KS4 LeaP TVL 11 ACP 4thQ W3 Checked
KS4 LeaP TVL 11 ACP 4thQ W3 Checked
v n t y
2. Area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals.
a m
3. A thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account kept in writing or some other permanent form.
c r d
Inventory – in simple term it means keeping track of raw materials and finished products in stock. Agricultural inventory,
includes :
a. fertilizers,
b. pesticides
c. fuel or seeds that the farmers used in their production.
Inventory plays a key role and importance to farmers to know the right amount of items in stock at all times
Farm Record
A farm record is a document which is accustomed to keep the accounts of various activities, events, materials and etc. concerning the farm
operations. Farm records are totally different from farm accounts within the sense that farm accounts deal solely with the money aspects of all farm
operations. Farm accounts deal majorly with the farm expenditures and financial gain and facilitate farmer to calculate his business is doing.
Date Unit Qty Item In good condition Needs repair
5-31-2020 Pcs. 15 bolo 12 3
unit 1 hand cultivator with complete accessories
1 0
unit 1 Chain saw with complete accessories
1 0
Total 6, 320
Additional notes and observations:
3. Production Records.
- Production records are used to record everything that is produced in the farm.
- These records are prepared every week. Then, summed up at the end of the month and also at the end of the year.
4. Records For Farm Use.
- Used for recording the date the land was prepared for farming, the number of plots or hectares used in planting, the plants planted on the
farm and where they are planted.
5. Farm Expenditure Records.
- Farm expenditure records are used to keep a record of all expenditures
6. Workers Records.
- This is used to keep the record of staffs, their salaries, and payment.
- It is also known as labor record.
7. Vehicle Records
- It is used to keep a record of all vehicles used on the farm, petrol and oil used, and also any repairs and services with a corresponding
8. Sales record
- Sale record is used to keep the record of all sale production made the from farm
A. Assimilation ( 45 minutes)
Learning Task 4 :Performance task
Direction. Make your own inventory record of farm inputs, tools and equipment present in your farm/home. Take a photo
of farm inputs/ tools/equipment that you have and paste in a clean sheet of paper and attach them to the
table below. Copy and write your answer in a clean sheet of paper.
Farm Inputs/ Tools/ Equipment Quantity In good Needs repair Not
condition functional/not
Scoring rubrics
Criteria Score
Apt detection and remarks 30
Inclusion of correct photo 20
Total 50
VII. REFERENCES Glaiza Lyn M. Diez ; Shiela Mae E. Celiz ;Irene Rose P. Castillon, TLE (Agricultural Crop
Production) – Grade 7/8, Self Learning Modules – Module 6: Perform Record
Keeping, First Edition, 2020