Auto Safe Fire System Description
Auto Safe Fire System Description
System Description
AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System
System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. G, 2015-09-02, Autronica Fire and Security
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................... 7
1.1 About the Handbook .......................................................................... 7
1.2 The Reader ....................................................................................... 7
1.3 Reference Documentation................................................................. 7
System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. G, 2015-09-02,
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System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. G, 2015-09-02,
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1. Introduction
1.1 About the Handbook
This document provides a description of the AutroSafe Interactive Fire
Detection System, Release 4.
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Compliance to Standards
2. Compliance to Standards
2.1 Compliance with Regulations and Standards
AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, complies with
IEC-61508 SIL2 requirements, EN 54-2, EN 54-4 and
EN 54-13 regulations, AS 7240.2 and AS 7240.4 regulations, FM
regulations (Factory Mutual) and the maritime SOLAS (Safety Of Life
At Sea) requirements. The system complies to IMO SOLAS
convention including the amendment Safe Return to Port (AutroSafe
Dual Safety, see chapter 3.9).
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Compliance to Standards
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Compliance to Standards
Pre Alarm condition A warning level from the detectors with zone indication on display.
Point info. available. Implemented as a condition in line with those
required by the standard.
Self Verifying Function An automatic, calibrated test of all detectors, interfaces,
connections and cables for 300- and 500-series equipment. Series
200 without SV.
DYFI+ Dynamic Filtering, introduced in our BS-100 c.i.e., further
enhanced in AutroSafe and Autroprime.
Environmental Adaptivity Autroprime detectors may be programmed for environments,
clean, normal, industrial.
SOLAS functionality Mandatory functional requirements given by Safety Of Life At Sea
(SOLAS) for installations on ships.
Co-incidence detection As defined in EN 54-2:1998 7.12 Co-incidence detection.
Delayed co-incidence detection Norwegian requirement according to HO-2/98. (Also as described
in EN 54-2:A1:2006 Annex E Type C dependency.)
Operator panels Event indication and handling, menu available.
(In accordance with Annex G, an ancillary function without
requirements. See also above option: 11 Standardised
input/output interface)
Repeater panels Function / type of panel (Fire Brigade Panel or Information Panel)
determined by switch settings (see Installation Handbook for
Short circuit isolators integrated in Communication path between neighbouring loop units may be
loop units. isolated in case of short circuit or break. Provided connection as a
loop (recommended), no loop units will be lost in case of such a
Alarm zones Means of sub-dividing the alarming area in an installation during
fire alarm condition
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Compliance to Standards
EN 54 –2:1997/A1:2006
Control and indicating equipment for fire detection and fire alarm systems
for buildings
Provided options:
See chapter 2.2.1 in this handbook.
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Compliance to Standards
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Compliance to Standards
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System Characteristics
3. System Characteristics
3.1 Introduction
AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, provides
advanced functionality within fire detection for a wide range of
applications. The system is designed to meet requirements in the
high-end segment of the land, maritime and offshore market, and is
developed for worldwide standards and regulations.
The system has a great capacity, and the fact that all types of loop
units can be connected to the same detection loop gives large
To ensure that the safety is available in the life cycle of the system
internal diagnostic runs continuously and alerts if any discrepancies
are found.
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System Characteristics
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System Characteristics
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System Characteristics
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System Characteristics
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System Characteristics
3.9.1 Description
AutroSafe version 4.3 and more recent versions feature the AutroSafe
Dual Safety concept.
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System Characteristics
The AutroKeeper will normally have one 24VDC power input. If power
is lost, the AutroKeeper will still be operational by using power
provided from the detection loop, but it will try to leave the active
mode. If both power sources fail, there will be a switchover if the
standy AutroKeeper is ready to become active.
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System Characteristics
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System Characteristics
The distance from the Primary Panel to the Loop Driver Module is less
than 3 meters. An AL_Com+ flat ribbon cable is used between the
panel AL_Com port and the I/O stack (including the Loop Driver
The distance from the Secondary Panel to the Secondary Loop Driver
Module is less than 3 meters. An AL_Com+ flat ribbon cable is used
between the panel AL_Com port and the I/O stack (including the
Secondary Loop Driver Module).
