Application For Disability License Plate or Parking Placard
Application For Disability License Plate or Parking Placard
Application For Disability License Plate or Parking Placard
* This agency is requesting disclosure of your Social Security Number in accordance with IC 4-1-8. Disclosure is voluntary and you will not be penalized for refusal.
I swear or affirm under the penalties for perjury that the information in this application is true and correct. I understand it is a Class C
misdemeanor to knowingly and falsely profess to have the qualifications to obtain a license plate for a person with a disability.
Signature of Applicant (or company representative) Printed Name Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)
If the applicant is not the vehicle owner, the vehicle owner must complete this section. The disabled applicant must complete Sections 1 and 2A and
obtain a health care provider’s certification in Section 4, if required.
Name of Vehicle Owner (first, middle, last) (if corporation or agency, list name) Security Social Number* or Federal Identification Number Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
I swear or affirm under the penalties for perjury that my vehicle regularly transports the disabled applicant.
Signature of Vehicle Owner (or company representative) Printed Name Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)
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I am applying for the following type of disability parking placard: (check one)
Permanent (expires only upon the health care provider’s certification that the person’s disability is no longer permanent)
Temporary (expires on the date indicated by the health care provider or one (1) year after the date of issuance, whichever occurs first)
Company (expires on January 1 of the fourth year after the year in which the placard is issued or the date on which the company ceases
operations, whichever occurs first)
I swear or affirm under the penalties for perjury that the information in this application is true and correct. I understand it is a Class C
misdemeanor to knowingly and falsely profess to have the qualifications to obtain a disability parking placard.
Signature of Applicant (or company representative) Printed Name Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)
I certify that the applicant has a qualifying disability as described in IC 9-18.5-8 and that such disability is: (check one)
( )
Address (number and street) City State ZIP Code
A health care provider may certify that a person’s disability is no longer permanent by mailing a letter to the Indiana BMV explaining the person is no longer
permanently disabled. Please provide as much of the person’s information as possible. Mail the letter to:
Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Registrations Department, 100 N. Senate Avenue, N483, Indianapolis, IN 46204
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