Operating Guide: VLT AQUA Drive FC 202
Operating Guide: VLT AQUA Drive FC 202
Operating Guide
VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202
0.25–90 kW
Contents Operating Guide
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose of the Operating Guide 4
1.2 Additional Resources 4
1.3 Manual and Software Version 4
1.4 Product Overview 4
1.5 Approvals and Certifications 8
1.6 Disposal 8
2 Safety 9
2.1 Safety Symbols 9
2.2 Qualified Personnel 9
2.3 Safety Precautions 9
3 Mechanical Installation 11
3.1 Unpacking 11
3.2 Installation Environments 11
3.3 Mounting 12
4 Electrical Installation 14
4.1 Safety Instructions 14
4.2 EMC-compliant Installation 14
4.3 Grounding 14
4.4 Wiring Schematic 16
4.5 Access 18
4.6 Motor Connection 18
4.7 AC Mains Connection 19
4.8 Control Wiring 19
4.8.1 Control Terminal Types 19
4.8.2 Wiring to Control Terminals 21
4.8.3 Enabling Motor Operation (Terminal 27) 21
4.8.4 Voltage/Current Input Selection (Switches) 22
4.8.5 RS485 Serial Communication 22
4.9 Installation Check List 23
5 Commissioning 24
5.1 Safety Instructions 24
5.2 Applying Power 24
5.3 Local Control Panel Operation 24
5.3.1 Graphic Local Control Panel Layout 24
5.3.2 Parameter Settings 26
8 Specifications 49
8.1 Electrical Data 49
8.1.1 Mains Supply 1x200–240 V AC 49
8.1.2 Mains Supply 3x200–240 V AC 50
8.1.3 Mains Supply 1x380–480 V AC 52
8.1.4 Mains Supply 3x380–480 V AC 53
8.1.5 Mains Supply 3x525–600 V AC 57
8.1.6 Mains Supply 3x525–690 V AC 61
8.2 Mains Supply 64
8.3 Motor Output and Motor Data 64
8.4 Ambient Conditions 65
8.5 Cable Specifications 65
8.6 Control Input/Output and Control Data 65
8.7 Connection Tightening Torques 68
8.8 Fuses and Circuit Breakers 69
8.9 Power Ratings, Weight, and Dimensions 76
9 Appendix 78
Index 84
1 1 1 Introduction
8 7
14 9
13 12
1 Local control panel (LCP) 10 Motor output terminals 96 (U), 97 (V), 98 (W)
2 RS485 fieldbus connector (+68, -69) 11 Relay 2 (01, 02, 03)
3 Analog I/O connector 12 Relay 1 (04, 05, 06)
4 LCP input plug 13 Brake (-81, +82) and load sharing (-88, +89) terminals
5 Analog switches (A53), (A54) 14 Mains input terminals 91 (L1), 92 (L2), 93 (L3)
6 Cable shield connector 15 USB connector
7 Ground termination plate 16 Fieldbus terminal switch
8 Grounding clamp (PE) 17 Digital I/O and 24 V supply
9 Shielded cable grounding clamp and strain relief 18 Cover
1 1
12 13
10 DC-
06 05 04
03 02 01
61 68 69 39 42 50 53 54 55
Max. 24 Volt !
12 13 18 19 27 29 32 33 20 37
19 16
Illustration 1.2 Exploded View Enclosure Sizes B and C, IP55 and IP66
1 1 Illustration 1.3 is a block diagram of the internal 1.4.4 Enclosure Sizes and Power Ratings
components of the frequency converter.
For enclosure sizes and power ratings of the frequency
converters, refer to chapter 8.9 Power Ratings, Weight, and
2 Safety
2 2
2.1 Safety Symbols WARNING
The following symbols are used in this guide: UNINTENDED START
When the frequency converter is connected to AC mains,
DC supply, or load sharing, the motor may start at any
WARNING time. Unintended start during programming, service, or
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could repair work can result in death, serious injury, or
result in death or serious injury. property damage. The motor can start via an external
switch, a fieldbus command, an input reference signal
2 2 200–240 0.25–3.7 kW
(0.34–5 hp)
– 5.5–45 kW
(7.5–60 hp)
380–480 0.37–7.5 kW – 11–90 kW
(0.5–10 hp) (15–121 hp)
525–600 0.75–7.5 kW – 11–90 kW
(1–10 hp) (15–121 hp)
525–690 – 1.1–7.5 kW 11–90 kW
(1.5–10 hp) (15–121 hp)
Leakage currents exceed 3.5 mA. Failure to ground the
frequency converter properly can result in death or
serious injury.
• Ensure the correct grounding of the equipment
by a certified electrical installer.
Contact with rotating shafts and electrical equipment
can result in death or serious injury.
• Ensure that only trained and qualified personnel
perform installation, start-up, and maintenance.
• Ensure that electrical work conforms to national
and local electrical codes.
• Follow the procedures in this guide.
