350im English (Revised2) - 1
350im English (Revised2) - 1
Chapter 1 Preface
This CNC system is a mid-range embedded CNC system developed by our company for miller and
processing center.
The system comprehensively utilizes modern computer technology. System movement control kernel
and PLC program are based on unique and reliable real-time control engine subsystem RTAI which makes
the system independent from the management and deployment of the operating system so as to ensure the
rigidness of the CNC system. Taking high-performance, low-power industrial ARM microprocessor as the
hardware core, it uses super large scale field programmable integrated circuit, 6-layered printed-circuit
board (PCB), 100MB flash for the user to storage a large amount of programs, and 8-inch true color LCD
screen for better human-machine interface to make the most of the system.
Note to the attention:1. “Attention” means that the operators shall be cautious during operation or
configuration of related functions or failure or inexecution may occur.
2. “Special Attention” means that the operators shall be especially cautious during operation or
configuration of related functions or failures of the machine and/or accidents may occur.
Special Tips: 1. The system has parameters backup which enables the storage of all the parameters of
machine tool and the system, and PLC files into the computer after the completion of
commissioning. It is easy to make commissioning in batch and enables rapid recovery
after the replacement of the faulted system (for detailed operation method see Section
2. This manual is corresponding to the system version: V350.14.01 FPGA1003[linux2.6]
Attention: For the first time using the CNC system, please read the manual
carefully to make the most of the system.
" " displays coordinate position screen. The position screen can
display relative coordinates, workpiece coordinate, and
comprehensive coordinate; and tool setting, base point of tool setting,
coordinate setting, coordinate selection can be also made.
3.4 Program
The programs in the system are managed by files. The system has NAND FLASH, which provides
100MB of space to store processing program. And the user program can be password-protected. Program
editor uses full screen operation mode.
On the panel, press the "Program" function key to pop up the program interface, as shown in Figure
Figure 3.14
3.4.3 Rename
It is used for renaming the existing program file or folder for ease of management. Press function keys
to show dialogs (as Figure 3.15), requiring to type new name of program file or folder.
Figure 3.16
3.4.4 Delete
Under the program interface, move the cursor up and down to select the program files or folders to be
deleted and then press "Del" key to delete the currently selected program file or folder.
Under the program directory interface press "E" can eliminate all programs in the system, that is to
format the storage disk. This operation shall not be performed in general condition.
Attention: After deleting the program file or folder in the system, it will be unable to restore, please be
sure when operating.
3.4.5 Information
Under the program interface, move the cursor up and down to select the corresponding program files
and press "Information" key, then the pop-up dialog as shown in Figure 3.17 will show information about
the currently selected program files. The operator can easily understand the program status. Such as file
size, and the remaining space of the system.
Figure 3.18
As shown in Figure 3.18: The files of USB disk are displayed in the middle of the screen. All the
contents of the USB disk are shown in the area. Move the cursor up and down to select file or folder to be
operated. The bottom of the screen displays the path. /USB is the default path for the USB disk, and it will
extend when opening the folders in USB disk.
Under the USB flash drive interface, press "Execute" soft key to return the system program interface.
If dialog shown as in Figure 3.19 pops up after inserted the USB flash drive, the system cannot
recognize the USB flash drive. Please restart the system. If, after restart, the system can't recognize the USB
flash drive, please replace a new USB flash drive and then do it again.
Figure 3.19
To copy program file or folder in the USB flash drive to the system: After inserted the USB flash drive,
press the corresponding "Open USB flash drive" function key to show the program files in that USB flash
drive. Press "↑" and "↓" keys to move the cursor to select to the program file or folder to be copied to the
system, and then press "Copy to the system" soft key at this time, and a dialog prompting you to enter the
Figure 3.20
In Figure 3.20, if the typed filename already exists, dialog as shown in Figure 3.14 will prompt user to
override the program file or folder. If there is no such file name or folder name, the screen returns to
system program. The file or folder will be highlighted as the current program file or program folder.
Figure 3.21
To copy program file or folder in the system to the USB flash drive: Under the system program
interface, press "↑" and "↓" key to move the cursor to select the program files or filename to be copied.
Press the corresponding function key "Open USB flash drive" to enter the USB disk interface, then press the
corresponding function key "Copy to USB flash drive" to show a pop-up dialog, and then type the file name,
press Enter.
Figure 3.22
In Figure 3.22, if the typed filename already exists, dialog as shown in Figure 3.14 will prompt user to
override the program file or folder. If there is no such file name or folder name, the screen returns to
system program. The file or folder will be highlighted as the current program file or program folder.
Figure 3.23
Note: Prior to eject USB flash drive, it must be returned to the interface displaying system program file directory, or the
data copied into the USB flash drive will be lost.
Import (upgrade and update) and export (backup) of parameter files and system software by USB
In the system, the transmission of parameter files and system software can be made through the
communication interface, so as to achieve the purpose of upgrading, updating or backup. The specific
operation method is as follows:
Import (upgrade and update) of parameter files and system software by USB :
Insert the USB disk into the system USB interface, press "Program" on the panel to enter the program
interface, press the "Open USB flash disk" (F6) soft key, then the program file in the USB displays. By
pressing the cursor keys to move up and down to select the file you want to import to the system, press the
"Import parameters" (F2) soft key to bring up the dialog box as shown below, press the "Enter" key to
Figure 3.26
Figure 3.27
Type the name of program file in the above figure, and after confirmed the PC starts to send program
files, and system starts to receive files, as shown in Figure 3.28.
Figure 3.28
The file will be highlighted as the current program file upon the completion of the transmission.
Transferring program from the system to PC: Press "↑" and "↓" to move the cursor to select the
program files to be sent under the "Program" interface of the system, and then press "T" key, and now the
system is ready to send, as shown in Figure 3.29:
Figure 3.29
Run the dedicated communication software for the system in PC , as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3.30
After setting the serial port number and the transmission rate in the Configuration pane in the above
figure, click the button "Receive CNC program files", and enter the file name, and click "Save", and then the
system starts to send the program file and the PC will put the received files into the specified path.
Attention: 1. The dedicated communication software shall be used on user's PC to transmit the programs.
2. Special attention should be paid that the transmission rate of the PC and CNC system shall be
consistent, otherwise it is unable to transfer.
3. The serial port numbers that connected to device shall be consistent. It is highly recommended
to use communication isolation module produced by our company for the system in order to
prevent the serial port from damage. The RS232 port baud rate shall not be higher than
38.4Kpbs when using communication isolation module.
4. The length of RS232 communication cable shall not be greater than 10m.
5. Communication software is in the attached CD. Directly copy it to computer's hard drive to run.
There is no need to install.
3.4.8 Edit
Select a program with cursor in the Program interface and then press Enter key to enter to the edit
mode of the program. The system program editor has small and large font types, which can be switched by
"ALT" key. As shown in Figure 3.31, it is small font type.
Figure 3.34
Under the program directory interface press "S (P)" to enter the program template interface. Program
Figure 3.35
Input the starting and the ending line number of the block to be copied in the above dialog, and then
press Enter as shown in Figure 3.35:
Figure 3.36
Input the number of the ending line of the block to be copied in the above dialog, and then press Enter
to copy the selected program block to the end of the line where the cursor is.
Note: 1. The input line number must be the actual number of the line rather than the line number specified by the
starting N of
the program line.
If there is only one line to be copied, just set the starting line number and the ending line number as the same.
Delete block: Delete the program block from the line where the cursor is as the starting line to the
specified line number as following.
Move the cursor to the starting line of the block to be deleted. In the first screen of the menu, press
"Delete" soft key, the system shows a dialog as shown in Figure 3.37.
Figure 3.37
Input the number of the ending line of the block to be deleted in the above dialog, and then press Enter
to delete the selected program block.
Note: 1. The input line number must be the actual number of the line rather than the line number specified by the
starting N of the program line.
The program (source code) written by the user with ISO code according to the programing method
specified by the CNC system cannot be run directly in the system. It must be converted to machine code
(object program) which can be executed by the system. The compilation function is to translate the source
code to machine code program.
"Compile": Compile CNC processing program and compile macro.
For compilation process has strict grammar check, it can be used for checking errors. The program
can be modified in time in case of grammar error. If the program has no error, the compiler will show "OK,
compiled!" after compilation as shown in figure below:
Figure 3.38
If there is any error, the line number and the nature of the error will be shown as below. Press Enter to
move the cursor automatically to the program line with error:
Figure 3.39
When the system is in automatic mode, the system will automatically make implicit compilation to the
source program. If the compiled program has any error, the system will show the error message.
9) Find: Look up the specified string after the cursor.
10) Replace: Replace the specified string after the cursor for one time.
11) Replace all: Replace the specified string from the current cursor line to the end of the program, as
Move the cursor to the starting line from which the replacement takes place. In the second screen of
the menu, press "Replace all" soft key, the system shows a dialog as shown in Figure 3.40.
Figure 3.40
Enter the characters to be replaced in the above dialog, and press Enter as shown in the figure below:
Figure 3.41
Enter the character you want to replace in the above dialog, and press Enter to replace the specified
string from the current cursor line to the end of the program.
Note: Press the "Emergency stop" to stop the ongoing "Find", "Replace", "Replace all" operations.
12) Sort line number: Rearrange the line numbers of the current program under edit according to
decimal system. In the system, there is no strict requirement for line number. It may be 1-4 digits, or
increased from any number, or even none.
13) Exit: Press "Esc" or "Return" key to return to the main interface of file management. The system
will prompt to save the program upon exit.
Special Attention: In case of unexpected power outage in the process of program editing, the program
files will not be saved. If you want to save the program during editing, then press
Compile key to save the program.
3.4.9 Selection of Processing Program
Processing program shall be selected in the "Program" interface prior to the automatic processing. The
operation method is as follows: Press "↑" and "↓" to select program in "Program" interface, and then press
"Execute program" soft key. Now the processing program has been selected (it can be observed by the
status bar at the top right corner of the screen).
Special Attention: If you want to choose a processing program, it must be done according to the above
method, otherwise it will execute the program of the last time. To prevent accident,
please be sure to check the name of the current program to be executed prior to
automatic operation.
3.4.10 Switching Program Folder Path
In the system, program files are usually stored in the default root directory/tmp/NC, and new folders
may be create under it. Press "Previous level" to return to the root directory from folders.
3.5 Manual
Manual refers to the manual operation. In the panel, press the "Manual" key to enter manual mode as
shown in figure below:
Figure 3.43
Manual continuous operation is based on key press time. Press the key to feed, and lift the key to stop
feeding. Use "+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z, +4, -4" keys on the panel to feed in the specified axis and the direction.
Feeding speed is the manual speed multiplied by the feed ratio in the parameter settings.
When the feeding exceeds the hard limit on both positive and negative directions of the running axis,
the feeding stops, and the system will show that feeding cannot continue due to the limit, only feeding on
reverse direction can be made.
During manual continuous operation, press the multi-axis feed button at the same time to manually
feed multi-axis.
3.5.2 Incremental
In manual mode, press the "Manual Incremental" soft keys to enter manual incremental mode. The
status bar of manual and automatic mode is shown as shown in Figure 3.43:
Figure 3.44
Incremental mode means to use "+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z, +4, -4" keys on the panel to feed with an
incremental value in the specified axis and the direction. Feeding speed is the manual speed multiplied by
the feed ratio in the parameter settings.
The incremental value can be switched by . Implementation methods is: Cycling within "increasing
1.0mm, increasing 0.1mm, increasing 0.01mm, increasing 0.001mm". At the same time, when in the
incremental mode, press "I" button will popup dialog as shown in Figure 3.45 to set any incremental value. I
value will be shown in manual status bar.
Figure 3.46
Figure 3.47
The order of the automatic back to reference point, running speed of back to reference point, running
direction, detection method, offset can be set by the parameter settings. In the process of returning back to
the reference point, press "Stop" button to stop returning back to reference point.
Attention: 1. During returning back to reference point, the system may prompt as shown in Figure
3.48. It means failure to detect the zero pulse for returning back to reference point. Just
perform Back to the reference point operation at this time. If it occurs repeatedly during
operation, the parameters may be set incorrectly (reverse speed is too fast) or the circuit is
failed. Please check.
2. The precondition for spindle to return to the reference point is that there must be encoder
signal feedback for the spindle. The precision of returning back to reference point is
dependent on the execution method and the speed. When the spindle returns back to the
reference point with position control mode, the precision is high, while the precision is low
with speed control mode, and it is only for reference . At the same time the higher the speed
is, the lower the precision is.
Figure 3.48
Special Attention:
1. After each startup, the system must conduct a back to reference point operation to ensure the processing
precision of the machine tool. After startup due to accident or abnormal power shutdown, the system also
must conduct a back to reference point operation, otherwise it may cause failure.
2. When the system is configured to absolute encoder motor, the system does not need to return back to the
reference point. The system will read coordinates from drive upon startup. If it reads successfully then the
returning back zero mark is valid.
3.5.6 Automatic Centering Function:
This system has automatic centering function. It can determine the midpoint of a straight line (parallel
to the coordinate axis) on G17 plane under the workpiece coordinate system by two points, and determine
the center of a circle by three points. This function is mainly used for setting up the zero point of workpiece
coordinate system. The operation method is as follows:
Illustration 1 Illustration 2
Figure 3.49
To determine the midpoint of a straight line by two points (as shown in Illustration 1):
Firstly select the workpiece coordinate system, then move the coordinates to A point, and press the C
key to show pop-up dialog as shown in Figure 3.50.
Figure 3.50
After input 1, press Enter to determine the coordinate of point P1 , then move the coordinate to point B,
press C key to show pop-up dialog as shown in Figure 3.51 (Please note that the "Set Point" has been set as
point P1).
Figure 3.51
After input 2, press Enter to determine the coordinate of point P2 , then press C key to show pop-up
dialog as shown in Figure 3.52 (Please note that the "Set Point" has been set as point P1,P2).
Figure 3.52
At this time, input X (straight line paralleling to the X axis) then press Enter, the system automatically
set the zero point of X axis in current workpiece coordinate system as the midpoint of the line. The
coordinate value of the current X axis is set to an offset value, taking zero point of X axis in the workpiece
coordinate system as a benchmark.
To determine the center of a circle by three points (as shown in Illustration 2):
Firstly select the workpiece coordinate system, then move the coordinates to A point, and press the C
key to show pop-up dialog as shown in Figure 3.87.
Figure 3.53
After input 1, press Enter to determine the coordinate of point P1 , then move the coordinate to point B,
press C key to show pop-up dialog as shown in the figure (Please note that the "Set Point" has been set as
point P1).
Figure 3.54
After input 2, press Enter to determine the coordinate of point P2 , then move the coordinate to point
C, press C key to show pop-up dialog as shown in the figure (Please note that the "Set Point" has been set as
point P1 and P2).
Figure 3.55
After input 3, press Enter to determine the coordinate of point P3 , then press C key to show pop-up
dialog as shown in the figure (Please note that the "Set Point" has been set as point P1 , P2 and P3).
Figure 3.57
In Figure 3.57, after pressing Enter, the X and Y axis will be returned to the zero point of the workpiece
coordinate system with speed G00.
Special Attention: During returning to zero with one key, the Z axis must be placed in the place that
spindle and worktable, namely the objects of the surface, are not interfering with each
other, otherwise accident may occur.
3.5.8 "Reset" Key Setting.
The reset operation is a soft reset. It is used for performing the following operations:
Stopping the current running program; stopping spindle, cooling down, and lubricate; clearing the
positive and negative hard limit M16~M25 for XYZAB; clearing the driving alarm and lubrication and
cooling alarm M32~M36, M39, M44~M47 for XYZAB; clearing customized alarm M80~M95; clearing
machine tool exception M12, prohibiting program M03, prohibiting feeding M00, and clearing prohibiting
feeding axis M128~M132.
3.5.9 Following Operations Can Be Made in Manual Mode:
1)Manual spindle state control:
Press to stop the spindle, displaying M05. When the spindle stops, press it for one time to power
up the spindle motor, and press it again to power down the spindle motor.
Press to switch the coolant from a closed state (M09) to open state (M08). If the coolant
3) Manual fixture control
Press to loosen or tighten the tool. Press down to loosen, and lift to tighten the tool.
4) Manual tool magazine rotation control
Press to rotate tool magazine for selecting the tool position in tool seat.
5) Lubrication switch
Press to switch the lubricant from a closed state to open state. If the lubricant is in open state,
press it to close.
6) Feed speed adjustment control:
Feed speed adjustment ratio is controlled by range switch or key. Rotate clockwise one scale or press
"+" key to increase 10% ratio, and rotate counterclockwise one scale or press "-" key to decrease 10%.
There are 16 scales from a range of 5%~150%. Adjustment value is displayed on spindle rotational speed
bar as shown in Figure 3.58:
Figure 3.58
Figure 3.59
8) Press the "Stop" button: To stop the current manual operation.
9) Press "F" button, dialog box pops up for modifying the manual feed speed to set the running speed
of each axis in manual mode. As shown in Figure 3.60:
Figure 3.62 Setting of Tool Setting Base Point with Tool Length Compensation
12) Press "Tool Setting" to automatically calculate and save tool length compensation value. Set
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User Manual
difference of every tool at length direction to compensate base point, by pressing the up and down keys to
input compensation value to H1 - H4. As shown in figure below:
Figure 3.62
3.6 Automatic
Press "Automatic" key on the panel to enter automatic mode. During automatic running, the system
will compile the current program. If there is any error in the program, the system will show the error
message. Press the soft key to enter program management.
