Shadow of The Demon Lord - Cabaret of The Grotesque (Master)
Shadow of The Demon Lord - Cabaret of The Grotesque (Master)
Long Knife (melee) +2 with 1 boon (2d6)
Hand Crossbow (short range) +1 with 1 boon (2d6)
Occult Philosophy Spells
Some creatures in this adventure use spells from
Fat Kypen the Occult Philosophy sourcebook, marked with
a superscript O. If you don’t have that book, you
Undersiders don’t dare to say a word against the can swap out those spells for equivalent ranks
from one you do have.
Tyrant of Underside, since he has eyes everywhere.
A vicious and cruel brute, Fat Kypen has led the
Cyclopes since the start, having founded the gang
Local Color A. Lost Hope
You can use the following table to help bring Underside One of the few taverns still in operation in Underside,
to life as the group explores the neighborhood and the Lost Hope attracts those few people who have
money to waste on alcohol. A crude building made
tracks down the Crimson King. from salvaged materials, boards cover the windows
and the front door hangs from a single hinge. Smoke
Local Color fills the interior, partially obscuring a handful of
d20 Local Color tables and chairs, a few booths, and a long bar fronted
by rickety stools.
1 A small boy crushing a rat with a paver stone.
Arnus Cree (hired killer) runs the Lost Hope after
2 A bent old woman who wards away the
characters with a sign against evil. murdering the last owner for demanding that he pay
3 A drunkard sleeping in a doorway.
his tab. A grizzled man, heavily scarred with a thick
beard, he rarely comes out from behind the bar. He
4 A pair of men pissing in an alley.
runs the place with the help of two old prostitutes,
5 A hulking brute of a woman cleaning blood off her
hands with an old shirt.
Dirk and Sallia. In a cauldron hanging in the hearth
bubbles some noxious stew that no one dares eat,
A pair of twin girls, holding hands, standing over
6 a corpse. the stench of which contributes to the place’s gloomy
A couple of large rats sniffing around a pile of
7 rubbish.
A goblin pleasuring himself while peering through B. The Grand Stage
8 a window. Once the jewel of the neighborhood, the Grand Stage
9 An immobilized clockwork that’s missing its key. has become a wreck of its former self since Underside
10 A small crowd gathered around a pair of bloody, fell on hard times. Years ago, it was an opera house
knife-fighting halflings. that hosted the greatest singers, performers, and
11 A man with a single horn growing out from the troupes in the region. One can still find peeling
side of his head, shuffling down an alley.
posters on the sides of the building, advertising such
12 A foul-mouthed boy shouting insults at passersby. acts as Aluica the Siren, the Witch-King’s Lament, and
13 A legless man seated on an old crate, rocking the Emperor’s Folly.
back and forth, muttering about demons.
14 An old dog carrying a severed hand in its teeth.
A scantily clad man or woman leaning against a
15 wall and looking for a good time.
A filthy woman with solid black eyes and weird
16 writing all over her face.
A young man noisily vomiting on the street, while
17 a couple of crows peck at the mess.
An old woman carrying a stick from which hang
18 several dead rats by their tails.
A thing that looks like a potato with legs
19 withdrawing into a pool of shadows.
A pair of sinister mercenaries passing a bottle of
20 rotgut between them.
they might slip into the Grand Stage to see what This foul room is strewn with rotting body parts.
Blood has been splashed on the walls and demonic
happens. If they watch the entire performance, each 1 symbols, drawn in excrement, decorate the ceiling
viewer must get a success on a Will challenge roll with and floor. The first time one or more characters
explore this room, call for Will challenge rolls. On a
3 banes or gain 1d3 Insanity. If the group does nothing failure, a character gains 1 Insanity.
to stop the sacrifice, each witness gains 1 Corruption In this abandoned room, everything has been left
at the end of the adventure. 2 to rot and molder. A thorough search of the place
turns up minor valuables worth 2d6 cp.
Interrupting the ceremony has dire consequences,
however. The music keeps the possessed under control. 3 As 2, but the room is infested with 2d6 Void larvae.
