HP Latex 3000 Printer SM
HP Latex 3000 Printer SM
Service Manual
version 05/12/2013
Edition 2 Legal notices Warranty
© 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development This document contains proprietary The information contained in this document is
Company, L.P. information that is protected by copyright. All subject to change without notice.
rights are reserved. No part of this document
may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any
to another language without the prior written kind with regard to this material, including,
consent of Hewlett-Packard Company. but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular
4 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 85
Troubleshooting with Print Care ......................................................................................................................... 85
Print Care login and boot modes ......................................................................................................................... 86
Troubleshooting system error codes .................................................................................................................. 87
Troubleshooting without system errors ........................................................................................................... 265
Print-quality troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 311
How to extract and read the service plot .......................................................................................................... 325
Troubleshoot non-HP ink usage ....................................................................................................................... 336
5 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................... 340
General diagnostics ........................................................................................................................................... 340
How to run a diagnostic test ............................................................................................................................. 341
Boot mode permissions .................................................................................................................................... 343
Phone support ................................................................................................................................................... 344
Service tests, diagnostics, and calibrations ..................................................................................................... 349
Carriage (2) ........................................................................................................................................................ 416
Human-machine interface ................................................................................................................................ 417
Miscellaneous parts ........................................................................................................................................... 418
ENWW vii
1 Using this manual
● Purpose
● Chapters
● Readership
This service manual provides the procedures and information necessary to troubleshoot mechanical faults
and print-quality problems, perform diagnostic tests and calibrations, and service the HP Latex 3000 printer.
For information about using the printer, see the user’s guide.
1: Using this manual
This chapter.
2: Printer systems
Use this chapter as a reference for technical information about the subsystems, components, and how they
work together.
Of particular importance are the diagrams included for each subsystem of the printer. They can be useful for
both troubleshooting and disassembly.
3: Safety requirements
This is an industrial printer with high voltages, and it can be hazardous to service. This chapter explains how
to service the printer safely.
4: Troubleshooting
This chapter explains how to respond to various kinds of printer problems that you may encounter.
5: Diagnostics
Use this chapter whenever you need to perform a diagnostic test, service utility, or service calibration. This
chapter is meant to provide procedures and relevant information, not troubleshooting information, which is
in the troubleshooting chapters.
The procedures are described in full, so that you know any relevant values for the test, as well as information
about what the printer is actually doing during the test.
ENWW Purpose 1
The goal of diagnostic tests is to locate the root cause of the problem and the corresponding system error
code or message that will provide you with the logical steps to resolution.
● Part numbers
Useful information such as access notes and screw types (head sizes) are provided to help you work
Whenever you remove or replace a component, check the Service Calibration Matrix at the beginning of the
chapter, which tells you the tests, utilities, and calibrations that must be performed after removing or
replacing a component, and in what order.
8: Call Me @HP
Call Me @HP is a remote troubleshooting tool embedded in the Print Care software, by which customers can
obtain support remotely without the need of a service visit. This chapter describes how to troubleshoot
issues related to this tool.
● Within the same site, over ramps or stairs (the printer must be lifted)
● To a different site, with possibility of freezing, which can damage the tubes, causing ink leakages (the
ink must be removed, as it is water-based and can freeze).
The primary readers of this service manual are HP service engineers, although secondary readership may
include resellers. All procedures must be performed by HP service engineers, except those clearly marked
● E-box
● Substrate path
● Impelling system
● Ink system
● Carriage
● Drying
● Curing
● Vapor removal
Electrical system: E-cabinet
The e-cabinet is the power distribution centre for the whole printer. It is an enclosure located on the right
side of the printer where all the power electrical components are located.
NOTE: This line is optional; the printer can be configured with a single power cord.
● The main power line to power the rest of the machine (three phase or high current single phase); e-box,
heaters, DC and AC power supplies.
NOTE: To power the printer, a 240 V single-phase or bi-phase high-current connection can be used.
There is no support for powering the printer in single- or bi-phase at other nominal voltages. See the
installation guide and site preparation guide for details and specifications.
The main power is switched on or off through the main switch SW-1, and the IPS power is switched on or off
through ACB-9.
All the AC loads are single phase rated for 200–240 V AC. The main power line is separated inside the e-
cabinet into three single-phase lines. The following power input configurations are supported:
● High line voltage: a 380–415 V line-to-line system (220–240 V line-to-neutral) separated into:
The separation into three single-phase lines is done through the configuration cross-connectors in TB-1. For
high line voltage mains a neutral is required, for low line voltage a neutral wire is not needed (and should
never be installed).
Through the TB-1 and the configuration cross-connectors, one of the phases of the main power can be
connected to the single-phase input, so that the printer can be powered by a single power cord. See the
installation guide and site preparation guide for details and specifications.
Mains 3 or 2 25A DS-2 Curing
20A 20A
ACB-3 LF-3
20A 20A
AC-L1 30mA
220V F7 F9
Mains 2 RCD-5 K-3 210V
ACB-5 LF-5 Vapor
Phase (Opt) 25A 200V
20A 20A
TB-1 30mA removal
IPS Screen 0V TF-1
ACB-6 LF-6 Carriage
42V 13V
10A 20A
24V PCAs
ACB-7 LF-7
10A 20A 24V
Interlock PPS
DC PSU-6 24V
X-1 42V
eStops x4 24V
SAX Motor
eCabinet FAN
Media Axis
eBox Motors (x4)
The printer’s loads are all single phase, therefore a three-phase line is not strictly required. However in many
cases the mains line available for the required power level is a three-phase line.
Through the installation and configuration terminal blocks (TB-1), the e-cabinet splits the input line into
three 200–240 V single-phase lines. There is a pilot light on each of these lines (L-1, L-2, and L-3) to provide
visual feedback. The configuration is done by the installation cross-connectors; see the installation guide for
further information on how to connect and configure the e-cabinet for each supported power system.
As a result of all the loads being single phase, the printer is an unbalanced three-phase load when connected
to a three-phase power line. The average power consumption is distributed as evenly as possible among the
three phases, but it will never be perfectly balanced.
NOTE: Note that the IPS is a standard PC and should be turned off through the operating system, not by
switching off the AC power.
● 3 lines for the curing system, with ACB and RCD (GFI) protection on each line
● 2 lines for the drying system, with ACB and RCD (GFI) protection on each line
● 2 lines for the AC/DC PSUs and the power transformer, with ACB protection on each line
This separation of the AC lines allows us to identify better where a problem with the AC part comes from.
AC power supplies
There are two AC power supplies (DS-1 and DS-2) to power the IR lamps in the drying system (one for each
lamp module). These power supplies convert the AC input voltage to a lower AC voltage controlled by the
firmware and allow a fine control of the lamps output power and independence from the AC input variations.
L3 L30
L3000 7 8 AC_OUT
L3 L31 20A L-LF2 L-DS2
NOT N30 L30 L300
USED N3 33 34 8
K1-33 K1-34
N31 21 22 PWM_CTRL
3 Phase 4 Wires 380-415V L2 L2 L20 RCD-1 LF-1
12 10 8
ACB-1 A1 A2
AC-12AWG K1-A2
N2 N20 N20
USED [4mm2]
N21 20A [4mm2]
3 Phase 3 Wires 200-240V N2000 Line
1/2 2/1
L1 L10 N200 K-1
L1 N-LF2
3/4 4/3 Filter L-LF2 Delta Sinewave Curing
N L200 DS-2
N11 L2000
20A 1 2 DS2
N-LF3 21 22
[4mm2] 3/4 4/3 Filter
M4 PE STUD L310 L-LF3 AC-12AWG o
A1 A2 t
2 L3100
N3 20A
ACB-3 K-2 Curing
20A RCD-3
1 2 t
N2100 L-LF5 3 4 L1-CUR
N21 N210
1/2 2/1 Line PCA #5
5 6 N-PSU5
AC-12AWG 3/4 4/3 Filter L-LF4 7 8
[4mm2] L210 L2100 o
33 34 t
2 K3-33 K3-34
N2 20A 21 22
L22 TB-4
ACB-4 A1 A2 AC-12AWG
RCD-4 LF-4 K3-A2 4x WDU4
20A [4mm2]
N10 N100 4x WPE4 t
1 3 N1000 Line Curing
1/2 2/1 2x ZQV4N/2
L100 Filter
3/4 4/3 PCA #4
2 3
10A 4 N1
L1000 20A
L13 ACB-5 AC-14AWG t
1 2 N-LF700 [2,5mm2]
AC-AWG16 20A LF-5 N-LF700 N-PSU1
RCD-5 L-LF70 3 4 L-LF700
[1.5mm2] AC-14AWG
N11 N110 N-LF61
5 6 N-TF1 N-PSU3
L11 [2,5mm2] 7 8 o
Line L-LF61 L-TF1 t
L110 N-LF6
33 34 K4-34
AC-14AWG Filter 21 22 L-LF700
L-LF6 PCA #3
[2,5mm2] A1 A2 L-PSU1
20A N-LF6 N-LF60
ACB-6 K4-A2
10A LF-6
[2,5mm2] N14 Line N-LF7
L14 L14 L-LF6 L-LF60
Filter L-LF7 t
F6 1A
F5 1A
F4 1A
F3 1A
F2 1A
F1 1A
10A LF-7
N-LF7 o
AC-AWG16 N-LF70 DC-22AWG [0.34mm2] t
[1.5mm2] N-PSU4
6x ASK1 [2,5mm2]
L-PSU4 t
AC-14AWG Curing
L-3 L-2 L-1 PCA #1
10x WDU4 t
4x WDU 4
[4mm2] 2x ZQV4N/2 AC-14AWG
PE-LF6 DC-10AWG [6mm2]
2x ZQV 4N/2 [2.5mm2]
2x ZQV4N/3
2x WPE 4
Ferrite Ferrite PSU6
24V PSU6 -
4x WPE4 24VDC – PSU#6
24VDC – PSU#7
PSU-5 Scan Axis
AC-14AWG DC-22AWG [0.34mm2]
1 3 DC-10AWG [6mm2] Brushless
0-175 VAC
0-175 VAC
24V PSU 42VDC – PSU#5 3R3 SCAN
Screen 2 4 PSU7 + motor
PE 24V Ferrite Ferrite PSU7
PSU7 -
42VDC - PSU#1
Spare Carriage
AC-14AWG DC-22AWG [0.34mm2] Carriage
PCA #1 PCA #2 PCA #2
TF-1 Slinky PCA
TF1-240V PSU2
230V PSU-2
220V AC-14AWG AC-14AWG DC-22AWG [0.34mm2]
TF1-210V 13VDC 13VDC
210V [2.5mm2] [2.5mm2] TWISTED PAIRS
TF1-200V 32V PSU 13VDC
200V L 13VDC – PSU#4
eBox PE
36V PSU3 +
Ferrite Ferrite PSU3 Media Axis
PSU3 -
42VDC – PSU#1 3R3 MI
DC-12AWG [4mm2] motor
FH-7 FH-8 FH-9 PSU-3 Brushless
42VDC – PSU#1 MA
F7 4A
F8 2A
F9 2A
2x WDU4
1x WPE4 AC-14AWG L 42V PSU
[2.5mm2] PE-VAC
1x ZQV4N/2 L-FH8 PE Brushless
42V PSU1 +
Ferrite Ferrite PSU1
PSU1 - 42VDC – PSU#1
3x ASK1 GND 3R3 MO
eCabinet PCA
L-5 PE 42V PSU5 +
Ferrite Ferrite PSU5
PSU5 -
L-4 X2
32VDC – PSU#3
Luna Luna Luna Luna
32VDC – PSU#3
32VDC – PSU#3
L4-X2 [2.5mm2] DC-22AWG [0.34mm2]
13V PSU 32VDC – PSU#3 #1 #2 #3 #4
13V PSU4 +
Ferrite Ferrite PSU4 Webwipe
PSU4 -
DC-10AWG [6mm2]
5x WDU 2.5
TWISTED PAIR Luna Luna Luna Luna
A1 Y1 Y2 13 23 33 41 1x ZQV 2.5N/2
#1 #2 #3 #4
Safety Relay PNOZX1 BY1-3 SAFETY
DC-AWG22 [0.34mm2]
[0.34mm2] A2 14 24 34 42 1 3 SVS
X1-A2 Luna Luna
2 4
24VDC – PSU#2
#1 #2
[0.34mm2] M8 M8 M8 M8
TUR Sensor
Loading table
Sinewave #1 ctrl
Sinewave #2 ctrl
LAN cable
Internal Components
The interior of the e-cabinet contains the following components:
● Safety relay (X-1, controlled by the emergency stops and enable button)
● 2 AC/AC power converters (DS-1 to DS-2, power for the drying lamps)
● E-cabinet PCA
● Fan (FAN-1)
General view
AC and DC areas
This is a general view of the AC and DC power spatial distribution. Inevitably, some AC and DC cables share a
stretch of their routing, but in general they are as separated as possible.
The side nearest to the IPS PC provides the user interface and the AC in/out interface
The side nearest to the e-box is the DC power output and signals interface.
In case of a blown fuse, an alert will be shown by the Internal Print Server indicating which fuse needs to be
PSU configuration
There are seven AC/DC power supplies that supply power to most of the electrical components of the
machine (motors, valves, fans, solenoids, electronics…).
These power supplies have various output voltages and are powered on/off in different moments. Here is a
summary of the PSUs:
Service station
● Drying PCAs
● Fiber-optics PCA
5 1000W 42V Scan motor Safety relay and safety interlocks control
● Printhead PCAs
● Service station
● Scan-axis motor
● Vacuum pumps
● The printer firmware must be active and must allow enabling the power (indicated by blinking the
Enable button).
● The user must press the blue Enable button on the side of the e-cabinet.
● Among other checks, while starting up the printer checks the status of the emergency stop buttons. If
one or more buttons are pressed, it waits for the user to release them (a message is displayed by the
Internal Print Server).
● When all the initial checks have been passed, the printer waits for the user to press the Enable button
(the button blinks and the Internal Print Server displays a message).
● Once the Enable button has been pressed, the safety relay activates the power to all systems, and the
printer continues its start-up sequence until it is ready to print.
Emergency stop
If one or more emergency stop buttons are pressed, the safety relay will deactivate and cut power to all the
potentially dangerous systems. Once it has been deactivated, the safety relay can only be reactivated with
user intervention, and the three conditions stated above must be satisfied again.
Safety interlocks
There are two safety interlock switches located one at the front door and the other at the loading table.
Those switches control the power of the carriage motor and the heaters in the curing and drying systems. If
either of those interlocks is activated by opening a door, the power to those systems will be cut off. However,
the safety relay will not be deactivated, so when the door is closed the systems will be powered on again
without further user intervention.
● Formatter: The formatter is the motherboard of the printer, similar to a PC motherboard. Its main
functions are the processing (formatting) of printing data coming from the Internal Print Server and the
coordination of printer subsystems. The formatter provides a SATA connector to the hard disk drive, PCI
express connections to the four engine PCAs, and a network interface to the Internal Print Server PC.
● Hard disk: The hard disk holds most of the printer’s data, including the firmware. However, key data
such as product number, serial number, and calibration values are also replicated in an internal memory
of the ISS PCA 1 in order to have redundancy protection. Therefore, if the hard disk drive fails, it can be
replaced by a new one, and key data are automatically copied from the ISS PCA 1 to the new hard disk.
Similarly, if the ISS PCA 1 breaks, it can be replaced by a new one, and key data are automatically copied
from the hard disk to the ISS PCA 1.
It is important to understand what this means in practical terms: the hard disk and IDS cannot be
replaced simultaneously and can be replaced only by new ones. If hard disk or IDS are not new (e.g. they
come from another printer), the appropriate service procedures must be followed, otherwise data may
be inconsistent.
● ATX power supply: The power supply for the e-box is a standard ATX unit, similar to a PC ATX power
● E-box fan: In order to prevent the e-box from overheating, there is a fan located on the lid of the
enclosure, electrically connected to the formatter board.
● Engine PCAs: The engine boards control the real-time routines, namely:
◦ Running the real-time servo controls for the position and speed of the mechanical actuators
◦ Communicating with other electronics boards that control delegated actuators and sensors
There are four identical engine boards directly connected to the hard disk drive. The following
functionality map summarizes each board controlling tasks:
ENWW E-box 21
Engine PCA 1
◦ Carriage motor
◦ Drying modules
◦ Spectrophotometer
◦ Line sensor
◦ Cyan/black printheads
Engine PCA 2
◦ Curing modules
◦ PPS motors
Engine PCA 3
◦ Substrate path motors (substrate input, substrate output, substrate advance, substrate floor)
◦ E-cabinet PCA
◦ Printer sensors, such as pinchwheel lever, window sensor, take-up reel control
◦ Yellow/magenta printheads
Engine PCA 4
◦ Vapor removal vacuum
◦ Buzzer
◦ Optimizer printhead
● Engine adaptor PCAs: The engine adaptor boards are responsible for:
There are four identical engine adaptor PCAs connected to each of the engine boards via flat cables and
to the e-box interconnect via board-to-board connections.
● E-box interconnect PCA: The e-box interconnect PCA centralizes the connectors for the cables going to
all the subsystems (except the printheads). It also has LEDs that enable visual diagnosis without
accessing the interior of the e-box enclosure.
See Troubleshooting without system errors on page 265 for details about connections and diagnostic
● Fiber-optics PCA: The fiber-optics PCA multiplexes the image information generated by the four engine
boards and sends it to the printheads through a single optical fiber.
ENWW E-box 23
mK Enc
Gbe Engine PCA#1 PH int PCA Y Carriage:
Formatter mK Line Pen mgmt +
PH int PCA Y
Fiber Fiber M Sensor drying +
Engine PCA#2 PH int PCA C
Optics Optics M aerosol removal +
PCA PCA PH int PCA C sensors
Engine PCA#3 lm
P2P Gbe
PH int PCA lc
PH int PCA lc
Engine PCA#4 Opt
Scan Axis – Media Path
Vaccum AC
Transformer 42V DC
eCabinet 32V DC
Curing(&VR) PCA 13V DC
ATX rails
Vapour removal Data
Substrate path
The substrate path includes all the elements responsible for providing a smooth and accurate motion of the
substrate, and therefore ensuring a consistent and controlled substrate advance.
● Drive roller, transmission, substrate advance motor, encoder disc, and encoder PCA
● Pinch mechanism
NOTE: Substrate input, output, and floor motors include a resistor in the electrical line used to dissipate
energy during the braking process and ensure the integrity of the electrical components.
● The substrate goes from the rear spindle over the drive roller, over the print platen, over the diverter,
and onto the front spindle. The print platen is designed for minimal resistance against the substrate’s
advance, and includes suction holes for the vacuum.
● Vacuum is applied to keep the substrate flat on the print platen. There are different vacuum levels
depending on the substrate used. The vacuum level is determined automatically during the loading of
the substrate.
● The substrate is advanced by the motor of the drive roller. The drive roller system advances the
substrate under control. The encoder disc and encoder PCA provide feedback on the substrate advance.
● There is a pinch mechanism to prevent the substrate from slipping against the drive roller. The pinch
mechanism is composed of 22 covered pinch submodules, assembled along a beam also known as the
loading table.
This beam is articulated to the side walls of the bottom structure and is manually actuated. The
movement is assisted by a pair of torsion springs and two clamps fix the beam in the top position.
NOTE: The substrate-advance sensor cannot see the fibers on certain substrates, such as transparent
substrate or very dark substrates. In these cases, the sensor is disabled automatically.
The image from the sensor is deformed under high temperature conditions and the relative distances
measured are inexact, producing wrong substrate advances and print-quality problems such as banding
or graininess.
The sensor’s field of view is a rectangle of 5 × 1 mm aligned with the direction of substrate movement.
The area of the picture used to perform image recognition on paper fibers is in the central 4 mm, so two
identical fiducials are marked at the extremes of the field of view without impacting in the images used
to recognize the substrate.
The glass on which the fiducials are printed has almost no thermal expansion and the fiducials keep
their relative position.
By comparing the current fiducial distance with the initial one, the optics system thermal deformation is
Roll-to-free-fall configurations
The roll-to-free-fall configuration allows the user to cut and collect the substrate as the printer prints
dynamically. In this configuration, the substrate goes behind the roll-to-free-fall roller after passing the
lower diverter (up to the diverter, the substrate path is exactly the same as in the roll-to-roll configuration).
The roll-to-free-fall roller has its own pinch mechanism to keep the substrate under tension and to allow
dynamic cutting.
The drive plate of the roll-to-free-fall system is located on the right side of the printer, besides the output
side plate. The motor transmits the torque directly to the roll-to-free-fall roller via a transmission belt.
In addition to this, the output spindle can be used as a substrate collector. This is the roll-to-free-fall-to-
collector configuration. There is a distance-detecting sensor that controls the output motor when the output
spindle is working as a collector. It keeps the substrate loop within defined limits by means of an infrared
measurement system.
The loop shaper is part of the substrate collection system and gives shape to the loop of substrate that
hangs down from the substrate path. The length of the loop shaper can be changed by removing or adding
sections in order to work with various substrate widths.
The roll-to-free-fall and roll-to-free-fall-to-collector configurations can be chosen in the Internal Print
Server during the substrate loading process.
An integrated differential system is used to keep the same tension in both rolls of substrate mounted on the
same spindle, regardless of the width or diameter of each roll.
However, for optimum results, it is recommended that both rolls have the same width and diameter.
To fix both cores to the spindle, two independent air cameras need to be pressurized via two air valves
located at both ends of the spindle. For more information on dual-roll usage, see the user’s guide.
NOTE: For Optimum IQ, the dual roll must be used in Roll to Roll Configuration Dual Roll in Roll to Free Fall
configuration may not work (Output tensions cannot be compensated)
There are also four dedicated data cables coming from the e-box interconnect PCA, one for each of the
motors (Media Input, Media Output, Media Advance, Media Floor). Encoder cables go from the MI, MO and MF
motors to the e-box interconnect PCA. The MA motor has a separate analog encoder disc and PCA to process
the motor position. This analog encoder PCA is connected to the OMAS & VACUUM controller PCA.
The platen vacuum pump is powered with AC power coming from the e-cabinet PCA. Note that the AC power
is not distributed through the e-cabinet PCA so the power cable comes from a connector in the e-cabinet back
panel. The pump is controlled by the Vacuum PCA.
Note that although the OMAS & Vacuum PCA are 2 different boards, the service part is the same assembly.
It also includes the delivery system, which is composed of the ink tubes and cables going through the chain to
the carriage.
● The scan-axis motor, located on the right side of the printer, drives the belt that moves the carriage.
Like the substrate-path motors, the scan-axis motor includes a resistor in the electrical line used to
dissipate energy during the braking process and ensure integrity of the electrical components.
● The scan-axis impelling belt is connected to the carriage on both sides, and runs from the scan-axis
motor to the scan-axis belt tensioner. The motor drives the belt, which in turn moves the carriage back
and forth.
● The scan-axis encoder strip is a metal strip running the length of the scan axis. As the carriage is
moved back and forth by the scan-axis impelling system, an encoder sensor mounted on the carriage
reads the encoder to determine the speed and position of the carriage. This feedback is then used to
control the scan-axis motor movements.
● The carriage chain assembly contains the 7 ink tubes and power and data cables that go to the
carriage, including the fiber-optics cable to control the printheads. It is designed to allow a controlled
bending ratio while the carriage moves back and forth and also protects the ink tubes and power/data
lines housed inside. The following pictures show the cables/tubes distribution inside the chain and in
the carriage clamp. Note that the fiber-optics cable is routed independently through the lower side of
the clamp.
Belt tension
Force is applied to the belt by springs on the left side of the printer.
There is also a dedicated data cable coming from the e-box interconnect PCA. The scan axis encoder signal is
connected to the printhead interconnect board 6, and then passes through other printhead boards until
reaching the drying PCA. See Carriage on page 40 and Figure 2-6 SAXmiMAmoMF block diagram
on page 63 for details.
This changes the distance between the substrate path and the carriage assembly, allowing the user to load
substrate and print on substrates of different thicknesses.
● Normal printing position is the nominal printing position and is calibrated and set at the manufacturing
line at 2.3 mm (0.09 in). When the scan axis is in this position, the complete assembly is set onto the
side walls.
● Custom position is used to print on the thicker substrate types. It is a customer-selectable setting.
● Loading position is the highest selectable position; it is used to load substrate. The default setting is
120 mm (4.7 in). This movement can be cancelled.
The PPS system is composed of four independent assemblies, which work together in order to raise and
lower the scan axis of the printer.
● The PPS home position switch detects when its PPS unit has reached its lowest position, also known as
the homing position. The switches are attached to the four side walls of the printer.
Theory of operation
The movement is transferred to the PPS nut; which, rotating around the PPS screw, raises and lowers the top
structure of the machine. The transmission system of the PPS is formed by a helical gear, a pinion, and the
PPS gear.
The homing of the system (homing sensors activated) is the movement that releases the system modules
from the scan-axis structure load. It is made to allow the system to pass through all the backlash distance
When the PPS system raises the system from homing position, it travels through the backlash area without
touching the top scan structure. It starts to move the module without load but with the backlash eliminated.
Then there is a contact between each module and the PPS link plate (scan bottom area). This is the engage
position, which represents the absolute zero for the motor encoder and fixes the zero of the Z map for every
The engage position is the normal printing position. Upwards movements to the higher printing positions can
be performed accurately. Downwards movements from custom or loading position to a lower printing
position first need to do a system rehoming to align the system and to eliminate backslash uncertainties.
● Ink cartridges
● Printheads
● The fourteen intermediate ink tanks (two for each color), located at the front side of the ink system
● The air circuit module, located on the first tray from the top, provides the air pressure needed to
pressurize the intermediate ink tanks and send ink to the printheads.
● The two air pressure bottles prevent cross-contamination of ink when a broken bag occurs inside an
intermediate ink tank. Each bottle also works as a cushion device for the air pressurization system.
● The ink circuit module, located on the lower tray, manages the flow of ink using a complex set of
● There are three ink sensor boards, each with three ink pressure sensors. Each board comes calibrated
from the factory with unique values. New service parts require a service procedure to enter calibration
values manually.
● The ink cartridge connector set connects the ink system to the ink cartridges. The ink connectors also
read the acumen data from the cartridges, and can detect whether the connector is correctly inserted.
● There are two ISS main boards controllling the entire ink system.
Theory of operation
Ink supply hot swap
The printer allows the user to change the ink cartridge while the printer is printing, as it is actually using the
ink stored in the intermediate tanks.
Once the quantity of ink falls below a certain threshold, the printer calculates the amount of ink fired from
the printheads and resupplies the intermediate tank with ink, while at the same time swapping the amount of
pressurization supplying ink from the other set of intermediate tanks.
Each tank has a bag inside that holds the ink. In order to send the ink to the printheads, the air pumps push
air into the enclosed space of the tanks around the bags to pressurize them and force ink out. While one tank
sends ink to the printheads, the other is being refilled. In this way, continuous printing is possible while
changing ink cartridges.
The air pressure is constantly monitored by an air pressure sensor located on the ISS PCAs. The system is
able to depressurize with the relief valves located in the air system.
When a broken bag is detected by the sensor located inside the intermediate ink tank, the relief valve opens
to release the air pressure of the system. The ink goes at maximum flow and falls into the bottom of the
bottle, preventing cross-contamination of colors.
● Red: Connector connected to the cartridge, but communication problem with the Acumen. Cannot use
the cartridge.
● Green blinking: Filling intermediate ink tank or reading Acumen. Do not disconnect!
The carriage performs the actual printing on the substrate. It contains the printheads, together with the
printhead control electronics, the printhead primer system, two arrays of aerosol fans, the SAX encoder, the
line sensor, the spectrophotometer, and the crash sensor. The drying modules are also assembled at both
sides of the carriage. For more details about the drying system, see Drying on page 52.
● The printheads have five dies, and each die has 2112 nozzles (10,560 total nozzles per printhead). The
dies are divided into two arrays of nozzles (1056 nozzles per array, one for each color).
There are two arrays of color printheads, six printheads in total, two of each type (C/K, M/Y, lc/lm). There is a
seventh printhead for the optimizer, which is fired before the colored inks, which has multiple benefits:
ENWW Carriage 41
Primer assembly
Each printhead houses a primer assembly that is responsible for squeezing ink out of the printhead nozzles
to remove clogging and maintain printhead health.
Each primer assembly includes an air pump that pushes air into a bag inside the printhead regulator. When
this bag is inflated, the ink channel is opened, the ink pressure received in the printhead pushes the ink out of
printhead through the nozzles. This is called ‘priming’.
There are two carriage interconnect boards located in the carriage tower. They receive 42 V from the e-
cabinet and 12 V from the drying PCAs. They are responsible for:
● Distributing the required power to all the printhead interconnect boards (42 V).
● Powering the primer pumps (3V3 generated by the board). The upper carriage interconnect powers the
primer pump for printheads 1, 2, 4, and 6. The lower one does so for printheads 3, 5, and 7.
● Powering the spectrophotometer shutter mechanism (12 V). Done by the upper carriage interconnect
There are seven printhead interconnect boards, one for each printhead. Each one receives 42 V from the
carriage interconnect boards. They are responsible for:
● Controlling the spectrophotometer sensor and shutter mechanism. This is done by printhead
interconnects 3 and 5 respectively, through the upper carriage interconnect board.
● Controlling the printhead priming. Printhead interconnect 5 controls priming for printheads 1, 2, 4, 6;
printhead interconnect 7 controls priming for printheads 3, 5, 7.
● The scan-axis encoder signal passes through printhead interconnect 6→4→2→1 and then goes to the
drying PCAs.
The are two types of printhead interconnect PCA, one for the color printheads and a different one for the
Optimizer printhead.
ENWW Carriage 43
The crash sensor and aerosol system are controlled by the drying PCAs.
This PCA demultiplexes the printing data coming from the fiber-optics and sends the data to each printhead
interconnect board.
It receives 12 V from the upper drying PCA and it is connected to the fiber-optics coming from the box
through the dynamic chain.
The spectrophotometer is used to perform color calibrations. There is a control board embedded within the
spectrophotometer mechanism that cannot be replaced independently.
Line sensor
Carriage encoder
The carriage encoder set reads the scan-axis encoder strip to determine the position of the carriage on the
scan axis. The scan-axis encoder signal passes through printhead interconnects 6→4→2→1 and then goes
to the drying PCAs.
Crash sensor
Increase printer reliability and safety in the case of a print platen substrate crash. The working principle is as
1. There are two fiber-optic light beams, one at each carriage side.
2. The sensor triggers an alarm signal if something obstructs the light beam.
3. On the alarm signal, the control electronics switch off the heater lamps and stop the carriage.
ENWW Carriage 45
Carriage oiling foam retainers
The carriage oiling foams lubricate the rods and bushings that support the carriage. There are two foams
located at the front and rear of the carriage.
See the subsystem block diagrams for more details: Figure 2-10 Carriage print block diagram on page 67
and Figure 2-11 Carriage AR and crash sensor block diagram on page 68.
Capping is the process of sealing the printheads while they are not in use, to keep the printhead’s nozzles in
good condition.
Drop detection identifies possibly blocked nozzles, allowing the printer to apply the appropriate algorithms
to compensate and maintain print quality.
● The capping station screw assembly is rotated by the capping station motor. The assembly includes a
nut and pin system which is inserted into the platform.
● The printhead capping module is the mechanical part that seals the printheads.
Drop-detector platform
● The drop-detector platform motor is mounted on the rear side of the service station chassis and drives
the screw that moves the drop-detector platform. It is controlled by an independent motor drive PCA.
● The drop-detector platform screw assembly rotates by the action of the capping station motor. The
assembly includes a nut and pin system which is inserted into the platform.
● There is one drop-detector sensor for each printhead, each of which is connected to a Drop Detector
PCA. Each Drop Detector PCA is directly connected to the e-box engine PCAs
● The encoder strip and sensor are used during drop detection to ensure that the drops of ink are fired in
the correct place. The strip is located under the platform and from side to side of the drop-detector
Theory of operation
The capping procedure
The printheads must be sealed when they are not printing to prevent ink from drying and clogging the
nozzles. The capping procedure is as follows:
1. The printheads are capped by moving the capping station into position underneath the carriage.
3. The upper part of the capping station rises into position (shown in red below), pushing the rubber caps
up to seal the printheads. The capping station is forced upwards, capping the printheads.
4. The service station continues to move, pushing the capping head up to seal the printheads.
NOTE: While the printer is turned off and the printheads are in the capped position, it is not possible to
move the carriage. To uncap the printheads manually, rotate the platform screw with a screwdriver; the
screw can be accessed from the front of the service station.
NOTE: If the carriage is moved in capped position, the capping post may become damaged and the capping
module will be unable to perform the capping procedure on the printhead. Print quality and printhead life will
be impaired.
NOTE: To return the carriage to the capping position after work in diagnostic mode, reboot the printer in
normal mode.
The printer sequentially fires drops of ink from each nozzle into the window, through the signal path. This
generates a disturbance in the signal that detects whether the nozzle was fired correctly.
Any nozzles that did not fire correctly are then disabled, allowing the printer to compensate and maintain
print quality by using the other nozzles. This is the error-hiding algorithm.
There are 4 drop-detector PCAs. Each one has a dedicated flat cable coming from the e-box interconnect PCA.
Each PCA controls 2 drop-detector sensors, except the DD PCA 4, that controls only the drop detection for the
optimizer printhead.
The linear encoder signal goes from the DD PCA1 to the rest of the DD PCAs.
This roll is moved from an input (top roller) to an output collecting roller (bottom roller), while the cloth is
impelled by the advance of the delivery system pressed with the pinch roll, in a similar way to the substrate
There is a rubber blade that moves up and down, lifting the cleaner roll to ensure that the printheads make
proper contact with the cloth.
● The input roll holds the new printhead cleaner roll before it is fed through the roll path. The input roll is
powered by its own motor to maintain uniform tension, and its encoder helps to calculate the remaining
amount of cloth on the roll.
The cleaner roll cores are easily fastened into place and removed using the blue lock at the cap holder.
● The output roll receives the used printhead cleaner roll. The output roll is also powered by its own
motor to maintain uniform tension, and its encoder helps to calculate the remaining amount of cloth on
the input roll.
The cleaner roll cores are easily fastened into place and removed using the blue lock at the cap holder.
● The printhead cleaner roll is moved through the roll path by the drive roller. The pinchwheel
mechanism presses the roll against the drive roller to ensure good contact. The drive roller includes
teeth that grip the roll to help pull it through the path. The drive roller is powered by the advance motor
through a gearbox system.
The pinchwheel mechanism must be opened and closed in order to load and unload a roll. It is important
to ensure that the pinchwheels are correctly closed, otherwise the printer may report false substrate
jams and/or printhead crashes.
● The rubber wiper moves up and down, lifting the cleaner roll to ensure that the printheads make proper
contact with the cloth.
● Each of the four motor systems has its own PCBoard to control its behavior and movement:
Theory of operation
Printhead wipe
A printhead wipe is a printhead cleaning procedure in which the rubber wiper is set to the correct height, and
the carriage passes over the printhead cleaner, from right to left, without stopping (but making contact and
being cleaned).
This routine can be done before or after printing, and also while printing:
● If an image printing is larger than 152 cm (60 in), a dynamic wipe is performed every two swaths.
● If the image is smaller than that, a dynamic wipe is performed every four swaths.
When printing, this routine is performed every two swaths: that is, every time the carriage is over the
cleaning assembly.
In order to ensure the good health of the nozzles, the carriage is moved over the printhead cleaning
assembly, and the system performs a spitting operation in which all the nozzles spit a small amount of ink
over the surface of the wiping cloth. There are two spitting modes:
● On the right, every time the carriage is over the cleaning assembly, after wiping.
● On the left, every time the carriage is over the left spitoon
Priming is performed in order to ensure good nozzle health and to prevent the nozzles from becoming
blocked with dried ink. Ink floods out of the printhead onto the wiper cloth. This procedure can be performed
by selecting the option in the Internal Print Server.
The priming procedure is also performed on new printheads once they are installed, or when a hard cleaning
is launched from the Internal Print Server.
The drying system provides controlled heat to the substrate while it is over the print zone, to evaporate
water from the ink vehicle. Together with the latex optimizer, this heat helps in the dot fixing to prevent
bleed and coalescence.
This heat is provided by means of two infrared lamps located on each side of the carriage.
The drying system is composed of two symmetrical modules, one on each side of the carriage.
● 1 infrared lamp
● 1 array of 8 fans
● 1 quartz glass
ENWW Drying 53
● 2 temperature sensors : one after the fans (to measure cold air) and other in the hot air outlet.
Each drying module is controlled though a dedicated drying PCA located at the carriage tower. Two AC power
cables come from the e-cabinet AC converters to the drying PCAs (through the dynamic chain) to power each
of the modules.
Theory of operation
The substrate over the print platen is irradiated by the infrared lamps, whose power level is regulated in
open-loop mode. Each one of the modules is controlled independently and the PWM level can be set
The two temperature sensors are used only for monitoring; there is no control of lamp operating
Each lamp is refrigerated by a set of eight fans, whose power control and diagnosis is common for the
complete array. The fans are kept on in case of emergency shutdown or after the lamp switching off, to avoid
module overheating. Apart from this, there is a safety thermostat to stop the lamp in case of temperature
error or fan failure.
The quartz glass is transparent to lamp radiation and allows redirecting the fans airflow to be evacuated
through the air outlet, following a direction parallel to the substrate. Besides, it helps to protect the lamp
chamber from the aerosol generated in the print platen.
From each Drying PCA a single harness containing the AC, DC and control cable connect with each of the
The curing system provides controlled heat and airflow to the ink and substrate after the print zone. This
causes the latex particles to coalesce and form a continuous film on the substrate. Ink pigments are
encapsulated inside this film.
The complete module can be moved horizontally to allow substrate loading. Two latches fix the module in
the printing position.
The lower beam can be also considered as part of the vapor removal system as it collects vapors coming
from curing process that condense into a waste bottle located inside the ISM. For more details of the vapor
removal system, see the vapor removal section.
The curing system is composed of 6 base modules.
● 2 heater/fan assemblies
ENWW Curing 55
● 2 temperature sensors
● 1 perforated plate
Each heater/fan assembly is controlled independently, so that the system has 12 functional chambers.
Theory of operation
The temperature of each of the 12 air chambers is controlled by means of a closed-loop system that adjusts
the power provided to the heater to reach the target temperature. This hot air passes through the perforated
plates located at the rear side of each base module and reaches the ink on the substrate to allow film
The air is recirculated to reduce power consumption. However, a net airflow exists from the print zone to the
lower beam to collect excess vapor. See the vapor removal section for more details.
Each heater/fan module has a safety thermostat to avoid overheating. The thermostat opens at 110°C and
its state is monitored by the PCA. Apart from the heater power and temperature monitoring, each fan has
independent power control and diagnosis through the curing PCA. The air pressure is monitored inside each
functional chamber to ensure that the system is working correctly.
The base modules turn on and off automatically, depending on the substrate width, to optimize power
consumption by the system.
Two power cables are connected to each curing PCA (six PCAs in total):
Each resistor-fan assembly is connected to the PCA with two cables, the AC for the resistor and the DC for the
Two temperature sensors (one per chamber) are connected to each curing PCA.
ENWW Curing 57
Power (DC and AC) and data cables enter and exit each curing PCA to connect all six in series.
AC power
Three AC cables come from the e-cabinet back panel to the entrance connector of the subsystem. From
● One AC cable goes to Curing PCA 1. Curing PCAs 1 and 4 are connected in series.
● The second AC cable goes to Curing PCA 2. Curing PCAs 2 and 5 are connected in series.
● The third AC cable goes to Curing PCA 3. Curing PCAs 3 and 6 are connected in series.
DC power
Two DC cables come from the e-cabinet PCA to the entrance connector of the subsystem. From there:
● One DC cable goes to Curing PCA 1. Curing PCAs 1, 2, and 3 are connected in series.
● The other DC cable goes to Curing PCA 4. Curing PCA 4, 5, and 6 are connected in series.
One LAN cable comes from the e-box interconnect to module 1. From there all the modules are connected in
Vapor removal
The vapor removal system removes, condenses, and collects the low-volatile co-solvents (VOCs) evaporated
during the curing process in a controlled way. This provides a comfortable working environment and prevents
uncontrolled condensations on the printer elements, thus maintaining printer performance and reliability.
The system is composed of the following elements:
● Heat exchanger
● Vacuum pump
● Waste bottle
The heat exchanger is composed of 4 fans that blow ambient air through the airflow coming from the curing
beam. This lowers the temperature of the airflow and causes its condensation.
After the heat exchanger, there is a demister element to get rid of the high mass particles, which may still be
airborne, by impaction. Those particles, together with the condensate formed in the plates of the exchanger,
are drained into a bottle.
The exhaust air temperature should be similar to the ambient temperature to avoid any visible vapor
formation leaving the control system.
The heat exchanger fans are controlled by a PCA similar to the curing PCA. The vacuum pump is supplied from
the e-cabinet and controlled by a vacuum PCA, similar to the one controlling the print-zone vacuum.
Note that there is a connection panel in the ISM, so that all the e-box and e-cabinet cables arrive to this
panel, and from there they are connected to the pump and the vapor removal PCA.
repair position) PCA on the CZ056-50053 CZ056-50163 CZ056-50057 CZ056-50249
1 assembly CZ056-50239
FO PCA (CZ056-60360)
CZ056-80269 J20:lower connector (ebox in ebox
repair position)
J_241 I2C
J_481 CAN*
J_262 CAN
J_381 CAN*
J_371 PWR
PH3 conn J_302
J11 CZ056-50058 Encoder
J_351 MICCI2
J12 CZ056-50001 JT2 ENC J_321
enc MI
CZ056-50059 Encoder
PH5 J20 JT3 PWR_IN ENC J_322 enc MO
CZ056-50252 Ebox INTERCONNECT PCA (CZ056-60005)
J20 JT3 PWR_IN J_101 CZ056-50045
J7 CZ056-50134 JT1 (CZ056-60004)
J_261 CAN CZ056-50051 CURING
Board2Board Board2Board
conn <NAME> conn <NAME>
J_151 MICCI2
J_152 MICCI2
J_251 MICCI2
J_111 DLT
CQ105-50010 WW CZ056-50157
PSU CZ056-50003
HDD 633187-001 = =
SVS CZ056-50054
7x CZ056-50220
691917-001 = CZ056-50112
PPS CZ056-50052 CZ056-50138
CZ056-50222 CZ056-50041 CZ056-50267
5VDC OUT_7_2
12VDC OUT_6_2
ECABINET PCA (CZ056-60010)
eBox BD eCabinet
Figure 2-5 E-box block diagram
ECABINET PCA (CZ056-60010)
SAX 1 assembly CZ056-50131 1 assembly CZ056-50142
1 assembly CZ056-50130
1 assembly CZ056-50225 1 assembly CZ056-50226
1 assembly CZ056-50130
ECABINET PCA (CZ056-60010) E>
MI enc
eCabinet 1 assembly CZ056-50227 1 assembly CZ056-50228
1 assembly CZ056-50130
J_302 CZ056-50237
1 assembly CZ056-50229 1 assembly CZ056-50230
CZ056-50060 E>
3V3DC enc
SAX Impelling & Substrate Path BD
Figure 2-7 OMAS-Vacuum platen block diagram
J_381 CAN* PWR
<NAME> (J3) (P3) P1 (P5)
CZ056-50038 CZ056-50039
Q6702-50062 CZ056-50040
enc CAN
OMAS sensor
J1 P2 J1 P2
1 3
Term jumper
J2 J3 50028
CZ056-50149 J4 CZ056-50149 J4
CZ056-50146 CZ056-50146
(Q6703-60195) CZ056-50169 (Q6703-60195) CZ056-50169
CZ056-50151 2 4
MOTOR DRV PCA (Q6702-60953 ) MOTOR DRV PCA (Q6702-60953 )
MICCI2 (J2_351) MICCI2 (J_251)
J1 P2 CZ056-50177 J1 P2
2 4
J3 J3
CZ056-50149 J4 CZ056-50149 J4
1 4
Leakage Leakage
Q6702-50061 Sensor Q6702-50061 Sensor
green green
Electrov Electrov
alve alve
green green green
blue green blue
2 1
CZ056-50032 CZ056-50029 CZ056-50030
J7 CZ056-50032
(black, acumen) J7
4 (black, acumen) 4
UI PCA (Q6702-60957) 3 3
UI PCA (Q6702-60957)
Lc Mg
UI_1 yellow UI_4 CZ056-50182
CZ056-50033 S_1 red CZ056-50033 S_4 red
CZ056-50032 CZ056-50032
J6 J6
(black, acumen) (black, acumen)
UI PCA (Q6702-60957) UI PCA (Q6702-60957)
Lm Y
UI_2 yellow UI_5 yellow red S_7 CZ056-50033
red red
CZ056-50033 S_3
CZ056-50033 S_6
Relief Valve Air Air POWER Relief Valve Air Air
Pump Pump CZ056-50217 ISS STORK INTERCONNECT PCA Pump Pump
BUS termination
CZ056-50031 ISS LAN
LAN CZ056-50031
ISM Connection Panel
CZ056-50071 CZ056-50053
IDS I2C (J_241)
220VAC ECABINET PCA (CZ056-60010) 60005) ISM BD
eCabinet eBox
Figure 2-9 ISM block diagram
ECABINET PCA (CZ056-60010)
(Q6702-60181) CZ056-50063
24V on
( UP ) (DOWN)
1 2 eCabinet
CZ056-50243 PCA
Primer2 (J9)
Primer1 (J7)
Primer2 (J9)
Primer3 (J11)
Primer4 (J13)
Primer5 (J14)
Primer6 (J15)
Primer1 (J7)
SPRAY #1 (J27)
SPRAY #2 (J28)
SPRAY #3 (J29)
SPRAY #4 (J32)
SPRAY #5 (J33)
SPRAY #6 (J34)
SPRAY #1 (J27)
SPRAY #2 (J28)
SPRAY #3 (J29)
SPRAY #4 (J32)
SPRAY #5 (J33)
SPRAY #6 (J34)
Primer3 (J11)
Primer4 (J13)
Primer5 (J14)
Primer6 (J15)
down primers control
This cable
CZ056-50188 contains the
CZ056-50004 address for FO
Primers control& SOL shutter control PCA on the
CZ056-50187 CZ056-50186
CZ056-50008 CZ056-50189 carriage
CZ056-50188 CZ056-50186
CZ056-50186 Encoder
primer1 CZ056-50006 CZ056-50008 SAX
CZ056-50011 CZ056-50008 CZ056-50008
CZ056-50004 CZ056-50005
SOL power
CZ056-50008 CZ056-50008
CZ056-50008 CZ056-50255
CZ056-50011 primer4 primer6 IGUS CHAIN
primer3 primer5 primer7
4 6
PCA (CZ056-60002)
DATA 5 7
FO PCA (CZ056-60360)
TRAILING CZ056-50198 PH7
PCA (CZ056-60016) PCA (CZ056-60016) TETRIS (J6) PCA (CZ056-60016) TETRIS (J6)
PCA (CZ056-60016) PCA (CZ056-60016) PCA (CZ056-60016)
CZ056-50198 PH6
Figure 2-11 Carriage AR and crash sensor block diagram
CZ056-50240 CZ056-50240
CZ056-50265 CZ056-50265
:1 :2
No jumper CZ056-50044
Add jumper to
CZ056-50066 this connector.
Is the
termination for
CAN bus
J_111 DLT
13V PSU (to
V drop)
eBox eCabinet
Carriage AR + Crash Sensor BD
CH 1
CH 1
CH 1
CZ056-50112 CZ056-50112
Term jumper
J1 P2 J1 P2
J3 J3
J4 J4
M CZ056-60278 M CZ056-60278
Switch Switch
PH 3
PH 4
ODD (J_131)
ODD (J_231)
ODD (J_331)
ODD (J_431)
1 4
MOTOR DRV PCA (Q6702-60953 ) MOTOR DRV PCA (Q6702-60953 )
J3 J3
CZ056-50156 J4 CZ056-50156 J4
5 2
Term jumper: MOTOR DRV PCA (Q6702-60953 ) MOTOR DRV PCA (Q6702-60953 )
J1 P2 J1 P2
J3 J3
CZ056-50156 J4 CZ056-50156 J4
Figure 2-13 Printhead cleaning block diagram
Drying module LEFT Drying module RIGHT
bimetal bimetal
bimetal bimetal
:1 :2
No jumper
J14 CZ056-50066
3V3DC CAN (J161) CZ056-50267
24VDC OUT_6_2
Ebox INTERCONNECT PCA (CZ056-60005) ECABINET PCA (CZ056-60010)
eBox eCabinet
Carriage Drying BD
Chapter 2 Printer systems
M8 M8
2x TEMP #6 PCA 2x TEMP #5 PCA 2x TEMP #4 PCA 2x TEMP #3 PCA 2x TEMP #2 PCA 2x TEMP #1 PCA
Figure 2-15 Curing module cabling
CZ056-50019 CZ056-50019
CZ056-50219 Daisy
24V_IN 24V_OUT 24V_IN 24V_OUT
J11 J16
CURING PCA (CZ056-60008 ) CAN_TERM J11 J16
P. Sensor P. Sensor
CZ056-80069 AC_IN_Link J3 CZ056-80069 AC_IN_Link J3
J12 J12
P. Sensor P. Sensor
J12 CZ056-80069 1 J12 CZ056-80069 2
J10 CZ056-50219 J10
J1 J1
CZ056-50183 AC_HEATER_2 CZ056-50183 AC_HEATER_2
CZ056-50120 CZ056-50120
CZ056-50218 CZ056-50218
CZ056-50067 1 2 2 1
left right
IDS eCab
6 5 4 3 2 1
J_261 CAN
ECABINET PCA (CZ056-60010) ENT-2 Ebox INTERCONNECT PCA (CZ056-60005) AC: DC:
32VDC 1 4 1 2 3 CURING BD
42VDC 2 5 4 5 6
eCabinet eBox 3 6
Ebox INTERCONNECT PCA (CZ056-60005) CZ056-50259
J_381 CAN*
J481 CAN*
P. Sensor P. Sensor
(J3) (P3)
CURING PCA (CZ056-60008 )
<NAME> P1 (P5)
connector. Is the
VR PUMP bus.
