What Is Intensive Listening...
What Is Intensive Listening...
A common but popular way of teaching listening is through live listening where the teacher talk to
the students. An Advantage is that Students can interrupt speakers and ask for clarification.
And extensive listening focuses on training us to apply these skills. So both are essential
5. Have you ever noticed any form of live listening being used by any of your English teachers?
When we watch videos in the classroom allows us to access to more information when we
listen and it is really good because the learners can listen and see what is happening at the same
7. What are some viewing techniques we can use to introduce our students to the listening texts
and activate their curiosity?
8. Why is it important to use authentic subtitled material in the classroom?
I believe that it is important to use authentic subtitled material when we work with
beginners, many times the teachers teach the classes and the students do not dare to use
a dictionary when they do not understand a word, they probably do not know how to use it
or on many occasions they have fear and by using subtitled material they have the idea of
what is studied in class and understand a little more.
9. What are some ways in which we can utilize music when teaching?
Recorded material allows students to hear a variety of different voices apart from just their
own teacher's
10. What is the role of the teacher during an intensive listening activity?
11. Look at the listening sequences on pages 311-319. Make up your own listening
sequence. Try to include some of the listening (and mixed) techniques that the chapter
First, I look for a series or movie that is interesting to me, I try to concentrate and thus listen
carefully, but listen for main ideas, not details. Para mi It is important to try to understand
the important points of the movie.
What is literacy?
We can say that literacy is defined as being able to read and write,
or to having knowledge about a specific topic or subject When we
can read, this is an example of literacy. When you are familiar with
math, this is an example of literacy in mathematics.
1- Prewriting: Here we choose a topic, format we plan basic structure and gather material.
2- Drafting; Here we get ideas on paper or notebook also, we use sentences or paragraphs
but also we follow the basic structure of the genre. In this step we are not going to have
success but do not worry it is part of the process.
3- Revision: In this step we add details, and clarify then we can rewrite unclear sentences
or paragraphs. Also, we cut any words, sentences or paragraphs that are off-topic, or
A portfolio is a good idea when we want to collect records that reflect our accomplishments, skills.
Some advantages are:
Teacher has to persuade them and thus they can feel excited about the activity.
The teacher can assign a task in which the student has to watch a video and at the end he has to
write a short paragraph about what he understood.
Why is preparation?
It is preparation because we learn about a topic before discussing it and it is a good idea to make
small groups where we can all contribute ideas at the end we will understand the topic in a better
What are some of your preferred speaking activities from the ones presented in the
chapter and why?