Unintended rotation of permanent magnet motors
creates voltage and can charge the unit, resulting in
death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
• Ensure that permanent magnet motors are
blocked to prevent unintended rotation.
An internal failure in the frequency converter can result
in serious injury when the frequency converter is not
properly closed.
• Ensure that all safety covers are in place and
securely fastened before applying power.
3 Mechanical Installation
AQUA Drive
www.danfoss.com The frequency converter complies with requirements for
1 units mounted on the walls and floors of production
2 3
P/N: 131F6653 S/N: 038010G502 premises, and in panels bolted to walls or floors.
45kW(400V) / 60HP(460V) For detailed ambient conditions specifications, refer to
5 9
IN: 3x380-480V 50/60Hz 82/73A chapter 8.4 Ambient Conditions.
OUT: 3x0-Vin 0-590Hz 90/80A
7 o o
CHASSIS/ IP20 Tamb.45 C/113 F
*1 3 1 F 6 6 5 3 0 3 8 0 1 0 G 5 0 2 * DENMARK
See manual for special condition/mains fuse
10 `
voir manual de conditions speclales/fusibles
Stored charge, wait 15 min.
` attendez 15 min.
Charge residuelle,
1 Type code
2 Ordering number
3 Serial number
4 Power rating
Input voltage, frequency, and current (at low/high
Output voltage, frequency, and current (at low/high
7 Enclosure type and IP rating
8 Maximum ambient temperature
9 Certifications
10 Discharge time (Warning)
Do not remove the nameplate from the frequency
converter. Removing the nameplate voids the warranty.
3 3 Cooling 3.
Keep the motor cables as short as possible.
Mount the unit vertically to a solid flat surface or
• Ensure that top and bottom clearance for air to the optional backplate to provide cooling
cooling is provided. See Illustration 3.2 for airflow.
clearance requirements. 4. Use the slotted mounting holes on the unit for
wall mounting, when provided.
Mounting with backplate and railings
A backplate is required when mounted on railings.
Enclosure A2–A5 B1–B4 C1, C3 C2, C4 B
a [mm (in)] 100 (3.9) 200 (7.9) 200 (7.9) 225 (8.9) C e
Illustration 3.2 Top and Bottom Cooling Clearance
Lifting A
• To determine a safe lifting method, check the
weight of the unit, see chapter 8.9 Power Ratings,
Weight, and Dimensions. d
3 3
Illustration 3.5 Top and Bottom Mounting Holes (B4, C3, and
4 Electrical Installation
Overcurrent protection
• Extra protective equipment, such as short-circuit
protection or motor thermal protection between
frequency converter and motor, is required for
applications with multiple motors. FC 1 FC 2 FC 3
See chapter 8.1 Electrical Data and chapter 8.5 Cable Specifi-
cations for recommended wire sizes and types.
91 (L1) (U) 96
3-phase 92 (L2) (V) 97
input 93 (L3) (W) 98
95 PE (PE) 99
4 4
89 (+)
10 V DC 24 V DC (R+) 82 Brake
15 mA 200 mA resistor
50 (+10 V OUT) + - + -
+10 V DC (R-) 81
0/-10 V DC-
53 (A IN)
1 2
+10 V DC relay1
ON=0/4-20 mA
0/4-20 mA A54 03
OFF=0/-10 V DC -
1 2
0/-10 V DC - +10 V DC
0V 5V
24 V (NPN)
29 (D IN/OUT) 0 V (PNP)
24 V
S801 0V
RS-485 RS-485
(N RS-485) 69
24 V (NPN) Interface
32 (D IN) : Chassis
0 V (PNP) (P RS-485) 68
: Ground
24 V (NPN) **
33 (D IN) 0 V (PNP) (COM RS-485) 61
: PE
* : Ground 1
37 (D IN)
: Ground 2
A=Analog, D=Digital
*Terminal 37 (optional) is used for Safe Torque Off. For Safe Torque Off installation instructions, refer to the VLT® Frequency
Converters - Safe Torque Off Operating Guide.
**Do not connect cable shield.
Actual configurations vary with unit types and optional equipment.
4 4
9 w
10 11 PE
Use shielded cables for motor and control wiring and separate cables for input power, motor wiring, and control wiring.
Failure to isolate power, motor, and control cables can result in unintended behavior or reduced performance. Minimum
clearance requirement between power, motor, and control cables is 200 mm (7.9 in).
together can charge equipment capacitors, even with the
equipment turned off and locked out. Failure to run
output motor cables separately or use shielded cables
4 4 could result in death or serious injury.
• Size the wiring based on the input current of the
W frequency converter. For maximum wire sizes, see
V 98
U 97 chapter 8.1 Electrical Data.
• Comply with local and national electrical codes
for cable sizes.
1. Connect the 3-phase AC input power wiring to
terminals L1, L2, and L3 (see Illustration 4.7).
4 4
2. Depending on the configuration of the
equipment, connect the input power to the
mains input terminals or the input disconnect.