Press "Run" button: To execute the program.
Press the "Stop" button: If the program is in continuous running, press once is to pause the program,
and during the pause press "Stop" again to stop immediately. At this time, press "Run" to continue to run. If
the program is in step running, press it once to stop the program.
Note: After the program complete or go into manual mode, the current spindle rotational speed will be
switched to manual spindle rotational speed.
3.6.1 Coordinates
The operation status of coordinate is to track and display the processing track with coordinates. It
shows the current position of a tool. There are two coordinate status: Workpiece coordinate display mode
and comprehensive coordinate display mode. Two coordinate modes can be switched by pressing "Alt" or
"Display Switch" (F3). Comprehensive coordinate interface is as follows:
paused, and stopped. Press , or press "Single Segment" (F1), and "Continuous" (F2) to switch between
single segment and continuous mode.
3.6.5 Simulation
In the automatic interface, press "Simulation" (F6) to enter simulation mode, in which the program
simulates the tracking of the tool center with track drawings or coordinates. All the mechanical actions
(including machine tool feeding and auxiliary functions) will not be performed during simulation mode.
After pressing "Run" button, the automatic real-time dynamics will display the current actual shape of
workpiece, and the workpiece is free to rotate, zoom in and out and track graphics mode and the coordinate
mode can be switched with each other.
3.6.6 Keep Feeding
When the program is paused during automatic continuous mode or the program is stopped during
single segment mode, press "Manual" softy to enter manual mode for operations such as manual
continuous, manual incremental, and manual pulse. After cancelled the "Manual", press "Run", the system
will automatically return to the breakpoint of the program with default speed G01/G02/G03 specified in
parameter "Speed", and then continue the program. The return order for axes is: If Z axis is moving toward
positive direction, then Z axis will be returned at first. If Z axis is moving toward negative direction, then
the Z axis will be returned at the last. Other axes will be returned with the order X->Y->A axis.
3.6.7 Handwheel Triggering for Automatic Operation
When running the program, the first machining parts is for trial. The parts can be processed by
triggering manual pulse generator for safety. Real-time control can be made for each axis.
In Automatic Mode, press F8 (Handwheel Simulation) to enter into handwheel processing mode. When
rotating the handwheel, the machine tools processes according to the program. When the handwheel is
stopped rotating, the feeding is also stopped. Rotate the handwheel for processing again.
Figure 3.69
Note: To stop the system in the process of online processing, just press the Stop key.
To cancel online processing state: Enter to program file directory, elect the system program files to be
executed, and press F7 to cancel the online processing state.
Attention: 1. When using serial port to send files, the baud rate is dependent on the
operating environment (communication cable length, the onsite
environment). In order to improve reliability, it is recommended to use a
medium frequency (no higher than 38400).
2. Communication cable length shall not be more than 10 meters, and 、
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User Manual
communication isolation plate shall be used.
3. The dedicated communication software shall be used on user's PC to
transmit the programs. Special attention should be paid that the
transmission rate of the PC and CNC system shall be consistent, otherwise it
is unable to transfer.
4. Communication software is in the attached CD. Directly copy it to
hard drive to run. There is no need to install.
Description of USB-DNC:
USB-DNC is realized through USB flash drive which is plugged in the system, and from which the
program is selected for execution.
open the USB flash drive under the program interface, select the corresponding program, and press the
program execution soft key to return to the automatic mode, and press Run to execute the program.
Attention: Please do not unplug the USB flash drive during USB-DNC or failure of processing will happen.
After the completion of the USB-DNC, return from the USB interface to system program
Figure 3.70
Enter the code as required, and press "Run" button. The system will immediately execute the program.
To pause an MDI program, use "Pause" button. Press the ESC key to exit the MDI function.
Attention: When using MDI function, if there is no G53, G54-G59, G54.1-G54.48 in the MDI program code,
it means that the MDI program is running in the current workpiece coordinate system (G53,
G54-G59, G54.1-G54.48).
For example: given the current coordinate system is G55:
After input X50Z67F400 in the MDI dialog, press run, then the system will move to coordinate point
X50Z67 in the workpiece coordinate system G55 at the speed of F400.
Figure 3.72
Set coordinates:
It is used for setting the value of the workpiece coordinates or relative coordinates. The workpiece
coordinates can be set under workpiece coordinates display mode, and the relative coordinates can be set
under comprehensive coordinates display mode. The relative coordinates can also be set while the program
is running. Pressing "Set coordinates" to complete the operation in corresponding interface as prompt, as
Figure 3.75
2. Stop the spindle, and change to tool T02, and start the spindle. In manual mode, move Z axis to make
the tool to approach the surface of the workpiece (assuming the current coordinate value is -135 as shown
in Figure 3.76. Press "Tool Setting" and make operation as required to automatically set the tool with the
memory). The parameter Hx of length compensation of T02 will be automatically set to 15 (-135~-150) by
the system.
Note: Hx refers to any one from H1~H4, which is determined by selection after pressing "Tool Setting". It is usually H1.
Figure 3.76
3. Stop the spindle, and change to tool T03, and start the spindle. In manual mode, move Z axis to make
the tool to approach the surface of the workpiece (assuming the current coordinate value is -165 as shown
in Figure 3.77. Press "Tool Setting" and make operation as required to automatically set the tool with the
memory). The parameter Hx of length compensation of T03 will be automatically set to -15 (-165~-150) by
the system.
Note: Hx refers to any one from H1~H4, which is determined by selection after pressing "Tool Setting". It is usually H1.
Figure 3.77
4. Completion of tool setting.
Special Attention: After setting the tool, the system will automatically memorize the length
compensation. Length compensation command shall be used for compensation during the
Attention: 1, If you do not exit the system according to the above steps, it is a non-normal exit which will
loss of current coordinates. Failure may be caused at next start.
2, After each startup, the system must conduct a back to reference point operation to ensure the
processing precision of the machine tool. After startup due to accident or abnormal power
shutdown, the system also must conduct a back to reference point operation, otherwise it
may cause failure.
Chapter 4 Programming
Programming is a process to describe the process path, and its auxiliary actions according to the
drawings and the requirements of processing technology with the language of CNC system.
Figure 4.4
Example 3 N0000 G92 X65.2 Y100 Z28
It means to establish workpiece coordinate system, and current coordinates of X=65.2, Y=100, Z=28.
4.4.2 commands for Selecting Coordinate
Figure 4.5
4.4.3 Local Coordinate System command (G52)
When programming in the workpiece coordinate system, a child coordinate system can be set up for
the workpiece coordinate system for the ease of programming. Such child coordinate system is called the
local coordinate system.
command format: G52 X- Y- Z-; Setting the local coordinate system.
(modal after setting)
G52 U- V- W- ; Specify the origin of local coordinate
system in an incremental manner, i.e.
incremental offset at the origin of the
command G52 can be used for setting local coordinate system in machine tool coordinate system (G53)
or the workpiece coordinate system (G54~G59). The origin of local coordinates is set on the position
specified by X- Y- Z- in the machine tool coordinate system or the workpiece coordinate system.
When local coordinate system is set, the posterior movement with absolute value G90 command is
coordinate values in the local coordinate system. Using G52 to specify the new zero point can change the
location of the local coordinate system. In order to cancel the local coordinate system and specify
coordinate values in the workpiece coordinate system, the zero of the local coordinate system and the zero
of the workpiece coordinate system should be made consistent.
Local coordinate system does not change workpiece coordinate system and machine tool coordinate
system. When using G92 command to set workpiece coordinate system, if coordinate values of all axes are
not commanded, the local coordinate system of the axis without specified coordinate value will not be
cancelled and remain the same. After G52 program segment, movement command is specified in absolute
value manner.
Figure 4.6
For example: processing 5 same workpieces on one workpiece:
G22 L5
X50 Z60 ;Processing workpiece
G52 U-40V-40 ;Every time the XY axis relatively offset 40 mm
G52 X0 Y0;To cancel local coordinate system
G0 Z100
4.4.4 Programming command(G90/G91)
There are two ways to command the movement of the tool: The absolute value command and
incremental value command. In the absolute value command, program the coordinate value of the end
point, and in the incremental value command, program the movement distance. G90 and G91 are used
respectively for specifying absolute value programming or incremental value programming is used in
coordinate word.
Figure 4.7
In the above example: In the first line, G90 command specifies to use absolute value programming, and
the X axis moves to the absolute coordinate 40mm, and Y axis moves to absolute coordinate 70mm.
In the second line, G91 command specifies to use relative programming, indicating X axis moves 60mm
to negative direction from the current position , and Y axis move 40mm to positive direction.
4.4.5 plane Selection command (G17/G18/G19)
command format:G17(modal, initial state); Specifies XY place
G18 (modal) ;Specifies ZX place
G19 (modal) ;Specifies YZ place
To specify plane for arc interpolation.
Description: This command does not produce movement.
4.4.6 Fast Positioning command (G00)
The tool moves with fast speed to the position in the workpiece coordinate system specified by
absolute value command or incremental value command.
To program the coordinate value of the end point with absolute value programming;
To program the distance of tool movement with incremental value programming.
command format: G00 X- Y- Z- A-(modal, initial state)
Description: X, Y, Z, A coordinate words indicating the operating axis. The data indicate the movement
amount and direction. Incremental programming or absolute programming can be used.
G00 runs positioning to the positioning point according to spatial line path.
Running speed calls the speed value in "Parameters".
Attention: When performing G00 command, the user parameter NO. 52 is to set G00 linkage straight axis is resultant
speed or each axis runs independently with G00 speed. If resultant speed, the resultant path is straight line,
and if independent run, the path is not linear.
4.4.7 Linear Interpolation command (G01)
Interpolation cutting for single axis or two, three, four axes linkage.
command format: G01 X- Y- Z- A- F-(modal)
Description: X, Y, Z, A refer to the running axis. The data indicate the feeding amount and direction.
Incremental programming or absolute programming can be used. Interpolation speed is specified by F field
in the program.
Tool moves to the specified position along straight line with the feeding speed specified by F. The
feeding speed specified by F is valid till there is a new speed is specified. There is no need to specify F for
each program segment. The feeding speed instructed by F code is measured by straight line path. If F code
does not instruct, the feeding speed will be deemed as zero.
G03 G03 G03
0 X 0 Z 0 Y
Figure 4.9
Arc interpolation speed is specified by F field in the program.
G03 G03 G03
0 X 0 Z 0 Y
figure 4.10
Attention: 1. When using A axis arc interpolation command, A axis must be set up as straight axis.
2.When using A axis arc interpolation command, G41/G42 tool radius compensation cannot be used.
1) Absolute programming
N0000 G92 X200 Y40 Z0 Set up the absolute coordinates of the tool start point
N0010 G90 G03 X160 Y40 I-20 J0 Counterclockwise arc
N0020 G02 X120 Y40 R20 Clockwise arc
N0030 G02 X120 Y40 I20 J0 Full circle
N0040 G26 M02 Return to starting point and finish
2) Relative programming
N0000 G91 G17 G03 X-40 Y0 R20 Counterclockwise arc
N0010 G02 X-40 Y0 R20 Clockwise arc
N0020 G02 X0 Y0 I20 J0 Full circle
N0030 G26 M02 Return to starting point and finish
Two programming methods have the same effect.
4.4.9 Helix Interpolation command (G02/G03)
Spiral-line interpolation in spiral movement can order 1 other axis of circular interpolation axes in
synchronous movement. command method is simply to add a moving axis other than circular interpolation
axis. F command specifies the feeding speed along the arc. Thus feeding speed of straight axis is:
Command format:
G17 ;XY plane, K specifies screw pitch (modal)
G18 ;ZX plane, J specifies screw pitch (modal)
G19 ;YZ plane, I specifies screw pitch (modal)
G177 ;XA plane, K specifies screw pitch (modal)
G188 ;ZA plane, J specifies screw pitch (modal)
G199 ;YA plane, I specifies screw pitch (modal)
Figure 4.11
Tool radius compensation is made only for arc. Tool offset and tool length compensation cannot not be
instructed in program segments that instruct spiral-line interpolation.
Figure 4.12
4.4.10 Delay commands(G04)
To delay a certain period of time for executing other actions for the purpose of processing technology
during processing.
command format: G04 P-
The unit of value after P is second, indicating the time length of delay. Time range is 0.001-999.999s
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4.4.11 Arc Interpolation G05 command:
command format:
G05 X(U)__ Z(W)__ I__ K__ F__ (when in G18 plane)
G05 X__ Y__ I__ J__ F__ (when in G17 plane)
G05 Y__ Z__ J__ K__ F__ (when in G19 plane)
Function of code: G5 function can be used if the center and the radius of the arc are unknown
but the coordinates of three points on the outline of the arc. The direction of the arc is determined
by the midpoint between the starting point and the end point.
Code description: G05 is modal G code.
I : The relative coordinates value (X direction) of the midpoint of arc relate to the starting
point (indicated by radius value, with direction).
J: The relative coordinates value (Y direction, with direction) of the midpoint of arc relate to
the starting point
K: The relative coordinates value (Z direction, with direction) of the midpoint of arc relate to
the starting point
Figure 4.13
Attention: 1) Midpoint: Refers to any point on the circular arc other than the starting point and
end point.
2) When the given three points are collinear, the system will sound alarm.
3) If I is omitted, it deems that I=0, if K is omitted, it deems that K=0, and if J is omitted, it deems that J=0. If I,
J, and K are all omitted, the system will sound alarm.
4) I, J, and K are similar to the meaning of the displacement value I, J, and K of the center coordinates
relative to the starting point coordinates in G02/G03 code.
5) G05 cannot be used for processing full circle.
For example:
Figure 4.14
G05 X47Y55I-3.44J13.8F100
I :The relative coordinates value of the midpoint of arc relate to the starting point (indicated by radius value of X
axis, with direction).
J : The relative coordinates value of the midpoint of arc relate to the starting point(Y axis, with direction).
K: The relative coordinates value of the midpoint of arc relate to the starting point(Z axis, with direction)
1) Midpoint: Refers to any point on the circular arc other than the starting point and end point.
2) When the given three points are collinear, the system will sound alarm.
3) If I is omitted, it deems that I=0, if K is omitted, it deems that K=0, and if J is omitted, it deems that J=0. If I, J, and K are
all omitted, the system will sound alarm.
4) I, J, and K are similar to the meaning of the displacement value I, J, and K of the center coordinates relative to the
starting point coordinates in G02/G03 code.
5) G06 cannot be used for processing full circle.
Sample program:
G0 X10 Y28 Z10
G06 X30 Y98 Z10 I5 J-6 K-5
X130 Y198 Z120 I55 J-86 K-65
4.4.13 Mirror Processing command (G11/G12)
It is used for machining symmetrical workpiece, decreasing the amount of programming.
command format:G11 X_ Y_(Z_ X_)(Y_ Z_)(modal);Specify the symmetrical
feeding of straight line with XYZ.
G12(modal, initial state);Cancel the mirror processing.
Description: Mirror processing made symmetrical feeding possible by changing axis feeding direction.
The axis whose direction will be changed is specified by the address identifier of the current interpolated
plane G17 (X_ Y_); G18 (Z_ X_); G19 (Y_ Z_). The value after X_, Y_, and Z_ is the coordinates under the
current workpiece coordinate system.
In programmable mirror mode, the returning to reference point commands G27, G28, G29 and G30 etc.,
and commands to change coordinate system G52 to G59, G92 etc. are not allowed to appear. If any one of
these G codes, it must be specified after programmable mirror mode is cancelled.
Figure 4.15
Example for mirroring program
G00 G90 X60.0 Y60.0;
G01 X100.0 F100;
G01 Y100.0;
G01 X60.0 Y60.0;
Main program
N10 G00 G90;
N20 M98 P%9000;
N30 G11 X50.0
N40 M98 P%9000;
N50 G11 X50.0 Y50.0
N60 M98 P%9000;
N70 G11 Y50.0
N80 M98 P%9000;
N90 G12;
4.4.14 Scaling commands (G36/G37)
Shrink or enlarge the workpiece by the ratio when the processing program is not changed. The shape
of the programming is zoomed in and out (scaling). X_, Y_ and Z_ are used for specifying the center of scaling.
If an axis is not specified, scaling will not be performed to the axis. The value after X_, Y_, and Z_ is the
coordinates under the current workpiece coordinate system.
command format:G36 X_Y_Z_R_ (modal);Perform scaling
G37(modal, initial state);Cancellation of scaling
Description: The data after address identifier R is the ratio coefficient.
As shown in Figure 4.16, when P1', P2', P3', and P4' need to be enlarged to P1P2P3P4, R=P0P4'/P0P4.
When P1P2P3P4 need to shrink to P1', P2', P3', and P4', R=P0P4/P0P4'. That is: R<1 for enlarging the
graphics, and R>1 for shrinking the graphics. The default value is 1. Here it is:
Figure 4.16
Figure 4.17
Example for scaling program
Main program
N5 G54G90G0X0Y0Z50
N10 M03S800
N20 G36X50Y25R2
N30 M98 PD01
N40 G37
N50 M98 PD01
N60 G36X50Y25R0.5
N70 M98 PD01
N80 G37
N90 G0Z50
N100 M05
N110 M30
Scaling is invalid for the values of tool radius compensation, tool length compensation, and tool offset:
Figure 4.18
4.4.15 Coordinate System Rotating commands (G68 / G69)
Programmed shape can be rotated. This rotating command can be used for rotating the workpiece by a
specific angle. In addition, if the shape of the workpiece is composed of many of the same graphics, the
graphics unit can be programmed into a subprogram, which can be called by rotating command in the main
program. Programming can be simplified in this way to save storage space.
