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SIP Solutions For Commercial Construction: O R N L T E S T R E S U L T S

This document discusses the results of tests on structural insulated panels (SIPs) compared to traditional wood framed construction. It contains the following key points: 1) SIPs were found to be 90% more airtight than a comparable traditionally framed building, allowing only 9 cubic feet per minute of air leakage compared to 126 for wood. 2) SIP walls have a higher effective insulation value ("R-value") than comparable wood framed walls due to their continuous insulation and lack of thermal bridging. 3) Properly sealed SIP panel joints are integral to the high performance and airtightness of SIP construction. When sealed, they prevent air infiltration and moisture issues that can compromise durability.
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47 views2 pages

SIP Solutions For Commercial Construction: O R N L T E S T R E S U L T S

This document discusses the results of tests on structural insulated panels (SIPs) compared to traditional wood framed construction. It contains the following key points: 1) SIPs were found to be 90% more airtight than a comparable traditionally framed building, allowing only 9 cubic feet per minute of air leakage compared to 126 for wood. 2) SIP walls have a higher effective insulation value ("R-value") than comparable wood framed walls due to their continuous insulation and lack of thermal bridging. 3) Properly sealed SIP panel joints are integral to the high performance and airtightness of SIP construction. When sealed, they prevent air infiltration and moisture issues that can compromise durability.
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Airtightness relates SIP solutions for

directly to durability and
energy efficiency.
commercial construction
An integral part of the SIP building
system is properly sealed joints. One
reason for the high performance of
the SIP test room is that the joints
were properly sealed. When panel
joints are sealed properly to prevent
air infiltration and exfiltration,
moisture is prevented from entering
the building envelope and long-term
SIP walls trounce conventional fiberglass methods in
durability and energy efficiency
“whole-wall R-value” comparisons.
is ensured.
This chart shows a realistic comparison between SIP wall and stud
wall thermal performance. Superior design enables even a 4-inch SIP
wall to outperform the fatter 2x6 stud wall, despite the stud wall’s
nominally higher-rated insulation. The 4-inch SIP wall beats the 2x4
Recent tests at Oak Ridge
stud wall by R-4, providing 40% more thermal resisitance.
National Laboratory (ORNL)
confirm the super Whole Wall R-value comparisons between 3.5 inch EPS core
airtightness of SIP SIP wall and conventional 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 wood frame walls with
construction. fiberglass batt insulation.

Taco Bell
Source: Jan Kośny, André Desjarlais, and Jeff Christian, ORNL. From Figure 9,
Under blower door testing, a room Whole Wall Rating/Label for Structural Insulated Panel: Steady-State Thermal
with four-inch SIP walls, a SIP ceiling, Analysis. June 4, 1999.
a window, a door, pre-routed wiring
chases, and electrical outlets showed * Test shows that in the “worst case commonly found of
90% less air leakage than an otherwise procedures for installing batt insulation” the performance drops to
identical room built with 2x6 studs, R-11. This is a result of common installation imperfections such as
OSB sheathing, fiberglass insulation, “rounded shoulders, 2% cavity voids, compression around wiring,
and drywall. At 50 pascals of negative and paper facers stapled to the inside of studs.”
pressure, the wood-framed room From Table 4, How Imperfections Affect the Whole Wall R-value of 2 x 6
leaked 126 cubic feet of air per minute Batt-Insulated Wall. ORNL.
(CFM), while the SIP room was P.O. Box 39848
calculated to leak only 9 CFM. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339
ph 253.858.7472
e-mail info@sips.org
Visit us on the web at