3. Ground the cable in accordance with the
grounding instructions provided in
chapter 4.3 Grounding.
4. When supplied from an isolated mains source (IT
mains or floating delta) or TT/TN-S mains with a
grounded leg (grounded delta), ensure that
parameter 14-50 RFI Filter is set to [0] Off to avoid
damage to the DC link and to reduce ground
capacity currents in accordance with IEC 61800-3.
Illustration 4.6 Motor Connection
4.8 Control Wiring
Illustration 4.7 shows mains input, motor, and grounding • Isolate the control wiring from the high-power
components in the frequency converter.
for basic frequency converters. Actual configurations vary
with unit types and optional equipment. • When the frequency converter is connected to a
thermistor, ensure that the thermistor control
wiring is shielded and reinforced/double
91 L2 N
93 4.8.1 Control Terminal Types
99 U TOR V W
1 Terminal description
12 13 18 19 27 29 32 33 20 37 Terminal Parameter setting Description
Parameter 5
-10 Termina
2 3 l 18 Digital
18 Input [8] Start
61 68 69 39 42 50 53 54 55 19 Parameter 5
4 4
-11 Termina
l 19 Digital [0] No
Illustration 4.9 Terminal Numbers
Input operation
Digital inputs.
32 Parameter 5
-14 Termina
• Connector 1 provides: l 32 Digital [0] No
- 4 programmable digital inputs terminals. Input operation
33 Parameter 5
- 2 extra digital terminals programmable
-15 Termina
as either input or output.
l 33 Digital [0] No
- 24 V DC terminal supply voltage. Input operation
- Optional customer supplied 24 V DC 27 Parameter 5
voltage. -12 Termina
l 27 Digital [2] Coast
• Connector 2 terminals (+)68 and (-)69 are for an
Input inverse
For digital input or
RS485 serial communication connection. output. Default setting
29 Parameter 5 [14] Jog
• Connector 3 provides: -13 Termina
is input.
Terminal description
12 13 18 19 27 29 32 33
Terminal Parameter setting Description
61 – – Integrated RC-Filter for
cable shield. ONLY for
connecting the shield if
EMC problems occur. 2
Parameter –
4 4
group 8-3*
FC Port RS485 Interface. A
68 (+) Settings control card switch is
69 (-) Parameter – provided for Illustration 4.10 Connecting Control Wires
group 8-3* termination resistance.
FC Port
Settings 2. Insert the bare control wire into the contact.
Relays 3. Remove the screwdriver to fasten the control wire
Parameter 5 into the contact.
-40 Functio Form C relay output.
4. Ensure that the contact is firmly established and
01, 02, 03 n Relay [0] [9] Alarm For AC or DC voltage
not loose. Loose control wiring can be the source
04, 05, 06 Parameter 5 [5] Running and resistive or
of equipment faults or less than optimal
-40 Functio inductive loads.
n Relay [1]
See chapter 8.5 Cable Specifications for control terminal
Table 4.2 Terminal Description wiring sizes and chapter 6 Application Set-up Examples for
typical control wiring connections.
Extra terminals
• 2 form C relay outputs. Location of the outputs 4.8.3 Enabling Motor Operation
depends on frequency converter configuration. (Terminal 27)
• Terminals on built-in optional equipment. See the
manual provided with the equipment option. A jumper wire is required between terminal 12 (or 13) and
terminal 27 for the frequency converter to operate when
4.8.2 Wiring to Control Terminals using factory default programming values.
Control terminal connectors can be unplugged from the • Digital input terminal 27 is designed to receive
frequency converter for ease of installation, as shown in 24 V DC external interlock command.
Illustration 4.10. • When no interlock device is used, wire a jumper
between control terminal 12 (recommended) or
NOTICE 13 to terminal 27. The jumper provides an
Keep control wires as short as possible and separate internal 24 V signal on terminal 27.
from high-power cables to minimize interference. • When the status line at the bottom of the LCP
reads AUTO REMOTE COAST, it indicates that the
1. Open the contact by inserting a small screwdriver unit is ready to operate but is missing an input
into the slot above the contact and push the signal on terminal 27.
screwdriver slightly upwards.
• When factory installed optional equipment is
wired to terminal 27, do not remove that wiring.
• Terminal 54: Feedback signal in closed loop (see
parameter 16-63 Terminal 54 Switch Setting).
1. Remove the LCP (see Illustration 4.11).
2. Remove any optional equipment covering the
3. Set switches A53 and A54 to select the signal
type. U selects voltage, I selects current. Illustration 4.12 Serial Communication Wiring Diagram
- Modbus RTU.
• Functions can be programmed remotely using
BUSTER. A53 A54 the protocol software and RS485 connection or in
OFF-ON U- I U- I parameter group 8-** Communications and
• Selecting a specific communication protocol
VLT changes various default parameter settings to
match that protocol’s specifications and makes
more protocol-specific parameters available.
