Op No 13 - Understanding The Filipino Green Consumer
Op No 13 - Understanding The Filipino Green Consumer
The Occasional Paper Series (OPS) is a regular publication of the Ateneo Graduate
School of Business (AGSB) intended for the purpose of disseminating the views of
its faculty that are considered to be of value to the discipline, practice and teaching
of management and entrepreneurship. The OPS includes papers and analysis
developed as part of a research project, think pieces and articles written for national
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he popularity of the environmental movement during the
last few decades has led to a growth in “green marketing”
practices in many countries, including the Philippines.
Nevertheless, there is still a lack of substantive research
into the profile of the Filipino consumer as a marketing target
audience for products with eco-friendly claims.
Review of Literature
s McDonagh and Clark (1995) have pointed out, the
growth of concerns over the environment has led to
demand by consumers for products that have claimed to
be environmentally friendly (or “eco friendly”). Hence,
it is of great value to marketing practitioners to gain a deeper
understanding of the profile of green consumers.
Review of Literature
2. Group Design
Since the planned survey intended to create a representative
sample of the nationwide consumers, its design took into
account those variables that would influence the characteristics
of green consumers. Taking into consideration the issues raised
by Vicsek (2012) regarding the effect of the profiles of the
members of each group, the group design was further based on
variables relevant in affecting the discussion results.
a. Age
Studies by Memery, Megicks, and Williams (2005) as
well as by D’Souza, Taghian, Lamb, and Peretaitko (2007)
find younger people to be more sensitive to environmental
b. Gender
Studies have shown mixed findings on the effect of gender
on environmental attitudes. For instance, Ottman and
Reilly (1998), Memery et al. (2005), and do Paco, Raposo,
and Filho (2009) suggest that women exhibit greater
sensitivity toward and better perception of environmental
issues. However, studies by Mostafa (2007), D’Souza
et al. (2007) show that men possess deeper knowledge about
the environment.
c. Socio-economic Class
Ottman and Reilly (1998) suggest that those with above-
average income exhibit greater sensitivity to environmental
issues due to their lower sensitivity to the price differences
between eco-friendly and non-eco-friendly products.
d. Other Variables
There are other variables that tend to distinguish green
consumers from each other such as psychographics (see,
for example, do Paço, et al. (2009), disposition toward
environmental consumer practices, psychological needs, and
motives (Ottman & Reilly, 1998). However, for practical
reasons, these variables could not be used when grouping
the participants in the FGD sessions.
3. Discussion Guide
The FGD discussion guide (Appendix A) was based on
questions used in a number of studies on the green consumers
Detailed Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Detailed Analysis
• “Saves money.”
• “Safe for humans.”
• “It helps me live long and also for my kids.”
• “To ensure energy supply in the future.”
• “To prevent energy shortage (the shortage might cause
an increase in prices.”
Detailed Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Detailed Analysis
“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and
over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps
upon the earth’.”
This tenet from the bible could explain the attitude of most
participants in the present study with regard the relations
between man and nature. As one of them remarked in
response to the question on animal testing, “Anyway,
everything is given to us by God and we just need to be
responsible guardians.”
Detailed Analysis
Chan, R., Wong, Y. Y., & Leung, T. T. (2008). Applying ethical concepts to the
study of green consumer behavior: An analysis of Chinese consumers’
intentions to bring their own shopping bags. Journal of Business Ethics,
79(4), 469-481.
D’Souza, C., Taghian, M., Lamb, P., & Peretiatko, R. (2007). Green decisions:
Demographics and consumer understanding of environmental labels.
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(4), 371-376.
Edmunds, H. (1999). The focus group research handbook. New York, NY:
McGraw Hill Professional.
Elkington, J., Hailes, J. & Makower, J. (1990) The green consumer. New York,
NY: Penguin Books.
Greenbaum, T. (1988). The practical handbook and guide to focus group research.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Memery, J., Megicks, P., & Williams, J. (2005). Ethical and social responsibility
issues in grocery shopping: A preliminary typology. Qualitative Market
Research: An International Journal, 8(4), 399-412.
Schwartz, S. H. (1994). Are there universal aspects in the structure and contents
of human values? Journal of Social Issues, 50, 19–46.
Vicsek, L. (2012). A new look at the role of social influence, group composition
and setting: Reconsidering the typical practice for market research
focus groups. Romanian Journal of Marketing, (1), 2-8.
White, L. Jr. (1967). The historical roots of our ecological crisis. Science, 155,
Zepeda, L., & Li, J. (2007). Characteristics of organic food shoppers. Journal of
Agricultural and Applied Economics, 39, 17–28.
Zhang, J. Y. (1998). Tao, nature and environmental protection. Beijing, CH: Hua
Xia Publishing.
Appendix A
II. Behavior
1. Do you recognize this label? (Universal Recycling Logo)
2. Do you check if a product is labeled as eco-friendly before making a
3. Do you use a recycled shopping bag instead of a plastic bag when
4. By how much more are you willing to pay for eco-friendly products?
5. Do you prefer to buy energy-efficient household appliances?
6. Have you switched to another brand that is more eco-friendly?
7. Do you prefer recycled or biodegradable products?
8. Do you buy products in refillable containers?
9. Do you segregate your trash?
10. Do you reduce the amount of trash that you create?
Appendix B
Universal Recycling Symbol