BT - Fan Council - Technical ReadOut 3063
BT - Fan Council - Technical ReadOut 3063
BT - Fan Council - Technical ReadOut 3063
Type/Model: Vulcan CL-7M appearance of the VL-5M was thus a surprise to many, revealing band’s weapons without exceeding thermal limits. Jumping will
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 the same flawed thinking found in other Successor States of the cause only minor heat spikes. Finally, Militia commanders are
time. putting new tactical doctrine to use. Hopefully this will forestall
Config: Biped BattleMech
The VL-5M was so obviously mismatched that its very any tendency to misuse the new variant during combat and allow
Mass: 40 tons existence exposed the underhanded dealings that gave it birth. a fair analysis of its strengths and weaknesses.
Chassis: Crucis –II Delux Endo Steel The 5M Vulcan was to carry a Large and Medium Pulse Laser in
Power Plant: Magna 240 Fusion addition to its existing single Machine gun and Flamer – even Battle History:
though the stock weapons had always been too few, too weak
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h Ten years after the Vulcan debacle, Nimakachi is still
and too short-ranged for effective troop suppression. The pulse
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h lasers, while ideal for taking on vehicles and Light ‘Mechs, were smarting from the loss of House Marik’s contracts. When they
Jump Jets: 4 Rawlings 75 Standard Jump Jets also relatively short-ranged. offered to join Project Retread and refit the remaining Vulcan VL-
Jump Capacity: 120 meters The Vulcan VL-5M was thus configured as an infighter – a 5Ms to a new, more effective model, House Marik accepted - but
role its weak armor did not support. Insufficient protection had with two provisions. The first fifty refits under the Project would
Armor Type: Kallon FWL Special Ferro-Fibrous be done at no cost to the Free Worlds League, in honor of the
always been an issue, but the Vulcan’s speed and long-range
Armament: autocannon partially offset this weakness. Now the VL-5M was fifty-three fallen Mechwarriors who died at the controls of flawed
1 ER Large Laser forced to engage enemy units at close quarters - and VL-5Ms. And Nimakachi’s current President, a middle-aged
Mechwarriors began dying. Of the two hundred and twenty VL- Mechwarrior (and the son of Myron Trevethicke), must pilot the
2 Medium Lasers
5Ms to come off the Nimakachi assembly lines, over fifty would new machine in combat before it would be accepted.
4 Small Pulse Lasers be destroyed in combat before House Marik’s investigation bore Danel Trevethicke agreed. With three hand-picked
Manufacturer: Nimikachi Fusion Products Limited fruit and police began making arrests. lancemates, he joined the Oriente 3rd Hussars as they mounted
Location: Tematagi a second assault on a Capellan-held urban center located on Les
Communications System: Omicron 4002 Networking Channel Capabilities: Halles. Once the first wave had done its job, it fell to the second
wave to clear the city of occupying troops. Guillotine GLT-7Ms
Targeting & Tracking System: TRSS Eagle Eye The VL-7M upgrade begins with a stripped 5M chassis. It accompanied Trevethicke’s single lance of Vulcans in a citywide
retains the Endo steel skeleton and the 240 Fusion engine which
Overview: propels it to speeds of up to 100 kph. However, the technicians
sweep. The Heavy ‘Mechs led as the Vulcans used their ER large
lasers to knock out light tanks, troop carriers and gun
eliminated two of the six Jump Jets, saving considerable weight emplacements. But the real test came when the Guillotines
“The Free Worlds League is making use of Star League technology and space. Despite the loss of these jets, the 7M is still capable ranged too far from Trevethicke’s tightly-clustered lance. The four
to make the Vulcan, an effective city fighter and anti-infantry of jumping 120 meters, more than sufficient for urban combat.
Vulcan pilots found themselves unexpectedly alone and
‘Mech, into a more potent foe against other ‘Mechs as well” Next to go were the Large and Medium Pulse Lasers, surrounded by enemy infantry which had been lying in wait.
- excerpt from ‘Technical Readout:3050’ standard armor and a single Double Heat Sink. The new design
The Capellan Lance Sergeants sensed an opportunity for
features an Extended Range Large Laser in the right torso, giving
victory; the notoriously thin-skinned Vulcans would be easy
The Free Worlds League abruptly terminated all military the Vulcan the range and punch it needs to take on vehicles and
pickings for their Short Range Missile platoons. Five such
contracts with Nimakachi Fusion Products in 3053. The ‘Vulcan Light ‘Mechs.
platoons converged on the area in short order and fell on the four
Scandal’, as it was known, resulted in the imprisonment of three The right arm drops the traditional Flamer, replacing it with Marik BattleMechs with a will. It was a rout - but not the one the
officials of the FWL Design Bureau. Also jailed were several two Medium Lasers for better range and striking power. A Sergeants expected. Within ten minutes, House Liao’s troops –
members of the Nimakachi Board of Directors, including quadruple cluster of Small Pulse Lasers fits snugly into the left
company President Myron Trevethicke . or what was left of them – were fleeing for their lives. The prey
arm; power conduits for this extremely accurate anti-personnel became the hunter as the Vulcans followed, leaping over
This scandal was a direct result of the abysmal battlefield array are routed along the same channel once used to feed that buildings as they chased down Capellan soldiers bewildered by
performance of an ‘upgrade’ to a Medium BattleMech, the VL-5M arm’s single Machine Gun. Pulse lasers still force the VL-7M to
the unexpected thick skin and deadly accurate fire of the new VL-
Vulcan. The original VL-2 was considered by many ‘Mech move in close when hunting enemy units. But this time seven and
planners to be a ‘failed’ design, unable to successfully perform its one half tons of Ferro-Fibrous armor protect the VL-7M, a boost
intended role from the very start. It was certainly unsuitable for which provides nearly full coverage for the first time in the design’s
upgrade. The consensus was that the Vulcan series carried too history.
large an engine for its weight class, leaving insufficient room for Ten Double Heat Sinks ensure the VL-7M pilot need never
armor and weaponry which would justify fielding the unit. The worry about excess heat, as it can run and fire a given range
Notable Mechwarriors Type/Model: Vulcan VL-7M Weapons & Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
Mass: 40 tons 2 Medium Lasers RA 2 2
Danel ‘Trev’ Trevethicke
Equipment Mass 1 ER Large Laser RT 2 5
A twenty-year veteran Mechwarrior piloting a Griffin for the
Oriente 4th Hussars, Danel Trevethick was in mid-career when his Internal Structure: 2 4 Small Pulse Lasers LA 4 4
father took responsibility for the ‘Vulcan Scandal’ and was sent to Engine: 240 Fusion 11.5
prison. Shaken, Danel continued his service, rising through the enlisted
ranks and retiring as a Lieutenant. Upon discharge, he immediately Walking MP: 6
approached the financially struggling Nimakachi Fusion Products and Running MP: 9
appealed to the Board of Directors, offering his experience and
services to aid the company. The grateful board members responded Jumping MP 4
with enthusiasm and soon Nimakachi’s new President was hard at Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0
work. The goal was simple: re-establish Nimakachi Fusion Products
and its lucrative military contracts as soon as possible. Only with a Gyro: 3
rejuvenated company could Danel redeem his family name. Cockpit: 3
Towards this end, he put his military connections and hands-on Armor Factor: 134 7.5
experience to work in a two-year effort which soon paid off – House
Marik would indeed consider new contracts, but they would be based
on the results of a trial run, among other things. Project Retread soon Internal Armor
got a Medium ‘bolt-on’ design heavily influenced by Trevethicke’s Structure Value
experience. And Danel himself went to a place he thought he’d never
see again – the cockpit of a BattleMech, his company’s own Vulcan Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 12 18
After a harrowing experience on the world of Les Halles with the
Oriente 3rd Hussars (who welcomed him like a long-lost son), Center Torso (Rear): 6
Trevethicke emerged triumphant, having lost only a single member of L/R Side Torso: 10 14/14
his Vulcan lance (due to mechanical failure). The Marik was impressed.