Illustration 4.11 Location of Terminal 53 and 54 Switches
• Option cards for the frequency converter are
available to provide extra communication
To run STO, more wiring for the frequency converter is protocols. See the option card documentation for
required. Refer to VLT® Frequency Converters Safe Torque Off installation and operation instructions.
Operating Guide for further information.
4 4
speed operation.
• Check the function and installation of any sensors used for feedback to the frequency converter.
• Adjust any power factor correction caps on the mains side and ensure that they are dampened.
Cable routing • Ensure that the motor wiring and control wiring are separated, shielded, or in 3 separate metallic conduits
for high frequency interference isolation.
Control wiring • Check for broken or damaged wires and loose connections.
• Check that the control wiring is isolated from power and motor wiring for noise immunity.
The use of shielded cable or twisted pair is recommended. Ensure that the shield is terminated correctly.
Cooling clearance • Ensure that the top and bottom clearance is adequate to ensure proper airflow for cooling, see
chapter 3.3 Mounting.
Ambient conditions • Check that requirements for ambient conditions are met.
Grounding • Check for sufficient ground connections and ensure that those connections are tight and free of oxidation.
• Grounding to conduit, or mounting the back panel to a metal surface, is not a suitable grounding.
Panel interior • Inspect that the unit interior is free of dirt, metal chips, moisture, and corrosion.
Switches • Ensure that all switch and disconnect settings are in the proper positions.
Vibration • Check that the unit is mounted solidly, or that shock mounts are used, as necessary.
Risk of personal injury if the frequency converter is not properly closed.
• Before applying power, ensure that all safety covers are in place and securely fastened.
5 Commissioning
5.1 Safety Instructions 3. Ensure that all operator devices are in the OFF
position. Panel doors must be closed and covers
See chapter 2 Safety for general safety instructions. securely fastened.
4. Apply power to the unit. Do not start the
WARNING frequency converter now. For units with a
disconnect switch, turn it to the ON position to
HIGH VOLTAGE apply power to the frequency converter.
Frequency converters contain high voltage when
5 5 connected to AC mains input power. Failure to perform
installation, start-up, and maintenance by qualified
5.3 Local Control Panel Operation
personnel could result in death or serious injury. The local control panel (LCP) is the combined display and
keypad on the front of the unit.
• Installation, start-up, and maintenance must be
performed by qualified personnel only.
The LCP has several user functions:
• Start, stop, and control speed when in local
Before applying power: control.
1. Close the cover properly.
• Show operational data, status, warnings, and
2. Check that all cable glands are firmly tightened. cautions.
3. Ensure that input power to the unit is off and
• Program frequency converter functions.
locked out. Do not rely on the frequency
converter disconnect switches for input power • Manually reset the frequency converter after a
isolation. fault when auto reset is inactive.
4. Verify that there is no voltage on input terminals An optional numeric LCP (NLCP) is also available. The NLCP
L1 (91), L2 (92), and L3 (93), phase-to-phase, and operates in a manner similar to the LCP. See the product
phase-to-ground. relevant programming guide for details on use of the NLCP.
1 3 Menu keys are used for menu access for parameter set-up,
Status 1(1)
toggling through status display modes during normal
799 RPM 7.83 A 36.4 kW
operation, and viewing fault log data.
5 Key Function
53.2 %
6 Status Shows operational information.
4 Auto Remote Ramping 7 Quick Menu Allows access to programming parameters
for initial set-up instructions and many
6 9 detailed application instructions.
Quick Main Alarm
B Status Menu Menu Log 8 Main Menu Allows access to all programming
9 Alarm Log Shows a list of current warnings, the last 5 5
8 10 alarms, and the maintenance log.
15 Navigation keys are used for programming functions and
Warn. moving the display cursor. The navigation keys also
16 13
Alarm provide speed control in local operation. There are also 3
17 frequency converter status indicator lights in this area.
D Hand
Auto Reset
on on Key Function
10 Back Reverts to the previous step or list in the
18 19 20 21 menu structure.
Illustration 5.1 GLCP 11 Cancel Cancels the last change or command as long
as the display mode is not changed.
12 Info Press for a definition of the function being
A. Display area showed.
The display area is activated when the frequency converter 13 Navigation Press the navigation keys to move between
receives power from the mains voltage, a DC bus terminal, Keys items in the menu.
or a 24 V DC external supply. 14 OK Press to access parameter groups or to
enable a selection.
The information shown on the LCP can be customized for
user applications. Select options in the Quick Menu Q3-13 Table 5.3 Legend to Illustration 5.1, Navigation Keys
Display Settings.