If the characters attack the musicians while they are In this squalid room live 1d3 + 1 people
(commoners with the infectious modification,
playing, they do not respond and are considered 4 Shadow page 263). They are hostile and afraid. If
defenseless. Without at least one musician performing, befriended, they can lead the group to the Lair of
the Crimson King (see below).
the demon-possessed swarm the stage and attack the
Crimson King and anyone else they can get their hands 5 As 1, but the apartment is home to 1d3 demon-
on. The Crimson King flees by the safest available
6 The Lair of the Crimson King.
route, heading to the Red House to perform an
incantation to banish any pursuing demons.
If attacked while the music plays, the demon- Demon-Possessed
possessed do not react and are considered defenseless. The Crimson King has been up to no good since
Once incapacitated, however, the possessed mortals coming to Underside, and his foul magic has
die and the demons inside them break free (see released ten demons from the Void. Rather than just
“Assault on the Red House,” below, for details). tear apart anyone nearby, these demons haunted
their prey, driving them insane to possess the Fallozu
unfortunates. Now, lurking inside human shells, they Fallozu (large demon with the following traits) looks
can move freely through the mortal world and carry like a human crossed with a shark, but its appearance
out their mad designs. looks runny and melted. When it takes damage,
The demon-possessed were all humans who lived in liquefied shit spurts from the wounds. Although the
the Red House. Each (commoner with the horrifying demon prefers liquid environments, it can make do on
trait) shows some physical sign of their possession; dry land.
they are described below. Speed 12; swimmer
• A naked old woman with patchy white hair and Blighted Demonic Shadows Any creature in the area of
this demon’s Demonic Shadows trait heals half as much
liver spots that creep across her skin. damage as it should and takes 1d6 extra damage when it
• A little girl who has gnawed off the tips of her becomes injured.
Blurred Appearance The demon appears blurry and
fingers, blood caking her torn lips. indistinct. Creatures make Will challenge rolls to resist this
demon’s horrifying trait with 1 boon, but creatures that
• A naked, gibbering man who fondles his can see it make their attack rolls against it with 1 bane.
unresponsive member.
• A young man with intense eyes and profane
From the front or back and in shadows or darkness,
symbols carved in his arms.
Pokta (large demon with the following traits) has the
• An adolescent boy who walks upside down on all appearance of a hyena-headed woman with skin melting
fours (he has the climber trait). from her body. From the side or in light, though, Pokta
• A woman who wears the head of her dead disappears. The demon whispers foul curses constantly.
husband as a hat. She’s torn the skin off the Invisible in Light The demon is invisible while in lit areas.
insides of her arms. Serpent Limb The demon’s left arm is a venomous snake.
The serpent limb is part of the demon’s body but acts
• A man whose head turns all the way around. independently from it. The serpent takes a fast turn each
• A person of indeterminate gender whose fingers round and uses an action to attack one target creature it
can reach. For this attack, the demon makes a Strength
and toes appear to have been broken. attack roll with 1 boon against the target’s Defense. On
a success, the target takes 2d6 damage and must get
• A corpulent person infested with maggots and a success on a Strength challenge roll with 1 bane or
crawling with flies. gain 1 Corruption and become poisoned for 1 minute.
A creature that is already poisoned in this way instead
• A foul man who retrieves filth from his nether takes 2d6 extra damage.
regions and eats it. Two-Dimensional The demon is invisible when viewed from
the side.
The characters might be tempted to kill these
wretches, but doing so unleashes the demons within. Holder
Each demon is unique, created using the rules laid out The demon known as Holder (medium demon with
in Hunger in the Void, and are detailed below. Whenever the following trait) has the shape of a human-sized
a demon is released from its host, choose one of the ball, with a bulging, searching eye on one side above
following entities. If several are released at once, choose a wide mouth with lips that look weirdly sexual. It
moves about on the hundreds of tiny legs that grow
smaller demons rather than larger ones.
out from its underside. Holder’s body is filled with
Grimbones pink spiders that sometimes creep out of its mouth.
An ancient and terrible creature, grown large on the SPECIAL ACTIONS
souls it has destroyed, Grimbones (huge demon with Malleable The demon can use an action, or a triggered
the following traits) appears as a headless humanoid action on its turn, to become malleable for 1 round. While
malleable, the demon cannot be grabbed, knocked prone,
skeleton whose lower body ends in a skeletal serpent’s or affected by anything that would change its shape. It
tail. Transparent slime spills from the bones so that can squeeze through cracks large enough to permit the
flow of water. It can also move through spaces occupied
the demon leaves a slick trail wherever it goes. by other creatures regardless of their Size.
