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Design and Development of Four Way Hacksaw Machine: Umesh Nachan Rohit Singh Rutij Phaltankar

The document describes the design and development of a four way hacksaw machine. The machine was created to increase production efficiency by allowing four metal bars to be cut simultaneously rather than using single-cut machines. It uses a circular cam and connecting rods to convert the rotational motion of a motor into reciprocating motion that drives the four hacksaw blades. The system architecture and components are explained, including the frame, motor, cam mechanism, and design calculations to ensure structural integrity during operation. The four way hacksaw machine aims to reduce labor needs and increase output in manufacturing applications.

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Pankaj Gautam
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24 views4 pages

Design and Development of Four Way Hacksaw Machine: Umesh Nachan Rohit Singh Rutij Phaltankar

The document describes the design and development of a four way hacksaw machine. The machine was created to increase production efficiency by allowing four metal bars to be cut simultaneously rather than using single-cut machines. It uses a circular cam and connecting rods to convert the rotational motion of a motor into reciprocating motion that drives the four hacksaw blades. The system architecture and components are explained, including the frame, motor, cam mechanism, and design calculations to ensure structural integrity during operation. The four way hacksaw machine aims to reduce labor needs and increase output in manufacturing applications.

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Pankaj Gautam
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Design and Development of Four Way Hacksaw Machine

Umesh Nachan Rohit Singh Rutij Phaltankar

UG Student, UG Student, UG Student,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
SRTTC, Kamshet, Pune. SRTTC, Kamshet, Pune. SRTTC, Kamshet, Pune.

Ajay Prasad Prof. Rohit Patil

UG Student, Professor,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
SRTTC, Kamshet, Pune. SRTTC, Kamshet, Pune.

Abstract: Some of the very common examples of fast moving

There are many industrial applications where round Objects are aero planes, high speed cars and many more.
bar or square bars are required to be operated on In our everyday life we come across many fast moving
different machines to make machine components such vehicles and so it is very important to measure the speed
as Shafts, Bolts, and Screws etc. This needs more and of these vehicles.
more number of pieces to be cut for mass production of
those components. To achieve this goal the Multi-way This is an era of automation where it is broadly defined
power hacksaw machine is developed. This paper as replacement of manual effort by mechanical power in
proposes the model of multi-way hacksaw machine all degrees of automation. The operation remains an
which is able to cut four pieces simultaneously essential part of the system although with changing
without any jerk and minimum vibrations. The demands on physical input as the degree of
model implies conversion of rotary motion into the mechanization is increased.
reciprocating motion for proper working of
hacksaw. This model overcomes the limitations of In present condition many electrically operated power
conventional hacksaw machines which can cut single hacksaw machines of different companies with
piece at a time. It is able to cut metal bars of different different specifications are available for the use in shop
materials at same time and will be helpful in floor. These machines are so precise that they can
many industries due its compatibility, reliability and cut metal bars with minimum time made up of
efficiency. We want to Manufacture Four Way Hack- different materials but they have one and major
saw Machine Specially For Cutting Operation. For disadvantage that those are able to cut single piece of bar
That We Have Manufacture Hacksaw Machine Which at a time. For industries to achieve the mass
Is Used For Cutting Four Job At Simultaneously. We production, it is necessary to cut metal bars with high
Can Save Labor Time And Increase Production Rate rate. So it is impossible to depend upon
And Since It Is Automatic, We Can Use It In Industry conventional single frame power hacksaw machines
Very Easily Where Availability Of Labor Is Very Less. and need the improvement in technology and
design of such machines. With the help of this
Keywords: Multi way hacksaw, slider crank multi-way power hacksaw machine the four metal
mechanism, hacksaw machine, etc. bars can be cut simultaneously to get high speed
cutting rate and to achieve mass production for
INTRODUCTION: maximum profit in related companies. As this
The world today is moving ahead at a very fast pace. machine overcomes all the limitations and drawbacks

Page 91
of conventional hacksaw machines, it is also helpful SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE:
for small scale industries due to its simple working and The experimental setup of our project consists of a frame
operating conditions along with its compatibility, on which the hacksaw blades are mounted. The hacksaw
efficiency and affordable price. blades are mounted on the four sides of the frame. The
circular cam plate is mounted in the centre of the frame
LITERATUREREVIEW: which is operated by a motor. The power to the motor is
2.1 Four Way Hacksaw Machine-A Review Prof. given with the help of an AC supply. Connecting rods
Sameer Verma1, Parvez Raza are used to connect the cam wheel and the hacksaw
In this project work and effort has been made to develop blades. The cam mechanism is used to convert the rotary
a modernized four way hacksaw machine and less stress motion into the reciprocating motion.
full operation for cutting wood, metal and plastic
materials. The aim of this work is to develop a hacksaw Hence when the motor is switched on, the power from
machine that will use a less effort to produce uniform the motor is delivered to the cam wheel. The cam wheel
cutting of PVC pipes, metals, wood. It is also done to rotates such that the hack saw blades reciprocate. The
show the performance difference between hands driven, work pieces are mounted on the machine vice firmly and
pedal drive and four way hacksaw machine. the entire system is switched on. Thus the four work
pieces are cut simultaneously using the motor and the
Rishi Anand, Ankit Kumar Mishra, Shubham Singh,
Alok Verma
This paper presents the fabrication and concept of four
way hacksaw blade machine mainly carried out for
production based industries. Industries are basically
meant for production of useful goods and services at low
production cost, Machinery cost and low inventory cost.
This project consists of a crank and slider mechanism,
linear bushing.

