Midterm Examination: Special Penal Laws
Midterm Examination: Special Penal Laws
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer with reason and legal basis. Write legibly (round &
big) and avoid erasures. Write your answers in your “record book” and send
photographs of your answers through Messenger (PM).
1. What is the relationship of the Revised Penal Code and Special Penal Laws?
When and when not the Revised Penal Code supplements the provisions of
special penal law? Discuss.
2. a Distinguish felonies vs. offenses; b Enumerate the two kinds of felonies
and their requisites; c Enumerate the three kinds of offenses and their
3. In a raid conducted by the PNP CIDG, they found assorted firearms and
different kinds of picklocks. The accused contended that he is a retired
policeman and now a criminology instructor and that he kept those objects
as exhibits for his criminology students. His students (former and present)
testified that indeed they were brought in the house and were taught
regarding those objects. In short, the accused raised “good faith” as his
defense. May “good faith” exonerate him of the charges for Illegal
Possession of Firearms and Illegal Possession of Picklocks? Explain.
6. Brandon was charged for Violation of RA No. 3019 (Graft & Corruption).
His defense is that he could not be charged thereof because he is not a public
officer as he does not receive any salary from the government. Is his
contention tenable?
7. AA killed BB inside AA’s house. In order to conceal his crime, AA burned
his house. Unknown to him, his less than three years old son was sleeping in
the attic at that time thus his son died because of the fire. What crime/s
would you charge AA?
9. PETER prostituted his two daughters PETRA who is 16 years of age and
TETRA who is 18 years of age to PEDRO. After paying P3, 000 to PETER,
PEDRO took PETRA and TETRA in a motel and they had sexual coitus.
PEDRO gave P2, 000.00 to PETRA and TETRA as tip which they gladly
a. State and discuss the criminal liability of Peter and Pedro, if any.
b. Are PETRA and TETRA liable for prostitution Discuss.
10.The Five known members of the New People’s Army are known of their
criminal activities such as extortion, murder, destruction of property, arms
smuggling/ gun-running, human trafficking, drug trafficking, among others.
Are they liable for the crime of Terrorism? Qualify your answer.