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System Characteristics
The detection loop covers an area of Fire Zone 1, and all equipment in
the Primary System plus the Loop Drivers in the Secondary System
are located in this fire zone.
The panels in the Secondary System are located in Fire Zone 2. Only
the AutroFieldBus crosses the boundary between the fire zones.
The distance from the Primary Panel to the Primary Loop Driver
Module is less than 3 meters. An AL_Com+ flat ribbon cable is used
between the panel AL_Com port and the I/O stack (including the Loop
Driver Module).
The distance from the Secondary Panel to the Secondary Loop Driver
Module is more than 3 meters. An AL_Com+ flat ribbon cable
(maximum 3 meters) is used between the AutroFieldBus (AFB)
Protocol Converter BSD-321 and the I/O stack (including the
Secondary Loop Driver Module). The AFB Protocol Converter is
connected to the panel’s AFB. The AFB cable length can be up to
1000 meters. Booster equipment can be added to exceed the AFB
cable length even further.
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System Characteristics
(Detectors /
Detection Alarm Sounders
Call Points
Zone Zone
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System Characteristics
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System Characteristics
English (version intended for the Oil & Gas market)
Portuguese (Brazilian)
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System Characteristics
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System Characteristics
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System Characteristics
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System Characteristics
Detection loop:
Built-in short-circuit isolator (no loop units lost in case of a short-
circuit or interruption).
Built-in short-circuit isolator (no loop units lost in case of a short-
circuit or interruption).
The main circuit board in each single panel/cabinet provides two
Ethernet ports, enabling redundancy
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System Characteristics
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System Units
4. System Units
System Units Description
Fire Alarm BS-420 is a complete fire alarm control panel with full
Control operating capabilities. The panel serves as a operating
Panel panel for one or several operation zones.
All alarm handling and system features can be controlled
and monitored from the panel.
The fire alarm control panel is available in three different
variants specifically designed for the land market (BS-420),
maritime market (BS-420M) and petrochemical oil & gas
market (BS-420G) / IEC 61508 SIL 2 approval (BS-420G2).
Operator The Operator Panel serves as a operating panel for one or
Panel several defined operation zones.
All alarm handling and system features can be controlled
and monitored from this panel.
Controller The Controller serves as a connection unit for Loop Driver
Modules and I/O modules.
Controller The Controller Rack Unit BC-440 serves as a connection
Rack Unit unit for the detection loop, alarm sounders, controls and
inputs. It is a variant of the BC-420 Controller prepared for
rack installations. Together with the IO modules the unit will
have the full functionality of the BC-420 Controller.
Repeater The Repeater Panel BU-BV-420 serves as both a Fire
Panel Brigade Panel and an Information Panel.
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System Units Description
Power • The Power Cabinet BP-405 provides space for two
Cabinet 12V/18Ah batteries (not included).
Supply Unit BPS-405: 24V/5A power supply
BPS-405 / BPS-410: 24V/10A power supply
Both units include:
Power Board BSF-400, including:
AutroFieldBus interface
115VAC /230VAC input
6 outputs 24VDC (max. 2A each)
1 fault relay output
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Examples of Network Solutions
5.4.1 Overview
A network solution based on Star Topology or Single Star Topology
(AutroNet) with more than two panels requires the use of switches.
Only Phoenix Ethernet switches (see table below) are approved and
supported by Autronica Fire and Security AS.
All Ethernet switches can be used for the Onshore market. Only
Ethernet switches that are indicated in coloured rows (the first 9 that
are listed) can be used for the Maritime market and the Petrochemical
Oil & Gas market.
The switch type and the number of switches depend on the actual
installation / network design (number of panels and the distances
between the panels/switches). For information on current
consumption, see chapter 13.3.3.
