Control of Automated Guided Vehicle With PLC Simatic Et200S Cpu
Control of Automated Guided Vehicle With PLC Simatic Et200S Cpu
7, 343-348
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© Science and Education Publishing
Institute of Control and Industrial Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of
Technology in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 3, 812 19 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
*Corresponding author:
Received October 04, 2013; Revised October 14, 2013; Accepted November 05, 2013
Abstract Automated guided vehicle systems currently represent modern technology of industrial transportation,
which meets criteria for time demanding requirements for material handling. They are particularly useful in
operation with focus on field of discrete manufacturing especially in plants, where transport scheme is persistently
repeated. This article is focused on development of mobile automated guided vehicle (AGV) controlled by
decentralized periphery PLC SIMATIC ET200S CPU. The design of AGV vehicle lies in choosing appropriate
driver motor type, design of motor driver for direction and speed control, design of safety components, and in
choosing ET200S station modules configuration. The control algorithm for motion control of differential drive
chassis is programmed in SIMATIC STEP 7 in LAD, FBD and STL languages. Graphical user interface for vehicle
handling is created in WinCC Flexible environment which is implemented into wireless mobile panel MP277F
IWLAN with touch screen. The communication between mobile panel and AGV vehicle is realized via industrial
wireless LAN (IWLAN) based on SIMATIC NET product of the SCALANCE W series.
Keywords: Automated guided vehicle (AGV), Motor driver, PWM, PLC, IWLAN, HMI
Cite This Article: Martin Kajan, Leo Mrafko,František Duchoň, Peter Hubinský, and Ján Šovčík, “Control of
Automated Guided Vehicle with PLC SIMATIC ET200S CPU.” American Journal of Mechanical Engineering 1,
no. 7 (2013): 343-348. doi: 10.12691/ajme-1-7-38.
Based on above mentioned criteriawe chose brushed with 24 V amplitude generated by 2PULSE module. We
DC Motor Micromotors E192-2S.24.91 with planetary use PWM signals to control the speed of wheel rotation. In
gear unit and shaft mounted two-phase Hall-effect encoder. H-bridge design we used MOSFET transistors as high
power components because of their high durability during
high current flows and lowerdrain-source resistance in
closed statein contrary to the bipolar transistors. For the
upper half of H-bridge we used P-channel power
MOSFET transistors IRF4905 and for lower N-channel
power MOSFET transistors IRF3205. The logical part of
H-bridge that evaluates the direction of rotation,
comprisesTTL logic circuits 74HCT08quad 2-input AND
gate and the 74HCT04 hexinverter. The principal
Figure 1. DC Micromotors E192-2S.24.91 schematics of connected TTL logic circuits to H-bridge is
shown on Figure 4.
The principle of Hall-effect encoder is based on output
voltage change of sensor in response to a change of
magnetic field. The magnetic field is changed by rotation
of shaft mounted permanent magnet. The magnetic field is
sensed by two Hall-effect sensors TLE 7805L which are
inthe phase of 90 degrees. The sensors produce 3 impulses
for a motor turn. The gear ratio of planetary gear unit is
i=91,66:1 and therefore we get 275 impulses for output
shaft turn.
2.3.1. The First - control System Part motors. At maximum performance AGV is capable of
The main part is modular decentralized periphery performing for 6 hours.
SIMATIC ET200S with integrated CPU. Our used The complete AGV construction is shownin the
configuration comprises following parts: following figure.
CPU IM 151-8(F) PN/DP,
Power module PM-E DC24. 48V
Digital input module 4DI DC24V HF
2x Counter module 1 COUNT 24V/100 kHz
2x Digital output module 4DO DC24V/0,5A HF
PWM module 2 PULSE
Fail-safe 4 output digital module 4F-DO DC24V/2A
Fail-safe 4/8 input digital module 4/8F-DI DC24V.
The PM-E DC24..48V power module provides the
supply voltage for all the electronic modules in the voltage
group. The 1 COUNT counter modules count both
quadrature encoder impulses and evaluate the rotational
speed of motors. For control of direction both motors
digital output signal of the 4DO digital output module is
used. The 2 PULSE PWM module controls rotational
speed of both motors by pulse width modulation. The
4/8F-DI fail-safe digital input module processes signals
generated from four microswitches installed on safety
bumper. Figure 7. Block schematic of AGV model
reset to zero. The value of impulses in bytes is always a 4. Communication between AGV and HMI
positive number; bytes IB6 and IB7 are changed by
rotation of the control wheel. The upper limit of impulses Vehicle communication is based on wireless network
is 256 and after overshoot there is zero again. Minimum IWLAN (IEEE 802.11i standard). The system uses two
and maximum position of the wheel poswheelis separate access points SCALANCE W788-2RR and
programmed from -40 to 40 pulses. As we change turning SCALANCE W788-1RR. Client device SCALANCE
radius R , individual movements like forward or turning to W747-1RR is placed on vehicle base. This device is
sides are described by following equations: connected to access point with the strongest signal using
If poswheel > 0 then Rapid Roaming function. CPU SIMATIC ET 200S device
includes 3 ports PROFINET switch, which provides
poswheel * −250 (14)
=R + 250 connection between the client module and PLC.
If pos wheel 0=
then R 1, 0e6 (15)
5. Future Work
Currently we are working on other components of AGV.
Figure 10. Block schematic of SW solution The main focus is on sensory subsystem and realization of
348 American Journal of Mechanical Engineering