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5
So impressed, in fact, that when the obligatory victory parade on
Ipswitch was over and Danel emerged from his Vulcan’s cockpit, he L/R Arm: 6 12/12
was greeted by two things. The first was a series of profitable L/R Leg: 10 19/19
contracts supplying the Marik Militia with new Vulcans. The second
was his father, Myron Trevethicke, released ten years early from prison
as a reward for his son’s ingenuity, persistence and love.
ype/Model: Centurion CN9-S response has been to adapt existing ‘Mech frames to the task of out of Glengarry in the Lyran Alliance. Called ‘Future ‘Mechs’, it
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 ‘riding shotgun’ on troop formations. Houses wishing to protect features BattleMechs on the drawing board or currently in
their investment in battle armor and conventional troops seize at development. While the show does not discuss classified
Config: Biped BattleMech this option, as it is less expensive and quicker to reach the front information, a recent broadcast included a revealing interview
Mass: 50 tons lines. The resulting variants not only hunt down smaller anti- with Rolf Winters, head of design at Edasich Motors.:
Chassis: Corean Model K7 Standard infantry ‘Mechs and vehicles with ruthless efficiency, but in a “In single shot mode the AC/20 is ideal for neutralizing fast,
pinch can be thrown against larger opponents to good effect. thinly-armored opponents. This mode also permits up to a
Power Plant: 200 Nisan Light Fusion
The Centurion CN9-S is typical of this trend. minute and a half of fire from only two tons of ammunition. Such
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h thrift is necessary due to the difficulty of getting a good lock on
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h Capabilities: the faster ‘Mechs and vehicles.”
Jump Jets: none “Double shot Ultra mode is equally destructive versus large
The CN9-S is one of several Centurion variants to appear opponents. Should the CN9-S engage heavy units, a successful
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
in the past two years; the sturdy yet flexible platform is popular target lock is more likely due to the target’s relatively slow speed.
Armor Type: Star Guard III Ferro-Fibrous among designers as it allows a wide range of configurations. This A one-two punch, presumably after multiple hits from the
Armament: latest version forgoes the customary Endo Steel chassis and 300 Centurion’s ER Large Laser, should be enough to put even the
1 Ultra AC/20 XL Fusion engine for a standard ‘skeleton’, nine tons of Ferro largest anti-infantry ‘Mechs to flight.”
Fibrous armor and one of the new Pitban 200 Light Fusion When the show’s host pointed out that this new Centurion
1 ER Large Laser engines. The result is a ‘Mech which is 30kph slower than its was slow compared to its brother variants, the Ultra AC/20 was
1 ER Medium Laser brother variants but equipped with an impressive weapons short-ranged and the proposed design carried only a single ER
Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises loadout protected by nearly 100% of the armor allowed for a fifty- Medium laser for backup, Rolf Winters grinned.
ton chassis.
Location: Ramen II “Okay, slow is a relative term. After all, the CN9-S won’t
The main gun is a Thunder Ultra AC/20 Autocannon, have to move any faster than the soldiers it’s escorting. And
Communications System: Corean Transband-J9
produced by Defiance Industries. Supplied with two tons of surrounded by friendly troops, it won’t really need many close-in
Targeting & Tracking System: Corean B-Tech ammunition, this autocannon is devastating in the single shot weapons. It can run sixty klicks an hour if it has to. But it won’t.
mode and overwhelming to all but the largest Assault ‘Mechs in Most of the infantry-killers use machine guns, flamers and pulse
Overview: double-shot mode. Since the Ultra AC/20’s range is only 300 weapons. They all share a range of about 90 meters, right in our
meters, the designers of Edasich Motors chose to support it with Ultra cannon’s sweet spot. And they have to come to us, make
“As Archon Katrina Steiner slowly loses control over the an Extended Range Large Laser, which at 570 meters has nearly no mistake. A Centurion pilot’s biggest asset will be her patience
Federated Commonwealth, observers in our Order quietly predict twice the reach. They capped the loadout with a single Extended as she waits for a target to approach.”
civil conflict, and soon. They are not alone. The more astute Range Medium laser, ideal for handling problems too small to
Lyran military analysts see the same trends and are gearing up for warrant the ‘big guns’.
war, presumably against armies headed by the former Federated When firing such large weapons, it is important for a CN9-
Suns. S pilot to remember that if she uses the ER Large Laser, she
Battle armor is the new darling of the House militaries; cannot use Ultra mode. Early testing has shown the necessity of
several designs have appeared and force a healthy respect for careful heat management: despite the Centurion’s eleven Double
what is essentially the ‘new’ cavalry. Combining battlefield-class Heat Sinks, at least one firing range exercise quickly became a
weapons with conventional infantry’s ability to take and hold race to see whether the pilot could shoot through all her
territory, the increased presence of battle armor provokes a ammunition before it cooked off in the ammo bins
strong response among several of the major state militaries, most
notably House Marik. House Liao has already had a bitter taste Battle History:
of the new infantry-killing ‘Mechs appearing alongside
conventional Free Worlds League units. “Why use the Ultra 20?”
One predictable result is that other Houses are accelerating Why indeed? The answer to this question came, not from
development of their own anti-infantry BattleMechs. But another our carefully placed agents, but rather a popular tri-vid program
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 16 24
Center Torso (Rear): 8
L/R Side Torso: 12 18/18
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 6/6
L/R Arm: 8 16/16
L/R Leg: 12 20/20
Type/Model: Fulcrum FLM-23TM Now that the pressure from the Clans has eased somewhat, Battle History:
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 engineers are going back to the drawing boards and giving
‘Mechs such as the Nightsky a second look, to see if they can A single lance of this latest Nightsky is just now reaching
Config: Biped BattleMech
wring just a bit more out of proven designs. With Endo Steel once the border world of Poulsbo. Admittedly, such a minor
Mass: 50 tons again available on a production scale, the latest Nightsky to walk assignment will not have much impact on the total force strength
Chassis: Dorwinion Endo Steel off the factory floor incorporates this feature, and takes full of the Bangor Military District. However, recent events on that
Power Plant: 300 Vlar XL Fusion advantage of the savings in weight to improve on the original. planet indicate things are heating up between the Lyran Alliance
and the Free Worlds League, at least on a covert scale. This is as
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Capabilities: good a testing ground as any for a new variant of a proven
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h design.