Unstable Form The demon takes 1d6 extra damage from
weapons. When the demon becomes incapacitated, Host
it explodes from a point in its space out in a 10-yard
radius, dealing 6d6 damage to everything in the area. A A cloud of minuscule hairless monkeys flows across
creature can make an Agility challenge roll and takes half
the damage on a success. The explosion destroys the
the ground, occasionally gathering itself up to
demon and any objects it was carrying. assume a humanoid form (medium demon with the
following traits). The demon’s consciousness spreads
throughout its constituent forms, and it delights in
Regeneration The demon heals 1d6 damage if not
incapacitated. spreading mischief and mayhem.
Toxic Shadows Any living creature in the area of this Multitude The demon takes half damage from attacks that
demon’s Demonic Shadows trait must get a success on a use an attack roll and double damage from attacks that
Strength challenge roll or take 1d6 damage and become require it to make a challenge roll.
poisoned for 1 minute. If the creature is already poisoned Revulsion Creatures that are not swarms are impaired
in this way, it instead takes 1d6 extra damage. while inside the demon’s space or within 1 yard of it.
Vortex Each creature that is not a demon and is within
short range of the demon must make a Strength
challenge roll, with 1 bane per point of Size the demon
is larger than it. On a failure, the creature is moved 1d3
yards toward the demon.
Faint squeaks can be heard when Humgen (medium
demon with the following trait) moves, created by the
green glass of its body rubbing against itself. A thick
white liquid fills its transparent form and sloshes
around inside. Humgen otherwise appears to have a
human shape, though with the head of an angry tuna.
Flying Shards When the demon takes damage from a
weapon, it sprays shards of glass in a cone that extends
1d3 yards away from the point of impact toward the
source of the damage. The shards deal 1d6 + 1 damage
to everything in the area. A creature in the area takes no
damage if it gets a success on an Agility challenge roll.
If the demon is incapacitated by the damage, it
explodes in a 2-yard-radius sphere centered on a point in
its space. Everything in the area takes 1d6 + 1 damage. A
creature can make an Agility challenge roll and takes half
the damage on a success.
One of the stranger demons released by the Crimson
King, Ooso’so (small demon) has a radially shaped
body, with three flexible limbs joining in the middle.
Each limb ends in a toothy maw, but where the limbs
join and underneath its body are four more toothless Hazzada
mouths from which issue strange humming sounds.
Nothing about Hazzada (tiny demon) appears
The upper side of the demon’s body consists of a trio
natural. A true spawn of the Void, it has a humanoid
of flaccid penises that flop around as it moves. When body that stands about 18 inches tall on a pair of thick,
its leathery body is cut or torn, thick mucus spills free. weirdly long legs. Hazzada’s spherical head swivels
from side to side, looking for something to kill, and its
Chyt purplish skin is covered with a thin, slimy membrane.
Standing three feet tall, Chyt (small demon) fuses Claws extend from the seven fingers it has on each
the forms of human, wasp, and slug. Chyt has the hand. If cut, Hazzada bleeds black sand.
head of a grinning boy, cheeks plump and rosy, while
its torso is covered in the carapace of an insect. Four Lair of the Crimson King
multi-jointed arms extend from its sides, ending in
The Crimson King makes his lair deep inside the Red
nasty claws, and a pair of jeweled wings sprout from
House. One door, wooden and with a bloody circle
its back. Its lower body trails off into a tail with the
painted on the surface, offers access to his chambers,
form of a slug, covered in hideous blisters. Chyt makes the other doors stretching down the hall having been
musical noises when it moves, and thick black sludge sealed shut by foul excretions that paint the interior
leaks from its injuries. walls. The door is always unlocked.
Behind the door are six chambers, having been
Mostoc connected by knocking down walls. Previously,
A small cloud of mist moves like a fish through the air, the these rooms were separate apartments, inhabited by
red droplets making up its form maintaining coherency as wretched people whose remains can be still found
it moves, even if exposed to a strong wind. Mostoc’s (small here (see below). A thick, tarry substance, about an
demon with the following trait) merest touch burns like inch thick, coats the walls, ceiling, and floor. The
strong acid, and it attacks by darting forward to slam its Crimson King’s footprints track through the muck;
prey with the drops making up its body. foot- and handprints also show on the walls and
ceilings. Pools of reeking urine, piles of shit, and
discarded scraps of food lie everywhere. A faint
Drift Roll a d6. On an even number, the demon moves a
number of yards equal to the number rolled in a direction reddish light fills all the chambers, casting everything
it chooses. into shadows, though the light has no obvious source.