PANEL CZ056-50261
CURING AC CZ056-50258
24VDC Vapor Removal BD
Figure 2-17 Vapor removal block diagram
This is a single connector with different cables.
FW: MOTOR DRV PCA (Q6702-60953 ) Bus
Luna215 termination
MICCI2 (J2_351)
gnd gnd gnd gnd gnd
12 24 24 24
1 assembly CZ056-50239 R2F.TUR.Paper.PCA
CZ056-50127 CZ056-50203
VR pump Window (1x) Pinch switch short Pinch switch long R2F R2F
Optical sensor
3 Safety requirements
● Hazards
● Safety Check
NOTE: After using the maintenance key to open a door, remember to lock it afterwards, and return the key
to safe and secure storage.
Warning labels
Label Explanation
High leakage current. Current leakage may exceed 3.5 mA. Earth
connection essential before connecting supply. Equipment to be
connected to earthed mains only.
Before starting
Located on each side of the substrate path, close to the PPS gear
Located on each side of the substrate path, close to the PPS gear
Particular attention must be paid to the drying and curing subsystem, which uses hazardous voltages. Even
when the drying and curing subsystem is not operating, there will still be parts of the electrical circuit with
hazardous voltage levels.
Best practice
● Always perform the Safety Check before servicing the printer. See Safety Check on page 84
● Fuses blown after being replaced may indicate malfunctioning electrical circuits within the system.
Have the system checked by qualified service personnel, and do not attempt to replace the fuse again.
● Ensure you have the appropriate test equipment for the voltage range to be measured and proper
insulated leads before measuring the voltage at any test point.
● Avoid unintentional short-circuits with conductive parts surrounding the test points.
● Ensure the test leads do not slip out of your hands when measuring voltages, and be careful not to
touch uninsulated parts accidentally.
Mechanical hazard
● When the PPS is lowered, it can crush body parts if they are in the way.
● When the carriage moves, it can crush or cut body parts if they are in the way.
● Any moving printer components can potentially crush, cut, or seriously injure you.
Best practice
● Keep your clothing or body parts safe from moving parts of the printer.
● Avoid wearing loose clothing, jewelry like necklaces or bracelets, or any kind of hanging objects.
● Take care that sleeves and gloves do not get caught in the mechanical parts of the printer.
● Always perform the Safety Check before servicing the printer. See Safety Check on page 84
● Also make sure that there are no tools obstructing the operation of the printer.
● Avoid standing close to the fans, which could cause injury and could also affect print quality (by
obstructing the air flow).
Best practice
● Always perform the Safety Check before servicing the printer. See Safety Check on page 84
● Wear protective gloves if you must touch the scan-axis encoder strip.
Best practice
● Always perform the Safety Check before servicing the printer. See Safety Check on page 84
● Avoid direct contact with the drying and curing area of the printer.
● If you must work near the drying and curing modules, make sure that they have completely cooled
ENWW Hazards 81
Best practice
● When handling substrate rolls, care must be taken to avoid back strain and/or injury.
● Always use a forklift, pallet truck, or other handling equipment to lift substrates.
● Follow any manpower instructions included in this service manual when you replace components. Many
components, such as the drive roller or the cover, require at least two people for removal.
Fire Hazard
Drying and curing subsystems operate at high temperatures.
Best practice
● Always perform the Safety Check before servicing the printer. See Safety Check on page 84.
● Connect the power cords to dedicated lines, each protected by a branch circuit breaker.
● Do not manipulate the heating modules, unless required for servicing parts.
● Do not use aerosol products that contain flammable gases inside or around the printer. Do not operate
the printer in an explosive atmosphere.
● Follow any manpower instructions included in this service manual when you replace components. Many
components, such as the drive roller or the cover, require at least two people for removal.
● Do not attempt to modify the drying or curing module, or the e-cabinet, unless required for servicing
● Do not load substrates that cannot be used at an operating temperature above 125°C (257°F). Ensure
that the operating temperature of the substrate recommended by the manufacturer is not exceeded. If
this information is not available, ask the manufacturer.
● Proper maintenance and genuine HP consumables are required to ensure that the printer operates
safely as designed. The use of non-HP consumables (foams, filters, printhead cleaner roll, and inks)
may present a risk of fire.
● Do not load substrates with auto-ignition temperatures below 250°C (482°F). See note below. No
ignition sources are close to the substrate.
NOTE: Test method based on EN ISO 6942:2002: Evaluation of materials and material assemblies
when exposed to a source of radiant heat, method B. The test conditions, to determine the temperature
when the substrate starts ignition (either flame or glow) were: heat flux density 30 kW/m², copper
calorimeter, K type thermocouple.
Best practice
● Always perform the Safety Check before servicing the printer. See Safety Check on page 84.
● You are recommended not to look directly at the lamps while they are on.
Best practice
● Always perform the Safety Check before servicing the printer. See Safety Check on page 84.
Ink handling
Your printer does not use solvent inks and does not have the traditional problems associated with them.
However, HP recommends that you wear gloves when handling ink system components.
ENWW Hazards 83
Safety Check
The Safety Check must be performed before every service operation of the printer. From purging the printer
to replacing a single component, this Safety Check must always be performed.
NOTE: The protective earth conductor is marked with a symbol.
1. If you intend to remove any components of the drying and curing system, turn off the main power
switch and disconnect the printer from the Power Distribution Unit (PDU).
2. Check that the protective bonding conductor (green-and-yellow grounding cable) is well attached to the
e-cabinet doors.
3. Check that the protective earth conductor for single phase and three-phase (green-and-yellow
grounding cable) is well attached to the back panel of the e-cabinet.
4. Check that the protective bonding conductor (green-and-yellow grounding cable) is well attached to the
back panel of the e-cabinet.
5. Check that the protective bonding conductor (green-and-yellow grounding cable) is well attached to the
single-phase input.
6. Check that the protective bonding conductor (green-and-yellow grounding cable) is well attached to
printer structure.
7. Check that the protective bonding conductor (green-and-yellow grounding cable) is well attached to the
drying system.
8. Check that the protective bonding conductor (green-and-yellow grounding cable) is well attached to the
curing system.
9. Check that the protective bonding conductor (green-and-yellow grounding cable in the power cord) is
well attached to the vacuum and vapour removal pumps.
10. Check that the protective bonding conductor (green-and-yellow grounding cable in the power cord) is
well attached to the e-box.
13. Check that all RCCBs (GFIs) trip properly, by pressing the Test button.
14. Check that all doors and windows remain closed and in their original position.
15. Check that all safety warning labels remain in their intended positions and add any required labels on
new or removed parts.
● Print-quality troubleshooting
All the troubleshooting steps and corrective actions are described below. In many cases, a diagnostic test is
needed to determine the failure mode, and these tests are performed with the Print Care software. See How
to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
The printer can be started in normal mode or diagnostic mode, from Printer tools > Power options > Boot
modes. Normal mode starts the printer normally, but diagnostic mode starts only a minimal part of the
printer engine for diagnostic purposes, so the diagnostics available can be different in each case. See
Diagnostics on page 340.
When the printer is started in diagnostics mode, you should see the window below on the screen of the built-
in computer.
In diagnostic mode you may be able to run tests with parts detached from the printer, or run one subsystem
only and start the components required for this subsystem.
NOTE: To return the carriage to the capping position after working in diagnostic mode, you should restart
the printer in normal mode.
Useful information
When dealing with a system error, first obtain the following information:
● The firmware version that the printer is using (from the Internal Print Server: Utilities > Statistics >
Code rev.)
● The name and version of the software application that the customer is using
● XX.nn.mm:ff
● XX: Subsystem in which the failure has been detected (see the subsystem error codes table below)
● mm: Service part index, if more than one such part is used: for example, it may be used to identify the
ink cartridge (color and number).
● ff: Type of failure: voltage too low, temperature too high, communications error, time-out, and so on.
XX code Subsystem
01 E-box
10 E-cabinet
11 Pipeline
16 Curing system
21 Capping station
41 Substrate path
46 Printhead primers
48 PPS
52 Drop-detector system
79 Internal firmware
86 Scan axis
The fan that cools down the heat sink of the CPU in the Formatter PCA does not spin.
d. The fan does not properly receive the PWM signal (yellow wire).
Corrective actions
1. Check for proper fan wire connection to Formatter PCA (CPUFAN1 connector).
2. Check, with multimeter, for supply voltage presence in pin 2 (5 V) on CPUFAN1 connector in Formatter
3. Check, with multimeter, for PWM signal presence in pin 3 (between 1 and 3 V) on CPUFAN1 connector in
Formatter PCA.
Advisory (continuable)
Engine PCA #01 does not start-up properly (during power on) or there is an error during start-up.
5. If the problem persists, replace the PCA. See Engine PCA on page 535.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Check (through R/W commands) the data lines and address lines to detect physical tracks' errors.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
2. Check (through R/W commands) the data lines and address lines to detect physical tracks’ errors.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Engine PCA #02 does not start up properly (during power on), or there is an error during start-up.
d. The engine PCA #02 is damaged and does not perform properly.
Corrective actions
1. Check for PCA presence in proper slot.
5. If the problem persists, replace the PCA. See Engine PCA on page 535.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Check (through R/W commands) the data lines and address lines to detect physical tracks' errors.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Engine PCA #03 does not start up properly (during power-on), or there is an error during start-up.
Corrective actions
1. Check for PCA presence in proper slot.
5. If the problem persists, replace the PCA. See Engine PCA on page 535.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Check (through R/W commands) the data lines and address lines to detect physical tracks' errors.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
Engine PCA #04 does not start up properly (during power-on), or there is an error during start-up.
Corrective actions
1. Check for PCA presence in proper slot.
5. If the problem persists, replace the PCA. See Engine PCA on page 535.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Check (through R/W commands) the data lines and address lines to detect physical tracks' errors.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
There is a communication error between the engine adaptor PCA #01 and the engine PCA #01.
c. The engine adaptor PCA supply cable is not connected (engine adaptor PCA not powered).
Corrective actions
1. Visual check of the flat cable between the engine adaptor PCA and engine PCA (both ends).
3. Visual check of the voltage LEDs on the engine adaptor PCA; if they do not illuminate, check the supply
cable and PCA fuses.
4. If the problem persists, replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
There is an error in the assembly (connection) of the slot in the engine adaptor PCA #01 and e-box
interconnect PCA.
Corrective actions
1. Visual check of the connection between engine adaptor PCA and e-box interconnect PCA.
2. Physical check of the connection between engine adaptor PCA and e-box interconnect PCA.
3. Replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
4. Replace the e-box interconnect PCA. See E-box interconnect PCA on page 541.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The voltmeters in the engine adaptor PCA #01 sensed a voltage source (24V, 12V, 5V, or 3V3) out of its valid
2. Check the overcurrent LEDs on the side of the engine adaptor PCA (it must be off).
3. Replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
There is a communication error between the engine adaptor PCA #02 and the engine PCA #02.
c. The engine adaptor PCA supply cable is not connected (engine adaptor PCA not powered).
Corrective actions
1. Visual check of the flat cable between the engine adaptor PCA and engine PCA (both ends).
3. Visual check of the voltage LEDs in engine adaptor PCA; if they do not illuminate, check the supply cable
and PCA fuses.
4. If the problem persists, replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Corrective actions
1. Visual check of the connection between engine adaptor PCA and e-box interconnect PCA.
2. Physical check of the connection between engine adaptor PCA and e-box interconnect PCA.
3. Replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
4. Replace the e-box interconnect PCA. See E-box interconnect PCA on page 541.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The voltmeters in the engine adaptor PCA #02 sensed a voltage source (24V, 12V, 5V, or 3V3) out of its valid
Corrective actions
1. Check the engine adaptor PCA fuses.
2. Check the overcurrent LEDs on the side of the engine adaptor PCA (it must be off).
3. Replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
There is a communication error between the engine adaptor PCA #03 and engine PCA #03.
c. The engine adaptor PCA supply cable is not connected (engine adaptor PCA not supplied).
Corrective actions
1. Visual check of the flat cable between the engine adaptor PCA and engine PCA (both ends).
3. Visual check of the voltage LEDs in the engine adaptor PCA; if they do not illuminate, check the supply
cable and PCA fuses.
4. If problem persists, replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
There is an error in the assembly (connection) of the slot in the engine adaptor PCA #03 and the e-box
interconnect PCA.
Corrective actions
1. Visual check of the connection between engine adaptor PCA and e-box interconnect PCA.
2. Physical check of the connection between engine adaptor PCA and e-box interconnect PCA.
3. Replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
4. Replace the e-box interconnect PCA. See E-box interconnect PCA on page 541.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The voltmeters in the engine adaptor PCA #03 sensed a voltage source (24V, 12V, 5V, or 3V3) out of its valid
Corrective actions
1. Check the engine adaptor PCA fuses.
2. Check the overcurrent LEDs on the side of engine adaptor PCA (it must be off).
3. Replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
There is a communication error between the engine adaptor PCA #04 and engine PCA #04.
c. The engine adaptor PCA supply cable is not connected (engine adaptor PCA not powered).
Corrective actions
1. Visual check of the flat cable between the engine adaptor PCA and engine PCA (both ends).
3. Visual check of the voltage LEDs in the engine adaptor PCA; if they do not illuminate, then check the
supply cable and PCA fuses.
4. If the problem persists, replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
ELA #04 to PPA connection fail: there is an error in the assembly (connection) of the slot in the engine
adaptor PCA #04 and the e-box interconnect PCA.
a. The engine adaptor PCA is not properly connected to the e-box interconnect PCA.
2. Physical check of the connection between engine adaptor PCA and e-box interconnect PCA.
3. Replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
4. Replace the e-box interconnect PCA. See E-box interconnect PCA on page 541.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The voltmeters in the engine adaptor PCA #04 sensed a voltage source (24V, 12V, 5V, or 3V3) out of its valid
Corrective actions
1. Check the engine adaptor PCA fuses.
2. Check the overcurrent LEDs on the side of the engine adaptor PCA (it must be off).
3. Replace the engine adaptor PCA. See Engine adaptor PCA on page 539.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The temperature measured inside the e-box enclosure is being suspiciously high.
b. The e-box air filter is dirty and does not allow air-exchange with the outside atmosphere.
Corrective actions
None mandatory, only a warning.
Advisory (continuable)
The temperature measured inside the e-box enclosure is above the upper limit allowable
b. The e-box air filter is dirty and does not allow the air exchange with the outside atmosphere.
Corrective actions
1. Check for the proper ambient temperature near the printer and e-box.
3. Check for the proper working of both fans (CPU fan and e-box fan).
Advisory (continuable)
The fan located in the e-box enclosure (door's cover) does not spin.
d. The fan does not properly receive the PWM signal (yellow wire).
Corrective actions
1. Check for proper fan wire connection to Formatter PCA (SYSFAN1 connector).
2. Check, with multimeter, for supply voltage presence in pin 2 (12V) on SYSFAN1 connector in Formatter
3. Check, with multimeter, for PWM signal presence in pin 3 (between 1V and 3V) on SYSFAN1 connector in
Formatter PCA.
Advisory (continuable)
Files found in the hard disk are corrupted
a. An unexpected shutdown of the printer corrupted the data on the hard disk.
Corrective actions
1. Restart the printer.
2. Run diagnostics.
Advisory (continuable)
The printer has encountered an error while accessing/writing values to the NVM.
b. Firmware error
Corrective actions
1. Turn off the printer, wait a few seconds, then turn it on again.
3. If the problem persists, replace the printer’s hard disk drive. See E-box hard disk drive on page 526.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
There is no space left in the internal hard disk; for some reason the hard disk does not clean the temporal
Advisory (continuable)
The data written in the hard disk does not match with the data found in IDS (EE-PROM) or both are empty.
Corrective actions
Call support.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Part number of the hard disk does not match the proper part number required by the printer (wrong part).
Corrective actions
Call support.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Corrective actions
Call support.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The contactor K-1 is closed when it should be open, or open when it should be closed.
b. Feedback cable fault (from K-1 contacts 33/34 to e-cabinet PCA contact connector)
Corrective actions
1. Restart the printer. If the problem does not repeat, it is probably a firmware glitch.
2. If the problem persists, check that the cable from the 33/34 contacts of K-1 to the e-cabinet PCA is not
damaged. If it is damaged, replace the cable. This affects the other contactors as there is only one
feedback cable for all of them.
4. If the problem still persists, replace the e-cabinet PCA. See E-cabinet PCA on page 552.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The contactor K-2 is closed when it should be open, or open when it should be closed.
a. Contactor fault
b. Feedback cable fault (from K-2 contacts 33/34 to e-cabinet PCA contact connector)
Corrective actions
1. Restart the printer. If the problem does not repeat, it is probably a firmware glitch.
2. If the problem persists, check that the cable from the 33/34 contacts of K-2 to the e-cabinet PCA is not
damaged. If it is damaged, replace the cable. This affects the other contactors as there is only one
feedback cable for all of them.
4. If the problem still persists, replace the e-cabinet PCA. See E-cabinet PCA on page 552.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The contactor K-3 is closed when it should be open, or open when it should be closed.
b. Feedback cable fault (from K-3 contacts 33/34 to e-cabinet PCA contact connector)
2. If the problem persists, check that the cable from the 33/34 contacts of K-3 to the e-cabinet PCA is not
damaged. If it is damaged, replace the cable. This affects the other contactors as there is only one
feedback cable for all of them.
4. If the problem persists, replace the e-cabinet PCA. See E-cabinet PCA on page 552.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The contactor K-4 is closed when it should be open, or open when it should be closed.
b. Feedback cable fault (from K-4 contacts 33/34 to e-cabinet PCA contact connector)
Corrective actions
1. Restart the printer. If the problem does not repeat, it is probably a firmware glitch.
2. If the problem persists, check that the cable from the 33/34 contacts of K-4 to the e-cabinet PCA is not
damaged. If it is damaged, replace the cable. This affects the other contactors as there is only one
feedback cable for all of them.
4. If the problem persists, replace the e-cabinet PCA. See E-cabinet PCA on page 552.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
PCA wrong version
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
2. Replace the PCA with the appropriate revision. See E-cabinet PCA on page 552.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
c. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
E-cabinet PCA 5V to ground voltage is out of range.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The glass fuse on the inner face of the e-cabinet PCA (F24) has blown.
b. PCA fault
Corrective actions
1. Replace the fuse.
a. Safety circuit (Safety Engine Adaptor PCA, contactors, e-stops, Interlocks, and all associated
SEVERE (non-continuable)
b. Fan failure
Corrective actions
None mandatory, warning only.
Warning only—continuable
Ambient temperature too high in the e-cabinet.
b. Fan failure
Corrective actions
The overcurrent protection for the actuators powered by the e-cabinet PCA has been triggered.
b. PCA fault
Corrective actions
1. Inspect the safety circuit: safety engine adaptor PCA, contactors, e-stops, interlocks, and all associated
SEVERE (non-continuable)
PSU-1 not supplying voltage, or alarm signal is activated.
e. PCA malfunction
5. If the LED is lit, check the DC output cable and the PCA.
6. If the PSU-1 is still not working replace the PSU-1. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
PSU–1 voltage too high.
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-1 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 42V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-1 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-1 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 42V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-1 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
e. PCA malfunction
5. If the LED is lit, check the DC output cable and the PCA.
6. If the PSU-2 is still not working replace the PSU-2. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
PSU_2 ground to earth voltage out of range. Run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call support.
Corrective actions
Check powered subsystem earthing.
PSU_2 voltage too high.
b. PCA malfunction
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-1 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 24V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-2 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The PSU-2 voltage is too low.
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-2 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 24V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-2 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
PSU-3 not supplying voltage, or alarm signal is activated.
e. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Check ACB-7.
5. If the LED is lit, check the DC output cable and the PCA.
6. If the PSU-3 is still not working, replace the PSU-3. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
PSU_3 ground to earth voltage out of range. Run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call support.
Corrective actions
The PSU-3 voltage is too high.
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-1 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 32V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-3 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The PSU-3 voltage is too low.
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-3 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 32V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-3 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The PSU-4 is not supplying voltage, or an alarm signal is activated.
e. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Check ACB-7.
6. If the PSU-4 is still not working replace the PSU-4. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
PSU_4 ground to earth voltage out of range. Run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call support.
Corrective actions
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-1 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 13 V ±5%.
e. If the PSU-4 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-4 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 13V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-4 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4 on page 555.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
e. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Check ACB-6.
5. If the LED is lit, check the DC output cable and the PCA.
6. If the PSU-5 is still not working, replace the PSU-5. See E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7 on page 563.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
PSU-5 ground to earth voltage out of range. Run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call support.
NOTE: In the case of this PSU, this error may appear as scan-axis motor braking, but it doesn't mean that
the scan-axis motor is faulty.
Corrective actions
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-5 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 42V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-5 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7 on page 563.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
b. PCA malfunction
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-5 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 42V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-5 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7 on page 563.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The PSU-6 is not supplying voltage, or an alarm signal is activated.
e. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Check ACB-6.
5. If the LED is lit, check the DC output cable and the PCA.
6. If the PSU-6 is still not working replace the PSU-6. See E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7 on page 563.
PSU_6 ground to earth voltage out of range. Run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call support.
Corrective actions
Check powered subsystem earthing.
The PSU-6 voltage is too high.
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-6 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 24V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-6 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7 on page 563.
The PSU-6 voltage is too low.
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-6 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 24V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-6 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7 on page 563.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The PSU-7 is not supplying voltage, or an alarm signal is activated.
e. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Check ACB-7.
5. If the LED is lit, check the DC output cable and the PCA.
6. If the PSU-7 is still not working replace the PSU-7. See E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7 on page 563.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
PSU-7 ground to earth voltage out of range. Run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call support.
Corrective actions
Check powered subsystem earthing.
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-7 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 24V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-7 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7 on page 563.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The PSU-7 voltage is too low.
b. PCA malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
d. Otherwise adjust the PSU-7 output voltage through its adjustment potentiometer with the help of
a voltage meter. Voltage must be within 24V +/- 5%.
e. If the PSU-7 cannot be adjusted, replace the PSU. See E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7 on page 563.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Corrective actions
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The MI Motor 42V fuse has blown (F10).
Corrective actions
1. Run the subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The MA Motor 42V fuse has blown.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The carriage 42V CARR fuse has blown.
Corrective actions
1. Run the subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The ISS 24V fuse has blown.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The vapor removal 24V fuse has blown.
Corrective actions
1. Run the subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The PPS 32V fuse has blown.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The printhead cleaning system 32V fuse has blown.
Corrective actions
1. Run the subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The SVS 32V fuse has blown.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The take-up reel PCA 32V fuse has blown.
Corrective actions
1. Run the subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable) (if the TUR is not in use this output is not needed)
The unused 32V fuse has blown.
The carriage 12V fuse has blown.
Corrective actions
1. Run the subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The unused 12V fuse has blown.
The SAX 42V fuse has blown.
Corrective actions
1. Run the subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The unused 42V fuse has blown.
The curing-1 24V fuse has blown.
Corrective actions
1. Run the subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The DS-2 24V fuse has blown.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The curing-2 24V fuse has blown.
Corrective actions
1. Run the subsystem diagnostic.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The DS-1 24V fuse has blown.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The MO motor 42V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
Continuable (when in roll-to-floor mode this output is not used)
The MF motor 42V switch is overloaded.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The MI motor 42V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
E-cabinet MA power output overload. Run subsystem diagnostic. If problem persists, call your support
The MA motor 42V switch is overloaded.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The carriage 42V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
E-cabinet ISS power output overload. Run subsystem diagnostic. If problem persists, call your support
The ISS 24V switch is overloaded.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The vapor removal 24V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
3. If the problem persists, most likely there is a problem in the Vapor removal.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
E-cabinet PPS power output overload. Run subsystem diagnostic. If problem persists, call your support
The PPS 32V switch is overloaded.
The printhead cleaning system 32V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
3. If the problem persists, most likely there is a problem in the printhead cleaning system.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
E-cabinet SVS power output overload. Run subsystem diagnostic. If problem persists, call your support
The SVS 32V switch is overloaded.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The take-up reel PCA 32V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
3. If the problem persists, most likely there is a problem in the TUR sensor system.
Continuable (if the TUR is not in use this output is not needed)
E-cabinet PSU-3-5 power output overload. Run subsystem diagnostic. If problem persists, call your support
Unused 32V switch is overloaded.
The carriage 12V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Unused 12V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
No corrective actions as output is not used.
The SAX 42V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
3. If the problem persists, most likely there is a problem in the SAX motor.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Unused 42V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
No corrective actions as output is not used.
The DS-2 24V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
3. If the problem persists, most likely there is a problem in the DS-2 AC converter.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The DS-1 24V switch is overloaded.
Corrective actions
1. Reboot the printer.
3. If the problem persists, most likely there is a problem in the DS-1 AC converter.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Corrective actions
1. Ensure that no emergency stops are pressed.
3. Run e-cabinet diagnostics and check the e-box interconnect PCA LEDs.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
Corrective actions
Disable the bypass to operate the printer in normal mode. For the customer to use the printer normally, the
bypass must be disabled.
SEVERE (non-continuable)
The PCA detects power in the safety circuit when there should be no power.
Corrective actions
1. Replace the PCA.
10.10.0X:01 (X may be 1 or 2)
(10.10.01:01, 10.10.02:01)
2. Check whether the customer has power line problems at the site (usually this causes intermittent
3. Check that environmental temperature and e-cabinet fan and filter are OK.
10.10.0X:40 (X may be 1 or 2)
(10.10.01:40, 10.10.02:40)
Corrective actions
1. Run e-cabinet and drying subsystem diagnostics and drying lamps.
10.10.0X:41 (X may be 1 or 2)
(10.10.01:41, 10.10.02:41)
10.10.0X:42 (X may be 1 or 2)
(10.10.01:42, 10.10.02:42)
Corrective actions
1. Run e-cabinet and drying subsystem diagnostics and drying lamps.
10.10.0X:43 (X may be 1 or 2)
(10.10.01:43, 10.10.02:43)
b. Cabling problem
10.10.0X:96 (X may be 1 or 2)
(10.10.01:96, 10.10.02:96)
Corrective actions
1. Run e-cabinet, e-box, and drying subsystem diagnostics and drying lamps.
FO PCA (e-box) malfunction. Reboot the printer and run printhead Control diagnostics. If problem is
confirmed, call your support representative.
Corrective actions
1. Check that PCA is in place.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the PCA is in place.
3. Check LEDs.
Connection problem
Corrective actions
1. Check if the connector is latched OK.
b. FO damage
Corrective actions
1. Check that the PCA is on place.
3. Check LEDs.
Corrective actions
1. Run Control link diagnostics test.
4. If the problem accompanies the printhead interconnect PCA then replace it.
6. If the problem remains, replace the fiber-optics PCA. See Fiber-optics PCA on page 466.
Printhead interconnect X malfunction. Restart the printer in diagnostic mode and run printhead control
diagnostics. If problem is confirmed, call your support representative.
Corrective actions
1. Run control link diagnostics test.
2. Check cabling and LEDs in the fiber-optics PCA and printhead interconnect X.
3. Swap the printhead interconnect PCA with one of the same color.
4. If the problem accompanies the printhead interconnect PCA, then replace it. See Printhead interconnect
color PCA on page 464 or Printhead interconnect optimizer PCA on page 462.
Printhead interconnect X not responding. Reboot the printer and run printhead control diagnostics. If
problem is confirmed, call your support representative.
Corrective actions
2. Check cabling and LEDs in the fiber-optics PCA and printhead interconnect X.
3. Swap the printhead interconnect PCA with one of the same color.
4. If the problem accompanies the printhead interconnect PCA, then replace it. See Printhead interconnect
color PCA on page 464 or Printhead interconnect optimizer PCA on page 462.
Drying PCA 0X PCA issue. Reinitialize carriage to recover the system. If this doesn’t work, run subsystem
diagnostics, and if the problem is confirmed call your support representative.
Corrective actions
1. Check connections.
15.01.0X:02 (X may be 1 or 2)
(15.01.01:02, 15.01.02:02)
15.01.0X:03 (X may be 1 or 2)
(15.01.01:03, 15.01.02:03)
Corrective actions
1. Update the firmware.
15.01.0X:05 (X may be 1 or 2)
(15.01.01:05, 15.01.02:05)
The scan axis has been stopped with lamps on for a longer time than the safety threshold set by the
Corrective actions
1. Reinitialize the carriage, run the scan-axis friction test, and oil the carriage if necessary.
3. Check drying cables. Run drying subsystem diagnostics. Check the encoder cable to the drying PCA and
replace failing parts.
4. Check DS-X cabling. Run e-cabinet diagnostics, and replace a failing power supply if necessary.
15.01.0X:09 (X may be 1 or 2)
(15.01.01:09, 15.01.02:09)
A scan-axis problem has been detected with lamps on. The drying subsystem is disconnected for safety
Corrective actions
1. Run scan-axis diagnostics.
15.01.0X:86 (X may be 1 or 2)
(15.01.01:86, 15.01.02:86)
Corrective actions
1. Check connections.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the AC/AC power supply works properly.
Drying PCA 01 hardware supervisor check failed. Reinitialize carriage to recover the system. If this doesn’t
work, run subsystem diagnostics, and if the problem is confirmed call your support representative.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the AC/AC power supply works properly.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the AC/AC power supply works properly.
Corrective actions
1. Reconnect properly.
3. Replace bi-metal.
15.03.0X:01 (X may be 1 or 2)
(15.03.01:01, 15.03.02:01)
Corrective actions
15.03.0X:42 (X may be 1 or 2)
(15.03.01:42, 15.03.02:42)
Drying fan array 0X current value too low. Reinitialize carriage to recover the system. Replace affected part.
Corrective actions
1. Visually inspect the fan array harness.
15.06.0X:01 (X may be 1 or 2)
(15.06.01:01, 15.06.02:01)
Corrective actions
Run subsystem diagnostics to identify root cause.
15.07.0X:01 (X may be 1 or 2)
(15.07.01:01, 15.07.02:01)
b. One (or both) relays are in S.C. or GPIO is stuck in logical level 1.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostics to confirm the problem.
4. Reconnect properly.
Corrective actions
Check with diagnostics and replace the PCA if necessary. See Drying PCA on page 522.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostics to confirm the problem.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostics to confirm the problem.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostics to confirm the problem.
Drying PCA 02 fuse 2 burnt. Reinitialize carriage to recover the system. If this doesn’t work, run subsystem
diagnostics, and if the problem is confirmed call your support representative.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostics to confirm the problem.
Drying PCA 01 substrate crash sensor 1. Reinitialize carriage to recover the system. If this doesn’t work, run
subsystem diagnostics, and if the problem is confirmed call your support representative.
c. Dirty sensor
d. Faulty sensor
Corrective actions
1. Check that the carriage can move freely without obstacles.
c. Cabling problem
Corrective actions
1. Check that the carriage can move freely without obstacles.
3. Reboot in diagnostic mode and run crash sensor and drying diagnostics.
Crash sensor 1 is detecting an obstacle.
c. Dirty sensor
d. Faulty sensor
Corrective actions
1. Check that the carriage can move freely without obstacles.
Substrate crash sensor 02 check failed. Reinitialize carriage to recover the system. If this doesn't work, run
subsystem diagnostics, and if the problem is confirmed call your support representative.
c. Cabling problem
Corrective actions
3. Reboot in diagnostic mode and run crash sensor and drying diagnostics.
Crash sensor 2 is detecting an obstacle.
c. Dirty sensor
d. Faulty sensor
Corrective actions
1. Check that the carriage can move freely without obstacles.
Crash sensor 2 is detecting an obstacle.
d. Faulty sensor
Corrective actions
1. Check that the carriage can move freely without obstacles.
Corrective actions
Reconfigure the voltage.
16.01.0X:01 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.01.01:01, 16.01.02:01)
3. Replace the curing PCA. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
16.01.0X:02 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.01.01:02, 16.01.02:02)
Corrective actions
1. Run curing diagnostics.
3. Replace the curing PCA. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
16.01.0X:03 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.01.01:03, 16.01.02:03)
Curing module X firmware and hardware mismatch. Module disabled, substrate going under this module
won't be cured. But if module is required to print, reinstall/upgrade printer firmware. If problem persists, call
2. Replace the curing PCA. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
16.01.0X:04 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.01.01:04, 16.01.02:04)
Corrective actions
1. Check cabling.
3. Replace the curing PCA. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
16.01.0X:05 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.01.01:05, 16.01.02:05)
16.01.0X:09 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.01.01:09, 16.01.02:09)
The printer cannot detect the curing PCA.
Corrective actions
1. Check connections.
2. Replace the curing PCA. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
16.01.0X:10 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.01.01:10, 16.01.02:10)
AC power to the module has been cut.
Corrective actions
1. Check that safety elements work properly.
3. Check whether the customer has power cuts and input voltage problems.
5. Check PCA and replace if necessary. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
c. Resistor degradation
Corrective actions
1. Check AC input tension and reconfigure the printer’s AC input configuration.
Corrective actions
1. Reinstall or update the printer’s firmware.
2. Replace the curing PCA. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
16.02.0X:04 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.02.01:04, 16.02.02:04)
Corrective actions
1. Check connections.
2. Replace the curing PCA. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
16.02.0X:10 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.02.01:10, 16.02.02:10)
c. Cabling problem
Corrective actions
Replace any faulty part.
16.02.0X:21 (X may be 1 or 2)
(16.02.01:21, 16.02.02:21)
Corrective actions
1. Check the ambient temperature.
2. Check that the fans are working, and that the holes in the curing plate are not blocked.
Curing bottom plate model or revision is not properly set in the printer.
Corrective actions
Go to the diagnostic utilities in Print Care and run the set curing bottom plate diagnostic in order to set the
right model and revision. See Table 5-23 Utilities on page 375.
Curing module X temperature channel 1 out of range (recirculation). Module disabled, substrate going under
this module won't be cured. But, if module is required to print, run subsystem diagnostic. If problem persists,
call support.
Corrective actions
1. Check the ambient temperature.
2. Check that the fans are working, and that the holes in the curing plate are not blocked.
Corrective actions
Replace the temperature sensor.
Corrective actions
1. Check the fan connections.
Curing module X chamber 1 open circuit detected. Module disabled, substrate going under this module won't
be cured. But, if module is required to print, run subsystem diagnostic. If problem persists, call support.
b. Resistor failure
Corrective actions
1. Reinstall or update the firmware.
2. Check the curing PCA and replace it if necessary. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
Corrective actions
1. Reinstall or update the firmware.
2. Check the curing PCA and replace it if necessary. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
Corrective actions
1. Check the ambient temperature.
2. Check that the fans are working, and that the holes in the curing plate are not blocked.
Corrective actions
Replace temperature sensor.
Corrective actions
1. Check the fan connections.
b. Resistor failure
Corrective actions
1. Reinstall or update the firmware.
2. Check the curing PCA and replace it if necessary. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
Corrective actions
1. Reinstall or update the firmware.
2. Check the curing PCA and replace it if necessary. See Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490.
Corrective actions
1. Check the fan connections.
Curing module X fan connector issue. Module disabled, substrate going under this module won't be cured.
But, if module is required to print, run subsystem diagnostic. If problem persists, call support.
b. PCA failure
Corrective actions
1. Check the fan connection.
Corrective actions
Run safety and e-cabinet diagnostics, and replace any faulty part.
Corrective actions
1. Use a screwdriver to check that the shutter is not jammed against the structure.
Corrective actions
1. Use a screwdriver to check that the shutter is not jammed against the structure.
Corrective actions
1. Run capping bump switch test, check that the shuttle is closing the switch, and check that the switch
status is reported properly.
2. If the switch works well but the shutter doesn't manage to close it, check that friction is not too high.
Motor driver PCA comm failure. Reinitialize carriage. If problem persists, call support.
a. Cabling problem
b. PCA failure
Corrective actions
1. Check all cables arriving at the PCA and from PCA to capping and drop detection shutter motors and
Corrective actions
a. If a purge has not been performed, complete a full purge of the ink system according to the installation
guide (3 steps).
b. If a purge has been performed but not completed, complete the full purging process according to the
installation guide (3 steps).
c. If a purge has been completed manually (by opening electrovalves or filling intermediate tanks), use
diagnostic procedures; the system will not detect the ink system as purged.
Do not set the ink system as purged if you are not fully convinced that a correct and complete purge of the
system as been performed.
2. If there is water or condensation in the ink tray, clean the accumulated water, dry the tray and the
sensor contacts if required. Remove any possible cause of the accumulation of water.
3. Check for possible short circuits in the ink leakage detection line, use the ink system leakage diagnostic
to troubleshoot the problem, and replace the detection cable or ISS PCA if required. See ISS PCA
on page 683.
Corrective actions
1. Review ISS PCA connections.
Run IDS diagnostic. If the problem persists, call your support representative
Corrective actions
1. If (a) is true, replace the intermediate tank (see ISM intermediate tank on page 670) and run the
"Intermediate tanks refill (by time)" diagnostic. Drain the air bottle and clean the air tubes.
2. If (b) or (c) are true, just clean the affected parts. Then run the "Intermediate tank broken bag recovery"
diagnostic to check the error condition and clear the error flag.
Corrective actions
Run the "Intermediate tank change" diagnostic to follow the process with automatic guidance.
Corrective actions
1. Check intermediate tank ink level, by checking its weight.
2. If is not full (~1 kg), the causes could be (a) or (c). Then execute the valve diagnostic, if it is not the valve
then check the ink channel.
3. If it is full, then execute the valve diagnostic and replace the valve if necessary.
4. Clear the flag error by running the "No flow error recovery" diagnostic.
Corrective actions
1. Run the "Automatic electrovalves and ink pressure sensor check" diagnostic and identify whether the
problem is the valve or the sensor.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the ink cartridge is in the right position with nothing on it.
3. Compare the values returned with the ink sensor board label values.
4. If the values are different, set label values, otherwise run the "Automatic electrovalves and ink pressure
sensor check" diagnostic to stabilize pressure, and go back to step 1.
5. If this fails, change the ink sensor board and recalibrate it.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the ink cartridge is in the right position, with nothing on it.
3. Compare the values returned with the ink sensor board label values.
4. If the values are different, set label values, otherwise run the "Automatic electrovalves and ink pressure
sensor check" diagnostic to stabilize pressure, and go back to step 1.
5. If this fails, change the ink sensor board and recalibrate it.
Corrective actions
1. Check the ink sump to identify leakage color.
2. Check the faulty ink line, paying attention to the ink pressure sensor, ink four-way valve, electrovalves,
tubes, and fitting.
5. Run the ink system leakage diagnostic, to check that it is fixed and clear the error.
22.07.0X.01 (X may be 1 or 2)
(22.07.01:01, 22.07.02:01)
Corrective actions
1. Check LED status lights.
22.07.0X.04 (X may be 1 or 2)
(22.07.01:04, 22.07.02:04)
Corrective actions
1. Check the ISS PCA LEDs.
2. Check connections.
22.10.0X:30 (X may be 1 or 2)
(22.10.01:30, 22.10.02:30)
Air pressure sensor valves have been detected as out of the expected measurement range. Expected
pressure between −0.2 and 7 psi; for the system error to be triggered the condition must be repeated for 1
Corrective actions
1. Check the connections of the air tube to the air pressure sensor in the ISS board.
2. Disconnect the tubes and perform a visual inspection of the system, in case of doubt blow into the tube
to ensure there is no blockage towards the relief valve.
The air system is unable to pressurize to the expected working pressure, which, depending on the actual
working cycle, could be 5.2–5.6 psi (normal working pressure) or 3.6–4 psi (during refilling the non-refilled
side is pressurized to prevent backwards refill).
Corrective actions
1. Review all air tube connections and ensure that there is no disconnection (tubes from pumps and relief
valve to tap, tubes from tap to intermediate tanks).
2. Perform the front and rear air pumps diagnostic procedures. See Table 5-10 Ink delivery system
on page 362.
3. If the pumps do not work, check pump connections and verify pin integrity.
4. If connections are correct, connecting to another working port and start the pump.
5. If the pump works with another port, replace the ink system main board.
6. If the pump fails, replace the air pump. See ISM pump and relief valve on page 679.
7. Check that the pressure bottle cap is tight and there is no leakage.
8. Pressurize the system and check for any failed tube. Leave the pumps on test with diagnostic
procedure , the pump will operate until 6 psi is reached.
9. Check relief valve is closed and air is not escaping from it when pressurizing. Swap the relief valve from
the other side to verify that it is the relief valve that is failing. If the relief valve fails, replace it. See ISM
pump and relief valve on page 679.
10. Swap all intermediate tanks and ensure that there is no leak. If a leak is detected, swap the
intermediate tanks again one by one until the leak is discovered. Replace the intermediate tank as
appropriate and force-fill intermediate tanks. See ISM intermediate tank on page 670.
11. Swap air pressure sensor tube connections to the PCA and display values if required. If the sensors do
not have similar behavior, replace the ISS PCA. See ISS PCA on page 683.
13. If necessary, replace the ink circuit module. See ISM ink circuit module on page 675.
22.10.0X:32 (X may be 1 or 2)
(22.10.01:32, 22.10.02:32)
APS air pump error 0X. Run IDS diagnostic. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
The air system is unable to pressurize to the expected working pressure, which, depending on the actual
working cycle, could be 5.2–5.6 psi (normal working pressure) or 3.6–4 psi (during refilling the non-refilled
side is pressurized to prevent backwards refill).
Corrective actions
1. Review all air tube connections and ensure that there is no disconnection (tubes from pumps and relief
valve to tap, tubes from tap to intermediate tanks.
3. If the pumps do not work, check pump connections and verify pin integrity.
4. If connections are correct, connect to another working port and start the pump.
5. If the pump works with another port, replace the ink system main board.
6. If the pump fails, replace the air pump. See ISM pump and relief valve on page 679.
7. Check that the pressure bottle cap is tight and there is no leakage.
8. Pressurize the system and check for any failed tube. Leave the pumps on test with diagnostic
procedure, the pump will operate until 6 psi is reached.
10. Swap all intermediate tanks and ensure that there is no leak. If a leak is detected, swap the
intermediate tanks again one by one until the leak is discovered. Replace the intermediate tank as
appropriate and force-fill the intermediate tanks. See ISM intermediate tank on page 670.
11. Swap air pressure sensor tube connections to the PCA and display values if required. If the sensors do
not have similar behavior, replace the ISS PCA. See ISS PCA on page 683.
12. Try to adjust tubes and check connections, clean if required. If they cannot be recovered, replace the ink
circuit module. See ISM ink circuit module on page 675.
Corrective actions
Run the calibration test from the IDS diagnostics menu. If the calibration fails, replace the APS or replace the
22.10.01:87: Open relief valve error 01. Run IDS diagnostic. If problem persists, call your support
The system is considered to be depressurized at 0.3 psi, and there is a timeout of 120 seconds to
depressurize. The standard operating range is 5.2–5.6 psi (working pressure). Block flow pressure 3.6–4 psi
(not printing but refilling, the selected side is pressurized to this level to ensure that refilling is done on the
expected side). While printing, the unused side is pressurized to prevent backwards refilling.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the relief valve cable is correctly connected to the valve and to the ISS main board.
2. Open and close the relief valve several times to check that it works (you can do this with a finger).
3. Swap the relief valve connections to check whether the failure is the driver or the relief valve. If the
cause is the valve, remove and replace it. See ISM pump and relief valve on page 679.
4. If the failure is the driver of the electrovalve, replace the ISS main board.
5. Disconnect the tubes and perform a visual inspection of the system. In case of doubt, disconnect the
tube and blow into it to ensure that there is no blockage towards the relief valve.
6. If the relief system seems to be working correctly, replace the ISS main board.
7. Replace the air pump, relief valve, and tubes. See ISM pump and relief valve on page 679.
Corrective actions
1. Replace the APS.
Corrective actions
Replace the IDS PCA.
22.11.0X:01 (X may be 1 or 2)
(22.11.01:01, 22.11.02:01)
APS open relief valve error 0X. Run IDS diagnostic. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
c. Block flow pressure 3.6–4 psi (not printing but refilling, the selected side is pressurized to this level to
ensure that refilling is done on the expected side), while printing the unused side is pressurized to
prevent backwards refilling.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the relief valve cable is correctly connected to the valve and to the ISS Main Board.
2. Open and close the relief valve several times to check that it works (this can be done with a finger).
3. Swap the relief valve connections to check whether the failure is the driver or the relief valve. If the
cause is the valve, remove and replace it.
4. If the failure is the actual driver of the electrovalve, replace the ISS main board.
5. Disconnect the tubes and perform a visual inspection of the system, in case of doubt disconnect the
tube and blow into it to ensure that there is no blockage towards the relief valve.
6. If the relief system seems to be working correctly, replace the ISS main board.
7. Replace the air pump, relief valve, and tubes. See ISM pump and relief valve on page 679.
Corrective actions
d. Broken substrate
Corrective actions
You may have reached the end of the roll. If so, thread a new roll, inflate the spindles, and perform a
substrate load. Otherwise, check that the spindles are inflated and perform a substrate load.
Corrective actions
Check for a missing parameter in the substrate properties file and update the OMES substrate package. If the
problem persists, call your support representative.
Corrective actions
You may have reached the end of the roll, or it may be detached from the core. If it has come to the end,
thread a new roll, inflate the spindles, and perform a substrate load. Otherwise, check that the spindles are
inflated and perform a substrate load.
Substrate input motor internal fault.
a. Connector problems
b. PSU problems
c. Driver problem
Corrective actions
1. Reload substrate to clear the error.
2. Run the input roller (MI) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
b. Motor problem
c. EE problem
Corrective actions
3. Run the input roller (MI) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
b. Calibration problem
c. Motor problem
Corrective actions
2. Run the input roller (MI) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
b. Substrate jam
e. EE driver failure
Corrective actions
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. Run the input roller (MI) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
1. Ensure that substrate loading table latches are closed on both sides.
2. Run the substrate path sensor check diagnostic to check which sensor has failed.
b. Motor problem
2. Run the input roller (MI) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
b. Substrate jam
f. EE driver failure
Corrective actions
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. Run the input roller (MI) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
b. PSU problem
c. Driver problem
Corrective actions
b. Motor problem
c. EE problem
Corrective actions
2. If the problem persists, reboot, retry substrate load, and check whether the motor fault LED is off.
4. If the motor is faulty, and after being restarted by firmware it remains faulty, then the motor electronics
may be damaged.
5. If the roller has abnormally high friction, try cleaning and greasing the worm transmission and helical
Corrective actions
b. Substrate jam
e. EE driver failure
Corrective actions
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. If the problem persists, check whether the motor fault LED is off.
4. If the motor is faulty, and after being restarted by firmware it remains faulty, then the motor electronics
may be damaged.
5. If the roller has abnormally high friction, try cleaning and greasing the worm transmission and helical
b. Substrate jam
e. EE driver failure
Corrective actions
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. If the problem persists, check whether the motor fault LED is off.
4. If the motor is faulty, and after being restarted by firmware it remains faulty, then the motor electronics
may be damaged.
5. If the roller has abnormally high friction, try cleaning and greasing the worm transmission and helical
a. Encoder problem
b. Motor problem
Corrective actions
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. If the problem persists, check whether the motor fault LED is off.
4. If the motor is faulty, and after being restarted by firmware it remains faulty, then the motor electronics
may be damaged.
5. If the roller has abnormally high friction, try cleaning and greasing the worm transmission and helical
a. Connection problem
b. Substrate jam
e. EE driver failure
Corrective actions
2. If the problem persists, check whether the motor fault LED is off.
4. If the motor is faulty, and after being restarted by firmware it remains faulty, then the motor electronics
may be damaged.
5. If the roller has abnormally high friction, try cleaning and greasing the worm transmission and helical
Corrective actions
2. Replace the analog encoder, code wheel, and PCA, and recalibrate.
Corrective actions
1. Run the main roller diagnostic test to check that the encoder does not read the zero.
2. Replace the analog encoder, code wheel, and PCA, and recalibrate.
Corrective actions
2. Replace the analog encoder, code wheel, and PCA, and recalibrate.
b. PSU problem
c. Driver problem
Corrective actions
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. Run output roller (MO) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the test
Corrective actions
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
3. Run the output roller (MO) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
a. Connection problem
b. Substrate jam
e. EE driver failure
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. Run the output roller (MO) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
a. Connection problem
b. Substrate jam
e. EE driver failure
Corrective actions
2. Run the output roller (MO) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
b. Sensor failure
Corrective actions
2. Run the substrate path sensor check diagnostic to check that the sensor works correctly.
b. Motor problem
Corrective actions
2. Run the output roller (MO) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
a. Connection problem
b. Substrate jam
f. EE driver failure
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. Run the output roller (MO) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
b. PSU problem
c. Driver problem
Corrective actions
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. Run the tension roller (MF) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
b. Motor problem
c. EE problem
Corrective actions
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
3. Run the tension roller (MF) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
b. Substrate jam
e. EE driver failure
1. Reload the substrate to clear the error.
2. Run the tension roller (MF) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
a. Connection problem
b. Substrate jam
e. EE driver failure
Corrective actions
2. Run the tension roller (MF) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
a. Encoder problem
b. Motor problem
Corrective actions
2. Run the tension roller (MF) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
Substrate to floor not moving.
a. Connection problem
b. Substrate jam
f. EE driver failure
Corrective actions
2. Run the tension roller (MF) motor calibration/diagnostic test and follow the instructions provided in the
test documentation.
a. Latch opened
b. Sensor failure
Corrective actions
1. Ensure that the tension roller latches are closed on both sides.
2. Run the substrate path sensor check diagnostic to check that the sensor (on the capping station side)
works correctly.
