Ancient Apocalypse: A 24Xx Hack by Oz Browning
Ancient Apocalypse: A 24Xx Hack by Oz Browning
Roll a d6 skill die — higher with a relevant skill, Take two skills at d8 or one at d10:
or d4 if hindered by hunger, injury, sickness, or
circumstance. If helped by circumstance, roll an 1 Craft 7 Medicine
extra d6; if helped by an friend, they roll their 2 Diplomacy 8 Oration
skill die and share the risk. Take the highest die. 3 Discipline 9 Persuasion
4 Haggling 10 Reading
1–2 DISASTER. 5 Incantation 11 Ritual
Suffer the full risk. Referee decides if you 6 Law 12 Strategy
succeed at all. If risking death, you die.
3–4 SETBACK. The earth was flattened by fiery wind and
A lesser consequence or partial success. If rushing water. Old ways were abandoned one
risking death, you’re maimed. by one, until only survival remained.
The cover art – The End of the World by John Martin (1851-1853) – is free of known copyright restrictions.
1 Euphrates, the good river, source of fish, 1 A group of pilgrims require an escort to the
mud, and other building materials. banks of the Tigris.
2 The Gods Wood, the last stand of cedars to 2 A great herd of oxen is sighted across the
survive the apocalypse. Shattered Land.
3 The City of Kish, a new kingdom that seeks 3 A neighbouring community comes to you
dominion over southern lands. for help, they have something you need.
4 The Fire Mother Desert, and the promise of 4 An emissary of a distant kingdom is lost
trade and safety beyond. nearby, beset by bandits.
5 The First Mountains, rolling stony hills and 5 An empty boat floats down the river,
a reliable source of bronze. carrying wine and salted meat.
6 The Freehold of Akkad, home to rebel 6 Rumours tell of a branch of the Gods Wood
mercenaries from Kish. far to the east, untouched by apocalypse.
7 The Second Mountains, home to a struggling 7 There is a surplus of something that could
community much like your own. be traded to the right people.
8 The Seventh Mountains, impassable jagged 8 Traders visit from a settlement to the north,
peaks to the north that claw at the heavens. but what they want you don’t yet have.
9 The Shattered Land, south towards the 9 You find a source of something scarce, in a
distant sea, ruined by the Apocalypse. dangerous place.
10 Tigris, the swift river, a site of pilgrimage for 10 You meet someone forgotten who believes
those who honour the old gods. they are in your debt.
1 A charismatic youth challenges the leader of 1 A cruel immortal arrives in the company of
your community. lions, and swiftly gathers a following.
2 A child goes missing, and the community 2 A hierophant threatens your community,
mobilises to find them. declaring it an affront to the gods.
3 A disagreement between two members of 3 A pale rider from the cult of the court of
the community turns to violence. death demands a terrible tribute.
4 A faction within the community demands to 4 A plague of waking death sweeps over the
be heard. community, the victims moan and claw..
5 A tool or weapon breaks beyond your 5 Stone Ones are sighted in the First
community’s means to repair. Mountains, a worrying omen.
6 People in the community want to move to 6 The earth heaves and struggles like a raging
pastures new, or to stop moving. bull, shattering your works.
7 Something valuable runs low; food, fresh 7 The Euphrates slows and dries, its water
water, or worse. tainted with livid toxins.
8 Something valuable is stolen, and the thief 8 The new King of Kish demands fealty and a
cannot be identified. tithe of workers.
9 Someone you trusted betrays the 9 Sea-folk raiders from distant Dilmun attack
community. local settlements.
10 The community gets unwanted attention 10 Voracious loggers threaten the last cedars of
from a distant power. the Gods Wood.