Indicator Color Function
Display Parameter Default setting
15 On Green The ON indicator light activates
1 Parameter 0-20 Display [1617] Speed [RPM]
when the frequency converter
Line 1.1 Small
receives power from the mains
2 Parameter 0-21 Display [1614] Motor Current
voltage, a DC bus terminal, or a
Line 1.2 Small
24 V external supply.
3 Parameter 0-22 Display [1610] Power [kW]
16 Warn Yellow When warning conditions are met,
Line 1.3 Small
the yellow WARN indicator light
4 Parameter 0-23 Display [1613] Frequency
comes on and text appears in the
Line 2 Large
display area identifying the
5 Parameter 0-24 Display [1602] Reference %
Line 3 Large
17 Alarm Red A fault condition causes the red
Table 5.1 Legend to Illustration 5.1, Display Area alarm LED to flash and an alarm
text is shown.
D. Operation keys and reset 5. Press [Hand On] or [Auto On] to return to normal
Operation keys are at the bottom of the LCP. operation.
Key Function
5.3.4 Changing Parameter Settings
18 [Hand On] Starts the frequency converter in local
Access and change parameter settings from the Quick
• An external stop signal by control input Menu or from the Main Menu. The Quick Menu only gives
or serial communication overrides the
access to a limited number of parameters.
local hand on.
• For back-up, upload data into the LCP memory. 5.3.5 Restoring Default Settings
• To download data to another frequency
converter, connect the LCP to that unit and NOTICE
download the stored settings.
Risk of losing programming, motor data, localization, and
• Restoring factory default settings does not monitoring records by restoration of default settings. To
change data stored in the LCP memory. provide a back-up, upload data to the LCP before initiali-
5.3.3 Uploading/Downloading Data to/from
the LCP Restoring the default parameter settings is done by initiali-
zation of the frequency converter. Initialization is carried
1. Press [Off] to stop the motor before uploading or out through parameter 14-22 Operation Mode
downloading data. (recommended) or manually.
Recommended initialization procedure via The SmartStart configures the frequency converter in 3
parameter 14-22 Operation Mode phases, each consisting of several steps, see Table 5.6.
1. Press [Main Menu] twice to access parameters.
Phase Action
2. Scroll to parameter 14-22 Operation Mode and
1 Basic Programming Perform the programming
press [OK].
Select and program
3. Scroll to [2] initialization and press [OK]. appropriate application:
4. Remove power to the unit and wait for the • Single pump/motor.
display to turn off. 2 Application Section • Motor alternation.
5. Apply power to the unit. • Basic cascade control.
5 5
Default parameter settings are restored during start-up. Master/slave.
The start-up may take slightly longer than normal.
Go to water and pump
3 Water and Pump Features
dedicated parameters.
6. Alarm 80, Drive initialized to default value is shown.
Table 5.6 SmartStart, Setup in 3 Phases
7. Press [Reset] to return to operating mode.
Manual initialization procedure
5.4.2 Commissioning via [Main Menu]
1. Remove power to the unit and wait for the
display to turn off. Recommended parameter settings are intended for start-
2. Press and hold [Status], [Main Menu], and [OK] at up and check-out purposes. Application settings may vary.
the same time while applying power to the unit
(approximately 5 s or until audible click and fan Enter data with power ON, but before operating the
starts). frequency converter.
Factory default parameter settings are restored during
start-up. The start-up may take slightly longer than usual. 1. Press [Main Menu] on the LCP.
Manual initialization does not reset the following 2. Press the navigation keys to scroll to parameter
frequency converter information: group 0-** Operation/Display and press [OK].
1107 RPM 3.84 A 1 (1)
0.0% 0.00A 1(1)
Basic Settings 0-0* Parameter 1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe) is always entered
0-03 Regional Settings
5 5 9.
Parameter 1-34 Rotor Leakage Reactance (X2).
Parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh).
5. Press the navigation keys to select [0] Interna- 11. Parameter 1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe).
tional or [1] North America as appropriate and
Application-specific adjustment when running VVC+
press [OK]. (This changes the default settings for
several basic parameters). VVC+ is the most robust control mode. In most situations,
it provides optimum performance without further
6. Press [Main Menu] on the LCP. adjustments. Run a complete AMA for best performance.
7. Press the navigation keys to scroll to
parameter 0-01 Language. 5.4.4 PM Motor Setup in VVC+
8. Select the language and press [OK].
9. If a jumper wire is in place between control NOTICE
terminals 12 and 27, leave Only use permanent magnet (PM) motor with fans and
parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input at factory pumps.
default. Otherwise, select [0] No operation in
parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input. Initial programming steps
10. Make the application-specific settings in the 1. Activate PM motor operation
following parameters: Parameter 1-10 Motor Construction, select [1] PM,
10a Parameter 3-02 Minimum Reference. non salient SPM.
10b Parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference. 2. Set parameter 0-02 Motor Speed Unit to [0] RPM.
5 5
is not available for a motor speed of 1000 RPM, ILoad/IMotor > 50 parameter 1-15 Low Speed Filter Time
calculate the correct value as follows: If back EMF Const., and parameter 1-16 High
is for example 320 V at 1800 RPM, it can be Speed Filter Time Const. should be
calculated at 1000 RPM as follows: Back EMF = increased.