1. Check that the take-up reel optical substrate sensor works correctly and that there is no object blocking
its line of sight.
Corrective actions
1. Run diagnostic.
2. Check connections.
3. Replace part.
b. Power management
Corrective actions
1. Check connections.
Corrective actions
1. Check connections.
c. Power problem
d. Pump problem
2. Check connections.
b. Cabling
c. Sensor malfunction
Corrective actions
1. Repeat calibration process.
Primer X not calibrated. Run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
Corrective actions
1. Check connections.
Corrective actions
1. Check primers, looking for leaks.
Carriage interconnect X communication failure. Run subsystem diagnostic. If the problem persists, call your
support representative.
b. Primer problem
Corrective actions
2. If the printer cannot move the carriage, move it manually, and check the connections.
Corrective actions
1. Check engage and roll.
Corrective actions
Recalibrate X position.
Engage Z calibration missing. Default value applied to allow printing to continue. Call your support
representative for more information.
Corrective actions
Recalibrate Z position and run subsystem diagnostic.
Wiper engage motor servo shutdown. Check that your cleaning roll is not blocked. Run subsystem
diagnostics. If the problem persists, call support.
The printhead cleaning advance motor has failed to perform the wiper advance movement as expected. The
advance motor is controlled in a closed loop by the main interconnect board. The motor receives the PWM
signal from the main interconnect board. The internal motor encoder reads the encoder movement signals
b. Printhead cleaner path blocked. The roller cannot move the roll.
c. Advance motor roller connections failure, motor power or encoder cables disconnected.
Corrective actions
1. Make sure the pinch mechanism is closed. Push in the black holder to ensure correct latching of the
system. Repeat closing operation and restart the system.
2. Check the wiper path for obstructions. If there is an obstruction, re-do the wiper path and ensure there
is no damage to the wiper or printhead cleaning roll parts.
NOTE: Check the electrical diagram to ensure that all cables in the motor power and encoder path are
correctly connected. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
4. Check the rear side of the printhead cleaning roll and ensure that there is no obvious damage to the belt
impelling system, such as a broken gear, broken belt, or motor out of position. Perform printhead
cleaning roll advance system open loop and printhead cleaning roll advance system closed loop
diagnostics to determine the possible problem.
Depending on the results of the tests, replace the motor or mechanical parts as appropriate.
Wiper engage motor initialization error. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call support.
c. Engage is jammed.
Corrective actions
Check the cleaning roll and run the subsystem diagnostic.
The printhead cleaning advance motor has failed to perform the wiper advance movement as expected. The
advance motor is controlled in a closed loop by the main interconnect board. The motor receives the PWM
signal from the main interconnect board. The internal motor encoder reads the encoder movement signals
and sends the signals to the linear-to-differential encoder PCA, then to the main interconnect board with an
intermediate connection at the rear of the printhead cleaning module.
b. Printhead cleaner path blocked. The roller cannot move the roll.
c. Advance motor roller connections failure, motor power, or encoder cables disconnected
Corrective actions
1. Make sure the pinch mechanism is closed. Push in the black holder to ensure correct latching of the
system. Repeat closing operation and restart the system.
2. Check the wiper path for obstructions. If there is an obstruction, re-do the wiper path and ensure that
there is no damage to the wiper or printhead cleaning roll parts.
NOTE: Check the electrical diagram to ensure that all cables in the motor power and encoder path are
correctly connected. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
4. Check the rear side of the printhead cleaning roll and ensure that there is no obvious damage to the belt
impelling system, such as a broken gear, broken belt, or motor out of position.
Wiper advance motor initialization error. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your
support representative.
Corrective actions
Wiper input motor servo shutdown. Check that your cleaning roll is not blocked. Run subsystem diagnostics.
If the problem persists, call support.
The printhead cleaning advance motor has failed to perform the wiper advance movement as expected. The
advance motor is controlled in a closed loop by the main interconnect board. The motor receives the PWM
signal from the main interconnect board. The internal motor encoder reads the encoder movement signals
and sends the signals to the linear-to-differential encoder PCA, then to the main interconnect board with an
intermediate connection at the rear of the printhead cleaning module.
b. Printhead cleaner path blocked. The roller cannot move the roll.
c. Advance motor roller connections failure, motor power, or encoder cables disconnected
Corrective actions
1. Make sure the pinch mechanism is closed. Push in the black holder to ensure correct latching of the
system. Repeat closing operation and restart the system.
2. Check the wiper path for obstructions. If there is an obstruction, re-do the wiper path and ensure there
is no damage to the wiper or printhead cleaning roll parts.
NOTE: Check the electrical diagram to ensure that all cables in the motor power and encoder path are
correctly connected. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
4. Check the rear side of the printhead cleaning roll and ensure that there is no obvious damage to the belt
impelling system, such as a broken gear, broken belt, or motor out of position. Perform printhead
cleaning roll advance system open loop and printhead cleaning roll advance system closed loop to
determine the possible problem.
Depending on the results of the tests, replace the motor or mechanical parts as appropriate.
Wiper input motor initialization error. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support
Corrective actions
Run subsystem diagnostic.
The printhead cleaning advance motor has failed to perform the wiper advance movement as expected. The
advance motor is controlled in a closed loop by the main interconnect board. The motor receives the PWM
signal from the main interconnect board. The internal motor encoder reads the encoder movement signals
and sends the signals to the linear-to-differential encoder PCA, then to the main interconnect board with an
intermediate connection at the rear of the printhead cleaning module.
b. Printhead cleaner path blocked. The roller cannot move the roll.
c. Advance motor roller connections failure, motor power, or encoder cables disconnected
Corrective actions
1. Make sure the pinch mechanism is closed. Push in the black holder to ensure correct latching of the
system. Repeat closing operation and restart the system.
2. Check the wiper path for obstructions. If there is an obstruction, re-do the wiper path and ensure there
is no damage to the wiper or printhead cleaning roll parts.
NOTE: Check the electrical diagram to ensure that all cables in the motor power and encoder path are
correctly connected. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
4. Check the rear of the printhead cleaning roll and ensure there is no obvious damage to the belt
impelling system, such as a broken gear, broken belt, or motor out of position. Perform printhead
cleaning roll advance system open loop and printhead cleaning roll advance system closed loop
diagnostics to determine the possible problem. See Table 5-15 Printhead cleaning on page 368.
Depending on the results of the tests, replace the motor or mechanical parts as appropriate.
Corrective actions
End of printhead cleaning roll. Check that your cleaning roll is not blocked. If it is empty, replace it with a new
b. The cleaning roll has slipped over its axis and the printer detects that it is not moving correctly
Corrective actions
Wiper engage motor drive PCA communication failure. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists,
call your support representative.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
Wiper input motor drive PCA communication failure. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call
your support representative.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
PPS misalignment. Run diagnostics to recover PPS subsystem. If the problem persists, call HP service.
The relative movement of one of the PPS modules with respect to the other is incorrect, which means that
there is danger of a misalignment of the complete system. With this system error the system is protecting
itself to prevent any possible damage. This system error can also happen when the distance between the
homing position and the engage position is more than 7 mm.
a. A trapped obstruction has damaged the power transmission and has broken the mechanical power
b. Moving down a homing sensor has been activated or the PPS switch has failed.
2. Try to move the carriage beam to the normal position (from the Internal Print Server or Print Care). If it
is still failing, reboot in diagnostic mode and perform the same operation from Print Care.
3. From the diagnostic mode, perform the switch diagnostic, testing the four different homing switches of
the PPS.
4. If the carriage beam is misaligned, perform a manual alignment by removing the PPS motor and turning
the PPS gear system until they are aligned.
5. Check that all the PPS supports are touching the scan axis.
6. Check whether any object is trapped between the scan axis and PPS support.
The meaning of X is:
An error in the closed-loop control (servo control) of the PPS system has occurred. This error indicates that
the PPS system is not moving as expected in closed-loop control. The servo-controlled movements consist of
applying a specific PWM to a motor (a certain amount of energy) and receiving the feedback of an encoder
about the actual movement of the motor after applying that specific PWM.
Therefore, if after applying a specific PWM the encoder does not register the expected number of encoder
counts (movement), the system will produce this error. Also if the PWM values come out of a certain range of
values for the movement (i.e too high PWM to obtain a movement), this error is produced.
b. Encoder signals indicating the movement not registered. Encoder disconnected, encoder broken or
failed, cable disconnected, or the electrical system receiving the encoder signal has failed.
d. PPS system fuse failure. Contact between mechanical system fuse and the motor module.
Corrective actions
1. Check the connection of PPS motor power cable and encoder cables.
2. Check that power is supplied to the encoder PCA (LED in the main interconnect).
3. With PPS in the high position, unscrew the X-Y bushing, and check that it can move smoothly through
the column. The screwdriver needs to be long.
4. With the PPS in the low position, remove the bottom stopper to the PPS screw (may need to remove the
left and right curing module).
5. Remove each PPS screw with a flat screwdriver and then grease the parts. Check that there are no
6. If you find plastic or metal obstructions, you will have to remove the corresponding PPS motor
assembly later to clean it too.
7. If the high friction error continues, swap the PPS screw from one to the other, and check whether the
failure is following the PPS screw.
The meaning of X is:
During start-up the printer produces an automatic check by making a small movement forwards and
backwards to check the main system functionality (motor moves, encoder signals are received). This error is
produced when this test fails.
As the movement is very small, this error usually represents a critical error such as cables disconnected,
motor failure, or a PCA fault.
c. Motor failure/encoder
Corrective actions
1. Check correct connection of PPS motor power cable and encoder cables.
5. Replace the PPS motor together with the encoder system and cabling.
6. Replace the main interconnect board or the remote controller board, depending on which part has
The meaning of X is:
3. Check correct connection of PPS motor power cable and encoder cables.
4. Perform move to load position and check the average and maximum points of PWM values for high
constant values of friction. If the values are very high, grease the PPS system. If the system error
persists, replace the PPS motor mount unit that fails.
5. Replace the main interconnect board or the remote controller board, depending on the failing side.
b. E-box problem
Corrective actions
1. Check wiring.
2. Run the subsystem diagnostics for PPS and e-box. Replace the faulty part.
The aerosol produced while printing may affect print quality. The aerosol can make other parts of the printer
dirty, such as encoders or sensors, and create spontaneous failures. You should repair the problem as soon
as possible.
f. Printhead interconnect
Corrective actions
1. Check whether the fans are rotating when they are activated. Perform diagnostics.
4. Replace the carriage interconnect. See Carriage interconnect PCA on page 465.
5. Swap fan array connections and perform the fan array diagnostic test to check which fan has failed.
6. Swap over data cables to confirm a data cable failure, replace the failed data cable.
7. If there is a signal failure, swap over the printhead interconnects 2 and 3, then recheck and confirm the
error, and replace the faulty printhead interconnect.
Corrective actions
Run subsystem diagnostic.
Left or right bar aerosol removal filter not present. Check that the filter is in place. If the filter is already
installed, run diagnostic.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the filter is present.
a. Nozzle/filter clogged
Corrective actions
1. Check and clean the inlet.
Corrective actions
Left or right bar aerosol removal filter not present. Check that the filter is in place. If the filter is already
installed, run diagnostic.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
Left or right bar aerosol removal negative pressure detected. Run subsystem diagnostic.
4. The drying PCA is failing, run drying diagnostics before replacing it.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
The sensor is located near the right bar aerosol removal box, and the tube should be connected from the
sensor inlet marked as Lo to the inlet at the bottom of the aerosol removal box:
● The tube should go up to the full length of the inlets at the sensor and the box.
If the pressure sensor reading is too low, the aerosol removal bar will work at full power (the module will be
very noisy) and there may be small errors in dot placement that could produce grain.
Corrective actions
2. Check that all tubes are properly connected and not pinched.
Left or right bar aerosol removal pressure sensor not connected. Run subsystem diagnostic to check them. If
problem is confirmed call support
Corrective actions
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
4. The drying PCA is failing, run drying diagnostics before replacing it.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
The sensor is located near the right bar aerosol removal box, and the tube should be connected from the
sensor inlet marked as Lo to the inlet at the bottom of the aerosol removal box:
● The tube should go up to the full length of the inlets at the sensor and the box.
If the tube is properly connected at both inlets, make sure that it is not pinched by any other element in the
If the pressure sensor reading is too low, the aerosol removal bar will work at full power (the module will be
very noisy) and there may be small errors in dot placement that could produce grain.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
2. Check that all tubes are properly connected and not pinched.
This error is triggered when the OMAS is disconnected as the result of a failed calibration or repeated
navigation failures during a plot. The error is logged in a file.
c. OMAS failure
3. Replace the OMAS platen assembly. See OMAS platen assembly on page 806.
b. Dirty sensor
c. Faulty sensor
Corrective actions
1. Check that the substrate is navigable, properly loaded, and flat over the sensor.
b. Dirty sensor
c. Faulty sensor
Critical error detected on the OMAS controller board. This failure occurs only during the OMAS controller self-
test (when the printer starts).
Corrective actions
1. Restart the printer. This may be sufficient in some cases.
2. If the error is persistent, you can continue printing by turning off the OMAS.
3. Check the OMAS controller board to make sure that everything is correctly connected and undamaged.
OMAS window dirty. OMAS disabled, but the printer can still print. Run diagnostics and/or call support.
Corrective actions
1. Check and clean the OMAS window.
3. Check connections.
The OMAS is disabled, and the printer tries to continue printing. The OMAS will be re-enabled at the next
1. Sporadic failure
Corrective actions
2. If the error is persistent, it is possible to continue printing by turning off the OMAS. However, we
recommend solving the system error to obtain the full range of printer features.
4. Replace the OMAS cable. See OMAS and vacuum cables kit on page 801.
The system automatically updates the internal firmware when a mismatch occurs; therefore this error is
displayed only if the internal system has been corrupted and an update is not possible.
Corrective actions
Replace the OMAS and vacuum control box.
OMAS controller CAN communication error. Substrate advance closed loop lost. Run diagnostic, and call your
support representative if the problem persists.
Failure in communication with the OMAS controller board via CAN from the main interconnect board.
Corrective actions
1. Perform the power diagnostics procedure to supply 24 V power. Check power LEDs on the vacuum
controller. If the LEDs are off, check power arrival in the power connector (GND, 5 V and 24 V).
2. If power does not arrive, check cable connections in the main interconnect board and ensure voltages
are coming from the main interconnect board connector.
3. If power does not leave the main interconnect board, remove the main interconnect board cover and
ensure all power LEDs are on.
5. If no problem with the cables or connectors is found, replace the main power supply. See E-box PSU
on page 529.
6. If power arrives to the main interconnect board, replace the main interconnect board.
8. Any LAN cable with the necessary length can be used to perform troubleshooting. Replace the cable and
restart the printer. If the problem is the LAN cable, HP recommends that you replace it with the
appropriate HP service part.
9. Disassemble the OMAS and vacuum PCA box and ensure all connections are correct.
c. Switch is faulty.
Corrective actions
1. Check that, when the window is closed, the switch is mechanically activated.
Corrective actions
1. Check that, when the front cover is closed, the switch is mechanically activated (run diagnostic).
Corrective actions
1. Check that, when the loading table is closed, the switch is mechanically activated (run diagnostic).
Corrective actions
1. Run diagnostic to check which emergency stop is raising the problem.
Corrective actions
1. Check the service-station interconnect board cable connections at both ends (service station and main
interconnect board). Make sure that the cable is well connected and check cable integrity, replace parts
if required.
2. Ensure that power (12 V and 5 V) is reaching the board (Power LEDs on). Check the LEDs in the drop-
detector interconnect.
4. Replace the main interconnect board after finding the root cause of the failure, such as drop detector or
faulty cable.
Corrective actions
Repeat the calibration.
Drop-detector bump switch not activated. Reboot in diagnostic mode and run subsystem diagnostic. If the
problem persists, call your support representative and store printheads in their orange caps.
b. Drop-detector shutter friction is too high at some point, detecting a bump before reaching the bump
Corrective actions
1. Check that the drop-detector worm and sliders are clean and greased, and there is no high friction zone
along its displacement.
2. If the drop-detector shutter reaches the switch but is not detected, check the cable and /or replace the
bump switch.
The drop detectors’ basic operation consists of receiving power to feed an LED transmitter and a receiver
situated at both sides of the drop-detector window. In standby with no drops or interference in the drop
detector window, the transmitter is permanently powered and the receiver receives a signal of medium range
(total range from 0 to 255, medium range signal around 127). The system error is displayed when the drop
detector is 0 in standby (12 V supplied to the drop detectors, but there is no drop detection activity).
Corrective actions
1. Make sure that the drop detector is correctly connected to the service station interconnect board. Use
diagnostics to check whether the drop detector is disconnected or faulty.
2. Swap the problematical drop detector connection with another drop detector to check whether the
problem is with the actual drop detector. If so, replace the drop detector.
3. Check the service station interconnect board cable connections at both ends. Make sure the cable is well
connected and check cable integrity, replace parts if required.
4. Ensure power (12 V and 5 V) arrives to the board (Power LEDs on). Check the LEDs in the drop detector
The drop detector is unable to detect its exact position to perform the drop detection. When performing a
drop detection, the printer performs a synchronization with the linear encoder and the tail encoder located in
the service station motor in order to establish its position with respect to the drop detector windows before
Corrective actions
1. Check the functionality of the drop detector.
2. Check the linear encoder strip in the service station. Make sure that the encoder strip is correctly
installed in the sensor and well placed in its holders at each end.
3. Check the linear encoder sensor connection. Perform the drop detector diagnostic test to check the
linear encoder. If the test fails, replace the encoder system.
5. Ensure power (12 V and 5 V) is reaching the service station interconnect board (power LEDs on).
6. If power is getting through (LEDs on), replace the service station interconnect board and cable.
8. Check the cable connections of the service station system. If no failure is found, replace the service
station interconnect board.
a. Print the nozzle check by following the directions in the service menu.
c. If no failure is detected, there no need to go further, the drop detector is working correctly and the
intermittent system error is due to the high usage of the printheads.
Corrective actions
1. Repeat the calibration.
c. PSU problem (check whether this error happens to all drop-detector sensors)
Corrective actions
1. Run the drop-detector diagnostics.
2. Check drop-detector PCA LEDs for troubleshooting. See Board name: Drop-detector PCA on page 305.
c. PSU problem (check whether this error happens to all drop-detector sensors)
Corrective actions
1. Run the drop-detector diagnostics.
2. Check the drop-detector PCA LEDs for troubleshooting. See Board name: Drop-detector PCA
on page 305.
When performing drop detection, the printer performs synchronization with the linear encoder and the tail
encoder located in the service-station motor in order to establish its position with respect to the drop-
detector windows before performing the actual drop-detection action. This error indicates that this
synchronization cannot be achieved as the readings from the two encoders do not match according to the
movements performed.
c. The drop detection tray cannot move smoothly due to excessive friction or a mechanical problem
e. Failure in the service station motor, motor drive PCA, DD MUX PCAs, or connecting cables
Corrective actions
1. Check the nozzle health of the printheads.
2. Check the linear encoder strip in the service station. Make sure that the encoder strip is clean, correctly
installed in the sensor, and correctly placed in its holders at each end.
3. Check the linear encoder sensor connection. Perform the drop-detector diagnostic test to check the
linear encoder. If the test fails, replace the encoder system.
4. Grease the worm with a recommended grease, and make sure bushings are not damaged.
● If no failure is detected, there is no need to go further, the drop detector is working correctly, and
the intermittent system error is due to the high usage of the printheads.
7. If there is no power (LEDs off), replace the e-box interconnect board. See E-box interconnect PCA
on page 541.
Drop-detector movement test fault. Run subsystem diagnostic. Call your support representative if the
diagnostic fails, or print quality is affected.
a. Shuttle blocked
Corrective actions
1. Use a screwdriver to ensure that the shuttle is not jammed against the structure.
Corrective actions
1. Ensure with a screwdriver that the shuttle is not jammed against the structure.
b. Power not reaching the service station PCA (5 V pin 19 and 12 V pin 2, GND 20&1)
f. Firmware error/corruption
Corrective actions
1. Check the cable connections from the service-station interconnect board to the main interconnect
board. Check for cable or pin damage.
2. Check that power is reaching the service-station interconnect (12 V and 5 V) (Power LEDs on).
3. If there is power (LEDs on) and no other failure is found, replace the service-station interconnect board
and cable.
7. Replace the engine PCI board. See Engine PCA on page 535.
9. Replace the hard disk drive. See E-box hard disk drive on page 526.
Corrective actions
1. Check line sensor connections in the sensor interconnect.
2. Perform the line sensor check. See Table 5-12 Carriage sensors on page 365.
5. Replace the carriage interconnect board. See Carriage interconnect PCA on page 465.
2. Check connections.
Corrective actions
Repeat the calibration.
CLC failure. Calibration wasn't completed successfully. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists,
call your support representative.
b. Sensor is dirty.
Corrective actions
Replace the sensor.
Corrective actions
Error saving data on hard disk, out of memory. Calibration wasn't completed successfully. Run subsystem
diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support representative.
Corrective actions
Run subsystem diagnostic.
Corrective actions
Replace the SOL sensor.
Corrective actions
Run the SOL calibration diagnostic and open the cleaning roll door to check that the shutter is properly
closed. If it is failing, replace it.
Color sensor communication error. Run subsystem diagnostics. If the problem persists, call your support
b. The printheads have a lot of blocked nozzles and the pattern is not printed properly.
Corrective actions
1. Check printhead health.
2. Repeat the calibration and replace the sensor if the problem persists.
b. The printheads have a lot of blocked nozzles and the pattern is not printed properly.
3. Repeat the calibration and replace the sensor if the problem persists.
No data received from IPS. Check that IPS and engine are up and running, and data cable is connected. If the
problem persists, call your support representative.
a. The data cable between the Internal Print Server and the printer engine is disconnected or damaged.
Corrective actions
2. Ensure that Internal Print Server and printer engine (lights and LEDs) are up and running.
3. Ensure that the printer configuration in the Internal Print Software is as recommended.
2. Check the performance of the hard disk drive. If the problem persists, replace the hard disk drive. See E-
box hard disk drive on page 526.
Corrective actions
1. Check that the Internal Print Server configuration is as recommended and there is no software running
that could reduce performance.
2. Turn off the printer, wait 10 seconds, then restart the printer.
4. Check the connection between Internal Print Server and printer engine.
Corrective actions
1. Turn off the printer, wait 10 seconds, then restart the printer.
2. Disconnect both PCI boards from the formatter and clean the PCI ports by blowing into them. Clean the
PCI contacts in the engine boards and reconnect.
79.04 or 79.X:04
b. The 79.X:04 error is advisory, and does not require an immediate reboot. It reports that the firmware is
functional and that the printer can still be used, but recommends restarting the printer when possible in
order to ensure that this system error will not be displayed again.
c. A 79:04 system error is usually a consequence of an immediate printer shutdown following another
system error.
Corrective actions
2. If the error persists, check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware
to the latest version.
3. Perform the hard disk test from the e-box subsystem diagnostic.
5. If the error persists, replace the hard disk drive. See E-box hard disk drive on page 526.
a. This system error code can also be displayed as 79:04 or 79.1:04 (generic firmware error).
b. An internal firmware error has occurred in the printer. If the error persists, retrieve the printer’s error
logs and escalate the problem to HP.
c. The 79.1:04 error is an advisory error, not forcing the customer to restart the printer immediately,
reporting that the internal firmware is not critical and that the printer can still be used, but recommend
restarting the printer when possible in order to ensure that this system error will not be displayed
d. A 79:04 system error is usually a consequence of an immediate printer shutdown following another
system error.
Corrective actions
1. Switch the printer off and then on again.
2. If the error persists, check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If not, update the firmware
to the latest version.
3. Perform the hard disk test from the e-box subsystem diagnostic.
5. If the error persists, replace the hard disk drive. See E-box hard disk drive on page 526.
Scan-axis length test failure. Check scan-axis path, clean encoder, run diagnostic. If the problem persists, call
your support representative.
Corrective actions
1. Check for possible obstructions in the carriage path (with the printer turned off, manually uncap the
service station and move the carriage along the scan axis to search for possible high friction points.
Look for objects or possible problems in the carriage path, the rods, bushings, and platen area.
2. Perform the service function test, which can help to diagnose any possible problem with friction
problems in the gear axis.
3. Check for possible damage in the scan-axis encoder strip and replace if required. See Encoder strip
on page 773.
Corrective actions
1. Ensure that there is no obstacle in the carriage path.
2. Perform carriage rail maintenance to clean the rails and check friction.
3. Run the scan-axis diagnostics to check whether the problem comes from other part.
Corrective actions
1. Run subsystem diagnostic.
2. Check for possible obstructions in the carriage path (with the printer turned off, manually uncap the
service station and move the carriage along the scan axis to search for possible high friction points.
Look for objects or possible problems in the carriage path, the rods, bushings, and platen area.
3. Check for possible damage to the scan-axis encoder strip and replace it if necessary. See Encoder strip
on page 773.
Corrective actions
Run subsystem diagnostic.
Scan stop triggered by front safety sensor. Reinitialize carriage. If the problem persists, call your support
Corrective actions
1. Run the scan-axis diagnostics.
4. Check the encoder strip and replace it if it is damaged. See Encoder strip on page 773.
● Board physical connector: Boards serigraphy together with cables labelling should be enough to
perform repais operations, but this information can be useful when providing remote support not being
in front of the printer.
For further information regarding electric and electronic interactions, see the subsystems’ block diagrams.
Internal side
Meaning of LEDs
Side LEDs
Most of the e-cabinet PCA LEDs are packed on the PCA side where they are most visible.
ACTIVATED: LEDs turn on whenever there is a condition. Only the firmware can turn them off.
closed closed emergency triggered
stops released
OFF: Door open OFF: Table open NOT USED OFF: Bypass OFF OFF: 1 or more OFF: Watchdog
emergency untrigg.
stops pressed
ACTIVATED RED: Door has RED: Table has NOT USED RED: 1 or more RED: Watchdog
been opened been opened emergency triggered
stops have been
OFF: Reset state OFF: Reset state NOT USED OFF: Reset state OFF: Reset state
Safety relay
These LEDs give information about the safety relay (X1)
POWER GREEN: Safety relay powered (all emergency stops released, and PCA supplying +24V)
OFF: Safety relay not powered (1 or more emergency stops pressed, PCA not supplying +24V)
STATE GREEN: Safety relay ON (lights after the enable button is pressed: power ON)
PCA power
These LEDs give information on the PCA voltage status.
GREEN: 24V Input GREEN: 24V to GREEN: 24V for GREEN: 8V GREEN: 5V Regulator OK
power present external internal PCA use OK Regulator OK
(from PSU-2) components OK
OFF: 24V not OFF: 24V to external OFF: 24V for internal OFF: 8V Regulator OFF: 5V Regulator KO
present (from components KO PCA use KO (PCA KO
PSU-2) (fuse blown or malfunction, fuse
overcurrent blown or component
protection triggered) broken)
These LEDs give information on the status of the PCA fuses. There is a mistake on the silk screen: where it
says 5×20 it should say SMT, and where it says SMT it should say 5×20.
DS73 DS74
RED: SMT fuse blown (Internal 24V PCA not present) 5x20 fuse F24 blown (24V to external components not present)
OFF: SMT fuse not blown 5x20 fuse F24 not blown
Fan rotation feedback
PSU power
These LEDs give information on the state of the DC power supplies.
DS64 DS65
LEDs for external actuators power: NOT USED
Green Output is on
External side
Meaning of LEDs
Power output fuse feedback (external side)
Accessible on the external side, there is a fuse for each power output, associated with each fuse is a red LED.
NOTE: For a LED to turn red indicating that the fuse is blown, there must be DC power present (the
corresponding DC PSU must be ON); for PSUs 1, 3, 4, and 5 this means that the safety relay must be activated
and the front door and loading table closed.
◦ +24V present at the safety relay, for this LED to be ON the e-cabinet PCA must supply +24V
(firmware activated) and the emergency stops must be all released.
◦ The safety relay has two redundant channels in series, each LED indicates the state of the channel,
for the safety relay to activate both channels must be good.
◦ These LEDs should be always be in the same state (lit when the safety relay is activated and unlit
otherwise). If one is lit and the other unlit, the safety relay is faulty and should be replaced.
NOTE: These LEDs work only if there is control voltage present (+24VDC). This voltage is supplied through
the e-cabinet PCA and must be activated by the firmware.
● PWM (green): lit when the firmware is providing an adequate control signal.
Even though the visibility of the LED on some of the PSUs is not very good, it’s easy to tell whether it’s lit or
There are seven DC PSUs in the e-cabinet from three different model families, here is the location of the
feedback LED for each family:
External lights
On the e-cabinet side where the user interface is, there are four lights and one illuminated pushbutton:
If all these lights are not lit when the main switch is on:
● It’s most likely that one or more AC protections on the mains installation (external to the machine) are
switched off, so there is no AC voltage present.
● It’s possible that the installation cross-connectors on TB-1 are not installed, loose, or wrongly installed.
If only one or two of these lights are lit when the main switch is on:
● The light is controlled by the firmware through the e-cabinet PCA to indicate to the user when the
machine requires this activation.
AC protections
The AC protections are standard circuit breakers like the ones used in the electrical installation of any
● ACBs (automatic circuit breakers) protect against overcurrents, produced for example when a heater
fails and its actual electrical resistance is much lower than the nominal value.
● RCDs (residual current devices) protect against ground leakages, produced for example when a heater
fails and its wiring breaks and ends up in electrical contact with the machine structure.
The circuit breakers are off when their lever is down, and on when their lever is up. They are easily checked
and actuated from the e-cabinet exterior.
WARNING! In most cases, these measures require operating the e-cabinet with its doors open. Take all
necessary precautions to prevent electrical shocks. Always check that the grounding cable is correctly
installed before powering up.
Verify the power configuration measuring the voltage between adjacent terminal blocks in TB1, all measured
voltages must be inside the 200–240 V ±10% as per the chosen configuration.
400V 230V
415V 240V
208V 208V
220V 220V
240V 240V
A lower-than-expected reading may indicate a loose screw on the electrical installation. Switch off the mains
through the branch circuit breaker in the building PDU and check that all the input power cables and the
configuration cross connectors are tightly screwed.
This can be measured with an AC voltage meter between TB7-2 and TB7-4:
To verify that the emergency stops are all released, measure the DC voltage between TB5-7 (-) and TB5-2
(+). Make sure to check that there is DC power on the safety circuit (see last paragraph).
Alternatively, with the printer powered off, measure the impedance between TB5-1 and TB5-2:
● When all emergency stop are released the impedance has to be low (~0Ω)
● When one or more emergency stops are pressed the impedance has to be high
To determine if the rearm button and its cabling are in order, measure the impedance (ohms) between X1-Y1
and X1-Y2 with the button pressed and the button released. This has to be done with the safety relay
unpowered (press an emergency stop to make sure that the relay has no power).
● With the rearm button released, the measured impedance must be high (>1MΩ)
● With the rearm button pressed, the measured impedance must be low (~0Ω)
Contactor control
To test that the contactors are receiving the control voltage, measure the DC voltage between terminals A1
and A2:
● When the contactor has to be closed (activated) the voltage has to be +24VDC
● When the contactor has to be open (not activated) the voltage has to be 0VDC
To verify that the interlocks are all closed measure the DC voltage between TB5-7 (-) and TB6-3 (+). Make
sure to check that there is DC power on the safety circuit and the safety relay is activated.
Alternatively, with the printer powered off, measure the impedance between TB6-2 and TB6-3:
● When all interlocks are closed the impedance has to be low (~0Ω).
● When one or more interlocks are open the impedance has to be high.
Meaning of LEDs
Meaning of LEDs
Voltage LEDs
Four green LED’s (voltage supply)
Light is proportional to voltage. For example, if the internal 24V drops to 14V, then the LED will still be on,
but a little bit dim.
12V to 5V3
Meaning of LEDs
Zoom to LEDs and table with meaning
Each particular connector has a set of LEDs. The LED state (on/off) is directly related to the presence of
voltage at the pins of the connectors, because they are simply connected to the connector (through an
isolation resistor).
Colors meaning:
● Green: good news; presence of power supply voltages (or “OK” signals)
● Yellow: neutral news; for data, clock, interrupt, encoder phase signals
● Red: bad news; for failure signals (currently only from Delta Sinewave converters)
I2C connector
CAN connector
Meaning of LEDs
NOTE: From the point of view of functionality, 42V and printhead could be exchanged, but the lengths of
the cables are optimized to follow the connections above.
Meaning of LEDs
Meaning of LEDs
Zoom to LEDs and table with meaning
If the link is not up (DS12 is switched off), the meaning of the LEDs is the following:
E-box side
Carriage side
On the other had, if the link is up (DS12 is swithed on), these LEDs have another meaning and indicate
communication errors in the high speed link.
Voltage LEDs — LEDs DS9,DS10,DS12 and LEDs DS11, DS13, DS14, DS15, DS16
Meaning of LEDs
24V ACT 24V to the actuators are OK (no fuse blown and no current monitor
has detected overcurrent)
5V FAIL If LED is on, indicates that the internally generated 5V rail is off.
Restart the printer, if the problem persists disconnect all bison
connectors, if the problem persists, replace the ISS PCA (see ISS PCA
on page 683), if not, the problem is in the Moby connector.
24V PCB FAIL If LED on, the internal PCB fuse is blown. The ISS PCA needs to be
replaced. See ISS PCA on page 683.
24V ACT FAIL If LED is on, it indicates that the current monitor has detected an
24V FUSE FAIL If LED on, some actuator/s create a short circuit and the replacable
fuse is blown. In this case, actuator and fuse need to be replaced
* For connection between modules details, see the curing cabling block diagram.
DC voltages
Up signals
Status LED (DS1) Orange On error, repeatedly flashes error codes Off
Control signals
K1 relay (DS3) Orange On when the K1 relay is enabled On when the module is activated and
K2 relay (DS10) Orange On when the K2 relay is enabled On when the module is activated and
AC1 enabled (DS9) Orange On when the AC1 TRIAC is enabled On when the module is activated and
Ac2 enabled (DS2) Orange On when the AC2 TRIAC is enabled On when the module is activated and
Meaning of LEDs
* For the Vapor removal VACUUM Ctrl PCA, only data & power cables from the e-box Int PCA and the
Control cable for the pump are needed.
Meaning of LEDs
The tools and prints for operators are available and fully documented in the user’s guide. In this service
manual, we will not repeat all the information already available in the user’s guide. Therefore it is important
to have the user’s guide available.
However, in some cases this chapter includes detailed explanations of what each tool is doing and why, which
are important for a better understanding of the results.
The tools and prints for service engineers are fully explained in this chapter.
● Color calibration
Internally, the printer also checks the status of the systems that maintain print quality. Although in most
cases customers cannot act upon them, the error messages can help in understanding the causes of the
● Front printhead to rear printhead alignment check plot (from Print Care)
Printhead New substrate New substrate New substrate Print mode Poor print
replacement created imported loaded changed quality
Automatic Recommended Not needed Not needed Not needed Not needed Recommended if
printhead unless carriage relevant
alignment beam has moved
Manual printhead ● First Not needed Not needed Not needed Not needed Recommended if
alignment alignment unless carriage relevant
with all beam has moved
● When
is replaced
● When
is not
suitable for
● If
Color calibration Recommended Recommended Recommended Not needed, Not needed Recommended if
unless never relevant
done before
Substrate Not needed Not needed, as Not needed Not needed Not needed Recommended if
advance long as the relevant
compensation substrate-
advance sensor
is working
This image should be printed when the hardware installation is complete. It has been pre-ripped for HP
Permanent Gloss Self-adhesive Vinyl and can be printed by adding it directly to the Internal Printer Server
queue. Therefore, there is no interaction with the RIP. It is a useful image for detecting major deviations from
normal printer performance.
This image cannot be printed outside the wizard. However, if the print is not cured completely or you observe
bleed or graininess defects attributable to the optimizer level, the wizard can be used to find a preset that
works well with your substrate and compare it with the preset that is not working well.
● Drop detection
● Automatic recovery. If there are an excessive number of blocked nozzles in any of the printheads, the
printer will automatically try to recover them with a more rigorous servicing process, which includes
priming the affected printheads.
● Final drop detection and nozzle substitution. Nozzle health is checked again so that the printer can
correct for the blocked nozzles that were not successfully serviced.
Depending on the number of printheads needing recovery, the total time of this process can go from 10
minutes (no recovery needed) to 45 minutes. The image below gives an example of its effectiveness.
● Section 1 includes mid-tone areas printed with a single ink using a 6-pass print mode with nozzle
● Section 2 shows plainly which nozzles in each printhead are printing and not printing.
Drop-detector diagnostics
Execute the drop-detector diagnostics from the Print Care window. This provides detailed information about
the blocked nozzles detected in each printhead.
NOTE: In early firmware releases the drop-detector diagnostics are not available.
Decision table
The following table summarizes the data that can be seen in each diagnostic, the possible causes, and the
Mid-tones (section 1) Nozzle health (section Drop detector Possible cause Action
No banding < 300 blocked (all < 300 blocked (all Other Continue banding
colors) colors) troubleshooting.
Banding in all colors < 300 blocked (all < 300 blocked (all Substrate advance, or Check the substrate-
colors) colors) other advance sensor.
Continue banding
Banding in one color < 300 blocked (that < 300 blocked (that Other Continue banding
color) color) troubleshooting.
> 300 blocked > 300 blocked Printhead failure Hard-clean the
printhead, twice if
N/A < 300 blocked (at least > 300 blocked (at least Drop detection failure Call your service
one color) one color) representative.
The Hard clean button starts a more rigorous cleaning process than the Check button does. It performs
several hard priming routines, and then a final drop detection and nozzle substitution to correct for any
nozzles that are still blocked.
TIP: If nozzles are severely blocked, it may be useful to perform a hard clean more than once.
Printhead alignment
See the user’s guide for more details of this process. To start it, go to the Internal Print Server and select
Printer > Printhead alignment.
● Fast and easy to use when a color printhead has been replaced
Manual alignment
● Provides good print quality when automatic alignment is not possible
Verify alignment
If you press the upper Print button to verify alignment, the following information is printed out:
The substrate-advance sensor cleanliness check is executed from Print Care: select Diagnostics > Substrate
Advance Sensor. It requires a sheet of plain paper.
If the sensor is dirty, follow the instructions in the Print Care maintenance wizard or in the user’s guide. If the
sensor is clean but the test fails, the sensor hardware could be faulty.
Substrate-advance adjustment
See the user’s guide for more details of this process. To start it, go to the Internal Print Server and select
Printer > Advance calibration > Plot.
As shown in the picture, locate the lightest of the columns, enter its number as the substrate advance
parameter and click Apply. If there are two equally light columns, enter the average. For example, if the
lightest columns are -3 and -2, enter -2.5 in the dialog.
Color calibration
See the user’s guide for more details of this process. To start it, go to the Internal Print Server and select
Substrate > Color calibration > Calibrate. The printer prints the color calibration test chart:
The calibration includes both the ink restriction and linearization steps of the color workflow. The ink
restriction and linearization vary with the drop weight of the printhead and other external conditions, such as
the substrate type. To reach a specific color density, one printhead may require 3 drops while another one
may require 3.5 drops (smaller drop weight).
● Whenever you load a new substrate type that has not yet been calibrated.
● Whenever you notice excessive color differences between prints. Such color differences can be caused
● If a job will be repeated in the future, color calibrations should be run before the current batch of
images and before each subsequent batch of the same images.
The calibration may fail and therefore be cancelled in the following circumstances:
● The substrate is non-white, translucent or transparent, very glossy, or has a rough or punched surface.
● Some color patches are defective due to stains, wrinkles or bubbles, or general poor print quality such
as banding.
● The carriage beam is not in the normal printing position. The distance between sensor and substrate is
very important and must be properly controlled.
The service alignment test plot is printed from Print Care diagnostics, in the Print Quality section.
Compared with the customer’s Verify alignment print, this one offers:
● No optimizer
The plot does not indicate in what way to correct the alignment; it is used to check finer problems, after
which you should rerun the alignment to fix them. It can also be used to check for skew.
The front printhead (Row 0) to rear printhead (Row 1) alignment check plot is printed from Print Care
diagnostics, in the Print Quality section.
The plot is a simple area fill intended to look only at the alignment between Row 0 and Row 1 in the substrate
axis direction. The area should come out uniform, except perhaps in the pass-to-pass areas that should be
disregarded. When the front printhead to rear printhead alignment is not correct, the first nozzle of the row 1
printhead is incorrectly set. Therefore, in the Row 0 to Row 1 alignment check areas you may find:
● A thin dark line where you see a rectangle in the picture. In this case, increase the corresponding F, G, or
H correction of the manual alignment.
See Theory of operation (roll-to-roll configuration) on page 25 for background information about the
substrate-advance sensor.
Substrate-advance sensor pixel-sixe calibration is executed from Print Care diagnostics, in the substrate-
advance sensor section. It may be done automatically or manually; the automatic process is not available
with early firmware releases.
The first step of the manual calibration consists of printing a calibration plot, checking it visually, and
introducing the correction values in the diagnostic test dialog box. The firmware uses these values to
calculate the pixel size of the current sensor.
The second step consists of reprinting the same plot to check that the entered values have properly
calibrated the sensor.
The plot is similar to the substrate-advance adjustment plot: see Substrate-advance adjustment
on page 318. It should be printed on self-adhesive vinyl, preferably HP Permanent Gloss Self-adhesive Vinyl
or a similar material. It consists of a series of interference patterns:
1. From the image, pick the last portion of the most central pattern, which is usually the one that is closest
to the substrate-advance sensor.
2. In the pattern, disregard the incomplete areas and look at the last eight complete passes:
3. Locate the lightest column and, in the diagnostic test dialog boxes, enter the correction for each of the
eight passes. If there are two equally light columns, for example +3 and +4, the dialog boxes have an
option for entering both values: “3-4” instead of “3” or “4”.
4. The firmware uses these values to calculate the pixel size of the current sensor.
Disabling the substrate-advance sensor can be useful to check whether the sensor is faulty and producing
random advance errors. Follow these steps:
1. Print the substrate advance adjustment plot (see Substrate-advance adjustment on page 318).
2. Look at the last portion of the three most central patterns. The lightest column should be in
approximately the same position in each case (±1). If this is not the case, the substrate roll is skewed
and should be reloaded properly.
4. If the sensor is not working properly, random errors will appear as abrupt changes in the lightest of the
5. Disable the substrate-advance sensor and reprint the plot. Now there should be a clear lightest column,
possibly not at “0” but at least constant.
If you find a problem, clean the substrate-advance sensor and retry, before replacing it.
NOTE: Disabling the substrate-advance sensor is not permanent: after restarting the printer, the sensor
will be enabled again.
This plot shows the printhead-to-printhead registration along the scan axis. The error is revealed by means
of an interference or vernier pattern that spans the whole scan axis of the printer. The plot can be printed
only on substrates of maximum width (at least 125 inches) to ensure a complete check of the scan axis.
In general, the registration between colors should not show abrupt changes. A smooth variation along the
scan axis is expected; the main cause is substrate expansion.
Abrupt changes signal serious problems with the scan-axis encoder strip.
In the yellow and magenta band, the abrupt glitches measure about 120 to 125 mm apart.
Generally, you should always find both of these glitches when there is a problem with the encoder strip.
NOTE: If you recognize both of these patterns in the same plot, even slightly, replace the encoder strip (see
Encoder strip on page 773). This problem should not be tolerated.
● Current Substrate, Printhead, Ink System and Sensors Information: This section lists the status of
supplies, relevant sensors, and calibration values for servicing the machine.
● Printer Usage Information: This section lists the usage (consumption) of printheads, cartridges, and
substrate. It also contains counters of usage for hardware elements that require preventive
maintenance when the counter reaches a certain value.
● Substrate Settings and CLC: Report of the substrate settings and calibration status.
See How to interpret the service plot on page 328 for a deeper understanding of each section of the service
The service plot is generated through the IPS, by selecting Information > Service information.
After some seconds needed to create the plot, a Web browser window pops up showing the service plot.
A copy of this file is recorded in the following path of the built-in computer in XML format: c:\Users\user
\Desktop\Service Information.
NOTE: This XML file (service plot) is named automatically using the date of creation. For example, a
plot created on the 20th of February 2013 might be named 2013-02-20T16_59_08_MasterXML.xml.
Check that the date is correct; if not, the date maintained in the printer is wrong and should be
You can view the service plot using the HPInforetriever software already installed in the built-in
c. Browse the Service Information folder on the desktop, looking for the latest service plot (the one
with the latest date in the name of the file).
HP InfoRetriever also allows you to collect other information that may be required if HP support is
d. If extra information is required, log in as a service engineer and run Print Care.
● Status
● Error code ID
● Product number
● Product name
● Serial number
● Warranty date
● Ink used
● Usage time
● Scan-axis shutdown
● Error ID Code: Reports the status of the cartridge. The Error ID given converts to the following status:
0 = OK 128 = EXPIRED
● Install Date: Shows when the cartridge was installed (check that the date is correctly set in the printer
1.7 Supply status, 1.8 ISS temperature sensor, and 1.9 Pressure sensor calibration values
1.10 Intermediate tank values, 1.11 Air pressure system, 1.12 PPS system, and 1.13 PPS homing switch status
In this section you can see the status of various hardware elements: the intermediate tanks, the air pressure
system, PPS status, and PPS homing switches.
PPS Status can be any of the following: HOMING, LOW, HIGH, HIGH_PRINT, MEDIA_LOAD, UNKNOWN, HALT. If
the PPS is in an unknown position and needs to be recovered, see Table 5-9 Scan beam on page 362.
See Print to Paper Space (PPS) on page 34 for information that will help you to understand what values
should be expected for every element.
1.14 Vacuum system, 1.15 Voltage configuration, and 1.16 Sensor system
The three-phase system voltage configuration shows the voltage configuration that has been set during
installation (which must match site specifications). The possible values are: 200, 208, 220, 380, 400, and 415
If all the values are zero, substrate-advance calibration has not been done.
1.18 Analog encoder calibration, 1.19 Motor type configuration, and 1.20 Printhead cleaner roll
● Total printed substrate reports the printed substrate surface as well as the subtotal for each
configuration: dual-roll, roll-to-free-fall, and take-up reel.
● Total Ink used is the total volume of ink used for each color, in liters.
2.2 Usage per printhead slot and 2.3 Usage per cartridge slot
● Printheads Used is the number of different printheads (with different serial numbers) used by the
● Total Insertions is the number of times the current printhead has been inserted.
3 Event logs
The error codes are documented in Troubleshooting system error codes on page 87. Every event specifies the
system error, the substrate usage at the time the system error appeared (total quantity of substrate at the
moment of the error), and the date when it happened. These elements let us know the frequency with which
the customer is experiencing problems.
The Error Code is a decimal number that must be converted into binary code in order to use the attached
error table conversion (see below). You can use the Windows calculator to convert the number from decimal
into binary.
The following table explains the meaning of the different bits (0 or 1). When the value of the error code is
reported as 0, it means that the printhead is working correctly:
● Example 2: Error code 532512 (decimal) is 10000010000000100000 (binary). Using the table above,
this errors tells us: TEMP_EXTREMELY_LOW, CSDATA_NOT_RESPONDING and EXPIRED (used expired
ink). The connection between the printer and the printhead does not seem to work.
Diagnostic log
This section shows which tests or calibrations have been run. For each test, there are two entries: 1) starting
time and 2) brief result after ending the test/calibration (pass, fail or cancelled). In the event the printer is
stopped during the test, through emergency stop or energy cutoff, the result is not logged.
● Starting time
● Substrate output: may be ‘inwards’ or ‘outwards’, plus the settings established by the user for this
specific substrate
The Substrate Name with its corresponding Substrate ID (which appears in the XML of the job sent from the
RIP to the IPS) and the color calibration information (Color Status: done, default) and the date of the last
color calibration done. If the date is set to 1970, no color calibration has been done for this substrate.
Looking at this list, you can identify the parent of a custom-made substrate. A custom substrate has its
parent indicated afterwards between parentheses.
“For HP printer products, the use of a refilled or non-original HP consumable product (ink, printhead, ink
cartridge, or maintenance kit) does not affect either HP’s Limited Warranty or any HP support contract.
However, if printer failure or damage is attributable to the use of a non-HP or refilled ink cartridge or an
expired ink cartridge, HP's authorized representative will charge its standard time and materials charges to
service the printer for the particular failure or damage.”
See the Hewlett-Packard Limited Warranty Statement document for more information.
“This warranty does not cover HP ink cartridges or customer-replaceable printheads that have been refilled,
remanufactured, refurbished, misused, or tampered with. If failure or damage to ink cartridges or customer-
replaceable printheads is attributable to the use of a non-HP, expired, or refilled ink cartridge, or to their use
with a non-designated HP or unauthorized OEM printing device, HP is not responsible for the cost of
replacement or refund of the purchase price.”
You can find more information about how the use of non-HP inks affects the warranties of ink cartridges and
printheads at http://www.hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies.
Ink cartridges
Ink cartridge non-HP ink alerts
When non-HP ink usage is detected while replacing an ink cartridge, the customer is alerted about the
implications in performance and warranty. These alerts must be acknowledged twice for the printer to
continue working.
Service plot
Similar information can be found in the service plot.
Printhead non-HP ink alerts
When non-HP ink usage is detected and the customer acknowledges the warnings, the installed printheads in
question are automatically marked as used with non-HP ink.
When a new printhead is installed, the customer is once again alerted about the performance and warranty
implications, and the customer must acknowledge such alerts.
Service plot
Similar information can be found in the service plot.
Safe mode
When using non-HP inks, the printer operates in safe mode to protect itself and its printheads from failures.
In safe mode:
● Install HP original cartridges and wait until 9 liters of HP ink have gone through the affected tubes of
the ink delivery system to the printheads.
