Synonym(s): Malanea sensu A. Rich, Guettardella Champ. ex Benth., Guettarda sensu Baill.
Habit and vegetative parts: Shrubs or trees (occasionally), 7 m high, without succulent tuber. Spines
absent. Raphides absent. Vegetative parts not foetid when bruised. Stem glabrous, branched (many).
Branches and branchlets glabrous, or pubescent. Adventitious roots on internodes absent. Stipules
interpetiolar, not fused, entire, small to large, ovate to lanceolate, pubescent (sparse to dense), margin
hairy, colleters present (scattered), caducous. Leaves whorled or opposite, isophyllous. Lamina
membranous to papery, 3.5–7 cm long, 1.5–4 cm wide, elliptic; apex acuminate (rarely retuse and
mucronulate); base cuneate to rounded, decurrent on petiole; not ciliated on the margins; upper surface
glabrous or pubescent, sparse or dense; lower surface glabrous or pubescent, sparse or dense; petiolate;
lateral nerves prominent, 3–9 pairs. Petiole 0.5–1.5 cm long, pubescent, sparse or dense, not winged.
Domatia present (of variable form).
Reproductive parts: Inflorescences present, axillary, flowering heads solitary or fascicled, not
pseudanthial, on a branched axis, inflorescenses pattern dichasial; involucral bracts absent; interfloral
bracts and bracteoles present. Flowers 4 merous (5-), actinomorphic, unisexual, homostylous, without
semaphylls, not fragrant; pedicel present, pubescent. Calyx tube extremely reduced (<2 mm long), hairs
present; lobes short to well-developed (>2mm), lobes equal, lobes pubescent; colleters absent. Corolla
infundibular or salverform, 1–2 cm long to 2–10 cm long; tube pubescent outside, inner part glabrous or
pubescent; lobes ovate to elliptic; aestivation imbricate; abaxial side pubescent; adaxial side glabrous;
margin not hairy. Stamens inserted basal 1/4 of corolla tube, separate, of equal sizes. Filaments distinct
(>1mm) or extremely short. <1 mm), not hairy. Anthers dorsifixed, semi-exserted in corolla tube, linear,
dehiscing via longitudinally slits. Style included in corolla tube, filiform, hairs present. Stigmas lobate, 2,
capitate or lanceolate, non-papillate. Ovary inferior, bilocular or plurilocular; placentation axile. Ovule 1
per locule, pendulous, apically attached. Fruits fleshy, not multiple, pyreniferous, drupaceous, globose
or ovoid; ridges or grooves absent; crown of calyx segments present. Seeds 1/locule, not angular,
wingless, endosperm little or none; exotestal cells isodiametric, with thickenings or without or ą weak
thickenings; isolated fibers absent.
Distribution- Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands eastward through Malesia to the Philippines,
southern China, tropical Australia, Melanesia, New Caledonia, Fiji, and Samoa.
Philippine species- A. attenuata (Elmer) Chaw (Antirhea hexasperma Roxb., Guettardella hexasperma
(Roxb.) M.E. Jansen); *A. benguetensis (Elmer) Val. (Guettardella microphylla (DC.) M.E. Jansen); *A.
caudata (M.E. Jansen) Chaw (Antirhea philippinensis Elmer, Guettardella microphylla (DC.) M.E. Jansen);
*A. edanoi Chaw (Antirhea livida Elmer); *A. foveolata Chaw (Antirhea microphylla (Bartl. ex DC.) Merr.);
A. hexasperma (Roxb.) Merr. (Guettardella hexasperma (Roxb.) M.E. Jansen); *A. livida Elmer
(Guettardella livida (Elmer) M.E. Jansen); *A. microphylla (Bartl. ex DC.) Merr. (Guettardella microphylla
(Bartl. ex DC.) M.E. Jansen); *A. paxillata Chaw; *A. philippinensis (Benth.) Rolfe (Antirhea microphylla
sensu Merr.); *A. ramosii Chaw (Antirhea microphylla sensu Merr.); *A. tayabensis Chaw (Antirhea livida
sensu Merr.); *A. ternata Chaw
Useful literature- Jansen, M.E. 1984. A synopsis of Guettardella Benth. and the Old World species of
Antirhea (Rubiaceae: Guettardeae). Blumea 29: 565–588. Chaw, Shu-Miaw & S.P. Darwin. 1992. A
systematic study of the Paleotropical genus Antirhea (Rubiaceae: Guettardeae). Tulane Studies in Zoo. &
Bot. 28: 25–118.
Cite this publication as: ‘G. Alejandro and S. Liede (2002 onwards). 'The Philippine Rubiaceae Genera:
Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval. Version: 21st September 2000.’. Dallwitz (1980) and Dallwitz,
Paine and Zurcher (1993, 1995, 2000) should also be cited (see References).