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Examples of Network Solutions
max.. 100m
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Examples of Network Solutions
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Internal Modules
6. Internal Modules
6.1 Module Capacity inside the Fire Alarm Control
Panel and Controller
Each Fire Alarm Control Panel or Controller provides an internal
Power Module, BSS-310 and Communication Module, BSL-310.
In addition to these 2 mandatory modules, each system unit can
accommodate up to a maximum of 12 optional modules. Refer to the
next chapter.
6.2 Overview
The Fire Alarm Control Panel and the Controller can be equipped with
the same modules. All outputs are freely programmable from all
detectors, manual call points and input signals.
All modules have the same dimensions and are easily plugged onto
each other on a standard mounting rail inside the unit.
Dual Power BSS-311 The Dual Power Monitoring Module BSS-311 provides redundant power input
Monitoring to the BSS-310A module
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Loop Units
7. Loop Units
7.1 Overview
The AutroSafe System offers a wide range of fire alarm detectors,
manual call points and input/output units, control units and alarm units
that are developed and approved according to European directives
(CPD) requiring EN 54 compliance.
Both input and input/output units are also available with the
SV-function. Input units can also be delivered in series 500 and
7.2 Detectors
The detectors are available both with or without the Self-Verifying
Function (SV-function).
The system offers the choice of the following three main series:
Series 200, standard interactive addressable units.
Series 300 with SelfVerify, interactive addressable units.
Series 500 with SelfVerify, interactive addressable units designed
for use in heavy-duty applications and hazardous areas.
The system also offers Exn and Ex ia-approved versions intended for
high-risk applications. Smoke detector series S comprise special high
sensitive smoke detectors.
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Loop Units
The system also offers Exn and Ex ia-approved versions intended for
high-risk applications.
Information The Information Loop Panel features the following:
Loop Panel Connected and powered by the detector loop
BV-110 The panel presents fire alarms, faults and disablements
Scrolling function within each window
No system operations are allowed (Silence, Reset,
BV-110 menu functions)
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Detectors for Special Requirements
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Detectors for Special Requirements
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Communication Modules
9. Communication Modules
Autronica provides a large range of communication modules:
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Detection Loops
Note that all types and series of AutroSafe detectors, manual call
points and I/O units can be connected to the same detection loop.
Interface unit B R EA K G LA SS
Module BN- 320
Interface unit
10.2 Branch-offs
For optimum safety and as a general rule, the detection loop must be
wired as a loop. If necessary, a branch-off can be connected to a
detection loop if the existing cable layout requires this, but this is not
recommended, as the safety will be reduced. To ensure a correct
addressing of the detectors on a branch-off when configuring the
system, there can not be more than one branch-off per detector.
Branch-off Branch-off
Loop Loop
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Detection Loops
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Detection Loops
10.3.3 Guidelines
To easily estimate the type of loop driver module to be used and the
maximum length of the detection loop when projecting, each type of
loop unit is given a score.
BSD-310 BSD-311
Cable dimension Scores 1-300 Scores 301-450 Scores 451-600
0,75mm2 1100m 660m 430m
1mm2 1470m 880m 580m
1,5mm2 2200m 1320m 870m
2mm2 2940m 1760m 1160m
2,5mm2 3670m 2200m 1450m
In this example, the total number of scores is below 300, and the
standard loop driver module BSD-310 can thus be used. The
maximum length of the detection loop for various cable dimensions is
shown in the second column of the table above (within the range of 1-
300 scores).
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Detection Loops
The cable type, cable dimension and maximum cable length, plus the
maximum resistance and capacitance is included in the table below
(refer to Cable Specifications, chapter 11). As the high-power version
BSD-311 is required in this example, the maximum resistance is
Rmax=20Ω total and the maximum capacitance is Cmax=0,5F.
Note that when measuring the total resistance on the detection loop,
always measure the resistance on the plus-wire and multiply the
measured value by 2.
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Detection Loops
r+ x A r+ x A
L= =
ρ 0,017
10Ω x 1,5mm2
L= ~ 882m
Ω x mm2
The cable dimension (1,5mm ) and calculated cable length (882m)
requires the use of the high-power loop driver module version
BSD-311 (as shown in the shaded row in the table below).