Jump Jets: 6 HildCo Model 13 Standard Jump Jets The NGS-7S carries a full eleven tons of standard armor,
Jump Capacity: 180 meters the most a fifty-ton chassis can bear. It retains the original six Notable ‘Mechs & MechWarriors:
Jump Jets and 300 XL Fusion engine, as well as the eleven
Armor Type: Kallon Royalstar Standard Jason ‘Daffy’ Gemmon
Double Heat Sinks and arm-mounted hatchet for which this
Armament: ‘Mech is well-known. However, the two Medium and one Small Mechwarrior Gemmon is the latest in a long line of pilots
1 Heavy PPC Pulse Laser have been removed and replaced with three who entered the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces (LCAF)
Extended Range Medium Lasers. These are not as accurate and ‘flying’ the Nightsky and who fully intend to retire piloting the
3 ER Medium Lasers
do not pack the punch of their predecessors, but have the same. A former fission power plant operator with dreams of one
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries day privately owning a refurbished ‘Mech, Gemmon was
advantage of reach, something even an infighter can use to good
Location: Hesperus II advantage. badgered by friends to try out a piloting rig at the Snyder County
Communications System: TharHes Calliope HM-10 Fair. The Lieutenant in charge of the recruiting booth was excited,
The left-arm mounted Large Pulse Laser is also gone, and Gemmon’s friends astounded, when the young man quickly
Targeting & Tracking System: TharHes Ares-8a replaced with a pre-production Heavy Particle Projection Cannon adjusted to his neuro-kinisthetic helmet and scored higher than
which generates fifty percent more heat, but deals 50% more anyone else on the test rig – including the Lieutenant himself.
Overview: damage at nearly twice the range. Again, some accuracy is lost, When the sun set Gemmon was still at the controls, having the
but increased range is something the Nightsky design has been time of his life manipulating a tenth-scale BattleMech over the
The Nightsky has acquired a reputation as an infighter lacking for ten years. Those in Our Order who think this is simply obstacle course again and again. He quit his power plant job the
since its first appearance in 3053. Although not as mobile as a modified 5T should think again. This is a carefully-crafted next day.
Curtiss Militech’s Wraith, it is nevertheless popular with pilots due variant whose overlapping fire envelopes reduce the chance of Less than a year later, Mechwarrior Gemmon graduated
to reliability, minimal dependence from supply lines and, of overheating while it allows its pilot to approach an opponent at near the top of his class from an LCAF Academy, and immediately
course, the massive hatchet it bears on one arm. Several variants will. took to the controls of an NGS-4S fresh from the Hesperus II
appeared in the years immediately following the introduction of
The 7S Mechwarrior can pound an opponent with the factory. His expertise in the cockpit is matched only by his
the NGS-4S; some were intended for anti-Elemental duty, others
equivalent of a Gauss rifle carrying unlimited ammunition and flamboyant fighting style – Gemmon loves to ‘fly’, using his jump
as a combination of fire support and the usual one-on-one jets at every opportunity to confuse and distract opponents. A
clashes in forbidding terrain. The best of the alternate designs maintain full mobility - all without moving the heat scale. Once
she comes inside the Heavy PPC’s minimum range of 90 meters, collector of animation cels dating back to pre-spaceflight Terra,
was considered to be the 5T, with an ER PPC replacing the Large he calls this erratic movement the ‘Daffy Maneuver’.
Pulse Laser. It gave the Nightsky some sorely-needed long-range her ER Medium laser battery takes over – at short range –
capability. But this range came at a price. delivering the same damage while still capable of jumping a full Few know exactly who or what ‘Daffy’ is, and Gemmon has
180 meters – again, without generating excess heat. This overlap long since tired of explaining the reference. But he seems
The Nightsky has long been a candidate for an Endo Steel determined to use the ‘DM’ (as he calls it) as often as he can. So
upgrade; while building this ‘Mech with a Standard chassis and yields impressive results against other, lighter ‘Mechs which share
the Nightsky’s mobility but which do not carry as much armor. far, this maneuver has proven reasonably effective, though it gave
Standard armor sped the machine to the front lines, it required field commanders quite a shock the first time Gemmon tried it.
Nightsky pilots to manage their heat carefully. No record exists of Needless to say, while working in physical combat range (the
While enemy pilots don’t quite know what to expect next from
a Nightsky shutting down from excess heat, but it is not hard to signature tactic for this design) the 7S pilot can follow up her
this Mechwarrior’s orange-and-black Nightsky, they do know that
imagine one sitting idle behind a copse of trees while its pilot withering barrage with a crippling blow from the Nightsky’s
whatever it is, it will be unpleasant in the extreme.
literally sweats out a forced cool-down in the middle of combat. infamous hatchet – a closing move if ever there was one.
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 16 25
Center Torso (Rear): 7
L/R Side Torso: 12 18/18
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 6/6
L/R Arm: 8 16/16
L/R Leg: 12 24/24
Type/Model: Griffin GRF-5S Large Laser is probably this Griffin’s strongest styling cue, a Message transcripts from our Hyper Pulse Generator
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 closer inspection reveals the truth. Unlike the original, the rifle communication stations indicate a small skirmish took place on
and the hand actuator that appears to clutch it are actually a the world of Nockatung within the past two months. This minor
Config: Biped BattleMech single unit. League world is known for its small urban and industrial centers,
Mass: 55 tons each isolated from the others by heavily forested mountain
Chassis: Earthwerks GRF EndoSteel Capabilities: terrain. Pieced-together transcripts indicate Lyran commanders
of the Cavanaugh Theater chose to strike at this world in
Power Plant: 275 Defiance Light Fusion
For 3063 the firm of Defiance Industries has chosen to response to an earlier incursion by House Marik’s forces on
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h upgrade the Griffin with several recent engineering Poulsbo.
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h breakthroughs. Starting with an Endo Steel chassis, the Judging from positive comments in the transmissions, the
Jump Jets: 5 Rawlings 55 Standard designers chose their latest innovation in engine technology to Griffin GRF-5S acquitted itself admirably on this mission, despite
power this ‘Mech: the Defiance 275 Light Fusion engine. This the fact the raiders were eventually repelled by League forces
Jump Capacity: 150 meters design reduces power plant weight by 25% while retaining the stationed on Nockatung. However, the speed with which Lyran
Armor Type: Starshield with CASE Ferro-Fibrous toughness of a standard fusion engine. Capable of reaching a forces withdrew, coupled with our knowledge of the meager
Armament: top speed of 80 kph, the GRF-5S also carries five Rawlings jump forces currently available on that border world, suggest this so-
jets to maintain a typical Griffin movement profile. called ‘punitive raid’ was most likely a cover, one which allowed
1 ER Large Laser
Weapons loadout is outwardly similar to previous variants, House Steiner to test new weapons on an actual battlefield.
2 ER Medium Lasers
with an Extended Range Large Laser and an LRM-10 Long Range
1 LRM 10 w/ Artemis IV Missile rack for energy and missile-based striking power. The
Manufacturer: Victory Industries LRM-10 is supplied with two tons of reloads protected by Cellular
Location: Marduk Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE). Ten Double Heat Sinks
quickly dissipate heat spikes generated by the ER Large Laser.
Communications System: Neil 6000 Finally, the GRF-5S features twin Extended Range Medium
Targeting & Tracking System: TRCA Instatrac Mark X Lasers. These permit it to engage smaller enemy combatants
further out, neatly avoiding the threat of infantry platoons who
Overview: rely on weapons with stock range.