Reality has frayed in these chambers thanks to VOID LARVAE MOB DIFFICULTY 10
the Crimson King’s magic, and the filth coating the Size 3 frightening demon
surfaces bleeds out from the Void. The slime is cold to
Perception 5 (–5); sightless
the touch. Any creature foolish enough to consume it Defense 8; Health 44; Insanity —; Corruption —
gains 1 Corruption and Insanity equal to its Will score, Strength 11 (+1), Agility 8 (–2), Intellect 5 (–5), Will 5 (–5)
Speed 6
and becomes possessed by a medium demon (see Immune blinded
Shadow, page 227, for rules on demonic possession). Mob The Void larvae mob takes half damage from attacks
Descriptions of the various locations follow. that target individual creatures and double damage
from attacks that affect areas. The mob acts as a single
creature but counts as ten creatures for choosing
A. Antechamber targets. A mob makes Strength, Intellect, and Will
challenge rolls with 1 boon.
The stench emanating from the muck, along with the Creatures can move through the mob’s space, but
weirdness of the chambers, forces each character who its area is difficult terrain. The mob can squeeze through
openings large enough to permit the passage of a
enters the lair to make a Will challenge roll. A failure Size 1 creature and can move through spaces occupied
results in the character gaining 1d3 Insanity. by other creatures.
Spawn When the mob becomes incapacitated, it dissipates,
Two human bodies hang on a wall, glued to the surface and 1d6 Void larvae that made up the mob appear in
by the slime. The corpses once belonged to a diseased open spaces within the space it formerly occupied. The
Void larvae can act on the next available turn.
couple; though dead, their mouths open and shut like
those of goldfish. They count as Size 1 objects with health ATTACK OPTIONS
10. Fishing through the muck around the bodies turns up Dripping Teeth (melee) +1 with 4 boons (2d6 plus 2d6
15 cp in the rotting tatters of their clothing. from acid, or 1d6 plus 1d6 from acid if the mob is injured)
bay, but they are hungry and aggressive. Two vile mobs END OF THE ROUND
of these things writhe in the muck and attack anything Overwhelm If the mob is not injured, each creature that
that attacks them or that enters this area. The mobs isn’t a swarm or mob that is in the mob’s space or within
1 yard of it must get a success on an Agility challenge roll
pursue fleeing characters and fight until destroyed. or take 2d6 damage.
Of even greater importance, however, the book
C. Ghastly Chorus contains a potent incantation of the restore reality Order
The faces of the people who once lived in the Red spell from the Occult Philosophy sourcebook. This rank
House and who objected to the Crimson King’s foul 10 spell, when properly cast, banishes demons back to
experiments have been assembled into a ghastly the Void and closes the fissures that allow the Demon
chorus that lurks behind the pile of bodies glued to Lord’s fell influence to bleed into Underside. The spell
the back corner of this room. Characters inspecting is likely beyond the characters’ ability to cast easily,
the bodies find that all are missing their faces. If the but feel free to let them try. If you don’t have access to
corpses are disturbed, the ghastly chorus slithers Occult Philosophy, just assume that a successful casting
free from the heap to punish the intruders with its rids the demons from the area and cleans the stain left
Mournful Song. The undead fights to the death and by the Void. Any character who casts the spell must
pursues fleeing opponents. immediately make a Will challenge roll with 5 banes.
D. Throne of the Crimson King On a failure, the character takes 10d6 damage. If this
damage would incapacitate the character, the character
When not working his evil, the Crimson King spends turns into a stone statue and dies.
his time in this chamber, evidenced by the abundant
wastes piled atop the slime. Against the far wall sits a
high-backed chair that leans to one side. Next to the E. Summoning Circle
chair is a lectern, on which rests a large tome, and In this room the Crimson King works his vilest magic.
a table littered with bits of organs, pools of blood, a This chamber lacks the foul slime found in other rooms.
