Movie Ticket System
Movie Ticket System
Testing the software is an essential part of ensuring good assurance of software quality. By
testing the system, it allows us to detect if there are any defects before it is delivered to
customers. Securing the software ensures that customers’ personal information and data is
safeguarded and risks are eliminated in advance. The purpose of testing the software is to
ensure that there is a working system and that all the requirements are met.
Test Cases
Project Modules:
Login Module
This includes the users and the admin. If the user is already registered they can login, if the user
is not registered they have to register first before logging in.
Register Module
All new users must register first in order to make a booking. After they have registered, they will
be directed to the home page.
Customer Module
Once a user has logged in they can book a movie and make a payment for the tickets.
Seat Module
This module is about the amount of seating that the user wants to book and tells the user how
many seats are available.
Booking Module
This includes the booked movie ticket for the customer and all the information about the
booking i.e. name of movie , number of seats, choice of movie theatre, time of movie they
booked and total price of tickets are displayed to the customer. This also includes a cancellation
of a movie if the customer wants to cancel.
Payment Module
This deals with the payed movie tickets that were booked in the booking module. The customer
can either pay with their debit or credit card for their movie ticket/s.
Logout Module
In this module the user can logout and they will be redirected to the login page.