All of this would be typical of nearly every Griffin ever
The Griffin has been a mainstay of the Successor States produced, but for two things. First, the LRM-10 is equipped with
since it was first manufactured in the 2900s. At first designated an Artemis IV guidance system, increasing the accuracy of the
a heavy ‘Mech, centuries of technical progress reduced the Griffin missiles fired by at least twenty percent. And second, the entire
to Medium ‘Mech status, but did not eliminate its utility on the suite of energy weapons is tied into the latest advance in FedCom
battlefield. Now an agile support unit, the Griffin has gone military technology: a targeting computer. With increased
through several iterations and upgrades as the various Houses accuracy across the range bands and an ability to focus on the
try to wring more function out of a solid design. Curiously, each damaged sections of enemy units, the targeting computer allows
revision of this time-honored machine seeks only to improve its the GRF-5S pilot to perform his job with greater efficiency than
performance as a fire support ‘Mech. Despite five centuries of ever before.
technical advance and nearly constant war, design studios have
never attempted to make it into a close-combat fighter. The GRF-
5S is no exception.
Battle History:
The most visible change in this ‘Mech has been a shift back The GRF-5S is fairly new. Our Order estimates it will
to the original style of armor. Created by special request of the probably not be deployed in any great number until late 3063.
Archon herself, this ‘retro’ look (dating back nearly five centuries!) However, we expect to see early appearances in potential ‘hot
comes with modern styling touches. But authenticity takes a spots’ as tensions escalate in the Federated Commonwealth.
back seat to practicality; under it all, this machine is the same One possible encounter has already occurred on the border
produced since the mid-3050s. And while the ‘battle rifle’ ER between Lyran space and the Free Worlds League.
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 18 27
Center Torso (Rear): 9
L/R Side Torso: 13 20/20
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 6/6
L/R Arm: 9 18/18
L/R Leg: 13 26/26
Type/Model: Catapult CPLT-C6 cannot instantly create a ‘Mech factory from nothing. Thus the targeting/tracking system and the ER Large Laser both appear to
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 Hegemony must purchase the majority of its units from outside be made by Blankenberg Technologies - not surprising, given the
sources. Word of Blake’s extensive support of Hegemony rearmament.
Config: Biped BattleMech
In this case, they have chosen the Capellan Confederation.
Mass: 65 tons The Catapults coming from House Liao are clearly surplus. Most Battle History:
Chassis: Hollis Mark II STandard are the C1 variant, ‘fixer-uppers’ barely capable of moving under
Power Plant: 260 Magna Fusion their own power. The weapons are antiques and maintenance This is a very capable refit, based on a proven design. It
has been spotty. None is suitable for the battlefield, and thus can perform fire support, assault and escort missions with equal
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
they are going quite cheap. facility. However, the modest top speed of the CPLT-C6 rules out
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h pursuit and ‘hit and run’ assignments. Furthermore, the lack of
Some of the machines might be better off as a war
Jump Jets: None monument in some town square. However, these ‘old soldiers’ hand actuators means it cannot manipulate objects, punch
Jump Capacity: 0 meters are still ‘Mechs and the Marian Hegemony has a pressing need opponents or remove swarming anti-mech infantry units. Pilots
for them in an economy which cannot manufacture BattleMechs in training are instructed to avoid urban environments and other
Armor Type: Durallex Heavy Standard restrictive territory as much as possible.
at all.
1 ER Large Laser Capabilities:
4 Medium Lasers
The Marian Hegemony is buying up centuries’ worth of
1 LRM 20
spare parts, gutting the C1 and refurbishing every system on
Manufacturer: Hollis Incorporated board as quickly as they can. While the machines are in pieces,
Location: Corey Hegemony planners are using this opportunity to replace old tech
Communications System: Garret T10C with nearly every upgrade to come along in the past twenty years.
With a design this old, such refits are extensive.
Targeting & Tracking System: Blankenburg Trooper
The C6 features no less than fourteen Double Heat Sinks,
Overview: replacing the original fifteen single heat sinks. The twin LRM-15
launchers have been removed, their place taken by an Extended
The original CPLT-C1 Catapult was created by Hollis Range Large Laser and a single LRM-20 Long Range Missile
Incorporated in an initial production run spanning three years - launcher supplied with three tons of reloads. The jump jets have
2561 to 2563. The design itself has morphed over the centuries also been removed – the old Anderson 21 system was not
from a pure support ‘Mech to one which can perform a number needed and was never very reliable to begin with.
of missions depending on the loadout. There are no Catapults Two and a half tons of additional standard armor includes
currently in production, although rumors are that House Liao will Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE) to protect the
produce an artillery variant sometime in the next few years. LRM-20 ammo bins; however, there are no plans to purchase
This report is based on some of the last reliable intel we Ferro Fibrous plate specific to this design. Finally, the original
gathered prior to our Order’s expulsion from the Marian four medium lasers have been relocated to the side torsos; their
Hegemony in 3061. After Caesar Sean O’Reilly contracted with centuries-old styling cues add a somewhat ‘retro’ look to the C6.
the Word of Blake for communication services, information from As the fusion engine and chassis are unchanged, the
that area ceased altogether. However, the infusion of new Catapult’s top speed remains a stately sixty five kilometers per
machines, advanced weapons technology and the support of hour – somewhat slow for a ‘Mech of this tonnage, but an
the Word of Blake has not changed the basic fact that the acceptable trade-off as the standard engine is well known for its
Caesar’s Legions are woefully short of their main weapon, the battlefield toughness. Some changes have been made in the
BattleMech. True, they have facilities which can support ‘Mechs cockpit, mostly to communications gear. The Garret T10C is a
and vehicles with mid-range technology. But none can build hardened multi-channel ‘Mech-specific version of the T10B
fusion engines or a ‘Mech chassis, and even the Word of Blake produced by Marian Arms for the Gladius hovertank. The
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 21 31
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 15 22/22
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 10 20/20
L/R Leg: 15 25/25
Type/Model: Cataphract III CTF-3X Weapons & Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
Mass: 70 tons 1 LB-10X Autocannon RT 6 11
Equipment Mass Ammo (AC) 10 RT 2 2
Internal Structure: 3.5 1 ER Large Laser RA 2 5
Engine: 280 Fusion 16 1 ER Large Laser LA 2 5
Walking MP: 4 (5) 2 ER Medium Laser RT 2 2
Running MP: 6 (8)
Jumping MP 4
Heat Sinks: 13 (26) 3
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 192 12
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 22 30
Center Torso (Rear): 9
L/R Side Torso: 15 20/20
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 11 20/20
L/R Leg: 15 25/25
Type/Model: Guillotine GLT-7M was put to good use with the installation of a Light Gauss Rifle mechwarrior noted for occasional bursts of anger on the
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 supplied with sixteen ferro-nickel slugs. Finally, the SRM-6 Short battlefield. This temper nearly proved her undoing during the
Range Missile Launcher was replaced by an SRM-4 with twenty- initial assault of an urban center located on Les Halles. In
Config: Biped BattleMech accordance with the strict discipline for which the 3rd Hussars
five rounds in the ammo bin, the idea being to give the 7M greater
Mass: 70 tons independence from supply lines. are famous, LT(sg) Boyle and her lance of Guillotine GLT-7Ms
Chassis: Crucis –II Delux Endo Steel Armor remains the same at a respectable twelve tons of stayed back and hammered their Capellan opponents with long
range fire until a freak shot from an enemy ER PPC struck her
Power Plant: 280 VOX Fusion Standard plate, 88% of the maximum allowed for the Guillotine’s
cockpit and nearly killed her.
