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FS2 - Episode 11

The document provides details of a lesson on addition that was observed for evaluation. The summary is: [1] The teacher demonstrated a clear understanding of addition concepts and organized the lesson well with materials. [2] Students were engaged through interactive activities like practicing addition at the board and with a video. [3] Areas for improvement included ensuring all students understood concepts and providing worksheets for additional practice.


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90% found this document useful (21 votes)
109K views7 pages

FS2 - Episode 11

The document provides details of a lesson on addition that was observed for evaluation. The summary is: [1] The teacher demonstrated a clear understanding of addition concepts and organized the lesson well with materials. [2] Students were engaged through interactive activities like practicing addition at the board and with a video. [3] Areas for improvement included ensuring all students understood concepts and providing worksheets for additional practice.


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Field Study 2

FS2 – Episode 11 Page 1

Field Study 2

Participate and Assist

Complete the given matrix by using Gagne s Nine Events or Instruction, once a lesson is
assigned to you. Consult your Resource Teacher if your plans are ready for implementation or
your assistance is needed in any part of the lesson.

Segment of Learning Events of Instruction Strategies used and Learning Resources/

Activities Used Materials
Preparation 1. Gaining Attention Warm up activities, Pictures and Boxes
ice breakers
2. Inform Learning Learning scope PowerPoint
Objectives presentation
3. Stimulate Recall of Review of the Printed Handouts
Prior Learning previous lesson
Instruction and 4. Present the Content From easy to more Printed Handouts and
Practice complex videos
5. Provide Learning Examples and guided Sample pictures and
Guides practices theory from textbook
6. Elicit Performance Skills practices Group Presentation
and collaboration
7. Provide Feedback Automatic grading, Index card
Assessment and 8. Assess Daily quiz Learning Activity
Transfer Performance Sheet
9. Enhance Retention Assignments Handouts

Using Robert Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction, what did you notice in the following segments
of learning

How did the students react to the activities/ various elements to arouse their interest?

I didn't see them as in exaggerated reaction but I saw in them that they were happy that they had
plans in place to get their attention and bring out the ability of one of them with the help of
Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction.

Were the students focused when you were stating the learning objectives at the beginning of the

Yes because with the help of the ice breaker I can easily get everyone's attention. So maybe I get
their attention on the part of stating the learning objectives is because the foundation was good
and the class started lively.

How did the new learnings relate with what they really know?

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Field Study 2

They use new knowledge through, we have activities where they need to apply what they have
learned to real life situations, problem solving and things that will help in decision making that
they are doing and will yet do.

Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did you do?

Yes, there are a few students who can't follow the topics and they are just forced to skip
knowledge to catch up with the discussion and not be left behind. What I do is I encourage
everyone to talk about what they have learned and if there are students who are left behind, I
always go back to the topics they need to know. I don’t let us end a whole lesson with students
who don’t know these things. as much as i can, i make way for them to keep up with their other

Did the students find difficulty in applying the theories/ concepts learned to real life?

Yes there are students who have difficulty, but there are students who do not have difficulty, and
with the help of classmates, they have conversations about those things and everyone will teach
each other which is a sign of good organization

How did your students react to your feedback?

They are happy with the feedback I give, that is, students are willing to listen and want to learn
because they listen to their teacher's feedback and they learn to improve their learning.

What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had retention of learning?

During their performance evaluation, they score higher in the post test than in the pre-test,
meaning they have learned something in the discussion.


After planning your lesson(s) you may be requested by your Resource 1eacher to deliver
the lesson(s). Your Resource Teacher will use a classroom observation sheet to evaluate the
delivery of your lesson (s) Schools use different tools in rating classroom/ online observations.
Below is an example of a classroom observation form/sheet.

Areas of Strengths Areas of improvement

1. Subject Matter Content The teacher showed Improve ability to delve

Demonstrates depth and comprehensive understanding deeper into the content and
breadth of the subject matter to the material; this was related materials.
evident in her responses to
Shows mastery of the subject student’s questions.

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Field Study 2

2. Organization of the lesson The teacher had the material The teacher should make sure
Presents subject matter necessary to conduct this math that students understand what
sequentially and logically lesson. she was explaining by asking
question ensuring they were
States clear learning outcomes She had well-organized learning the material.
printouts on hand to conduct
Synthesizes main points the lesson.
The teacher was able to
Meets class at scheduled time conduct her lesson very
smoothly since she was very
Regularly monitors classroom organized.
on-line course

3. Rapport Interaction with The teacher made this lesson The teacher should know the
the Students very fun; she had students students' strengths and
sitting on the floor maintains a light' atmosphere
Holds interest of students surrounding her to be closer to throughout all activities.
her and gave her a clear view
Is respectful, fair and impartial of students understanding.