Form No. 04-21 • September 2004

Building with SIPs solves many of the
problems designers, builders, and building
owners face every day. Here are a few
examples of current concerns heard across
the country and some solutions building
with SIPs provides.
tree species such as aspen and southern yellow wood-frame construction in “Whole-Wall Not only do test results show panels are
pine, a renewable resource. The foam core R-Value.” See nearby tables. Continuous stronger than wood-framed construction, but
Speeds Construction Time insulation has extremely low vapor improvement research efforts show that SIP performance during natural disasters has
permeability, and no physical degradation buildings can achieve energy efficiency proven it time and again.
As a builder facing escalating costs for workers over time. The SIP improvements in the 70% range when
compensation and insurance premiums, I’m Because of the inherent airtightness of the
system is 15 times combined with other energy-efficient systems
looking for ways to reduce construction time and SIP building system, and proper joint sealing,
more airtight than such as energy-efficient hot water heaters
control my labor costs without compromising the moisture is prevented from entering the
typical wood-frame and well-designed HVAC systems.
quality I provide for my clients. How can building envelope and long-term durability
building with SIPs help me control costs and SIPs’ superior thermal performance is ensured.
resulting in much
improve my financial performance? significantly limits air infiltration, reducing
less energy loss.
heating and cooling system costs, while
Building with That puts SIP Temperature Control
increasing comfort. An added benefit is much
SIPs speeds up construction on
lower energy bills for your clients. Temperature control is a key consideration for
construction time WARREN WILSON COLLEGE ECODORM better terms with
the environment many commercial buildings. How can building
dramatically saving with SIPs help?
labor costs, throughout its total life cycle, making it a key Strong and Durable
reducing loan cost component of sustainable building practices The superior
and qualifying SIPs for most green Our operation is based in a part of the country
overhead, pilferage, climate control
building programs. that gets a lot of snow in the winter and more
and waste disposal offered by SIPs
than our share of storms and high winds year-
costs. Faster Other environmental benefits include a is a result of
TEWKSBURY COUNTRY CLUB round. How do SIPs stand up to severe
construction with reduction in the size and cost of the heating high thermal
weather conditions?
less labor reduced and cooling distribution system, and greatly performance and
construction time and costs, providing an reduced job site waste. SIP buildings can low air infiltration
opportunity to build more projects in a year, be engineered to inherent in SIP
resulting in greater profit opportunities for meet or exceed construction.
your company. Saves Energy building code Using a heat
requirements in recovery
Since SIPs are extremely energy efficient, My client is very concerned about energy costs.
all areas of the ventilation system
you will also pay less for the heating and air How can building with SIPs ensure low
country susceptible will enable precise
conditioning systems. Other savings will monthly energy bills?
to severe storms control of the air
result from fewer callbacks, less finishing and Buildings in and hurricanes. that enters your
trim cost because walls are consistently developed SCHOOL
building and is
straight and flat. SIPs can be
countries are vented. SIP
engineered to meet or exceed just about any
responsible for construction also
building design requirements for severe storm
Environmentally Friendly 40-50% of all allows for smaller,
and high wind areas. Structurally, a structural
delivered energy CRAVE BROTHERS CHEESE more efficient
My client wants an environmentally sound, insulated panel is similar to a steel I-beam.
and the majority HVAC systems
“green” building. What are the green attributes The skins are adhesively bonded to a solid
of energy use that save on first cost and gets the job done
of SIP construction? foam core over the entire panel surface. The
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA (60% on average) using less energy, significantly reducing
PACIFIC HARBOR COUNCIL skins act like the flanges of an I-beam, and the
In addition to the lower energy use of SIP is heating energy. heating and cooling costs and creates a quiet,
rigid core provides the web of the I-beam
buildings resulting in fewer carbon emissions, The SIP building draft-free environment that improves
configuration. This composite assembly
SIPs are made with environmentally safe system reduces energy consumption by 50%. employee comfort and productivity.
results in increased stiffness, shear strength,
materials including oriented strand board Ongoing research at Oak Ridge National
and predictable performance. During site
(OSB), foam insulation and sealants. OSB Laboratory shows that in terms of real
assembly, the panel edges are fastened to OSB
skins are made using smaller, faster growing performance, a careful comparison of wall
or lumber splines, further strengthening the
systems shows SIPs out perform traditional
overall structure.

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