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h 70-ton chassis. The stock Extended Range Large Laser remains
in place; coupled with the Light Gauss, it gives the GLT-7M Her lancemates later reported a scream of fury on the
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h decent long-range firepower while producing manageable commnet as the enraged Boyle broke ranks and charged the
Jump Jets: 4 Anderson 389 Standard Jump Jets amounts of heat. For short ranges the ER Medium lasers provide offender, a Capellan Cataphract CTF-3L. The ensuing melee
Jump Capacity: 120 meters enough firepower to keep smaller opponents at bay, as well as proved disastrous for Boyle; while she hammered the Liao ‘Mech
presenting a serious threat to infantry of all kinds. The GLT-7M is as she approached, the enemy pilot was just as effective in
Armor Type: Durallex Heavy Special w/ CASE Standard returning fire. Closing with her foe turned out to be a mistake,
very mobile for its weight class, boasting four jump jets and a top
Armament: speed of nearly 65 kph. The Upgrade ensures this veteran will despite their identical tonnage. Lt(sg) Boyle might have used her
1 Light Gauss Rifle ‘run cool’ in urban settings with minimal heat management while four ER medium lasers to win a stand-off fight. But the
still providing good long-range fire support. Cataphract’s MASC-augmented speed was an even match for
1 ER Large Laser this hot-headed pilot’s jump jets as the two mechwarriors fought
4 ER Medium Lasers
Battle History: furiously for position. Seven minutes into the fight, the Capellan
gained the upper hand. Using his LBX ‘shotgun’ and four
1 SRM-4
medium pulse lasers, he made short work of Boyle’s
Manufacturer: Irian BattleMechs Unlimited The Guillotine GLT-7M has already seen action on the
reconditioned Guillotine. Only the arrival of her lancemates and
Location: Irian Capellan Border in 3062. Operating in lance strength, elements
their combined fire saved Boyle from certain destruction.
of the Oriente 3rd Hussars were observed maneuvering in
Communications System: Irian Technologies HRM-35s support of a drive on a major city on the border world of Les Future deployments will certainly take this duel into
Targeting & Tracking System: Omicron TrackerKeeper Halles. As Capellan forces had entrenched themselves in the city account. Meanwhile, while LT(sg) Boyle has been decorated for
proper, it fell to the 3rd Hussars to enter the city and dig out what bravery on the battlefield, several of her lancemates have been
Overview: defenders remained after the initial artillery barrage. Video heard to remark that, far from being a hero, Boyle should count
recordings of this action show Guillotines lofting up over the herself lucky to be alive. During the Les Halles action, at least
The design team working on House Marik’s Project Retread buildings in the city’s outlying district, hammering away at the two of House Liao’s ‘Mechs were observed to be a recent (and far
selected the Guillotine GLT-4L and 5M as their first assignment. defenders with their battery of lasers. more deadly) Cataphract variant, the CTF-4L.
The GLT-4L was a 3025-era design and the GLT-5M first
After-action reports indicate that two lances comprised
manufactured in 3050. Neither was suitable for front-line
mostly of these refurbished ‘Mechs cleared nearly 40% of House
assignment in 3060, and both existed in fair numbers (about 350
Liao’s infantry force from the city. This concerted, highly mobile
units total, the bulk of these being 5M variants). The design team
attack forced the invading Capellans to withdraw, retreating
finally settled on the GLT-5M, as replacing the 4L’s standard
chassis with Endo Steel was beyond the Project’s scope. northward and eventually off-planet. A word of caution; in the
one or two instances where a GLT-7M encountered a ‘Mech of
Capabilities: its own weight class, the Guillotine clearly came off as second-
best. Only the use of standard fusion engines kept these battered
Upgrading the GLT-5M to the proposed 7M standard machines from being written off as a complete loss.
involved removing the majority of the weapons, all of the heat
sinks and substituting more advanced models. Four Medium Notable ‘Mechs & MechWarriors:
lasers were replaced by Extended Range models. The twenty-
five Single Heat Sinks were dropped in favor of thirteen Double Petra ‘Rolling’ Boyle
Heat Sinks, freeing up several tons and much internal space. This A member of the Oriente 3rd Hussars, LT(sg) Boyle is a
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 22 30
Center Torso (Rear): 9
L/R Side Torso: 15 22/22
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 11 20/20
L/R Leg: 15 22/22
Type/Model: Black Knight BL15-KNT Weapons & Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
Mass: 75 tons 2 ER Large Lasers RA 4 10
Equipment Mass 1 Gauss Rifle LA 7 15
Internal Structure: 4 Ammo (Gauss) 16 LT 2 2
Engine: 300 Fusion 19 2 Medium Lasers CT 2 2
Walking MP: 4 1 Medium Laser H 1 1
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 13 (26) 3
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 231 13
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 23 36
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 16 24/24
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 12 24/24
L/R Leg: 16 32/32
Type/Model: Culverin Prime of this new OmniMech became apparent only after the first
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 Culverins reached the battlefield, just in time to participate in
House Liao’s drive to extinguish the St. Ives Compact.
Config: Biped OmniMech
Mass: 75 tons Capabilities:
Chassis: Hollis Mk III
Power Plant: Hermes 300XL The Culverin Prime is built on a Standard chassis and is
powered by a Hermes 300 Extra Light Fusion Engine. It is
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h equipped with Stealth armor and a Guardian Electronic Counter
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h Measures suite. The Extended Range Particle Projection Cannon
Jump Jets: None and LRM 10 Long Range Missile launcher provide tremendous
reach, well beyond most opponent’s ability to accurately target
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
the Prime. A pair of Extended Range Medium Lasers enhance
Armor Type: Stealth Kallon Royalstar with CASE close range combat, but the real punch comes from an LB-20X
Armament: Autocannon. Supplied with three tons of ammunition protected
1 ER PPC by Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE), this weapon
can deliver the knockout blow with a huge slug or score multiple
2 ER Medium Lasers
internal hits on a damaged opponent with cluster rounds.
1 LB20-X AC
Speed is standard for a ‘Mech this size, topping out at a
1 LRM-10 respectable sixty five kilometers per hour. However, even without
1 Guardian ECM this mobility it is very hard to get a lock on the Culverin Prime due
Manufacturer: Earthwerks CTF to the effect of the Stealth armor. Even when a shot does
connect, it must penetrate a protective shell rated at 93% of the
Location: Grand Base
maximum allowed for a 75-ton ‘Mech. While Stealth armor has
Communications System: Ceres Metals Model 666 with definite drawbacks, the Culverin Prime carries no less than
Guardian ECM fourteen Double Heat Sinks to shed the excess heat generated by
Targeting & Tracking System: C-Apple Churchill its armor and main gun. Furthermore, Culverin pilots are selected
with a preference towards those who display strong self-control
Overview: and good heat management practices. There is a very real risk
of ammunition cook-off if a Culverin Mechwarrior neglects his
The Capellan Confederation went forward with plans to heat meter in the midst of a fight.
develop a Heavy OmniMech in the late 3050s after witnessing the
performance of these machines in other Inner Sphere armies Battle History:
(particularly House Steiner’s Avatar and Black Hawk of 3058). It
was easy to see how poorly their own Omni designs fared in These machines burst upon the scene in January of 3062,
comparison with such new designs, especially in the area of forming the main strength of a Special Forces raid upon the world
mobility. Even the ubiquitous Firestarter outperformed the of Texlos. A member of the St. Ives Compact, Texlos was home
Capellan Blackjack in computer simulations. House Liao’s to several aerospace manufacturing firms suspected of supplying
determination to field a truly competitive OmniMech solidified the Compact with fighters. All three Culverin configurations
when Marakova agents delivered tantalizing bits of intel on the appeared in this action, precipitating the collapse of organized
FedCom’s pre-production Templar in 3059. resistance within a week. The raiders were soon joined by regular
With three configurations already in the prototype stage, Capellan forces who proceeded to cripple the planet’s fighter
development of the Culverin advanced with lightning speed and production, a blow from which the St. Ives Compact never
a level of secrecy unusual even for the Capellans. The existence recovered.