Command format:
G68 X- Y- R- (modal); Performing coordinate system rotating
G68 Z- X- R- (modal); Performing coordinate system rotating
G68 Y- Z- R- (modal); Performing coordinate system rotating
G69(modal, initial state); Cancellation of coordinate system rotation
(G17)X-Y- or (G18) Z-X- or (G19) Y-Z- after G68 specify the center of rotation
The data after address identifier R is the angle of rotation. The value after X_, Y_, and Z_ is the
coordinates under the current workpiece coordinate system.
R is the angle of rotation with unit of "°". When R is positive value, it indicates counterclockwise
rotation. When R is negative value, it indicates clockwise rotation. Here it is:
Figure 4.19
Plane selection code (G17G18 or G19) shall be specified prior to the program segment of the rotation
code G68 of coordinate system. Plane selection code shall not be specified in the rotation mode of
coordinate system. The code G69 that cancels the rotation of coordinate system must be in an individual
program segment. The tool radius compensation, tool length compensation, tool offset and other
compensations shall be operated after the rotation of coordinate system.
In the rotation mode of coordinate system, G codes related to returning to reference point (G28, G30,
and so on) and G codes related to coordinate system (G52 to G59, G92, and so on) shall not be specified. If
these G coded are needed, they must be instructed after the rotation mode of coordinate system is cancelled.
The first movement command after the cancellation command of coordinate system rotation must be
specified with absolute value. If incremental value is used, there will be no correct movement.
Figure 4.20
N1 G92 X-500Y-500F2000 G17;
N2 G68 X700Y300R60;
N3 G90 G01 X0 Y0 F2000;
N4 G91 X1000
N5 G02 Y1000 R1000
N6 G03X-1000I-500J-500;
N7 G01Y-1000
N8 G69
G90 X-500Y-500
Example 2:
Figure 4.21
SS (Name of subprogram)
Figure 4.22
For example:
N0000 G43 H2 X10 (H2 value is 5)
N0010 G44 H3 X20 (H3 value is 10)
The tool extends for 5 during the execution of the first program, and retracts for 10 during the
execution of the second G44. G49 has no parameters, and returns to the position that is before the
4.4.18 Increasing or Decreasing Tool Radius commands(G45/G46/G47/G48)
For the processing of workpiece such as grooves, the program shall be prepared according to the
dimension specified in the workpiece drawing, and one of the commands of this group shall be added to the
command line. In this way, products that conform to the dimension specified in drawings can be processed
when tool radius is different.
Command format:
G45 T- D- ;Add one tool offset.
G46 T- D- ;Subtract one tool offset.
G47 T- D- ;Add two tool offsets.
G48 T- D- ;Subtract two tool offsets.
Description: commands for adding and subtracting tool radius add or subtract one or two tool radius
parameter values that are called by T number during execution. They shall be used together with G00, G01,
G02, G03 commands on XY (G17), ZX (G18), YZ (G19) plane. It cannot be used with tool radius
compensation commands (G41, G42).
For G00 and G01, add or subtract one or two tool radius at the direction of the given axis.
For G02 and G03, add or subtract one or two tool radius at the direction of arc radius.
G45/G46/G47/G48 are non-modal commands.
For example, in Figure 4.23
Y L 150 K
60 60
Figure 4.23
The program is as follows:
N0000 G01 Z-20 F400 G91 ;Tool plunges at Z
N0010 G46 T01 X55 Y55 D01 ;Position to A point. X and Y axis are subtracted one tool radius (T01)
N0020 G47 G01 X60 F200 ;Add two tool radius for A-B X axis
N0030 Y60 ;B-C length unchanged
N0040 G48 X60 ;Subtract two tool radius for C-D X axis
N0050 Y-60 ;D-E length unchanged
N0060 G45 X30 ;Add one tool radius for E-F-X axis
N0070 G45 G03 X30 Y30 R30 ;Add one tool radius for F-G counterclockwise circle radius
N0080 G45 G01 Y60 ;Add one tool radius for G-H-Y axis
N0090 G46 X0 ; Move one tool radius at H-I X axis negative direction
N0100 G46 G02 X-30 Y30 R30 ;I-J reduce one tool radius for clockwise radius
N0110 G45 G01 Y0 ;Move one tool radius at J-K Y axis positive direction
N0120 G47 X-150 ; Add two tool radius for K-L X axis
N0130 G47 Y-120 ; Add two tool radius for L-M Y axis
N0140 G46 X-55 Y-55 ;M-N ,X and Y axis are subtracted one tool radius
N0150 G26 ;Program returns to starting point and finish
N0151 M02
The addition (+) and subtracting (-) in above example and the sign of tool radius is addition of same
sign and subtraction of different sign. The coordinate axis value can be zero. At this time, it is used for
specifying coordinate axis, and the length of running is one or two radius. The direction is determined by
adding or subtracting command and the sign of the radius.
4.4.19 Tool Radius Compensation commands (G40/G41/G42)
When the tool moves, tool path can offset one tool radius. In order to offset one tool radius, CNC firstly
establishes an offset vector with length equal to the tool radius, namely the tool start point. The offset
vector is perpendicular to the tool path. The tail end of the vector is on the workpiece and the head is
pointing to the tool center. If linear interpolation or circular arc interpolation is specified after the tool start,
the tool path can be offset by the length of the offset vector during processing. At the end of the processing,
to make the tool return to the starting position, the tool radius compensation mode must be cancelled.
Here it is:
Figure 4.24
Command format:
G40(modal, initial state); Cancellation of tool radius compensation.
G41 T- D-(modal); Tool radius compensation in which tool offset at the left side of the workpiece.
G42 T- D-(modal); Too radius compensation in which tool offset at the right side of the workpiece.
Description: The left or right side in the G41/G42 means the tool is at the left or right side of the
workpiece along the cutting direction. The tool radius value is called by T1-T99. Offset is executed from the
program line at which G41/G42 is located. The system will automatically produce transition line for
pointed angles to make transition from tool radius offset vector at the end of the previous program segment
to the tool radius offset vector at the beginning of the next program segment. Tool vector is a method to
describe the data and direction of tool offset. Its radius vector is the tool radius. Its direction is in the radius
direction for circular arc. Its direction is in perpendicular direction for straight line.
The establishment and cancellation of tool radius C compensation fall into A type and B type, which
can be set in comprehensive parameter No. 31, No. 32. For details see the following figure.
Note: 1. The establishment and cancellation of tool radius compensation must be made in a straight line.
2. During G41/G42 tool radius compensation, coordinates is displayed as coordinates plus radius compensation
For example:
Figure 4.26
The program is as follows:
N0000 G17 G90 X0 Y0 F250 M03 ;Set the start state of the program running
N0001 G91 G01 Z-10
0010 G22 L4 ;The loop body begins, and specify the loop body to run four times
N0020 G01 X20 ;The loop body content: A-B straight line
N0030 G03 X10 I5 J0 Y0 ;B-C counterclockwise semicircle
N0040 G800 ;End of the loop
N0050 G01 X20 ;D-E straight line
N0060 Y-30 ;E-F straight line
N0080 G22 L4 ;The loop body begins, and specify the loop body to run four times
N0090 G01 X-20 ;F-G straight line
N0100 G03 X-10 I-5 ;G-H counterclockwise arc
Figure 4.27
The influence of movement distance along the borehole axis on G90 and G91 is as follows:
Figure 4.28
After the tool reaches the hole bottom, the tool can return to the plane of R point or starting point. It is
specified by G98 and G99. The figure below indicates the tool movement when instructing G98 or G99.
Under normal circumstances, G99 is used in the first drilling and G98 is used in the last drilling, even
though the plane of starting position in G99 mode is unchanged during drilling.
Figure 4.29
The number of repeats is specified in L for repeating the drilling at the same position. L is only valid
within program segment in which it is specified. The maximum number of repeats L=9999. The default is
Here it is:
Figure 4.30
Description: Fast deep hole drilling cycle uses intermittent feeding along Z axis. During this cycle,
scissel chips can be easily removed from the hole, and smaller returning value can be set. This allows to
perform drilling effectively. In the user parameter NO. 3, set the tool return amount d for tool to move back
Prior to specify G73, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function (M codes).
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
M3 S2000 ;Spindle starts to rotate
G90 G99 G73 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 Q15 F120;Positioning, drilling hole 1, and then returning to R
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 2, and then returning to R point
Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 3, and then returning to R point
X1000 ;Positioning, drilling hole 4, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 5, and then returning to R point
G98 Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 6, then return to the initial position plan
M5 ;Spindle stops rotating Left-handed Cut Type Deep Hole Tapping Cycle(G74)
Spindle drive must have position servo control function.
The cycle executes left-handed tapping. In left-hand tapping cycle, after the spindle is fed
counterclockwise Q at every tapping, the spindle clockwise returns a distance of d, and then feed again.
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When arriving at the hole bottom, spindle rotate clockwise to exit.
Command format:G74 X-Y-Z-R-P-K(E)-Q-S-L- ;
X-Y-: Hole position data
Z-: The distance from the R point to the bottom of the hole (G91) or coordinates (G90)
R-: The distance from the starting point to R point (G91) or coordinates (G90)
Q-: Depth of each cutting; Q field is modal. Program it to Q0 to cancel.
P-: The pause time, the unit is in seconds (time range is 0 to 8s). P is modal. Program it
to P0 to cancel.
K(E)-: The metric (or British) lead of screw thread
S-: Spindle rotating speed
L-: The number of repeats
Note: 1. If do not specify a Q address word or write Q0, it is not cut type rigid tapping cycle. Q address word is non-modal.
2. If there is no R address word, then R point coordinates is the current Z axis coordinates position during execution; if
there is no Z address word, then Z point coordinate is the current Z axis coordinate position during execution.
Note: 1. Pause is ineffective when rigid tapping G84/G74
2. When rigid tapping G84/G74, spindle and feed axis ratio switch are invalid.
Cut type deep hole rigid tapping cycle is divided into two types (it can be set in the user parameter NO.
1) High-speed chip removal:
After each tapping feed Q, return a distance d (via the user parameter NO. 9), and feed again.
2). Normal chip removal:
After each tapping feed Q, return to R plane and then feed again.
Here it is:
Figure 4.31
Description: The speed of coordinate axis is determined by the rotating speed of spindle and the screw
pitch during processing screw, and is independent from feeding speed F. The system automatically limit the
speed of coordinate axis within the maximum feed speed.
Spindle ratio switch and feeding axis ratio switch are invalid during processing screw with tracking
Lead of screw thread K shall be specified in each screw processing program segment, otherwise
compilation cannot be complete.
Spindle counterclockwise rotates to make tapping. When arriving at the bottom of the hole, rotate
clockwise in order to return the spindle. The cycle processes a left-hand thread. For tracking mode tapping,
during left-handed tapping, the feeding is paused while the machine tool is not stopped until the return
action completes.
Prior to specify G74, use auxiliary function M codes to rotate the spindle counterclockwise. When the
spindle is in pulse control mode, it is no need to rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M code.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
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positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
M4 S100 ;Spindle starts to rotate (when the spindle is in pulse control mode, M3/M4 may not be
G90 G99 G74 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 Q7 K5 S100
;Positioning, tapping hole 1, and then returning to R point
Y-550 K5 ;Positioning, tapping hole 2 and then returning to R point
Y-750 K5 ;Positioning, tapping hole 3 and then returning to R point
X1000 K5 ;Positioning, tapping hole 4 and then returning to R point
Y-550 K5 ;Positioning, tapping hole 5 and then returning to R point
G98 Y-750 K5 ;Positioning, tapping hole 6, and then return to the initial position plane
M5 ;Spindle stops rotating Fine Boring Cycle (G76)
Because the spindle needs directional stop function, so the spindle must have positioning function.
Fine boring cycle bores fine holes. The spindle stops when reaching the bottom of the hole. The cutting
tool leaves the processed surface of workpiece and return according to the direction specified in user
parameter No. 5.
Command format
G76 X-Y-Z-R-Q-P-F-L- ;
X-Y-:Hole position data
Z-:The distance from the R point to the bottom of the hole (G91) or coordinates (G90)
R-:The distance from the starting point to R point (G91) or coordinates (G90)
Q-:Offset of bottom of hole
P-:The pause time, the unit is in seconds (time range is 0 to 8s). P is modal. Program it to P0 to
F-:Cutting speed
L-:The number of repeats
Here it is:
Figure 4.32
Description: Spindle stops at the fixed rotating position when reaching the bottom of the hole, and the
tool moves back along the opposite direction of the tip. This manner ensures the processing surface intact,
realizing precision and effective boring.
Note: Spindle orientation angle and the returning direction of tool can be set in the user parameter NO.
Prior to specify G76, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M codes.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
Figure 4.33
Description: After positioned along X and Y axis, fast move to R point, drilling from R point to Z point,
and return the tool fast.
Prior to specify G81, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M codes.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
M3 S2000 ;Spindle starts to rotate
G90 G99 G81 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 F120
;Positioning, drilling hole 1, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ; Positioning, drilling hole 2, and then returning to R point
Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 3, and then returning to R point
X1000 ;Positioning, drilling hole 4, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 5, and then returning to R point
G98 Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 6, and then return to the initial position plane
Here it is:
Figure 4.34
Description: After positioned along X and Y axis, fast move to R point, drill from R point to Z point.
Execution is paused when the tool reaching the bottom of hole. And then return the tool fast.
Prior to specify G82, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M codes.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
M3 S2000 ;Spindle starts to rotate
G90 G99 G82 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 P8 F120
;Positioning, drilling hole 1, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 2, and then returning to R point
Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 3, and then returning to R point
X1000 ;Positioning, drilling hole 4, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 5, and then returning to R point
G98 Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 6, then return to the initial position plane,
M5 ;Spindle stops rotating Chip Removal and Drilling Cycle(G83)
Intermittent cutting feed is performed to the bottom of hole, and the scissel chips is removed during
Here it is:
Figure 4.35
Description: Q means cutting depth for each cutting feed. It must be specified with incremental values.
During the second and later cutting feed, fast movement shall be made to the d point at which the previous
drilling was ended prior to execute the cutting feed. The cutting feed d is set in user parameter No. 4. It
must be specified as positive value in Q, and negative sign will be ignored.
Prior to specify G83, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M codes.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
M3 S2000 ;Spindle starts to rotate
G90 G99 G83 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 Q15 F120
;Positioning, drilling hole 1, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 2, and then returning to R point
Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 3, and then returning to R point
X1000 ;Positioning, drilling hole 4, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 5, and then returning to R point
G98 Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 6, then return to the initial position plane
M5 ;Spindle stops rotating Right-handed Cut Type Deep Hole Tapping Cycle
Spindle drive must have position servo control function.
The cycle executes left-handed tapping. In left-hand tapping cycle, after the spindle is fed clockwise Q
at every tapping, the spindle counterclockwise returns a distance of d (set by user parameter NO. 9), and
then feed again. When arriving at the hole bottom, spindle rotate counterclockwise to exit.
Figure 4.36
Description: The speed of coordinate axis is determined by the rotating speed of spindle and the screw
pitch during processing screw, and is independent from feeding speed F. The system automatically limit the
speed of coordinate axis within the maximum feed speed.
Spindle ratio switch and feeding axis ratio switch are invalid during processing screw with tracking
mode by the spindle.
Lead of screw thread K shall be specified in each screw processing program segment, otherwise
compilation cannot be complete.
Spindle clockwise rotates to make tapping. When arrived at the bottom of the hole, the spindle rotates
in the opposite direction in order to return back. This process generates threads. For tracking mode of
spindle, during tapping, the feeding is paused while the machine tool is not stopped until the return action
Prior to specify G84, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M codes. When the spindle is in pulse
control mode, it is no need to rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M code.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
Figure 4.37
Description: After positioned along X and Y axis, fast move to R point, bore from R point to Z point.
When reached the bottom of hole, cutting feed is executed, and then return to R point.
Prior to specify G85, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M codes.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
M3 S100 ;Spindle starts to rotate
G90 G99 G85 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-120 F120
;Positioning, drilling hole 1, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 2, and then returning to R point
Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 3, and then returning to R point
X1000. ;Positioning, drilling hole 4, and then returning to R point
Y-550. ;Positioning, drilling hole 5, and then returning to R point
G98 Y-750. ;Positioning, drilling hole 6,and then return to the initial position plane
M5 ;Spindle stops rotating
Here it is:
Figure 4.38
Description: After positioned along X and Y axis, fast move to R point, bore from R point to Z point.
When the spindle stops in the hole bottom, tool moves back fast.
Prior to specify G86, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M codes.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
M3 S2000 ;Spindle starts to rotate
G90 G99 G86 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 F120
;Positioning, drilling hole 1, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 2, and then returning to R point
Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 3, and then returning to R point
X1000 ;Positioning, drilling hole 4, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, drilling hole 5, and then returning to R point
G98 Y-750 ;Positioning, drilling hole 6,and then return to the initial position plane
M5 ;Spindle stops rotating Boring Cycle, Back Boring Cycle (G87)
Because the spindle needs directional stop function, so the spindle must have positioning function.
The cycle performs precision boring. Only G98 is used, and G99 is not used.
