Review Article
Abstract Primary stability in dental implants is an essential factor for achieving successful osseointegration. Surgical
procedure and bone quality are among the most common factors that affect primary stability. It is also
crucial to achieve high‑insertion torque which is important for obtaining primary stability. Maintaining
sufficient bone bulk and density is essential to achieve necessary bone‑to‑implant contact for obtaining
a biomechanically stable implant. A new concept for osteotomy called osseodensification (OD) has been
at the forefront of changes in surgical site preparation in implantology. This relatively new concept with
universally compatible drills has been proposed to help in better osteotomy preparation, bone densification,
and indirect sinus lift and also achieve bone expansion at different sites of varying bone densities. This
procedure has also shown improvement in achieving better implant primary stability and better osteotomy
than conventional implant drills. A systematic review was undertaken to analyze if OD procedure had any
advantages over conventional osteotomy on bone density and primary stability. An electronic database
search was conducted in PubMed using keywords such as “OD,” “implant primary stability,” “implant bone
density,” and “implant osteotomy.” A total of 195 articles were collected and subjected to screening using
inclusion and exclusion criteria. A literature review was done, following which it was seen that the use of
versah drills for bone OD resulted in undersized osteotomy compared to conventional drills. It also resulted
in improved bone density and increase in percentage bone volume and bone‑to‑implant contact, thereby
improving implant stability.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Umesh Y. Pai, Department of Prosthodontics, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education,
Manipal, Mangalore-575001, Karnataka, India.
E‑mail: pai.umesh@manipal.edu
Received: 13th November, 2017, Accepted: 24th May, 2018
DOI: How to cite this article: Pai UY, Rodrigues SJ, Talreja KS, Mundathaje M.
10.4103/jips.jips_292_17 Osseodensification – A novel approach in implant dentistry. J Indian Prosthodont
Soc 2018;18:196-200.
196 © 2018 The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Total articles
is critical in immediate loading protocols, and it was
(electronic search) n = 195 reported that an implant micromotion above 50–100
Duplicates removed um potentiated peri‑implant bone resorption or implant
failures.[15‑17] Trisi et al. in in vivo study found a statistically
significant correlation between peri‑implant bone density,
Total articles remaining
n = 191
insertion torque, and micromotion [Table 1]. A significant
Articles not related to dentistry increase in insertion torque and a concomitant reduction in
n = 22
micromotion was noted with an increase in bone density
values.[18] Berardini et al.[19] and Li et al.[20] in a review reported
Articles screened and no significant difference in crestal bone resorption and
selected n = 169
Aricles not satisfying failure rate between implants inserted with either high‑ or
Criteria n = 166
low‑insertion torque values. They also demonstrated the
ability of OD drills to increase the % of BV and % of
BIC for dental implants inserted into poor density bone
Articles selected n = 3 compared to conventional osteotomies, which may help in
Figure 4: Diagram showing search results enhancing osseointegration,[21,22]
three full‑text articles were selected for the review according Newer methods such as cutting torque resistance analysis
to the inclusion criteria [Figure 4]. developed by Johansson and Strid was also suggested as
a tool to evaluate implant primary stability,[23] but nothing
Inclusion criteria specific has been documented in the literature with regard
Only full‑text articles were considered. to OD.
• Implant site: Compact bone/cancellous bone
• Implant stability: Primary stability/secondary stability OSSEODENSIFICATION VERSUS
• Drills: Osteotomy preparation with conventional CONVENTIONAL OSTEOTOMY
drills/OD drills
Biomechanical capabilities of implants are affected by various
• Bone density: Bone volume percentage (%BV)/BIC.
factors, which include implant macro/microgeometry,
Exclusion criteria nanosurface modifications, and osteotomy techniques
• Case reports/case series employed. [22,24] Standard drills used in implant site
• In vitro studies. osteotomy excavate bone to facilitate implant placement.
They produce effective cutting of bone but lack the design
OSSEODENSIFICATION AND BONE DENSITY capability to create a precise circumferential osteotomy.
Osteotomies, therefore, become elongated and elliptical
The process of osseointegration leads to bone formation due to the imprecise cutting of the drills. This leads to a
on the implant surface and contributes to implant reduction of torque during implant insertion, leading to
secondary stability between bone and dental implant. poor primary stability and contributing to the potential
for nonintegration of implant. Furthermore, osteotomies
In areas of low bone density, such as maxillary posterior
prepared in deficient bone may produce either buccal or
region, the insufficient bone available could affect the
lingual dehiscence, which results in a reduction of primary
histomorphometric parameters such as %BIC and %BV
stability and necessitates an additional bone grafting adding
negatively, thereby affecting primary and secondary
to the total cost of treatment and increasing healing time.
implant stability. A layer of increased bone mineral
density has been shown by imaging around the periphery Undersizing the implant site preparation[25,26] and using the
of osteotomies using OD. The increase in bone density osteotomes for bone condensation[27,28] are some of the
achieved by OD has shown to have a potentiating effect surgical methods advised to increase primary stability in
on secondary stability. implants and % of BIC in poor density bone. Observations
OSSEODENSIFICATION AND PRIMARY were also made of different healing patterns and
STABILITY peri‑implant bone‑remodeling models.[29‑31] The alternative
to implant drilling procedures in the posterior maxilla is
The implant primary stability is a crucial factor to achieve the osteotome technique[27] that aims to compact the bone
implant osseointegration.[14] High primary implant stability with the mechanical action of cylindrical instruments along
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the osteotomy walls. This procedure created trabecular literature evidence is inadequate to draw any concrete
fractures with debris, which caused an obstruction to the conclusions, and more studies are recommended in this
process of osseointegration.[32] field.
OD osteotomy diameters were found to be smaller than Financial support and sponsorship
conventional osteotomies prepared with the same burs Nil.
due to the springy nature and elastic strain of bone. This
increased the percent of bone available at the implant site Conflicts of interest
by about three times. Histomorphological analysis has There are no conflicts of interest.
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