OBE Syllabus in CC 19 (TTL in The Elem. Grades)
OBE Syllabus in CC 19 (TTL in The Elem. Grades)
Course Title Technology for Teaching and Learning in the Course Code: CC 19
Elementary Grades
Course This course is designed for prospective teachers to develop and use digital and non-digital teaching-learning resources using
Description technology tools appropriate in various subject areas in the elementary level. Further, the course will provide opportunities for
students to use technology tools to develop individual and project-based collaborative activities and assessment tasks and share
resources among communities of practice. It also includes information and communication technology (ICT) policies and safety
issues, media and technology in various content areas, learning theories and principles in the use and design of learning lessons
that utilize appropriate traditional and innovative technologies with social, ethical and legal responsibility in the use of technology
tools and resources. This course is designed for prospective teachers to develop and use digital and non-digital teaching-learning
resources using technology tools appropriate in various subject areas in the elementary level. Further, the course will provide
opportunities for students to use technology tools to develop individual and project-based collaborative activities and assessment
tasks and share resources among communities of practice. It also includes information and communication technology (ICT)
policies and safety issues, media and technology in various content areas, learning theories and principles in the use and design
of learning lessons that utilize appropriate traditional and innovative technologies with social, ethical and legal responsibility in the
use of technology tools and resources.
SY/Semester 2020-2021 2nd Semester Credit Units 3 units = 3hours lecture/week
PO1 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas
PO1 Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge of the different subject areas
PO1 Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes
PO1 Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate
7 learning and teaching
PO1 Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as professional
Nationalistic PO5 Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (Based on RA 7722)
IGO3. Effective PO1 Articulate and discuss the latest development in the specific field of practice
Communicator Effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and in writing
Information Literate PO2
PO1 Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant and sustainable
0 educational practices
PO1 Articulate and discuss the latest development in the specific field of practice
IGO4. Morally PO1 Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities
and Socially 2
IGO2. Life-long PO3 Work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary
Learner and multi-cultural teams.
Committed PO4 Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
PO1 Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-
3 based opportunities
PO1 Manifest desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: main@nwssu.edu.ph
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Aside from the major course outputs stated above, this course requires two (2) major exams: midterm and final examinations. In addition, each of the topics will require
you to perform outputs.
To pass this course, one must accumulate at least 75 points through the course requirements discussed above. The maximum points that a student can obtain through
each requirement are shown below:
Time Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) BTIs Content Suggested Teaching Learning Suggested Assessment BTIs
Allotment Activities
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: main@nwssu.edu.ph
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Week 1-2 a. Define basic concepts in 1.1.1 Review of Technology for · PowerPoint-based game on · Concept map: 1.1.1
understanding ICT in education [A] Teaching and Learning defining important terms: Individually,
A. Definition of Basic Students play the students must synthesize
b. Determine the roles of ICT in 1.1.1 Concepts and PowerPoint-based game on the sessions by coming up
Teaching for Learning Important Terms the basic concepts and roles with an originalconcept
of ICT in Teaching and map that will demonstrate
1.1.1 B. Roles of ICT
c. Identify learning theories, Learning prepared by the how they see the
[A] in Teaching
principles and researches teacher. connections among
applied in the use and design of for Learning different topics. The
learning lessons with technology C. Theories and · Interactive lecture- concept map is
Principles in the Use discussion and image accompanied by a one-
d. Determine the different 1.1.1 and Design of analysis of the paragraph explanation.
technology driven [A]
Technology Driven different models: The
teaching- learning models objective of this activity is to
Learning Lessons
enable the students to
(Dale’s Cone of
explain to their fellow
Experience, TPACK, classmates the salient ideas
ASSURE, SAMR; about the different models
Mayer’s [2009] of technology integration
Principles for the introduced to them in TTL 1.
Selection of The teacher and the entire
class will rectify if there are
Technology for
Educational Use:
authenticity, cost,
interest, organization
and balance)
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: main@nwssu.edu.ph
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Week a. Enumerate the national ICT 1.1.1 ICT Policies and Safety Issues · Presentation of information · Rubrics for infographic 1.1.1
3-4 policies [A] in Teaching and Learning gathered on the different and
affecting classroom practices A. ICT national or policies and safety issues ICT policies contextualized
international policies ICT for classroom use: These
b. Describe the implementation of 1.1.1 that are applicable to Students will discuss ICT be used by the teacher in
ICT policies in teaching-learning [A] teaching and policies and safety issues assessing these outputs.
learning using their original
c. Identify ICT policies that are 1.1.1 B. Safety Issues in ICT infographics.