● Flush the non-HP ink, reset the printer flags, and install HP original cartridges.
When the 9 liters have gone through the affected tubes of the ink delivery system:
● Any printheads that have been used with non-HP ink do not recover their warranties.
● Any new printhead installed after this point maintains its warranty.
1. Flush the non-HP ink; see 3. ISM flush and clean a single ink system line on page 915.
2. Reset the printer flags. Contact the LFP Customer Assurance team for instructions.
● Any printheads that have been used with non-HP ink do not recover their warranties.
● Any new printhead installed after this point maintains its warranty.
General diagnostics
NOTE: Some diagnostic tests or calibrations must be performed after removing a component. Read
carefully the instructions given by Print Care.
NOTE: To return the carriage to the capping position after work in diagnostic mode, restart the printer in
normal mode.
NOTE: The Operator account cannot select individual tests and subsystem tests are executed sequentially.
If the user account is changed to Service, the full set of tests is available for the current boot mode and
individual tests can be selected. To change the user account, go to File > Switch User.
To boot the printer in diagnostic mode, go to Printer tools > Power options > Reboot in diagnostic
NOTE: There is no password to boot in diagnostic mode, as the operator is allowed to do it.
Boot modes
Normal Diagnostic
When the printer is able to boot When the printer is unable to boot
normally normally, or for specific cases in
which the diagnostic works better if
the printer is not fully booted
User accounts << None >> (i.e. Operator) Partial list of diagnostics for each Partial list of diagnostics for each
subsystem subsystem
- Not selectable: the whole list is
executed for each subsystem.
However, there are some procedures that the customer should not perform:
Diagnostic availability can change depending on Print Care login and boot mode.
Safety interlocks
Print quality
Substrate-advance sensor
Scan axis
Scan beam
Carriage aerosol
Carriage sensors
Printhead primers
Capping/drop detection
Display printing nozzle health database content Operator or engineer Normal or diagnostic
Reset printing nozzle health database content Operator or engineer Normal or diagnostic
Null current check in AC/AC converter 1 (up) Operator or engineer Normal or diagnostic
Null current check in AC/AC converter 2 (down) Operator or engineer Normal or diagnostic
NOTE: If you get a severe error when restarting the printer, the diagnostics in normal mode may not work.
In this case, you are recommended to start the printer in diagnostics mode to fix the problem.
NOTE: While printing, only diagnostics for monitoring curing temperature can be executed; and you are
recommended to start the diagnostic before sending the job.
Description This test activates the safety circuit and checks that the safety relay and interlocks work properly
Pass criteria See that state change if you open/close the safety interlocks
Fail criteria If you can’t see changes in status after open close front door and loading table.
Description This test activates the safety circuit and checks that the safety relay, contactors, e-stops and interlocks work
Pass criteria See that the state change if you open/close the safety interlocksand check or if the safety relay or etops are
Fail criteria
Doing this procedure you can determine if the safety locks, safety relay and estops are working properly prior their
Description This diagnostic check the E-Box electronics needed for the processing of printing data and the transfer of this data
to the printheads via the fiber-optics cable.
Test steps:
● Formatter test
◦ It checks if all the cables going from the engine board to the fiber-optics PCA not only are connected but
they are also plugged in the correct connector.
◦ It checks the fiber-optic connector is plugged, it reads the internal registers in the fiber-optics module
and verifies the data is reaching the fiber-optics module.
In summary, this test checks the formatter, the engine boards, the cables between the engine boards and the e-box
fiber-optics PCA, the e-box fiber-optics PCA and the e-box fiber-optics transceiver. Regarding the e-box fiber-optics
PCA, it checks everything except the high speed lane coming from the carriage side.
Fail criteria This diagnostic points to the failure connection except for the power.
Description This diagnostic checks the optical fiber cable connection to the fiber-optics PCA. It will verify that the cable is
properly plugged and functioning correctly.
Test steps:
● If the above check fails, then the diagnostic test requires user interventation in order to check the status of
some LEDs in the e-box side and in the carriage side.
◦ E-box side:
◦ Carriage side:
● If LED1 in the Carriage is ON and LED1 in the e-box is OFF, then the fiber-optics needs to be
Pass criteria FO OK
Description This diagnostic test checks the link to the Fiber-optics PCA in the carriage and its connections to the Printhead
Interconnect boards. Success means that the optical fiber link is up and running and each connector in the fiber-
optics PCA has a properly inserted cable connector.
Test steps:
◦ It checks if all the cables going from the Carriage fiber-optics PCA to the printhead board are plugged.
◦ If it fails, then the user needs to run a diagnostic test and the user needs to check the status of one LED.
In case the printhead boards are not connected in the right Carriage fiber-optics PCA interface, the user will notice
printing errors. In that case, the user needs to check that all the cables going from the Carriage fiber-optics PCA to
the printhead board are plugged in the correct interface.
Description This diagnostic test checks the printhead insertion mechanism. You should use it only if insertion problems have
repeatedly been observed in a particular printhead slot. The test will move the carriage to the access position. There
you can select any specific slot to check, remove, or insert any printhead, and check that it is properly detected.
Test steps:
◦ If it fails, then the user needs to run the Trailing Cable Connectivity test and the user needs to check the
status of LED DS15.
◦ It checks if the printhead is well connected in the printhead pocket. If it fails, then the user needs to run a
diagnostic test and the user needs to check the status of LED DS7.
In case the printhead boards are not connected in the right Slinky interface, the user will notice printing errors. In
that case, the user needs to check that all the cables going from the Slinky board to the printhead board are plugged
in the correct interface.
Description This diagnostic test checks the versions of the fiber-optic PCAs in case you have a hardware/firmware mismatch.
Pass/fail This test is purely informative and has no pass or fail criteria.
Description This diagnostic test checks the data lines from the optical fiber PCA to the printhead interconnect boards. If these
data lines are OK, the two green LEDs on each printhead interconnect board are turned on.
Pass/fail This test lights up the DS1 and DS15 LEDs of each printhead interconnect PCA. If one of them is not lit, replace the
criteria printhead interconnect PCA and/or the cable to the fiber-optics PCA.
Description This test displays the electrical state of the printheads. It should be executed when the printer is idle.
● #Fails continuity: Electrical continuity failure. Communication between printhead and interconnect board is
not working properly. Clean the printhead and the board electrical pads and re-insert the printhead. If the
problem persists, swap the printhead with one of the same color in the adjacent slot. If the error moves with
the printhead, replace the printhead. If the error persists in the same slot, there may be a physical problem in
the interconnection. Make sure that the black metal back support of the printhead interconnect board is
correctly mounted and screws are tight, and call your support representative if the problem persists in the
same slot.
● #Voltage failure: This error may have been caused by a short circuit in the printhead electrical pad or the
printhead board. Remove the printhead and inspect the electrical pads, making sure they are clean and
nothing is creating a short circuit. Also, inspect the printhead board electrical contacts and make sure they are
not bent or damaged. You can swap the printhead with another one of the same color. If the problem persists
in the same slot, please call your support representative, as the printhead board may have to be replaced. If
the error follows the printhead, replace the printhead.
● #CSDATA not responding: The printhead is not responding to communication attempts from the printhead
interconnect board. The printhead may not be correctly inserted, or the electrical pads may be dirty or
damaged. Clean the printhead electrical pads and the printhead board contacts and re-insert the printhead.
Make sure it is correctly inserted. If the problem persists, swap the printhead with one of the same color in the
adjacent slot. If the error moves with the printhead, replace the printhead. If the error persists in the same
slot, there may be an electrical problem. To discard a transient electrical perturbation, shut down the printer,
restart it a minute later, and do a printhead replacement again. If the same problem occurs, the printhead
interconnect board may be faulty. Contact your support representative.
● #Temperature extremely high: The printhead temperature is extremely high. Make sure the printing
operating conditions are OK, and reseat the printhead. A likely cause of this error is that printhead nozzles are
blocked and ink cannot be fired. Try recovering the printheads by manual cleaning or by hard cleaning through
the Internal Print Server. If the error does not disappear, replace the printhead.
● #Temperature too high: The printhead temperature is too high. Make sure the printing operating conditions
are OK, and reseat the printhead. A likely cause of this error is that printhead nozzles are blocked and ink
cannot be fired. Try recovering the printheads by hard cleaning through the Internal Print Server. If the error
does not disappear, replace the printhead.
● #Temperature extremely low: The printhead temperature is extremely low. The operating temperature could
not be reached. The most likely cause is printhead damage in its resistors due to a substrate crash. Replace the
● #Temperature too low: The printhead temperature is too low. The operating temperature could not be
reached. The most likely cause is printhead damage in its resistors due to a substrate crash or smear. Replace
the printhead.
● #Bad acumen information: The information encoded in the printhead is incorrect. If it is a genuine HP
printhead, return it to HP.
● #Bad acumen access: The printhead’s internal data cannot be accessed. The printhead may not be correctly
inserted, or the electrical pads may be dirty or damaged. Clean the printhead electrical pads and the printhead
board contacts, and retry the printhead replacement process. If the problem persists, try another printhead of
the same color. If the problem still persists in the same slot, there may be an interconnection problem. Make
sure that the black metal back support of the printhead interconnect board is correctly mounted and screws
are tight.
● #Wrong model: The printhead is not the correct model to be used in this printer.
● #Mismatch: Wrong printhead internal data. The printhead is not the correct model to be used in this printer.
● #Energy calibration failure: This can either be a printhead problem or a printhead interconnect PCA problem.
Remove the printhead and retry the printhead insertion process. If the problem persists, replace the printhead.
If the problem still persists, the printhead interconnect board may need to be replaced. Contact your support
Pass criteria If all of them works properly by checking that open/close them you are able to see changes in screen status
Fail criteria
▲ In case of failure, run e-box and e-cabinet diagnostics before replacing parts.
Description It does a series of movements to ensure that substrate movement accuracy is OK, this test perform a statistical
analysis so it takes some time to be completed
Fail criteria
The test takes 8 minutes per motor. You can select MI, MO, and MF in order to calibrate servos and diagnose motors;
in addition, you can boot the printer in diagnostic mode and run this test with the motor detached, in case you are
not sure whether the problem comes from motor or gearbox.
Description Calibrate the analog encoder, which calibrates all gain chain in the EE.
Pass criteria The diagnostic itself provides feedback about whether calibration was successful or not.
Pass criteria When the calibration is successful, feedback is provided by the diagnostic.
Note: Beware that not all substrate types are suitable for this calibration. Use preferably self-adhesive vinyls of around 78
in width, such as Avery MPI3000 and HP Permanent Gloss Self Adhesive, or papers such as HP Photorealistic. Do not
use any backlit, PP, PE/PET, or PVC substrates. Before proceeding, make sure that the substrate is correctly loaded
and aligned. The calibration takes about 25 minutes and the substrate will be advanced about 8 meters. Check that
there is enough substrate on the input roll before proceeding. Press Continue to proceed or Cancel to exit.
The substrate path troubleshooting workflows integrated with the diagnostics are shown in the following
º A
Start MIMOMF calibration/check process
Test can be executed from Diagnostics tool web service SERIAL NUMBER
(localhost:8080/hp/), via tckl procedure, from CSM or from
printer’s Print Care interface
- Check the motor is not braked and the cables are properly connected
- Check ELA is receiving encoder feedback and that encoder is receiving voltage
- Enable ELA to receibe encoder signal and repeat test
PWM levels >
[min_PWM_levels] = 2
Error 5
Retry 2: Motor windings, motor electronics, or motor EE may be damaged
- Run a part test with another motor to check that the problem is a faulty motor
0,50= [min_KT] - Replace encoder cable and/or check both motor and board connectors are not damaged
< KT <
[max_KT] = 0,83
Error 1 3
Retry 4: ELA board might be failing
- Replace ELA and check that now all works by repeating the test
2440= [abs_min_deadZone] 2 Retry 1: Test conditions may have been introduced incorrectly
< abs (Dead Zone)< Error 2
[abs_max_deadZone] = 4540
- Check if the test has been executed with less than 2 PWM levels (ERROR 5)
- Repeat test ensuring the parameters and the axis selected are correct
- Spindle may be engaged to transmission
Retry 2: Motor windings, motor electronics, or motor EE may be damaged
PART LEVEL COGGING TORQUE TEST - Run a part test with another motor to check that the problem is a faulty motor
SERVICING MENU Connect motor to cables if done on a test bench, Retry 3: Possible encoder cable or encoder cable connector failure
- Media Path Mechanics or disengage motor from transmission if done at
- Motor Cogging Torque Test printer if it has not been done previously B - Replace encoder cable and/or check both motor and board connectors are not damaged
Check values and pass/fail messages - Connect the motor to another ELA and repeat the test
/tmp/Cogging-"serial".txt - Replace ELA if faulty
0,50= [min_KT]
< KT <
[max_KT] = 0,83
Error 1 3
2440= [abs_min_deadZone]
< abs (Dead Zone)< Error 2
[abs_max_deadZone] = 4540
4. Service Calibrations Menu 1 Retry 1: OMAS may be dirty, substrate not navigable by OMAS or loaded
4.3. Substrate Path Menu Reset compensation parameteres with skew or wrinkles (visual inspection)
4.3.4. Roller Calibration (amplitude = 0)
- Use only recommended navigable substrates
- Unload substrate
- Clean OMAS window
Set OMAS in measure mode - Reload substrate
Rewind substrate
Vacuum calibration
Rewind substrate Retry 2: Friction balance may be wrong for the substrate
4 Retry 1: Check failed: roller zero flag is not working or vacuum level not
correctly applied.
Set Logging:
/tmp/rollerCheckOmasData.dat - Check that substrate is correct at IPS
- Unload substrate and run Zero Flag Test
- Replace analog encoder PCA if faulty
- Vacuum sensor tubes are properly connected
Move encoder to Zero - Reload substrate and repeat roller calibration
5 Retry 1: Substrate loaded with skew, OMAS dirty, or analog encoder PCA
Sigma <
5 [sigma_max_iq] = 90 m
As a summary, the table below shows which calibrations are required after a component replacement:
Analog encoder Calibrates electronic analog offset and gain of the Encoder disc and PCA replacement
calibration encoder PCA
MI-MO-MF calibration Calibrates the main characteristics of the motors ● MI-MO-MF replacement
● Substrate-advance problems
OMAS calibration Corrects OMAS pixel-to-microns size and nominal OMAS replacement
fiducials distance
Drive roller calibration Corrects drive roller eccentricity ● Drive roller replacement
● Substrate-advance problems
Drive roller calibration Checks OMAS readings against encoder readings, ● MA motor replacement
check applying current calibration values to verify that drive
roller eccentricity is corrected, and fine-tuning the ● After OMAS calibration
(available to roller’s slope factor.
customers) ● After drive roller calibration
● Substrate-advance problems
1. OMAS calibration
Description This test shows the substrate-advance sensor (OMAS) status: enabled or disabled. If enabled, it is being used to
monitor the substrate advance.
Description This test checks whether the substrate-advance sensor optics are clean or not. If not, clean the sensor window.
Description This test disables the substrate-advance sensor for diagnostic purposes. The purpose of this utility is to enable or
disable the substrate-advance sensor, to be able to measure and troubleshoot the influence of the sensor on print-
quality problems. Sometimes, disabling the sensor is recommended for best print quality.
Pass criteria None, it just tells you whether the action was done or not.
Description This test enables the substrate-advance sensor for diagnostic purposes. The purpose of this utility is to enable or
disable the substrate-advance sensor, to be able to measure and troubleshoot the influence of the sensor on print-
quality problems. Sometimes, disabling the sensor is recommended for best print quality.
Pass criteria None, it just tells you whether the action was done or not.
Description This test checks the substrate-advance encoder and provides feedback about how it is performing.
Description This test enables the subtrate-advance sensor for diagnostic purposes. The calibration prints interference patterns
that should be visually inspected.
Instructions ● Run this calibration only after replacing the substrate-advance sensor.
● Before calibrating the sensor, use the cleanliness check and clean it if necessary.
● If the printer has been printing, allow it to cool down for at least an hour before running this calibration.
● Not all substrate types are suitable for this calibration. Preferably use self-adhesive vinyls of around 78 in
width, such as Avery MPI3000 and HP Permanent Gloss Self-Adhesive, or papers like HP Photorealistic. Do not
use any backlit, PP, PE/PET, or PVC substrates. Ensure that the substrate is correctly loaded and aligned, and
that you have at least 5 meters of substrate available for the calibration.
Follow the instructions on the screen. The calibration takes about 30 minutes.
Description This test checks that the substrate-advance servo gets a correct feedback signal.
Fail criteria
1. If the test fails, check that the vacuum pump is powered and spinning.
3. Reset calibration.
Description This test restores a default factory calibration, in the event that caused by another failed calibration is not possible
or/and it is missing.
Description This diagnostic simply resets the vacuum pump life counter. It should be used only when the vacuum pump is
This test should be executed only when the vacuum pump is replaced.
Description This test uncaps the carriage and moves it to the repair position. After that printer will be shut down and you will be
asked to turn off the main switch to work within a safe mode.
This test will help you to move the carriage to the replace position and shut down the printer automatically,
remember that if this operation will take long time, it is recommended to remove the printhead and put them in the
orange caps.
Description This test performs a series of movements at different speeds and saves values in a log for escalations. It also
returns the measured scan-axis length. Use the data extraction procedure to save the data from the printer.
Description This test will cause a small movement to ensure that all electronics, motor driver, motor, and encoder loop function
Description This test allows you to check the status of the four PPS columns homing sensors (open or closed).
If you are in the printer position all of them should be closed, but in substrate loading position all of them should be
1. If the status is not right, check the switch position and wiring.
2. If everything is OK, but status remains wrong, replace the wrong ones.
Description This diagnostic allows you to move the carriage beam to any defined position.
This diagnostic could be used to spread the grease after maintenance and also to check that movement is smooth.
Description This test is defined to be performed with the motor detached from its housing in the column, so that you can find
out whether the problem is due to the mechanical gears/column or the motor/electrical/control part.
CAUTION: This test requires that the scan-beam motor is not mounted on the printer, otherwise the printer may
be damaged.
Description IDS Electronic Test Procedure. Start firmware components associated with electronic parts (GpioManagers,
AdcManagers, Dimmer, Nvm). Main PCAs revision number check. Nvm access test.
Pass criteria Feedback about the test result is provided in the Print Care window.
Description Air pressure system test. Engage the Air Pressure Systems (APS0 and APS1) to get a pressure over 5600 mPsi.
NOTE: Before this test can be performed a complete intermediate tank refill is required in order to ensure exact air
volumes, therefore a minimum of 1.6 l of ink is required in the ink supplies.
Pass criteria Pressure for all systems reaches more than 5600 mPsi.
Fail criteria The test fails if some of the APS does not get this pressure.
Description Select a supply to check the connector. The test guides you to unplug the connector and test that it has been
disconnected. It then guides you to plug in the connector and test that it is connected. The test does not check the
acumen connection with the ink supplies.
Description Recover from ink system leakage. The test checks (by reading the sensor) whether there is really a system ink
leakage. If not, it clears this error on NVM.
Pass criteria If you have an ink leakage, fix it and clean the sensor, then run this test until no leakage is detected. If a false
positive is given, replace the sensor.
Description You can select which valve to test, and the amount of time before the test begins. When the test begins the selected
valve will be opened and closed several times. You have to listen to the valve on this action and tell the test when to
Description Intermediate tank change. This test will guide you in replacing an intermediate tank by a new one. First the ink is
passed from intermediate old tanks group X1 to the intermediate old tanks group X2. The old group X1 is then
extracted and the new group X1 is inserted. The ink is transferred from X2 old to X1 new. Then the X2 old are retired
and the X2 inserted. Where X is the IT color and 1 or 2 are the color index.
Description Ink supply LEDs test. This test lets you select one supply LED, and that will start to blink. After executing it, tested
LED light will remain off until you reboot the printer.
Fail criteria LED for selected line does not turn on.
Description This procedure displays and introduces calibration values for the three ink pressure sensors boards. The Ink
Pressure Sensor Calibration is used any time the Ink Pressure Sensors are replaced, in order to enter the proper
calibration values into the system. These calibration values are included with the service part (label).
Pass criteria The Print Care screen reports whether the change of values was successful.
Description Ink pressure sensor at printhead. This test applies ink pressure and guides the user to insert a syringe on the
printhead position. The ink must refill the syringe to an estimated value according to the pressure applied.
Pass criteria If you get the expected ink volume in the syringe.
Description Electro valves management. This procedure opens and closes the front entry electrovalves for any of the colors
(refill valves).
Description Inter-valves management. With this test the user can change the status of the intermediate valves (valves that
connect among Intermediate tanks).
Description Air pumps management. This test switches on/off the air pump manually for troubleshooting purposes. After
executing this test, as the circuit could keep some pressure, we recommend to execute the relief valves test to
release any pressure.
Description Relief valves management. This procedure opens the relief valves releasing the pressure from the APS.
Description Actual air pressure. This test shows the actual air pressure sensor value (APS1 and APS2) in mPsi units.
Description Actual ink pressure. This test shows the actual ink pressure sensor value in mPsi for every color.
Description This test allows a refill of the intermediate tanks with ink level monitoring. To perform this test it is required the
system operates appropriately and to have at least 1.6 liters of ink in all the supplies. The Intermediate tanks refill
diagnostic utility is to fill the intermediate ink tanks in case they must be transported. In this way, the risk of a
broken bag is reduced. Also this procedure has to be used to fill a brand new IT after a broken bag problem
Description This procedure forces a refill of the intermediate tanks and sets them as full. The refill is time based. Use this
procedure in case the standard operation of refilling the intermediate tanks fails. The procedure can be used to fix
any other defect of the system where the intermediate tanks are emptied (electrical failures, leakages, etc). The
refill time is fixed to 15 minutes per side.
Description This procedure displays the number of life cycles (full refill) of the intermediate tanks.
Description This procedure shows in percentage (%) terms the amount of ink in the intermediate tanks.
Description This test shows the actual supply information and performs validation checks.
Description This test checks that the fans spin and no faulty signal is returned.
Pass/fail Feedback provided by the test itself as well as by the noise produced by the fans.
With the fan stopped for some seconds, check that the pressure value is close to zero, otherwise it is an error:
● The fans are faulty (they are spinning when they should not).
Description This test shows pressure sensor calibration values. Automatic pressure calibration must be done first.
Description This diagnostic performs a self-calibration of the spectrophotometer. The shutter is opened, and then a
measurement in a dark zone of the printer is taken. Finally, the internal white calibration tile is measured.
● If two readings are similar it could be that the shutter remains open/closed all the time, so repeat the test,
observing whether light from the sensor is visible all the time.
● If the black point fails, it could be that there is a piece of substrate over the calibration position.
● If the white calibration fails, maybe the sensor is dirty and needs to be replaced.
Description The test checks correct internal operation and communication with the line sensor located in the sensor box of the
printer. The printer enables the red LED with different current levels and performs a couple of reads to check
internal operation.
Description Deletes usage counters for line sensor, number of cycles, and working hours.
NOTE: This diagnostic should be run only when a line sensor is replaced.
Description The line sensor calibration should be performed mainly after replacing a line sensor or a sensor box. It is done in two
1. Calibration of the sensor, by measuring the white of a substrate and a dark area. During this first part, you can
see that the printer is places the line sensor at the top of the substrate, taking measurements (measuring the
white area), and then it places the sensor at the top of the printhead cleaning roller, performing other
measurements (measuring a dark area). A white substrate must be loaded: the substrate cannot contain color,
not even light gray.
2. Calibration of the position of the line sensor versus the black printhead. During this second step, the printer
will print 21 small squares, and will scan them back.
To perform the calibration correctly, load the substrate towards the right of the printer: the edge of the substrate
should be positioned within 4 cm (2 in) of the right-hand side.
TIP: Check that the black printhead is in very good condition, most importantly the first die of the black printhead.
Description This line sensor to black calibration should be performed mainly after replacing a line sensor or a sensor box. It
calibrates the position of the line sensor with respect to the black printhead. During the second step, the printer
prints 21 small squares, and scans them back. To perform the calibration correctly, load the substrate towards the
right of the printer: the edge of the substrate should be positioned within 4 cm (2 in) of the right-hand side.
TIP: Check that the black printhead is in very good condition, most importantly the first die of the black printhead.
IMPORTANT: You must open all the printhead primer latches whenever required, otherwise you will create a big
puddle of ink on the print platen.
This calibration is recommended to be done after replacing a primer, NVM restore or issue or primer leak system
error reported.
Description Measures gears-backlash and bump deformation and saves values for reference.
Fail criteria This test will fail if a bump is broken or if there is very high friction.
Description Set the backlash and elasticity of the service station to default values. This should be done for specific system
errors, in case the printer is not able to boot for a system error pointing to the service station. After this test, it is
important to redo the capping/drop-detector calibration.
Description This test calibrates the XY position of capping and drop-detector shuttle, for the printer to perform the drop
detection and the capping procedures appropriately with respect to the carriage. It is recommended to perform this
action after interventions in the carriage or the capping/drop-detector station that change their relative positions.
Description This test calibrates the drop-detector system. Perform this test whenever one or more drop detectors are replaced
or when the service station interconnect PCA is replaced.
CAUTION: All printheads must be in good health. If one of the printheads does not having enough nozzles working,
the calibration will fail, or will finish. To check that most of the nozzles are good enough for this calibration, print
the printhead alignment.
If all the calibration parameters are within limits the printer will finish and display an OK message, otherwise it will
display a fail message.
In case of failure perform a new hard cleaning procedure and redo the calibration. If the calibration still fails, check
the printhead that has failed (print printhead alignment) and replace the printhead if necessary. If all the printheads
are in good condition, replace the drop-detector sensors, then redo the calibration.
The nozzle-check plot is a better option for this purpose, but it may not be available to the operator.
Fail criteria If the final value received from the calibration is out of specification, it will be rejected and reported as failed.
Description Executes a single drop detection for all the printhead dies.
Description Displays stored calibration values for capping and drop detection.
Description Displays the current content of the printing nozzle health database.
Description Moves the selected cleaning roll axis, making a large enough movement to be seen.
This diagnostic initializes correctly, it operates in open loop and will always report OK.
Recommended sequence is: Engage, MI, MA, and MO. Look the roll and axis movement to detect any slippage.
Description This test is similar to the previous one, but seeking a movement large enough to be seen by a human observer. If the
previous test is passed, but you are unable to see movement in this one, perhaps there is a jam, or friction is too
high and the motor is unable to move the axis.
Pass criteria Delta in encoder counts reported, showing that the closed-loop feedback works.
Description This test perform the actions to show you the Z axis calibration. To execute the full process, see Height and tilt
check and calibration test on page 755.
Description Execute this test in order to set or change the current calibration, if needed after running the printhead cleaning Z
calibration check.
Description This test checks that the drying subsystem is working properly, by applying test power and checking that the
current provided to the lamps is within the expected range. If not, it tries to diagnose the problem. It can also
suggest visual inspection and replacement.
Description This test checks that the drying subsystem is working properly, by applying test power and checking that the
current provided to the lamps is within the expected range. If not, it tries to diagnose the problem. It can also
suggest visual inspection and replacement.
Description This test checks that AC relays in the Sinatra PCA can be opened and closed.
Description This test checks that AC relays in the Sinatra PCA can be opened and closed.
Description This test checks whether the printer can set zero power by setting zero output using sinewave control only (without
using the relays in the drying PCA).
Description This test checks whether the printer can set zero power by setting zero output using sinewave control only (without
using the relays in the drying PCA).
Description This text checks that the drying PCA no-movement timeout when applying power is working properly.
Description This text checks that the drying PCA no-movement timeout when applying power is working properly.
Description This test checks several hardware blocks in the drying PCA.
Description This test checks several hardware blocks in the drying PCA.
Description This test checks several hardware components inside the drying PCA or connected to it.
Description This test checks several hardware components inside the drying PCA or connected to it.
Description This diagnostic displays the internal temperatures of the curing modules. This test is useful to see internal chamber
curing module temperatures and check whether they are uniform. Also consider that modules without substrate
under them are not powered.
Description Displays the status of the curing modules, safety interlocks status, substrate presence under each module and
temperature of each chamber (internal).
Also with this diagnostic you can apply power to heaters and fans (only the ones with substrate under them,
reproducing printing conditions).
This diagnostic has enabled all software monitors, so you can reproduce and isolate system errors reported by the
customer for troubleshooting purposes. Recommended to be executed when the customer reports curing problems,
then you can check whether all modules have the same behavior.
Description Monitor all the internal parameters monitored in the curing PCA in one single module.
Also with this diagnostic you can apply power to heaters and fans (only the ones with substrate under them,
reproducing printing conditions).
This diagnostic has enabled all software monitors, so you can reproduce and isolate system errors reported by the
customer. Recommended to be executed when the customer reports curing errors, to identify the module and root
cause of the problem.
Pass/fail If the slots corresponding to PCAs 1 to 4 reply properly and slot #5 does not reply; the test result is PASS. Otherwise
criteria the test result is FAIL.
Description This test looks for errors during the start-up of the four engine PCAs, and checks that the PCA startup is OK.
Test steps 1. Launch the test: NESSCTengineConnectivity (check for proper connectivity of the ASIC fusion)
● There is a short-circuit or open circuit in the tracks (involving the fusion) in any engine PCA.
Description This test verifies that each of the engine PCAs is properly connected to its corresponding engine adaptor PCA. The
engine PCA tries to communicate with the microcontroller of the engine adaptor PCA.
Pass/fail If there is a problem with the communication (missing reply, unexpected reply) between each the engine PCA and its
criteria corresponding engine adaptor PCA, the test result is FAIL.
● The flat cable between engine PCA and engine adaptor PCA is missing.
Description This test read the voltage outputs of each of the voltage sources in engine adaptor PCA. The voltages must be
within a range (±15% needs to be defined thresholds) to declare the test passed.
● There is a shortcircuit or overload in the loads connected to the e-box interconnect PCA.
Description This test checks for the proper connection of the engine adaptor PCAs to the e-box interconnect PCA. It can detect
which one(s) (if they exist) of the four engine adaptor PCAs are not connected to the e-box interconnect PCA. The
engine adaptor PCA sends a signal that travels through the e-box interconnect PCA and returns to the engine
adaptor PCA.
Pass/fail If any of the four engine adaptors PCA does not read back one or more of the signals sent through the e-box
criteria interconnect PCA, this test result is FAIL.
● A pin from the e-box interconnect PCA slots is broken (J1, J2, J3, J4).
Description This test will determine if there is communication between the e-box and the e-cabinet PCA.
Fail criteria The e-cabinet PCA does not respond to a communication command
● E-box malfunction
Description This test determines if the rotation signal of the fan is detected.
Description This test will start up all the DC power supplies, and measure their output voltages and read their status signals (if
During this test the firmware will ask the user to press the rearm button.
Pass criteria All the power supplies output voltages inside range and no alarm signal is detected.
Fail criteria One or more PSUs not supplying the adequate voltage or an alarm signal detected.
● PSU protection activated (be sure to leave some time for the PSU to cool down and do an OFF/ON cycle with
the main switch before repeating)
● Insufficient ventilation:
Description This test activates the DC PSUs and the selected outputs of the e-cabinet PCA.
During this test the firmware will ask the user to press the rearm button.
● The system powered by the failing output has a problem; check that system for short-circuits
Test Automatic activation/deactivation of ALL of the power outputs of the PCA (10009)
Description This test activates the DC PSUs and the activates all the outputs of the e-cabinet PCA. It also tests the state of the
● The system powered by the failing output has a problem; check that system for short-circuits
Description This test shows the state of all the analog and digital sensors on the e-cabinet PCA (voltages, currents,
temperature, switch states, and so on).
Description This test checks that the watchdog timer on the e-cabinet PCA works.
Description NOTE: More information about purging the system is available in the installation guide.
Purge supply. Purge ink main service diagnostic (1/3). This test checks the supply, opens the main electro-valve and
checks that the ink pressure is correct. Test failure usually indicates that the manual refill of the first tube segment
is incorrect (air in tubes).
Description Purge Intermediate Tanks. Purge ink main service diagnostic (2/3). This test performs several steps to refill the new
empty intermediate tanks.
Description Purge Tubes. Purge ink main service diagnostic (3/3). This operation leads the ink from the intermediate tanks to
the carriage. To avoid the air to damage any head, temporary setup printheads will be plugged at the end of each
tube, inserted to the needle where the final printheads will seat afterwards.
Description This test allows you to subtract ink consumed by the ink cartridge during the installation process, in order to count
the ink actually used in printing.
Description The execution of this test forces the printer to start in normal mode at the next restart.
Description This test allows you to set in the printer the input AC voltage measured in the installation process.
Description This test sets the ISM as purged (filled with ink).
Description This test sets the TRS as purged (filled with ink).
Description This test allows you to control the auxiliary air pump that can be used to empty the ink lines.
Description Entry-valves management. With this test you can change the status of the intermediate valves (valves that
interconnect the Intermediate tanks).
Description This test sets intermediate tanks installed as new, allowing them to be reused them when the printer is reisntalled.
Description This test sets the ISM as not purged (empty), so that the next time the printer is powered up it will ask to be filled
with ink.
Description This test sets the TRS as not purged (empty), so that the next time the printer is powered up it will be ask to be filled
with ink.
Description This test moves the carriage to the service position, allowing you to insert the syringes into the ink lines to empty
Description This utility displays a URL that takes you where the Printer.log file is stored.
Description This utility guides you to change the IP addresses of the computer and printer.
Description This utility changes the actual date and time of the internal electronics system in the printer, this date and time are
different from the data displayed by the IPS PC of the printer. A correct setup of the time and date in the printer is
especially important when saving and tracking the error logs used for escalations. Performing this utility is
recommended when installing the printer in order to align the time with the local time.
Description This utility will show the actual version of the test utilities package installed in the printer. As the package can be
updated independently of the firmware, this test helps the user to keep track of the actual version installed in the
Description This utility creates a backup copy of all the NVM values of the printer (including calibration values, part numbers,
and so on) in the tmp directory of the hard drive of the printer (where the printer.log is stored).
Description This utility recovers a previous copy of all the NVM values of the printer (including calibration values, part numbers,
and so on).
Description This utility sets the printer to create the printer.log file in the tmp directory of the printer. The file will include all
necessary information to use and provide in case of escalation. In addition to the standard logs reporting, the test
sets additional log information (extended logs) for selected subsystems within the printer. If the problem is
localized in one of those subsystems, select the appropriate one. Otherwise just select at random one of the
subsystems displayed, which will be enough to gather the standard set of logs reporting.
Description This utility sets the printer to start always in diagnostic mode. This is useful if you intend to perform multiple tests
in diagnostic mode.
Description This utility allows you to set in the printer firmware which curing bottom plate is assembled in the printer. After
setting the right value, it displays the value to confirm that the change has been done. To check which curing
bottom plate you have, see Curing bottom plate assembly on page 477.
Description This maintenance script moves the carriage along the scan axis, reading and displaying friction values and limit
thresholds. It recommends a cleaning process if needed.
● Center covers
● Covers (structure)
● Drying
● Aerosol
● E-cabinet general
● E-cabinet center
● E-cabinet right
● E-box
● Impelling
● Service station
● Curing (1)
● Curing (2)
● Carriage (1)
● Carriage (2)
● Human-machine interface
● Miscellaneous parts
ENWW 379
Rear left covers
Part number Description
1 CZ056-67355 Front top center cover on page 644 and Rear top center cover on page 644
3 CZ056-67365 Cover supports on page 654, includes a set of covers supports, door hinges, and the Internal Print Server
computer support
7 CZ056-67377 Vapor removal drainage on page 882, includes two intermediate collectors, one end collector, one main
holder, and one waste bottle container
1 CZ056-67284 Vapor removal fans power cable kit on page 898, includes vapor removal fans cable (CZ056-50242), vapor
removal pump power cable (CZ056-50246), vapor removal fans PCA data cable (CZ056-50249), vapor
removal cable power 24 V split to curing PCA (CZ056-50258), and vapor removal cable LAN split to curing
PCA (CZ056-50259)
2 CZ056-67376 Vapor removal pipes on page 874, includes one set of vapor removal pipes (4 different units)
3 CZ056-67282 Vapor removal pump cable kit on page 897, includes vapor removal cable data split to blower
(CZ056-50260), vapor removal cable power 230 V split to blower (CZ056-50261), vapor removal pump
control cable (CZ056-50247), e-box interconnect PCA to vapor removal vacuum power cable
(CZ056-50239), e-box interconnect PCA to vapor removal vacuum LAN cable (CZ056-50238), and vapor
removal fans power cable (CZ056-50248)
5 CZ056-67105 Vacuum pump on page 892, includes one unit of centrifugal blower 230 V AC
CZ056-67030 Drying AC/AC converter control cable on page 521, includes CZ056-50056
1 CZ056-67246 Aerosol top case assembly on page 421, includes aerosol lid assembly and aerosol harness cable
2 CZ056-67005 Aerosol cables kit on page 423, includes CZ056-50240 and CZ056-50241
3 CZ056-67425 E-cabinet line filter bypass cables on page 547, includes line filter bypass cable (CZ056-50275)
5 CZ056-67266 E-box LAN cable to IPS (CZ056-500041 and CZ056-50222) on page 534, includes the IPS to e-box LAN
cable (CZ056-50041) and the LAN to IPS cable (CZ056-50222)
8 CZ056-67083 E-box cable kit on page 524, includes engine PCA1 to engine adaptor PCA1 data cable (CZ056-50001) (×2),
engine PCA2 to engine adaptor PCA2 data cable (CZ056-50002) (×2), engine PCA3 to engine adaptor PCA3
data cable (CZ056-50133) (×2), engine PCA4 to engine adaptor PCA4 data cable (CZ056-50134) (×2),
engine adaptor PCA power cable (CZ056-50003), ATX to fiber-optics PCA power cable (CZ056-50221), CAN
B bus cable (CZ056-50252), engine PCA to fiber-optics PCA long cable (CZ056-50220), and e-box
interconnect PCA to e-cabinet PCA cable (CZ056-50138)
1 CZ056-67052 Printhead cleaning module on page 750, includes shims (to be used only if previous repair failed)
2 CZ056-67236 Printhead cleaning gear kit on page 749, includes gear (×4), web-drive gear, and roll transmission hub
(gear and rubber) (×2)
3 CZ056-67235 Printhead cleaning roll axis with structure on page 738, includes the structure baseplate, an output
diverter, and two units of both roll axis and transmission hub assembly
5 CZ056-67045 Printhead cleaning transmission box on page 735, includes transmission box and gearbox inversor
6 CZ056-67190 Motor drive PCA on page 752, includes one motor drive PCA assembly and a micci2 termination
CZ056-67313 Printhead cleaning cables kit on page 767, includes capping power in T extensor cable (CZ056-50156)
(×4), printhead cleaning power in T cable (CZ056-50161), data cable between motor drive PCAs
(Q6703-50031) (×3), e-box to printhead cleaning cable (CZ056-50157), e-cabinet to printhead cleaning
power cable (CZ056-50076), motor encoder cable (CZ056-50116) (×4), and micci2 termination
1 CZ056-67298 TRS FI tower assembly on page 869, includes FI tower assemblies (×8), FI holders (×8), and FI covers (×8)
2 CZ056-67315 TRS barnacle kit on page 873, includes barnacle assembly, sleeve, anti-rotation sleeve, TRS ink tube
segments, tube cutter and fitting connectors; removal and installation of this service part also requires the
materials included in the following kits: tubes repair kit (CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and
purge kit (CZ056-67218)
CZ056-67063 PPS front right and rear left assembly on page 717
CZ056-67064 PPS front left and rear right assembly on page 716
4 CZ056-67190 Motor drive PCA on page 722, includes one motor drive PCA assembly and a micci2 termination
CZ056-67068 PPS cables kit on page 724, includes e-cabinet to PPS power cable (CZ056-50072), PPS power in T cable
(CZ056-50151), short PPS data bridge cable (CZ056-50178) (×2), long PPS data bridge cable
(CZ056-50177), take-up-reel Luna to PPS cable (CZ056-50052), and micci2 termination (CZ056-50028)
CZ056-67069 PPS motor cable kit on page 732, includes motor drive PCA to PPS motor cable (CZ056-50035), motor
drive PCA to differential encoder PCA cable (CZ056-50146), differential encoder PCA (Q6703-60195), PPS
power in T extensor cable (CZ056-50149), mechanical switch—short cable (CZ056-50169), and
differential encoder PCA to encoder cable (CZ056-50046)
CZ056-67398 XY guide assembly on page 726, includes vertical XY guide assembly, vertical Y guide assembly, XY
column guide (×2), pan top, machine grease and oil kit, and taptite screws (×6)
1 CZ056-67077 ISM air circuit on page 672, includes air bottle assemblies (×2), air bottle ties (×2), and air tube segments
and fittings
4 CZ056-67370 ISM ink pressure sensor mount assembly on page 665; removal and installation of this service part also
requires the following kits: tubes repair kit (CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit
6 CZ056-67079 ISM pump and relief valve on page 679, includes air tube segments, air pump supports (×2), air pump
assemblies (×2), relief valve assembly, fittings, tapping screws (×4)
CZ056-67075 ISM cables kit on page 681, includes ISS daisy chain cable (CZ056-50250), ISS termination cable
(CZ056-50217), ISM actuators cable 3 (CZ056-50182), IDS I2C data cable (CZ056-50053), 24V IDS cable
(CZ056-50071), intermediate tanks cable (CZ056-50031), ISM actuators light cable (CZ056-50030), ISM
actuators cable (CZ056-50029), ISM LAN cable split to air tray PCA (CZ056-50263), and ISM power cable
split to air tray PCA (CZ056-50262)
2 CZ056-67078 ISM ink circuit module on page 675; removal and installation of this service part also requires the
following kits: tubes repair kit (CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
4 CZ056-67072 ISM repair kit on page 666, includes electro-valves bridge, ink electro-valve (×2), 4-way electro-valve
assembly, ink tube segments, fittings (×4), a tube cutter, gloves (medium/large), and purge cleaning cloth
(×2); removal and installation of this service part also requires the following kits: flush kit (Q6702-60679)
and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
5 CZ056-67308 ISM quick connector M&F assembly on page 669; removal and installation of this service part also requires
the following kits: tubes repair kit (CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
1 CZ056-67387 Ink cartridges PCA on page 684; removal and installation of this service part also requires the following
kits: tubes repair kit (CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
2 CZ056-67305 ISM OP cartridge connector with tube (ISM cartridge connector with tube (K, Y, C, M, LC, LM, or PT ink)
on page 660); removal and installation of this service part also requires the following kits: tubes repair kit
(CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
3 CZ056-67303 ISM LC cartridge connector with tube (ISM cartridge connector with tube (K, Y, C, M, LC, LM, or PT ink)
on page 660); removal and installation of this service part also requires the following kits: tubes repair kit
(CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
4 CZ056-67304 ISM LM cartridge connector with tube (ISM cartridge connector with tube (K, Y, C, M, LC, LM, or PT ink)
on page 660); removal and installation of this service part also requires the following kits: tubes repair kit
(CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
5 CZ056-67301 ISM C cartridge connector with tube (ISM cartridge connector with tube (K, Y, C, M, LC, LM, or PT ink)
on page 660); removal and installation of this service part also requires the following kits: tubes repair kit
(CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
6 CZ056-67302 ISM M cartridge connector with tube (ISM cartridge connector with tube (K, Y, C, M, LC, LM, or PT ink)
on page 660); removal and installation of this service part also requires the following kits: tubes repair kit
(CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
7 CZ056-67300 ISM Y cartridge connector with tube (ISM cartridge connector with tube (K, Y, C, M, LC, LM, or PT ink)
on page 660); removal and installation of this service part also requires the following kits: tubes repair kit
(CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
8 CZ056-67299 ISM K cartridge connector with tube (ISM cartridge connector with tube (K, Y, C, M, LC, LM, or PT ink)
on page 660); removal and installation of this service part also requires the following kits: tubes repair kit
(CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit (CZ056-67218)
CZ056-67367 SAX motor power cables kit on page 602, includes CZ056-50130, CZ056-50131, and CZ056-50142
2 CZ056-67190 Motor drive PCA on page 788, includes one motor drive PCA assembly and a micci2 termination
CZ056-67043 Drop-detector cable kit on page 790, includes drop-detector short extensor cable (CZ056-50175), Drop-
detector extensor cable (CZ056-50069), Drop-detector long extensor cable (CZ056-50176), Drop-detector
Mux PCA cable (CZ056-50112) and Drop-detector daisy chain cable (CZ056-50021)
CZ056-67312 Cable kit on page 792, includes capping power in T extensor cable (CZ056-50156) (x2), capping power in T
cable (CZ056-50160), data cable between motor drive PCAs (Q6703-50031), micci2 termination
(CZ056-50028), printer capping station motor drive PCA cable (CZ056-50054), service station power cable
(CZ056-50077), and motor encoder cable (CZ056-50116)
7 CZ056-67224 R2FF take-up-reel assembly on page 858, includes the take-up reel assembly with its support, RJ45
jumper (CZ056-50028), e-box to take-up reel PCA cable (CZ056-50163), take-up reel power cable
(CZ056-50180), take-up reel sensor in T cable (CZ056-50170), take-up reel sensor single cable
(CZ056-50203), and take-up reel long sensor cable (CZ056-50210)
8 CZ056-67175 R2FF switch cable on page 849, includes R2FF switch cable assembly
5 CZ056-67405 Interlock on page 865, includes one interlock switch and a set of interlock cables
6 Q6702-60477 Drive roller support bearings on page 820, includes both the end and the central drive roller support
2 CZ056-67321 OMAS controller PCA and vacuum control PCA on page 803
4 F0D27A HP Latex 3000 Edge Holder Kit, includes 4 substrate edge holder assemblies and 24 substrate edge holder
CZ056-67316 OMAS and vacuum cables kit on page 801, includes vacuum supply PCA cable (CZ056-50057), vacuum
pump control cable (CZ056-50050), vacuum control to OMAS encoder cable (CZ056-50038), vacuum
control to OMAS CAN cable (CZ056-50039), vacuum control to OMAS power cable (CZ056-50040), and
OMAS controller to sensor cable (CZ056-50202)
4 CZ056-67318 Pinch switch assembly on page 865, includes one pinch sensor cable (CZ056-50127) and one mechanical
switch—short cable (CZ056-50169)
1 CZ056-67415 MO support spindle plate (MO left support spindle plate on page 838, MO right support spindle plate
on page 841)
3 CZ056-67272 MI motor on page 822, MO motor on page 824, or MF motor on page 825
7 CZ056-67414 MI support spindle plate (MI left support spindle plate on page 827, MI right support spindle plate
on page 828)
3 CZ056-67109 Vacuum pump cable kit on page 799, includes vacuum control PCA to vacuum pump cable (CZ056-50037)
and vacuum pump power cable (CZ056-50114)
Because of the necessary removal of both the entire bottom diverter structure and the bottom plate
assembly, the diverter top module for design 1 does not include its corresponding service part. Therefore,
you must follow the upgrade instructions for both the diverter and the bottom module assemblies. If you
have an affected top diverter module that belongs to design 1, see the diverter and bottom plate upgrade kit.
Design 2
8 CZ056-67427 Curing bottom plate with ribs (design 2) (Curing bottom plate assembly on page 477)
CZ056-67314 Curing cables kit on page 479, includes data cable from curing PCA to curing PCA (CZ056-50019) (×5),
curing data cable (CZ056-50051), fan cable (CZ056-50120), DC curing module to curing module
(CZ056-50219), heater cable (CZ056-50121), AC curing module to curing module (CZ056-50218), ground
strip (CZ056-50124), short ground strip (CZ056-50213), and curing ground (CZ056-50125)
CZ056-67256 Curing power input DC cables kit on page 487, includes e-cabinet to air connector cable (CZ056-50232)
and air connector to curing PCA cable (CZ056-50068)
CZ056-67259 Curing power input AC cables kit on page 488, includes air connector to curing PCA cable (CZ056-50067)
and e-cabinet to air connector cable (CZ056-50231)
* Because of the necessary removal of the entire bottom plate assembly, it does not include its
corresponding service part in design 1. Therefore, you must follow the upgrade instructions for both the
diverter and the bottom module assemblies. If you have an affected curing bottom plate assembly that
belongs to design 1, see the diverter and bottom plate upgrade kit.
11 CZ056-67406 Crash sensor amplifier and cable on page 438, includes one carriage crash sensor amplifier and one fiber-
optic to drying PCA cable (CZ056-50265)
5 CZ056-67311 Carriage oiling felts kit and carriage oiling foams kit on page 453
7 CZ056-67019 Carriage tower on page 461; removal and installation of this service part also requires the materials
included in the following kits: tubes repair kit (CZ056-67320), flush kit (Q6702-60679), and purge kit
CZ056-67015 Carriage cables kit on page 443, includes carriage to printhead interconnect PCA power cable
(CZ056-50006) (×2), carriage to printhead interconnect PCA short power cable (CZ056-50186) (×4),
carriage to printhead interconnect PCA long power cable (CZ056-50187), sensor box cable (CZ056-50007),
carriage to printhead interconnect PCA data cable (CZ056-50004) (×3), spray to spray cable
(CZ056-50011) (×4), carriage encoder cable (CZ056-50005), drying to fiber-optics PCA (Slinky) power
cable (CZ056-50244), drying PCA to carriage sensor power cable (CZ056-50243), line sensor cable
(CZ056-50010), printhead to fiber-optics PCA data cable (CZ056-50198), LAN cable between drying PCAs
(CZ056-50016), curing encoder daisy-chain cable (CZ056-50137), and drying PCA to drying PCA fiber-optic
cable (CZ056-50264)
● Required tools
● Aerosol removal
● Carriage
● Curing
● Drying
● E-box
● E-cabinet
● Human-Machine Interface
● Impelling
● Substrate path
● Vapor removal
ENWW 419
Required tools
The following tools are required to perform the procedures described in this chapter.
