Av-Tek VRX Plunger REV-G
Av-Tek VRX Plunger REV-G
The VRX Plunger valve has a much shorter lay Drinking Water Safe
length than a traditional globe style control valve,
but quality is not lost due to the ASTM A536 one NSF 61/372 Certified for use in Potable Water Systems
piece ductile iron body and internal stainless steel
components. The VRX is suitable for up to 250 Ease of Maintenance
psi CWP.
*Higher pressure ratings available upon request
The VRX Plunger valve requires zero to minimal
maintenance. The rubber seal is preserved from wear and
Bronze Welded Guide Rails is out of the flow stream of the media. The bearing cover
allows the user to remove the worm gear without
The bronze welded body rail is applied dewatering the pipeline. In the rare event that the rubber
sealing ring ever required replacing, it can be replaced in
to the Ductile Iron valve body by means of a the field, with common tools, and without the need of a
machine welded overlay which is micro finished specialized technician.
and polished. This results in very low friction
when the plunger opens and closes. The welding Each VRX Plunger valve is tested in accordance with EN
process eliminates the possibility of the rails 12266-1. Beyond industry standard testing, Av-Tek®
delaminating, or the need for fasteners, which conducts additional testing and ensures each valve
can cause misalignment or jamming of the piston includes a leak test report and heat trace numbers of the
as the valve operates. valve components with delivery.
The flow through design allows for debris and other small particles to pass through the valve
without harming the valve, and the seat is out of the flow path of the water as well. The VRX
Plunger can be equipped with either a manual gear or electric actuator, giving the user precise
control. And each valve is equipped with a mechanical shaft and crank both manufactured in
stainless steel. The correct control trim is based on each specific application, and the Av-Tek®
engineering team uses the application criteria to select and size the correct cavitation cage.
The Av-Tek® VRX Plunger valve is tested
against the stringent European EN 12266-1
requirements and meets and exceeds all
performance testing. Each valve is tested
and certified at Zero Leakage before it leaves
the factory. United States third party
performance testing has been successfully
completed at the Utah State University
hydraulics lab located in Logan, Utah.
NSF 61/372
Holiday Testing
Holiday or “spark testing” is performed on
VRX Plunger valves to ensure that coating
is free from pinholes or voids in the
protective coating. If pores or voids are
detected the valve is rejected and the
coating process is repeated.
Valve in Open
As the VRX Plunger valve closes, the flow path and the piston move in the same
direction of flow. When the valve is fully closed, a double o-ring seal on the rear of the
piston and an EPDM sealing ring on the front provide zero leakage. The piston does not
need to overcome the inlet pressure, thus keeping torque values very low.
31 24 25
2 3 1A
18 13 15 14 12 8 6
19 10 17 16
21 30 20
22 1
11 9 7
33 5 4 23
28 27
A. Body: Valve bodies shall be ductile iron, ASTM A536 65-45-12 or A536 60-40-18, with ANSI B16.1s. Pre
drilled lifting holes lugs shall integrally be provided to assist in the installation and removal of valve from the
B. Regulating Parts: The plunger shall be 304 Stainless Steel, the cavitation cage shall be 304 SST, the push
rod and piston rod shall be 304 stainless steel.
C. Shaft: The Shaft shall be 304 SST.
D. Sealing: All resilient seals shall be EPDM and the main shaft seal must be out of the flow path to prevent
damage when valve is in operation.
E. Piston Guide Rails: The plunger shall slide and be contained in the axial position by guide rails. To prevent
possible corrosion between the guide rails and the valve body, the guide rails shall be completely fused to the
valve body in an overlay weld process to prevent any gaps or corrosion pathways. Guide rails which are riveted
or bolted to the valve body are not acceptable for long-term operability and corrosion protection. The guide rails
shall be bronze and shall be positioned around the plunger in an uneven quantity to reduce the potential for
damaging harmonic vibration,clogging or excessive wear. The guide rails shall be low to no lead and very low
zinc content to prevent dezincification.
F. Shaft Bearings: Valve shaft bearings shall be corrosion resistant, self-lubricating sleeve type made of bronze.
Non-metallic shaft bearings are not allowed.
G. The iron surfaces of the valve body and disc shall be coated with minimum 10 mil DFT fusion bonded epoxy.
A. Manual Actuators: Actuators shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C540, subject to the following requirements. All
actuators shall be self-locking worm gear type and shall hold the valve piston in the closed, open and
any intermediate position without creeping or fluttering and be supplied from known and reputable gear
A. Manufacture shall be ISO 9001:2008, Accredited and Certified.
B. Manufacture shall have current NSF 61/372 Certifications
C. Manufacture shall have valve performance independently tested and verified in the USA by an accredited
third party flow testing facility.
D. Valve shall be the VRX Plunger Valve, AV-TeK® Valve USA
The Av-Tek™ Knife Gate valve is perfect when the The Av-Tek™ Knife Gate valve is perfect whenThe theAv-Tek
The Av-Tek® Model 4900 is a resilient seated ball
l media in your pipe is not. With a 316 Stainless Steel media in your pipe is not. With a 316 Stainless media
Steelin yo
check valve with a sinking or floating ball to prevent
d. Knife and a rubber seat drip tight closure is achieved. Knife and a rubber seat drip tight closure is achieved.
Knife and a
back flow. This allows for flow passage with
er, Options include SST Body, DI Body, Lug Body, Wafer, Options include SST Body, DI Body, Lug Body, Options
minimum friction loss.
rising and non-rising stems. rising and non-rising stems. rising and n
The Av-Tek® Dismantling Joints are recommended
The Av-Tek™ Dismantling Joints are recommended The Av-Tek
™ Dismantling Joints are recommended
a valve is above ground, for easy mounting The Av-Tek
anytime a valve is above ground, for easy mounting anytime a valve is above ground, for easy
and dismounting. Dismantling joints also remove mounting
the a v
e and dismounting. Dismantling joints also remove the andon
stress dismounting. Dismantling
valves in line joints also
due to installation remove
and the
problems. dismou
stress on valves in line due to installation problems. Ductile Iron Bodies, Fusion Bonded Epoxy In & Out, on v
stress on valves in line due to installation problems.
Ductile Iron Bodies, Fusion Bonded Epoxy In & Out, andDuctile
EPDMIron Bodies,
O-Rings areFusion Bonded
always Epoxy In Ductile
standard. & Out, Iron
and EPDM O-Rings are always standard. and EPDM O-Rings are always standard. and EPDM
www.AvTekValves.com www.AvTekValves.com
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2019 Av-Tek™
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® Valves