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Cable Specifications
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Shielding and Earthing
12.1 Definitions
Local Frame Earth
The electrical connection to the framework at the described physical
position, such as the frame or chassis of a cabinet, the power cable
outlet etc.
Conductive structure encapsulating the wire in a harness or cable,
normally in the form of a mesh or foil forming a Faraday cage.
Mechanical protection to avoid physically damaging electrical cables
or circuits.
Synonym for Earth, in this handbook Earth is used.
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Shielding and Earthing
Please note that an Integrated Fire and Gas system with PowerLoop
shall by no means be designed as a single earth system. Refer to
section 12.3 for details about keeping the PowerLoop as a dual earth
PLA+ 6
PLA- 7
IE 8
PLB+ 9
PLB- 10
Max 30 cm
This implies that the internal cabling in a rack or enclosure where the
BSD-340 and / or the Loop Units are installed also needs to be fully
shielded. The requirement includes termination / junction boxes and
all field wiring as well.
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Shielding and Earthing
PLA+ 6
PLA- 7
IE 8
PLB+ 9
PLB- 10
Note jumper !
If there are break-outs from the main loop (to make local small loops
that return to the same break-out box), care shall be taken to avoid
local closed loops. See the figure below.
PLA+ 6
PLA- 7
IE 8
BSD-340 Break!
PLB+ 9
PLB- 10
Page 60
Shielding and Earthing
PLA+ 6
PLA- 7
IE 8
PLB+ 9
PLB- 10
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Shielding and Earthing
322 Fiber 322
EAU-341 /
BSA-400 1
3 Junction
2 BSD-340
An alternative is to rather bring the reference from the other side of the
Booster across it, to continue the shield in that way. Note that the bus
needs to be referenced by connecting the CenterTap (pin 3 or 6) to
Earth. On the left side, this is ensured by the AFB-CT to Earth at the
EAU-341 / BSA-400, while the BSL-325 right side needs to be tied to
Earth or to the reference of It’s left side, by for instance connecting pin
3 to 6.
Further on, the BSL-322 to BSL-322 also isolates. If there had been
several fiber jumps, each individual cable segment between the fiber
segments would have to be earthed. In this case, the segment
following passes through a BSD-340, the shield is kept continous and
it is referenced to earth at Earthpoint 1, close to the EAU-341 / BSA-
400. An alternative to this would be to terminate at the other end of
this segment, at the BSL-322.
The main rule is: Ensure that all segment’s shield are terminated at
one end and one end only.
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Shielding and Earthing
Care shall be taken to avoid two units monitoring the same segment,
as they may interfere with each other on this feature.
All earth fault monitoring is done towards Instrument Earth (IE) in the
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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption
Power Supply
Interfaces /
24 V
(Autro- 24 V
FieldBus) Switches
Autro Safe for I/O I/O Stack
24 V Stack 24 V
Contact, Contact,
24 V Temperature
24V/2A 24V/2A
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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption
Note that if there is a maximum load from both output A and C, the
total load would be 4A, which in this case would exceed the limit of
3A. It is therefore important to calculate the total power consumption
for each Power Cabinet BP-405 to ensure that this limit is not
The example described in the next chapter shows how you can easily
find out if the power consumption in a system is within the given limits.
Cabinet 1 A1 Panel BS-420 and BC-420 720 mA
A2 Panel BS-420 and BC-420
B1 External • Fibre converters 2x LM 4TX/2FX
800 mA
B2 External • Fibre converters 2x LM 4TX/2FX
• Internal 1860 mA
• C1 (I/O stack) BS-420 and BC-420
Total power consumption 3380 mA
All outputs in Power Cabinet 1 are correctly set up for redundancy and
are below the limit of 2A. However, the total power consumption is
3,38A, meaning that the limit of 3A is exceeded by 0,38A. The total
power consumption must be reduced by 0,38A, or another power
cabinet has to be added.