(Voltage / RPM)*1000 = (320/1800)*1000 = 178. High load at low speed Parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time
This is the value that must be programmed for <30% (rated speed) const. should be increased.
parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM. Parameter 1-66 Min. Current at Low
Speed should be increased (>100%
Test motor operation
for a prolonged time can overheat
1. Start the motor at low speed (100–200 RPM). If the motor).
the motor does not turn, check installation,
general programming, and motor data. Table 5.7 Recommended Settings in Different Applications
2. Parameter 1-24 Motor Current. Dynamic applications Increase parameter 14-41 AEO
Minimum Magnetisation for highly
3. Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed. dynamic applications. Adjusting
4. Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque. parameter 14-41 AEO Minimum
Magnetisation ensures a good
Run a complete AMA using parameter 1-29 Automatic
balance between energy efficiency
Motor Adaptation (AMA) [1] Enable Complete AMA or enter
and dynamics. Adjust
the following parameters manually:
parameter 14-42 Minimum AEO
1. Parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs).
Frequency to specify the minimum
2. Parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld). frequency at which the frequency
converter should use minimum
5 5
3. Parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat).
4. Parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat).
Motor sizes less than 18 Avoid short ramp-down times.
5. Parameter 1-48 Inductance Sat. Point. kW (24 hp)
Application-specific adjustments
Table 5.8 Recommendations for Various Applications
Start the motor at nominal speed. If the application does
not run well, check the VVC+ SynRM settings. Table 5.8
If the motor starts oscillating at a certain speed, increase
provides application-specific recommendations:
parameter 1-14 Damping Gain. Increase the damping gain
Application Settings
value in small steps. Depending on the motor, this
parameter can be set to 10–100% higher than the default
Low-inertia applications Increase parameter 1-17 Voltage filter
ILoad/IMotor<5 time const. by factor 5–10.
Reduce parameter 1-14 Damping
Gain. 5.4.6 Automatic Energy Optimization (AEO)
Reduce parameter 1-66 Min. Current
at Low Speed (<100%). NOTICE
Low-inertia applications Keep the default values. AEO is not relevant for permanent magnet motors.
High-inertia applications Increase parameter 1-14 Damping
AEO is a procedure which minimizes voltage to the motor,
ILoad/IMotor>50 Gain, parameter 1-15 Low Speed Filter
as a result of that reducing energy consumption, heat, and
Time Const., and parameter 1-16 High
Speed Filter Time Const.
High-load at low speed Increase parameter 1-17 Voltage filter
To activate AEO, set parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics to
<30% (rated speed) time const.
[2] Auto Energy Optim. CT or [3] Auto Energy Optim. VT.
Increase parameter 1-66 Min. Current
at Low Speed to adjust the starting
torque. 100% current provides 5.4.7 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA)
nominal torque as starting torque.
Working at a current level higher AMA is a procedure which optimizes compatibility
than 100% for a prolonged time can between the frequency converter and the motor.
cause the motor to overheat.
• The frequency converter builds a mathematical
model of the motor for regulating output motor
current. The procedure also tests the input phase
balance of electrical power. It compares the
motor characteristics with the entered nameplate
• The motor shaft does not turn and no harm is
done to the motor while running the AMA.
• Some motors may be unable to run the complete
version of the test. In that case, select [2] Enable
reduced AMA.
• If an output filter is connected to the motor,
select [2] Enable reduced AMA.
• If warnings or alarms occur, see chapter 7.4 List of 5.6 Local-control Test
Warnings and Alarms.
1. Press [Hand On] to provide a local start command
• Run this procedure on a cold motor for best
to the frequency converter.
2. Accelerate the frequency converter by pressing
To run AMA
[▲] to full speed. Moving the cursor left of the
1. Press [Main Menu] to access parameters.
decimal point provides quicker input changes.
2. Scroll to parameter group 1-** Load and Motor and
3. Note any acceleration problems.
press [OK].
4. Press [Off]. Note any deceleration problems.
3. Scroll to parameter group 1-2* Motor Data and
press [OK]. If acceleration or deceleration problems occur, see
4. Scroll to parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor
Adaptation (AMA) and press [OK].
chapter 7.5 Troubleshooting. See chapter 7.4 List of Warnings
and Alarms for resetting the frequency converter after a 5 5
5. Select [1] Enable complete AMA and press [OK].
5.7 System Start-up
6. Follow the on-screen instructions.
7. The test runs automatically and indicates when it The procedure in this section requires wiring and
is complete. application programming to be completed. The following
procedure is recommended after application set-up is
8. The advanced motor data is entered in parameter
group 1-3* Adv. Motor Data.
To change the direction of rotation, remove power to the
frequency converter and wait for power to discharge.
Reverse the connection of any 2 of the 3 motor wires on
the motor or frequency converter side of the connection.
The examples in this section are intended as a quick reference for common applications.