Figure 4.39
Description: After positioned along X axis and Y axis, spindle stops at fixed rotation position. The tool
moves fast at the opposite direction of the tip (specified in user parameter No. 6) and positioned at R point
in the bottom of hole. Then, the cutting tool moves in the direction of the tip and the spindle rotates
positively. Bore the hole to Z point along the positive direction of Z axis. At the Z point, spindle stopped
again at the fixed position of rotation, and the tool moves in the opposite direction of the tip. Then, the
cutting tool returns to the initial position, and the cutting tool moves in the direction of the tip and the
spindle rotates positively. The next program segment is executed.
Prior to specify G87, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M codes.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
M3 S500 ;Spindle starts to rotate
G90 G99 G87 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-120 Q5 P2 F120
;Positioning, boring 1 hole, then orienting at initial position prior to offset
5mm, and stop at the Z point for 1 second
Y-550 ;Positioning, boring hole 2, and then returning to R point
Y-750 ;Positioning, boring hole 3, and then returning to R point
X1000 ;Positioning, boring hole 4, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, boring hole 5, and then returning to R point
G98 Y-750 ;Positioning, boring hole 6, and then return to the initial position plane
G80 ;
M5 ;Spindle stops rotating Boring Cycle (G89)
The cycle performs boring.
Figure 4.40
Description: This cycle is as same as G85 except that it will pause in the bottom of hole.
Prior to specify G89, rotate the spindle with auxiliary function M codes.
When the tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in the fixed cycle, and offset is added during
positioning to R point, tool radius offset is ignored.
M3 S100 ;Spindle starts to rotate
G90 G99 G89 X300. Y-250. Z-150. R-120. P4 F120.
;Positioning, boring hole 1, and then returning to R point and pause in bottom of hole for 1
Y-550 ;Positioning, boring hole 1, and then returning to R point
Y-750 ;Positioning, boring hole 3, and then returning to R point
X1000 ;Positioning, boring hole 4, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, boring hole 5, and then returning to R point
G98 Y-750 ;Positioning, boring hole 6, and then return to the initial position plane
M5 ;Spindle stops rotating Cancel Fixed Cycle(G80)
This command cancels fixed cycle.
Command format:G80 ;
Description: Cancel all fixed cycle, and carry out the normal operation. R point and Z point will be
cancelled as well. This means that, in incremental mode, R=0 and Z=0, and other drilling data will be
cancelled as well.
M3 S100 ;Spindle starts to rotate
G90 G99 G89 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-120 P6 F120
;Positioning, boring hole 1, and then returning to R point
Y-550 ;Positioning, boring hole 2, and then returning to R point
Y-750 ;Positioning, boring hole 3, and then returning to R point
X1000 ;Positioning, boring hole 4, and then returning to R point
Figure 4.41
6. Set the current position as the origin of the polar coordinates system:
Radius is specified with incremental value command (distance from current position to programmed point).
The current position is set as the origin of the polar coordinates system. Angle is in absolute value. See
figure as below:
Figure 4.42
Figure 4.43
G17 G90 G16;Specify polar coordinate command and select XY plane. Specify the zero point of workpiece
coordinate system as the origin of polar coordinate system
G81 X100.0 Y30.0 Z-20.0 R-5.0 F200.0;Specify the distance as 100mm and the angle as 30 degree
Y150.0 ;Specify the distance as 100mm and the angle as 150 degree
Y270.0 ;Specify the distance as 100mm and the angle as 270 degree
G15 G80 ;command for canceling polar coordinates
4.4.24 Metric/British System Conversion commands(G20/G21)
Metric/British system conversion commands can select to input with metric or British system.
Command format:
G20 ; Inch input;
G21 ; Millimeter input
Description: This G code shall be located at the beginning of the program prior to set coordinate
system with separate program segment. After specified the G code that converts British/metric system, the
unit of input data is switched to minimum British or metric input incremental unit. The unit for angle is
kept unchanged. After the conversion of British/metric system, the following unit system will be changed:
Feeding speed specified by F code
Position command
The workpiece zero offset value
Tool compensation value
Scale base of manual pulse generator
Distance of movement in incremental feeding
4.4.25 Thread Processing command (G33)
Thread processing command can cut cylindrical internal and external thread with constant lead. The
spindle must have position detection and feedback device or the spindle must have position servo control
Command format:
G33 Z_ K_ ; Modal command
K: Lead;
Figure 4.44
1).G33 is modal until it is replaced by other commands in G group (G0, G1, G2 and G3, etc.).
2). Right-hand and left-hand thread is determined by the spindle rotation direction M03/M04 (M03 -
right-handed, and M04 - left-handed). The rotating speed of spindle is programmed in address S.
3). In G33, the speed of coordinate axis is determined by the rotating speed of spindle and the screw
pitch during processing screw, and is independent from feeding speed F. The system automatically limit the
speed of coordinate axis within the maximum feed speed.
4).Spindle ratio switch and feeding axis ratio switch are invalid during processing screw with tracking
5).Lead of screw thread K shall be specified in each screw processing program segment, otherwise
compilation cannot be complete.
6).When it is position servo control mode, lead of screw thread K is negative, indicating the spindle
rotates inversely.
7).When processing the thread in tracking mode, the pause function is invalid.
8.Continuous thread G33 can be cut off by G04 command.
For example:
G04 P2
Example: Tapping of internal thread with pitch of 0.8mm. Hole has been prefabricated.
N10 G54 G0 G90 X10 Y10 Z5 S600 M3 ;Go back to the starting point, the
spindle rotates in right-handed
N20 G33 Z-25 K0.8 ;Tapping screw thread, the end
point is -25mm
N30 Z5 K0.8 M4 ;Retrieving the tool, and the spindle
rotates in left-handed direction
N40 G0 X… Y… Z…
When in position servo control mode:
N10 G54 G0 G90 X10 Y10 Z5 S600 M3
N20 G33 Z-25 K0.8
N30 Z5 K-0.8
N40 G0 X… Y… Z…
Attention: Address I and R are specified with radius mode. The moving distance of the straight line and the next straight line
must be greater than the width I of chamfer or radius R of fillet, or the system will automatically reduce the width I
of chamfer or radius R of fillet to the minimum moving distance of the straight line and the next straight line.
For example:
Figure 4.45
Figure 4.51
4.4.29 Custom G Code G101--G170
Users can customize 70 G code. Each G code corresponds to a macro program ProgramGxxx. Users can
edit the macro programs corresponding to G101-G170 codes. And G100 can be used for setting parameters
for G101-G170. Function Definition of G102 command: Multihole drilling cycle of circular arc mode.
Command format:
G102 Xx Yy Zz Rr Ii Aa Bb Hh Ff;
X: Absolute value or incremental value of X coordinate of center of circle
Y: Absolute value or incremental value of Y coordinate of center of circle
Z: Depth of hole
R: Fast approaching point coordinates
F:Cutting feed speed
I: Circle radius
A: The angle of the first hole
B: Incremental angle (negative value is clockwise)
H: Number of holes
Note: The macro program ProgramG102 must be imported into the system.
Figure 4.46
M05M30 Function Definition of G103 command: Multihole right-handed tapping drilling cycle of
circular arc mode.
Command format
G103 Xx Yy Zz Rr Ii Aa Bb Hh Kk Ss;
X: Absolute value or incremental value of X coordinate of center of circle
Y: Absolute value or incremental value of Y coordinate of center of circle
Z: Depth of hole
R: Fast approaching point coordinates
K: Pitch
S: Tapping spindle rotating speed
I: Circle radius
A: The angle of the first hole
B: Incremental angle (negative value is clockwise)
H: Number of holes
Note: The macro program ProgramG103 must be imported into the system.
For example:
Figure 4.47
Figure 4.48
4.4.30 G31 and G311 commands
During the execution of the code, if the external jump signal X has been input, the execution of this
code line will be interrupted to executed the next program segment.
Command Format:G31 X_ Z_ F_ P_;Jump
G311 X_ Z_ F_ P_ ;Jump
Attention: The number before the last four digits after P command means the number of the line to which the
program will jump (for example, in P201012: 20 indicates the number of the line to be jumped to, and 1012
indicates X12 valid jump).The data after P is the number of the input point X00-X39. Adding 1000 to
indicate to jump when detected the input point as valid, and adding 2000 to indicate to jump when detected
the input point as invalid.
G311 command is similar to G31 command. The only difference is that when there is no signal detected,
G311 will sound alarm.
For example 1:
N100 T0102
N240 G0X50Z10
N328 G01X40Z-30F200
Figure 4.49
Figure 4.52
Subprogram can call another subprogram in the same way as a main program calls a subprogram.
Figure 4.53
Call command can repeatedly call subprogram for 9999 times at the most.
1. The method for a main program in USB flash drive to call a subprogram in USB flash drive: P[ or
For example: M98 P[A123 means to call the subprogram A123 in USB flash drive.
M98 P]S123 means to call subprogram S123 in USB flash drive.
M98 P[FFD means to call the subprogram FFD in USB flash drive.
If subprogram in folders in USB flash drive is to be called, the path to the file shall be indicated.
For example, if there is a program named 11 in a folder named 55, then the call is M98P[55/11.
2. Call hidden program:
The hidden files that are starting with HIDEFILE in system user program area can be displayed only
after pressing F key and inputting factory password in program directory interface, and factory password
must be entered to import and export parameter.
If M98 is omitted for subprogram call, double letter P can be written to call subprogram.
For example: PPAB89 indicates to call subprogram AB89.
If the subprogram is a hidden file that starts with HIDEFILE, the string HIDELIFE can be replaced by "*"
during the call.
For example: If the subprogram's filename is HIDEFILEMY123, which means a hidden file, there are
following methods to call it with the same effect:
M98 P*MY123;
4.5.7 Space may or may not be added between commands in program segment
For example:
N01G00X120.0 Y234.0;
N02 G02 X34.5Y15.67R78;
Above are all legal program segments
4.5.8 Code G00, G01, G02, G03, M02 can also be written as G0, G1, G2 and G3, and M2.
4.5.9 Global Variables and System Variables Can Be Introduced in the Program
Global variables and system variables can be introduced in programs for ease of programming.
Address characters other than P can be followed by variable name.
For example: X#135
If the value of the global variable #135 is 124, then 124 will be assigned to X.
4.5.10 Arithmetic Expression Can Be Introduced in Program
Arithmetic expression must be wrapped by brackets [ ].
For example: X[#132+5.34*(4*SIN(#105/5.6))]
During compilation, system will compute the value of arithmetic expression
[#132+5.34*(4*SIN(#105/5.6))] and then assign the value to the X axis. This method is convenient for the
operator to parameter programming.
4.5.11 Description of MDI Function
When using MDI function, if there is no G53, G54, G55, G56, G57, G58, and G59 in the MDI program
code, it means that the MDI program is running in the current workpiece coordinate system (G53,
For example: given the current coordinate system is G55:
After input X50Z67F400 in the MDI dialog, press run, then the system will move to coordinate point
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X50Z67 in the workpiece coordinate system G55 at the speed of F400. Cases in which the start-up block is a block with tool tool movement and the tool moves
around the outside at an obtuse angle(90≤α<180)
Tool path in start-up has two types A and B. Cases in which the start-up block is a block with tool movement and the tool moves around
the outside at an acute angle (α<90)
Tool path in start-up has two types A and B. If the cancel block is a block with tool movement, and the tool moves around the outside at
an obtuse angle(90≤α<180) If the cancel block is a block with tool movement , and the tool moves around the outside at
an acute angle (α<90)
Figure 4.88
Starting from the center, the center coordinates are G54 X0 Y0 Z50
D01 of tool radius in parameter T01
N0000 G54 G00 X0 Y0 Z50 ;The starting point of processing
N0002 M03 S1000 ;Start spindle
N0004 G00 Y-40 X-40 G90 ;Move out of the square
N0006 Z10 ;
N0008 G01 Z-10 F200 ;Tool plunges at Z axis
N0010 G01 G41 T01 D01 X-20 Y-20 F400 ;Go to point B
N0012 Y20 ;Tool cuts straight line BC on the left of workpiece
N0014 X20 ;Sharp-angled transition at C point, and cut straight line
N0016 Y-20 ;Sharp-angled transition at D point, and cut straight line
N0018 X-25 Sharp-angled transition at E point, cut straight EB, and
for consistent workpiece roughness, move 5mm more
N0020 G00 X-40 Y-40 G40 ;Move out of the circle
N0022 G01 G41 X-20 Y-20 F500 ;Radial extending for T01 values from A-B
N0024 Z-20 F100 ;Tool plunges at Z axis
N0026 G91 G02 I20 J20 Y0 X0 ;Cut circle
Figure 4.89
It is assumed to use three tools T11, T15, T31. The tool length compensation values are 200(H1),
190(H1), and 150(H1) respectively. They have been input in the cutting tool parameter settings. Following
program can be made according to the machining requirements of parts drawing:
N001 G92 X0 Y0 Z0 ;Set workpiece coordinates in the reference
N002 G90 G00 Z250.0 T11 ;Cutting tool exchange
N003 G43 Z0 H1 ;Tool length offset at initial position
N004 S30 M3 ;Start the spindle
N005 G99 G81 X400.0 Y-350.0 Z-153.0 R-97.0 F120 ;Positioning, and drill hole 1
N006 Y-550.0 ; Positioning, drilling hole 2, and then
returning to R point
N007 G98 Y-750.0 ; Positioning, drilling hole 3, and then
returning to initial position
N008 G99 X1200.0 ; Positioning, drilling hole 4, and then
returning to R point
N009 Y-550.0 ; Positioning, drilling hole 5, and then
returning to R point
N010 G98 Y-350.0 ; Positioning, drilling hole 6, and then
returning to initial position
N011 G00 X0 Y0 M5 ;Return to reference point and stop spindle
N012 G49 Z250.0 T15 ;Cancel tool length offset and change tool
N013 G43 Z0 H1 ;Tool length offset at initial position
N014 S20 M3 ;Start the spindle
N015 G99 G82 X550.0 Y-450.0 Z-130.0 R-97.0 P3 ; Positioning, drilling hole 7, and then
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returning to R point
N016 G98 Y-650.0 ; Positioning, drilling hole 8, and then
returning to initial position
N017 G99 X1050.0 ; Positioning, drilling hole 9, and then
returning to R point
N018 G98 Y-450.0 ; Positioning, drilling hole 10, and then
returning to initial position
N019 G00 X0 Y0 M5 ;Return to reference point and stop spindle
N020 G49 Z250.0T31 ;Cancel tool length offset and change tool
N021 G43 Z0 H1 ;Tool length offset at initial position
N022 S10 M3 ;Start the spindle
N023 G85 G99 X800.0 Y-350.0 Z-153.0 R47.0 F50 ; Positioning, boring hole 11, and then
returning to R point
N024 G91 Y-200.0 ; Positioning, boring hole 12, and then
returning to R point
N025 Y-200.0 ; Positioning, boring hole 13, and then
returning to R point
N026 G90 G28 X0 Y0 M5 ;Return to reference point and stop spindle
N026 G49 Z0 G80 ;Cancel tool length offset
N027 M02 ;Program stop
Figure 4.90
4.8.1 Types of Variables
User parameters 321-15: if set to 0, it indicates new type of variables that is compatible with Fanuc; if
set to 1, it indicates the legacy variables.
Legacy type of variables
A #1 I #4 T #20
B #2 J #5 U #21
C #3 K #6 V #22
D #7 M #13 W #23
E #8 Q #17 X #24
F #9 R #18 Y #25
H #11 S #19 Z #26
Address G, N, O, and P cannot be used in independent variable. Address that does not need to be
specified can be omitted. The local variables that correspond to omitted address are set to null. Addresses
may not be specified alphabetically but shall comply with word address format.
Levels of local variable: The nest of local variables has three levels from 0 to 3. The main program is
level 0. The level of local variable increases 1 at each time when macro program is called by G65 or G66.
The local variable of parent level is stored in CNC. When the macro program executes M99, the calling
program will be returned, and at this time, the level of local variable decreases 1 and restore the value of
local variable stored at macro program calling.
4.8.3 System Variables
System variable is used to read and write NC internal data such as tool offset value and the current
position, but the system variables can only be read. System variables are the basic for the development of
automatic control and general processing program.
1. Modal information
The modal information of the program segment that is under processing can be read out.
#4001 modal information G00, G01, G02, G03, G33
#4002 modal information G17,G18,G19
#4003 modal information G90,G91
#4005 modal information G94,G95
#4006 modal information G20,G21
#4007 modal information G40,G41,G42
#4008 modal information G43,G44,G49
#4009 modal information G73,G74,G76,G80-G89
#4010 modal information G98,G99
#4014 modal information G53,G54-G59
#4015 modal information G60,G64
#4017 modal information G15,G16
#4109 modal information F
#4119 modal information S
#4120 the tool number on the spindle
#4111 modal information H
#4107 modal information D
2. #3901 The number of automatic program running by M20 command
3. The current state
#5001——#5004The end point XYZA of the program (machine tool coordinates: mm)
#5021——#5024The current position XYZA (machine tool coordinates: mm)
#5041——#5044The current position XYZA (workpiece coordinates: mm)
#5081The current tool length compensation value (um)
#5082The current tool radius compensation value (um)
#5080 The current tool number
Arcsine #i = SIN(#j) ;
#i = ASIN(#j); The angle is specified with
#i = COS(#j) ; degree. 90 degrees and 30
#i = ACOS(#j); minutes is represented by
Arc cosine
#i = TAN(#j) ; 90.5 degree.