Substrate path
Vapor removal
Required tool Comments
Flat-end screwdriver Used for both the e-cabinet
with a tip wider than small potientometer
4 mm but no wider than adjustment and plastic tabs X X X
5 mm. removal
L-shaped wrench X X X X X
Used mainly to reach some
Long screwdriver
difficult screws X
Used for some carriage
Tweezers cable connector X
Pliers Used for removing pins X
Used to remove the PPS
screw X
Silicone (use DOW
Mainly used for air isolations X X X X
Aluminum tape Mainly used for air isolations X
Mainly used to label either
Markers for both metal cables or ink tubes. Also
and plastic surfaces used to locate the screws X X X X X
along the pinch beam.
Mainly used for the Igus
chain trailing cables, either
Plastic-headed hammer
ink tubes or the substrate- X X X
path side plate replacements
Mainly used for the roll-to-
Jack free-fall pinch mechanical X
assembly replacement
Flush kit (Q6702-60679) Mainly used for ink system
(includes a tube cutter) X X
Purge kit (CZ056-67218)
(includes protective NOTE: These can also be X X
gloves) used for other procedures,
Tubes repair kit (CZ056- such as drop detector
67320) cleaning procedures or
(includes purge cleaning carriage procedures that
cloth) need to flush, cut, and purge
Coat the ink tubes. X X X
Multimeter set to
measure DC voltage X
Mainly used for electrical
Smart Phillips
system replacement and
screwdriver to adjust a
trimmer (small
check procedures. X
The standard set of tools
(Torx screwdriver, flanges, For general usage X
Allen keys, hex keys, etc.)
3. Ensure that all windows, covers, and doors are closed and remain in their original position.
4. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
5. Turn off the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
6. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
2. Remove the three screws that attach the cover, and remove the cover.
5. Close the cover and remove the nuts from the hinges. You must hold the nuts to prevent them from
falling and get lost inside the carriage.
6. Remove the aerosol fan module and insert the new one.
7. Put the hinges back in place, put back the nuts and tighten them.
9. Remove the three screws that attach the new fan cover, and remove the cover.
11. Route the main cable harness and insert the grommet in the cover slot. Make sure the cables are not
tight inside the cover.
12. Install the aerosol fan cover and attach the three screws.
3. Run a diagnostic test to check that the aerosol fans are working correctly.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
7. Remove the pointed T-20 screws from the aerosol module supports.
NOTE: When removing the T-20 screws from the rear support, be careful with the holder amplifier and
its support, which are also attached to the carriage through these screws.
1. Install the new aerosol removal module from the repair kit.
2. Screw back the supports and reconnect both aerosol removal cables.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
2. Open the aerosol fan cover, as if you were going to replace the filters.
3. Remove the three screws that attach the cover using a hex key M5, and remove the cover.
4. Disconnect the two aerosol fan cable connectors and the pressure sensor connector.
CAUTION: When reconnecting the aerosol module cables, ensure that they are properly connected to
the corresponding drying PCA; see Drying PCA on page 522.
2. Disconnect the aerosol cable from the drying PCA (AEROSOL_EXT connector).
3. Reroute the aerosol cable and connect it back to both aerosol harness cable and drying PCA
(AEROSOL_EXT connector).
CAUTION: When reconnecting the aerosol module cables, ensure that they are properly connected to
the corresponding drying PCA. See Drying PCA on page 522.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps
1. Connect the new pressure sensor to the aerosol harness, then put the pressure sensor into place.
CAUTION: When reconnecting any aerosol module cable, ensure that it is properly connected to the
corresponding drying PCA. See Drying PCA on page 522.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the four T-20 screws and the line sensor cover.
7. Cut the flanges and remove them from the wrap tie holder. Unroute the cable.
2. Route the line sensor cable and tighten the cable to the tie-wrap holder, located at the printhead
interconnect color PCA3 cover (PH3). Connect the line sensor cable to the printhead interconnect color
PCA3 (PH3).
NOTE: The line sensor cable (CZ056-50010) is not easy to route because it has a rigid part followed by
a ferrite and a thin white strip. In addition, you are recommended to be careful when routing the cable
because of the printhead latches. Also be careful when connecting the cable strip so that it is well
oriented: the connectors side must be up when placing it into the printhead interconnect color PCA3
● Line sensor calibration (see Table 5-12 Carriage sensors on page 365)
Spectrophotometer sensor
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
5. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Remove the right aerosol removal assembly. See Aerosol removal on page 421.
NOTE: If the aerosol removal assembly is not removed before replacing the spectrophotometer
sensor, it is possible to break either the aerosol removal pressure sensor or the air fitting from its cover
(and consequently to have air pressure problems at the right aerosol removal).
8. Disconnect the sensor box cable (CZ056-50007) from the carriage interconnect PCA UP (TO SENSORS
BOX connector). See Board name: Carriage Interconnect PCA on page 296.
NOTE: The cable is rigid, so it is important not to twist it too much, and not to force its connectors. Be
careful also not to pinch the cable with any latch since it is routed between them.
9. Remove the two T-10 screws from the spectophotometer sensor cover. Remove the two T-20 screws
that hold the cover to the base plate, and remove the cover.
10. Remove the two T-20 screws that hold the spectrophotometer sensor PCA to the baseplate.
2. Screw back the two T-20 screws that hold the spectrophotometer sensor PCA to the baseplate.
3. Screw back the two T-20 screws that hold the spectrophotometer sensor cover to the baseplate and
screw back the two T-10 screws.
4. Route and connect the sensor box cable (CZ056-50007) to the carriage interconnect PCA UP (TO
SENSORS BOX connector). See Board name: Carriage Interconnect PCA on page 296.
NOTE: Be careful when replacing the spectophotometer sensor assembly and its PCA that the cables
that connect the two are not excessively tight.
6. Perform the reset procedure calibrate spectrophotometer sensor. See How to run a diagnostic test
on page 341.
3. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
5. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
Replace a primer
1. Disconnect the primer cable. You have to disconnect a white connector that you can find at the back of
the printhead.
4. Stick the corresponding printhead color label on the latch. Be careful with the orientation.
3. Perform the primer pumps calibration procedure. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove the three hand-removable nuts that secure the encoder protector, and remove the encoder
CAUTION: The encoder strip is very sharp. Be careful not to cut yourself. If feasible, wear protective
7. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
10. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
11. Remove the rear windows in order to access the whole rear of the encoder. See Impelling encoder strip
on page 596.
12. Disconnect the carriage encoder sensor cable (ENCODER IN) from the printhead interconnect PCA of
primer 6.
13. Unroute the encoder cable from any clips or plastic ties until it reaches the sensor.
14. Remove the T-10 screw that secures the carriage encoder set.
15. Slide the sensor so that its support remains out of the pins until it reaches the gap.
CAUTION: Be careful not to touch the encoder strip when moving the encoder sensor assembly.
CAUTION: The encoder strip is very sharp. Be careful not to cut yourself. If feasible, wear protective
CAUTION: Be careful not to touch the encoder strip when moving the encoder sensor assembly.
CAUTION: Be careful not to touch the encoder strip when moving the encoder sensor assembly.
CAUTION: Be careful not to touch the encoder strip when moving the encoder sensor assembly.
CAUTION: The encoder strip is very sharp. Be careful not to cut yourself. If feasible, wear protective
2. Ensure that the assembly is correctly placed, with the encoder strip in the encoder sensor gap.
NOTE: Be careful, when rerouting the encoder sensor cable, to route it safely away from the belt. If
feasible, use flanges to fix it to the carriage.
Printhead pocket
1. Move the carriage to the service position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
Other primers: Remove the T-10 screws that secure the printhead pocket.
1. Insert the new printhead pocket and screw its base to the carriage.
2. If you replaced more than one primer assembly, make sure that you connect the primer cable to the
right connection. See Primer and latch on page 432.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the five pointed screws and remove the carriage-tower cover.
6. Remove the rear window panel in order to have free access to both sides of the carriage and reach the
two amplifiers.
7. Disconnect the crash sensor cables from the corresponding drying PCA (PCA UP or DOWN).
8. Unroute the fiber-optic cables (CZ056-50265) from this drying PCA to its crash sensor amplifier. See
Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
10. Loosen the two aerosol removal T-20 screws that hold the crash sensor amplifier’s support.
12. Remove the two pointed T-20 screws from the front and rear of the carriage.
1. Install the new amplifier (if it does not come screwed to the support, reuse the old one).
2. Route the two new fiber-optic cables from the amplifier to their drying PCA (fiber-optic sensor
connector) and connect them correctly.
NOTE: Check which fiber-optic cable connects to which drying PCA: see Drying PCA on page 522.
CAUTION: When connecting the fiber-optic cables to the amplifier, follow this procedure. Pull out the
amplifier’s plastic cover to open it, and pull down the tab located on its corner. Ensure that both fiber-
optic cables reach the top end when inserting them into amplifier IN and OUT connector holes. Push
back the amplifier’s plastic cover to close it.
3. Screw the amplifier to the carriage. If the amplifier does not come with its metal sheet support, reuse
the old support.
5. Turn on the printer and check that the amplifier display value is 2000.
1. Press one of the two arrows for 3 seconds, so that the green number in the display will start blinking.
Set the switching threshold to 1000 by using the arrows.
2. Enter the amplifier menu and set the following adjustments (highlighted in green):
3. Block the device by pressing both arrow keys at the same time for 2 seconds.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
NOTE: The crash sensor lenses are located at bottom front and back corners, at either left or right of
the carriage.
TIP: If it is difficult to reach the lens, the corresponding drying lamp can be removed before this step.
See Drying NIR lamp on page 496.
TIP: If it is difficult to reach the bottom rear corner of the carriage (in order to unscrew the lens), it can
be done from the rear by first removing the rear window panel.
CAUTION: It is important not to remove the aluminum lens support while it still holds the fiber-optic
cable. Otherwise the fiber-optic cable could suffer too much torque, and break.
2. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
5. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Remove the rear window panel in order to have free access to both sides of the carriage and reach the
two amplifiers.
9. Carefully unroute the fiber-optic cables until you reach the crash sensor right assembly support.
CAUTION: It is important not to twist or pinch the fiber-optic cables excessively while manipulating
them. Otherwise the cables could break during routing or unrouting.
10. Remove the four T-20 screws that hold the crash sensor right assembly support to the carriage base.
1. Replace the crash sensor right assembly with the new one.
2. Route the fiber-optic cables from the crash sensor right assembly to the right amplifier.
CAUTION: It is important not to twist or pinch the fiber-optic cables excessively while manipulating
them. Otherwise the cables could break during routing or unrouting.
CAUTION: When connecting the fiber-optic cables to the amplifier, follow this procedure. Pull out the
amplifier’s plastic cover to open it, and pull down the tab located on its corner. Ensure that both fiber-
optic cables reach the top end when inserting them into amplifier IN and OUT connector holes. Push
back the amplifier’s plastic cover to close it.
4. Install the right drying module. See Drying module on page 518.
2. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
5. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Remove the rear window panel in order to have free access to both sides of the carriage and reach the
two amplifiers.
7. Remove the left drying lamp. See Drying NIR lamp on page 496.
9. Carefully unroute the fiber-optic cables until you reach the crash sensor left assembly support.
CAUTION: It is important not to twist or pinch the fiber-optic cables excessively while manipulating
them. Otherwise the cables could break during routing or unrouting.
10. Remove the four T-20 screws that hold the crash sensor left assembly support to the carriage base.
1. Replace the crash sensor left assembly with the new one.
2. Route the fiber-optic cables from the crash sensor left assembly to the left amplifier.
CAUTION: It is important not to twist or pinch the fiber-optic cables excessively while manipulating
them. Otherwise the cables could break during routing or unrouting.
CAUTION: When connecting the fiber-optic cables to the amplifier, follow this procedure. Pull out the
amplifier’s plastic cover to open it, and pull down the tab located on its corner. Ensure that both fiber-
optic cables reach the top end when inserting them into amplifier IN and OUT connector holes. Push
back the amplifier’s plastic cover to close it.
4. Install the left drying module. See Drying module on page 518.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
2. Disconnect the carriage to printhead interconnect PCA’s power cable from both the carriage
interconnect PCA (SPRAY#1 (J27) connector) and the printhead interconnect PCA (POWER (J5)
4. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
2. Disconnect the carriage to printhead interconnect PCA’s long power cable from both the carriage
interconnect PCA (SPRAY#4 (J32) connector) and the printhead interconnect PCA (POWER (J5)
4. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
2. Disconnect the sensor box cable from both the carriage interconnect PCA 1 (TO SENSORS BOX
connector) and the sensor interconnect PCA (<NAME> connector).
NOTE: The cable is rigid, so it is important not to twist it too much, and not to force its connectors.
4. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
1. Remove the six T-20 screws from the carriage interconnect PCA cover, so you can reach both carriage
interconnect PCAs.
2. Disconnect the carriage to printhead interconnect PCA’s data cable from both the carriage interconnect
PCA (FROM SPRAY PCA 1 or FROM SPRAY PCA 2 connectors) and the printhead interconnect PCA 3, 5, or 7
(CARRIAGE SENSOR (J2) connector).
4. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
NOTE: This cable chain is routed as follows; see also Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
● Drying PCA 2 (ENC_IN connector) > printhead interconnect PCA 1 (ENCODER OUT connector)
● Printhead interconnect PCA 1 (ENCODER IN connector) > printhead interconnect 2 (ENCODER OUT
● Printhead interconnect PCA 2 (ENCODER IN connector) > printhead interconnect 4 (ENCODER OUT
● Printhead interconnect PCA 4 (ENCODER IN connector) > printhead interconnect 6 (ENCODER OUT
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
1. Disconnect the carriage encoder cable from both the printhead interconnect PCA 6 (ENCODER IN
connector) and the encoder SAX.
TIP: The cable is thin and tiny, so you may need to use tweezers.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
NOTE: Be careful when connecting back the cable. Although its connector is pokayoke, as it is so tiny it
can be forced to enter the wrong way round. The correct position is shown below.
NOTE: It is important to ensure that both fiber-optic connectors (shown below) are correctly
connected to the fiber-optics PCA. Otherwise, the printer will return an error.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
TIP: The line sensor cable is not easy to route because it has a rigid part followed by a ferrite and a
thin white strip. Be careful when routing the cable because of the printhead latches. Also take care
when connecting the cable strip that it is well oriented: the connectors side must be up when placing it
into the printhead interconnect color PCA3 (PH3).
NOTE: This cable can replace both CZ056-50198 and CZ056-50199 cables.
1. Disconnect the printhead to fiber-optics PCA data cable from both the printhead interconnect PCA
(DATA TRAILING connector) and its connector on the fiber-optics PCA
(JXX connector, where XX = 11, 8, 14, 10, 16, 9, and 15; for printhead interconnects PCA 1 to 7). See also
Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, routing it along the outer side of the FI tower, through either the
left or the right side flanges, and reconnect the data cable.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
NOTE: Be careful when connecting the curing encoder daisy chain cable not to mismatch both ends.
The end connector of the cable with 5 pins is connected to the drying PCA UP (ENC_IN connector), while
the other cable end, with 4 pins on its connector, is connected to the drying PCA DOWN (ENC_OUT
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and connect it.
2. Put the black oiler holder back into position. The holder has two pins to locate it properly.
8. Ensure that all windows, covers, and doors are closed and remain in their original position.
10. Turn on the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
12. Move the carriage beam back to its working position (this takes about 2 minutes).
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
2. Remove the impelling carriage belt. See Impelling carriage belt assembly on page 599.
3. Remove the three T-25 screws and the Igus end cover.
4. Remove the four T-30 screws that secure the carriage Igus chain.
5. Disconnect and unroute the trailing cables from the carriage printhead interconnect to the chain
NOTE: Do not try to save time by just sliding the bushing out from the carriage, as you could damage
the rear right bushing.
9. Remove the rear left bushing assembly T-10 screws from the carriage.
10. Slide out the rear left bushing assembly and replace it with the new one.
2. Remove the impelling carriage belt. See Impelling carriage belt assembly on page 599.
3. Remove the four T-30 screws that secure the Igus chain.
4. Disconnect and unroute the trailing cables from the carriage printhead interconnect to the chain
NOTE: Do not try to save time by just sliding the bushing out from the carriage, as you could damage
the rear right bushing.
2. Remove the impelling carriage belt. See Impelling carriage belt assembly on page 599.
3. Remove the four T-30 screws that secure the carriage Igus chain.
4. Disconnect and unroute the trailing cables from the carriage printhead interconnect to the chain
NOTE: Do not try to save time by just sliding the bushing out from the carriage, as you could damage
the rear right bushing.
9. Slide out the rear right bushing assembly and replace it with the new one.
2. Take the replacement oiler foams and wicks from the kit.
5. Ensure that all windows, covers, and doors are closed and remain in their original position.
6. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
7. Turn off the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
8. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove the two screws that attach the black oiler holder to the carriage, and pull the holder out of the
8. Ensure that all windows, covers, and doors are closed and remain in their original position.
1. Ensure that all windows, covers, and doors are closed and remain in their original position.
3. Move the carriage beam to its highest position (this takes about 2 minutes).
4. Turn off the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
6. Standing at the front of the printer, clean the front rail using a lint-free cloth dampened with isopropyl
NOTE: If you are in an area (such as California) that regulates VOC cleaning and maintenance fluids,
instead of isopropyl alcohol use a VOC-certified cleaner such as a properly diluted Simple Green All-
Purpose Cleaner.
9. Standing at the rear of the printer, clean the rear rail in the same way. You can access the rail from
below, through the gap between the platen and the beam.
CAUTION: Be careful not to stain the encoder strip. Keep the cloth well away from the encoder
10. Ensure that the cleaned parts are completely dry and all vapor has completely evaporated.
12. Turn on the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
13. Ensure that all windows, covers, and doors are closed and remain in their original position.
14. Move the carriage beam back to its working position (this takes about 2 minutes).
Carriage tower
1. Remove the carriage assembly from the printer.
2. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
4. Disconnect all the cables that come through the Igus chain. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
5. Remove the two drying PCAs (see Drying PCA on page 522) and the fiber-optics PCA (see Fiber-optics
PCA on page 466).
NOTE: When removing the fiber-optic cable, be careful not to pinch or twist it excessively. Otherwise it
can easily break.
6. Remove both carriage interconnect PCAs. See Carriage interconnect PCA on page 465
NOTE: It is important to label all the cables or keep them properly identified; so that, when they are
reconnected, there will not be any cable mismatched or connected to the wrong connector or PCA. See
Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
8. Remove the twelve T-20 screws that hold the support plate and the carriage tower to the carriage
9. Remove the twelve T-20 screws that hold the support plate and the carriage tower to the carriage
baseplate, and replace the tower and support plate with the new one while you carefully route the ink
tubes through the carriage tower.
1. Screw back the support plate to the carriage baseplate.
NOTE: If the new carriage tower does not come with all the cable plastic ties, reuse them from the old
carriage tower assembly.
2. Carefully reroute the ink tubes and cables through the tower assembly. See Subsystem block diagrams
on page 61.
3. Screw back the tower sheet, so that the ink tubes and the cables are held vertically through the carriage
4. Install the two drying PCAs and the fiber-optics PCA and reconnect all the corresponding cables. See
Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
5. Screw back both carriage interconnect PCAs and reconnect all the carriage cables. See Subsystem block
diagrams on page 61.
8. Remove all printheads from their caps and install them into their pockets in the carriage.
9. Carefully unroute the ink tubes and cables from the tower assembly.
10. Remove the twelve T-20 screws that hold the support plate and the carriage tower to the carriage
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Disconnect the data trailing cable, the power cable from the printhead interconnect optimizer PCA and
the two spray-to-spray cables (one connects to the drying PCA DOWN and the other connects to the
printhead interconnect color PCA 2).
NOTE: This PCA is located between the drying and the aerosol removal left modules, and it is screwed
to the Primer 1. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
NOTE: Depending on the printhead interconnect color PCA, it may also be necessary to disconnect the
line sensor cable (CZ056-50010, connected to PH3), the spray-to-spray cables (CZ056-50011,
connected to PH1, PH2, PH4, and PH6), or the carriage encoder cable (CZ056-50005, connected to PH6).
6. Remove the two M3 pointed screws with a flat screwdriver and remove the printhead interconnect color
PCA assembly from the carriage.
NOTE: These PCAs are located at the carriage base, between both aerosol removal modules, and they
are screwed to Primers 2 to 7. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
NOTE: It is important to label all the cables or keep them properly identified; so that, when they are
reconnected, there will not be any cable mismatched or connected to the wrong connector or PCA. See
Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
NOTE: The following table shows the equivalences between the carriage interconnect PCA locations
and their ID.
Carriage interconnect
ID 1 2
8. Remove the seven T-10 screws from the carriage interconnect PCA.
1. When installing the new carriage Interconnect PCAs, perform the removal steps in reverse to position
the carriage interconnect PCA and reconnect its cables.
2. Perform the primer pumps calibration procedure. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
Fiber-optics PCA
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
7. Disconnect the data and power cables from the fiber-optics PCA.
CAUTION: Do not remove the fiber-optic cable from the fiber-optics PCA (which could break the cable).
8. Remove the seven T-10 screws that hold the fiber-optics PCA.
9. Remove the fiber-optics PCA, while simultaneously disconnecting the fiber-optics PCA from the fiber-
optic cable connector by sliding the PCA connector out of the cable’s connector.
CAUTION: Do not remove the fiber-optic cable from the fiber-optics PCA (which could break the cable).
3. Turn off the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
3. Raise the metal sheet in order to reach the interior of the module.
8. Screw in the screw and connect the two cables to each fan-resistor module.
9. Close the metal sheet and replace the screws to secure it.
3. Remove the four pointed T-20 screws and open the curing PCA cover.
5. Remove the pointed screws using a flat screwdriver and pull out the curing service inner cover.
6. Remove the curing fan heater assembly from both curing chambers.
7. Unroute the temperature sensor cable from its supports to the curing PCA, looping through both covers
by the left cables’ routing.
1. Be careful when replacing the temperature sensor: it is important to leave the sensor free on air, but
also to route the temperature sensor cable correctly, looping along the temperature sensor support.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
4. For the right module, remove the two T-25 screws and open the cable covers.
6. Disconnect all the cable air connections on module 1 and unroute for module 1 those cables that keep
on routing to module 2.
7. Cut the flanges that hold the routing curing cables along the cable bundler cover, and unroute those
8. Remove the four pointed T-20 screws and the vapor removal mobile collector.
9. Remove the six pointed screws and the vapor removal motion curing box.
10. Push back the curing module to the carpet position and close both clamps.
NOTE: It is recommended to screw back both the cable cover and the curing PCA cover before
removing the curing module assembly, in order to make the removal of the curing module easier to
11. Carefully open the curing module assembly and remove the three screws that hold the left upper curing
slide support to the sideplate.
12. Move the curing module assembly back to the carpet position and remove the two remaining screws
from the left upper curing slide support.
13. Loosen the right upper curing slide support (T-20 screws).
14. Slide a flange through the left upper curing slide support and the left curing side plate and tighten it in
order to disable linear guide movement.
15. Repeat the same operation to tighten the right linear guide with a flange.
NOTE: The following operations require at least two people. Holding and removing the curing module
assembly must be done with caution, as it is too large and heavy for one person.
16. Open both clamps and hold the curing module assembly on both sides, by holding the upper beam and
the clamp.
17. Pull the curing module slightly to the left in order to free the right side from the T-20 screws.
18. Carefully slide the module out, holding it by the clamp and the upper position on both sides.
2. Remove the right curing external sideplate from the curing module assembly.
3. For the right module, remove the two T-25 screws and open their cable covers.
4. For the right module, remove the four T-20 screws and the curing PCA cover.
5. Disconnect and unroute all the cables routed along the right curing module (the cables that go from the
right module to the central top right module 2) in order to be able to remove the module separately.
IMPORTANT: Do not touch or remove the pins from their location when replacing any module, in order
not to modify the calibration along the guides during the replacement procedure.
1. To install back the side plate it is important to close the vapor removal guide properly with silicone in
order not to have any air leakage.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
3. Remove the three HEX screws, and the six screws that hold the lower beam to the right curing external
4. Remove the right curing external sideplate from the curing module assembly.
5. For each module, from the right to the required module, remove the two T-25 screws and open their
cable covers.
6. For each module, from the right to the required module, remove the four T-20 screws and the curing
PCA cover.
7. Disconnect and unroute all the cables routed along the curing modules in order to be able to remove the
modules separately.
8. The following picture shows the criteria that must be followed when removing the curing modules, from
right to left:
9. For each module, from the right to the required module, remove the ground short cable.
IMPORTANT: Do not touch or remove the pins from their location when replacing any module, in order
not to modify the calibration along the guides during the replacement procedure.
1. When reinstalling the side plate, it is important to close the vapor removal guide properly with silicone
in order not to have any air leakage.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
3. Remove the three HEX screws, and the six screws that hold the lower beam from both the right curing
external sideplate.
4. Remove the right curing external sideplate from the curing module assembly.
5. For all the modules, going from right to left, remove the two T-25 screws and open their cable covers.
6. For all the modules, going from right to left, remove the four T-20 screws and the curing PCA cover.
7. Disconnect and unroute all the cables routed along the curing modules (which means removing the
entire cable routing) in order to be able to remove all the modules separately.
8. The following picture shows the criteria that must be followed when removing the curing modules, from
right to left:
IMPORTANT: Do not touch or remove the pins from their location when replacing any module, in order
not to modify the calibration along the guides during the replacement procedure.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
Curing latch
5. Remove the two pointed T-20 screws and replace the latch.
3. Remove the screws that hold the linear guide to the external sideplate and the curing slide support.
IMPORTANT: Do not touch or remove the modules when replacing any pin support, in order not to modify
the calibration along the guides during the replacement procedure.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove more than one pin at a time, in order not to affect the calibration along the
curing beams.
IMPORTANT: Do not touch or remove the modules when replacing any pin support, in order not to modify
the calibration along the guides during the replacement procedure.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove more than one pin at a time, in order not to affect the calibration along the
curing beams.
1. When reinstalling the side plate, it is important to close the vapor removal guide properly with silicone
in order not to have any air leakage.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
4. Pull the curing module to the substrate load position and remove any substrate.
5. Push the curing module assembly back to the closed position and remove the flat Phillips M6 screw
from each dolly (left and right).
6. Perform the following steps, depending on the curing bottom plate design. There are two different
designs for the curing bottom plate assembly:
● Design 2, used in printers manufactured after November 2013 (the exact manufacturing date and
the serial number of the first printer using design 2 will be included in a service newsletter, around
November 2013)
1. Remove the curing module assembly. See Curing left module on page 475 and Curing right module
on page 472.
2. Remove the Torx M3 screws that fix the bottom plates to the upper and lower diverter modules.
NOTE: When removing the bottom plate, you are recommended to remove the three panels from the
ISM side to the e-cabinet side (from left to right). When installing, follow the reverse order, from right to
left, from the e-cabinet side to the ISM side.
1. Remove the curing module assembly. See Curing left module on page 475 and Curing right module
on page 472.
2. Remove the Torx M3 screws that fix the bottom plates to the upper and lower diverters.
NOTE: When removing the bottom plate, you are recommended to remove the three panels from the
ISM side to the e-cabinet side (from left to right). When installing, follow the reverse order, from right to
left, from the e-cabinet side to the ISM side.
Installation (design 2)
1. Perform the opposite procedure to install the curing bottom plate assembly.
CAUTION: Ensure that both Torx M6 screws are replaced at the ends of the curing linear guides;
otherwise, the guide lines can break easily.
2. If there has been a curing bottom plate upgrade from design 1 to design 2, perform the set curing
bottom plate diagnostic so that the printer is aware of the change. See Table 5-23 Utilities on page 375.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the front right panel. See Front right panel assembly on page 623.
8. Remove the two T-25 screws and, for module 1, open the cable cover.
9. Disconnect the cable at both ends (the e-box connector and the air connector).
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
5. Remove the two T-25 screws and open the cable covers of the required modules and the ones between
them. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
6. Remove the four T-20 screws and open the curing PCA covers of both modules whose data cables are
connected to the curing PCA. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
7. Disconnect both ends of the data cable from the curing PCAs.
2. When replacing module 6, ensure that there is a jumper at the CAN TERM connection to re-mark the end
of the daisy chain (if there is no jumper, take it from the old PCA).
3. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
5. Remove the two T-25 screws and open the cable cover of the required modules and the ones between
them. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
6. Remove the four T-20 screws and open the curing PCA covers of both modules where the DC cable is
connected to the curing PCA. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
6. Remove the four T-20 screws and open the curing PCA cover of both modules where the AC cable is
connected to the curing PCA. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
7. For those two modules, remove the pointed screws using a flat screwdriver and remove the curing
service inner cover.
8. Disconnect the AC cable ends (the air connector and the curing PCA’s connector). If necessary, remove
the pointed T-20 screws that hold the AC safety cover sheet, disconnect the curing PCA fan, and, while
sliding the cover sheet along the AC cables, disconnect it from the curing PCA.
1. Remember to leave free loops when rerouting the cable.
3. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
5. Remove the two T-25 screws and open the cable cover.
6. Remove the four T-20 screws and open the curing PCA cover.
7. Remove the pointed screws using a flat screwdriver and open the curing service inner cover to reach the
9. Unroute the fan cable through the cover left hole until it reaches both heaters, and disconnect them.
2. Connect the fan cable to both fans and screw back the curing inner cover.
3. Cut the jumpers following the corresponding addresses (see Subsystem block diagrams on page 61),
and connect the fan cable to the curing PCA connector.
When cutting the cable jumpers to give the address, follow these criteria on the connector:
The following table shows the schemes for each address module: how the jumper cables should be cut
in order to get the different module addresses:
1 (0,0,1) 4 (1,0,0)
2 (0,1,0) 5 (1,0,1)
3 (0,1,1) 6 (1,1,0)
The following illustration shows the jumper cables cut for module 3:
4. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
6. Remove the four T-20 screws and open the curing PCA cover.
7. Remove the pointed screws using a flat screwdriver and open the curing service inner cover.
8. Disconnect the curing PCA. If necessary, remove the pointed T-20 screws that hold the AC safety cover
sheet, disconnect the curing PCA fan, and, while sliding the cover sheet along the AC heater cables,
disconnect it from the curing PCA.
9. Unroute the heater cable through the cover right hole until it reaches both heaters, and disconnect
1. Remember to leave free loops when rerouting the cable.
2. If you previously disconnected the curing PCA fan, do not forget to reconnect it.
3. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
5. Remove the two T-25 screws and open the cable cover of the required module and the next one in order
to reach the upper pin screws.
6. Remove the four T-20 screws and open the curing PCA cover to reach the required ground strip.
7. Remove the curing PCA (see Curing and vapor removal PCA on page 490).
8. Remove the pointed screw from the upper pin and unroute the curing ground strip.
▲ Remember to leave free loops when rerouting the cable.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
6. Remove both T-25 screws and open the cable cover of module 1.
7. Remove the pointed screws from the right structure and the curing external sideplate in order to
disconnect both ends of the curing ground cable.
▲ Remember to leave free loops when rerouting the cable.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the front right panel. See Front right panel assembly on page 623.
8. Remove two T-25 screws and open the module 1 cable cover.
9. Disconnect both ends of the cable (the e-cabinet connector and the air connector).
10. Unroute the cable. If needed, pull out the e-box carefully.
1. Remember to leave free loops when rerouting the cable.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
5. Remove the T-25 and T-20 screws and, from module 1 to module 4, open the cable cover and the curing
PCA cover.
6. Disconnect both cable ends (the air connector and both modules 1 and 4 curing PCA connectors).
1. Remember to leave free loops when rerouting the cable.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
7. Remove the two T-25 screws and open the module 1 cable cover.
8. Disconnect both ends of the cable (the e-cabinet connector and the air connector).
1. Remember to leave free loops when rerouting the cable.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
5. Remove the four T-20 screws and, from module 1 to module 5, open both the cable cover and the curing
PCA cover.
6. Remove the pointed screws using a flat screwdriver and open the curing service inner cover.
7. For modules 1, 3 and 5, remove the pointed T-20 screws that hold the AC safety cover sheet, and, when
sliding the cover along the AC cables, disconnect both cable ends (the air connector and the curing PCA
1. Remember to leave free loops when rerouting the cable.
2. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
7. Remove the four pointed nuts that hold the PCA fan, and remove the PCA fan.
2. Reconnect the AC cables, sliding them through the AC safety cover sheet.
5. Connect all the left cables to the curing PCA, including the PCA fan cable.
7. Check the status of the curing modules. See Table 5-18 Curing on page 370.
NOTE: You can check all the curing modules, or one particular module.
3. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Turn off the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
5. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
6. Perform the following processes for both drying modules (left and right).
3. Unscrew the three screws shown below in order to remove the drying module (the left module is
CAUTION: Disregard of the safety precautions or improper operation of the infrared emitter can lead to
injuries and material damage.
CAUTION: The IR heating device must be operated only by specialists or trained personnel.
The operator of the system must compile specific operating instructions for the training of operating
CAUTION: The safety and functional reliability of the IR heating device are guaranteed only in the event of
use of original accessories and spare parts from Heraeus Noblelight.
WARNING! After an emitter break, a dangerous voltage may be exposed to contact by the heating spiral.
Transport the IR emitter, in the packaging provided, to the place of installation. If the IR emitter must be
transported without its packaging, wear linen gloves.
CAUTION: Fingerprints on the quartz tube will cause devitrification, which leads to radiation losses and
mechanical failure.
Always carry the emitter with both hands. Carry it so that the cross section faces up, to avoid bending and
● Grip the emitter only by the glass tube, and not by the connection cable, pinches, or ceramics.
CAUTION: We recommend that you wear protective goggles when installing or replacing emitters, to
protect yourself from broken glass that you may come into contact with.
CAUTION: Pulling the connection cable must not cause any tension on the flat base. Bending radius of
connection cable: > 30 mm.
After installation, the quartz glass tube of the IR emitter must be cleaned of any soiling or perspiration. For
this purpose, use the cleaning cloth included in our delivery, or a clean linen cloth (without textile finishing
agents) soaked in methylated spirit, to remove any impurities and soiling or fingerprints from the surface.
2. Take out the drying lamps section of the drying module and place it upside down.
NOTE: The lamp is symmetrical lengthwise and both orientations are correct.
10. Rotate the latches back to the normal position and insert the screws.
11. Connect the cables of the new lamps. There is no mandatory orientation of the cables (top or bottom).
NOTE: If you are in California, instead of isopropyl alcohol use a VOC-certified cleaner such as a
properly diluted Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner.
4. Repeat the above two steps as many times as needed to remove any visible ink stains on the glass.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
2. Remove the drying fan case. See Drying fan array on page 506.
3. Remove the pointed T-8 screws on both sides of the connector box.
4. Separate the connector box enough to disconnect the two T-8 screws securing the upper temperature
sensor support.
6. Unroute the temperature sensor cable from its support to its connector.
2. Once the temperature sensor is in position, tighten the two screws that secure the support to the top
NOTE: Ensure that the temperature sensor has been correctly placed on its support and does not
touch any surface, in order not to give false temperature readings.
2. Separate the connector box enough to disconnect the temperature sensor cable.
3. Remove the drying quartz glass in order to reach the lower lamp module (see Drying quartz glass
on page 511).
4. Unscrew both pointed T-8 screws and remove the cable cover.
5. Remove the drying NIR lamp (see Drying NIR lamp on page 496).
6. Remove the six T-10 screws that hold the dryer cosmetic cover.
7. Unscrew the T-8 screws that hold the temperature sensor support, and remove it.
8. Unroute the temperature sensor cable from its support to its connector, through the cover.
2. Once the temperature sensor is located in its position, tighten the two screws that secure the support to
the top cover.
3. Tighten the two T-8 screws on both sides of the connector box.
NOTE: Ensure that the temperature sensor has been correctly placed on its support and does not
touch any surface, in order not to give false temperature readings.
4. Tighten the four T-10 screws that hold the dryer cosmetic cover.
3. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
5. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
CAUTION: Disregard of the safety precautions or improper operation of the infrared emitter can lead to
injuries and material damage.
CAUTION: The IR heating device must be operated only by specialists or trained personnel.
The operator of the system must compile specific operating instructions for the training of operating
CAUTION: The safety and functional reliability of the IR heating device are guaranteed only in the event of
use of original accessories and spare parts from Heraeus Noblelight.
WARNING! After an emitter break, a dangerous voltage may be exposed to contact by the heating spiral.
Transport the IR emitter, in the packaging provided, to the place of installation. If the IR emitter must be
transported without its packaging, wear linen gloves.
CAUTION: Fingerprints on the quartz tube will cause devitrification, which leads to radiation losses and
mechanical failure.
Always carry the emitter with both hands. Carry it so that the cross section faces up, to avoid bending and
● Grip the emitter only by the glass tube, and not by the connection cable, pinches, or ceramics.
CAUTION: We recommend that you wear protective goggles when installing or replacing emitters, to
protect yourself from broken glass that you may come into contact with.
After installation, the quartz glass tube of the IR emitter must be cleaned of any soiling or perspiration. For
this purpose, use the cleaning cloth included in our delivery, or a clean linen cloth (without textile finishing
agents) soaked in methylated spirit, to remove any impurities and soiling or fingerprints from the surface.
4. Pull the drying module carefully out of the carriage and lay it gently on a table.
3. Remove the screw attaching the drying fans array to the drying module.
4. Remove the drying fans array and place the new array. There are two pins on each side of the drying
module to ensure that it is placed in the correct position.
1. Install the drying module into the carriage and tighten the three screws that attach it to the carriage.
1. Ensure that you have the necessary Drying Quartz Glass Kit: for the left drying module (CZ056-67253)
or the right drying module (CZ056-67252). Both kits are included in the Standard Uptime Kit (D4J02A).
4. Turn off the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations
5. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
3. Unscrew the three screws shown below in order to remove the drying module (the left module is
4. Pull the drying module carefully out of the carriage and lay it gently on a table.
2. Assemble the drying lamps section and the new drying glass and air outlet.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Disconnect the drying cable right assembly from the drying connector box.
7. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
9. Disconnect the drying cable right assembly from the following drying PCA DOWN connectors. See the
drying PCA criteria (Drying PCA on page 522) in order to see the connections between the drying
cables and the drying PCAs.
10. The following table shows the drying cable connections to the drying PCA connectors:
11. Unroute the drying cable. Be careful while unrouting not to tighten or twist the crash sensor optical
fiber cables (they could break). Cut the flanges if necessary.
1. Route the new drying cable.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Disconnect the drying cable left assembly from the drying connector box.
7. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
9. Disconnect the drying cable left assembly from the following drying PCA UP connectors. See the drying
PCA references (Drying PCA on page 522) in order to see the connections between the drying cables
and the drying PCAs.
10. The following table shows the drying cable connections to the drying PCA connectors:
11. Unroute the drying cable. Be careful while unrouting not to tighten or twist the crash sensor optical
fiber cables (they could break). Cut the flanges if necessary.
Drying module
4. Pull the drying module carefully out of the carriage and lay it gently on a table.
1. Install the drying module into the carriage and tighten the three screws that attach it to the carriage.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Turn off the branch circuit breakers, or disconnect the power cord(s) from the mains.
4. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
5. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
9. Disconnect the drying AC/AC converter control cable from the e-cabinet connectors and the e-box
interconnect PCA (J2_111 connector).
Drying PCA
Removing the drying PCA UP
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
7. The following tables show the drying PCA references, connections, and addresses:
No jumper Jumper
ADR0 (to set the drying PCA ID) Drying PCA UP Drying PCA DOWN
CAN TERM (end can bus) Drying PCA UP Drying PCA DOWN
9. Loosen without removing the two screws that hold each metal-sheet carriage-tower rear cover to the
carriage tower.
11. Remove the four T-10 screws that hold the drying PCA UP cover to its support.
12. Remove the T-8 screws that hold the drying PCA to its cover.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. See the tables above with the drying PCA references, connections, and addresses.
6. Remove eight screws: five at the front and three more on the top of the carriage-tower cover.
8. Disconnect all the cables connected to the drying PCA DOWN. See Subsystem block diagrams
on page 61.
9. Loosen without removing the two screws that hold each metal-sheet carriage-tower rear cover to the
carriage tower.
11. Remove the four T-10 screws that hold the drying PCA DOWN cover to its support.
12. Remove the T-8 screws that hold the drying PCA to its cover.
1. When installing the new drying PCAs, it is important to check whether it is necessary to reuse the
following jumpers in order to set the PCA end can bus and ID address correctly.
2. Perform the removal steps in reverse to position the drying PCA and reconnect its cables.
3. Perform the primer pumps calibration procedure. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
4. To open the e-box, remove the nine T-20 screws and remove the e-box cover.
NOTE: If you need to replace the e-box interconnect PCA to e-cabinet PCA cable (CZ056-50138), it is
not necessary to pull out and open the e-box.
3. Replace the cables with the new ones, route them, and reconnect them.
NOTE: Be careful to connect each PCA connector to its corresponding connector. The table shows the
connections between the engine PCA and the engine adaptor PCA.
J7 JT1
J12 JT2
1. Disconnect the engine PCA 2 to engine adaptor PCA 2 data cables at both ends. See Subsystem block
diagrams on page 61.
3. Replace the cables with the new ones, route them, and reconnect them.
NOTE: Be careful to connect each PCA connector to its corresponding connector. The table shows the
connections between the engine PCA and the engine adaptor PCA.
J7 JT1
J12 JT2
NOTE: Be careful to connect each PCA connector to its corresponding connector. The table shows the
connections between the engine PCA and the engine adaptor PCA.
J7 JT1
J12 JT2
3. Replace the cables with the new ones, route them, and reconnect them.
NOTE: Be careful to connect each PCA connector to its corresponding connector. The table shows the
connections between the engine PCA and the engine adaptor PCA.
J7 JT1
J12 JT2
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
NOTE: It is important to ensure that both fiber-optics connectors (shown below) are correctly
connected to the fiber-optics PCA. Otherwise, the printer will return an error.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
NOTE: The table shows the connections between the engine PCA and the fiber-optics PCA.
J11 J8
J20 J14
J11 J9
J20 J15
J11 J10
J20 J16
NOTE: The J20 connector is the one located closer to the formatter PCA.
NOTE: The e-box interconnect PCA to e-cabinet PCA cable is connected to the e-cabinet PCA RJ45
connector and to the e-box interconnect PCA J_341 I2C connector.
2. Unroute the cable. Cut the flanges if necessary. Make sure to leave the free loops needed to allow the e-
box assembly spinning movement.
3. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it. Replace any flanges that were cut while
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Remove the nine T-20 screws and remove the e-box cover.
6. Remove the four screws that hold the hard disk drive sheet cover.
2. Reconnect the hard disk data cable to the formatter PCA (SATA 1 connector).
E-box PSU
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
6. Remove the nine T-20 screws and remove the e-box cover.
3. Reconnect the PSU to the formatter PCA and the air connector.
4. Screw the e-box cover and push it back to its vertical position.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
4. Remove the nine T-20 screws and remove the e-box cover.
1. Insert and connect the new fan.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
4. Remove the nine T-20 screws and remove the e-box cover.
5. Disconnect the IPS to e-box LAN cable from the formatter PCA and the e-box LAN connector.
6. Disconnect the LAN to IPS cable from the IPS and the air connector.
7. Unroute both cables. These cables are routed from the e-box to the IPS, along the bottom frame.
1. Replace and route both cables, so that there is enough free looped cable to allow the e-box spinning
movement. Do not leave too much cable, or it could interfere with other components that could tighten
or twist it.
Engine PCA
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
4. Remove the nine T-20 screws and remove the e-box cover.
1. Insert the new engine PCA. Ensure that it is well placed between its plastic supports, so that it is
correctly connected to the formatter PCA. Otherwise the printer will will return an error.
NOTE: Be careful to connect each PCA connector to its corresponding connector. The following tables
show how the connections match. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
Between the engine PCA and the engine adaptor PCA (eight cables):
J7 JT1
J12 JT2
Between the engine PCA and the fiber-optics PCA (seven cables):
J11 J8
J20 J14
J11 J9
J20 J15
J11 J10
J20 J16
NOTE: The J20 connector is the one located closer to the formatter PCA.
Formatter PCA
1. Remove the four engine PCAs. See Engine PCA on page 535.
3. Remove the two pointed T10 screws and carefully remove the light pipe.
4. Remove the nine T-10 screws that hold the formatter PCA.
1. Insert the new formatter PCA.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
4. Remove the nine T-20 screws and remove the e-box cover.
6. Remove the four T-20 screws from the support that holds the four engine adaptor PCAs and pull it
slightly out. The four engine adaptor PCAs remain connected to the e-box interconnect PCA.
1. Insert the new engine adaptor PCA, making sure to connect it properly to the e-box interconnect PCA.
NOTE: Be careful while reconnecting the engine adaptor PCAs to the e-box interconnect PCA. It can be
hard to connect both PCAs correctly, and the connector pins are delicate: they can easily break.
2. Locate the engine adaptor PCA’s metal sheet support and push it slightly to match it with the four
engine adaptor PCA supports.
3. Screw back the four screws that hold the metal sheet support, ensuring that the four PCAs are properly
connected to the e-box interconnect PCA.
NOTE: Be careful to connect each PCA connector to its corresponding connector. The table below
shows the connections between the engine PCA and the engine adaptor PCA. See Subsystem block
diagrams on page 61.
J7 JT1
J12 JT2
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to ensure that all cables are labeled, to avoid confusion when
replacing the e-box interconnect PCA and reconnecting all the cables.
NOTE: Be careful while reconnecting the engine adaptor PCAs to the e-box interconnect PCA. It can be
hard to connect both PCAs correctly, and the connector pins are delicate: they can easily break.
5. Reconnect all the cables to the e-box interconnect PCA, taking care to connect each cable to the
corresponding e-box interconnect PCA connector. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
Fiber-optics PCA
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
5. Disconnect all cables from the fiber-optics PCA. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
CAUTION: Before opening the e-cabinet, turn off the printer by using the branch circuit breakers
located in the building's power distribution unit or by disconnecting the power cord(s) from the mains.
Always check that the grounding cable is correctly installed before powering up and take all necessary
precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
CAUTION: If there is a dedicated single-phase line for the built-in computer, the circuit breakers
associated with this line must also be switched off.
4. Remove the crossed screw that holds together the lockable actuator part (in red) and the fixed actuator
part (in yellow). Remove the lockable part and save it.
NOTE: It is necessary to turn the lockable part to the OFF position before removing or installing the
lockable actuator part. Otherwise it will not match correctly.
5. Remove the two crossed screws and the fixed actuator part, so that you can reach the screws that hold
together the outer and the inner main switch 6-pole 63 A body parts.
7. Disconnect the main switch 6-pole 63 A body from all its cables.
1. Install the new main switch 6-pole 63 A body and reconnect its cables.
2. Remove the four crossed screws and separate the two main switch 6-pole 63 A body parts.
3. Place the inner and outer main switch 6-pole 63 A body parts on the e-cabinet left cover and screw
them together.
4. Remove the crossed screw that holds together the lockable actuator part (in red) and the fixed actuator
part (in yellow). Separate both actuator parts and save the lockable part.
NOTE: It is necessary to turn the lockable part to the OFF position before removing or installing the
lockable actuator part. Otherwise it will not match correctly.
5. Screw back the two crossed screws and install the fixed actuator part to the main switch 6-pole 63 A
NOTE: It is necessary to turn the lockable part to the OFF position before removing or installing the
lockable actuator part. Otherwise it will not match correctly.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
CAUTION: Before opening the e-cabinet, turn off the printer by using the branch circuit breakers
located in the building's power distribution unit or by disconnecting the power cord(s) from the mains.
Always check that the grounding cable is correctly installed before powering up and take all necessary
precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
CAUTION: If there is a dedicated single-phase line for the built-in computer, the circuit breakers
associated with this line must also be switched off.
6. Repeat until all the line filters are removed, and follow the installation steps to replace them with their
corresponding bypass cables.
1. For each line filter, follow the connection table shown below to replace it with its corresponding bypass
cable. Connect the bypass cable at both ends.
TIP: Notice that all bypass cables have the same colors as the cables to which they connect.
2. Always check that the grounding cables are correctly installed before powering up. Ensure that they are
fixed to the e-cabinet bottom plate, and take all necessary precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
CAUTION: Before opening the e-cabinet, turn off the printer by using the branch circuit breakers
located in the building's power distribution unit or by disconnecting the power cord(s) from the mains.
Always check that the grounding cable is correctly installed before powering up and take all necessary
precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
CAUTION: If there is a dedicated single-phase line for the built-in computer, the circuit breakers
associated with this line must also be switched off.
4. Remove the two screws that attach the AC protection DIN rail to the e-cabinet supports and separate
the e-cabinet ACB 20A 2-phase switch block sufficiently to free the e-cabinet ACB 20A 2-phase switch
that needs to be replaced.
5. Disconnect all cables from the e-cabinet ACB 20A 2-phase switch and remove the switch.
NOTE: You may need to unroute some cables to some extent and cut some flanges.
1. Install the new e-cabinet ACB 20A 2-phase switch and reconnect its cables.
NOTE: Make sure that all cables are correctly routed and attached as they were originally, to keep the
e-cabinet tidy.
CAUTION: Before opening the e-cabinet, turn off the printer by using the branch circuit breakers
located in the building's power distribution unit or by disconnecting the power cord(s) from the mains.
Always check that the grounding cable is correctly installed before powering up and take all necessary
precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
CAUTION: If there is a dedicated single-phase line for the built-in computer, the circuit breakers
associated with this line must also be switched off.
4. Remove the two screws that attach the AC protection DIN rail to the e-cabinet supports and separate
the e-cabinet ACB 10A 2-phase switch block sufficiently to free the e-cabinet ACB 10A 2-phase switch
that needs to be replaced.
5. Disconnect all cables from the e-cabinet ACB 10A 2-phase switch and remove the switch.
NOTE: You may need to unroute some cables to some extent and cut some flanges.
