Information Systems Risk and Security 1820387
Information Systems Risk and Security 1820387
Table of Contents
Physical risk.................................................................................................................................5
Electronic risks.............................................................................................................................5
Technical risk...............................................................................................................................5
Infrastructure risks.......................................................................................................................6
Human risks.................................................................................................................................6
Phishing risks...............................................................................................................................6
Preventive measures.....................................................................................................................6
Internal audit................................................................................................................................6
Right implications........................................................................................................................6
Limited access..............................................................................................................................7
This analysis will focus on the evaluation of case study. The case study will belong to the Young
Acorn Foundation. This organization is facing the many challenges at internal level and external
level within the increasing competitive atmosphere. This is important to manage the risk level of
it and securing the information and IT assess which enable to remain strategic differentiator to
rivals. IT system management has accepted the advice as I am working as the external auditor
and propose to undertake the information security, audit about the risk assessment regarding the
non for profit organization. This was tabled to Board of Director and with good level of
deliberation; CFO has authorized the sufficient budget in relation to improve the posture of
information system risk and information security management. I have been assigned as the
information systems security auditor to Acorn in relation to carry the extensive information risk
assessment of non-profits information management practices as well as information assets. I will
provide the auditor report with many detail discussion about the many components.
other products. Development of better ways is important import practices of partners and donors
of Acorn to enable the under-privilege communities to create the effective living ways relied on
the culture, ideas, etc. This has persuaded aggressively strategy of web-marketing in relation to
expand target market. Many appeals have been launched by its website. Profile of Acorn within
the social media has improved to provide and ensure at cost service. There is effective level of
communication between partners and Acorn within the relation of community development
program to include the procedure and activities which regularly coordinate the selling as well as
buying of community development program sponsored products which produced through the
local level communities.
In particular cases it the important responsibility of employees to ensure the communication and
consultation with headquarter within the nation like Australia is needed because of the delicate
circumstance nature. Officers of Acorn are operating within the different nations are required to
remain equip with the set devices of mobile communication. Employees are needed to report to
local office at periodical level to ensure and provide the updated on communities, group, CDA,
group, and themselves. This is the responsibility of multiple software vendors to provide the free
service to the organization. CEO is aware regarding the SEED-ONE challenges and management
on the insistence of Chief Executive Officer has commissioned manager to present the
possibility of replacing SEED-ONE with other corporate system remain more suitable regarding
the organizational growth with necessary pertain to management of information and risk
Sharing will remain important to gain the necessary amount of fund and utilize the fund in
relation to buy the service from provider like SaaS People & Culture Management System.
Workday’s Human Capital Management will remain the important solution for contract
organization. Acorn management is aware regarding the data significant and believes in good
strategy of data backup. Sharing approach will support to ensure the excellent service and
reliable service to resource whole corporate data and information and provide the cost efficient
resolutions to backup and restoration of corporate data.
There are many kinds of threats as well as vulnerability which create the greatest level of risk to
the most significant information assets like information and information systems of Acorn. These
all lead to contribute too many concerns of individuals that will influence the decision level.
General threat and vulnerabilities can be hardware and software failure like data corruption
(Järveläinen, 2013). There can be challenge due to design of malicious software which leads to
disrupt organizational operations. This can be challenge of viruses as computer code can copy it
and spread from one device to other often lead to disrupting the operations of Acorn.
Unsolicited emails which look to harm users into revealing many personal details. Incorrect
processing, careless disposal of data, and accidental opening about the infected email
attachments can lead to influence the practice of Acorn with high level of risk in management of
operations and functions. Denial of services in relation to Acorn can take place as online attacks
leads to prevent access of website for authorized users. Breaches in information system of Acorn
can occur due to physical break-ins and online intrusion. Challenge of employees’ dishonesty as
the main threat can occur due to data theft and mismanagement of sensitive information like data
of users, management, employees, and many others.
Physical risk
Physical risk in relation to Acorn can result in risk of physical access and damage to IT resources
like servers. It could involve the high level of damage from the unauthorized access in relation to
confidential data through anyone in Acorn.
Electronic risks
Electronic risks in relation to Acorn refers to present the compromise about the organization
information as hacker can gain access at unnecessarily to the website and IT system which could
lead to influence the organization and organization could fall victim to the fraudulent email. All
these are the commonly of the negative nature (Deng, and Chi, 2012).
Technical risk
Technical risks could result in software bugs, computer bugs, and complete failure in relation to
the component of computer. Technological risks can remain catastrophic if Acorn cannot retrieve
the data on the failed hard drive with no back up in relation to copy is available.
Infrastructure risks
Risks of infrastructure can result in duet to loss of necessary and appropriate internet connection
which can lead to interrupt the organization. This could result in for Acorn to miss the important
amount of donation.
Human risks
Human risks will be main challenge for the organization like Acorn’s. This can result in
important data accidently. It can lead in unnecessary failure to follow the procedures of security
appropriately (Léger, et al., 2011).
Phishing risks
Information technology risks can take place in relation to Acorn due to phishing attacks. This can
occur due to sending fraudulent conversations which takes place from the many resources
(Kendall, and Kendall, 2011). It can lead to steal the sensitive details of the organization like
information of login and many others.
This will be important for Acorn to evaluate and prioritize the risks to manage. Following
practices will remain effective for Acorn in relation to evaluate and prioritize risks.
Preventive measures
Preventive measures will remain important in relation to identify the warning signs (Vieru, and
Rivard, 2014). This will remain important to assign the particular responsibility to resolve the
challenge for the organization like Acorn.
Internal audit
Focus on internal audit will support Acorn to understand the level of potential threats to it. This
will enable to monitor the unwanted exposure and take the important action against the electronic
Right implications
It will remain important for Acorn to work with the identification of important implications
which will support to ensure the right level of communication as per the analysis of scenarios
necessarily and resolve the technical risk.
There will be high importance for Acorn to ensure the right practices within the place for
employees, management, and others. Training will support to ensure the right disaster recovery
plan and mitigate the any infrastructure risk (Holzinger, Treitler, and Slany, 2012).
Limited access
Limited level of access to the sensitive system will support the Acorn to eliminate the level of
human risks. This will enable the Acorn to ensure the level of limited liability with application of
quality assurance program.
In the limelight of the discussion it can be concluded it is important for the organization like
Acorn to perform with the right information security risk assessment. This discussion has
involved the detail discussion with clear and concise evaluation of Acorn values creating actions
and strategic context in relation to propose the target risk appetite as well as risk tolerate level for
it. It has involved the explanation about the key roles and responsibility of people and
departments and Acorn as they pertain to assessment of risk and management of information.
Report has involved the explanation about the careful audit and analysis of case evidence,
undertook the inventory with identification of information assets which involves Acorn most
significant, physical and logical information resources, information of value and information
system which should be accounted for within the approach to management of risk. This has
involved the explanation about the analysis of threats and vulnerability which create the highest
level of risk to Acorn important information assets. It has presented the discussion about the
likelihood and impact analysis of six risks. In the end it has involved the evaluation and
prioritization about the six significant risks for organization like Acorn in relation to their
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