Provides immediate feedback The teacher explained students

what addition was and
Encourages active demonstrated the addition sign
participation by making a cross with her
fingers and also had students
Interacts with students demonstrate the sign using
their fingers.
Shows enthusiasm
The teacher demonstrated an
addition word problem using
two boys and three girls get
upfront to practice doing a
word problem.

Conversation was allowed to

shift along with student
comments and or questions
celebrating interest/
enthusiasm and encouraging
all students to participate.

4. Teaching Methods and The teacher demonstrated I am suggesting that the

Strategies various addition problems on teacher should always give
the board then conducted a students a worksheet to work
Utilizes relevant teaching practice addition problem on their addition word
methods/' strategies using five of the students. problems. It will help them to

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Field Study 2

increase their learnings.

Uses learning aids, materials, The teacher then showed more
and technology addition problems using a
video for students to explore
Employs cooperative /group different problems and their
involvement in the classroom solutions.
and remote learning
After viewing the video
Uses examples that are simple, several students went up to
clear, precise, and appropriate practice addition problems on
an interactive tool were
Stays focused on and meets students moved around to
stated learning outcomes create the word problem they
were asked to form.

Students were quietly sent

back to their desks. Once at
their desks the teacher made
sure what they had reviewed
before giving students their

5. Presentation of the lesson

Speaks in a loud and clear I think that he teacher should
Establishes online course or voice. know how to modulate her
classroom environment voice have a good
conducive to learning Gives specific directions. conversation inside the
Maintains eye contact Maintains eye contact when
speaking to children.
Uses a clear voice, strong
projection, proper enunciation Used great techniques to
involved children in the
Has a good command of the lesson.

Uses language within the level

of students

6. Classroom Management The teacher gained the class The teacher should maintain
attention by saying cues like the presence of Bulletin board
Begins and end classes on "focus " and students to always maintain the
time responded "time to focus" classroom management.

Uses time wisely Students were very well

behaved and teacher did not

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Attends to course interaction need to discipline them to

concentrate and pay attention.
Demonstrates leadership
ability maintains discipline The teacher used positive
and control words when students followed
directions such as "Thank you
Maintains effective classroom for following directions"
and e-platform management)

7. Sensitivity to Students' The teacher demonstrated The teacher should create

Needs sensitivity for each of her activities that can help to
students by respecting their break the barriers between
Exhibits sensitivity to students cultures, gender difference, those differences.
personal culture, gender and their disabilities.
differences and disabilities
Students who use glasses
Responds appropriately in a where sitting up front so they
non-threatening. pro-active won't have trouble seen the
learning environment board

8. Support /Assistance to The assignment was in group, The teacher should always get
Students the teacher gave students the the opinions to every student
opportunity to work the to ensure that all the students
Assists students with problem on their worksheet learning.
academic problems and then on the projector she
did the problem ensuring that Teacher should assist those
Clarifies points in the lessons students did it right. students that need help saying
which are not clear to the the word problem.
students After working the problem .
about she asked students how
Allots time for questions / they would say it in a word
comments problem.

9. Personal Competencies The teacher was dressed The teacher should always
professionally according to well-presented, simple but
Shows self-confidence her job. appropriate.

Maintains professional The teacher appeared to be

distance and professional very confident on what she
appearance was teaching with the different
approaches she used for her
students to understand the

The teacher made her lesson

very fun which tells me she is

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passionate for her job.

10. Physical Aspects of the The teacher should teach the
Classroom There are green board and students on how to keep the
white boards at the front of the classroom neat and clean
Oversees the physical classroom as well as a TV
attributes of classroom (light,
ventilation, acoustics) Student's desks were arranged
in groups of four.
Checks number of students in There are enough lights and
attendance electric fan.
There are also cleaning
Checks layout of room, equipment and safety posters
distractions, if any
The teachers desk is at the
Lists any observations on how front of the classroom, set a
the physical aspects of the little to the side to avoid
classroom affected content covering the front boards

Source: htps:/www.isu.edu pdfs 2 faculty-staf-docs

Overall impression of teaching effectiveness:

As I observed, I think the teacher has developed a great teaching method which is part of
everyone's learning. I can see that this kind of teaching will be effective and there will be a good
way to go through the classroom if everyone has a contribution to everyone's learning.

Work on my Artifacts

Attach pieces of evidence of your delivery of (lesson plans, pictures, screen shots and the like)

Source: https://youtu.be/q769onnlF8M

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