The Table of Plot Twists
The Table of Plot Twists
othing is sweeter than the look on your d6 Plot Twist
players' faces whenever you drop that big, 1 A trusted wizard of the king assassinates his ruler and
mind-blowing plot twist! Their jaws drop, places a horrible curse over the throne.
their eyes go wide, and then with a big grin,
you just say "and that is where we are 2 The characters are sent as ambassadors to a waring
nation, but one character is secretly sent to assassinate
going to end this session", followed up by a the other nation's ruler.
resounding groan from all the players at
the table. In a game all about storytelling, it is these big, 3 Receiving an invitation from the king to celebrate their
unexpected moments that make for a truly memorable tale. recent achievement, the party arrives just in time to be
framed for his murder.
4 The leaders of the two warring nations are actually the
What is a Plot Twist? same person, a powerful magic-user who changes his
appearance and wants war for dark reasons.
One of the most difficult things about telling a story in an age
filled with movies, TV shows, comic books, and novels is 5 The king is an immortal who has lived thousands of
successfully surprising your viewers (or in this case, players) years, feeding off the life of his subjects to sustain his
with a dramatic story moment that they didn't see coming. life.
People are becoming better at predicting the outcome of a 6 There is no war, and all the soldiers that have been
story, having seen so many tricks before. drafted are being taken for nefarious reasons.
And yet, being able to catch the audience off guard is part
of what makes a story so special. It is that big reveal moment Twists About the Characters
that people remember most. Game of Thrones fans will
relate with conversations about "where were you when the Their Family
Red Wedding happened"! Everyone loves to be surprised and d6 Plot Twist
kept on the edge of their seat, and as storytellers, it is our job 1 The character was actually adopted, and their real
to make this happen! parents were very well-known people.
2 The character has a sibling they didn't know they had.
How to Use This Guide 3 The character has no real parents, as they were born
This document is meant to be used as a tool to help through a ritual or some other strange process.
brainstorm big story moments for a campaign, book, or other 4 The character's ancient ancestor was someone of great
type of story, though it is most targeted at Tabletop RPG evil, or perhaps great renown.
players. Some of the twists offered in the sections below 5 The character has the blood of fiends, fey, or another
require prior planning, while others can be done at the drop strange and ancient race, and it is beginning to affect
of a hat. It is your job as the storyteller to decide which plot them in interesting ways.
twists fit your story, and how to execute them. 6 The character has a twin that they never knew existed.
The guide is broken down into headings that help to Works best by suddenly revealing a character that
categorize the type of twists below, so that it is easier to find looks identical to them.
the inspiration you need. The tables also offer roll numbers if
you decide to live dangerously and roll for stories. Their Past
d6 Plot Twist
Twists About the World
1 Someone they believe dead is actually still alive.
Ancient History
2 They are searching for someone, but what they do not
d6 Plot Twist yet know is that they are the very person they are
1 The world is really a giant experiment being run by the seeking.
gods, and people are the variables. 3 They saw something wrong in their past. What they
2 The world is caught in an endless time cycle of thought had happened was not what really happened.
creation and destruction. 4 Someone from their past returns suddenly, just in time
3 The people of the world came from a different world, to throw an unexpected kink into the character's plan.
migrating to this one as their old home was destroyed. 5 Their memories of the past were actually fabricated by
4 The world was one big continent before a great a powerful magic-user in order to hide the truth or to
disaster happened that shattered the land apart. influence them a certain way.
5 An ancient tribe accidently cast a curse upon the entire 6 The character is thrust back into the past and has a
world which has been slowly draining it of all magic. chance to change their own past, but at what cost?
6 The world is connected to other worlds by gateways
that only certain people can open.
Political Landscape
Relationships Twists for Dungeons
d6 Plot Twist
Dungeon Features
1 Their friend is not truly their friend, and they have been d6 Plot Twist
using them this whole time to achieve a mysterious
goal. 1 The dungeon is not what it seems. It is actually inside a
monster's belly, part of a greater structure, or another
2 Someone they care deeply for suddenly dies, or is such twist.
taken away from them (someone unexpected, not the
predicable choice). 2 The dungeon has an ancient history that reveals itself
in the present with dangerous effect.
3 They must make a hard choice between a relationship
with another character or accomplishing an important 3 The trap is actually a distraction from a much larger
goal they have worked so hard to reach. danger.
4 Something happens that causes the character to 4 There is a being in this dungeon that first tests the
question their relationship with another character in party, and then decides them to be a true threat.
the story.
5 The dungeon is outside of time, walking further into
5 Someone the character cares about learns something the past as one delves deeper.
from the character's past that causes them to doubt or
question the character and their true motives. 6 The dungeon is in the mind of the characters, never
having existed at all. Perhaps a test of the Gods, or a
6 The character accidently harms or kills another dream of prophesy.
character that they care deeply for.
d6 Plot Twist
1 The character finds a powerful item that turns out to
be cursed or enchanted. Getting rid of the item is not
enough to break the curse or enchantment that is
upon them.
2 The item is possessed by a spirit, demon, or mind that
befriends the character, though it may have ulterior
3 The character finds an item with the name of someone
from their past inscribed on it.
4 Something the character owns mysteriously vanished.
Was it stolen, was it there to begin with?
5 Something the character has contains a secret
compartment that holds something they have been
searching for.
6 The character finds a clue to an item that will help
their current situation, but the location of the item
might get complicated.
Twists in Combat
During Battle
d6 Plot Twist
1 A familiar foe suddenly enters the battle, turning the
tide of the fight.
2 The characters battle a foe that is later revealed to have
been a friend.
3 A character is cursed or hypnotized and begins to
attack their allies instead of their enemies. Works best
if the player maintains control of the character as they
attack their companions.
4 A great enemy attempts to escape, turning the battle
into a chase.
5 In order to reach an important objective, the party
must battle a reluctant ally to the death, or else give up
the prize.
6 An important character suddenly becomes caught in
the crossfire of the battle, forcing the party to save
them or else risk losing them.