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 23 35
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 16 23/23
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 12 22/22
L/R Leg: 16 28/28
Type/Model: Culverin Alpha of this new OmniMech became apparent only after the first
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 Culverins reached the battlefield, just in time to participate in
House Liao’s drive to extinguish the St. Ives Compact.
Config: Biped OmniMech
Mass: 75 tons Capabilities:
Chassis: Hollis Mk III
The Culverin Configuration Alpha has all the advantages
Power Plant: Hermes 300XL
inherent in its base design but focuses on a long-range loadout.
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h It wields an ER Large Laser and a Light Gauss Rifle supplied with
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h two tons of ferro-nickel slugs. Backing these are no less than
Jump Jets: None four LRM-5 launchers with three tons of CASE-protected reloads,
as well as the standard pair of ER Mediums for close combat.
Jump Capacity: 0 meters The weapons loadout suggests what visual sightings have
Armor Type: Stealth Kallon Royalstar with CASE confirmed – this is a sniper which makes the most of Stealth
Armament: armor by laying enormous mine fields to keep enemy units at bay.
1 ER Large Laser
1 Light Gauss Rifle
4 LRM 5s The Alpha sets itself up early for an assault. Within sixty
seconds the four LRM-5 launchers have established a
2 ER Medium Lasers
widespread protective mine field, targeting four separate
1 Guardian ECM locations simultaneously with Thunder Augmented missile
Manufacturer: Earthwerks CTF rounds. After exhausting two ammo bins, the Alpha pilot sits
behind a protective shield which can extend up to 720 meters
Location: Grand Base
wide by 210 meters deep. Using the remaining ton of missile
Communications System: Ceres Metals Model 666 with ammunition to augment direct fire weapons, the Culverin Alpha
Guardian ECM engages the enemy in a long-range ‘turkey shoot’ – a one-sided
Targeting & Tracking System: C-Apple Churchill contest which it rarely loses. Accurate return fire is nearly
nonexistent due to the Stealth Armor. Any unit attempting to
Overview: close with an Alpha pilot soon discovers the debilitating mine
The Capellan Confederation went forward with plans to Note that this machine is not suited for close combat. As
develop a Heavy OmniMech in the late 3050s after witnessing the with other ‘Mechs dedicated to the sniper role, it should be
performance of these machines in other Inner Sphere armies accompanied by at least a lance of anti-infantry support, the more
(particularly House Steiner’s Avatar and Black Hawk of 3058). It mobile the better. The two Culverin Alphas lost in the Texlo raid
was easy to see how poorly their own Omni designs fared in were destroyed by anti-‘Mech infantry which approached them
comparison with such new designs, especially in the area of from behind. Reports indicate that in other encounters, the
mobility. Even the ubiquitous Firestarter outperformed the Capellans used the Snake SNK-1V to deal with the Compact’s
Capellan Blackjack in computer simulations. House Liao’s battle armor squads. A modified Snake, the SNK-2V, was also
determination to field a truly competitive OmniMech solidified observed in action as it used an LB-10X and four Small Pulse
when Marakova agents delivered tantalizing bits of intel on the lasers to break up infantry formations attempting to flank the front
FedCom’s pre-production Templar in 3059. line.
With three configurations already in the prototype stage,
development of the Culverin advanced with lightning speed and
a level of secrecy unusual even for the Capellans. The existence
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 23 35
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 16 23/23
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 12 22/22
L/R Leg: 16 28/28
Type/Model: Culverin Bravo of this new OmniMech became apparent only after the first
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 Culverins reached the battlefield, just in time to participate in
House Liao’s drive to extinguish the St. Ives Compact.
Config: Biped OmniMech
Mass: 75 tons Capabilities:
Chassis: Hollis Mk III
Bristling with even more missile-based weaponry than
Power Plant: Hermes 300XL
Configuration Alpha, the Culverin’s Configuration Bravo mounts
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h two LRM-15 launchers. These are fed by no less than five CASE-
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h protected bins of ammunition which can be loaded with specialty
LRM rounds. An ER Large Laser provides direct energy fire. In
Jump Jets: None
addition to the standard dual ER Medium Lasers, the Bravo also
Jump Capacity: 0 meters carries a pair of SRM-4 launchers. Although they have only a ton
Armor Type: Stealth Kallon Royalstar with CASE of dedicated reloads, these short-range missile racks have been
Armament: observed pouring Inferno rounds into enemy formations with
devastating effect.
2 LRM 15s
2 SRM 4s Deployment:
1 ER Large Laser
Our Order suspects the Bravo mission profile is not
2 ER Medium Lasers conventional fire support but a deadly combination that interlocks
1 Guardian ECM on the battlefield with other Culverin variants. The first is mine
Manufacturer: Earthwerks CTF projector, throwing out massive ‘Mech-crippling minefields which
channel the enemy into pre-arranged crossfire. The second is
Location: Grand Base
conventional force killer, roasting infantry and vehicles alike as it
Communications System: Ceres Metals Model 666 with sweeps past dug-in positions. Configuration Bravo is better able
Guardian ECM to handle close combat, but like its brother OmniMechs, is really
Targeting & Tracking System: C-Apple Churchill meant for rapid mobile strikes. Closing with an opponent – or
allowing him to close on the Culverin – negates the purpose of
Overview: Stealth armor. This OmniMech is a capable design, but as with
any machine which depends on quick strikes and rapid fades, it
The Capellan Confederation went forward with plans to will not do well in one-to-one slugging matches.
develop a Heavy OmniMech in the late 3050s after witnessing the A detailed deployment of the Culverin has been observed
performance of these machines in other Inner Sphere armies only once, during the Capellan assault on HildCo Interplanetary’s
(particularly House Steiner’s Avatar and Black Hawk of 3058). It Lightning factory. One Prime took the lead, followed at 200
was easy to see how poorly their own Omni designs fared in meters by a single Configuration Bravo and supported from 400
comparison with such new designs, especially in the area of meters back by two Configuration Alphas. A mercenary lance of
mobility. Even the ubiquitous Firestarter outperformed the Medium ‘Mechs (Ballantine’s Berserkers) were destroyed in the
Capellan Blackjack in computer simulations. House Liao’s first fifteen minutes of the exchange. Another lance of Heavy
determination to field a truly competitive OmniMech solidified ‘Mechs from that same group attempted to engage the Culverin
when Marakova agents delivered tantalizing bits of intel on the Alphas in the backfield but were crippled by an extensive carpet
FedCom’s pre-production Templar in 3059. of minefields and were forced to retire well before they reached
With three configurations already in the prototype stage, their targets.
development of the Culverin advanced with lightning speed and
a level of secrecy unusual even for the Capellans. The existence
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 23 35
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 16 23/23
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 12 22/22
L/R Leg: 16 28/28
Type/Model: Privateer PV-2L created an inexpensive (10 mCr) Heavy ‘Mech based on an Deployment:
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 upscaled Thunder chassis. Endo steel and Triple Strength
Myomer (TSM) were the only ‘exotic’ materials allowed - For short-contract Mercenaries, these machines are offered
Config: Biped BattleMech
everything else was to be done with ‘off-the-shelf’ components on a lease basis. However, Mercenaries who engage in chartered
Mass: 75 tons to keep cost and complexity to a minimum. contracts have the opportunity to purchase the Privateer at cost.
