers *
Health status *
Cuts /wounds covered *
Hair protected/ *
Jewelery worn
Pest prevention *
Screens intact
Pest control monitoring and *
Waste collection, disposal, *
cleaning of bin
Left over of the day- storage *
and use
Quality check of frozen and *
fresh meat
Toilet sanitatation *
FHTM/04/April 2014
1. Codex Alimentarius, Food Hygiene – Basic Text, Fourth Edition-2009
2. Guidelines for the design of control measures for street-vended foods (Africa)
CAC/Gl 22r – 19