incorporated to the design and [A]
implementation of teaching- Uses of ICT Policies in the
• Crafting ICT Classroom
learning activities Teaching and Learning Policies: Students formulate
a sound ICT classroom policy
that may be implemented in
their classroom in the future.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: main@nwssu.edu.ph
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Week 5-6 a. Join online communities 1.1.1 Online Communities of • Hands-on activities for • Using a checklist: The 1.1.1
of learning [A] Learnin students’ online students must
b. Use resources from relevant g e.g. membership: Students accomplish a checklist on
mailing lists and online resources 4.5.1 a. Facebook participate in a workshop how to evaluate online
[C] b. Twitter facilitated by the teacher communities of learning
c. Instagram with the objective of and online resources.
d. Webinar enabling them to go through
the step-by-step process of
Online Resources joining communities of
a. Opensource learning.
b. Multimedia
resources; video sites • Listing of online resources
c. Finding images and their use in the
a. Music and audio; classroom/ teaching-
webcasts learning process: Students
b. Locate web sources locate and download
by topic relevant online resources
that may be utilized in their
Week 7-8 a. Describe technology tools that are 1.1.1 Collaborative Projects • Plenary discussion: The • Unit plan writing: A unit 1.1.1,
used in group activities [A] teacher will give a lecture on plan made by groups must 4.1.1
Technology Tools for the what and how of be made as evidence of
b. Use technology tools to Collaborative Work technology tools for learning. At the very least,
4.5.1 a. Google Suite (docs, collaborative work. it
collaborate and share resources [C] drive, classroom) b. must allow elementary
among communities of practice
Edmodo grade pupils to collaborate
with one another.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: main@nwssu.edu.ph
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
c. bubbl.us · Guideddemonstration:
c. Wikispaces Students will explore and use
d. Others the suggested technology
tools for collaborative work
with the guidance of the
teacher. The class may be
asked to bring their own
gadgets or may use the
available resource center/
laboratory of the school.
Week 9 a. Articulate digital safety rules that 1.1.1, Digital Safety Rules · Forum discussion on digital · Digital safety rules for their 1.1.1
ensure child online safety 1.3.1 Rule 1: Research before you safety rules: Students class: Done in groups, 1.3.1
[A,E] register. conduct their individual students will formulate
Rule 2: Discriminate. research on the subject a guide on digital safety
Rule 3: Think before typing. matter. The class will be rules that they may
Rule 4: Require ID. arranged as if it is in a forum consider using in their
Rule 5: Trust your gut. where anyone can share their future classroom. A
knowledge and teacher-made rubric
understanding about the will be used to assess
topic while the teacher this output.
moderates the discussion.
Week a. Select, design and create digital 4.5.1 Digital and Conventional · Student-led discussion: The · Rubrics for Student- 4.5.1
10-14 learning materials designed to [C] Learning Materials to class will conduct group led
Discussion 5.1.1
enhance teaching-learning and Enhance Teaching-Learning research on conventional Demonstration
assessment materials identified as The teacher will use these
b. Showcase the appropriate use of A. Digital Learning appropriate and feasible in a rubrics together with
resources 5.1.1 Resources given teaching-learning student/s who sit as co-
different learning [D]
through a teaching demonstration 1. Google Docs context. They will create a critic/s will give feedback
2. Youtube handout that contains the (peer assessment) to the
3. Survey Monkey essential information about student-led discussion and
4. Word clouds the assigned learning demonstration teaching
5. Audios resource. conducted.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: main@nwssu.edu.ph
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
6. Videos
1. Slide presentations/ · Microteaching: This
narrated slideshows activity, done either individually
or in team, highlights the use of
Week a. Select, design and create 4.5.1 Digital and Conventional • Student-led discussion: The • Rubrics for Student-led 4.5.1
15-17 conventional learning materials [ C ] Learning Materials to class will conduct group Discussion and 5.1.1
designed to enhance teaching- Enhance Teaching-Learning research on conventional Demonstration Teaching:
learning materials identified as The teacher will use these
b. Showcase the appropriate use of 5.1.1 B. Conventional appropriate and feasible in a rubrics together with
different learning resources [ C ] Learning Resources given teaching-learning student/s who sit as co-
through a teaching demonstration 1. Manipulatives (realia context. They will create a critic/s will give feedback
and models or mock- handout that contains the (peer assessment) to the
ups) essential information about student-led discussion
2. Printed materials the assigned learning and demonstration
(handouts, study resource. teaching conducted.
flashcards, big • Microteaching: This activity,
books) done either individually or
3. Charts/ graphs and in team, highlights the use
posters of assigned conventional
4. Wall display learning resources. Prior to
this, students are expected
to consult with the course
instructor for proper
guidance in the preparation
of lesson plan and learning
resource. Students will
integrate an existing
learning resource and
design/ create an
original one that they
will demonstrate in class.
Week 18 a. Synthesize what they learned from 1.1.1 Course Synthesis and • The class may not meet • Rubric for Portfolio: A 1.1.1
the course through the portfolio 4.1.1 Finalization of Portdolio face-to-face anymore. This teacher-made rubric will 4.1.1
4.5.1 week may be devoted for be used in assessing the 4.5.1
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: main@nwssu.edu.ph
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Date Submitted:______________________________