Tangent #i= ATAN(#j/#k);
Square root
Absolute value
#i = SQRT(#j) ;
Rounding #i = ABS(#j) ;
#i = ROUND(#j) ;
Top integral function #i = FIX(#j) ;
#i = FUP(#j) ;
FUP #i = LN(#j) ;
#i = EXP(#j) ;
Natural logarithm
Exponential function
#i = #j OR #k ;
Logic operations is carried
Exclusive OR #i = #j XOR #k ;
out in binary.
#i = #j AND #k ;
1. The unit of angle
ARCCOS # i =ACOS(#j)
ARCTAN( #j/#k )=ATAN(#j/#k)
The angular unit for the functions SIN, COS, ASIN, ACOS, TAN, and ATAN is degree. For example, 90
degrees and 30 minutes is represented by 90.5 degree. The range is 0-360 degrees.
2. Natural logarithm #i=LN(#j);
3. Exponential function #i=EXP(#j)
When DO is specified but WHILE statement is not specified, infinitive cycle from DO to END will be
Figure 4.92
When repetition is required, specify the number of repetition from 1 to 9999 after address L, and if L
value is omitted, it deems that L equals to 1.
Use independent variables to specify its value assigned to the corresponding local variables as above.
Address G, N, O, and P cannot be used in independent variable. Address that does not need to be
specified can be omitted. The local variables that correspond to omitted address are set to null. Addresses
may not be specified alphabetically but shall comply with word address format.
Levels of local variable: The nest of local variables has three levels from 0 to 3. The main program is
level 0. The level of local variable increases 1 at each time when macro program is called by G65 or G66.
The local variable of parent level is stored in CNC. When the macro program executes M99, the calling
program will be returned, and at this time, the level of local variable decreases 1 and restore the value of
local variable stored at macro program calling.
A typical program: circular bolt hole:
Prepare a macro to process a hole on a wheel circle. The radius of circumference is I; the start angle is
A; the interval is B; the number of holes is H; the center of the circle is (X, Y). The command can be specified
with absolute value or incremental value. The B shall be assigned with negative value during drilling
Figure 4.93
Call format: G65 P9100 Xx Yy Zz Rr Ii Aa Bb Hh;
X:Absolute value or incremental value of X coordinate of center of circle #18
Y:Absolute value or incremental value of Y coordinate of center of circle #19Z The hole depth #20
R Fast approaching point coordinates #12
F Cutting feed speed #5
I Circle radius #7
A The angle of the first hole #0
B Incremental angle (negative value is clockwise) #1
H The number of holes #6
Figure 4.94
After G66, specify the number of program, which is modally called, by using address P. When
repetition is required, specify the number of repetitions from 1 to 9999 after address L. The data specified
by the same argument as non-modal call G65 is transferred to the macro. When cancelling G67, the
program segment after it will not perform modal call of macro.
Calling can be nested for 4 levels. It includes non-modal call G65 and modal call G66, but does not
include subprogram call M98.
During a modal call is nested in modal call, specify another G66 code to nest modal call.
Multiple macros cannot be called in a G66 program segment.
A typical program:
Figure 4.95
The operation processing program which uses macro to prepare G81 fixed cycle uses modal call.
Absolute value is used to specify all the drilling data for ease of programming.
Call format: G65 P9110 Xx Yy Zz Rr Ff Ll;
X:X coordinate of hole is specified by absolute value #18
N1 G0Z#25 Positioning to point 1
N2 G#1 G#2 F#3 Restore modal information
1. Arithmetic expressions of user macro program can use square brackets [ ], also can use or not use
For example: X[50*#290+SIN[40*[24+#300]]] and X[50*#290+SIN(40*(24+#300))] have the same
[ ] must be used in following two circumstances:
1) Conditional expression
For example:IF[#1 EQ #2] THEN #3=02) When the address operator #, X, Y, Z, A, B, N, G, M, R, I, J, K, Q,
L, P and so on is followed by an arithmetic expression, the expression should be enclosed by [ ].
For example: #[23+23*SIN(45)]
Parentheses ( ) or [ ] can be used in other circumstances.
2. The logic comparison of conditional expression is only accurate to three digits after the decimal point
For example: IF [#120 EQ 23.6548] THENIf #120=23.6542, because only correct to three decimal
So the system deems that #120 and 23.6548 are equal.
3. the length of a single macro program cannot exceed 500 lines, not including the submacro program.
4. Rotation commands G68/G69 and fixed cycle commands can be used in macro programs, but mirroring
and scaling commands can't be used.
Rotation command format: G68 X_ Y_ R_ Establish rotation (modal)
Chapter 5 Parameters
5.1 Parameters
On the plane, press the “Parameter” key to go into the parameter setting menu. Press the “Parameter”
key once to go into the parameter interface which includes “User Parameter”, “Speed”, “Coordinate System”,
“Macro Variable”, “Axis Parameter”, “Comprehensive Parameter”, “Password”, “Return” and other
parameters; press the “Parameter” key twice to go into the pitch error compensation interface where there
are “X-axis”, “Y-axis”, “Z-axis”, “A-axis”, “B-axis”, “Clear”, “Return” and other parameters; classify these
parameters under this interface. Press the key corresponding to the parameter setting menu to enter the
setting interface of such parameter.
Figure 5.3
NO.2 M20 program automatic running times
Used to set the number of times for cyclical execution of program when the M20 command is used in the
program. When this parameter is negative, it means an infinite loop.
NO.3 G73 retraction value"d"(mm)
Used to set the size of retract amount d at high-speed deep hole drilling cycle G73. Unit: mm (millimeter).
NO.4 G83 retraction value"d"(mm)
Used to set the size of retract amount d at chip removal drilling cycle G83. Unit: mm (millimeter)
NO.5 direction of G76 offset Q (take G17 plane as example)(1:+X,2:-X,3:+Y,4:-Y)
Used to set the offset direction of the offset Q of the fine boring cycle G76. The coordinate axes and
directions corresponding to the set value vary with the different planes, as shown in the following table:
NO.5 set parameter Offset direction of
value offset Q for G76
1 +X
G17 2 -X
3 +Y
4 -Y
1 +Z
2 -Z
Figure 5.4=2
NO.102 Factory reset
Set the factory parameter to the current parameter. When the parameter is disturbed during debugging,
use this parameter to set the factory parameter to the current parameter.
Note: After executing the restoration to factory parameters , the previous parameters will be overwritten.
NO.103 Interface color inversion [8-inversion]
The system interface has two colors for display; one background is gray and the other background is black;
when this parameter is set to 8, display switching can be made for color inversion; after the color inversion,
it is needed to start the system once again.
NO.104. Limited speed with protective door opened (mm/min)[>10].
The maximum speed limit after the protective door is opened. When the set value is more than 10mm/min,
it is valid. When the protection door is opened, there is an information prompt. That the auxiliary relay M10
is valid indicates that the protective door is open.
NO.300,Enable graphic display area (8-Enable)
When this parameter is set to 8, it means enabling the graphic display area limit.
Figure 5.6
2. When the second channel port pulse is set (that is, the No.404 axis parameter is valid), the fourth
spindle function is available: the fourth spindle is for the analog control and is output from the original
second spindle analog port in the aspect of hardware.
The fourth spindle speed command: SD_, speed (revolution/minute).
Forward and CCW rotation stop commands need to be implemented by PLC; it has the same using
method as the 3rd spindle, as shown in the above plc.
5.2.3 Coordinate system
The coordinate system in this parameter refers to the working coordinate system and a machine
coordinate system G53; that is, the coordinate system used in the workpiece machining is also called the
workpiece coordinate system, which is pre-set by CNC. A machining program can set a workpiece
coordinate system, or a plurality of workpiece coordinate systems. The workpiece coordinate system can
be changed by moving its origin. That is, the value of the coordinate system in the parameter is the value of
coordinates of its own coordinate origin (zero point) in the machine coordinate system.
With G54 to G59, 6 workpiece coordinate systems can be set and 48 additional workpiece coordinate
systems G54.1 - G54.48 can also be set. In the coordinate system setting interface, you can modify the
values of coordinates of the origins of the 6 workpiece coordinate systems in the machine coordinate
system. (As shown in Figure 5.7)
G54 :Workpiece coordinate system 1
G55 :Workpiece coordinate system 2
G56 :Workpiece coordinate system 3
G57 :Workpiece coordinate system 4
G58 :Workpiece coordinate system 5
G59 :Workpiece coordinate system 6
G54.1-G54.48:Additional workpiece coordinate systems.
L:The amount of movement of the machine tool corresponding to one revolution of the servo motor.
Unit: Millimeter
P:Number of pulses fed back by one revolution of servo motor (number of motor encoder lines × 4)
Attention: It is usually recommended to set the electronic gear in the driver to prevent the poor
synchronization at multi-axis linkage (when there is great difference between electronic gears of all axes).
NO.27 X axis direction signal (0-reverse, 1-normal)
Used to change the moving direction of the X-axis; namely, when this value is set to 0, the moving
direction of the X-axis is equivalent to the reverse direction of the command; when the value is 1, the X-axis
moving direction is equivalent to the direction of the command.
NO.28 Y axis direction signal (0-reverse, 1-normal)
Used to change the moving direction of the Y-axis; namely, when this value is set to 0, the moving
direction of the Y-axis is equivalent to the reverse direction of the command; when the value is 1, the Y-axis
moving direction is equivalent to the direction of the command.
NO.29 Z axis direction signal (0-reverse, 1-normal)
Used to change the moving direction of the Z-axis; namely, when this value is set to 0, the moving
direction of the Z-axis is equivalent to the reverse direction of the command; when the value is 1, the Z-axis
moving direction is equivalent to the direction of the command.
NO.30 Fourth axis direction signal (0-reverse, 1-normal)
Used to change the moving direction of the fourth-axis; namely, when this value is set to 0, the moving
direction of the fourth -axis is equivalent to the reverse direction of the command; when the value is 1, the
fourth -axis moving direction is equivalent to the direction of the command.
NO.31 Fifth axis direction signal (0-reverse, 1-normal)
Used to change the moving direction of the fifth-axis; namely, when this value is set to 0, the moving
direction of the fifth-axis is equivalent to the reverse direction of the command; when the value is 1, the
fifth-axis moving direction is equivalent to the direction of the command.
NO.32 The mode of feed axis to return to reference point
Used to set several methods to detect the reference switch and the motor encoder zero pulse signal
when each feed axis returns to the reference point:
When it is set to 0: When the feed axis returns to the reference point, after it hits the reference point
switch, it runs in reverse and detects the switch off and then detects the motor encoder zero pulse signal.
When it is set to 1: When the feed axis returns to the reference point, after it hits the reference point
switch, it runs in reverse and detects the switch off.
When it is set to 2: When the feed axis returns to the reference point, after it hits the reference point
switch, it runs forwards and detects the switch off and then detects the motor encoder zero pulse signal.
When it is set to 3: When the feed axis returns to the reference point, after it hits the reference point
A: The rotation angle of the corresponding machine tool spindle when spindle motor rotates by one
revolution. Unit: degree
P: Number of pulses fed back by one revolution of the spindle motor (number of motor encoder lines ×
NO.115 Is there gear control for the spindle (1-Yes, 0-No)
Used to set whether the spindle has high gear and low gear functions. When the machine tool has
automatic shift function, the system can achieve switching between high gear and low gear and speed
control the corresponding the gear based on the command. When the parameter value is set to 1, it
indicates that the equipment has high gear and low gear functions. If it is set to 0, it indicates that the
equipment has no high gear and low gear functions.
When the spindle has high gear and low gear upon the setting, K1 on standard sub-panel of the system
is the spindle high-gear option and K2 is the spindle low-gear option; in the program, M61 is the spindle
high-gear option command and M62 is the spindle low-gear option command. Auxiliary relays M64 and
M65 are respectively for high-gear and low-gear control; to achieve high-gear and low-gear control, edit the
PLC ladder diagram to introduce the corresponding auxiliary relay signal to the output relay Y, thus
controlling the shift circuit. Auxiliary relays M40 and M41 are respectively for high-gear and low-gear
detections; if you want to detect whether the shift is made in place, edit the PLC ladder diagram, to
introduce the corresponding detection signal to the corresponding auxiliary relay.
Setting of high-gear and low-gear speeds: Set high-gear and low-gear speed through the "speed"
parameters NO.101and NO.102.
Attention: If manual mechanical switching is available between high-gear and low-gear, you only need to
introduce the corresponding detection signal to the corresponding auxiliary relay when editing
the PLC ladder diagram, and set the corresponding high-gear and low-gear speeds. There is no
need to start high-gear and low-gear functions.
NO.116 Are the third and fourth gears closed (1-Yes, 0-No)
Used to set whether the spindle third/fourth gear is closed; when the parameter value is set to 1, it
Figure 5.10
List of comprehensive parameters:
1.Sub-panel control (18 represents all is controlled by PLC)
2.Internal parameter of system
3. Language selection (1-Chinese, 0-English)
4. Tool length/fixed cycle/circular clearance compensation mode
5. Circular B-type clearance compensation speed (mm/min)
6. Sub-panel type(A3;B0;C3;D6;E7;F15)
7. Whether to display a custom alarm (0-No, 1- Yes)
8. Whether to display feed axis and spindle alarms (0-No, 1- Yes)
9. Whether to display a cooling/lubrication alarm (0-No, 1- Yes)
10. Whether to enable tool selection and tool change functions (0-No, 1- Yes)
11. Tool management mode
12. Tool selection mode/tool count signal
13. Return to tool change point axis (3-ZX; 4-ZY; 5-ZXY; others-Z)
14. The reference point that the feed axis will return to at tool change
15. Whether to detect spindle orientation and the feed axis return to the tool change point prior to tool
16. Whether the spindle is oriented when the tool is changed
17. The spindle orientation stop angle at tool change (0.1 degree)
18. Magazine type
19. Special magazine (0: standard, 16: special bamboo hat style, 32: servo magazine, 64: special ARM)
20. Z axis lifting height at tool change for bamboo hat style magazine (mm)
21. Z axis lifting speed at tool change for bamboo hat style magazine (mm/min)
22. Quick lifting distance of Z axis for bamboo hat style magazine (mm)
23.Tool back-off delay (turntable style tool seat falling/tool clamping ) for bamboo hat style magazine
(0.1 s)
24. Delay time after tool unclamping at tool change (0.1 s)
25.Whether Z axis motion and main arm tool holding/bamboo style magazine are interlocked
26.Whether magazine moving forward M41 checks Z axis position (0-Yes, 1-No)
27. Maximum tool number at the fixed tool location zone
28. Power status of each axis at startup
29.Delay time for re-energization after power-off of the driver(0.1s)
31. Tool radius C compensation establishment mode
NO.203 Defining the current parameter settings as factory parameters
Define the current parameters as factory parameters; this is used for parameters backup after
equipment debugging, to facilitate future equipment maintenance.
NO.204 Whether to enable high-speed PLC function [18-Yese]
When this parameter is set to 18, it indicates enable high-speed PLC function is enabled;
high-speed PLC scan time is 8 milliseconds.
In the PLC ladder diagram, edit the following line as the boundary between high-speed PLC and
low-speed PLC:
Enter the initial password to show the dialog box as below; then enter the value of "0" and press the
Enter key for confirmation to start the authority function.
Figure 5.27
5.3 Diagnosis
Press the "Diagnosis" button under the panel to switch to the diagnosis function interface. In this
interface, monitor the external I/O points, edit the I/O function name, as well as reset the drive failure.
Diagnosis interface:
"Control program" is used to edit different types of control programs.
"I/O" is to display input and output status.
"Ladder state" is to display the state of ladder diagram.
"Alarm" shows the current alarm information and historical records on ten alarms.
"Ladder Diagram edition" is built-in PLC ladder diagram used in online editing system.
"Reset drive" is used to reset the feed driver.
"Edition configuration" is to edit the current configuration.
5.3.1 Real-time detection of input/output points
In the diagnosis interface, press "I/O" function software to enter the I/O point monitoring interface, as
shown in Figure 5.28. By pressing "PgUp" and "PgDn", you can switch among five interfaces - "input relay",
"sub-panel input", "output relay", "auxiliary relay 1" and "auxiliary relay 2", to monitor various I/O states.
Figure 5.30
Editing method: In Edit Configuration interface, by pressing "↑" and"↓" to move the cursor to the
element to be edited; press "Enter" key and then enter the configuration commands in the dialogue box.
Note: When you edit the configuration online in the system, you can only edit the letters, can not edit Chinese characters;
Chinese characters can be edited on the PC and then sent to the system.
5.3.4 Release feed drive alarm failure
If you want to release the feed drive fault alarm, press the "Reset" soft key in the parameter interface
and make a confirmation. In this case, the system will release feed drive alarm according to the preset PLC
output signal.
Special Attention: This function only eliminates the drive alarm prompt after troubleshooting. If the
cause of the drive fault still exists, it will not eventually eliminate the drive failure. It is
needed to handle drive failure.
5.3.5 Edit ladder diagram
When you press the soft key corresponding to "Edit Ladder Diagram" under the diagnosis interface,
you will enter the Edit Ladder Diagram interface, as shown in Figure 5.31:
Figure 5.31
There are totally interfaces for editing ladder diagram; press the soft key corresponding to “》” in the
menu, and enter the second interface for editing the ladder diagram; see Figure 5.32:
Figure. 5.32
Press the soft key corresponding to “ ALT ” key in the menu, to enter into the third editing interface.