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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption
Cabinet 2 A1 Panel 2 x BC-420 720 mA
A2 Panel 2 x BC-420
B1 External
B2 External
• Internal 1860 mA
C1 (I/O stack) 2 x BC-420
Total power consumption 2580 mA
Cabinet 3 A1 Panel BU-BV-420 220 mA
A2 Panel BU-BV-420
B1 External Various additional external equipment 24V 500 mA
B2 External Equipment that does not require redundancy 750 mA
• Internal
C1 (I/O stack)
• C2
Total power consumption 1470 mA
Cabinet 4 A1 Panel 1x BC-420 680 mA
A2 Panel 1x BC-420 and BS-420
B1 External Various relays and door magnets
2500 mA
B2 External Various relays and door magnets
• Internal 2300 mA
C1 (I/O stack) BC-420 and BS-420
C2 BC-420 and BS-420
Total power consumption 5480 mA
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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption
The total power consumption (5480mA) related to the power
distribution in Power Cabinet 4 is far too high. More power must be
supplied. A separate power supply can be used to supply power to
equipment that does not require redundancy. If the power
consumption is reduced by 2,5A, power supplied from Power Cabinet
4 will be sufficient, as the power needed is no longer exceeding the
total limit of BP-405. Port C is still above 2A and must be reduced
either by removing components that are not needed or by using an
additional Power Cabinet BP-405.
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Power Distribution, Calculation
and Consumption
Autronica part Consumption
Switch type (Phoenix) Description
number (max.) @ 24V
FL SWITCH SFNT 5TX 5 RJ45 ports 116-5151-030.2127 120mA
• 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNT 4TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2128 160mA
FL SWITCH SFNT 8TX 8 RJ45 ports 116-5151-030.2129 153mA
• 7 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNT 7TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2130 175mA
FL SWITCH LM 5TX 5 RJ45 ports 116-5151-030.2131 250 mA
• 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/FX 1 fibre optic multi-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2132 380mA
• 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/2FX 2 fibre optic multi-mode ports (SC) 116-5151-030.2133 400mA
• 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/FX SM 1 fibre optic single-mode port (SC) 116-5151-030.2134 380mA
• 4 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH LM 4TX/2FX SM 2 fibre optic single-mode ports (SC) 116-5151-030.2135 400mA
5 RJ45 ports
FL SWITCH SFNB 5TX 116-5151-030.2136
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14. Appendix
14.1 Zoning Concept
14.1.1 General
To describe the functional hierarchy of the system we use the term
"zone". Assigning system components to zones enables hierarchical
control from detection to activation of alarm. This hierarchy consists of
the following zones:
Detection Zone (DZ)
Alarm Zone (AZ)
Operation Zone (OZ)
(Detectors /
Detection Alarm Sounders
Call Points
Zone Zone
A point can only be assigned to one detection zone, and can only
refer to one specific location in the system (for example, a specific
office on the second floor in a building).
The Detection Zone will be the trigger to generate outputs to the Alarm
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An alarm from one of the devices in DZ3 will activate sounders in AZ1.
Within the same alarm zone, alarm sounders give the same audible
The operation zone can cover one floor or one building, and is
designed to restrict the operators’ sphere of influence on the system
as a whole. At least one Fire Alarm Control Panel / Operator Panel
should have the overall control of the system.
Input / Output units (for example, Door Control Units, Sprinkler Control
Units etc.) can be controlled from an Operation Zone.
An Operation Zone given these properties and necessary parameter
settings is referred to as a Control Operation Zone.
Different day / night operation for different areas (i.e. detection zones)
requires the use of several Operation Zones / sub-operation zones
with different Day / Night Operation. An Operation Zone given these
properties and necessary parameter settings is referred to as a Day /
Night Operation Zone.
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System Description, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, 116-P-ASAFE-SYSTEMD/EGB Rev. G, 2015-09-02,
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The building is divided into three sections, the CANTEEN, the SALES
OFFICE and the CORRIDOR SOUTH, each section defined as a
Detection Zone (1, 2 and 3).