• Parameter settings are the regional default values unless otherwise indicated (selected in parameter 0-03 Regional
• Parameters associated with the terminals and their settings are shown next to the drawings.
• Required switch settings for analog terminals A53 or A54 are also shown.
When using the optional STO feature, a jumper wire may be required between terminal 12 (or 13) and terminal 37 for
the frequency converter to operate with factory default programming values.
6 6
6.1 Application Examples Parameters
Function Setting
6.1.1 Feedback FC
Parameter 6-20 Ter 0.07 V*
+24 V 12
minal 54 Low
+24 V 13
Parameters D IN 18 Voltage
Function Setting Parameter 6-21 Ter 10 V*
FC D IN 19
Parameter 6-22 Terminal 4 mA* COM 20 minal 54 High
+24 V
+24 V 13 54 Low Current D IN 27 Voltage
D IN 18 Parameter 6-23 Terminal 20 D IN 29 Parameter 6-24 Ter 0*
54 High Current mA* D IN 32 minal 54 Low Ref./
D IN 19
D IN 33 Feedb. Value
COM 20 Parameter 6-24 Terminal 0*
D IN 37
D IN 27 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Parameter 6-25 Ter 50*
D IN 29 Value minal 54 High Ref./
+10 V 50
D IN 32 Parameter 6-25 Terminal 50* + Feedb. Value
A IN 53
D IN 33 54 High Ref./Feedb. A IN * = Default value
D IN 37 Value COM 55 Notes/comments:
- D IN 37 is an option.
* = Default value A OUT 42
0 - 10V
+10 V 50 Notes/comments: COM 39
A IN 53 D IN 37 is an option.
A IN 54
- U-I
COM 55 4-20 mA
A OUT 42
COM 39 A54
Table 6.2 Analog Voltage Feedback Transducer (3-wire)
A 54
Parameters Parameters
Function Setting Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 6-20 Ter 0.07 V* +24 V 12 Parameter 6-12 Ter 4 mA*
+24 V 13 minal 54 Low +24 V 13 minal 53 Low
D IN 18 Voltage D IN 18 Current
D IN 19 Parameter 6-21 Ter 10 V* D IN 19 Parameter 6-13 Ter 20 mA*
COM 20 minal 54 High COM 20 minal 53 High
D IN 27 Voltage D IN 27 Current
D IN 29 D IN 29
Parameter 6-24 Ter 0* Parameter 6-14 Ter 0 Hz
D IN 32 D IN 32
minal 54 Low Ref./ minal 53 Low Ref./
D IN 33 D IN 33
Feedb. Value Feedb. Value
D IN 37 D IN 37
Parameter 6-25 Ter 50* Parameter 6-15 Ter 50 Hz
minal 54 High Ref./ +10 V 50
minal 53 High Ref./
+10 V 50
+ Feedb. Value + Feedb. Value
A IN 53 A IN 53
6 6
A IN 54 * = Default value A IN 54 * = Default value
COM 55 Notes/comments: COM 55 Notes/comments:
A OUT 42 D IN 37 is an option. A OUT 42 D IN 37 is an option.
- 4 - 20mA
COM 39 COM 39
0 - 10V
A54 A53
Table 6.3 Analog Voltage Feedback Transducer (4-wire) Table 6.5 Analog Speed Reference (Current)
FC Voltage
Parameter 6-10 Ter 0.07 V* D IN 18
+24 V 12
D IN 19 Parameter 6-11 Ter 10 V*
+24 V 13 minal 53 Low
COM 20 minal 53 High
D IN 18 Voltage
D IN 27 Voltage
D IN 19 Parameter 6-11 Ter 10 V*
D IN 29 Parameter 6-14 Ter 0 Hz
COM 20 minal 53 High
D IN 32 minal 53 Low Ref./
D IN 27 Voltage
D IN 33 Feedb. Value
D IN 29 Parameter 6-14 Ter 0 Hz D IN 37
D IN 32 Parameter 6-15 Ter 50 Hz
minal 53 Low Ref./
D IN 33 minal 53 High Ref./
Feedb. Value +10 V 50
D IN 37 Feedb. Value
Parameter 6-15 Ter 50 Hz A IN 53 ≈ 5kΩ
A IN * = Default value
minal 53 High Ref./ 54
+10 V 50 Notes/comments:
+ Feedb. Value COM 55
A IN 53
A OUT 42 D IN 37 is an option.
A IN 54 * = Default value
COM 39
COM 55 Notes/comments:
A OUT 42 D IN 37 is an option.
