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Rubrics 1st Sem 2020

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Rubrics 1st Sem 2020

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Criteria Developing Standard Exemplary Total Points

0-15 16-35 36-50
Content Less than 50% of the prescribed More than 50% of the prescribed In depth and thorough discussion of
format had been followed format had been followed prescribed format had been followed
Developing Standard Exemplary
1-4 5-7 8-10
Organization and Clarity Some ideas are logically presented Most ideas are logically presented All ideas are logically presented
of report
Format Follows the agreed format/style but Follows the agreed format/style with Follows the agreed format/style with no
with some flaws or errors minimal flaws or errors flaws or errors.
Grammar There are many errors in grammar There are few errors in grammar and There are no errors in grammar and
and spelling spelling spelling
Punctuality Incomplete and not submitted on the Incomplete but submitted on the Completed and submitted in or before the
target date target date target date.
TOTAL ____/100


Criteria Developing Standard Exemplary Total Points

0-5 6-8 9-10
Content Less than 50% of the prescribed More than 50% of the prescribed In depth and thorough discussion of
format had been followed format had been followed prescribed format had been followed
Organization and Clarity Some ideas are logically presented Most ideas are logically presented All ideas are logically presented
of report
Format Follows the agreed format/style but Follows the agreed format/style with Follows the agreed format/style with no
with some flaws or errors minimal flaws or errors flaws or errors.
Grammar There are many errors in grammar There are few errors in grammar and There are no errors in grammar and
and spelling spelling spelling
Punctuality Incomplete and not submitted on the Incomplete but submitted on the Completed and submitted in or before
target date target date the target date.
TOTAL ____/100

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Criteria 1-3 4-6 7-8 9-10 Total points

Speaks Clearly Does not speak Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and
clearly and distinctly distinctly most of distinctly all of the distinctly all of the
most of the time the time and time but time and
and/or mispronounces no mispronounces or mispronounces no
mispronounces more words. more words words.
than one word.
Presentation Sloppy appearance Clean and attractive
Appearance/Professional which detracts from student look Business Casual Very professional
image credibility of look.
Enthusiasm Facial expression and Facial expression Facial expression and Facial expression
body language depict and body language body language show and body language
apathy or boredom show some interest strong interest and show a strong
with the topic. and enthusiasm enthusiasm about the interest and
about the topic topic throughout the enthusiasm about the
throughout the newscast, but it topic throughout the
newscast. somewhat overdone. newscast, but it not

Visual Poor, distracts Adds nothing to Thoughts articulated Visual aid enhances
audience and is hard presentation. clearly, but not presentation, all
to read. engaging. thoughts articulated
and keeps interest.

Preparedness Student does not The student is Student seems pretty Student is
seem at all prepared somewhat prepared, prepared but might completely prepared
to present. but it is clear that have needed a couple and has obviously
rehearsal was more rehearsals. rehearsed.
TOTAL _____/50

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Criteria Below Standard Approaches Standard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard Total Points
1-4 6-10 11-15 16-20
Planning No plans were Same plans were Good plans were Students
developed/used developed. However, developed developed/used a
were not comprehensive plan
comprehensive and worked
Originality/Creativity Used only copy and paste Limited creativity and Fairly developed good Students created new
techniques, no original ideas original thinking new ideas ideas and knowledge
analyzed and
interpreted higher
order thinking
Presentation Poor quality presentation; Adequate presentation; Reasonable Quality presentation;
evoked no target audience sequencing problems presentation; target logically presented;
response audience responsive looked strong target
audience response
Total /60

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