NOTE: Make sure that all cables are correctly routed and attached as they were originally, to keep the
e-cabinet tidy.
CAUTION: Before opening the e-cabinet, turn off the printer by using the branch circuit breakers
located in the building's power distribution unit or by disconnecting the power cord(s) from the mains.
Always check that the grounding cable is correctly installed before powering up and take all necessary
precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
CAUTION: If there is a dedicated single-phase line for the built-in computer, the circuit breakers
associated with this line must also be switched off.
4. Remove the two screws that attach the AC protection DIN rail to the e-cabinet supports and separate
the e-cabinet RCD 25A 30mA 1-phase switch block sufficiently to free the e-cabinet RCD 25A 30mA 1-
phase switch that needs to be replaced.
5. Disconnect all cables from the e-cabinet RCD 25A 30mA 1-phase switch and remove the switch.
NOTE: You may need to unroute some cables to some extent and cut some flanges.
1. Install the new e-cabinet RCD 25A 30mA 1-phase switch and reconnect its cables.
NOTE: Make sure that all cables are correctly routed and attached as they were originally, to keep the
e-cabinet tidy.
E-cabinet PCA
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
TIP: Before disconnecting any cable, ensure that it is labeled, to avoid any mismatch when
reconnecting the cables to the e-cabinet PCA.
TIP: Before disconnecting any cable, ensure that it is labeled, to avoid any mismatch when
reconnecting the cables to the e-cabinet PCA.
6. Remove the ten crossed screws and remove the e-cabinet PCA lid.
7. Remove the thirteen T10 screws that hold the e-cabinet PCA to its lid, and remove the e-cabinet PCA.
1. Install the new e-cabinet PCA.
3. Reconnect all cables to the e-cabinet PCA, both inside and outside the e-cabinet.
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
CAUTION: Before opening the e-cabinet, turn off the printer by using the branch circuit breakers
located in the building's power distribution unit or by disconnecting the power cord(s) from the mains.
Always check that the grounding cable is correctly installed before powering up and take all necessary
precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
CAUTION: If there is a dedicated single-phase line for the built-in computer, the circuit breakers
associated with this line must also be switched off.
TIP: To remove the contactor easily, use a flat screwdriver to pull the plastic tab.
1. Install the new e-cabinet modular contactor and reconnect its cables.
E-cabinet PSUs 1 to 4
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
The following table describes which ID number corresponds to each PSU, their default voltages from the
vendor, the default printer voltage adjustment, and where the PSU is located.
1 48 V 42 V Right
3 36 V 32 V Right
4 12 V 13 V Right
5 48 V 42 V Left
3. Remove the four pointed screws to remove the tray in which the defective PSU is located (the right-
hand tray for PSUs 1 to 4; see Subsystem block diagrams on page 61).
11. Rotate the tray so that you can access the screws underneath it.
2. If replacing PSU 1 or 2, ensure that the new PSU comes with the remote sense jumper already
connected to it (PSU 3 and 4 do not need any jumper). If it is missing, use the remote sense jumper from
its corresponding old PSU. The following image shows where the PSU remote sense jumper is located.
3. Ensure that the PSU voltage is correct. If not, perform the PSU adjusted voltage checking procedure (see
PSU adjusted voltage checking procedure on page 562).
The following table describes which ID number corresponds to each PSU, their default voltages from the
vendor, the default printer voltage adjustment, and where the PSU is located.
1 48 V 42 V Right
3 36 V 32 V Right
4 12 V 13 V Right
5 48 V 42 V Left
CAUTION: To adjusting the PSUs while mounted, you must open the doors of the e-cabinet. Before opening
the e-cabinet, turn off the branch circuit breakers located in the building's power distribution unit, or
disconnect the power cord(s) from the mains. Always check that the grounding cable is correctly installed
before powering up and take all necessary precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
CAUTION: If there is a dedicated single-phase line for the computer, the circuit breakers associated with
this line must also be switched off.
The equipment needed for this adjustment is a multimeter set to measure DC voltage, and a small Phillips
screwdriver to adjust a trimmer (small potentiometer).
4. Power up the e-cabinet, by turning on the power distribution unit circuit breakers.
6. Using a multimeter set to measure DC voltage, measure the DC voltage out of the PSU at the DC
connector that connects to the e-cabinet PCA (black wire is 0 V, red wire is +V).
8. Power down the e-cabinet and reconnect the DC cable to the e-cabinet PCA.
CAUTION: To adjust the PSUs while mounted, you must open the doors of the e-cabinet. Before
opening the e-cabinet, turn off the branch circuit breakers located in the building's power distribution
unit, or disconnect the power cord(s) from the mains. Always check that the grounding cable is correctly
installed before powering up, and take all necessary precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
CAUTION: If there is a dedicated single-phase line for the computer, the circuit breakers associated
with this line must also be switched off.
E-cabinet PSUs 5 to 7
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
The following table describes which ID number corresponds to each PSU, their default voltages from the
vendor, the default printer voltage adjustment, and where the PSU is located.
1 48 V 42 V Right
3 36 V 32 V Right
4 12 V 13 V Right
5 48 V 42 V Left
9. Rotate the tray so that you can access the screws underneath it.
2. Ensure that the new PSU comes with the remote sense jumper already connected to it. If it is missing,
use the remote sense jumper from the old PSU. The following image shows where the PSU remote
sense jumper is located.
3. Ensure that the PSU voltage is correct. If not, perform the PSU adjusted voltage checking procedure (see
PSU adjusted voltage checking procedure on page 562).
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
5. Lift up the e-cabinet AC/AC converter slightly before pulling it out, to free it from the small attachments
at the rear.
NOTE: When connecting the cables, ensure that they are not mismatched. All cables are labeled.
E-cabinet fan
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
4. Remove the four crossed screws that hold the fan and remove the fan.
1. Insert the new fan and attach with the four screws.
4. Remove the plastic cover and replace the filter with the new one.
TIP: You are recommended to use a flat screwdriver to pull the plastic tab, so that the part can be
easily removed from the DIN rail.
1. Insert the new safety relay.
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
3. Using a flat-head or Phillips screwdriver, release the screw that fixes the lamp to the box.
4. Using the screwdriver, pull up the L-shaped lever gently to detach the main body from the lens cap. Be
careful not to damage any cable.
1. Connect the power cables to the replacement main body. Ensure that the cables are not loose, by
pulling them after screwing in the terminals.
2. Insert the lens cap from the exterior of the e-cabinet and attach it to the main body. There is no need to
actuate the lever, which is on a spring.
3. Fix the lamp body to the panel using the fixing screw. Ensure that it is correctly attached, by trying to
rotate the body (it should not move).
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
3. Locate the e-cabinet terminal block that you want to remove, and follow the appropriate steps below.
2. Unscrew the e-cabinet installation cross-connector from the e-cabinet terminal block assembly TB-1.
TIP: You are recommended to use a flat screwdriver to pull the plastic tab, so that the part can be
easily removed from the DIN rail.
3. Screw back the e-cabinet power jumper to the e-cabinet terminal block assembly TB-1. See Subsystem
block diagrams on page 61.
TIP: You are recommended to use a flat screwdriver to pull out the cross-connector, so that the part
can be easily removed from the e-cabinet terminal block assembly.
3. Reinsert the e-cabinet X way cross-connector into the e-cabinet terminal block assembly, ensuring that
it is correctly connected to the e-cabinet terminal block assembly. See Subsystem block diagrams
on page 61.
CAUTION: It is important to connect the e-cabinet X-way cross-connector correctly. The correct
positions are either the upper or the lower holes. The center holes are not for this kind of cross-
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
3. Remove the e-cabinet installation X-way cross-connector from the e-cabinet terminal block assembly.
TIP: You are recommended to use a flat screwdriver to pull out the cross-connector, so that the part
can be easily removed from the e-cabinet terminal block assembly.
1. Reinsert the e-cabinet X way cross-connector into the e-cabinet terminal block assembly, ensuring that
it is correctly connected to the e-cabinet terminal block assembly. See Subsystem block diagrams
on page 61.
CAUTION: It is important to connect the e-cabinet X-way cross-connector correctly. The correct
positions are either the upper or the lower holes. The center holes are not for this kind of cross-
4. Open the e-cabinet fuse holder by pulling out its plastic tab from the top, so that the fuse slot rotates,
exposing the e-cabinet fuse.
2. Check the Print Care error message log to find out which fuse needs to be replaced.
3. Turn off the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
6. Pull out the fuse and insert a new one. Ensure that the new fuse matches the old one in size, rating, and
7. Run a diagnostic test to check that the new fuse is working correctly.
CAUTION: Fire risk! A blown fuse may indicate malfunctioning electrical circuits within the system. If a
fuse trips repeatedly, call your service representative and do not attempt to replace the fuse with one
with a higher current rating.
9. Put back the rear right cover and screw it into place.
10. Turn on the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
2. For each fan, change the fan filter for the new one provided. Be careful to locate it correctly: it must
cover the fan’s square surface.
E-cabinet transformer
Before replacing the transformer, check the corresponding fuses. Replace them if necessary, and check the
printer again. If the fuses are all OK, proceed with the steps below.
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
4. Remove the four pointed screws that hold the e-cabinet transformer and remove the transformer.
1. Insert the new transformer and attach it with the four screws.
NOTE: When connecting the cables, ensure that they are not mismatched. All cables are labeled.
5. Remove the pointed screw and disconnect the grounding cable from the e-cabinet left door assembly.
6. Remove the four pointed screws from the e-cabinet left door hinges and remove the e-cabinet left door
2. Screw back the grounding cable to the e-cabinet left door assembly.
5. Remove the pointed screw and disconnect the grounding cable from the e-cabinet right door assembly.
6. Remove the four pointed screws from the e-cabinet right door hinges and remove the e-cabinet right
door assembly.
1. Install the new e-cabinet right door assembly and attach it with the four screws.
2. Screw back the grounding cable to the e-cabinet right door assembly.
To reinstall or solve any other software setup problems, follow the post-installation steps.
If there is a problem that can be solved only by physical removal and reinstallation of either the Internal Print
Server computer or its hard disk drive, follow the instructions in the Internal Print Server service manual and
its removal and installation instructions.
The following sections describe how to remove and install these printer components:
● Webcam (H2W19AA#ABB)
1. Install the new computer so that the HP logo is located vertically.
IMPORTANT: Take care to connect both LAN cables to the correct sockets. With the computer
positioned as shown above, the e-box LAN cable must connect to the upper connector and the network
LAN cable must connect to the lower one. If they are misconnected, the printer will not work.
3. Follow the Internal Print Server installation and setup instructions to install all the needed software and
configure the computer.
TIP: If you have problems, you can also consult the Internal Print Server service manual.
4. The computer usually comes without the Print Care software installed. See Print Care installation
on page 705.
1. Turn off the printer and its built-in computer, then turn off the main switch and the computer power
3. Hold the monitor and remove the two T-20 screws that hold it to the metal sheet base support.
1. Screw the new monitor to its metal sheet base support.
TIP: If you have problems, you can consult the Internal Print Server monitor service manual.
Webcam (H2W19AA#ABB)
2. Look for the webcam on top of the Internal Print Server monitor.
4. Disconnect and unroute the webcam cable from its air connector.
5. Remove the webcam from the top of the Internal Print Server monitor.
TIP: If you have problems, you can consult the webcam service manual.
2. Look for the webcam on top of the Internal Print Server monitor.
4. Disconnect and unroute the webcam USB extension cable from its air connector and from the computer.
▲ Route and connect the new webcam USB extension cable.
TIP: If you have problems, you can consult the webcam USB extension cable service manual.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
CAUTION: Before opening the e-cabinet turn off the printer using branch circuit breakers located in
the building's power distribution unit or disconnecting the power cord(s) from the mains. Always check
that the grounding cable is correctly installed before powering up and take all necessary precautions to
prevent electrical shocks.
7. Remove the five pointed screws and remove the carriage-tower cover.
8. Disconnect the AC power cables from both the e-Cabinet AC/AC converter and its corresponding drying
The following table gives the cable connections between the AC source and the drying PCA (AC_IN
10. Remove the three T-25 screws and the cover Igus end.
TIP: It may be easier to access the Igus chain if you remove the rear window panels.
11. Unroute the AC cables through the Igus chain. See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables
on page 604.
1. Reroute the AC power cables through the AM structure.
2. Reroute through the Igus chain; remember to leave a free loop on both ends of the chain. See Impelling
Igus chain ink tubes and cables on page 604.
4. Connect the AC power cables to the AC sources and the Drying PCA.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
6. Disconnect the 42 V power cables from the e-cabinet PCA (located at the right cover of the e-cabinet).
7. Remove the five pointed screws and remove the carriage-tower cover.
8. Disconnect the 42 V power cables from drying PCAs 1 and 2 (there are two 42 V power connectors for
each carriage interconnect PCA).
9. Unroute from the e-cabinet PCA to the end of the Igus chain.
10. Remove the three T-25 screws and the cover Igus end.
TIP: It may be easier to access the Igus chain if you remove the rear window panels.
11. Unroute the 42 V power cables through the Igus chain. See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables
on page 604.
12. Unroute from the Igus chain to carriage interconnect PCAs 1 and 2.
1. Reroute from the e-cabinet PCA to the Igus chain. Remember to leave a free loop at the end of the Igus
3. Reroute through the Igus chain; remember to leave a free loop on both ends of the chain.
5. Route back the 42 V power cables through the Igus chain. See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables
on page 604.
6. Reroute both cables from the carriage interconnect to the e-cabinet PCAs.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Remove the five pointed screws and remove the carriage-tower cover.
8. Disconnect the 12 V power cables from drying PCAs 1 and 2 (12V_IN connector).
9. Unroute from the e-cabinet PCA to the end of the Igus chain. See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and
cables on page 604.
10. Remove the three T-25 screws and the cover Igus end.
TIP: It may be easier to access the Igus chain if you remove the rear window panels.
11. Unroute the 12 V power cables through the Igus chain. See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables
on page 604.
1. Reroute from the e-cabinet PCA to the Igus chain. Remember to leave a free loop at the end of the Igus
3. Reroute through the Igus chain; remember to leave a free loop on both ends of the chain.
4. Screw back with the three T25 screws the cover Igus end to the beam.
5. Route back the 12 V power cables through the Igus chain. See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables
on page 604.
6. Reroute both cables from the carriage interconnect to the e-cabinet PCAs.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the five pointed screws and remove the carriage-tower cover.
6. Remove the T-20 screw and disconnect the PE cable from the top carriage column.
7. Remove the T-20 screw and disconnect the PE cable from the printer structure.
8. Remove the three T-25 screws and the cover Igus end.
9. Unroute the PE cable through the Igus chain. See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables
on page 604.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
6. Disconnect the drying data cable from the e-box interconnect PCA (CAN (J161) connector).
7. Remove the five pointed screws and remove the carriage-tower cover.
8. Disconnect the drying data cable from the Drying PCA 1 (J12 connector).
9. Unroute from the e-cabinet PCA to the end of the Igus chain.
10. Remove the three T-25 screws and the cover Igus end.
11. Unroute the cable through the Igus chain. See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables on page 604.
12. Unroute the data cable from the Igus chain to drying PCA 1.
1. Route the cable from the Igus chain to the drying PCA UP.
2. Route the data cable through the Igus chain. See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables
on page 604.
3. Screw the cover Igus end to the beam with the three T-25 screws.
4. Route the data cable from the e-cabinet PCA to the Igus chain end.
6. Connect the data cable to the e-box interconnect PCA (CAN (J161) connector).
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Free the routed fiber-optic cable loops from supports and flanges. Be careful not to break the cable.
NOTE: See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables on page 604 before proceeding with the
following steps. The fiber-optics cable has a specific procedure for its connect and disconnect to fiber-
optics PCA procedure.
7. Disconnect the fiber-optic cable from the e-box fiber-optics PCA (J18 connector).
9. Unroute from the e-cabinet PCA to the end of the Igus chain. Be careful not to break the cable.
10. Remove the three T-25 screws and the cover Igus end.
11. Unroute the fiber-optic cable through the Igus chain. Be careful not to break the cable.
12. Unroute from the Igus chain to the carriage fiber-optics PCA.
NOTE: See Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables on page 604 before proceeding with the following
steps. The fiber-optics cable has a specific procedure for its connect and disconnect to fiber-optics PCA
1. Route the fiber-optic cable from Igus chain to the carriage fiber-optics PCA.
2. Route the fiber-optic cable through the Igus chain (see Impelling Igus chain ink tubes and cables
on page 604). Be careful not to break the cable.
3. Screw the cover Igus end to the beam with the three T25 screws.
4. Route from the e-box fiber-optics PCA to the Igus chain end. Be careful not to break the cable.
5. Connect the fiber-optic cable to the carriage fiber-optics PCA (J18 connector).
6. Connect the fiber-optic cable to the e-box fiber-optics PCA (J18 connector).
7. Route the fiber-optic cable (leaving the needed free loops) from its supports and flanges. Be careful not
to break the cable.
Impelling motor
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
NOTE: You can also remove the ink system compartment for completely free access. See Ink system
compartment on page 687.
8. Screw the tension nut and washer onto the scan-axis belt tensioner to loosen the tension. Continue
until you have completely released the tension in the belt.
9. Remove one of the belt clamps to release the tension completely by removing the four T-20 screws.
12. Remove the four A5 screws that secure the scan-axis motor. Access them from above.
NOTE: There are two types of scan-axis motor: one with two connectors and one with three (of the three
connectors, one is always unused). Both of them can be swapped and have exactly the same function (the
printer will detect the correct type of motor). There is a slight difference between the motors: the two-
connector one will have a tendency, when positioning the carriage to a specific point, to move the carriage
slightly around the point until it finds the right position, while the other one (three connectors) does not have
this behavior of oscillating around the target position. There is no difference in throughput between the two
motors, they are fully interchangeable.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Remove the right panel. See Right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
6. Remove the front right panel. See Front right panel assembly on page 623.
9. Remove the carriage encoder assembly. See Carriage encoder assembly on page 435.
NOTE: You do not need to disconnect the sensor cable in the carriage, although you are recommended
to remove it and save it in a secure place. Remove the sensor from the encoder strip so that you can
remove the encoder strip.
10. Move the carriage to the far right of the printer. The illustration shows the view from the rear.
12. Note the location of the MH3 nuts for the encoder protectors removed for the carriage encoder set.
13. Remove the remaining three encoder protectors (22 hand-removable nuts) as with the carriage encoder
NOTE: All the protector sheets, as shown above, are small and have three nuts.
15. Remove the encoder strip from the pins and carefully remove the encoder strip from the printer.
CAUTION: The encoder strip is very sharp. Use protective gloves to avoid cutting yourself.
1. When you reinstall the encoder strip, start on the right side, place the carriage in the UNCAP on the left
2. The encoder strip service part comes as a roll. Place it on the pins one at a time, without unrolling the
encoder strip all at once. Secure the encoder strip with the nuts as you go from left to right (without
securing the protector, and without applying any pressure, to avoid the encoder falling). The illustration
shows the view from the rear.
3. Pass the encoder under the encoder reader while the carriage is on the left side.
5. Make sure the foams are correctly placed between the encoder strip and protector sheet.
6. Remove the nuts and install the protector sheets one at a time.
7. Reinstall the carriage encoder assembly. See Carriage encoder assembly on page 435.
2. Remove the ink system compartment. See Ink system compartment on page 687.
4. Screw the tension nut and washer onto the scan-axis belt tensioner to reduce the tension. Continue
until you have completely released the tension in the belt.
5. Use a marker to make a mark on the belt where it meets the edge of the clamp.
NOTE: The four screws and second belt clamp are not shown in the graphic.
NOTE: If the carriage is in the capping position, access the right clamp from the top cover window.
1. Put the new belt side by side with the old belt.
2. Transfer the mark you made from the old belt to the new belt. If there is too much extra belt, you can
cut it with a hacksaw (metal-cutting saw).
3. Route the new belt through the side plates and around the scan-axis belt tensioner and scan-axis
motor, so that the belt is ready to be attached to the carriage.
4. Use a belt clamp to secure the side of the belt that was even with the old belt to the carriage.
5. Pull on the loose end of the belt to bring the belt into position. Make sure the belt engages the motor
and tensioner correctly at each end.
6. Line up the belt clamp with the mark you made on the new belt, and secure it with the screws.
7. Remove the tensioner nut from the scan-axis belt tensioner to set the tension.
8. Check the tensioning limit marks on the central screw of the scan-axis belt tensioner. This will indicate if
the belt must be lengthened or shortened by adjusting the clamp secured to the carriage.
11. Remove the tension nut and washer and return them to the holder.
2. Remove the ink system compartment. See Ink system compartment on page 687.
3. Screw the tension nut and washer onto the scan-axis belt tensioner to loosen the tension. Continue
until you have completely released the tension in the belt.
4. Use a marker to make a mark on the belt where it meets the edge of the clamp.
5. Remove the four T-20 screws that secure the belt clamp, and remove the clamp. You need to remove
only the clamp.
6. Remove the two circlips that secure the scan-axis belt tensioner, and remove the tensioner.
NOTE: Adjust the belt when you replace the scan-axis belt tensioner. See the installation procedure.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the right panel. See Right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Remove the eight pointed MH4 screws and the breaking resistor enclosure.
5. Disconnect the SAX motor power cable from the breaking resistor and the SAX motor.
NOTE: In the picture above, the power connector is circled in yellow, the uncovered breaking resistor
is circled in red, and the SAX motor data cable connector is circled in blue.
NOTE: It is important to cover all the breaking resistor correctly, since in case it breaks it can injure its
surrounding parts.
NOTE: Do not disconnect the cables by pulling them because you may break the connector. Hold the
connector of the cable when removing it.
1. Replace the cables. While rerouting the cables, replace the cut flanges.
NOTE: Be careful to leave enough free loop (at least a 15 cm loop), so that the carriage beam will be
able to reach the substrate load position.
3. Connect back the power cable to both the e-cabinet (SAX connector) and the breaking resistor.
4. Connect the SAX motor power cable to both the breaking resistor and the SAX motor.
5. Screw back the breaking resistor enclosure with its eight pointed MH4 screws.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Remove the right panel. See Right panel assembly on page 624.
NOTE: In the picture above, the power connector is circled in yellow, the uncovered breaking resistor
is circled in red, and the SAX motor data cable connector is circled in blue.
6. Cut the flanges and unroute the data cable. If necessary, carefully pull the e-box out (take care not to
break the fiber-optic cable loop).
1. Replace the SAX motor data cable and the cut flanges.
NOTE: Be careful to leave enough free loop (at least a 15 cm loop), so that the carriage beam will be
able to reach the substrate load position.
2. Put back the flanges after routing back the data cable. If needed, carefully pull out the e-box (take care
of the fiber-optic cable loop in order not to break it).
3. Connect back to the e-box interconnect PCA (J_101 connector) the SAX motor data cable.
NOTE: Be careful when connecting the data cable. Place it orthogonally, ensuring that the pins will
match correctly, and then screw it to connect the cable to the motor.
NOTE: Do not disconnect the cables by pulling them because you may break the connector. Hold the
connector of the cable when removing it.
The following table indicates the impelling Igus chain content and the terminal for each part.
From To
From To
See the figures below for the impelling Igus chain cables and ink tubes routing:
See the photograph below with the impelling Igus chain cables and ink tubes clamp routing (carriage end
section shown).
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the five pointed screws and remove the carriage-tower cover.
6. From the center covers, remove the rear center cover PC sheets, so you can reach the entire Igus chain
routing. See Rear center-right PC sheet cover on page 649.
7. Remove the three pointed screws and remove the scan-axis cables and tubes Igus chain end protector
8. Disconnect both cable ends and unroute it up to both ends of the Igus chain.
CAUTION: If the fiber-optic cable is being replaced, it is strongly recommended that you read the
replacement instructions before proceeding with its removal and installation, and follow steps
described in the correct order.
NOTE: Unroute the trailing cables all the way to the base of the carriage chain assembly by pulling out
the trailing cables and tubes from the cable protectors from the top of the rear scan-axis beam.
CAUTION: Be careful when routing or unrouting the fiber-optic cable not to twist or tighten it
9. Perform the specific replacement procedure, described below, depending on which part has to be
Ink tubes — 7
NOTE: For this procedure it is strongly recommended to follow steps described in the correct order, so
that the fiber-optic cable does not break.
2. Remove the pointed screws and disconnect the fiber-optics PCA from the fiber-optic cable connector by
sliding it out when removing it.
3. Once the fiber-optics PCA is removed and disconnected from the fiber-optic cable connector, remove
the two screws and the fiber-optic clamp.
4. Remove the four T-20 screws and remove the upper closing sheet, under the carriage top sheet.
5. Unroute the fiber-optic cable from the fiber-optics duct and slide the fiber-optic cable through the
carriage top sheet hole.
TIP: The fiber-optic cable can be unrouted without releasing the Igus chain. In this case, it is important
to follow these recommendations, to reduce the risk of breaking the fiber-optic cable:
● Start to unroute the fiber-optic cable from the carriage along the Igus chain until the Igus chain
starts to turn.
● Carefully loosen the fiber-optic cable in a secure routing together with the Igus chain and move
the carriage to the repair position.
● Unroute the fiber-optic cable Igus from the rest of the Igus chain.
1. Perform the Impelling fiber-optic cable removal procedure, so that the cover clamp is free from the
fiber-optic cable and the Igus chain can be removed without breaking or excessively tightening the
fiber-optic cable.
2. For each ink tube line, flush the TRS ink line from the carriage to the barnacle panel and cut the thin
tube (about 5 cm from the elbow fitting).
NOTE: Before flushing and cutting the ink tube line, ensure that it is correctly labeled on both sides of
the cut.
3. Remove the two T-20 screws and remove the cables and tubes cover clamp.
5. Remove the tubes and cable clamps (at both ends of the carriage chain).
6. Label on both sides and flush each of the ink tubes before cutting them on the carriage top, so that the
Igus chain can be released. It is strongly recommended to cut the thinner tube, at least 2 cm away from
the elbow fitting.
7. Remove the four screws that fix the Igus chain end to the carriage top sheet and carefully release the
Igus chain on top of the scan-axis beam.
8. Once the chain is completely released, place it on top of the scan-axis beam.
9. Remove the carriage chain links by inserting a flat screwdriver deep into the slot and turning it.
NOTE: Ensure the head of the screwdriver is between 4 and 5 mm wide, otherwise it cannot be
inserted correctly and can damage the carriage link when turning.
WARNING! Never use a broken link in the chain as it could fall during printer operation and cause
severe damage to the printer.
Perform the Impelling trailing cables and ink tubes installation procedure.
1. Before inserting a new trailing cable, mark it with the same distances as the one that was removed.
Use the connector that goes on the printhead interconnect side as reference (angled connector).
The following table indicates the length of each trailing cable at the carriage end and its reference to
measure it, starting from the carriage clamp:
NOTE: If the new replacement service part is longer than the part removed, put the excess cable into a
loop shape at the end of the printer routing.
3. Place all cables back in the approximately correct positions using the cable and tube marks.
5. Put the chain links back by putting one side into position and gently hitting the other side until the
complete link latches. Use a plastic-head hammer to prevent link damage.
WARNING! Never use a broken link in the chain as it could fail during printer operation and cause
severe damage to the printer.
CAUTION: Ensure no cables or tubes are crossed when placing them in the clamp holder.
8. Match both ink tube sides with their corresponding fitting and purge each of the ink tubes.
9. Once the ink tube lines are installed, purge the tube routing system all the way.
12. Close the carriage-tower cover and the carriage electronics cover.
14. Put the cables routed to the ink system module together using flanges or tape.
16. Close all latches to fix the cable protector in position. Perform the same action with the ink tubes
17. Reroute at the back of both the e-box and the e-cabinet. Place into the scan-axis cable duct protector
and put all the cable ties back.
NOTE: Be careful routing the cables to the e-box (since it includes the fiber-optic cable it is important
not to break it by twisting or tightening it).
18. Adjust the routing loop at the scan-axis Igus chain end and ensure that the cables are neither pinched
nor bent.
19. Leave the appropiate cable loop for the carriage beam scan-axis movement (a minimum of 15 cm loop).
21. Reconnect all cables to both the e-box and the e-cabinet assemblies.
Once the impelling Igus chain is fixed to the scan axis beam (and all the trailing cables and the ink tubes are
connected to their corresponding printer assemblies) perform fiber-optic cable installation so that all the
trailing cables can be correctly installed and connected to the carriage.
2. Screw the four T-20 screws and fix the upper closing sheet under the carriage top sheet.
3. Using its two screws, fix the fiber-optic clamp to the carriage tubes and cables clamp, which holds the
fiber-optic cable.
4. Slide the fiber-optics PCA to its location and connect it to the fiber-optic cable connector.
After performing the installation steps described above, perform the Impelling Igus Chain installation
procedure below and re-connect both the trailing cables and the ink tubes to the carriage assembly
2. Ensure that all the Igus chain trailing cables and the ink tubes are correctly connected to their
corresponding ends.
3. Ensure that all the ink tubes have been correctly purged all the way and check that the quick connector
has been plugged into the ink system module.
5. Screw back the five pointed screws and fix the tower cover to the carriage.
6. Remove the two pointed screws that attach the buzzer to the right front structure and replace it with
the new one.
CAUTION: Before opening the e-cabinet, turn off the printer using the branch circuit breakers located
in the building's power distribution unit, or by disconnecting the power cord(s) from the mains. Always
check that the grounding cable is correctly installed before powering up and take all necessary
precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
CAUTION: If there is a dedicated single-phase line for the computer, the circuit breakers associated
with this line must also be switched off.
3. Disconnect the Internal Print Server monitor from its cables and remove it.
5. Remove the Internal Print Server monitor metal sheet base support from the front right cover. Save it in
a secure place.
6. Remove the keyboard shelf assembly. See Keyboard shelf assembly on page 621.
8. Open the front door, so that it is easier to reach the hidden screws in the front lower right cover.
9. Open the front right panel assembly, so that it is easier to reach the hidden screws.
10. Remove the four pointed T-20 screws that attach the front lower right cover.
11. Slide down and remove the front lower right cover.
3. Disconnect the Internal Print Server monitor from its cables and remove it.
5. Remove the Internal Print Server monitor metal sheet base support from the front right cover. Save it in
a secure place.
6. Remove the keyboard shelf assembly. See Keyboard shelf assembly on page 621.
8. Open the front door, so that it is easier to reach the hidden screws in the front lower right cover.
9. Open the front right panel assembly, so that it is easier to reach the hidden screws.
10. Remove the four pointed T-20 screws that attach the front lower right cover.
12. Remove the two pointed T-20 screws that attach the front right cover.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Disconnect and unroute all cables routed along the cover (cut the flanges if necessary to free the
3. Remove the rear right panel, so that you can reach the screws that attach the rear right internal cover.
See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Remove the four pointed T-20 screws that attach the rear right internal cover.
3. Open the printhead cleaning door (see Printhead cleaning door assembly on page 627) and the front
right panel assembly (see Front right panel assembly on page 623), so that you can reach the hidden
screws attaching the keyboard shelf assembly.
4. Disconnect and remove the keyboard from the printer. Save it in a secure place.
5. Remove the five pointed T-20 screws that attach the keyboard shelf assembly.
3. Open the front right panel assembly. See Front right panel assembly on page 623.
4. Remove the right panel. See Right panel assembly on page 624.
6. Remove the five pointed T-20 screws that attach the front right corner assembly.
TIP: Alternatively, you can remove the door by removing the hinge supports from the right structure
(two screws for each hinge support).
3. Remove the two pointed T-20 screws that attach the front right panel assembly.
4. Remove the keyboard shelf assemby. See Keyboard shelf assembly on page 621.
5. Open the front right panel assembly, slide it out from its hinges, and remove it.
TIP: Alternatively, you can remove the door by removing the hinge supports from the right structure
(two screws for each hinge support).
3. Remove the two pointed T-20 screws that attach the rear right panel assembly.
3. Remove the two pointed T-20 screws that attach the right panel assembly.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Remove the right panel assembly. See Right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Remove the four pointed T-20 screws that attach the rear right corner assembly.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Remove the four pointed T-20 screws that attach the rear right internal corner assembly.
3. Remove the keyboard shelf assembly. See Keyboard shelf assembly on page 621.
5. Slide out from its hinges and remove the printhead cleaning door assembly.
TIP: Alternatively, you can remove the door by removing the hinge supports from the right structure
(two screws for each hinge support).
5. Remove the rear right internal corner assembly (see Rear right internal corner assembly on page 626),
so that you can remove the rear right pillar.
TIP: It is also possible to remove the rear right pillar if you separate the right structure sufficiently
from the main body structure. See Right structure on page 651.
8. Remove the four pointed screws that attach the front right pillar.
4. Remove the six pointed screws that attach the rear left pillar.
5. Remove the rear left internal corner assembly (see Rear left internal corner assembly on page 638),
so that you can remove the rear left pillar.
TIP: It is also possible to remove the rear left pillar if you separate the ink system compartment
sufficiently from the main body structure. See Ink system compartment on page 687.
3. Remove the four pointed screws that attach the front left pillar.
4. Remove the front left internal corner assembly (see Front left internal corner assembly on page 638),
so that you can remove the front left pillar.
TIP: It is also possible to remove the front left pillar if you separate the ink system compartment
sufficiently from the main body structure. See Ink system compartment on page 687.
4. Remove the six pointed screws that attach the front top left pillar.
3. Remove the front left panel. See Front left panel assembly on page 635.
4. Remove the three pointed screws that attach the front left internal cover.
5. Remove all the cartridges from the printer and save them in a secure place.
6. Remove the four pointed screws that attach the top left cover to the metal sheet supports.
7. Remove the two screws that match the top left cover with the rear left internal cover, and the two
screws that hold it to the front left internal cover.
8. Remove the two screws that match the top left cover with the top left cover slot plug.
3. Remove the top left panel assembly. See Top left panel assembly on page 637.
4. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
5. Remove the two pointed screws that attach the top left cover clamp and labels.
6. Carefully slide down the top left cover clamp and labels.
3. Remove the top left panel assembly. See Top left panel assembly on page 637.
4. Remove the bottom left panel assembly. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
5. Remove the front left panel assembly. See Front left panel assembly on page 635.
6. Remove the rear left panel assembly. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
7. Remove the five pointed screws that attach each left corner assembly.
3. Remove the two pointed screws that attach the front left panel assembly.
3. Remove the four pointed screws that attach the rear left panel assembly.
3. Remove the four pointed screws that attach the bottom left panel assembly.
3. Remove the four pointed screws that attach the top left panel assembly.
3. Remove the front left panel assembly. See Front left panel assembly on page 635.
4. Remove the rear left panel assembly. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
5. Remove the front left panel door. See Front left panel door on page 653.
6. Remove the pointed screws that attach the front left internal corner supports, and the pointed screw
that attaches the front left internal cover to the left internal corner assembly.
3. Remove the rear left panel assembly. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Remove the rear left internal cover. See Rear left internal cover on page 639.
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts may contain liquid; therefore, before removing any vapor removal
part, either cover all the surfaces that could get wet, or remove all delicate parts that could be damaged
by liquid (such as the electronic and electrical parts).
TIP: Once the pipe is free, you are recommended to lift the higher end of the pipe slightly before
starting to remove it, so that most of the liquid it contains can run into the waste bottle.
5. Remove the four pointed screws that attach the vapor removal exhaust to the rear left internal cover,
and remove the vapor removal exhaust.
6. Remove the four pointed screws that attach the rear left internal cover.
TIP: It may be easier to remove the rear left internal cover with its supports attached and separate it
from its metal sheet supports once it has been removed.
1. Install the vapor removal exhaust.
3. Remove the front left panel. See Front left panel assembly on page 635.
4. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
5. Remove the ink system compartment, so that it is easier to reach the center left cover screws. See Ink
system compartment on page 687.
3. Remove the right back panel and the right side panel, so that you can reach all the six screws that hold
the center right cover.
4. Remove the six screws that attach the center right cover to the arch center cover.
3. Remove the two pointed screws that attach the front top center cover to the arch center covers.
4. Carefully open the front PC cover, pull out the latches, and remove the front top center cover with the
new one.
3. Remove the top center covers and the rear PC sheets to reach the arch center cover.
4. Remove the eight pointed screws (four on each side) that attach the arch center cover to the printer’s
scan-axis structure.
3. Remove the four pointed screws that attach the front PC cover to the arch center covers.
4. Carefully open the front PC cover, pull out the latches, and remove the front PC cover.
Window PC sheet
4. Remove the handle and the two key latches from the window PC sheet.
Rear PC sheet
4. While holding the rear PC sheet, remove the pointed screws that attach it.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
TIP: There is a gap through which the sheet can slide. Move it down and then to the left.
CAUTION: When sliding the sheet cover, be careful not to pinch or tighten any cable.
CAUTION: Be careful with the washers when removing the gas springs.
Right structure
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
4. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Remove all the right structure panels, so that you have free access to all the routed cables.
6. Disconnect and unroute all the cables routed from the right structure to the center and left printer
structure and assemblies, so that the right structure is free from cables that route to the scan axis.
8. Disconnect and unroute all the cables connected to the e-box or the e-cabinet that are routed out of the
right structure (that is, those that are routed to the scan axis, the substrate path, and the ink system
module assemblies). See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
TIP: You are strongly recommended to unroute from the right structure to the rest of the printer, so
that the right structure remains free from routed cables.
CAUTION: Be careful when unrouting the e-box cables not to twist or tighten the fiber-optic cable
9. Locate and remove the two pins that hold together the right structure and the scan-axis structure.
TIP: When removing the right structure, you can move the printhead cleaning module guide to avoid
interference with the right structure.
CAUTION: Be careful when removing the right structure from the printer, because it is very heavy.
2. Put the right structure into the printer and attach it with the two pins.
4. Reroute all the cables in an orderly manner to the various right structure assemblies and parts. See
Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
5. Reinstall all the covers and close the printhead cleaning door.
Front door
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
4. Hold the front door while removing the two pointed screws from each hinge.
CAUTION: The front door is large and heavy. At least two people are recommended for this operation.
3. Open the front left panel door and slide it up to remove it from its hinges.
Center window
3. Open the center window key latches and open the window.
CAUTION: Be careful with the window gas spring washers when removing them.
5. Pull out the two center window hinges while holding the center window.
Cover supports
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
3. Remove panels as needed to reach the cover support and free it from all the panels to which it is
attached. See Service parts and diagrams on page 378.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
5. Carefully move the front door to the closed position, without closing it completely, and ensure that the
interlock connector perfectly matches the interlock jumper, so that it will not bend or break the
interlock pins. Adjust its position if necessary.
The illustration below shows the clearance that allows you to put the interlock connector in the best
position to match the corresponding jumper.
CAUTION: Take care to follow the procedure as described, to avoid bending or breaking the interlock
pins when closing the front door.
6. The interlock finger can be adjusted to ensure the proper activation of the interlock when the door is
closed. The activation of the interlock can be heard when closing the door. If you hear no sound, or if
there is a marginal activation (the interlock is activated only when pushing down on the right side of the
front door), you may consider adjusting the position of the interlock finger.
Loosen the four screws attaching the support part for the interlock finger so that it can move freely.
Adjust its position and check that it activates the interlock properly when closing the door. It can be
easily done through the front door window (only in the new design).
8. Ensure that the interlock finger can go into the interlock opening without crashing against the interlock
9. Open the front door and tighten the interlock connector screws.
2. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
3. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch (so the ink circuit will not be pressurized).
4. Disconnect the ink sensors cable (CZ056-50034) from the ink-sensor PCA and the ISM PCA (J4 or J26
5. Remove two T-10 screws that secure the ink-sensor PCA to the metal support part.
NOTE: The ink-sensor boards should be matched. Make sure that each board is replaced where it was
originally installed.
1. Make a note of the new pressure sensor PCA values, as they are needed for the pressure sensor
When reconnecting the ink tubes to the pressure sensor board, ensure that both pressure values in all ink
lines connected to that pressure sensor board are near to a maximum of 10% error (compared to the initial
pressures). If any ink pressure value is lower than 10% from the initial value, purge the air from the ink line.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch (so the ink circuit will not be pressurized).
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
Label: Moby Acumen, JX connector, where X = 7, 6, or 40 for PCA A, and X = 7, 6, 40, or 29 for PCA B
IMPORTANT: Keep track of the connector placement, because it is possible to mismatch connections
between ink supplies.
The air connector red cables are labeled. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
10. Use the tube cutter to cut the ink connector tube about 10 to 20 cm above the first fitting.
NOTE: Use a rag to avoid spilling ink. Before you remove the ink cartridge connector, let all the ink run
11. Pull the ink cartridge connector set out of the printer.
1. Put the new ink cartridge connector set side by side with the old set.
2. Cut the new tube so that it is the same length as the old tube, using the specific cutter provided in the
ISM repair kit.
3. Install the new ink cartridge connector set, and join the lower tube to the upper tube using the
connector fitting. Make sure that the upper and lower tubes are pushed completely onto the connector.
CAUTION: As you insert them, make sure that you use a pushing motion, and not a twisting motion, as
this can damage the tubes.
4. Connect the Acumen data cable and switch cable, taking care not to mismatch them.
3. Remove the four T-10 screws that secure the metal support part to the printer, and pull out the
4. Press on a latch that secures the ink pressure sensor mount to the metal support part, and slide out the
ink pressure sensor mount.
5. For the tube going to the cartridge, flush the tube, cut it as close as possible to the ink pressure sensor
mount, and reconnect this tube to the new ink pressure sensor mount (without screwing it).
6. For the tube going to the main electrovalve, follow the same procedure as explained for the
electrovalve replacement (ISM repair kit).
1. Replace the ink pressure sensor mount with the new one and connect back the ink tubes.
2. Open the ink cartridge and, using a syringe, remove 40 ml of ink from the cartridge.
4. Place a piece of cloth under the purging port to avoid ink spills.
5. Inject 40 ml of ink into the purging port. The ink will flow into two paths, up to the empty bag and down
the tubes, passing the four-way valve.
6. After 40 ml, check that the ink has reached the waste bag (if not, inject more ink), then quickly
disconnect the waste bag, to continue introducing the remaining ink from the syringe while the syringe
CAUTION: Never hit the syringe with the hand using a hammer motion, this will damage the ink
pressure sensor board.
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
6. Disconnect the quick connector before starting the ink valves assembly replacement.
Shown below are the seven different ink tube lines routed from the ink pressure sensors to the quick
connector, through both the two electrovalves and the four-way valve.
10. Remove the four T-10 screws that hold the two electrovalves (two for each electrovalve).
1. Join the tubes from the new valves assembly to the existing tubes using the connector fittings. Make
sure that the tubes are pushed completely onto the connector.
CAUTION: When installing the tubes, never twist the tubes, this will damage them. Always push/slide
the tubes until they are completely installed onto the fitting.
2. Before ending the installing procedure and reconnecting the quick connector, make sure to purge the
ink line that has been replaced.
1. Remove the ink system compartment. See Ink system compartment on page 687.
2. Use a jack to raise the ink system compartment so that you have enough free space to remove the ISM
1. Install the new ISM wheel.
2. Lower the ink system compartment and remove the jack from the printer.
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
5. Disconnect the quick connector in order to separate both the ISM and the TRS assemblies.
6. For quick connector male and female valves, label each ink line further enough—it is recommended to
label them at least 20 cm away from the quick connector valve—that they will be correctly identified
when cutting the ink tubes and replacing both quick connector valves.
IMPORTANT: Do not mismatch the ink tube positions on the quick connector. Otherwise the printer
will not work properly because ink circuits could be mismatched between the ISM and the TRS
assemblies. You are strongly recommended to label the matching female and male quick connector
tubes, so there will be no confusion while replacing them.
7. For each ink line, flush the ink tube approximately 15 cm and cut at least 10 cm away from the quick
connector valve, before the ink tube label.
8. Connect the tube to the new quick connector ink tube using the proper fitting from the tube repair kit.
CAUTION: When installing the tubes, never twist the tubes, this will damage them. Always push/slide
the tubes until they are completely installed onto the fitting.
10. After repeating the above three steps for each ink line on both female and male quick connector valves,
reconnect the quick connector.
3. Turn off the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
1. Unscrew the pointed screws and remove the cover to access the intermediate tanks.
5. From the air tube, inject air (using the air pressure gun, for example) to clean the interior of the tube.
The ink accumulated in the interior of the tube should be ejected onto the piece of cloth that you have
put in place of the intermediate tank.
6. If air is not enough to clean it, use water, and then air again to remove the water and dry the tube.
Before proceeding, you are recommended to look at the air pump lifecycle in order to decide whether you
need to change only one or all air circuits.
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
5. Disconnect the two air pump cables and the relief valve cable from the corresponding ISS PCA (J17, J22,
and J21 connectors for ISS PCA A, and J19, J41, and J13 connectors for ISS PCA B).
8. Remove the cap of the bottle. The new part comes with a cap, six tubes for the air going to the
intermediate tank, and the fittings. Cut each of the air tubes halfway between the intermediate tank
and the bottle cap.
10. Remove the pumps and all the air tubes connected to the pumps.
1. Install the air pumps, and connect the air pump and relief valve cables.
3. Connect the air tube to the bottle cap. Cut each of the air tubes halfway between the intermediate tank
and the bottle cap.
CAUTION: When installing the tubes, never twist the tubes, this will damage them. Always push/slide
the tubes until they are completely installed onto the fitting.
5. Perform the air pressure system diagnostic test to check that it works correctly.
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
5. Disconnect all the cables from the ink circuit module assembly and unroute them, so that the ink tray is
free from cables: mostly, the e-valves and four-way valve cables that connect to both ISS PCAs (A and
CAUTION: Store the intermediate ink tanks vertically. Failure to store them vertically can cause a
broken bag.
10. For all the colors, disconnect the tubes from the ink pressure sensor mount by using the tube cutter to
cut off the end of the tube (at least 1 cm from the end). When the new part is installed, the end of the
tube will be OK for reconnecting.
NOTE: The cartridge connector ink tubes will have been already disconnected, so ink may run out of
the ink tubes when cutting the ink tubes from the pressure sensor.
11. Unscrew the bottles from the bottle caps by turning the bottles. Do not try to turn the caps.
TIP: When removing the ink circuit module assembly, you are recommended to remove the air tubes
with their bottle caps from the printer and then reuse the bottle caps for the installation, as it is easier
to cut and install the air tubes out of the Ink System Module assembly.
13. Unroute the air tube cables so that the ink circuit module can be removed from the Ink System Module.
14. Disconnect the ink leakage detector cable and unroute it enough to free the ink circuit module
15. Remove the two T-20 screws that secure the ink circuit module.
16. Remove the quick connector from its panel support and carefully hold it while removing the ISM ink
circuit tray from the ISM assembly.
18. Disconnect the air tubes from the intermediate ink tanks housing.
1. Place the quick connector on its panel support.
4. Route back and connect all the cables from both ISS PCAs (A and B) to their correct places.
5. For each color, install the tube coming from the ink cartridge connector to the ink pressure mount
CAUTION: When connecting the tubes, use a pushing motion, do not twist the tubes into place as this
can cause damage to the tubes, subsequently causing air leaks.
If an ink pressure board is already installed, remove it, as it does not have ink pressure calibration
values. Put back the previous ink pressure sensor PCAs, making sure you do not mismatch them.
NOTE: You are recommended to take note of the new pressure sensor PCA values, as they are needed
for the pressure sensor calibration.
13. When reconnecting the ink tubes to the pressure sensor board, ensure that both pressure values in all
ink lines connected to that pressure sensor board are within a maximum of 10% error (compared to the
initial pressures). If any ink pressure value is further than 10% from the initial value, purge the air from
the ink line using the purge kit.
14. Perform the air pressure system diagnostic test to check that it works correctly.
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
7. Remove the T-10 screw that secures the ink system pressurization pump and relief valve.
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
1. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
2. Disconnect the 24V IDS cable from the e-cabinet (IDS connector) and the ISS air connector (located at
the quick connector panel support).
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
2. Disconnect the IDS 12C cable from the e-box (I2C (J_241) connector) and the ISS air connector (located
at the quick connector panel support).
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
2. Disconnect the ISM actuators cable lite from the electrovalves (green cables), the leakage detector
sensor (blue cables), the UI PCA (UI_X connector, where X=4 to 6, yellow cables), and the switch cable air
connector (S_X connector, where X=4 to 6, red cables).
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
1. Disconnect the intermediate tanks cable from the ISS PCA A (connector 3).
2. Disconnect the ISM actuators cable 3 from the electrovalves (green cables), the UI PCA (UI_7 connector,
yellow cable), and the switch cable air connector (S_7 connector, red cable).
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
1. Disconnect the intermediate tanks cable from the ISS PCA B (connector 4).
2. Disconnect the ISM actuators cable from the electrovalves (green cables), the leakage detector sensor
(blue cables), the UI PCA (UI_X connector, where X=1 to 3, yellow cables), and the switch cable air
connector (S_X connector, where X=1 to 3, red cables).
NOTE: You are strongly recommended to follow the original cable routing.
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
5. Disconnect all electrical cables and air tubes connected to the ISS PCA that needs to be replaced. For a
complete diagram, see Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
6. Remove the four T-20 screws that secure the cover of the ISS PCA.
NOTE: Three ground cables are connected to two of the four T-20 screws that hold the ISS PCA.
1. Screw back the ISS PCA top and bottom covers with the six T-10 screws.
2. Screw back the ISS PCA with the four T-20 screws, remembering to reconnect the three ground cables to
the correct two T-20 screws.
CAUTION: It is important to reconnect the three ground cables to avoid a short circuit.
3. Connect all cables and air tubes connected to the replaced ISS PCA. See Subsystem block diagrams
on page 61.
6. Remove the two T-10 screws that secure the ink cartridges PCA.
▲ After installation, perform the ink cartridge LEDs diagnostic test to check that the new service part
works correctly.
2. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
3. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
5. Remove the two T-10 screws that secure the ISS intermediate tanks interconnect PCA and remove the
▲ Insert the new PCA, taking care not to tighten any ink tube or break the ink tube circuit.
2. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
3. Clean the ink leakage detector surface and ensure there are no ink tube leakages.
If necessary, use the tube repair kit to fix the ink leak.
4. Disconnect the ink leakage detector from its air connector and unroute its cable. The ink leakage
detectors are located on each side of the ink circuit module.
5. Remove the T-20 screw that holds the ink leakage support and remove it.
3. Remove the screws that hold the clamps to the structure, and free the seven clamps from the ink
cartridge connector tubes.
4. Rotate the ink tray so that the outer side is raised about 5 to 7 cm. Keep the ink tray raised in that
position by using an object to wedge it.
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
2. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
6. Disconnect the power and data cables attaching the ISM to the printer from their air connectors, located
at the quick connector panel support.
7. Remove the two pins that secure the ink system compartment.
8. Remove the four TXYZ screws that secure the ink system compartment to the frame.
● Loading ripped files as sample prints for printer setup and troubleshooting
BIOS configuration
1. When starting the computer, press the Esc button repeatedly until the BIOS setup window appears.
1. Create a user account with the username hplatex and no password. The customer should set a
password, but should not change the username.
2. Give the computer the hostname hplatex-IPS. If the customer has more than one HP Latex printer, use
hostnames hplatex-IPS00, hplatex-IPS01, and so on.
2. Go to Control Panel > User Accounts and Family Safety > User Accounts > Change User Account
Control settings, and move the slider to Never notify, which disables User Access Control.
a. Go to the Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter
h. In some cases LAN cards may not be correctly configured for high speed. Check that these values
are correct and, if not, change them.
● Select Device Manager in the left column and open the Network adapters subsection.
● From the Advanced tab, select the Link Speed & Duplex property (called Speed & Duplex in
some cases). Ensure that the value is set to Auto Negotiation.
11. From the start menu, right-click Computer, then click Manage > Disk Management. Right-click C:, then
click Properties.
16. On the Advanced tab, press the Settings button in the Performance section.
17. On the Visual Effects tab, select Custom, then check the following boxes and uncheck the others:
20. Ensure that the computer is connected to the Internet, and has access to
21. From the start menu, select All programs > Windows update > Check for updates.
23. Press the Install updates button. Some updates may require you to restart the computer.
25. On the Windows Update main page, change the setting to Never check for updates.
2. Run PrintCareSetup.exe.
5. It is now time to install Print Care. Select Print Care (not Print Care Calibrations), check the I agree box,
then press Next.
7. Set Latex3000 as the machine type, and enter the printer’s serial number.
9. When Print Care has been installed, run PrintCareUpdate.exe to update the software to the latest
version. You may need to restart the computer after updating.
Ripped files
Copy the following ripped files from the disc to the following locations on the computer’s hard disk:
2. Download the *.msi and setup.exe files and copy them to the computer’s desktop.
3. Run the setup.exe file and click the Next buttons until the message IPS was installed
successfully appears.
4. When the Internal Print Server has been successfully installed, you can delete the *.msi and setup.exe
files from the desktop.
2. Download the ProxyService.msi and setup.exe files and copy them to the computer’s desktop.
3. Run the setup.exe file and click the Next buttons until the message ProxyService has been
installed successfully appears.
4. When the proxy has been successfully installed, you can delete the ProxyService.msi and setup.exe
files from the desktop.
3. The setup.exe file is run automatically. When the following window appears, select Install an
unmanaged client.
4. In the following window, press the Yes button to perform standalone installation.
13. When the software has been installed, right-click the golden shield icon near the right-hand end of the
taskbar, and click Open Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition.
15. When the software update has finished, click Change settings on the left, then press the Configure
Settings button on the Client Management row.
16. In the Scheduled Updates tab, enable automatic daily updates, then press OK.
22. Enter Weekly Scan in the scan name field, and Full Scan for the entire IPS PC in the
scan description field, ensure that the Enable the scan box is checked, then press Finish.
After installation
Ensure that the printer is connected to the Internet, and run the IsMachineCanSync program.
If it says that The Machine Cannot Sync, send the file C:\Temp
\HPScitex.Updater.IsMachineCanSync.txt to GBU CA to resolve the problem.
If there is an IP address conflict between the customer’s network and the Internal-Print-Server-to-printer
network, unzip ipchangetool.zip and run IpChangeTool.exe, following the instructions on the screen to
change the IP addresses.
2. For easier access to all the PPS parts, remove the front left pillar top cover.
5. Remove the PPS motor assembly and save it. See PPS motor assembly on page 719.
6. Remove the PPS screw assembly. See PPS screw assembly on page 721.
7. Remove the PPS motor mount assembly. See PPS motor mount assembly on page 717.
2. Remove the rear PC sheet so that it is easier to access the PPS assembly.
4. Remove the PPS motor assembly and save it. See PPS motor assembly on page 719.
5. Remove the PPS screw assembly. See PPS screw assembly on page 721.
6. Remove the PPS motor mount assembly. See PPS motor mount assembly on page 717.
1. From the Internal Print Server, navigate to Carriage beam position > Move to home position to lower
the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use
diagnostic mode.
2. For easier access to all the PPS parts, open the door on the right.
5. Remove the PPS motor assembly and save it. See PPS motor assembly on page 719.
6. Remove the PPS screw assembly. See PPS screw assembly on page 721.
7. Remove the PPS motor mount assembly. See PPS motor mount assembly on page 717.
2. Remove the rear PC sheet so that it is easier to access the PPS assembly.
4. Remove the PPS motor assembly and save it. See PPS motor assembly on page 719.
5. Remove the PPS screw assembly. See PPS screw assembly on page 721.
6. Remove the PPS motor mount assembly. See PPS motor mount assembly on page 717.
4. Remove the PPS screw assembly. See PPS screw assembly on page 721.
5. Remove the necessary curing module if you are removing a front PPS motor mount assembly.
NOTE: When you put back the nut, it may have a bit of play.
Mechanical switch
1. Move the scan axis to the substrate load position to raise the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot
start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use diagnostic mode.
4. Remove the two taptite screws that secure the PPS low switch, and remove the switch.
1. From the Internal Print Server, navigate to Carriage beam position > Move to home position to lower
the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use
diagnostic mode.
3. Disconnect the power cable from the motor (motor drive PCA to motor).
5. Disconnect the cable that connects the motor drive PCA to the PPS motor.
NOTE: You can leave the cables connected to the motor drive PCA.
6. Remove the two T-20 screws that secure the PPS motor, and remove the motor.
Install the new motor and check that it works. If not:
1. Remove the two T-20 screws that secure the differential encoder PCA.
3. Install the new differential encoder PCA that comes with the service part.
NOTE: Access the screw through the hole in the mount and use an L-shaped key.
5. Position the lower part of the motor mount so that you can insert the screwdriver.
7. Remove the pipe 17 bolt (in green) that secures the PPS screw.
8. Remove the PPS screw, fixing the green screw to the screwdriver with Loctite.
1. From the Internal Print Server, navigate to Carriage beam position > Move to home position to lower
the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use
diagnostic mode.
4. Follow the instructions in the table below to reach a particular motor drive PCA.
1 Rear right Remove the rear right panel (Rear right panel assembly on page 624).
For easier access, you can also open the printhead cleaning door.
3 Front left Remove the front left panel (Front left panel assembly on page 635).
For easier access, you can also remove the front left pillar top cover.
4 Rear left Remove the rear left panel (Rear left panel assembly on page 636).
6. Remove the two T-8 screws from the supports that hold the motor drive PCA, and remove the PCA.
1. Insert the new motor drive PCA.
3. One of the motor drive PCAs has only one LAN connection. Make sure to connect it to the right connector
when you install the new service part.
4. Ensure that there is an RJ45 jumper (CZ056-50028) connected to the data-out connector (P2) on the
last daisy-chain PCA, so that the daisy-chain end is correctly set (if necessary, reuse the RJ45 jumper).
5. If the ending daisy chain motor drive PCA has been replaced, ensure that there is an RJ45 jumper
(CZ056-50028) connected to the P2 connector.
5. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
6. Remove the PPS column cap from the top of the scan beam face.
2. Disconnect the e-cabinet to PPS power cable from the e-cabinet PCA.
3. Disconnect the e-cabinet to PPS power cable from the air connector.
2. Disconnect the air connectors: the one that connects to the e-cabinet to PPS power cable, and the four
that connect to each PPS power cable.
3. Unroute the cable from each PPS power cable connector to the e-cabinet to PPS power cable connector.
2. Disconnect the short PPS data bridge cable from both motor drive PCAs (P2 connector for PCAs 1 and 4,
J1 connector for PCAs 2 and 3).
3. Unroute the short PPS data bridge cable through the printer structure.
2. Disconnect the long PPS data bridge cable from both motor drive PCAs (P2 connector for PCA 2, J1
connector for PCA 4).
4. Unroute the long PPS data bridge cable through the printer structure and beams.
2. Open the right cover door. For easier access, you can also open the printhead cleaning system door.
5. Unroute the cable from each PPS power cable connector to the e-cabinet to PPS power cable connector.
NOTE: When rerouting the cable, be careful to leave enough free (looped) so that the PPS can reach
the substrate load position.
2. Disconnect the the differential encoder PCA to encoder cable from the differential encoder PCA and the
motor assembly.
2. Disconnect the the differential encoder PCA to motor drive PCA cable from the motor drive PCA (J4
connector) and the differential encoder PCA.
NOTE: When replacing the differential encoder PCA to motor drive PCA cable, it is important to cut the
jumper cables of the motor drive PCA connector following the described jumper addresses (see the
illustration below):
The procedure described here is for replacing the main guidance of the PPS system, the PPS column, and the
bushing XY and Y.
7. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
8. Remove the PPS column cap from the top of the scan beam face.
NOTE: Some Loctite has probably been added to the top screw and washer of the PPS screw in order
to be able to change the PPS screw with the SAX in the lower position.
NOTE: If the PPS column is blocked against the bushing, the bushing can be removed by using a steel
bar and a nylon hammer. Put the steel bar in vertical position in contact with the bottom face of the
column and knock carefully with the hammer. Repeat until the column has been released from the top
part of the scan beam.
12. From inside the scan beam, remove four T-20 screws from the bushing XY, which can be accessed with a
long screwdriver.
▲ When installing a new PPS column, use grease to lubricate the surface.
6. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
8. Using a 6 mm Allen key and a spanner or adjustable spanner (shown here), loosen the locking screw (A)
a few turns (B).
NOTE: If the PPS column is blocked against the bushing, the bushing can be removed by using a steel
bar and a plastic-headed hammer. Put the steel bar in vertical position in contact with the bottom face
of the column and knock carefully with the hammer. Repeat until the column has been released from
the top part of the scan beam.
11. From inside the scan beam, remove four T-20 screws from the bushing Y, which can be accessed with an
L-shaped wrench.
13. Remove eight taptite screws from both sides of the bushing Y holder, and remove the bushing holder.
1. Install the bushing holder on to the new replacement Y bushing using eight taptite screws.
2. When installing the new Y bushing, use the location pins on the underside of the scan beam to position
the part correctly in place.
5. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
6. Remove the PPS column cap from the top of the scan beam face.
1. Remove panels so that you can reach the differential encoder PCA and the encoder.
2. Disconnect the motor drive PCA to PPS motor cable from the encoder and the differential encoder PCA.
2. Disconnect the motor drive PCA (J4 connector) and the differential encoder PCA.
3. Remove the two T-20 screws that attach the PCA, and remove the PCA.
2. Disconnect the air connector, the motor drive PCA (J3 connector), and the PPS motor.
CAUTION: When rerouting the cable, be careful to leave enough free that the carriage beam can reach
the substrate load position. Otherwise the printer may break the cables, and therefore shut down.
2. Disconnect the air connector and the motor drive PCA (J4 connector).
3. Remove the printhead cleaning module assembly. See Printhead cleaning module on page 750.
NOTE: If you are changing the MA transmission box, you will first need to unscrew and remove the end
stop contact support in order to be able to remove the MA gearbox base screws.
1. Take out the roll-free hub and remove the roll from the printhead cleaning assembly.
NOTE: To remove the MA gearbox inversor, you must first remove the central cage assembly.
NOTE: The MZ transmission does not have a gearbox inversor, so you need only to remove the exit
gear from the transmission box.
2. Unscrew the gearbox inversor support and remove the gearbox inversor.
1. Install the gearbox inversor with its two gears on each side of the structure baseplate. Screw the
gearbox inversor support to the baseplate.
NOTE: To install the MA gearbox inversor you must remove and then reinstalll the central cage
NOTE: The MZ transmission does not have a gearbox inversor, so you need only add an exit gear to
the transmission box (it can be taken from the gearbox inversor assembly).
3. Fit the exit gear with the transmission box and screw its gearbox base to the baseplate.
NOTE: When changing the MA transmission box you will need to screw the end stop contact support
after replacing the MA transmission box.
1. From the Internal Print Server, navigate to Carriage beam position > Move to home position to lower
the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use
diagnostic mode.
5. Disconnect all the encoder and power cables from the PCAs. Remove the four PCAs from the printhead
cleaning base plate.
6. Remove the T-25 screws that hold the base plate to both the central cage base and the T-30 screws
that hold the base plate to the slide-mount upper support.
▲ After installation, perform the printhead cleaner height calibration and check.
1. From the Internal Print Server, navigate to Carriage beam position > Move to home position to lower
the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use
diagnostic mode.
1. From the Internal Print Server, navigate to Carriage beam position > Move to home position to lower
the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use
diagnostic mode.
3. Remove the printhead cleaning module, disconnecting the cables as you remove it.
NOTE: Be careful not to lose the pinch hinge spacer when removing the hinge from the printhead
cleaning roll pinch.
7. Move the printhead cleaning material aside in order to uncover the rubber blade.
4. Remove the rubber blade and place the new one in position.
5. Replace the screws. Screw them in with one hand while holding the spacer in place.
2. Carefully push the printhead cleaning roll carriage back into its working position.
1. From the Internal Print Server, navigate to Carriage beam position > Move to home position to lower
the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use
diagnostic mode.
3. Remove the central cage assembly from the base plate structure.
3. Remove the printhead cleaning module from the guide. See Printhead cleaning module on page 750.
4. Remove the central cage assembly from the base plate structure.
7. Remove the six T-25 screws from the central cage base (three screws on each side).
9. Remove the four T-25 screws from the central cage base.
1. Before installing the central cage top cover, ensure that the pointed corners are correctly sealed with
silicone to prevent small ink leaks.
NOTE: If it is necessary to seal a corner, do not apply too much sealant, as it will overflow to the back
of the central cage (wipe clean the overflow). You are strongly recommended to let it dry for about 15
minutes before continuing the installation. Otherwise, it may escape and stain other parts of the cage.
2. Insert the new central cage and screw it to the central cage base on both sides and at the bottom, and
also to the rear cover.
3. Screw the central cage cover to the base plate structure and install it into the guide.
NOTE: When installing the new gear, make sure that the gear is correctly installed onto the shaft. First
align both flat surfaces and then push until it is completely inserted. You will have to use significant
force. Make sure that both vertical surfaces are aligned as much as possible.
3. Reinstall the transmission box or the gear inversor that you removed earlier.
NOTE: When installing the new gear, make sure that the gear is correctly installed onto the shaft. First
align both flat surfaces and then push until it is completely inserted. You will have to use significant
force. Make sure that both vertical surfaces are aligned as much as possible.
3. Reinstall the central cage cover and screw it to the structure baseplate.
NOTE: When removing the roll transmission hub, check that the bushings do not need to be replaced.
If they are worn or broken, replace them with two new bushings.
4. Place the new roll transmission hub on the drive roll-free hub and install the assembly on the structure
NOTE: When installing either new bushings or hub gears, make sure they are correctly installed onto
the drive roller shaft. First align both hub or bushing with drive roller surfaces, and then push until they
are completely inserted. You will have to use significant force. Make sure that both vertical surfaces are
aligned as much as possible.
5. Reinstall the central cage cover and screw it to the structure baseplate.
1. From the Internal Print Server, navigate to Carriage beam position > Move to home position to lower
the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use
diagnostic mode.
NOTE: You are recommended to unload the printhead cleaning roll to avoid damaging the assembly.
CAUTION: When working with the printhead cleaning module out of the roller, leave it on the working
surface. It is important not to let the roll axis or output diverter touch the ground.
4. Disconnect all data and power cables that connect the printhead cleaning module to the rest of the
printer. This means disconnecting the LAN cable connected to the PCA daisy chain and unplugging the
male connector of the power cable from the air connection.
NOTE: These cables are located on the rear right of the assembly.
6. Remove the T-20 screw stop from the roller, and remove the roller.
▲ After installation, perform the printhead cleaner height calibration and check.
5. Disconnect all cables from each motor drive PCA: that is, for each PCA, the two data cables (one data
cable and a RJ45 jumper at the daisy chain’s end PCA chain), the encoder cable, and the power cable.
6. Remove the four T-8 screws and the motor drive PCA enclosure cover.
7. Remove the two left T-8 screws that attach the motor drive PCA to its enclosure.
1. Insert the new motor drive PCA and screw in the two T-8 screws to attach it to its enclosure.
NOTE: The daisy chain follows the order in the illustration and table above, so that the daisy-chain
ending PCA is the MO PCA (daisy-chain path from e-box to MO PCA: E-Box interconnect PCA – Z PCA – MI
P2 Data cable between motor drive PCAs, e-box to WW cable for Z Q6703-50031 or CZ056-50157
motor drive PCA (J1, data-in connector)
J1 Data cable, RJ45 jumper for MO motor drive PCA (J2, data-out Q6703-50031 or CZ056–50028
NOTE: One of the motor drive PCAs will have only one LAN connection. Make sure to connect it to the
right connector when you install the new service part.
NOTE: It is important to follow the steps described in order. These are the procedures required to calibrate
and shim a printhead cleaning module assembly:
1. Check that the calibration and shims have been correctly set. Perform both the printhead cleaner height
check and printhead cleaner tilt check (in the list above).
2. If any of the printhead cleaner check procedures do not complete correctly, perform printhead cleaner
calibration and, if necessary, the printhead cleaner shimming procedure (in the list above) to correct the
printhead cleaner height and tilt.
Perform this check whenever the printhead cleaning system is replaced or repaired, or if you see a very fast
degradation of printhead life.
The printhead cleaner roll height check requires that you use the diagnostics tests; they are accessible
through the Print Care Diagnostics tab.
Diagnostic availability can change depending on the role logged in Print Care and printer boot mode. This of
diagnostic is accessible at any user and printer boot modes login.
1. From the Internal Print Server’s main screen, select TOOLS > PRINT CARE > DIAGNOSTIC.
4. The printer starts up the electronics and the various subsystems involved in the calibration.
6. Perform the printhead cleaner check procedure. See Table 5-15 Printhead cleaning on page 368.
While the printhead cleaner check procedure is performed, The carriage starts doing several dynamic
wipes at different heights of the rubber blade. After each dynamic wipe, the printhead cleaning
subsystem makes one controlled advance.
As you can see, the delta between wipers is 0.33 mm. This distance is the minimum height that we can
adjust when one module has tilt. The Δ of 0.33 mm corresponds to about 235 e.u. of the engage motor
8. When the test is completed, pull the printhead cleaning module out of the printer and take a look at the
marks left on the cloth.
As we can see the test has 2 strong marks: one at the beginning and the other at the middle of the test.
The test performs 4 wipes before the middle mark and 4 wipes after the middle mark (8 light lines in
total). The printhead cleaning module is best calibrated when lines 5 to 8 are visible and lines 1 to 4 are
not seen.
● ADMISSIBLE: lines 1 &2 not visible and other lines (3 to 8) are visible
This next image shows a module with the two last lines that are not dark enough (lines 1 to 6 not visible
at all). Note that even line 7 is still very weak. This means the module is too low and needs to be
Example #2:
The following picture shows a module that we can see all the lines (line 1 to 8). This means the module
is too high (excessive interference with printhead). The module needs to be recalibrated.
This picture shows a module perfectly calibrated (lines 1 to 4 not visible and lines 5 to 8 are visible).
When the test is finished, the diagnostic screen shows at the right the diferential values of the e.u.of the
each mark. The interference value between the roller blade and the printheads (h +4 mm) is defined
from the top line, this value is in the internal memory of the printer (NVM), and the screen show it as
“Printhead cleaning engage offset for fly-by wipe:”.
The normal range of this value is between 10500 & 13500 e.u. The e.u. units of each line is in the screen
show it as “Printing line corresponding to offset:” This offset is 0.33 mm or 238 e.u. from the
interference value.
Besides looking at the height calibration of the module we also have to look how tilted the module is. In this
case what we will see is that the line marks do not start with all printheads touching the wipe at the same
position but starting with one single color. We consider that the tilt of a module is acceptable if the number of
incomplete marks (the ones that don’t extend the full length to cover all heads less than or equal to two. If
▲ Tilt assessment:
NOTE: By default, the printhead cleaning system comes with one shim located on each slide mount (front
and rear).
In the next image we can see a totally miscalibrated module. We count 6 incomplete marks (lines 1 to 6, is
still not 100% complete either). This module requires height calibration and one more shim.
The printhead cleaner roll height calibration requires that you use the Diagnostics tests that are accessible
through Print Care. The process to access the printhead cleaner diagnostic screen is described under
printhead cleaner check.
1. From following screen select the tab Set printhead cleaning Z cal:
Enter the number of visible single lines fully printed on the cleaning material in the printhead
cleaning Z calibration check
In this moment the user should introduce the number the lines that he can see on the wipe, after having
performed Printhead cleaner check.
Once the number the lines is selected, the tool will amend the interference value between the roller
blade and the printheads (h +4 mm), and it will adjust the e.u. if necessary. The e.u. value will be defined
for each increment of 0.33 mm between lines. This new value is loaded in the internal memory of the
printer (NVM).
Once the new value is loaded in the NVM, the calibration is done.
After calibration, our recommendation is to repeat the printhead cleaner check to verify that the values
changed have been correctly modified.
1. From the Internal Print Server, navigate to Carriage beam position and Move to home position to lower
the carriage beam all the way. If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to failure, use
diagnostic mode.
3. Open the printhead cleaning roll door and remove the subsystem.
4. Pull out the printhead cleaning roll carriage, and remove the front screws of the side wipe guide
assembly as shown in the following picture.
The printhead cleaner assembly has by default a shim of 0.5 mm in both sides (front and rear), these
shims have been installed in the top line. It is possible that some module has not installed any shim
somewhere, this due to the top line shimming process.
When we remove a shim from one side of the printhead cleaner assembly, the assembly goes up on this
side; if we add a shim on one side, the assembly goes down on this side.
The side that we must loosen depends on the results of the tilt check. Do not remove the screws.
7. Slide up the slide mount assembly. Insert or remove a shim, depending on the tilt check and calibration
procedure, between the central cage and the slide mount, as indicated below.
8. Repeat the Printhead cleaner check to check that the shimming process and height have been correctly
The following cables are located on the rear right of the printhead cleaning assembly.
NOTE: Notice that this cable is used also in other subassemblies such as the service station.
1. Disconnect the capping in T extensor power cable from the air connector, the motor drive PCA (J3
connector), and the motor drive (MA, MZ, MI, or MO motor). See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
IMPORTANT: When installing new cables, leave some free loops of cable to allow the printhead cleaning
assembly to move along the guide without tightening the cables.
CAUTION: When installing new cables, do not stretch the flanges too much, to avoid breaking the cables.
1. Disconnect the printhead cleaning power in T cable. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
TIP: You are recommended to label the cables to avoid swapping or wrongly connecting the air
connectors when reconnecting them later.
IMPORTANT: When installing the new cable, leave some free loops of cable to allow the printhead cleaning
assembly to move along the guide without tightening the cable.
CAUTION: When installing the new cable, do not stretch the flanges too much, to avoid breaking the cable.
NOTE: The LAN cables are connected between the motor drive PCAs from 1 to 4 in a daisy chain.
CAUTION: When installing new cables, do not stretch the flanges too much, to avoid breaking the cables.
2. Disconnect and unroute the e-box to printhead cleaning cable connected to motor drive PCA 1 (J1).
4. Route the cable to leave a free loop that is not too large.
CAUTION: When installing the new cable, do not stretch the flanges too much, to avoid breaking the
5. Push the e-box back to its vertical position and push the printhead cleaning module back into the
6. Ensure that the free loop does not interfere with any other element, such as the beam. If necessary,
readjust the free loop so that the cable can extend fully without tightening when pulling out the
printhead cleaning module.
1. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
2. Disconnect and unroute the e-cabinet to printhead cleaning power cable connected to the printhead
cleaning power in T cable and power in T cable connectors.
4. Route the cable to leave a free loop that is not too large.
CAUTION: When installing the new cable, do not stretch the flanges too much, to avoid breaking the
5. Push the e-box back to its vertical position and push the printhead cleaning module back into the
6. Ensure that the free loop does not interfere with any other element, such as the beam. If necessary,
readjust the free loop so that the cable can extend fully without tightening when pulling out the
printhead cleaning module.
2. Disconnect the motor encoder cable from the motor drive PCA and the motor assembly (J4 connector).
CAUTION: This cable brings within the motor drive PCA address, so it is important when connecting the
cable to cut the jumper cables (see the illustration below) in order to assign the jumper addresses
correctly to each motor drive PCA.
NOTE: The illustration below is an example of a motor drive PCA address assignment. The red jumper
is cut, so it is a MI motor drive PCA.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Remove the two T-20 screws that secure the motor to the plate.
TIP: If it is difficult to remove, you can loosen the transmission screws so that it will be easier to
release the motor gear.
1. Take care not to confuse the T-20 screws from the plate with the T-20 screws from the motor. The
screws for the motor are longer and with smaller washers.
CAUTION: Make sure that the V holds the motor's neck to position the motor accurately.
4. Before securing the motor with the screws, make sure that it enters the V support perfectly. The motor
should be fitted so that it is held only by the screws and not by the V support.
NOTE: Before starting to remove the capping module switch, it is important to send the printheads to their
replacement position in order to have good access to the platform.
NOTE: If you need to remove the drop-detector module switch, you must move the drop-detector module
to the center.
NOTE: Whenever you need to have the carriage out of the capping station while replacing parts of the
service assembly, you are recommended to remove the printheads from the carriage and cap them before
removing and installing the service station parts.
4. Remove all printheads from carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
▲ Install the new switch on each module (either capping or drop-detector modules).
2. Open the front right panel. See Front right panel assembly on page 623.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Apply pressure to the encoder strip bracket and pull the encoder strip away and then over.
WARNING! The encoder strip is very sharp. Be careful that you do not cut yourself. If possible, wear
protective gloves.
5. Remove the two T-20 screws that secure the encoder sensor, and remove the sensor.
1. Place the encoder strip correctly through the pin in the encoder strip holder.
3. Make sure that the encoder strip goes through the optical encoder reader.
4. Place the encoder strip spring in one of the encoder strip holes (only one fits).
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Unroute the encoder cable down through the hole to free the drop-detector shuttle.
6. Remove the encoder strip from the spring and leave it loose. See Encoder strip on page 773.
7. Remove the two T-10 screws that secure the encoder sensor, and remove the sensor.
1. Assemble the new encoder holder and sensor with the two T-10 screws.
2. Route the encoder sensor cable to the top of the drop-detector shuttle and connect it to the encoder
cable (CZ056-50021).
Caps kit
Prepare to replace a service station cap
1. Ensure that you have the Service Station Caps Kit (CZ056-67036), which is included in the Standard
Uptime Kit (D4J02A).
3. Ensure that all windows, covers, and doors are closed and remain in their original position.
4. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
5. Turn off the printer in the correct way for maintenance operations.
1. Unscrew and remove the cover as shown below, to access the capping station.
4. Attach the spring to the new service station cap and place it in position.
Drop-detector kit
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the right panel. See Right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Remove the two T-10 screws and the vertical locator that secure the drop detector.
1. Place the new drop detector and attach it with two T-10 screws.
2. Perform the drop-detector shuttle reset procedure. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Check that the printheads are in good condition, check the printhead alignment, and check the section
that shows the health of the nozzles.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Move the capping and drop-detector modules manually to a more central position, so that the rods on
both ends are accessible.
8. Remove the two T-20 screws that secure the housing transmission.
9. Remove and save the four T-10 screws that hold the two service transmission retainers that secure the
capping transmission assembly to both bearing plates.
1. Reinstall the transmission, being careful to seat the gear transmission and the bearing correctly into
their locations.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Move the capping and drop-detector modules manually to a more central position, so that the rods on
both ends are accessible.
8. Remove the two T-20 screws that secure the housing transmission.
9. Remove and save the four T-10 screws that hold the two service transmission retainers that secure the
drop-detector transmission assembly to both bearing plates.
1. Reinstall the transmission, being careful to seat the gear transmission and the bearing correctly into
their locations.
● Drop-detector calibration.
Capping module
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Move the capping shuttle to the most external position, so that the switch is activated.
2. Move the capping station along the rods, until you can tighten the shoulder screw to the transmission
nut (this will define the shuttle position on the Y axis).
3. Place the shuttle retainer and tighten the two T-20 screws.
Drop-detector module
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
6. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Move the capping shuttle to the most external position, so that the switch is activated.
● The encoder strip from the spring, which gives it the correct tension
1. Place the shuttle on the rods.
2. Move the drop detector along the rods, until you can tighten the shoulder screw to the transmission nut
(this will define the shuttle position on the Y axis).
3. Reroute and connect the multicolored flat cables to each drop-detector Mux PCA. See Subsystem block
diagrams on page 61 and the labels on the cables to find the correct connections.
5. Place the shuttle retainer and tighten the two T-20 screws.
8. Tighten the two T-20 screws that secure the shuttle retainer.
9. Check that the printheads are in good condition: perform the printhead alignment check, and check the
section that shows the health of the nozzles.
10. Perform the following calibrations (see Table 5-14 Drop detector/capping station on page 366):
● Drop-detector calibration
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Move the drop-detector module manually outwards from the printer, so that the top end of the shuttle
is more accessible.
For the other drop-detector Mux PCAs (2, 3 and 4), remove the eight T-10 screws and DropMux large
protector cover. Use an L-shaped key to reach the top screws if necessary.
8. Disconnect the four cables connected to the drop-detector Mux PCA that needs to be replaced. The
following picture shows the connections to the drop-detector Mux PCA.
Drop-detector short extensor, CZ056-50175, CZ056-50069,
extensor, and long extensor CZ056-50176
CAUTION: Avoid mismatching the drop-detector cables. Keep track of which cable is connected in
which position, and make labels if necessary. Labels are added to each cable for this purpose.
9. Remove the three T-10 screws that secure the drop-detector Mux PCA enclosure.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
6. Move the capping module manually to a more central position, so that the motor drive PCAs are
P2 Data cable, RJ45 jumper for drop-detector motor drive PCA Q6703-50031 or CZ056-50028
J1 Data cable between CAP motor drive PCA and either e-box Q6703-50054 or CZ056-50028
interconnect PCA or drop-detector motor drive PCA
NOTE: One of the motor drive PCAs has only one LAN connection. Make sure to connect it to the right
connector when you install the new PCA.
8. Remove either the two T-10 screws that hold the motor drive PCA supports to the console or the two
T-8 screws that hold the PCA enclosure to its supports, and remove the motor drive assembly.
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
6. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Move the drop-detector module manually outwards from the printer, so that the top end of the shuttle
is more accessible.
NOTE: Before continuing with the following steps, look at the EE schemes to see what routing you
need to follow in order to remove the drop-detector cables that connect to it, and hence which drop-
detector Mux PCA cover must be removed. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
The connections between drop-detector assemblies and drop-detector PCAs are shown below:
9. For DD2 and DD3, remove the four T-10 screws, and remove the drop-detector Mux PCA cover to reach
drop-detector Mux PCA 1.
10. Disconnect the cable from the drop-detector Mux PCA, and unroute the cable all the way to the drop
detector, carefully freeing each cable from any routing clips.
CAUTION: Avoid mismatching the drop-detector cables. Keep track of which cable is connected in
which position, and make labels if necessary.
11. For drop-detector Mux PCA 1, remove the four T-10 screws and the cover. For the other PCAs (2, 3, and
4), remove the eight T-10 screws and cover. Use an L-shaped key to reach the top screws if needed.
12. Disconnect the cables connected to the drop-detector Mux PCA with the following steps.
2. Unroute the cable along the path of the drop-detector shuttle (unclip the cable carefully).
2. Unroute the cable along the path of the drop-detector shuttle (unclip the cable carefully).
When routing the new cable, follow exactly the same route, otherwise there could be signal errors; and be
careful not to pinch the cable with the clips.
2. Unroute the cable along the path of the drop-detector shuttle (unclip the cable carefully).
When routing the new cable, follow exactly the same route, otherwise there could be signal errors; and be
careful not to pinch the cable with the clips.
2. Unroute the cable along the path of the drop-detector shuttle (unclip the cable carefully), the L profiles
(cut the flanges if necessary), and the freely looped route to the e-box interconnect PCA.
When routing the new cable, follow exactly the same route along the drop-detector shuttle path, otherwise
there could be signal errors; and be careful not to pinch the cable with the clips.
2. Unroute the cable along the path of the drop-detector shuttle (unclip the cable carefully).
When routing the new cable, follow exactly the same route along the drop-detector shuttle path, otherwise
there could be signal errors; and be careful not to pinch the cable with the clips.
Cable kit
1. Move the carriage to the repair position. See How to run a diagnostic test on page 341.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
5. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
6. Move the capping module manually to a more central position, so that the motor drive PCAs are
7. Disconnect the cables connected to the motor drive PCA with the following steps.
1. Disconnect the capping power in T extensor cable from its air connector, from the motor, and from the
motor drive PCA (J3 connector).
After routing the new cable, there will be an air connector that is not connected to anything. Ensure that this
connector is isolated, or tape it.
2. When connecting the cable, it is important to cut the jumper cables (see the picture below) in order to
assign the correct jumper addresses to each motor drive PCA.
The following illustration gives an example of a drop-detector motor drive PCA address assignment (the
red jumper is cut).
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
7. Loosen the two A5 screws and remove the grounding strip from the vacuum-pump support.
8. Remove the four T-25 screws that hold the vacuum-pump support to the structure through the four
silent blocks.
10. Remove the four A5 screws that hold the vacuum pump to its support, and remove the pump.
Vacuum pipe
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Remove the six A5 screws and remove the blower inlet connector from the pump.
1. Install the new vacuum pipe.
2. Secure the blower inlet connector to the blower and the sidewall output to the beam.
1. Unload the substrate so that it is easy to reach the vacuum control PCA and the OMAS controller PCA.
4. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
2. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
4. Disconnect the vacuum supply PCA cable from both the vacuum control PCA (P4 connector) and the e-
box interconnect PCA (J_371 PWR connector).
1. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
2. Remove the two T-20 screws from the e-box support and pull it out carefully.
2. Disconnect the vacuum control to OMAS encoder cable from the vacuum control PCA (ENCODER (J3)
connector) and the OMAS controller PCA (ENCODER (P4) connector).
CAUTION: Do not disconnect an encoder cable by pulling the cable because it will break the connector.
Hold the connector of the encoder cable when removing it.
2. Disconnect the vacuum control to OMAS CAN cable from the vacuum control PCA (CAN (P3) connector)
and the OMAS controller PCA (CAN (P2) connector).
2. Disconnect the vacuum control to OMAS power cable from the vacuum control PCA (P1 connector) and
the OMAS controller PCA (POWER (P7) connector).
2. Disconnect the OMAS temperature sensor cable from the vacuum control PCA (<NAME> connector), and
the OMAS controller to sensor cable from the OMAS controller PCA (nameless connector).
5. Open the pinch so that you can reach the OMAS sensor under the platen.
7. Unroute the OMAS controller to sensor cable, passing it through the beam structure hole.
3. Remove the three T-10 and the four T-20 screws and remove the OMAS cable cover and the OMAS and
vacuum PCA lid.
5. Remove the screws that attach the OMAS and vacuum PCA box and remove the box.
1. Install the new OMAS and vacuum PCA box.
1. Move the scan axis to the substrate load position to raise the carriage beam all the way.
If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to some failure, use diagnostic mode.
2. Unload the substrate so that you can reach the OMAS platen assembly.
5. Disconnect the OMAS controller to sensor cable from the OMAS controller PCA (nameless connector).
8. Open the pinch so that you can reach the OMAS sensor under the platen.
10. Unroute the OMAS controller to sensor cable, passing it through the beam structure hole.
1. Install the new OMAS platen assembly.
Platen assembly
1. Move the scan axis to the substrate load position to raise the carriage beam all the way.
If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to some failure, use diagnostic mode.
6. Remove the twenty-four T-10 screws from the platen assembly to be removed.
1. Install the new platen assembly.
1. Move the scan axis to the substrate load position to raise the carriage beam all the way.
If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to some failure, use diagnostic mode.
6. Remove the six pointed screws from the platen extra assembly to be removed.
MA motor
NOTE: If the motor coupling spider comes away with the MA motor, remove the coupling spider from
the MA motor coupling and save it.
6. Loosen the screws that fix the motor coupling to the MA motor and remove the coupling.
2. Reinstall the MA motor, ensuring that the coupling matches the transmission, and screw it to its
support. Ensure that the coupling spider is correctly located between the motor and the transmission
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Disconnect the MA data cable from the MA motor and the e-box interconnect PCA (J_301 connector).
▲ Route and reconnect the new cable, carefully. Place it orthogonally, ensuring that the pins will match
correctly, and then screw it to connect the cable to the motor.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Disconnect the MA power cable from the MA motor and the e-cabinet (MA connector).
1. Move the scan axis to the substrate load position to raise the carriage beam all the way.
If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to some failure, use diagnostic mode.
2. Unload the substrate so that you can easily reach the vacuum control PCA.
6. Disconnect the MA motor encoder cable from the drive roller encoder sensor PCA and the vacuum
control PCA (ENCODER (J1) connector).
CAUTION: Do not disconnect an encoder cable by pulling the cable, because it will break the
connector. Hold the connector of the encoder cable when removing it.
8. Remove the two T-20 screws that hold the encoder sensor support.
9. Remove the encoder sensor support by pulling the pins outwards and sliding it carefully down the
encoder sensor until it gets past the encoder disc.
▲ Route and connect the new cable. Be careful when routing the cable to leave enough free (looped) that
the carriage beam can reach the substrate load position.
1. Move the scan axis to the substrate load position to raise the carriage beam all the way.
If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to some failure, use diagnostic mode.
CAUTION: Do not disconnect an encoder cable by pulling the cable, because it will break the
connector. Hold the connector of the encoder cable when removing it.
3. Remove the drive roller encoder sensor PCA support by pulling out the pins and carefully sliding the
encoder sensor straight down until it gets past the encoder disc.
3. Loosen the T-8 screw that fixes the encoder hub to the drive roller.
4. Remove the encoder disc with its hub from the drive roller.
2. Tighten the T-8 screw to fix the encoder disc hub to the drive roller.
1. Move the scan axis to the substrate load position to raise the carriage beam all the way.
If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to some failure, use diagnostic mode.
7. Remove the three pointed screws that attach the right bearing L-shaped metal sheet support, and
remove the support.
3. Install the substrate drive encoder disc and the substrate drive encoder PCA.
5. Loosen the screws that attach the drive roller transmission coupling to the drive roller transmission.
6. Remove the drive roller transmission coupling from the drive roller transmission.
2. Attach the new drive roller transmission coupling to the drive roller transmission. Ensure that one of the
coupling screws is screwed against the flat surface of the shaft.
3. Reinstall the MA motor, ensuring the three coupling parts match correctly, and screw the MA motor to
its support. Ensure that the coupling spider is correctly placed between the MA motor and the driver
roller transmission couplings.
1. Move the scan axis to the substrate load position to raise the carriage beam all the way.
If you cannot start the printer in the normal way due to some failure, use diagnostic mode.
6. Remove the KM-nut and the drive roller worm gear. Save them both in a secure place.
8. Remove the substrate drive roller assembly from the printer and save it in a secure place.
CAUTION: This part is very heavy, so you are strongly recommended to perform this operation with at
least two people.
10. For each bearing, remove the circlip carefully and remove the bearing.
1. At each end of the substrate drive roller, remove the retaining ring and replace the bearing with the new
3. Reinstall the rear drive roller assembly and screw in its left end support bearing.
Ensure that the worm screw, the worm gear, and the encoder assembly are correctly assembled.
MI motor
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
CAUTION: Do not disconnect an encoder cable by pulling the cable, because it will break the
connector. Hold the connector of the encoder cable when removing it.
5. Remove the screws that hold the MI motor and remove the motor.
5. Remove the screws that hold the MO motor, and remove the motor.
MF motor
1. Unload the substrate.
4. Remove the screws that hold the MF motor and remove the motor.
1. Remove the R2FF spindle.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Disconnect the MI power cables from both the MI motor and the e-cabinet (MI connector).
5. Remove the ten T-20 screws and the braking resistor enclosure.
7. Remove the four screws that hold the MI resistor to the resistors plate, and remove the MI resistor.
8. Unroute both MI power cables from the MI resistor to the MI motor and the e-cabinet (cut the flanges if
1. Connect the new MI resistor to the resistors plate with the four screws.
2. Route the new MI power cables from the MI resistor to the MI motor and the e-cabinet, and reconnect
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Disconnect the MI data cable from the MI motor and the e-box interconnect PCA (J_302 connector).
▲ Route and carefully connect the new cable. Place it orthogonally, ensuring that the pins will match
correctly, and then screw it to connect the cable to the motor.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
CAUTION: Do not disconnect an encoder cable by pulling the cable, because it will break the
connector. Hold the connector of the encoder cable when removing it.
4. Remove the three pointed screws that hold the MI left support spindle plate to the rear left pillar.
5. Remove the five pointed screws that hold the MI left support spindle plate to the structure.
1. Install the new MI left support spindle plate.
2. Screw back the five pointed screws that hold the support MI left support spindle plate to the structure.
3. Screw back the three pointed screws that hold the MI left support spindle plate to the rear left pillar.
4. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
6. Remove the three pointed screws that hold the MI right support spindle plate to the rear right pillar.
2. Screw back the five pointed screws that hold the support MI right support spindle plate to the structure.
3. Screw back the three pointed screws that hold the MI right support spindle plate to the rear right pillar.
4. Follow the steps below for either the MO left spindle latch or the MO right spindle latch.
4. Remove the latch lever pivot sufficiently that the latch lever can be removed.
4. Remove the latch lever pivot sufficiently that the latch lever can be replaced with the new one.
2. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Remove the latch lever pivot sufficiently that the latch lever can be replaced with the new one.
4. Remove the latch lever pivot sufficiently that the latch lever can be replaced with the new one.
1. Reinsert the lever pivot through the support spindle plate, the latch lever, and the bearing plate, and fix
its ends with the circlips.
TIP: You are recommended to use a flange through the latch lever tab hole to help to tighten the
spring, so that it is easier to place the spring end at the latch lever tab.
4. Follow the steps below for either the MI left spindle latch or the MI right spindle latch.
1. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
TIP: When installing the new latch through the pivot, you are recommended to remove the three T-25
screws and the MI transmission cover, so that the pivot can be pushed from the transmission side while
installing the latch.
2. Reinsert the lever pivot through the support spindle plate, the latch lever, and the bearing plate, and fix
its end with the circlip.
TIP: You are recommended to use a flange through the latch lever tab hole to help to tighten the
spring, so that it is easier to place the spring end at the latch lever tab.
4. Remove the latch lever pivot sufficiently that the latch lever can be replaced with the new one.
2. Reinsert the lever pivot through the support spindle plate, the latch lever, and the bearing plate, and fix
its ends with the circlips.
TIP: You are recommended to use a flange through the latch lever tab hole to help to tighten the
spring, so that it is easier to place the spring end at the latch lever tab.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Disconnect the MO power cables from both the MO motor and the e-cabinet (MO connector).
6. Remove the ten T-20 screws and the braking resistor enclosure.
8. Remove the four screws that hold the MO resistor to the resistors plate, and remove the resistor.
9. Unroute the MO power cables from the MO resistor to the MO motor and the e-cabinet (cut the flanges if
1. Attach the new MO resistor to the resistors plate with the four screws.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Disconnect the MO data cable from the MO motor and the e-box interconnect PCA (J_303 connector).
▲ Route and carefully reconnect the new cable. Place it orthogonally, ensuring that the pins will match
correctly, and then screw it to connect the cable to the motor.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
CAUTION: Do not disconnect an encoder cable by pulling the cable, because it will break the
connector. Hold the connector of the encoder cable when removing it.
5. Remove both pins by hitting them from the rear (use pliers if necessary).
NOTE: The indicated screw is screwed on the reverse side. The screw circled in yellow can be removed
by hand.
8. If necessary, loosen the pointed screw, so that the MO left support spindle plate is not strongly attached
to the R2FF side plate.
9. Remove the screws that attach the MO left support spindle plate to the bracket.
1. Slide the MO left support spindle plate horizontally until it matches its screw holes with the R2FF side
plate ones.
NOTE: The indicated screw is screwed on the reverse side. The screw circled in yellow can be screwed
by hand.
5. If necessary, tighten the pointed screw, so the MO left support spindle plate is strongly attached to the
R2FF side plate.
6. Screw back the cover onto the MO left support spindle plate.
6. Disconnect the MO motor power, data, and encoder cables, and remove the motor.
8. Remove the pointed screw from the top of the cover, and remove the cover from the MO right support
spindle plate.
TIP: You are recommended to use an L-shaped key in order to have enough space to unscrew and
remove the pointed screw.
NOTE: The indicated screw is screwed on the reverse side. The screw circled in yellow can be removed
by hand.
10. If necessary, loosen the pointed screws, so that the MO right support spindle plate is not strongly
attached to the R2FF side plate.
11. Remove the screw that holds the MO right support spindle plate to the bracket.
1. Slide the MO right support spindle plate horizontally until it matches its screw holes with the R2FF side
plate ones.
NOTE: The indicated screw is screwed on the reverse side. The screw circled in yellow can be screwed
by hand.
6. Screw back the cover onto the MO right support spindle plate.
4. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Disconnect the MF power cables from the MF motor and the e-cabinet (MF connector).
6. Remove the ten T-20 screws and the braking resistor enclosure.
8. Remove the four screws that hold the MF resistor to the resistors plate, and remove the resistor.
9. Unroute the MF power cables from the MF resistor to the MF motor and the e-cabinet (cut the flanges if
1. Attach the new MF resistor to the resistors plate with the four screws.
4. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Disconnect the MF data cable from the MF motor and the e-box interconnect PCA (J_304 connector).
▲ Route and carefully reconnect the new cable. Place it orthogonally, ensuring that the pins will match
correctly, and then screw it to connect the cable to the motor.
4. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
5. Disconnect the MF encoder cable from the MF motor and the e-box interconnect PCA (ENC J2_323
CAUTION: Do not disconnect an encoder cable by pulling the cable, because it will break the
connector. Hold the connector of the encoder cable when removing it.
6. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Disconnect and unroute from the R2FF pinch beam all the cables routed along it, from the take-up-reel
sensor to the R2FF side plate, so that the R2FF pinch beam is free of cables routed to any other printer
CAUTION: Before removing the screws and the pins, use a jack to keep the pinch mech assembly
raised, so that it will not fall down when you remove the support screws and pins.
9. Remove the R2FF pinch mech assembly by pulling down the left part until you can pull out the entire
CAUTION: When moving the R2FF pinch mech assembly, be careful not to break the take-up-reel
assembly, which is located at the bottom, below the assembly.and pins.
1. Remove the pinch mech assembly supports from each end of the R2FF pinch mech assembly and screw
them to the new part. Tighten the screws that hold the supports to both ends.
NOTE: It is necessary to tighten the screws before installing the R2FF pinch assembly into the printer.
Otherwise there is not enough space between the R2FF pinch mech assembly and the R2FF latches.
2. Install the new pinch mech assembly and screw both supports to their corresponding R2FF side plates.
4. Route back through the R2FF pinch beam all the cables routed along it and reconnect them.
4. Remove the two pointed screws from under the pinch lever assembly.
3. Disconnect the switch cable from the motor drive PCA (J4 connector), and unroute it.
4. Remove the two T-8 screws that hold the switch, and remove the switch.
4. Remove four T-20 screws from the front of the pinch assembly, and pull the assembly forwards.
6. Perform the steps described below to remove each R2FF side plate.
NOTE: The indicated screw is screwed on the reverse side. The screw circled in yellow can be removed
by hand.
NOTE: The indicated screw is screwed on the reverse side. The screw circled in yellow can be screwed
by hand.
2. Install the two pointed pins that fix the MO side plate position (use pliers if necessary).
NOTE: The indicated screw is screwed on the reverse side. The screw circled in yellow can be removed
by hand.
3. Remove the two pointed pins that fix the MO side plate position (use pliers if necessary).
NOTE: The indicated screw is screwed on the reverse side. The screw circled in yellow can be screwed
by hand.
2. Install the two pointed pins that fix the MO side plate position (use pliers if necessary).
4. Remove two T-20 screws from the sides of the pinch aAssembly.
5. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
7. Loosen the roll-to-floor timing belt by pulling out the R2FF tensioner assembly.
2. Tighten the belt and screw back the T-30 screw to fix the R2FF tensioner assembly.
3. Disconnect the take-up-reel assembly cables from the motor drive PCA. See Subsystem block diagrams
on page 61.
J1 E-box interconnect PCA to take-up-reel PCA cable (J1, data-in connector) CZ056-50163
4. Remove the two T-20 screws and remove the take-up-reel cover.
5. Ensure that all the free air connectors from the power cables that do not connect to the PCA are
isolated; if not, use insulating tape to secure them. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
2. Install the new take-up-reel-cable support and attach it with the four screws.
3. Route and reconnect the take-up-reel cables to the motor drive PCA. See Subsystem block diagrams
on page 61.