Figure 5.33
Press the soft key corresponding to “》” in the menu to enter into the fourth interface for editing the
ladder diagram; see Fig. 5.34:
Figure 5.34
Figure 5.40 Corresponding relation between machine coordinates and compensation point number
Outputting the compensation amount at the O position
The parameters are set as follows:
The number of compensation point of reference point: 40
The number of compensation point of the farthest point in the negative direction: 33
The number of compensation point of the farthest point in the forward direction: 56
Compensation override: 1
Spacing between compensation points: 50000
Outputting compensation amount at the corresponding compensation point:
Numbe 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5
r 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6
+ + + + + + +
nsation -2 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -2 0
2 1 1 2 1 1 1
Diagram on comparison between the compensation point and the compensation amount is shown as below:
Figure 5.41 Diagram on comparison between compensation point and compensation amount
Example 2: In rotary axis case: If the amount of movement per revolution is 360 degrees, the spacing
between axis distance error compensation points will be 45 degrees and the number of compensation point
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User Manual
of the reference point will be 60; in the rotary axis case, the number of compensation point at the farthest
end in the negative direction is usually identical to the number of compensation point of the reference
The number of compensation point at the farthest point in the forward direction:
The number of compensation point of reference point + movement amount/spacing between
compensation points per revolution = 60+360/45 = 68.
The corresponding relation between machine coordinates and compensation points:
Figure 5.42 Corresponding relation between machine coordinates and compensation points in rotary axis case
commands: Enter the compensation amount at the position of the circle. If the sum of the
compensation amounts from 61 to 68 is not zero, the position offset will occur due to the accumulated pitch
error per revolution. Therefore, the same compensation amount shall be input for the compensation points
60 and 68.
The parameters are set as follows:
The number of compensation point of reference point: 60
The number of compensation point at the farthest point in the negative direction: 60
The number of compensation point at the farthest point in the forward direction: 68
Compensation override: 1
Spacing between compensation points: 45000
Outputting compensation amount at the corresponding compensation point:
n point 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
compensatio +1 -2 +1 +3 -1 -1 -3 +2 +1
n amount
Diagram on comparison between compensation points and compensation amounts is as below:
Figure 5.43 Diagram on comparison between compensation points and compensation amounts in rotary axis case
6.1 General
According to the system programmable I/O, auxiliary relays, timers and other resources, on the PC, a
dedicated PLC editing software (PLC.EXE) is used to edit and generate PLC file PLC.lad (ladder diagram file)
and PLC.plc (command list file) which will be delivered to the system for running, or in the system, the
ladder diagram is directly edited for running to achieve PLC function.
In this system, the PLC function can manage all the I/O interfaces of the system, as well as conduct
logic judgment, counting and other processing, to realize detection on input port and control on the output
port. The maximum number of execution steps for the system PLC is 1000 (commands list file), and all PLC
will be executed with 100ms as a cycle.
In this system, PLC can be implemented by using two ways: ladder diagram and commands list. As the
ladder diagram is very similar to circuit diagram of the relay control system, it is intuitive and easily
understandable. Thus, it can be easily mastered by electrical personnel in the factory who are familiar with
electrical control and is especially applicable to switch logic control. At the same time, ladder diagrams are
more frequently applied in the daily use of PLC, so this manual mainly focuses on ladder diagrams to
introduce system PLC functions.
Figure 6.1
Note: The input relay number is indicated by a decimal value. Output relay (Y)
Output relay is the window where system PLC sends signals to the external load. The output relay is
used to transfer the output signal from the system PLC to the output point which drives the external load.
Each relay of the output point has only a pair of normally open points, but in the ladder diagram, normally
open contacts and normally closed contacts of each output relay can be used (and can be used for multiple
times), as shown below:
Figure 6.2
Note: The output relay number is indicated by a decimal value. Internal relay (M)
The internal relay is an auxiliary relay in the PLC and can not be directly output to an external source.
It is usually defined as the input, output or status of a function. It is the information transmission channel
for PLC and system control software. It features the following:
(a)These relays are cleared when the power is turned off.
(b)Normally open contacts and normally closed contacts of the internal relays that can be used in the
ladder diagram.
( c ) The internal relay number is indicated by a decimal number. Most internal relays have been
defined by the system for a function and control mode. Only part of the internal relays are used as
temporary intermediate signals. Timer (T)
The timer in the system PLC is equivalent to the time relay in the relay system. In this system, the
timers are classified into general timers and retentive timers. Constant K is used as the set value of the
Figure 6.3
Retentive timer
T04-T07 and T32-T47 in this system PLC are 10ms retentive timers; T12-T15 and T64-T79 are 1s
retentive timers. The operating principle is as follows: When the input condition is met, the counting starts;
when the count value reaches the set value, the timer contact is on; even if the input condition is off, the
current value (count value) of retentive timer still remains unchanged and the contact status also remain
unchanged. When the RST command is executed, count value of the retentive timer will be set to 0 and the
contact will be disconnected. Set value (K) of the timer is a decimal number, which can be in the range of 1
to 9999.
Example: As it is shown in Figure 6.4, when the input relay X5 is valid, the timer T04 starts counting;
after 1 second (K value is 100; T04 is 10ms timer), T04 contact is connected; as it is shown in the waveform
diagram, even if the input condition X5 is disconnected, the current value (count value) of retentive timer
T04 will remain unchanged and the contact status will also remain unchanged. When the input relay X7 is
valid, the timer T04 is reset to 0 and the contact is also off. When the input signal is valid again, T04 starts
counting again.
Figure 6.4 Counter (C)
The counter is used to accumulate and detect the rising edge of the input condition (X, Y, M, T).
Figure 6.5
Example 1:
Example 2:
Control condition is 1, parameter A is address and parameter B is address.
When X10 is valid, parameter A= 0000010110100001, parameter B = 0000010110100000,
comparison result is A> B and a value is assigned to R103; if the original value of R103 is 0, R103 =
000000000000001 after assignment.
2. MOV: Data movement.
Control Number of Parameter Parameter
condition bits A B
0 8 Address Address
1 16 Address Address
2 8 Address Constant
3 16 Address Constant
Rules of operation:
Parameter B is assigned to Parameter A. Parameter A is always the address.
For example: control condition equal to 35 indicating: 16-bit data logic XOR, parameter A - constant,
parameter B - the address.
Rules of operation:
(1)Parameter C = (parameter A & parameter B).
When M77 is valid, the control condition is 10, indicating the logic AND; both parameter A and
parameter B are address. When the parameter A is address 10 = 10000111 and parameter B is address 12 =
01100001, the parameter C is address 15 = 00000001.
When M77 is valid, the control condition is 20, indicating the logic OR; both parameter A and
parameter B are address. When the parameter A is address 10 =10000111 and parameter B is address 12 =
01100001, the parameter C is address 15 = 11100111.
(3)Logic xor: Parameter C = (Parameter A ^ Parameter B) 。
When M77 is valid, the control condition is 30, indicating the logic XOR; both parameter A and
parameter B are address. When the parameter A is address 10 =10000111 and parameter B is address 12 =
01100001, the parameter C is address 15 = 11100110.
(4) Logic not: Parameter C = (~Parameter A) .
When M77 is valid, the control condition is 40, indicating the logic NOT; parameter A is address. When
the parameter A is address 10 =10000111, and parameter C is address 15 = 01111000.
(5)Left shift: Parameter C = (parameter A << parameter B). (Parameter B specifies the number of
bits for left shift).
When M77 is valid, the control condition is 50, indicating the logic left shift; both parameter A and
parameter B are address. When the parameter A is address 10 = 10000111, the parameter B is address 11 =
00000011, the parameter C is address 15 = 00111000.
(6)Right shift: Parameter C = (parameter A >> parameter B) . (Parameter B specifies the number
When M77 is valid, the control condition is 50, indicating the logic right shift; both parameter A and
parameter B are address. When the parameter A is address 10 =10000111, the parameter B is address 11 =
00000011, the parameter C is address 15 = 00010000.
4.ADD: Data addition.
Control Number of Parameter Parameter
condition bits A B
0 8 Address Address
1 16 Address Address
2 8 Address Constant
3 16 Address Constant
4 8 Constant Address
5 16 Constant Address
8 Constant Constant
Rules of operation:
Parameter C=Parameter A + Parameter B.
When M71 is valid, the control condition is 0 and both Parameter A and Parameter B are address.
When parameter A is address 23=10000111 and Parameter B is address 34=01100001, parameter C is
address 32=11101000.
5.SUB:Data subtraction.
Control Number of Parameter Parameter
condition bits A B
0 8 Address Address
1 16 Address Address
2 8 Address Constant
3 16 Address Constant
4 8 Constant Address
5 16 Constant Address
8 Constant Constant
Rules of operation:
Parameter C = Parameter A - Parameter B.
When M22 is valid, the control condition is 0 and both Parameter A and Parameter B are address.
When parameter A is address 30=10100000 and Parameter B is address 11=01100000, parameter C is
address 45=01000000.
6.MUL: Data multiplication.
Control Number of Parameter Parameter
condition bits A B
0 8 Address Address
1 16 Address Address
2 8 Address Constant
When M70 is valid, the control condition is 0 and both Parameter A and Parameter B are address.
When parameter A is address 10=10100111 and Parameter B is address 20=00000101, parameter C is
address 15=01000011.
7. DIV: Data division.
Control Number of Parameter Parameter
condition bits A B
0 8 Address Address
1 16 Address Address
2 8 Address Constant
3 16 Address Constant
4 8 Constant Address
5 16 Constant Address
8 Constant Constant
Rules of operation:
Parameter C = Parameter A / Parameter B.
When M70 is valid, the control condition is 0 and both Parameter A and Parameter B are address.
When parameter A is address 1=1010011 and Parameter B is address 2=00000101, parameter C is address
6.5.3 Process control function block
1. END1: End of Level 1.
plc in front of END1 is for high-speed scanning; each scan cycle is 8ms.
Control condition
When M78 is invalid, the next statement after JUMP is executed, without jumping.
When M78 is valid, after jumping to the specified label, the next command following the label is executed.
LABL label parameter setting range: 1-9999.
Example 2:
commands: When X11 is valid, lines 45-49 are skipped and line 51 is directly executed.
When X11 is invalid, the subsequent line 45 is directly executed
5.Conditional or unconditional subprogram call
Calling the specified subprogram features the following: Multiple call commands can call the same one
subprogram; call commands can be nested; not calling the subprogram in the first level of program; the
subprogram must be written after END2.
Example 1:
commands: When M72 is valid, the subprogram with specified number (e.g. CALL 16) will be called.
When M72 is invalid, the next command after CALL is executed.
6. SP: Start of subprogram.
7. SPE: End of sub-program
SP is used to generate a subprogram; the number of the subprogram is used as as the name of the
subprogram, and the SPE as the mark of end of the subprogram. When the command is executed, the
control returns to the main program that calls the subprogram; SP and SPE are used to specify the range of
the subprogram. The subprogram used must be written after END2.
Example 1:
commands: When X11 is valid, calling the subprogram SP22 is executed; when M285 in subprogram is
valid, RETN condition is met, direct return to the main program and line 13 is executed.
When X11 is valid, calling the subprogram SP22 is executed; if M285 in subprogram is invalid, RETN
condition is not met, line 18 of the subprogram to end of the subprogram is executed and then return to
main program occurs.
1.Odd addresses not only can be used for 8-bit parameters, but also for 16-bit parameters;
2.Even addresses can only be used for 8-bit parameters and can not be used for 16-bit
3.The 16-bit odd address actually contains the odd address and the latter even address
4. The constant actually includes 8 bits.
Figure 6.6
Source: This software is available on a bundled CD.
Installation mode: This software does not need to be installed; you can directly copy it from the CD to
a local hard disk of the PC.
Requirements on running environments:
Hardware-IBM compatible microcomputer, the lowest hardware configuration: 64M memory, P200 or
more, with CD-ROM drive;
Software-Windows98 /NT4.0/ 2000/XP/Windows7 Chinese version for the software platform. Basic operation for editing software
Run the editing software: directly double-click the PLC.EXE icon and then you can run the PLC
editing software. Its running interface is shown below:
Figure 6.7
New PLC file: Click the "New" menu under "File" in the menu bar (as shown below) or click the " "
button on the toolbar to create a new PLC file.
Figure 6.8
Open an existing PLC file: Click the "Open" menu under "File" in the menu bar (shown below) or the
" " button on the toolbar to open the existing PLC file in the corresponding file storage directory.
Figure 6.9
Save the PLC file: Click the "Save" menu under "File" in the menu bar (as shown below) or the " "
button on the toolbar to save the PLC file.
Figure 6.10
Attention: When you save the PLC file for the first time, you will be reminded to enter the file name; at
this time no matter whether ladder diagram or command file is saved, its name must be "PLC". That is
because default names of PLC ladder diagram and command list file in this system are PLC.LAD and
PLC.PLC. if they are replaced by another names, the system will not be able to recognize them.
Exit from the software: Click the "Exit" menu under "File" in the menu bar (as shown below) or click
the " " button in the control bar to exit from the software.
Figure 6.11
Note: Before exiting from the program, confirm whether the current PLC file is saved.
Select all PLC: On the toolbar, press the " " key to select all PLC; the selected PLC is the red.
Cut and paste PLC: Select the PLC to be cut and pasted and press the " " key in the toolbar to
Block paste PLC:In the toolbar, press " " to paste the copied plc.
Find PLC element: In the toolbar, press " "; in pop-up dialog box, enter the element to be found and
" "; in the pop-up dialog box, enter the corresponding annotation in Chinese characters.
Horizontal line:
Vertical line:
Output coil:
Output setting:
Output reset:
Delete a line:
Insert a line:
Figure 6.12
Edit horizontal line: Move the cursor to the position for editing and then click the “ ” button on the
Edit vertical line: Move the cursor to the front of the position for editing and then click the “ ” button
on the toolbar.
Edit the normally open contact: Move the cursor to the position for editing and click on the “ ” in
the toolbar to show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box and enter
the corresponding number and then click "OK" .
Figure 6.13
Note: The "Parameter" column in its dialog box does not need to be set.
Edit the normally closed contact: Move the cursor to the position for editing and click on the " " in
the toolbar to show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box and enter
the corresponding number and then click "OK" .
Figure 6.14
Note: The "Parameter" column in its dialog box does not need to be set.
Edit direct output:Move the cursor to the position for editing and click on the “ ” in the toolbar to
show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box and enter the
corresponding number and then click "OK" .
Figure 6.15
Note: 1. X can not be selected for "element name" column in the dialog box.
2. "Parameter" column in the dialog box only needs to be set accordingly when the element is T or C , as well as
does not need any settings for any other elements.
Edit setting output:Move the cursor to the position for editing and click on the “ ” in the toolbar
to show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box and enter the
corresponding number and then click "OK" .
Figure 6.16
Note: 1. X, T and C can not be selected for "element name" column in the dialog box.
2. "Parameter" column in the dialog box does not need any setting.
Edit reset output: Move the cursor to the position for editing and click on the “ ” in the toolbar to
show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box and enter the
corresponding number and then click "OK" .
Figure 6.17
Note: 1. X can not be selected for "element name" column in the dialog box.
2. "Parameter" column in the dialog box does not need any setting.
Edit direct reverse output: Move the cursor to the position for editing and click on the “ ” in the
toolbar to show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box and enter the
corresponding number and then click "OK" .
Figure 6.18
Edit rising edge output: Move the cursor to the position for editing and click on the “ ” in the
toolbar to show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box and enter the
corresponding number and then click "OK" .
Figure 6.19
Edit falling edge output : Move the cursor to the position for editing and click on the “ ” in the
toolbar to show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box and enter the
corresponding number and then click "OK" .
Figure 6.20
Edit logic operation function block: Move the cursor to the position for editing and click on the
“ ” in the toolbar to show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box
and enter the corresponding number and then click "OK"
Figure 6.21
After selecting the comparator function block, the following dialog box will pop up. In the dialog box,
enter the control condition, parameter A, parameter B and parameter C and press OK to complete the
Figure 6.22
Edit process control function block: Move the cursor to the position for editing; click " " on the
toolbar to show the dialog box below; then select the corresponding element in the dialog box and enter the
corresponding number; for the corresponding set parameter, Click "OK" .
Figure 6.23
Delete element: Move the cursor to element to be deleted; click on the " " button on the toolbar.
Elements mentioned in this case include: horizontal line, normally open contact, normally closed contact, all
output coils.
Delete vertical line: Move the cursor to the front of the vertical line you want to delete. Click the
"0x1" button on the toolbar.
Delete a line of ladder diagram: Move the cursor to the line you want to delete. Click on the " "
button on the toolbar.
Add a line of ladder diagram: Move the cursor to the line in front of which you want to add a line of
ladder diagram. Click the " " button on the toolbar; then a blank line will be shown in front of that line,
which is used to edit a line of ladder diagram. Generate command list file
In the editing software, the command list can not be edited, and its command is generated from
compilation made for the ladder diagram. Thus, the command list is generated while the ladder diagram is
When the ladder diagram editing is completed, click the Save button on the toolbar to save the ladder
diagram, and then click"command list" button on the control bar to generate the command file; as shown
Figure 6.24
Note: If the ladder diagram has a logic principle error, the software will automatically show a dialog box to make
illustration; in this case, the command list will not be generated (the command list can only be generated when there is no
error occurring in the compilation); as shown below:
Figure 6.25
6.7.2 PLC program editing on the system panel Basic operation on edit interface
Enter editing interface: In the main interface of the system, press the "parameter" softkey twice on
the main function menu to go into the diagnosis interface; then press the "Edit Ladder Diagram" softkey to
enter the PLC ladder diagram editing interface; in the PLC ladder editing interface, there are actually four
interfaces, among which switching is made through “<<” and "switch (ALT)" soft keys. The Fig. 6.26 below
is the first interface of PLC editing interface.