scattering of teeth, 16 gc, a tarnished silver chalice worth Naked corpses sprawl in heaps in the corners, discarded
1 gc, and two randomly generated enchanted objects. once they have served their purpose, and now feed a
The tome is a great work that holds the secrets of few bold rats that creep over the rotting mounds. On
Demonology. In its pages, one can find all manner of the floor at the center of the room the King has drawn a
blasphemous ideas, horrid diagrams, and forbidden pentagram in a mixture of blood and shit, positioning a
lore concerning demons. Reading the book from cover fat black candle at each point. Inside the pentagram waits
to cover takes 6 weeks, 6 days, and 6 hours. If a creature the shadowy figure of a large demon, imprisoned by the
reads the book, on completion it gains 1 Corruption, diagram. If anything disturbs the diagram, the demon can
discovers the Demonology tradition, and must get a move freely and likely vents its hostility on the nearest
success on a Will challenge roll with 6 banes or gain creature it can reach. This demon has no demonic talents
2d6 Insanity. and can have any appearance you choose.
The Crimson King’s lackey and
lover is a brutish female ogre that
has been the target of his casting
of the create demon spawn spell
(from Occult Philosophy). She waits
here to be called by her master to
do whatever he bids. She is loyal
and fights to the death. She still
resembles a female ogre, but her
nipples leak a foul black liquid and
her pubic hair writhes and ripples
with the spiders that infest her
F. Sleeping Quarters
Even the Crimson King requires
sleep. When the demonologist
takes his rest, he does so here in the
company of several bodies fused to
the floor. What he does not realize
is that the spirits of his victims also
haunt this room, unable to move
on to the Underworld due to their
hatred for their killer. So far the
spirits, 5 phantoms, have been
able to do nothing to their enemy
except watch while he sleeps. They
move freely through his chambers
but cannot pass through any wall,
due to the ichor collecting there.
The spirits regard the characters as
cohorts of the demonologist and
attack them when given a chance. If
they witness the characters fighting
the Crimson King, the phantoms
join them in the fight once the
demonologist becomes injured.
Size 2 horrifying monster the Crimson King
Perception 9 (–1); darksight
Defense 17; Health 67; Insanity —; Corruption 6 The characters have a few opportunities to confront
Strength 16 (+6), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 4 (–6), Will 6 (–4) the demonologist. They might face him at the Grand
Speed 12
Spell Defense The demon-spawned ogre takes half damage
Theater, in the Red House, or as he travels from one
from spells. When a creature would attack the demon- location to another in Underside.
spawned ogre with a spell, the ogre imposes 1 bane on the Little of the Crimson King’s humanity remains,
attack roll and makes the challenge roll to resist the spell
with 1 boon.
having been corrupted beyond recognition. His sexual
organs are always engorged and painful. He never casts
ATTACK OPTIONS a reflection in a mirror. Black writing twists under his
Fist (melee) +6 with 2 boons (5d6) skin, periodically spelling out foul curses. His teeth have
transformed into tiny centipedes that chew his food for
SPECIAL ATTACKS him, while his lips have grown heavy and hang from
Devour The demon-spawned ogre eats one target his face like curtains of meat. A long, fleshy, hairless tail
defenseless or dead creature of Size 1 or smaller that the
ogre can reach. A living target dies immediately. extends from the base of his spine and ends in a knob.
Vomit When the demon-spawned ogre takes damage, it The Crimson King takes extensive steps to conceal
can use a triggered action to vomit semi-digested food
into a 3-yard cone originating from a point it can reach.
the horror of his body from others. He wears a hooded
Each creature in the area must make an Agility challenge red cloak that’s held in place by a golden band. The
roll. A creature takes 2d6 damage and becomes impaired hood keeps his face shadowed. Beneath his cloak he
for 1 round on a failure, or just takes half the damage on
a success. Once the ogre uses Vomit, it must eat before
wears a shirt and pants of red silk, cinched at the waist
it can use it again. with a golden cord, on the ends of which hang broken
symbols of various gods. He moves quietly on slippers CRIMSON KING DIFFICULTY 500
stained black from the filth in his lair.
Size 1 frightening human
Thoroughly mad, the Crimson King seeks the end
of all things but believes he will be spared the coming Perception 16 (+6)
Defense 15 (magic); Health 120; Insanity 8; Corruption 9
apocalypse through his constant service to the Demon Strength 13 (+3), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 16 (+6), Will 13 (+3)
Lord. If confronted, muffled laughter slips past his Speed 10
Holy Anguish When the Crimson King touches or is
heavy lips, but he does not speak, and he goes about touched by religious paraphernalia of any kind, he takes
the business of killing the aggressors with the cold 1 damage plus 1 damage at the end of each round he
detachment of a butcher. remains in contact with the object.