4. Ensure that the take-up-reel PCA has the RJ45 jumper connected (J2 connector).
5. Ensure that the take-up-reel PCA has the address jumper cable correctly set on its cable connector (J4
The following table shows the scheme for its address: how the jumper cables should be cut off the take-
up reel sensor in T cable (CZ056-50170) in order to get the corresponding motor drive PCA address.
3. Remove the take-up-reel motor drive PCA plastic cover, so that you can reach it.
4. Disconnect the take-up-reel assembly cables from the motor drive PCA. See Subsystem block diagrams
on page 61.
J1 E-box interconnect PCA to take-up-reel PCA cable (J1, data-in connector) CZ056-50163
R2FF roller
1. Install the new R2FF roller.
7. Perform the following steps, depending on the diverter module design. There are two different designs
for the diverter module (supports & wheels):
NOTE: Due to the necessary removal of both the entire bottom diverter structure and the
bottom plate assembly, the top diverter design 1 does not include its corresponding service part.
Therefore, it is necessary to follow the upgrade instructions for both the diverter and the bottom
module assemblies. If you have an affected top diverter module that belongs to design 1, see the
diverter and bottom plate upgrade kit.
● Design 2, used in printers manufactured after November 2013 (the exact manufacturing date and
the serial number of the first printer using design 2 will be included in a service newsletter, around
November 2013)
Removal (design 2)
2. Remove the two T-10 screws that hold the diverter module plastic base.
TIP: If you cannot free the diverter module plastic base because there is not enough clearance, you
can remove the wheels and the two T-10 screws that hold the following diverter module.
3. Unclip and remove the diverter module plastic base from the diverter metal sheet base.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove or unfix the diverter metal sheet base, as it is an structural part of the
printer, which determines the position of the diverter module plastic base. If you move or remove it, the
diverter may not work properly.
2. Install the diverter wheels back onto the diverter module plastic base.
3. Screw the diverter module plastic base to the diverter metal sheet base.
7. Perform the following steps, depending on the diverter module design. There are two different designs
for the diverter module (supports & wheels):
● Design 2, used in printers manufactured after November 2013 (the exact manufacturing date and
the serial number of the first printer using design 2 will be included in a service newsletter, around
November 2013)
Removal (design 1)
1. Remove the interwheels and all the diverter module wheels.
2. Remove the four T-10 screws that hold the diverter module base.
NOTE: If you are removing an end diverter bottom module, you will also have to disconnect a
grounding cable.
TIP: If you cannot free the diverter module base because there is not enough clearance, you can
remove the wheels and the four T-10 screws that hold the following diverter module.
NOTE: This helps to ensure that there will be no problem when installing the interwheels after
installling the diverter module.
IMPORTANT: Ensure beforehand that both plane surfaces match correctly. Otherwise you could cause
some marks or irregularities on the plastic isolator surface.
3. If you are installing an end diverter bottom module, do not forget to reconnect the grounding cable.
Removal (design 2)
2. Remove the four T-10 screws that hold the diverter module plastic base.
TIP: If you cannot free the diverter module plastic base because there is not enough clearance, you
can remove the wheels and the four T-10 screws that hold the following diverter module.
3. Unclip and remove the diverter module plastic base from the diverter metal sheet base.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove or unfix the diverter metal sheet base, as it is an structural part of the
printer, which determines the position of the diverter module plastic base. If you move or remove it, the
diverter may not work properly.
Installation (design 2)
1. Clip the diverter module plastic base to the diverter metal sheet base.
2. Install the diverter wheels back onto the diverter module plastic base.
3. Screw the diverter module plastic base to the diverter metal sheet base.
Diverter wheel
1. Unload the substrate.
2. If you have diffficulty in replacing the diverter wheel, try the following suggestions, depending on the
diverter module design. There are two different designs for the diverter module (supports & wheels):
● Design 2, used in printers manufactured after November 2013 (the exact manufacturing date and
the serial number of the first printer using design 2 will be included in a service newsletter, around
November 2013)
TIP: Design 2 does not need the plastic interwheels parts that may include this service part (they
are needed only for design 1).
Installation (design 1)
▲ To give yourself more room in which to operate, you can remove all the interwheels and the screws that
attach the diverter module. If you still have difficulty, you can also remove the interwheels and screws
from the neighboring diverter module.
Installation (design 2)
▲ To give yourself more room in which to operate, you can remove the screws that attach the diverter
module. If you still have difficulty, you can also remove the screws from the neighboring diverter
Pinch assembly
1. Unload the substrate.
TIP: Before removing the screws that attach the pinch cover, you are strongly recommended to use a
marker to indicate the positions of the screws for when you will need to reinstall the cover, or to
measure and record the distances between the screws. Notice that the slot blocks can slide along the
pinch beam.
3. Locate the pinch switch sensor, inside the pinch clamp retainer.
4. Open the pinch clamps and pull out the pinch assembly.
6. Remove the two pointed screws and remove the switch assembly with its metal sheet support.
1. Install the new pinch switch.
3. Route the switch cable, ensuring that it will not get pinched by the pinch assembly, but leaving enough
free (looped) to open the pinch assembly without interference.
Pinch clamp
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch.
1. Install the new pinch clamp and attach it with the screws.
1. Unload the substrate.
1. Install the new interlock.
2. Add the interlock connector and screw it to the pinch side plate support.
6. Carefully move the pinch to the closed position, without closing it, and ensure that the interlock
connector perfectly matches the interlock jumper, so that it cannot bend or break the interlock pins. If
necessary, adjust the interlock connector position to match the interlock jumper perfectly.
CAUTION: Be careful to follow the correct procedure when installing the interlocks, to avoid breaking
or bending the interlock pins when closing the pinch assembly.
The following illustration shows the clearance that allows you to place the interlock connector in the
best position to match the jumper.
7. Open the pinch assembly and tighten the interlock connector screws.
TIP: Before removing the screws that attach the pinch cover, you are strongly recommended to use a
marker to indicate the positions of the screws for when you will need to reinstall the cover, or to
measure and record the distances between the screws. Notice that the slot blocks can slide along the
pinch beam.
TIP: Before removing the screws that attach the pinch cover, you are strongly recommended to use a
marker to indicate the positions of the screws for when you will need to reinstall the cover, or to
measure and record the distances between the screws. Notice that the slot blocks can slide along the
pinch beam.
TIP: Before removing the screws that attach the pinch cover, you are strongly recommended to use a
marker to indicate the positions of the screws for when you will need to reinstall the cover, or to
measure and record the distances between the screws. Notice that the slot blocks can slide along the
pinch beam.
1. Ensure that you have the Spindle Air Valve (Q6702-67025), which is included in the Standard Uptime Kit
2. Ensure that you have an 11 mm (7/16 inch) tube wrench key and the pneumatic gun.
2. Insert the new valve and tighten it. The valve must be well seated in position and firm, but do not force
it with the key.
3. Stand on the folding steps and open the service position window.
4. Remove all printheads from the carriage and store them in their caps.
NOTE: Before replacing the PT FI tower assembly, you are recommended to remove the printhead
interconnect PCA assembly, to give free access to the FI tower assembly screws.
The FI tower should be removed before purging the ink whenever possible. However, you can also remove
the FI tower after purging the tube, as follows:
1. Turn off the printer and the power-enable switch in order to ensure that there is no ink pressure within
the ink system. If in doubt, before opening the support of the FI tower, you can insert a syringe (with
piston in place) within the FI tower to ensure that there is really no ink pressure: the piston does not
move when there is no ink pressure.
After remounting the FI tower, you do not need to remove the small bubble of air: the air bubble that can be
accepted by the printhead without any problem is up to 20 cm (8 in) in the tube.
CAUTION: Do not remove the ink tube from the bottom of the FI tower.
The orientation of the FI tower is very important. The flat edges must go together.
5. Install the FI holder into the carriage assembly and secure it with a T-10 screw.
3. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Remove the four rear central panels in order to reach the entire ink-chain tubes routing.
5. Use the flush kit to empty the ink tube of the specific color that you want.
6. After flushing, cut the tube at the input and at the output of the valve.
1. Clip the new valve.
2. Use the tube repair kit to connect the new barnacle ink tubes to the ink tubes that come from the Igus
chain side and the ISM side.
3. Install the air purgers provided and refill the tubes using the procedure in diagnostics.
IMPORTANT: Purge from the trailing chain tubes to the TRS barnacle quick connector, so there will be
no air bubble left along the ink tube circuit.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor removal
part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid (such as the
electronic and electrical parts).
2. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor
removal part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid
(such as the electronic and electrical parts).
NOTE: Once the pipe is free, you are recommended to lift the pipe slightly at its higher end before
starting to remove it, so that most of the liquid it contains can drain into the condensation collector
5. Loosen the metal flanges from both pipe ends and remove the vapor removal air to blower pipe from
both the vapor removal exhaust and the blower fixer.
2. Tighten the metal flanges at both ends of the pipe and ensure that it is airtight, otherwise the vapor
removal will not work correctly.
2. Remove the top left panel. See Top left panel assembly on page 637.
3. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor
removal part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid
(such as the electronic and electrical parts).
NOTE: Once the pipe is free, you are recommended to lift the pipe slightly at its higher end before
starting to remove it, so that most of the liquid it contains can drain into the condensation collector
6. Loosen the metal flanges from both ends of the pipe and remove the vapor removal blower to
exchanger box pipe from both the vapor removal blower and the vapor removal exchanger box.
1. Route the vapor removal blower to exchanger box pipe along the ink system module and attach it with
flanges to the ink system module, ensuring that from the blower to the exchanger box the pipe always
descends, so that all liquid drains into the condensation collector bottle and none remains in the pipe.
CAUTION: Be careful with the metal sheet supports, as the metal sheet is very sharp and can rip the
2. Remove the front left panel. See Front left panel assembly on page 635.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor
removal part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid
(such as the electronic and electrical parts).
NOTE: Once the pipe is free, you are recommended to lift the pipe slightly at its higher end before
starting to remove it, so that most of the liquid it contains can drain into the condensation collector
1. Route the vapor removal exchanger box to curing pipe along the ink system module and attach it with
flanges to the ink system module, ensuring that from the exchanger box to the sidewall output the pipe
always descends, so that all liquid drains into the condensation collector bottle and none remains in the
CAUTION: Be careful with the sidewall output pipe connection, as it is hard to be sure that the inner
side is airtight.
2. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
3. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor
removal part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid
(such as the electronic and electrical parts).
NOTE: Once the pipe is free, you are recommended to lift the pipe slightly at its higher end before
starting to remove it, so that most of the liquid it contains can drain into the condensation collector
7. Unroute the pipe carefully, so as not to lower too much the pipe’s tapered fitting.
8. Remove the pipe by pulling the pipe’s drainage end slightly upwards.
1. Route the vapor removal blower to drainage pipe along the ink system module and attach it to the ink
system module, ensuring that from the exchanger box to the sidewall output the pipe gradually
descends, so that all liquid drains into the condensation collector bottle and none remains in the pipe.
3. Pull the pipe fitting outwards as far as possible, so that the pipe is centered within the support’s
bracket, so that no liquid will fall out of the pipe.
If there is any drainage out of the pipe, you are strongly recommended to remove the vapor removal
blower to drainage pipe, remove the vapor removal fitting bracket and clean all liquid out of it, so that
the fitting will not slide along the fitting bracket support.
5. Perform the described steps to replace the following vapor removal drainage parts.
1. Remove the four T-20 screws that attach the large intermediate drainage collector, and remove it.
1. Screw back the intermediate collector to the collector box.
Ensure that the large intermediate drainage collector slopes downwards, so that it will drain properly.
1. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
CAUTION: Be careful, because the pipe contains liquid. See the vapor removal blower to drainage pipe
removal procedure and follow its recommendations before removing the drainage end from the
drainage end collector.
TIP: When removing the drainage end collector from the printer, slope it so that all the liquid will fall
through its bracket into the condensation collector bottle.
2. Connect the drainage pipe end of the vapor removal blower to drainage pipe to the drainage end
3. Attach all the parts attached to the drainage end collector with flanges.
1. Remove the front left panel. See Front left panel assembly on page 635.
5. Remove the three T-20 screws that hold the vapor removal drainage main holder, and remove it.
1. Screw back the vapor removal drainage main holder to the ink system module structure.
1. Remove the vapor removal condensation collector bottle.
NOTE: You are recommended to clean the surface before reinstalling the condensation collector bottle.
2. Remove the top left panel. See Top left panel assembly on page 637.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor
removal part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid
(such as the electronic and electrical parts).
TIP: Use a flat screwdriver to pull the crossflow exchanger on both sides enough that you can remove
the part from the vapor removal exchanger by pulling it by hand.
CAUTION: Do not try to clean the crossflow exchanger with compressed air, since it will break its
NOTE: Do not try to turn around the crossflow exchanger to reuse the part. If you do this, the
electronics will receive the dust.
▲ Carefully insert the new crossflow exchanger by sliding it into the vapor removal exchanger box.
CAUTION: The vapor removal crossflow exchanger is a delicate part and can easily be deformed,
which prevents it from working properly.
NOTE: This procedure will not be available until November 2013. The exact date will be provided in a
service newsletter, around November 2013.
2. Remove the top left panel. See Top left panel assembly on page 637.
5. Disconnect the vapor removal fan from its air connector. Unroute the cable until you reach the fan.
6. Remove the four T-20 screws that hold the vapor removal fan, and remove the fan.
1. Screw the vapor removal fan back to the vapor removal exchanger box.
NOTE: The four fans are connected in two arrays, as the following picture shows. It is important to
follow the cable routing shown below, so that there will no problems with the fan cable lengths.
NOTE: These procedures will not be available until November 2013. The exact date will be provided in
a service newsletter, around November 2013.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor
removal part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid
(such as the electronic and electrical parts).
3. Remove the vapor removal impactor from the vapor removal exchanger box.
TIP: Ensuring that all the points are sealed, except for the draining one (on the image it is circled),
either with aluminium tape or silicone will avoid possible draining problems.
2. Remove the top left panel. See Top left panel assembly on page 637.
3. Remove the front left panel. See Front left panel assembly on page 635.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor
removal part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid
(such as the electronic and electrical parts).
6. Remove the two T-30 screws from the left side support.
7. Remove the three T-30 screws from the right side support.
NOTE: The vapor removal exchanger box has on its base a drainage tube which is very fragile. Be
careful when removing or installing it, and also when placing the vapor removal exchanger box in a safe
Vacuum pump
2. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
3. Disconnect the pump cables. See Vapor removal pump cable kit on page 897.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor
removal part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid
(such as the electronic and electrical parts).
5. Remove the four A5 screws that hold the vacuum pump to its support and remove the pump.
2. Screw back the six A5 screws and connect the blower inlet connector to the pump, ensuring that it is
3. Reconnect all the pump cables. See Vapor removal pump cable kit on page 897.
NOTE: These procedures will not be available until November 2013. The exact date will be provided in
a service newsletter, around November 2013.
The bottle should be emptied before it is full, which will typically be after about 60–70 liters of ink have been
used. You should check the bottle periodically, depending on your usage of the printer.
NOTE: The condensates are a mix of ink additives and water. Dispose of the condensates according to
local regulations. Find the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of the ink in .
NOTE: You are recommended to clean the condensation collector bottle container before reinstalling
the condensation collector bottle.
5. Take care that the mouth of the bottle is well positioned to receive the liquid falling from above.
4. Remove the front left panel. See Front left panel assembly on page 635.
CAUTION: All vapor removal parts can contain liquid, so it is important before removing any vapor
removal part to cover all the surfaces or remove all the delicate parts that can be damaged by liquid
(such as the electronic and electrical parts).
6. Remove the four pointed T-20 screws and the vapor removal mobile collector.
7. Remove the six pointed screws and remove the vapor removal motion curing box.
NOTE: Before installing the vapor removal curing box, ensure that all the sheet points are sealed with
1. Locate with the two pins and screw back the vapor removal motion curing box to the curing assembly.
NOTE: Ensure that the curing box foams make the assembly airtight, except for the draining point. If it
is not airtight, replace the curing foams.
2. Disconnect the vapor removal cable data split to blower from both the vacuum pump and the ISM quick
connector (VR PUMP CONTROL connectors).
4. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
2. Disconnect the vapor removal cable data split to blower from both the vacuum pump and the ISM quick
connector (VR PUMP CONTROL connectors).
4. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
2. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Disconnect the vapor removal pump control cable from both the ISM quick connector and the vacuum
control PCA (VAC PUMP (P5) connector).
6. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
3. Disconnect the e-box interconnect PCA to vapor removal vacuum power cable from the e-box
interconnect PCA (J_471 PWR connector), the vapor removal vacuum control PCA (P4 connector), and
the buzzer’s air connector.
NOTE: Notice that this routing is dispersed to different parts of the printer, so it is illustrated in more
than one block diagram (see Subsystem block diagrams on page 61), including e-box, vapor removal,
and take-up reel diagrams
TIP: Locate all the T-cable ends and follow the routing accurately before starting to replace the T-
5. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
1. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
3. Disconnect the e-box interconnect PCA to vapor removal vacuum LAN cable from the e-box interconnect
PCA (J481 CAN* connector) and the vacuum control PCA (J2 connector).
5. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
1. Unload the substrate so that it is easier to unroute the cable along the printer structure.
2. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Disconnect the vapor removal fans power cable from the ISM quick connector and the e-cabinet PCA
(VAC VR connector).
6. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
2. Disconnect the vapor removal fans cable from the vapor removal fans and the curing PCA (J13
24V_FAN_CURING connector).
5. Cut the jumpers following the corresponding address. See Subsystem block diagrams on page 61.
When cutting the cable jumpers to give the address, follow these criteria on the connector:
1 2 3
The following table shows the scheme for the vapor removal PCA address: how the jumper cables
should be cut in order to get the address.
2. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Disconnect the vapor removal pump power cable from both the ISM quick connector and the e-cabinet
PCA (VPCA VR connector).
6. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
2. Remove the rear left panel. See Rear left panel assembly on page 636.
3. Remove the rear right panel. See Rear right panel assembly on page 624.
4. Disconnect the vapor removal fans PCA data cable from both the ISM quick connector and the e-box
interconnect PCA (J_262 CAN connector).
6. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
3. Disconnect the vapor removal cable power 24V split to curing PCA from both the ISM quick connector
(VR SPLIT connector) and the curing PCA (24V_IN J11 connector).
5. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
3. Disconnect the vapor removal cable LAN split to curing PCA from both the ISM quick connector (VR LAN
connector) and the curing PCA (J12 connector).
5. Replace the cable with the new one, route it, and reconnect it.
2. Locate the vapor removal’s vacuum control PCA on the right, looking from the rear of the printer.
5. Disconnect all cables from the vapor removal’s vacuum control PCA.
1. Use the four T-20 screws to attach the new vapor removal’s vacuum control PCA.
2. Remove the top left panel. See Top left panel assembly on page 637.
5. Remove the eight T-10 screws and remove the vapor removal PCA.
NOTE: Ensure that the fan cable connector has the corresponding jumper address.
NOTE: When replacing the vapor removal PCA, ensure that there is a jumper at the CAN TERM
connection (if there is no jumper, take it from the old PCA).
Call Me @HP is a remote troubleshooting tool embedded in the Print Care software, which enables customers
to obtain support remotely without the need of a service visit.
● The customer opens a case at the HP Call Center (available only if the customer is supported by HP).
● The customer calls for support and is asked by a remote agent to open a Call Me @HP session in order to
resolve the problem more quickly.
NOTE: If the customer is supported by an HP-authorized partner, the reseller engineer needs to be on site
and logged in as ‘Engineer’ in Print Care to open a Call Me @HP session.
Once the Call Me @HP session is started, remote agents can use the following tools:
● Videostreaming
Call Me @HP can be used for remote troubleshooting in many different ways. Here are some examples:
IMPORTANT: For safety reasons, diagnostic tests cannot be printed or launched remotely. The front door
must be open to take full control of the built-in computer remotely.
Call Me @HP must be configured during printer installation. The default configuration done at the
factory is for customers supported by a channel partner. This mode allows the creation of a Call Me@HP
session, but only if the HP-authorized representative is at the customer site and logged in as ‘Engineer’
in Print Care.
If the customer is supported by HP directly, a specific configuration must be done during printer
installation, by running a software application provided with the service documentation at the end of
the printer’s technical training course.
NOTE: For the changes to take effect, the Internal Print Server must be restarted after running the
Call Me @HP configuration tool.
NOTE: If the HP-authorized partner can prove remote capabilities and is interested in providing
remote support with Call Me @HP, this can be done only on request, and special approval, training, and
setup from HP is needed. Contact your HP partner manager if you would like to have further information
about this option.
NOTE: Remember that a Call Me @HP functionality test is mandatory during printer installation.
Go to the Internal Print Server, select Tools > Preferences, and check that the remote assistance option
is enabled.
NOTE: To enable remote assistance, the customer must accept a Data Transfer Agreement with HP.
Specific network settings are needed for Print Care and Call Me @HP. If a Call Me @HP session cannot be
started, the most likely reason is that the network settings are not correct. The requirements are as
hp.com X X
Print Care / Production Analyzer
https://spcastweb01p.saas.hp.com X X
Content and data connectivity
http://spcw01.saas.hp.com X
http:// X
http:// X
http:// X
http:// X
http:// X
http:// X
http:// X
http:// X
NOTE: If necessary, advise the customer to create routing rules that route around the proxy for
these addresses.
● ActiveX must be enabled in Internet Explorer: select Tools > Internet Options > Security tab. Then
select the Internet zone and click Custom Level. Under ActiveX controls and plug-ins:
Check that you have access to the addresses in the above table.
Ensure that User Account Control is set to low or disabled. In the Control Panel, select System and
Security > Change User Account Control settings and set UAC to Never notify.
● Introduction
● Manpower required
Before moving, make sure the new site is ready. To prepare the new installation site, see the site preparation
guide. To mount and reinstall the printer, see the installation guide.
● A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) on page 911 In this case,
before switching off the printer, the ink must be removed from the tubes. You need the ink system
cleaning tubes and 5 liters of distilled water.
● B. Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature above 5°C/41°F) on page 935 If you need to
move the printer to a new site, the printer must be fixed to a pallet. If the temperature will not drop
below 5°C/41°F, follow these instructions. Failure to follow these instructions could cause the ink to
freeze, which would damage the ink system and require heavy repair.
● C. Move the printer to the same site (with ramps or steps) on page 936 If you need to move the printer
within the same site but there are ramps or steps on the route, you will need to lift the printer with a
forklift or a crane.
● D. Move the printer to the same site (no ramps, no steps) on page 937 If you wish to move the printer
a short distance on the same site, across a horizontal floor with no steps and no slopes, read the
In any case, some preparations must be made before the printer can be moved, and failure to follow these
steps could cause irreversible damage to the printer.
This repacking guide provides you with step-by-step procedures for the repacking process. This guide is
organized in chronological order and should be followed from beginning to end.
NOTE: After moving the printer, you may in some cases need an electrician to reconnect the power cables.
You may also need to reconfigure the network, from the HP Internal Print Server computer, and from the RIP
computer. See the installation guide for more details.
Manpower required
Repacking of your printer requires the following manpower:
● HP specialist
● Customer
● Certified electrician
● Moving specialist
IMPORTANT: The printer must be moved by trained and qualified personnel only.
● Step ladder
● Cable Ties
● Phillips screwdrivers
● Long Torx extension pins that have a diameter of approximately 2–3 mm and are more than 15 cm in
length to be able to access all screws
NOTE: You are recommended to wear gloves when removing the covers.
1. Center left cover on page 641 (eleven T-20 black screws) (9)
TIP: It may be easier to remove covers 4, 6, and 9 once the ISM is moved aside.
2. Top left panel assembly on page 637 (four T-20 screws) and Bottom left panel assembly on page 636
(four T-20 screws) (8)
3. Rear left panel assembly on page 636 (four T-20 screws) (7)
4. Rear left pillar on page 629 (five T-15 screws and one T-30 screw) (6): move the ISM a few millimeters
5. Front left panel assembly on page 635 (two T-20 screws) (5)
6. Front left internal cover on page 631 (three T-20 screws: two M5 and one M4) (4)
8. Front internal corner and supportsFront left internal corner assembly on page 638 (nine T-20 screws)
9. Front top left pillar on page 630 (four T-15 screws and one T-25) (1)
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 911
On the right-hand side
1. Rear right panel assembly on page 624 (two T-20 screws) (2)
Initial steps
1. Remove the printheads and store them in their caps. See the user’s guide.
2. Remove the bottom left panel. See Bottom left panel assembly on page 636.
4. Restart the printer in diagnostic boot mode and force-fill the intermediate ink tanks to prevent broken
5. Carefully remove the intermediate tanks. See ISM intermediate tank set on page 672.
NOTE: Store the intermediate ink tanks vertically. Failure to store them vertically can cause a broken
3. You can cut the material, removing the used material of the lower core. Dispose of the roll with the used
cleaning material according to the instructions provided with the new roll.
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 913
4. Grip the handle and push the whole printhead cleaning roll assembly back into the printer.
2. Ensure that all windows, covers, and doors are closed and remain in their original position.
4. Open one latch on the left side of each aerosol filter module.
1. Place the flushing tool in the space left when the ink cartridge was removed, and connect the ink
connector to the connection port of the tool.
2. Connect the cable from the flushing tool to J17 (AIR PUMP 11) on the left side (close to the substrate
3. Go to the Diagnostic menu and select Ink System menu 4.0 > Flushing procedure> Activate flushing
tool pump.
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 915
4. Open the entry electrovalve of the color you are flushing Ink System menu 4.0 > Flushing procedure>
Operate entry electrovalve>Color to flush.
5. Unscrew the top of the cleaning tool and fill the bottle with 0.5 l of distilled water.
7. Insert the needle into both (if possible) printhead ink connectors of the carriage assembly. Ensure that
you insert it into the correct color.
9. Turn on the flushing tool with the switch located on top. The cleaning tool slowly pumps the distilled
water into the tubes and ink system of the color you are cleaning. The pumping action cleans ink out of
the tubes and into the draining bottle.
a. Install the new empty intermediate flushing tank (that came with the flushing kit) into the left
intermediate slot, wait 10 seconds for the ink to be cleaned from this area, then remove the tank.
b. Install the intermediate flushing tank into the right intermediate slot, wait 10 seconds for the ink
to be cleaned from this area, then remove the tank.
11. When the ink system has been cleaned of ink and the flushing tool is empty of water, the pump of the
cleaning tool then pushes air into the ink system tubes, which pushes the water out into the draining
bottle of the quick connector flushing tool. This process lasts for approximately 5 minutes.
a. Install the intermediate flushing tank (that came with the flushing kit) into the left intermediate
slot, wait 10 seconds for the water to be removed from this area, then remove the tank.
b. Install the intermediate flushing tank into the right intermediate slot, wait 10 seconds for the
water to be removed from this area, then remove the tank.
13. When the ink system has been cleaned of ink and the flushing tool is empty of water, the pump of the
cleaning tool then pushes air into the ink system tubes, which pushes the water out into the draining
bottle of the quick connector flushing tool. This process lasts for approximately 5 minutes.
NOTE: If the distilled water in the cleaning tool bottle becomes low before the ink system has been
cleaned of ink, you must refill the bottle with more water. You must stop the flushing tool to add more
An electrician is required for unplugging the electrical system used to power the printer. Make sure that your
electrician is appropriately certified according to local regulations and supplied with all the information
regarding the electrical configuration.
Remember that you are required to follow the local laws, regulations, and standards that pertain to the
electrical installation of your printer.
Turn off the printer, using both Branch Circuit Breakers located in the building's Power Distribution Unit
Unplug both power cords (including the PE terminal) and un-route them
2. Disconnect the lines (and neutral if used) conductors from the installation terminal block TB-1 (L1, L2,
L3 and N contacts).
3. Loosen the cable gland and pull the cable to un-route it.
2. Disconnect the line and neutral conductors to the installation terminal block TB-1 (L0, N0 contacts)
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 917
3. Loosen the cable gland and pull the cable to un-route it.
Monitor removal
1. Unplug and unroute the monitor, keyboard, and mouse cables through the hole in the front cover.
2. Use a T-20 screwdriver to remove the monitor holder from the printer.
3. Remove the holder from the monitor by unscrewing the 4 Phillips screws. Keep them and store the
monitor properly.
4. Re-attach the holder to the printer with the four T-20 screws.
6. Remove the computer from the electrical compartment and store it properly.
Webcam removal
▲ Disconnect the webcam from the printer's built-in computer and store it properly
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 919
2. Remove the ink-supply connectors and fix them on the ISM frame.
3. Replace the five ink-supply clamps on the side of the printer with two screws securing the connectors.
2. Remove the front left panel. See Front left panel assembly on page 635.
3. Remove the front left panel door. See Front left panel door on page 653.
6. Remove the heat exchanger. Use a flat screwdriver as a lever, then you will be able to slide it out.
8. Free the condensation collector box, but leave it inside for a moment to drain inside the case.
9. Clean the condensation collector box, the case, and any ink leaks in the area.
10. Put back the condensation collector box (with its screws and nuts), the heat exchanger, and the covers.
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 921
Collapse the ISM module (left side)
1. Remove the condensation collector bottle for easy access. See Vapor removal condensation collector
bottle on page 894.
3. Disconnect the tube (with the clamps). Be careful: there could be some condensation inside.
4. There are two sets of three cables each. Unplug and un-route the upper set. Unplug and un-route the
lower set; two of them are LAN plugs, but marked as VR and ISS.
5. Unscrew the grounding strip and store the screws and plate properly.
7. Remove two pins and clips (one at the front and the other at the rear).
1. Take the nut from the parking lot and place it on the tensioner screw.
4. Place the belt over the platen and fix it with heavy-duty adhesive tape.
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 923
1. Open the printer's window and secure the carriage in the travel position with the T-25 screw.
2. Secure the scan axis to the printer chassis with the eight T-20 screws.
4. Add straps, protective foams, cable ties, and orange tapes to fix windows, doors, the curing module, the
loading table, and the service station.
5. Add the foams in between the ISM and the Scan axis.
NOTE: The strap should be loose or have very little tension during transportation.
7. Place the forklift in transport position. Remove 10 screws, rotate them 90º, and replace the screws in
the same place.
8. With a flat screwdriver rotate the drop-detector platform screw to leave it in the transport position (9
cm from the console, as shown below). The screw can be accessed from the front of the service station.
9. Move the capping station platform to leave it 2 mm from the drop detector. Attach the two platforms
with a cable tie.
2. Rotate the nut manually down the bolt. Leave about 2 cm (0.8 in) clearance at the bottom between nut
and the foot.
3. Use a 15 mm wrench to rotate the foot upwards. Use the flat faces at the bottom of the bolt to fit the
CAUTION: Take care to raise the feet as high as you can. They may break if they touch the ground
while the printer is in motion.
If it is not possible to move with the crate, the same guides used to lift the printer with a forklift should
be used to lift the printer with a crane. To do so, lifting bars must be inserted into the forklift guides.
The lifting cables can either be attached to a spreader beam or directly to the crane.
NOTE: The lifting bars, spreader beam and any other crane attachment must be supplied by the
customer. For the exact specifications of the crane attachments, see the Site Preparation Guide.
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 925
WARNING! When lifting the printer with a crane, extra caution should be taken to ensure that the
cables do not apply pressure to the center covers or carriage beam.
CAUTION: The printer weight is not evenly distributed, and it may tilt to the right side.
2. The following graphic illustrates how to lift the printer using lifting bars.
If you use a spreader beam to lift the printer, make sure that the spreader beam and lifting bars are
wide enough so the lifting cables do not touch the center covers or carriage beam. The following graphic
illustrates how to lift the printer with a spreader beam.
2 people Varies
NOTE: When you set the printer on the floor, the printer wheels allow you to roll the printer easily. Push the
printer only from the outside corners of the top covers on either side.
2. Move the forklift into position to engage with the printer. You can approach the printer from either side,
whichever is more convenient for you.
1. Remove the four bolts that secure the foot blocks to the pallet (16 total) and remove them.
2. To attach the foot block to the printer foot, remove the 30 mm bolt.
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 927
4. Position the block and replace the 30 mm bolt so that it is attached to the printer foot.
5. Fix the two e-cabinet cushion holders onto the right side of the shipping pallet.
6. Install ISM supports and trays onto the right side of the shipping pallet.
7. Place the printer on the pallet. Leave the four foot blocks as close as possible to the original position.
8. Tighten the two 30 mm bolts attaching the left side of the printer to the foot blocks. A socket wrench is
recommended for this step.
9. Tighten the two 30 mm bolts attaching the right side of the printer to the foot blocks. The front one is
hidden behind the printhead cleaning roll door. You may need the key to open the door for accessing
that bolt
10. Secure each foot block to the pallet with the four bolts removed earlier. New holes in the pallet may be
required to secure them.
11. Add flanges on the ISM structure to attach it to the cushion blocks
CAUTION: Ensure that the e-cabinet is secure, and ISM foams are in place and not broken.
13. Secure the box onto the pallet. The shipment should include the following items:
● Documentation CD including the legal information, limited warranty, site preparation guide,
installation guide, and user's guide
● Pneumatic gun
● 2 spindles supports
● 1 HP Internal Print Server computer (includes keyboard, mouse, and power cord)
● 14 intermediate tanks
● Printheads:
◦ Yellow/Magenta Printhead 2
CAUTION: Ensure that the box containing the computer is in an upright position and secured with
15. Use strapping to secure the covers, but not too tight.
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 929
16. Install the spindle supporter with four bolts each.
17. Secure the substrate drive input, substrate drive output, and dual-roll spindles to the pallet using the
spindle supports.
18. Attach the lid and the screws from the spindle supporter.
20. Wrap the complete printer with 3D VCI bag as shown below. Make sure the printer is fully covered, and
sealed using packing tape.
In some cases, it may be necessary to leave the printer inside the crate packaging to go up ramps or make
second-story deliveries. Plan accordingly. You will need at least 3 m (10ft) of space on each side of the crate.
The crate is attached together by 16 lag bolts and 128 wood screws.
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 931
1. Lift one end of the crate slightly and pull it in to the printer. You will need space of 3 m (10 ft) in order to
attach the crate to the printer.
TIP: Alternatively, you can mount the crate; first side panels and then the top panel.
5. Insert eight Phillips screws from panel 6 and 4 screws from panel 5, the central rear panels.
9. Using a ladder to reach the top of the crate, insert 16 top screws from panel 10, the central top panel.
ENWW A: Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature below 5°C/41°F) 933
13. Move the crate
Manpower Tools Time
WARNING! The crate must be lifted with a forklift from the front side of the crate. The front side of the
crate is marked Front. This is important because of the weight distribution inside the crate.
1. To move the crate with a forklift, insert the forks in the designated slots in the crate. Always lift the
crate from the front and center.
2. You can also use skates to maneuver the crate around tight corners or to move the crate laterally.
WARNING! Do not exceed the maximum incline if you must move the printer up or down a ramp. Failure to
respect the maximum incline could damage the printer.
WARNING! Slopes steeper than 5% may cause serious damage to the printer.
2. Prepare the printer by removing the printheads, intermediate tanks, ink cartridges, printhead cleaning
roll, and aerosol filters: see 2. Prepare the printer on page 912.
3. Unplug the electrical system: see 4. Unplug the electrical system on page 916.
4. Remove the computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse: see 5. Remove the computer, monitor,
keyboard, and mouse on page 918.
8. Set up the printer in the final position: see 9. Set up the printer in the final position on page 925.
9. Replace the printer on the pallet: see 11. Replace the printer on the pallet on page 927.
10. Replace the crate packaging: see 12. Replace the crate packaging on page 931.
11. Move the crate: see 13. Move the crate on page 934.
ENWW B. Move the printer to a new site (transport temperature above 5°C/41°F) 935
C. Move the printer to the same site (with ramps or steps)
1. Remove covers on the left-hand side.
3. Prepare the printer by removing the printheads, intermediate tanks, ink cartridges, printhead cleaning
roll, and aerosol filters: see 2. Prepare the printer on page 912.
4. Unplug the electrical system: see 4. Unplug the electrical system on page 916.
5. Remove the computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse: see 5. Remove the computer, monitor,
keyboard, and mouse on page 918.
6. Clean the condensation collector bottle: see Clean the condensation collector box on page 920.
7. Unplug the ink quick connector and the cables from the printer side and unroute them, so that they are
not attached to the ISM structure.
8. Remove the condensation collector tube with clamps. Be careful: it may have condensation in it.
10. Insert additional packaging: see 7. Insert additional packaging on page 923.
11. Set up the printer in the final position: see 9. Set up the printer in the final position on page 925.
2. Unplug the electrical system: see 4. Unplug the electrical system on page 916.
5. Push the printer from the outside corners of the top covers.
ENWW D. Move the printer to the same site (no ramps, no steps) 937
A Cables
This appendix contains a chapter from another manual, describing the printer cables in detail. See the table
of contents on the next page.
8 Cables
CZ056-50001 – Engine PCA 1 to Engine Adaptor PCA 1. ............................................................................... 5
CZ056-50002 - Engine PCA 2 to Engine Adaptor PCA 2. ............................................................................... 6
CZ056-50133 - Engine PCA 3 to Engine Adaptor PCA 3. ............................................................................... 7
CZ056-50134 - Engine PCA 4 to Engine Adaptor PCA 4. ............................................................................... 8
CZ056-50003- Engine Adaptor PCA Power Cable. PSU to Engine Adaptor PCA. ......................................... 9
CZ056-50004 -Am80 CS Data Cable. Carriage Sensor PCA to PH Interconnect 2. ..................................... 10
CZ056-50005 -Am80 Carriage Encoder Cable. PH Interconnect 2 to Carriage Encoder. .......................... 11
CZ056-50006 - Am80 CS_P Power Cable. Carriage Sensor PCA to PH Interconnect 2. ............................. 12
CZ056-50186 - Am80 CS_P Power Cable Short. Carriage Sensor PCA to PH interconnect 2. ................... 13
CZ056-50187 - Am80 CS_P Power Cable Long. Carriage Sensor PCA to PH interconnect 1. .................... 14
CZ056-50007 - Am80 Sensor Box Cable. Sensors Interconnect PCA to Carriage Sensors PCA. ............... 15
CZ056-50008 - Am80 Pens Prime Cable. Carriage Sensors PCA to Pens Primer....................................... 16
CZ056-50143 – Pen Primer Extension Cable. Pens Primer Cable to Carriage Sensors PCA. ..................... 17
CZ056-50188 –Primer Extension Cable Long. Pens Primer Cable to Carriage Sensors PCA..................... 18
CZ056-50189 –Primer extension cable short. Pens primer cable to Carriage Sensors PCA. .................... 19
CZ056-50010 –Am80 Tetris Cable. Tetris to Carriage Sensors PCA. .......................................................... 20
CZ056-50011 –Am80 Spray to Spray Cable. PH interconnect 1 to PH interconnect 1. ............................. 21
CZ056-50137 – Curing Encoder Daisy Chain Cab......................................................................................... 22
CZ056-50013 – Drying Left Module Cable. Drying Module Left to Drying PCA. ......................................... 23
CZ056-50016 – LAN Drying PCA to Drying PCA. Drying PCA to Drying PCA................................................ 24
CZ056-50144 – Smear Sensor Cable. Smear Sensor to Drying PCA. .......................................................... 25
CZ056-50167 – Drying Harness. .................................................................................................................. 26
CZ056-50205 – Drying Right Module Cable. Drying Module Right to Drying PCA. .................................... 27
CZ056-50208 – Drying Fan Harness. Drying Harness to Drying Fans. ....................................................... 28
CZ056-50183 – Temp Extension Curing. ..................................................................................................... 29
CZ056-50019 – Am80 LAN Curing PCA to Curing. Curing PCA to Curing PCA. ............................................ 30
CZ056-50120 –Fan Cable. Curing PCA to Fan Assy...................................................................................... 31
CZ056-50124 – Ground Strip. Curing PCA to Scan Beam. ........................................................................... 32
CZ056-50121 – Heater Cable. Curing PCA to Heater Assy. ......................................................................... 33
Chapter 8 Cables 1
Chapter 8 Cables 2
CZ056-50050 – Am80 Vacuum Pump Control. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Vacuum PCA. .......................... 66
CZ056-50051 – Am80 Curing Data Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Curing PCA. .................................... 67
CZ056-50052 – TUR Motor drv to PP Cable. Ebox to PPS Motor drv. J1. ................................................... 68
CZ056-50053 – Ids i2c Data. Ebox Interconnect PCA to ISS PCA. ............................................................... 69
CZ056-50054 – Am80 Capping Station Motor drv PCA. Ebox Interconnect PCA to SVS.Capping. ............ 70
CZ056-50112 – Cable Drop Mux PPA. Ebox Interconnect PCA to DDU MUX PCA. ...................................... 71
CZ056-50056 – Am80 Delta Drying Control. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Delta PWM ctrl. .......................... 72
CZ056-50138 – E-box to E-Cabinet PCA Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to e-Cab PCA. ............................. 73
CZ056-50057 – Am80 Vacuum Supply PCA. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Vacuum PCA. .............................. 74
CZ056-50058 – Mi Encoder Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Mi Motor. .................................................... 75
CZ056-50059 – Mo Encoder Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Mo Motor. ................................................. 76
CZ056-50060 – R2ff Encoder Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to MF Motor. ............................................... 77
CZ056-50157 – E-box to WW Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to SVS.WW. ................................................. 78
CZ056-50063 – Am80 42 V Trailing Cable. 42V PSU#1 to Carriage Sensors PCA. ..................................... 79
CZ056-50065 – Am80 Power Trailing Cable. Delta to Drying Module........................................................ 80
CZ056-50066 – Am80 24V Drying Carriage. 24V PSU#1 to Drying PCA. .................................................... 81
CZ056-50067 – Am80 Curing Power. Delta to Curing Module. ................................................................... 82
CZ056-50068 – Am80 24V Curing PCA. 24V PSU#1 to Curing PCA............................................................. 83
CZ056-50142 – Sax Power Cable. Braking Resistor Enclosure to Scan Axis Motor................................... 84
CZ056-50118 – Ma Motor Power Cable. 42V PSU#2 to MIMAMF Motor. .................................................... 85
CZ056-50114 – Vacuum Pump Power. Power Transformer to Vacuum Pump. ........................................ 86
CZ056-50071 – 24V IDS e-Cabinet. E-Cabinet to ISS PCA. .......................................................................... 87
CZ056-50072 – E-Cabinet to PPS Power Cable. E-Cabinet to PPS. ............................................................ 88
CZ056-50180 – TUR Power Cable. E-Cabinet to Media Floor Motor drv. ................................................... 89
CZ056-50076 – E-Cabinet to WW Power Cable. E-Cabinet to SVS.WW. ..................................................... 90
CZ056-50077 – Service Station Power Cable. E-Cabinet to SVS.Capping. ................................................. 91
CZ056-50139 – Emergency Stop Buttons to SR c. Stop Buttons to SR Assembly. ................................... 92
CZ056-50132 – Interlock to SR Cable. SR Assembly to Interlocks. ........................................................... 92
CZ056-50140 – Interlock to Interlock Cable. Interlocks to Interlocks. ..................................................... 93
CZ056-50141 – Interlock to e-Cabinet PCA Cable. Interlocks to e-Cabinet PCA. ...................................... 93
CZ056-50130 – Braking Resistor Enclosure Assy. Braking Resistor Enclosure Input to Output. ............ 94
CZ056-50131 – Braking Resistor Enclosure Power. 42V PSU#1 to Braking Resistor Enclosure. ............ 95
CZ056-50150 – PE Trailing Cable. Delta Sinewave to Drying PCA. ............................................................ 95
Chapter 8 Cables 3
Chapter 8 Cables 4
CZ056‐50001 – Engine PCA 1 to Engine Adaptor PCA 1.
Chapter 8 Cables 5
Chapter 8 Cables 6
Chapter 8 Cables 7
Chapter 8 Cables 8
CZ056-50003- Engine Adaptor PCA Power Cable. PSU to Engine Adaptor PCA.
Subsystem: E-BOX ASSEMBLY. Quantity: 1x printer.
Chapter 8 Cables 9
CZ056-50186 - Am80 CS_P Power Cable Short. Carriage Sensor PCA to PH interconnect 2.
Subsystem: CARRIAGE. Quantity: 4 x printer.
CZ056-50187 - Am80 CS_P Power Cable Long. Carriage Sensor PCA to PH interconnect 1.
Subsystem: CARRIAGE. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50007 - Am80 Sensor Box Cable. Sensors Interconnect PCA to Carriage Sensors PCA.
Subsystem: CARRIAGE. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50008 - Am80 Pens Prime Cable. Carriage Sensors PCA to Pens Primer.
Subsystem: PRIMER. Quantity: 7 x printer.
CZ056-50143 – Pen Primer Extension Cable. Pens Primer Cable to Carriage Sensors PCA.
Subsystem: CARRIAGE. Quantity: 2 x printer.
CZ056-50188 –Primer Extension Cable Long. Pens Primer Cable to Carriage Sensors PCA.
Subsystem: CARRIAGE. Quantity: 3 x printer.
CZ056-50189 –Primer extension cable short. Pens primer cable to Carriage Sensors PCA.
Subsystem: Carriage. Quantity: 2 x printer.
CZ056-50013 – Drying Left Module Cable. Drying Module Left to Drying PCA.
Subsystem: MEDIA DRYING. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50016 – LAN Drying PCA to Drying PCA. Drying PCA to Drying PCA.
Subsystem: MEDIA DRYING. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50205 – Drying Right Module Cable. Drying Module Right to Drying PCA.
Subsystem: MEDIA DRYING. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50019 – Am80 LAN Curing PCA to Curing. Curing PCA to Curing PCA.
Subsystem: CURING. Quantity: 2 x printer.
CZ056-50029 – Ism Actuators Cable. ISS PCA n to Ink Valves & UI PCA n.
Subsystem: INK DELIVERY SYSTEM. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50030 – Ism Actuators Cable Lite. ISS PCA n to Ink Valves & UI PCA n.
Subsystem: INK DELIVERY SYSTEM. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50182 – Ism Actuators Cable 3. ISS PCA n to Ink Valves & UI PCA n.
Subsystem: INK DELIVERY SYSTEM. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50177 – Long PPS Data Bridge Cable. PCA_Motor drv.J1 to PCA_Motor drv.J1.
Subsystem: PPS. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50178 – Short PPS Data Bridge Cable. PCA_Motor drv.J1 to PCA_Motor drv.J1.
Subsystem: PPS. Quantity: 2 x printer.
CZ056-50035 – Am80_Motor drv PPS Motor Cable. RS485 PCA to 55 W PPS Motor.
Subsystem: PPS. Quantity: 4 x printer.
CZ056-50149 –PPS Power in T Extensor Cable. PPS Power in T Cable to DC ral-PCA Motor drv.J3.
Subsystem: PPS. Quantity: 4 x printer.
CZ056-50037 – Am80 Vacuum PCA to Vacuum Pump. Vacuum PCA to Vacuum Pump.
Subsystem: CABLES KIT. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50038 – Am80 Vacuum ctrl to OMAS Encoder. OMAS Controller PCA to Vacuum PCA.
Subsystem: OMAS EE. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50039 – Am80 Vacuum ctrl -- OMAS ctrl. OMAS Controller PCA to Vacuum PCA.
Subsystem: OMAS EE. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50040 – Am80 Vacuum Control to OMAS PO. OMAS Controller PCA to Vacuum PCA.
Subsystem: OMAS EE. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50044 – Am80 Drying Data Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Drying PCA.
Subsystem: IMPELLING SYSTEM. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50045 – Am80 Scan Axis Motor Data. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Scan Axis Brushless Motor.
Subsystem: IMPELLING SYSTEM. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50050 – Am80 Vacuum Pump Control. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Vacuum PCA.
Subsystem: CABLES KIT. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50051 – Am80 Curing Data Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Curing PCA.
Subsystem: CURING. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50052 – TUR Motor drv to PP Cable. Ebox to PPS Motor drv. J1.
Subsystem: CABLES KIT. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50054 – Am80 Capping Station Motor drv PCA. Ebox Interconnect PCA to SVS.Capping.
Subsystem: CABLES KIT. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50112 – Cable Drop Mux PPA. Ebox Interconnect PCA to DDU MUX PCA.
Subsystem: SERVICE STATION. Quantity: 4 x printer.
CZ056-50056 – Am80 Delta Drying Control. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Delta PWM ctrl.
Subsystem: MEDIA DRYING. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50138 – E-box to E-Cabinet PCA Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to e-Cab PCA.
Subsystem: CABLES KIT. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50057 – Am80 Vacuum Supply PCA. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Vacuum PCA.
Subsystem: CABLES KIT. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50142 – Sax Power Cable. Braking Resistor Enclosure to Scan Axis Motor.
Subsystem: IMPELLING SYSTEM. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50130 – Braking Resistor Enclosure Assy. Braking Resistor Enclosure Input to Output.
Subsystem: IMPELLING SYSTEM. Quantity: 4 x printer.
CZ056-50131 – Braking Resistor Enclosure Power. 42V PSU#1 to Braking Resistor Enclosure.
Subsystem: CABLES KIT. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50163 – Ebox to Motor drv TUR Cable. Ebox Interconnect PCA to Media Floor Motor drv.J1.
Subsystem: CABLES KIT. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50202 – OMAS Controller to Sensor Cable. OMAS Controller PCA to OMAS Sensor.
Subsystem: OMAS EE. Quantity: 1 x printer.
CZ056-50204 – R2FF Lever Switch Single Cable. Motor drv to Switches Pinch Roll to Floor.
Subsystem: ROLL TO FLOOR. Quantity: 2 x printer.
CZ056-50210 – TUR Sensor Cable Long. TUR Sensor to TUR Sensor PCA.
Subsystem: ROLL TO FLOOR. Quantity: 1 x printer.