Figure 6.26
The Figure 6.27 below is the second interface of PLC editing interface.
Figure 6.27
The Figure 6.28 below is the third interface of PLC editing interface.
Figure 6.28
The Figure 6.29 below is the fourth interface of PLC editing interface.
Figure 6.29
Move the cursor: When editing the ladder diagram, use the cursor as the focus; the cursor movement
is controlled by the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Compile ladder diagram: After the ladder editing is completed, the format and logic judgments are
required to verify its correctness. The method is to press the "compile" soft key. When there is any error
occurring in the compilation, the system will show a dialog box to remind the programmer (as shown in
Figure 6.30);
Figure 6.30
If there is no error, the system will show the successful compilation dialog box (as shown in Figure
Figure 6.31
Save ladder diagram: When the ladder diagram is edited and compiled successfully, you must save
the ladder diagram once before exiting from the editing interface. The operation method is to press "Save"
soft key; when you press the "Save" soft key, a question dialog box on whether to save it (as shown below)
will be shown; press "Enter" key to save it or "Esc" to cancel the save.
Figure 6.32
Press "Enter" key in the interface of Figure 6.32 and then the system will show successful save (as
shown in Figure 6.33). Press "Enter" to confirm and complete the save.
Figure 6.33
Exit from editing interface: When the ladder is saved successfully, press the "ESC" key on the panel
to exit from the PLC editing interface. Return to the previous parameter menu interface. Edit PLC ladder diagram
Edit horizontal line: Move the cursor to position for editing and press the "-- " soft key.
Edit vertical line: Move the cursor to the front of the position for editing and press the "|" soft key.
Edit normally open contact: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press "-||-" soft key to
show the following dialog box; then in the dialog box interface, press the Up and Down keys to select the
corresponding element and input the corresponding number and press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.34
Note: When entering the element number, directly enter the numbers so that you do not need to enter the element
names such as X, Y, T, C and M.
Edit normally closed contact: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press "-|/|-" soft key to
show the following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select the
corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.35
Note: When entering the element number, directly enter the numbers so that you do not need to enter the element
names such as X, Y, T, C and M.
Edit direct output: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key to show the
following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select the
corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.36
Note: 1. X can not be selected for elements in the dialog box.
2.When entering the element number, directly enter the numbers so that you do not need to enter the element
names such as Y, T, C and M.
Edit setting output: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key to show the
following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select the
corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.37
Note: 1. X, T and C can not be selected for elements in the dialog box.
2. When entering the element number, directly enter the numbers so that you do not need to enter the element
names such as Y, T, C and M.
Edit reset output: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key to show the
following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select the
corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.38
Note: 1. X can not be selected for elements in the dialog box
2.When entering the element number, directly enter the numbers so that you do not need to enter the element
Edit reserve output coil: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key to
show the following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select the
corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.41
Edit rising edge output coil: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key
to show the following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select
the corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.42
Edit rising edge output coil: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key to
show the following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select the
corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.43
Edit rising edge output coil: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key to
show the following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select the
corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.44
Edit rising edge setting coil: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key
to show the following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select
the corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.45
Edit falling edge setting coil: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key
to show the following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select
the corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.46
Edit rising edge reset coil: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ” soft key to show
the following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select the
Figure 6.47
Edit falling edge reset coil: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press “ ”soft key to
show the following dialog box; then press the Up and Down keys under the dialog box interface to select the
corresponding element and enter the corresponding number and then press the "Enter" button.
Figure 6.48
Edit function block: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press " " soft key to show
the following dialog box; in the dialog box, enter the corresponding number, which is the corresponding to
a specific function block. E.g.: 20 corresponds to CMP (comparator), 21 corresponds to MOV (data
movement) and so on.
Figure 6.49
If you select the function block 20 (CMP Comparator), set the function block; move the cursor to the
function block, press " " to show the following dialog box; then set the corresponding parameters
Figure 6.50
Edit function block: Move the cursor to the position for editing and press " " soft key, to show
the following dialog box; in the dialog box, enter the corresponding number, which is corresponding to a
specific function block. E.g.: 28 corresponds to END1 (End of the first level), 29 corresponds to END2 (end
of the second level ) and so on.
Figure 6.51
If you select function block 31 (JUMP), set the function block; move the cursor to the function block
and press " " to show the following dialog box; set the corresponding parameters in the dialog box.
Figure 6.52
Figure 6.53
Press the soft key F2"Import parameter" and press "ENTER" key to import the PLC file into the system
and press Enter again for confirmation. PLC parameter import is completed. To run the new PLC file,
restart the system or press the "R" key in the "Ladder diagram" interface of the "Diagnosis" function to
re-run the PLC for updating.
Note: The function of importing PLC files from the U disk into the system, not only transfers PLC files to
Figure 6.54
Press the soft key F6 "Exit from U disk" to return to the system and remove the U disk. PLC parameter
export is completed.
Note: The function of exporting PLC files from the system to the U disk, not only exports the PLC files to the U disk, but
also exports the system parameters in the system to the U disk. Thus, this step can be used as the system
parameter backup function.
Attention: There is no space symbol in the name of the folder when the U disk is used.
101 M134 Standby When this relay is valid, the system executes corresponding
action according to PLC (input/output)
102 M135 Standby
103 M151-M198 Standby The relay to save the previous states of X151-X198 relays.
128 M226 System interior Magazine forward moving output for special arm magazine.
129 M227 System interior Magazine backward moving output for special arm magazine.
System interior Magazine moving forward in place detection for special arm
130 M228
System interior Magazine moving backward in place detection for special arm
131 M229
System interior Completed Z-axis return to tool change position in machining
132 M230
center (only for the 600i system)
133 M231-M233 Standby
166 M276 Indicating it is currently in the following trapping state.
When it is valid, it indicates executing the custom control
167 M277 System
168 M278 When it is valid, it indicates executing Z axis drop function.
169 M279 Used for external manual 5th forward motion input signal.
170 M280 Used for external manual 5th negative motion input signal.
171 M281 It id valid at rigid tapping retract under pulse control.
When this relay is valid, the system executes corresponding
172 M282--M297 Custom
action according to PLC (input/output)
When this relay is valid, the system executes corresponding
action according to PLC. The state of auxiliary relay can be
173 M298--M313 Custom
kept after power failure (for the system with ferroelectricity).
System 5th axis return to zero
174 M800
System Home
175 M801
System Single stage mode (automatic - automatic single-stage state;
176 M802
occupation manual - manual increment or manual pulse state)
System Simulation run mode
177 M803
System Manual increment 0.1
178 M804
System Manual increment 0.01
179 M805
System Manual increment 0.001
180 M806
System Manual mode
181 M807
System Handwheel mode
182 M808
System Auto mode
183 M809
System MDI mode
184 M810
System Diagnosis mode
185 M811
System Parameter mode
186 M812
System Program mode
187 M813
System It is valid when there are 5 days or less from the system
188 M814
occupation expiration date.
System It is valid when system expires
189 M815
190 M816 Handwheel current axis D0 bit
191 M817 Handwheel current axis D1 bit
198 M1079 Subpanel key Manual (not switching to the main interface)
199 M1080 Subpanel key Handwheel (not switching to the main interface)
200 M1029 Subpanel key Single-stage/ continuous (valid for manual and automatic).
218 M1019 Subpanel key Current tool case number setting for machining center.
234 M1016 Subpanel key Feed axis return to tool change point.
Machining center tool disk forward rotation or lathe tool
235 M1017 Subpanel key
236 M1018 Subpanel key Machining center tool disk CCW rotation.
249 M1010 Subpanel key Old incremental switching (X1, X10, X100 scroll switching).
Old single-stage/continuous switching (only valid for
250 M1011 Subpanel key
251 M1012 Subpanel key Graphic/coordinate switching.
Note: 1. Normally open and normally closed points of all the auxiliary relays in the table above can be used in the PLC ladder
2. The "input" in the description column in the above table indicates that the signal of the current relay coil comes from
the contact input of other relays; "output" means the current relay contact outputs the signal to the coil of other relays.
Figure 6.55
High-speed level PLC is before this line and low-speed level PLC is after this line.
High-speed level PLC scan cycle is 8ms, while low-speed PLC scan cycle is 100ms.
2.In the high-speed level PLC ladder diagram, edit a line below as the boundary between manual
and automatic modes:
Figure 6.56
High-speed level PLC before this line is executed in both manual and automatic modes; High-speed level
PLC after this line is only executed in the manual mode; in the automatic mode, scan is made as per
low-speed level PLC, i.e. 100ms. This method is used to reduce the system load during automatic run.
3.Emergency stop:
Figure 6.57
Description: As it is shown in the figure above, after the input relay X151 is invalid (using the normally
closed contact), the system internal auxiliary relay M04 is valid, so that the system detects the external
switch action and executes the corresponding prompt and action.
4. X-axis forward hard limit:
Figure 6.58
Description: As it is shown above,after the input relay X50 is valid, the system internal auxiliary relay
M16 is valid, so that the system detects the X axis reaches the limit in the forward direction and executes
the corresponding prompt and action.
Note: The two examples above are under the situation where external signal is sent to the system internal auxiliary relay
of and the system executes the corresponding action at the same time after the corresponding auxiliary relay is
5. Spindle forward rotation:
Figure 6.59
Description: As it is shown in the figure above, when the normally open contact of the system internal
auxiliary relay M53 (forward rotation auxiliary relay)is connected with the output relay Y05 and the
system executes the spindle forward rotation command, the M53 relay is valid and the Y05 output is valid
as well. The external circuit is controlled to execute spindle forward rotation action.
6.Lighting auto run command lamp up:
Figure 6.60
Description: As it is shown in the figure above, when the normally open contact of the system internal
state auxiliary relay M08 (the relay is valid at the system axis feed ) is connected with the output relay Y15
Figure 6.61
Description: As it is shown in the figure above, X20 is the input relay of the external button switch,
M01- the manual state relay, M53- the spindle forward rotation control relay, M54 - the spindle CCW
rotation control relay, M55 - the spindle stop control relay and Y05- the signal output relay When the
system is in the manual state, M01 relay is valid; if the external button action signal is input and valid by the
X20 input relay at this time, the spindle forward rotation control relay M53 setting will be valid while the
spindle CCW rotation control relay M54 and spindle stop control relay M55 reset will be invalid. After M53
is valid, its contact is on so that Y05 output is valid. The external circuit is controlled to execute spindle
forward rotation action.
Note: The above example is under the situation where the external signal is sent to the system internal auxiliary relay by
which the external signal is then sent to the output relay and at the same time the output relay circuit drives the
external circuit to execute the corresponding action. Also, the interlocking relation between signals of the same
type (at forward rotation, reverse and stop will be set as invalid) shall be considered.
8.In manual state, sub-panel K1 reciprocating key controls Y17 output; also, command
M53/M54 control its output; and K1 key command lamp lights up:
Figure 6.62
Description: As it is shown in the figure above, X166 is the input relay of sub-panel K1 key, M01 - the
manual state relay, M166- last state relay for the sub-panel K1 key input relay, M62 - the custom system
internal auxiliary relay, which is valid / invalid, depending on the command M53 / M54 control, Y71 - the
sub-panel K1 key command lamp output relay and Y17 - the signal output relay.
Execution principle:
Press K1 key to make lamp ON - When the system is in the manual state, M01 relay is valid. If the
sub-panel K1 key is pressed, signal will be input via the X166 input relay. As K1 is in OFF state before being
pressed, M166 normally closed contact is valid; as the Y71 relay is initially invalid, its normally closed
contact is valid; thus, the M62 relay is set and remains valid; also, the Y17 and Y71 outputs are valid. That
Y17 controls the external circuit to execute the corresponding action is valid; Y71 lights K1 indicator lamp
Press K1 key to make lamp OFF - When the system is in the manual state, M01 relay is valid. If the
sub-panel K1 key is pressed, signal will be input via the X166 input relay. As K1 is in OFF state before being
pressed, M166 normally closed contact is valid; as the Y71 relay is valid (it is valid under K1 control at the
Figure 6.63
Description: As it is shown in the figure above, X166 is the input relay of the sub-panel K1 key, X167 -
the input relay of the sub-panel K2 key, M01 - the manual state relay, M62 - the custom internal auxiliary
relay of the system, which is valid / invalid, depending on the command M53/M54, Y71- sub-panel K1 key
command light output relay, Y72 - sub-panel K2 key command light output relay and Y17 - signal output
Execution principle: Press K1 for ON - When the system is in the manual state, M01 relay is valid; if
the sub-panel K1 key is pressed, the signal will be input and valid via the X166 relay. As the K2 key is not
pressed, its normally closed contact is valid and M62 relay is valid (as M62 contact is connected with X166
in parallel, M62 self-locking remains valid); also, Y17 and Y71 outputs are valid. That Y17 controls the
external circuit to execute the corresponding action is valid; Y71 lights the K1 indicator lamp; Y72 is
connected to the normally closed contact of M62, so Y72 output is invalid and K2 indicator lamp is off.
Press K1 for OFF - When the sub-panel K2 key is pressed, the signal is input and valid via the X167
input relay; however, as its contact is connected to M62 self-locking circuit in series, when X167 is valid,
M62 self-locking is released; thus, M62 is invalid and Y17 and Y71 outputs are invalid as well. That Y17
controls the external circuit to execute the corresponding action is invalid; Y71 is invalid and K1 indicator
lamp is off. Y72 is connected to the normally closed contact of M62, so Y72 output is invalid and Y72 lights
K2 indicator lamp up.
command control for ON/OFF-When the system executes the command M53, the system internal
auxiliary relay M62 is valid and Y17 and Y71 outputs are valid as well. That Y17 controls the external
circuit to execute the corresponding action is valid; Y71 lights the K1 indicator lamp up; Y72 is connected to
the normally closed contact of M62, so Y72 output is invalid and K2 indicator lamp is off. When the system
executes the command M54, the system internal auxiliary relay M62 is invalid and Y17 and Y71 outputs are
invalid as well. That Y17 controls the external circuit to execute the corresponding action is invalid; Y71 is
invalid and K1 indicator lamp is off. Y72 is connected to the normally closed contact of M62, so Y72 output
is invalid and Y72 lights K2 indicator lamp up.
The above example mainly takes advantages of the most common start and stop control circuits in the
Figure 6.64
X166 makes setting for M62; X167 makes reset for M62.
10.Spindle braking (spindle stop signal is canceled after a period of output )
Figure 6.65
Description: As it is shown in the figure above, M53 is the system spindle forward rotation relay, M55 -
system spindle CCW rotation relay, M55 - system spindle stop relay, M107 and M108 - the custom system
internal auxiliary relays, T03-10ms general timer and Y07 - signal output relay.
Execution principle: As it is shown above, Lines 1 and 2 in the ladder diagram always make the internal
auxiliary relay M107 setting valid when the system executes spindle forward rotation (M53) or CCW
rotation (M54) ; lines 3 and 4 in the ladder diagram make M55 valid when the system executes spindle stop;
also, when the previous system execution M107 setting is valid, the system internal auxiliary relay M108
setting is valid and the internal auxiliary relay M107 reset is invalid (clear forward and CCW rotation
states); for line 5 in the ladder diagram, when M108 is valid, its 10ms general timer T03 (set constant K is
150; that is, the timing time is 1.5 seconds) starts counting; for line 6 in ladder diagram, whenT03 timing
time is reached, T03 relay is valid and the system internal auxiliary relay M108 reset is invalid; for line 7 in
the ladder diagram, when the system executes the spindle stop (M55 valid) and M108 is valid, the signal
output relay Y07 output is valid and controlling the external circuit to execute the braking action is valid;
line 6 in the ladder diagram is linked; when T03 timing time is reached, M108 is invalid and the signal
output relay Y07 output is invalid and controlling the external circuit to execute the braking action is
invalid. Thus, when the spindle stops, Y07 output is valid for 1.5s and then be canceled, to achieve the
braking effect.
The above example mainly takes advantage of timing relays to achieve that the output signal is kept for
a period of time and then be canceled.
Figure 6.66
Use the Up and Down keys to move the cursor to the element you want to edit; press "Enter" key and the
system will show a dialog box in Fig. 6.67; enter the name you want in the dialog box.
Figure 6.67
After editing, enter the "input relay" under diagnostic "I/O" interface and you will see there are
corresponding names under the X03 relay; as shown below:
Figure 6.68
Figure 6.69
Save the file after the completion of editing, and then import the IO.TXT file into the system as per the
method in section 5.6; after system restart, enter the "input relay"under the diagnostic "I/O" interface and
you will see there are corresponding names under X04 relay; as shown below:
Figure 6.71
6.11.3 Example on use of custom alarms for internal relays M80-M95.
System internal relays M80-M95 are for custom alarms. For example, when the relay is valid, the
system status prompt bar will give the corresponding name according to the information, as shown in the
following example:
Example: For checking material preparation situation of the machine automatic feeding device,
connect an external metal proximity switch (input signal to X16; when there is no material, the switch is
valid) to detect the material preparation situation; when the material prepared is insufficient, the system is
required to display "inadequate material" words, but this does not affect other actions of the system and
only reminds the operator to feed material.