Slave of Darkness Other creatures can sense the evil in
Taking him alive avails the characters little. He has the Crimson King. All animals are hostile to him. In social
no motive to help them and believes his master will situations involving creatures that have 0 Corruption, the
Crimson King makes attack rolls with 3 banes.
save him even as the last of his lifeblood drains away. Damned If the Crimson King becomes incapacitated, he
The Crimson King carries several scrolls that hold dies and his soul descends to Hell.
10 incantations of rank 2 or lower spells of your
choice. (The demonologist used several incantations
Long Knife (melee) +3 with 2 boons (3d6)
to establish himself in Underside, and what he carries
are all that remains of his collection.) As an important SPECIAL ATTACKS
servant of the Demon Lord, the Crimson King receives Demonic Power The Crimson King uses an action to hurl
a warning before the characters confront him, with a bolt of demonic power at a target creature within
enough time to cast 3 spells of your choice. medium range. The King makes an Intellect attack roll
with 3 boons against the target’s Agility. On a success,
the bolt hits and the target takes 4d6 damage.
Violate the Mind The Crimson King can use an action, or
Conclusion a triggered action on his turn, to reach out and touch
the mind of any target creature he chooses within 5
yards of himself. The target must get a success on a Will
The characters complete the adventure when they challenge roll with 2 banes or gain 1d3 Insanity. If the
destroy the Crimson King, ridding Underside of his Insanity gain would cause a target to go mad, it becomes
malign influence. The Void fissures gradually close possessed by a demon (see Shadow, page 227). The
Crimson King must wait 1 minute before he can use
if the characters aren’t able to seal them with the Violate the Mind again.
restore reality spell. If they fail, the Crimson King Swift Casting The Crimson King can use a triggered action
on his turn to cast a rank 2 or lower spell he has learned.
continues his dreadful work, causing more and
more of the townspeople to become possessed by MAGIC
demons, until he is ready to conquer the rest of the Power 6
city, which he manages to do a year later. Once in Chaos chaos boon (7), erratic bolt (7), capricious
devastation (3), fold space (3), flicker (2), wild magic (2),
command, he builds an army of darkness with which mirror field (1), singularity (1)
to welcome the Demon Lord’s arrival, and he might Demonology otherworldly screamO (7), written in bloodO
be an instrumental figure in bringing about the end (7), mark of the beastO (3), blood harvestO (2), demon
seedO (2), demonic mawO (1), steal form from substanceO
of the world. Of course, the Demon Lord destroys the (1), call greater demonO (1)
Crimson King with everyone else, but the Hunger
devours him last, in thanks for his constant service. END OF THE ROUND
If the characters remove Fat Kypen from power, Epic Recovery The Crimson King removes one affliction
from himself.
another member of the Cyclopes takes his place. Grasping Demons Up to two target creatures within
However, this unworthy heir is replaced by an even medium range of the Crimson King must get successes on
Agility challenge rolls with 2 banes or take 2d6 damage
less worthy successor months later, and the entire and be moved 1d3 yards in a direction the King chooses.
gang falls apart. Survivors might come under the Writhing Shadows Shadowy tendrils spill from the Crimson
power of the Crimson King or might be recruited by King’s body. The King can move up to half his Speed
without triggering free attacks. At any one point during
another gang that jumps in to fill the vacuum left by that movement, each creature the King chooses within
their predecessors. 1 yard of himself must make an Agility challenge roll with
2 banes or take 2d6 damage and become impaired for
If the characters don’t purge the demons from the 1d3 rounds.
possessed, the survivors spread out from Underside and
cause great trouble for the rest of the city. The characters
might have to return to put an end to their wickedness.
In fact, the demon-possessed could travel far beyond the
city and find the characters during future adventures.
Even if the characters put Underside back in some
semblance of order, though, the neighborhood
continues its slide into ruin and despair. A few
months after the events that take place in the
adventure, an outbreak of a virulent disease wipes
out the community entirely. The city leaders decide to
burn down the buildings to contain the plague, and
thus does Underside pass from this world.