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26 41 00 Surge Protective Device

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26 41 00 Surge Protective Device

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<<Project Title>> Section 26 41 00

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.1 This section includes:

.1 Materials and installation for Surge Protective Devices.


.1 Canadian Standards Association (CSA International)


.1 Submit shop drawings for product specified in this section.
.1 Provide verification that the SPD’s device complies with the
required UL 1449 SVRs.
.2 Provide actual let through voltage test data in the form of
oscillo-graph results for both the ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Category C3
(combination wave) and B3 (ring wave) tested in accordance with
.3 Provide spectrum analysis of each unit based on MIL-STD-
220A test procedures between 50 kHz and 200 kHz verifying the
device's noise attenuation exceeds 50 dB at 100 kHz.
.4 Electrical/mechanical drawings showing unit dimensions,
weights, installation instruction details, and wiring configuration.

PART 3 - Surge protective device (spd)
PART 4 - Surge protective device is to be installed on the main distribution panel servicing outlets for electronic equipment and
the panel servicing the ABM with its associated equipment.
PART 5 - The SPD application covered under this Section include distribution and branch panel locations. The branch panel
located SPD shall be tested to demonstrate they are suitable for ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Category C1 environments.
PART 6 - The individual units shall be UL Listed under UL 1449 complimentary listed under UL 1283 and CSA Standards.
PART 7 - The UL 1449 surge ratings and CSA label shall be permanently affixed to the SPD unit.

.1 All surge protection devices in the switchboard and subpanels shall be from the same

.2 Electrical requirements:
.1 Unit Operating Voltage: Refer to drawings for operating voltage and unit
.2 Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV). The MCOV shall be
greater than 115% of the nominal system operating voltage.
.3 Protection Modes. For a wye configured system, the device must have
directly connected suppression elements between line-neutral (L-N), line-ground
(L-G), and neutral-ground (N-G). For a delta configured system, the device
must have suppression elements between line to line (L-L) and line to ground
.4 Surge Current Capacity. Total surge current per phase (based on an
8x20 microsecond waveform) that the device is capable of surviving shall not be
less than 120 kA per phase, or 60 kA per mode on L-G, L-N and N-G modes
(Wye system); L-L and N-G (Delta system).
.5 UL 1449 SVRs. The manufacturer must provide certified UL 1449 SVRs
on all protected modes. The maximum UL 1449 SVR for the device must not
exceed the following:

Scotiabank September 2015

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Modes 208Y/120 480Y/277 600Y/347

L-N; L-G; N-G 400 V 800 V 1200 V
L-L 800 V 1500V 2000 V

.6 (SVR must be for complete device; modular only SVR are not
.7 ANSI/IEEE Cat C3 Let Through Voltage. The let through voltage based
on IEEE C62.41 and C62.45 recommended procedures for Category C3 surges
(20 kV, 10kA) must be included in the submittal package and shall be less than:

Modes 208Y/120 480Y/277 600Y/347

L-N 500 V 900 V 1300 V

.8 ANSI/IEEE Cat. B3 Let Through Voltage. Let Through voltage based on

IEEE C62.41 and C62.45 recommended procedures for the ANSI/IEEE Cat. B3
ringwave (6 kV, 500 amps) shall be included in the submittal package and shall
be less than:

208Y/120 480Y/277 600Y/347

L-N 130 V 200 V 300 V

.9 Lifecycle. Each unit must be capable of surviving more than 2500

Category C transients without failure or degradation of UL 1449 clamp voltage.
.10 Balanced suppression Platform
.1 The surge current shall be equally distributed to all MOV
components to ensure equal stressing and maximum performance. The
surge suppression platform must be rated to 400 kA per phase and
provide equal impedance paths to each matched MOV. Designs
incorporating multiple SPD modules or printed circuit boards do not
provide a balanced impedance path to each MOV and shall not be
acceptable. Suppression system shall not utilize gas tubes, silicon
avalanche diodes, or other components which may crowbar the system
leading to the system upset.
.11 Electrical Noise Filter
.1 Each unit shall include a high performance EMI/RFI noise
rejection filter. Noise attenuation for electric line noise shall be 55 dB at
100 kHz using the MIL-STD-220A insertion loss test method. The unit
shall be complimentary listed to UL 1283. Products not able to
demonstrate noise attenuation of 55 dB @ 100 kHz shall be rejected.
.12 Internal Connections.
.1 No plug-in component modules or printed circuit boards shall
be used as surge current conductors. All internal components shall be
hardwired with connections utilizing low impedance conductors and
compression fittings.
.13 Safety and Diagnostic Monitoring.
.1 Each unit shall provide the following three levels of monitoring:
.1 Continuous monitoring of 200 kAIC internal fuses.
.2 Internal infrared sensor system for monitoring of
individual MOVs (including neutral to ground). The system
must be capable of identifying open circuit failures not
monitored by conventional fusing systems.
.3 A thermal detection circuit shall monitor for
overheating in all modes due to thermal runaway.

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.4 A green/red solid state indicator light shall be

provided on each phase. The absence of a green light and the
presence of a red light, shall indicate which phase(s) have
been damaged.
.5 Fault detection will activate a flashing trouble, form C
contacts and audible alarm (if specified).
.6 Units which cannot detect open circuit damage,
thermal conditions, and over current will not be accepted.
.7 Remote Status Monitor. The SPD device must
include Form C dry contacts (one N.O. and one N. C.) for
remote annunciation of unit status. The remote alarm shall
change state if any of the three monitoring systems described
detect a fault condition.
.8 Monitor Test Point. Each suppression unit shall
incorporate an integral monitor test point which verifies the
operational integrity of the unit's monitoring system.
.14 Warranty. The manufacturer shall provide a full five year warranty from
the date of shipment against any part failure when installed in compliance with
manufacturer's written instructions and any applicable national or local electric
PART 8 - Accetable Manufacturers:

.1 General Electric Tranquell Series

.2 Innovative Technologies ST Series

PART 10 - installation

.1 Wiring Requirements. The device shall be installed according to manufacturer

recommended practices. Conductor lead length to the SPD device is to be as short and
straight as possible. Conductors shall be twisted and tightly bound together to reduce
impedance. Refer to manufacturer’s instructions for required size of conductor wires.

.2 Integrated Panel board Applications.

.1 Distribution and Panel suppressors shall be installed inside the panel
boards at the manufacturer's factory.
.2 Locate suppressor close to the panel board bus bar. Maximum
allowable conductor lead length shall be 12 inches.

.3 Motor Control Centres

.1 To minimize impedance of the suppression path, the suppressor shall
be mounted within an available MCC compartment.
.2 The suppressor shall be mounted in a standard 12 inch NEMA 1
compartment. Conductor length between the suppressor and the stab shall be
less than 5 inches. All units shall be internally fused with 200 kAIC. All status
indicators and monitors shall be mounted on the front of the MCC compartment
for easy visibility.

.4 Bus plug Applications.

.1 The suppressor shall be mounted within a standard bus plug enclosure
(approximately 12 x 23.5 x 62 inch). Conductor length between the suppressor
and the stab connections shall be less than 5 inches.
.2 All units shall be internally fused with 200 kAIC. All status indicators
shall be mounted on the front of the enclosure for easy visibility.
.3 The Bus plug shall include a disconnect switch.

.5 Optional Installation (externally mounted SPD)

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.1 Provide 30 amp breaker for panel applications.

.2 Maximum conductor lead length between breaker and suppressor shall
not exceed 14 inches. Comply with manufacturer's recommended installation
and wiring practises.


Scotiabank September 2015

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