1.Edit a PLC ladder diagram as shown below
Figure 6.72
Edit relay name (edit IO.TXT file)
Figure 6.75
In the "input relay" under the diagnostic "I/O" interface, you will see there are corresponding names
under the X16 relay
Figure 6.76.
Note: If it is needed to prohibit some of the corresponding actions after the alarm is given, you will need to add another
PLC programs.
tool magazine:
6.13.1 Description on machining center with Umbrellay style magazine
Figure 6.80
Before debugging, import the file of "parameters and PLC for bamboo hat style magazine machining
center" in the bundled CD into the system
Custom K keys have the following definitions:
K3 for setting the number for the current tool case;
K4 for spindle orientation ( K4 indicator lamp is on when the spindle orientation is completed)
K5 for Z axis return to tool change point (K5 indicator lamp is on when return to tool change
point )
Definitions of M commands:
M41 for magazine moving forward
M43 for magazine moving backward
Tool change operation at magazine
Txx :To return the tool on the spindle to the magazine and then to make the Txx in the command onto
the spindle.
M36 Txx:To make the Txx in the command onto the spindle in the single-stage mode according to the
tool change steps. After the completion of a step, pause state is available; press the run button to continue
to execute the next step; mainly used for debugging. The main tool change steps are as follows (the tool
change step has been solidified by the software, the user can only modify part of I/O configuration):
Tool change process in magazine
1. Execute preparation action for tool change or tool selection: Spindle orientation and Z axis return
to tool change point.
2.Tool rest moving forward
3.Spindle tool unclasping
4. Lifting Z axis
5. Magazine turning, selecting No. Txx tool
6. Z axis falling
7. Spindle tool clamping
8. Tool rest moving backword
Definition of external I/O of magazine (This I/O has been solidified by the software and must not used
for other functions)
1. Magazine counter: X14.
2. Magazine CW rotation:Y10.
3. Magazine CCW rotation :Y11.
Note: It is needed to set the corresponding general parameters for this solidification signal
61.Magazine tool count signal [Rising edge "1000 + number", falling edge "2000+ number"] .Setting: 1
62.Tool magazine positioning signal [1000+ number]. Setting: 1
63. Magazine CW rotation output point [1000+ number]. Setting: 1
64. Magazine CCW rotation output point [1000+ number]. Setting: 1
Figure 6.81
Before debugging, import the file of "parameters and PLC for arm magazine machining center" in the
bundled CD into the system
Custom K keys have the following definitions:
K3 for setting the number for the current tool case;
K4 for spindle orientation ( K4 indicator lamp is on when the spindle orientation is completed)
K5 for Z axis return to tool change point (K5 indicator lamp is on when return to tool change point )
Definitions of M commands:
M41 for tool case falling down, used for debugging
M43 for tool case lifting up, used for debugging
M57 for the arm unconditional rotation by one step, used for debugging
Tool change operation at magazine
M06:Make the tool of the current tool case onto the spindle.
Txx :Turn the Txx in the command to the tool change position
M06 Txx :Make the tool of the current tool case onto the spindle, and turn the Txx in the command to
the tool change position to prepare for the next tool change. (first tool change and then tool selection)
M16 Txx : Turn the Txx in the command to the tool change position and then make the tool of the
current tool case onto the spindle.( (first tool selection and then tool change; that is, making the Txx tool in
the command onto the spindle)
M36: To make the tool of the current tool case onto the spindle in the single-stage mode according to
the tool change steps. After the completion of a step, pause state is available; press the run button to
continue to execute the next step; mainly used for debugging. The main tool change steps are as follows
(the tool change step has been solidified by the software, the user can only modify part of I/O
Tool change process in magazine
1.Execute preparation action for tool change or tool selection:Spindle orientation and Z axis return to
tool change point.
2. Tool case falling
3. Arm tool clasping
4.Spindle tool unclamping
5.Arm tool change
6.Spindle tool clamping
7.Arm homing
8. Lifting tool case
Definition of external I/O of magazine (This I/O has been solidified by the software and must not used
for other functions)
Magazine counter: X14.
In this chapter mainly introduce the installation methods of system and related cautions.
CNC system must be assembled firmly in system cabinet. Certain space should be remained around it to
assure air ventilation. The assembled location of panel should be easy to operate and avoid damaged by
chips and etc.
Strong power should be divided from weak current,CNC system and drive power supply should be divided
from the strong power for machine, all kinds of digital wires should be far away from AC contacts to
decrease interference, limitation, base point signal should be directly connected with CNC system and not
through strong power box; power line should be strictly and correctly grounded.
Put the plug into the socket firmly, tighten mounting screws. Pull out and insert plugs of driver, motor and
all kinds of signal wire with power on are prohibited.
When assemble system, protect the panel is damaged by edge tools and hard substance,if need painting the
controller should be unload to avoid make the panel to be dirty.
There should not be source of strong magnet and power, furthest away from tinder and explosive materials
and all of danger.
Fig7.7 System installation size
7.4.2 Subpanel Dimension
350iM-H Subpanel
350iM-V Subpanel
Fig 7.8 Subpanel Dimension
7.4.3 RIO Installation Size
Fig 7.14
To aviod damage of the RS232 port, must use the communication shield. When using communication
shield the RS232 baud rate can not be more than 38.4Kbps.
2)the RS232 wire length can not be longer than 10 meters.
The USB connector is mainly used for connecting with U disk, transmission system parameter, program,
CNC software and etc.
7.6.2 CN1 Voltage Interface Connection
Fig 7.17
7.6.4 CN16 Spindle Interface wiring table
NOTE: Encoder line length should be not too long, normally not longer than 5 meters. If longer than
this value, must increase the section area and must use double twist shielded wire.
7.6.5 CN51 485 Communication port connected with Drivers
Note: if this board connect with OUT1 of RIO, will output signal Y0-Y15
if this board connect with OUT2 of RIO, will output signal Y16~Y31
Fig 7.31
As showed above, the spindle frequency inverter speed change is controlled by velocity of 0 - +10V, driving
motor to achieve a continuously variable transmission. And the spindle frequency inverter has the
corresponding signal, to realize start, stop, CW, CCW, as well as failure detection.
7.7.2 CNC Connect with Spindle Servo Driver CTB-GS1
Fig 7.32
As showed above, the control principle for CTB-GS1 spindle servo drive as below:
1. Speed control
The servo spindle stays in speed mode when “running mode” is invalid, system output 0--+10V analog
voltage with corresponding signal(CW/CCW), realize control of start, stop, CW, CCW, continuously variable
and failure detection.
2. Interpolation control
The servo spindle running in position mode when “running mode” is valid, the spindle speed and direction
are determined by the signal of CP,DIR.
3. the spindle orientation
Spindle driver will automatic do orientation operation according to its parameter setting when
ORIENTATION signal is valid. Orientation completed output signal make contacts M0C and M0A connected
4. Motor power on and off
Motor power on and locking when ZERO SERVO signal is valid. Otherwise, power off and release.
Fig 7.33
Explanation: corresponding axis parameter setting relavant to absolute encoder :
411, feeding axis absolute encoder (X4,Y8,Z16,A32,B64)
412, absolute encoder multiple circle low 16bits storage address: DO driver set as “92”
413, absolute encoder single circle high 16bits storage address : DO driver set as “91”
414, absolute encoder single circle low 16bits storage address : DO driver set as “90”
415,X-axis absolute encoder pulse number per circle: DO 17bits driver set as 131072
416,Y-axis absolute encoder pulse number per circle: DO 17bits driver set as 131072
417,Z-axis absolute encoder pulse number per circle: DO 17bits driver set as 131072
418,4th-axis absolute encoder pulse number per circle: DO 17bits driver set as 131072
419,5th-axis absolute encoder pulse number per circle: DO 17bits driver set as 131072
420,X-axis displacement value of one encoder revolution (nm)
421,Y-axis displacement value of one encoder revolution (nm)
422,Z-axis displacement value of one encoder revolution (nm)
423,4th-axis displacement value of one encoder revolution (nm)
424, 5th-axis displacement value of one encoder revolution (nm)
Note: parameter No.420-No.424 unit is Nanometre(one in thousand micron), if the setting value is
Negative number,means the coordinates direction reverse .
425,X-axis absolute encoder multi-turn offset
426,Y-axis absolute encoder multi-turn offset
427,Z-axis absolute encoder multi-turn offset
428,4th-axis absolute encoder multi-turn offset
429,5th-axis absolute encoder multi-turn offset
Note: if input “E” for parameter No.425-No.429, will clear muti-turn and current machine
Fig 7.34
As above shows, this CNC system have two groups of direct-current power, including internal power and
external power.. "+5V" is internal power supply for “GND”, which supply signal power to CNC system and
some signals power directly connect with CNC System(no need be isolated), another group "+24V" and
"IPE" constitute an external power supply of +24V, which is supplied by system main power
module(DC24V/2A) .this power supply is completed isolated from CNC internal ,mainly supply power for
external connectors (I/O, limit, reference point), electricity(control relays , magnetic brake)
7.9.2 I/O Interface I/O Interface Classification and Configuration
I/O in our CNC :
Code# Type Valid level Remark
X00-X31 Remote I/O input IPE/+24V Remote I/O input
X50-X65 Remote I/O input IPE/+24V Remote I/O input
CN16 spindle input +24V CNC preset function
Subpanel I/O output +5V K1-K10 indicator
Subpanel function
Y110-Y122 Subpanel I/O output +5V
keypads indicator
Servo enable, servo alarm
Y50-Y51 CN11-CN15 output IPE
Y52-Y57 CN16 spindle output IPE CNC preset function General I/O input “IPE” Valid Interface Principle
In this CNC system, input signals X00-X31,X50-X65 are “IPE” valid, and COM1-COM6 will all
connect with 24V. and its wiring principle diagram refer to fig 7.35(take X00 as example):
Fig 7.35 General I/O input “+24V” valid interface principle
In this CNC System, input signals X00-X31,X50-X65 are “+24V”valid, and COM1~COM6 are all connect with
IPE, the wiring principle diagram as bellow (take X00 as example)
Fig 7.36 Spindle Interface CN16 General I/O input “+24V” valid interface principle
In this CNC System, input signals X66-X68, X79-X81 are “+24V” valid, and its wiring principle diagram as
bellow (take X66 as example).
Fig 7.37 General, Movement Control I/O output “IPE” valid interface principle
In this CNC System, general I/O Y00-Y31 and movement control I/O Y50-Y57 are all output control signals
and valid level are IPE. The wiring diagram as bellow show the principle (take Y00 control relay as
example) :
Fig 7.38
Special attention: the output signals come with 50mA Resettable Fuse, so the accessed
current load can’t be greater than 50mA. Servo Alarm , Servo Ready (X69-X78) interface principle:
Fig 7.39 Homing interface principle
Take X-axis as example (other axes are same )
Fig 7.40
As above diagram shows , in this CNC System include two homing methods(set via parameters) :
A, Homing Method One Principle : Only do wiring of fig 7.40
During homing process, when move to switch SQ, X0 signal will connected on with 24V,
X0 feedback to CNC System, CNC System control motor to decrease to stop, and slowly
move in reverse until disengage switch SQ, and this point is homing point.
B, Homing Method Two Principle: do wiring of both fig7.40 and fig7.41
During homing process, when move to switch SQ, X0 signal will connected on with 24V, X0
feedback to CNC System, CNC System control motor to decrease to stop, and slowly move
in reverse until disengage switch SQ until checked XZ signals within a certain stock (set via
parameter), and this point is homing point.
Note: 1, homing direction must be positive , so please pay attention during installation of
homing switch .
2, we suggest using metal proximity switch to avoid rebound failure phenomenon
during reference return , arising into reference return abnormal fault .
Chapter 8 Maintenance
In order to give full play to the function and efficiency of the CNC system, it is important to use the
system correctly, make daily maintenance work of the system, make the system run under normal
environment and reduce the system failure( i.e. improve its mean free error time (MTBF)). Now detailed
description is made on maintenance for normal use of the system:
Appendix 1 Use of Fourth Axis and Fifth Axis
1.1Use of the fourth axis
1.1.1Setting of the corresponding parameters
The system can expand functions of the fourth axis. It is needed to set the following parameters in use:
Speed parameters:
4,The fourth axis G00 speed (mm/min)
11,The fourth axis acceleration and deceleration acceleration((mm/min)/s)
20,The fourth axis return to the reference point forward speed(mm/min)
25, The fourth axis return to the reference point reverse speed (mm/min)
122,Maximum speed of 4th axis manual pulse (mm/min) [>=50, valid]
Axis parameters:
7,The fourth axis negative maximum stroke(mm)
8,The fourth axis forward maximum stroke (mm)
14,The fourth axis backlash compensation (micron)
30,The fourth axis direction signal (0-reverse, 1-forward)
38,Detection zero maximum length for the fourth axis return to reference point (0.1mm)
43,Offset after the fourth axis return to the reference point(0.01mm)
51,The fourth axis function setting (0-rotary axis, 1-linear axis)
54,Calculation when the fourth axis is the rotary axis (workpiece coordinates display calculation +1;
machine coordinate calculation +2)
1.1.2 Clamping function settings
This function can be realized by the auxiliary relay or programmable I / O when the clamping function
is required for use as a rotary axis. As shown in the following example:
Example: sub-panel K7 key is the clamping/unclamping control button; auxiliary relay- M61/ M79;
X25 for in-place unclamping detection, X24 for in-place clamping detection, and Y20 for the output control
As shown in the figure above: In manual state, press K7 key to realize unclamping/clamping of the
fourth axis; in automatic machining, M51 is used to control the unclamping and M52 to control the
clamping; A axis can only move when unclamping is made in place. Make M1079 (waiting command) in the
Appendix 3
1.1 The use of spindle encoder signal
After the encoder signal synchronized with the spindle will be introduced into the system from the
system CN21 (spindle encoder interface) socket and the relevant parameters are set, it can be used for
spindle speed and angle detection (e.g. displaying the actual spindle speed, detecting whether the spindle
orientation angle is correct in the orientation function, to prevent machine failure, etc.).
A.Wiring description:
1.For the system spindle encoder interface signal distribution, see section 7.6.4. in the manual.
2.The encoder signal must be differential signal; the connection cable must be twisted shielded cable;
signals with the opposite polarity are twisted (A + and A-; B + and B-; C + and C -; +5 V and GND twisted T);
and the shield is for well machine grounding.
3. For connection with a passive signal (such as an encoder), the 8 wires are all connected; the + 5V
signal can not be connected (to prevent power supply collision) for connection with the active (spindle
driver output) signal.
B.Parameter settings
1.Displaying the spindle speed and angle: When the following parameters are set, you can observe the
actual spindle speed and angle under the multi-coordinate system interface in the system.
(1)The NO.101 parameter in the axis parameter is set to 1, to detect the spindle position (encoder
signal) feedback.
(2)NO.100 in the axis parameter, the value of which is the product of number of encoder lines × 4.
Setting the number of pulses per revolution of the spindle encoder.
2.Used to determine whether the orientation angle is correct: Namely, the spindle executes orientation
function and then determine whether the orientation angle is correct through the encoder signal, to
prevent machine failure (e.g. wrong spindle orientation angle will cause collision at tool change and
will cause damage to tool at retract for boring).
(1)Set parameters according to the previous step (set the NO.101 parameter in the axis parameter to
1; set the parameter value of NO.100 in the axis parameter, which is the product of number of
encoder lines × 4).
( 2 ) NO.102 parameter among axis parameters, the angle of the spindle stop position after the
orientation is completed.
(3)NO.103 parameter among axis parameters, the allowable positive and negative deviation range
for the orientation angle judgment. This parameter value depends on the accuracy
1.2 Power supply control for spindle and feed axis
In this system, I/O output port can be used to control power supply for spindle and feed shaft drivers.
Specifically, settings are made in NO.28 parameter among "Comprehensive parameters" (power state of
each axis at start-up) .
When it is set to automatic power-on mode at start, the sub-panel K8 key is the control button; after
power-on, the K8 indicator light is on. Also, the PLC programming can be used to control external I / O to
achieve power control on the spindle and feed axis drivers; as shown below:
Note: Y78 is the K8 indicator light; M04 is for the emergency stop (indicating power cut-off when emergency stop is valid);
Yxx indicates one output signal of general I/O.
Note: When the power supply of the axis driver is not controlled by the system, the No. 14 parameter for driver shall be set to
1.3 System clock
For example:
1.As shown in the figure below: 0 is the machining origin.
G54G17G0X-200Y50Z0 (Designated coordinate system G54, machining plane G17, fast positioning to
coordinate point X0Y0Z0)
M114L30F400 (Running at 30mm / min for 30 milliseconds, and then executing the program in
G01X-185Y-11.5 (positioning machining start point)
X-130Y25 (Planing A plane)
G02X-38.73Y-10R60(Planing B plane)
G03X38.73Y-10R40(Planing C plane)
G02X130Y25R60 (Planing D plane)
G01X185Y-11.5 (Planing E plane)
M115 (Cancel the Planing command)
Note: Your correction will be cordially invited if there are any omissions, improper expressions and other places
needing to be improved occurring for a variety of reasons in this manual. The Company will be dedicated to
providing each of our customers with quality service and technical support.