Chassis: Hollis Mk IV Endo Steel The result is a ‘Mech slightly more expensive and much Either option is offered only after approval by the Chancellor
Power Plant: Vlar 300 Fusion more powerful than the benchmark, a Penetrator. The Privateer himself.
Walking Speed: 43.2 (54.0) km/h PV-2L comes with improved speed and better long/short range For Periphery States, especially those who lack Heavy
weapon overlap. Cheap, easy to build, reliable and ‘rookie proof’, ‘Mech production capacity, the Privateer is a low-cost diplomatic
Maximum Speed: 64.8 (86.4) km/h carrot which the Capellans will offer during training and
it has a well-rounded loadout, good protection and excellent
Jump Jets: 4 Chevron I Standard Jump Jets mobility for its weight class. Equally effective on open terrain, technology exchanges. The ‘Mech’s availability is crucial at a
Jump Capacity: 120 meters mountainous areas, forests or urban environments, the Privateer time when every major House is pushing its production to the
is a cleverly-designed general purpose machine whose whole can limits - and there are few new machines to be had at any price.
Armor Type: Starslab 9.5 Standard
truly be said to be far more than the sum of its parts. It is ideal The Privateer’s impact extends beyond battlefield exploits.
for Mercenaries – as well as Periphery States whom the A Mercenary unit or Periphery State that invests in the Privateer
2 ER Large Lasers Chancellor is getting to know and would like to get to know is committed to the further purchase of support equipment and
1 LB 10-X Autocannon better. supplies from Capellan factories. The sale of every Privateer
2 ER Medium Lasers strengthens the link between influential business interests on New
Manufacturer: Vandenburg Mechanized Industries/ Capabilities: Vandenberg and Capella. And finally, House Liao has made it
clear to foreign governments that the Privateer is not so much an
Ceres Metals Industries opportunity as it is a personal favor from Sun Tzu Liao himself -
The 75-ton Privateer features an Endo Steel chassis, a GM
Location: New Vandenburgh/Capella 300 Fusion engine and carries thirteen and a half tons of Standard a debt the gracious Chancellor will no doubt use to his
Communications System: Neill 8000 armor. Special Triple Strength Myomer propels this ‘Mech to advantage.
speeds in excess of 85 kph. Mobility is further enhanced by four
Targeting & Tracking System: RCA Instatrac Mark X
reliable Chevron I jump jets located in the side torsos. Battle History:
Overview: The Privateer’s weapon loadout is equally solid. Up front The unveiling of this new design was, appropriately enough,
are two Extended Range Large Lasers with the ability to strike at the Westerhand Mechwarrior Summer Games in the Capellan
In the late 3050s, the Capellan Confederation had begun to targets up to 570 meters away. Backing them is an autocannon Confederation’s Sian Province. Pre-Games rumor about a new
reach the limits of production capacity and began searching for with nearly as great a range – the LB-10X, supplied by two tons ‘Mercenary Special’ became the talk of every bar and briefing
ways to make its armed forces more effective with the tools they of CASE-protected ammunition. Twin Extended Range Medium room when the Privateer appeared in the ranks of a small-time
had. One answer, as it had been in the past, was to hire Lasers come into play at medium range. At extreme close range, mercenary unit known only as ‘The Ronin’. Fielding three of the
Mercenary outfits which would work alongside the Capellan one-on-one physical combat is brutal and short, thanks to TSM- new ‘Mechs, this obscure band of Mechwarriors rose quickly in
Confederation Armed Forces (CCAF). Unfortunately, CCAF the rankings as they demonstrated the multi-role nature of the
amplified arms and legs. A single kick from the Privateer will rip
generals found that such ‘hired guns’ were often equipped with new design.
most of the armor from an opponent’s leg, often resulting in
units that were too old, too light in tonnage or in a state of
crippling internal damage. A single well-placed punch can kill. The Ronin defeated several Merc competitors of similar size
disrepair due to lack of parts. Rather than adjust their tactics to
the fortunes of hardscrabble Mercenary units, the generals took Many TSM-equipped BattleMechs require extensive pilot before they were dropped from the Lists due to a freak accident
the unusual step of creating a ‘Mech specifically designed for training to get the most from this special myomer. Balancing the that seriously injured their Commanding Officer. Despite this
Mercenary service. heat load to maintain optimal temperature during combat is, as abbreviated run at the Lists, The Ronin nevertheless provided a
one pilot remarked, “like juggling while you walk on the edge of very effective showcase for the Privateer. It is rumored the
Ceres Metals Industries (CMI) won the initial bid and began Capellans have offered this unit a contract based on their
work in early 3060 with the Taurian Concordat’s Vandenburg a cliff.” However, the pilot of a Privateer will find operating her
impressive performance – inspiration indeed for other mercenary
Mechanized Industries (VMI). The Concordat dedicated two TSM very different – raise the temperature with jump jets and
hopefuls who are tired of scraping by on small-time contracts and
Taurian production lines to the new ‘Mech in return for Capellan weapon fire, then maintain the required heat levels with simple
antiquated machines.
Endo Steel manufacturing technology. Together, these firms choices based on tactical needs.
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 23 30
Center Torso (Rear): 9
L/R Side Torso: 16 24/24
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 12 22/22
L/R Leg: 16 30/30
Type/Model: Privateer PV-1K Worlds League has agreed to provide seventy Orion chassis in the damage done by ‘tip of the spear’ Assault ‘Mechs. Ninety
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 an exchange that involves an unknown number of the Combine’s meters is more than enough to give vigilant pilots a chance at a
Streak-6 SRM launchers and associated technology. House crippling backshot.
Config: Biped BattleMech Kurita will provide the remaining major ‘Mech components, Critics of the design maintain that neither set of weapons
Mass: 75 tons including the XL Fusion engine has enough reloads for a protracted engagement. Furthermore,
Chassis: Kali Yama Endo Steel the Ultra autocannon has a well-earned reputation for jamming at
Power Plant: Hermes 300XL Fusion Capabilities: the worst possible moment. These keen observers miss the
point: the Privateer 1K is not meant for long firefights. It is tailor-
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h The seventy-five ton PV-1K is built on an Endo Steel chassis made for highly aggressive Mechwarriors who intend to finish
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h and powered by a Hermes 300 Extra Light Fusion Engine. It can battered opponents off in the shortest time possible. The Ultra
Jump Jets: 3 Lexington Lifter Standard reach speeds of nearly 65 kph – about average for a ‘Mech of this autocannons will run out of ammunition well before the law of
weight class, while three Jump Jets afford the Privateer minimal averages kicks in. And finally, the fact that this machine is highly
Jump Capacity: 90 meters jump mobility. Carrying thirteen and a half tons of armor, the PV- dependent on supply lines is not lost on DCMS commanders who
Armor Type: Starslab 9.5 Standard 1K is well-protected for its mission as a breakthrough support wish to keep eager Mercenary ‘employees’ on a tight leash.