The system is divided into two Alarm Zones (1 and 2). The Electronic
Sounder in Alarm Zone 1 is triggered when alarms are activated in
Detection Zone 2, and the sounders (Fire Alarm Devices) in Alarm
Zone 2 are triggered when alarms are activated in Detection Zone 1
and 3.
One Operation Zone defines the scope of the Fire Alarm Control
Panel BS-420, including all Detection Zones, Alarm Zones, plus Fire
Alarm Routing Equipment and Fire Warning Routing Equipment.
The BS-420 provides one Loop Driver BSD-310. All Loop Units are
connected to this loop. The BS-420 also provides one Output Module
BSB-310 with monitored outputs for Fire Alarm Routing Equipment
(FARE), Fire Alarm Devices (FAD), Fire Protection Equipment (FPE)
and Fault Warning Routing Equipment (FWRE).
Operation Zone 3 Operation Zone 4
To BS-420 Alarm Zone 3 To BS-420 Alarm Zone 4
Operation Zone 2
To BS-420
Alarm Zone 2 AA LL AA R
Prewarning 11 22 33 1 2 3
Prewarning 11 22 33 Early warning
Early warning
Early warning
Early warning
Early warning Fault 44 55 66 Fault 4 5 6
Fault 44 55 66 Fault
System fault
Fault System fault
System fault 77 88 99 7 8 9
System fault Function disabled
System fault 77 88 99 Function disabled
Function disabled
Function disabled
Function disabled Test C 00 Test C 0
Test C
Test C
?? ?
BS-430 BS-430
Self S elf Verify
Self Verify
Self Verify
BS-420 Alarm Zone 1
To FARE 1 Output 1
More Alarms
Silence buzzer
Silence sounders
1 2 3
To FARE 3 Output 3
Early warning
Fault 4 5 6
System fault
7 8 9
Function disabled
Test C 0
S elf Verify
To FARE 4 Output 4
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The table below describes how the system is configured, and what is
Configuration What is achieved
This configuration allows the Fire Alarm Control Panel to operate,
Operation Zones control and monitor the entire building complex.
The Fire Alarm Control Panel in building A Information is selectively routed. In the event of a fire alarm in
serves as an operating panel for all operation building B, for example, detailed information (information on the
zones. detection zone/detector) will be shown only on the panel's display
in building B and in the main administration building. Remote
information on the fire alarm location, i.e. building B, will be
The panel's defined Operation Zone 1 is on the shown on the panel's display in building C and D.
top level, encompassing Operation Zone 2, 3
and 4. The buzzer will be activated on the panels in building A and B in
the event of an alarm.
Fire Alarm Routing Equipment (FARE) A fire alarm in, for example, Operation Zone 3 will trigger output 3
The Output Module (BSB-310) in the Fire Alarm on the output module. In this way, the fire brigade will be able to
Control Panel is configured as follows: know exactly in which building the fire has occured, in this case,
Each Operation Zone (1-4) has a dedicated building C.
Alarm Zones A fire alarm from a detector in building B, for example, will
Each building is defined as an Alarm Zone. The activate all sounders (default 0,5 second ON / 0,5 second OFF)
Detection Zones in each building are connected in this building, plus in the main administration building.
to each building's Alarm Zone, and in addition to Simultaneously, a neighbour alert signal (default 0,5 second ON /
the main administration building's Alarm Zone. 3,5 seconds OFF) on all sounders will be heard in building C.
In addition, the following Neighbour Zones are
C is defined as a neighbour zone to B.
B and D are defined as neighbour zones to C.
C is defined as a neighbour zone to D.
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Autronica is a leading innovator, manufacturer and supplier of fire safety equipment. Our
products ensure safety in applications on land and sea worldwide. The company is owned by
United Technologies Corporation (UTC) and employs more than 380 people with great skill and
experience in the developing, manufacturing and marketing of fire safety equipment.
Autronica Fire and Security AS is an international company based in Trondheim, a dynamic city
known as the technological hotspot of Norway.