SDF104 Pretest William Lloyd Maloloy On
SDF104 Pretest William Lloyd Maloloy On
I. Multiple Choice
B 1. It is a VB.NET program that uses the command-prompt console for input and output.
D 3. It is one of the concepts of OOP that helps you to manage the complexity of a program.
a. Polymorphism b. Inheritance
c. Abstraction d. Encapsulation
A 4. Also known as “many forms”, ___________ is the ability of one program element to be
used in many different situations.
a. Polymorphism b. Inheritance
c. Abstraction d. Encapsulation
a. Console.Write() b. Console.Writeline()
c. Console.WriteLine() d. Console.writeLine()
A 7. ___________ is a method that will read the console input from the user, up until the
next newline is detected.
a. Console.ReadLine() b. Console.readline()
c. Console.Readline() d. Console.Read()
a. true b. false
a. true b. false
A 11. A class declared as Public can be accessed by any programs in the current assembly
as well as by any linked-in assembly.
a. true b. false
A 12. It is a Repetition Statement that loops through a set of statements “while” as tested
expression is True.
a. Class b. Destructor
c. Constructor d. Initializers
D 14. It is a variable whose value is assigned when it is declared and whose value cannot
be changed.
a. Initializers b. Constructor
a. true b. false
B 17. ____________ are In the .Net Framework, the garbage collector automatically
manages the allocation and release of memory for the managed objects in your application.
a. Class b. Destructor
c. Constructor d. Initializers
B 18. ____________ enables you to create a new class that reuses, extends, and modifies
the behavior that is defined in another class.
a. Polymorphism b. Inheritance
c. Abstraction d. Encapsulation
II. Identification
For loop 21. A repetition statement that is used when you want to express the idea that the loop
should run “until” the test expression becomes true.
Procedures 23. Are used most often to perform frequent tasks that take several lines of
code to write.
Recursive Procedures 24. Is one that calls itself as part of its definition.
Class 25. Is a mechanism for maintaining a strict separation between code and data.
Classes and Objects 26. Is the primary means of implementing OOP in VB.NET.
Imports System 27. This keyword is used to import a namespace to your project.
Overrides 29. This keyword is used to mark that a function is overriding some base class