How To Make Powerfull Laser Engraver: Hello Guys Hello Guys
How To Make Powerfull Laser Engraver: Hello Guys Hello Guys
by SmartTronix
Hello Guys
Whats up, In this instructable, I am making an Awesome mini laser engraver from old DVD writers.
It's very interesting project for any electronics hobbyist & Engineers. You can use this laser engraver machine to make any
kind of design, logo, art on the surface like WOOD, MDF, PLYWOOD, VNYL Paper.
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Visit my website DiY Projects Lab for More CNC machine i wish you liked it , I got this Laser engraver's idea from Maggie
Shah. Here's the version of his laser engraver .
I remixed his project with my own touch.
Step 2: Supplies
CNC (computer numerical control) The system is based on the control of the movements of the work tool in relation to
We need two DVD writers mechanism for this project. One for X-Axis and another one for Y-Axis.
You can nd this DVD writer from broken CPU or local hardware shop. I also got from the local hardware shop at very
cheap prices.
Now its time to disassemble the DVD writers.
Use Philips head screwdriver to remove all screw.
Unplugged all the connectors and cables from dvd drive
Open the disk holder and unscrew the sliding mechanis.
Detached the Sliding mechanism.
I’ve attached the slider of X and Y-axis together in perpendicular to each other, using glue between them. And also
attached a 3D printed part piece above it as a working bed.
How to Make Powerfull Laser Engraver: Page 9
How to Make Powerfull Laser Engraver: Page 10
How to Make Powerfull Laser Engraver: Page 11
How to Make Powerfull Laser Engraver: Page 12
Step 7: Attach the Laser Holder
Luckily, the Arduino shield we're using already has all the inputs and outputs labelled, so it's very easy to wire everything
up. I also made a schematic to help you in the process.
Ready to your all circuit
1) 2 PCs A4988 Stepper Motor Driver
2) Expansion Board A4988 Driver
3)Arduino UNO
First of all take hit sink and stick on A4988 motor Driver.
2 pcs A4988 Stepper motor driver connect on expansion board A4988 driver module, then connect the arduino with expansion
board and connect all wiring
The shield also has a built-in micro stepping control - meaning that instead of using full steps or half steps like a large
CNC would do, we can make the motors move by 1/16 or 1/32 of a step to make the laser move with the maximal
precision possible.
However, the motors will consume more electricity: they will get hot quicker.
To use the micro stepping modes, short some of the mode pins together. Di erent combinations give di erent
Take a look at the chart for the di erent con gurations possible.
When the shield is programmed, add the A4988 drivers to it and wire up the rest of the electronics.
To nd the coils of the stepper motors, use a multimeter. If there's resistance between the two wires, you have a coil.
On the schematic, the coils are represented by two wires of the same color.
The A4988 is a complete micro stepping motor driver with built-in translator for easy operation. It is designed to operate
bipolar stepper motors in full-step, half-step, quarter-step, eighth-step, and sixteenth-step modes, with an output drive
capacity of up to 35V and ±2A.
How to Make Powerfull Laser Engraver: Page 18
We can control the stepper motor with just 2 pins from our controller, like Arduino: one for controlling the rotation
direction and the other for controlling the steps.
Download and Install Benbox
Install Benbox Laser Engraver 3.7.99
1. Download and unzip Benbox
2. Select Benbox and run the setup wizard
3. Download and install the Arduino IDE.
4. Click and install CH340 driver.
5. Restart computer
6. Connect the USB cable between computer and engraver.
visit DiyProjectsLab For more info
To install the rmware, click on the lightning symbol at the top of the menu (rightmost icon).
1. Select the appropriate com port.
2. Select nano(328p).
3. Select and install the Lx. Hex rmware.
4. Click install. When the rmware has installed successfully, you will see a green checkmark beside the update rmware
title at the top.
The last step is to set up the parameters for the engraver.
1. Click on the blue menu icon at the top right-hand corner of the software.
2. Click on the right arrow underneath the menu icon to access the parameter list.
3. Enter the parameters’ values as depicted in the photo.
This starting spot will correlate to the red arc at the (0,0) position (refer to image).
Draw an simple image using the drawing tools on the left. Press the green start button to start the print. Click the circular
laser button with adjust until the beam is sharp.
great!!! nice...
Unless I missed it, you entirely skipped laser safety. a 1w laser is extremely dangerous without
eye protection. I would suggest editing your instructable to include the criticalness of safety when
operating a laser, which at minimum is using PROPER laser blocking goggles, and keeping pets
and others away during operation. It only takes ONE glancing shot to blind you permanently. Cool
If you download the PDF, there are links in it for US and India purchasers.
Very ingenious re-use of the CD/DVD drive mechanisms. My only comment would be, you have
to be pretty sure you can't knock the whole thing over ... with laser pointing somewhere it