2.3 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF MULTI-WAY Fig: schematic of project

Prashant R. , Rathod Nayan J, Rahate Prashant P, Halaye COMPONENT DETAILS:
Prashant P, Surve Sachin S. FRAME:
There are many industrial applications where round bar Base frame design: WE design a basic frame for a
or square bars are required to be operated on different prototype by mild steel channel (L beam), L Channel-
machines to make machine components such as Shafts, MS Angles are L-shaped structural steel represented by
Bolts, Screws, etc. This needs more and more number of dimension of sides & thickness. For e.g. 25x25x3 means,
pieces to be cut for mass production of those both the sides of angles are 25 mm & thickness is of 3
components. To achieve this goal the Multi-way power mm. There are various sizes of angles which are as
hacksaw machine is developed. This paper proposes the follows :-( there are also equal & unequal angles). Equal
model of multi-way hacksaw machine which is able to angles: - They are angles having both the sides of equal
cut four pieces simultaneously without any jerk and dimensions. For e.g. refer below given diagram, in
minimum vibrations. which both the sides are of dimensions “a”.

Page 92
2. Design of plate:

Fig. Plate
Fig. base frame dimensions in mm
A.C.Motor: Bending moment(M)=force *perpendicular distance
An AC motor is an electric motor driven by an =10*400*9.81
alternating current (AC). The AC motor commonly
consists of two basic parts, an outside stationary stator Bending moment(M)=29430Nmm
having coils supplied with alternating current to produce I=((b(h^3)))/12=675mm4
a rotating magnetic field, and an inside rotor attached to Y=3/2 =1.5mm
the output shaft producing a second rotating magnetic
field. The rotor magnetic field may be produced by Therefore above value use in equation,
permanent magnets, reluctance saliency, or ACor AC 29430/675=σb/1.5
electrical windings. Therefore, σb=65.4Nmm
65.4<105 Hence design is safe.
Circular Disc:
In mechanical engineering, an eccentric is a circular disk 3. Design of disc:
fixed to a rotating axle with its centre offset from that of
the axle (hence the word "eccentric", out of the centre).
It is used to convert rotary motion. In this project
circular disc using because of rotary motion. It is
connected to shaft.

Design calculations
Base frame safety design
M/I=σb/y… ……………………………….(6)
Bending moment(M)=force *perpendicular distance
=30*300*9.81 Fig.disc
Bending moment(M)=88290Nmm
I=((b(h^3)))/12 =32552.08mm4 M/I=σb/y
Y=25/2 =12.5 Bending moment(M)=force *perpendicular distance
Therefore above value use in equation no(6).
88290/32552.08=σb/12.5 Bending moment(M)=3924Nmm
Therefore, σb=33.90Nmm 33.90<105 I=((M(R^2)))/4 =39240mm4
Hence design is safe. Y=80/2 =40

Page 93
Therefore above value use in equation no(8). Technology, Vol.3, No.4, April 2015.
Therefore, σb=4Nmm, 4<105 Hence design is safe. [4] Prof. Nitinchandra R. Patel, Mohammad A.
Vasanwala, Balkrushna B.Jani, Miteshkumar D. Rathwa,
ADVANTAGES AND APPLICATIONS: Ravi A. Thakkar,” Material Selection and Testing of
ADAVANTAGES Hacksaw Blade Based on Mechanical properties”,
 Four Blades can operate at the same time. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
 Hence saves time. Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2319-8753, volume
 Saves labor required. 2, Issue6, June 2013.
 Increases productivity
[5]Gadhiya, Hiren, Bhargav Maheta, Hardik Dattani,
APPLICATIONS Yash Makadiya, and Ramshi Gojiya. "4 WAY
 In small scale industries of manufacturing and HACKSAW MACHINE." (2015).
 In colleges and professional workshops etc. [6] O.Cakir, A. Yardimen, T. Ozben, “Selection of
cutting fluids in machining processes”, Journal of
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE: Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing
As per the above discussion we concluded that to Engineering, volume 25, Issue 2, December 2007.
overcome problems in conventional hacksaw machines,
due to high efficiency, easy to operate and affordable
price the proposed model of multi-way power hacksaw
machine is helpful and completes all the expectations
needed in the mini industries.

Future scope of proposed research work to increase the

production rate, cuts the metal bars easily. It can
withstand the vibrations, no hazards from jerk, no
special training required to operate it.

[1] Prof. Sameer Verma, Parvez Raza "Four Way
Hacksaw Machine-A Review." IJARIIE, Vol-2 Issue-3

[2]Rishi Anand, Ankit Kumar Mishra, Shubham Singh,

Issue-3 2016.

[3] Prof. Kshirsagar Prashant R., Rathod Nayan J,

Rahate Prashant P, Halaye Prashant P, "Theoretical
Analysis of Multi-Way Power Hacksaw
Machine."International Journal of Research in Advent

Page 94

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