Armament: ‘Mech, featuring as it does a variety of weapons uniquely suited
for the role.
2 Ultra AC5 Autocannon
The main gun is an Extended Range Particle Projection
2 MRM 10
Cannon, with a reach exceeding 660 meters. Following up this
2 Medium Lasers are twin Ultra AC/5 Autocannons supplied with a ton each of
1 ER PPC reloads. The Ultra version of the standard autocannon has nearly
the range of the ER PPC, but can double its rate fire at the flip of
Manufacturer: Vandenburg Mechanized Industries
a switch. This is useful when closing with opponents whose
Location: New Vandenburgh armor has been breached during the initial assault.
Communications System: Neill 8000 As the range closes, another pair of fearsome weapons
Targeting & Tracking System: RCA Instatrac Mark X comes into play: dual MRM-10 Medium Range Missile launchers
fed from a single ton of ammunition. And finally, when the battle
Overview: is inside the Ultra’s minimum range of 60 meters, two Medium
Lasers effectively replace the Ultra AC5 cannon, delivering the
The concept of the Privateer PV-1K was created alongside same damage with minimal heat load and no ammunition worries.
the Privateer PV-2L, but was set aside as its specialized nature It is worth noting that, with the exception of the ER PPC, all the
did not suit Capellan needs. Looking like a mirror image of the Privateer’s weapons generate very low heat for the damage they
PV-2L, it soon found a home with House Kurita, who had many deliver. A Mechwarrior may jump at will and fire up to 70% of his
of the same problems with Mercenaries as the Capellans. The loadout continuously without the danger of thermal overload.
Combine solution was quite different, however. Regarding
Mercenary forces as a supplementary force (rather than an Deployment:
independent alternative), House Kurita proposed to supply
Mercenaries with a ‘Mech which enabled them to better fulfill the The Privateer PV-1K has only begun to reach Mercenary
limited role the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (DCMS) had units. It is offered on roughly the same terms as the Capellan
in mind. Specifically, Mercenaries are to provide aggressive close version, but with no option to purchase. This may change in the
support as DCMS forces punch through enemy resistance - a near future, as the Draconis Combine is already embroiled in
mission the PV-1K is well-suited to perform. conflict with Clan Ghost Bear - a lopsided fight at best.
The armor is purchased from Vandenburg Mechanized Meanwhile, the minimal jump capability leaves some observers
Industries, the same Taurian corporation supplying the Capellans. puzzled. Insufficient for fleeing a bad situation, the reason behind
The chassis, however, is based on a Free Worlds League Orion, such short jump capacity becomes clear only to those aware of
not an upscaled Capellan Thunder as with the PV-2L. The Free the mission profile: the Privateer is meant to take advantage of
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 23 30
Center Torso (Rear): 9
L/R Side Torso: 16 24/24
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 12 22/22
L/R Leg: 16 30/30
Type/Model: Thug THG-13M a reduced loadout and the average THG-10E pilot was in deep Battle History:
Tech: Inner Sphere /3063 trouble if an enemy closed to short range. Still, it was the best
available, and the Thug soldiered on in most major House armies Though Our Order does not expect Project Retread to
Config: Biped BattleMech
for the next two hundred years. be complete until mid-3063, it is obvious the Thug upgrades are
Mass: 80 tons significant. The 13M has slightly better protection, greater short-
House Marik has recently begun to revamp older
Chassis: Earthwerks VOL Standard designs considered most likely to benefit from rediscovered range punch and ECM. The 14M has greater reach and does
Power Plant: 320 Pitban Fusion technology. While the Thug THG-10E does not have an Endo more damage with its long-range weapons, but sacrifices a bit in
Steel chassis (normally a basic requirement for Project Retread), short-range combat. However, either upgrade brings 30 to 40%
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h more firepower to the firing line than the base model while the
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h it readily accepts Ferro Fibrous Armor. House Marik has
cost is about the same (around a million C-bills each). Both fulfil
contracted with Kerr-McGinnis Industries to provide armor for the
Jump Jets: none the goal of Project Retread, as they are eminently suited for taking
upgrade, with roughly 40% of the order already filled.
on modern opponents at a fraction of a new ‘Mech’s cost and
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
production time. Choosing between Upgrade packages will
Armor Type: Jolassa-328 Ferro-Fibrous w. CASE Capabilities: ultimately come down to what local military leaders require for
Armament: their district.
The new Thug Refit actually comes in two packages.
2 ER Large Lasers The THG-13M Upgrade replaces standard armor with Ferro-
4 Streak SRM-4s Fibrous plates which increase the armor to nearly maximum for
1 Guardian ECM an eighty-ton design. Next, it removes the stock Particle
Projection Cannons and replaces them with twin Extended Range
Manufacturer: Earthwerks FWL Incorporated
Large Lasers, which have no minimum-range penalty and actually
Location: Keystone increase the maximum range by 30 meters. Also eliminated are
Communications System: Datacom 50 with Guardian ECM nineteen antiquated Single Heat Sinks, their place taken by
Targeting & Tracking System: Garret A99 thirteen Double Heat Sinks for better heat dissipation.
The space freed up by these changes (which include
Overview: removal of the standard SRM-4 launchers) permits the installation
of four Streak SRM-4 Short-Range Missile launchers. This
The original Thug THG-11E was first fielded nearly 500 massive missile battery is supported by three tons of CASE-
years ago. Born alongside the First Star League, it enjoyed the protected reloads. Finally, the designers installed a Guardian
fruits of that era’s technology – an Endo Steel chassis, efficient Electronic CounterMeasure suite to further proof the upgraded
heat sinks and Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE). Thug against more modern weapons systems.
Intended to carry a Warhammer’s weaponry while providing
similar movement and increased armor, the Thug performed The second Thug Upgrade, the 14M, focuses on long-
admirably for General Kerensky two hundred years later during range striking power as opposed to short-range combat. Again,
the Amaris Civil war. Those that remained after the Exodus were the standard armor is replaced with custom-manufactured Ferro-
lovingly maintained, but the devastation brought on by the Fibrous plate, but total protection remains unchanged at a
Succession Wars destroyed the Maltex production facility, as well substantial 93%. The PPCs, SRM-4s and Single Heat Sinks are
as the orbital factories which produced Ferro Fibrous armor and removed and replaced with ten Double Heat Sinks and one torso-
Endo Steel. mounted Extended Range PPC. Next, the technicians install a
Earthwerks continued to produce a license-built CASE-protected Gauss Rifle supplied with two tons of slugs in
version, the THG-10E, but this machine was seriously the right arm. Finally, a cluster of five Medium Lasers is housed
downgraded in performance. Where its predecessor could run in the left arm. The result is a ‘Mech with increased range and
and fire all weapons without moving the heat meter, the 10E punch which is still capable of anti-personnel work due to its wide
struggled to keep both Donal PPCs online and retain minimum firing arcs. This refit concentrates on beam weapons, but heat is
mobility. The increased weight of the chassis and armor meant never a problem.
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 25 36
Center Torso (Rear): 11
L/R Side Torso: 17 24/24
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 13 23/23
L/R Leg: 17 29/29