-10 - +10V
COM 39 U-I
Parameters +24 V 12 Parameter 5-10 T [8] Start*
Function Setting +24 V 13 erminal 18
Parameter 5-10 T [8] Start* D IN 18 Digital Input
+24 V 12
erminal 18 D IN 19 Parameter 5-11 T [52] Run
+24 V 13
D IN 18 Digital Input COM 20 erminal 19 Permissive
D IN 27 Digital Input
D IN 19 Parameter 5-12 T [7] External
D IN 29 Parameter 5-12 T [7] External
COM 20 erminal 27 interlock
D IN 32
D IN 27 Digital Input erminal 27 interlock
D IN 33
D IN 29 * = Default value Digital Input
D IN 37
D IN 32 Notes/comments: Parameter 5-40 F [167] Start
D IN 33 unction Relay command
D IN 37 is an option. +10 V 50
D IN 37 act.
A IN 53
6 6 A IN 54 * = Default value
+10 V 50
COM 55 Notes/comments:
A IN 53
A OUT 42 D IN 37 is an option.
COM 39
COM 55
A OUT 42
COM 39
Table 6.9 Run Permissive
Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 5-10 T [8] Start*
+24 V 13 erminal 18 6.1.4 External Alarm Reset
D IN 18 Digital Input
D IN 19 Parameter 5-12 T [7] External Parameters
COM 20 erminal 27 interlock Function Setting
D IN 27 Digital Input +24 V 12
Parameter 5-11 T [1] Reset
D IN 29 erminal 19
* = Default value +24 V 13
D IN 32 Digital Input
Notes/comments: D IN 18
D IN 33
If parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 D IN 19 * = Default value
D IN 37
Digital Input is set to [0] No COM 20 Notes/comments:
operation, a jumper wire to D IN 27 D IN 37 is an option.
+10 V 50
terminal 27 is not needed. D IN 29
A IN 53
D IN 32
A IN 54 D IN 37 is an option.
D IN 33
COM 55
D IN 37
A OUT 42
COM 39
+10 V 50
A IN 53
A IN 54
COM 55
A OUT 42
COM 39
Table 6.8 Run/Stop Command without External Interlock Table 6.10 External Alarm Reset
Function Setting
+24 V 12
rotocol FC* Risk of personal injury or equipment damage.
+24 V 13
D IN 18 Parameter 8-31 A 1* • Use only thermistors with reinforced or double
D IN 19 ddress insulation to meet PELV insulation
COM 20 Parameter 8-32 B 9600* requirements.
D IN 27 aud Rate
D IN 29 * = Default value
D IN 32 Parameters
D IN 33
Notes/comments: Function Setting
Select protocol, address, and VLT
D IN 37 Parameter 1-90 [2] Thermistor
baud rate in the above- +24 V 12
Motor Thermal trip
+10 V
mentioned parameters.
D IN 37 is an option.
+24 V
Protection 6 6
D IN 19 Parameter 1-93 T [1] Analog
A IN 54
COM 20 hermistor Source input 53
COM 55
D IN 27 * = Default value
A OUT 42
D IN 29
COM 39
D IN 32 Notes/comments:
D IN 33 If only a warning is required,
D IN 37 set parameter 1-90 Motor
COM 55
06 RS-485
A OUT 42
61 COM 39
- U-I
• Maintenance and service guidelines. Status
799RPM 7.83A
Braking max. The brake chopper is in operation. The power Freeze output The remote reference is active, which holds
limit for the brake resistor defined in the present speed.
parameter 2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) has • [20] Freeze output is selected as a function
been reached. for a digital input (parameter group 5-1*
Coast • [2] Coast inverse was selected as a function Digital Inputs). The corresponding terminal
for a digital input (parameter group 5-1* is active. Speed control is only possible via
Digital Inputs). The corresponding terminal the terminal options [21] Speed up and [22]
is not connected. Speed down.
• Coast activated by serial communication. • Hold ramp is activated via serial communi-
Ctrl. ramp-down [1] Control Ramp-down was selected in
parameter 14-10 Mains Failure. Freeze output A freeze output command was given, but the
• The mains voltage is below the value set request motor remains stopped until a run permissive
in parameter 14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains signal is received.
Fault at mains fault. Freeze ref. [19] Freeze reference is selected as a function
for a digital input (parameter group 5-1* Digital
• The frequency converter ramps down the
Inputs). The corresponding terminal is active.
motor using a controlled ramp down.
The frequency converter saves the actual
Current High The frequency converter output current is
above the limit set in parameter 4-51 Warning
reference. Changing the reference is now only
possible via terminal options [21] Speed up
7 7
Current High. and [22] Speed down.
Current Low The frequency converter output current is Jog request A jog command was given, but the motor
below the limit set in parameter 4-52 Warning remains stopped until a run permissive signal
Speed Low. is received via a digital input.
DC Hold [1] DC hold is selected in Jogging The motor is running as programmed in
parameter 1-80 Function at Stop and a stop parameter 3-19 Jog Speed [RPM].
command is active. The motor is held by a DC
• [14] Jog was selected as a function for a
current set in parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Preheat digital input (parameter group 5-1* Digital
Current. Inputs). The corresponding terminal (for
DC Stop The motor is held with a DC current example, terminal 29) is active.
(parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current) for a
specified time (parameter 2-02 DC Braking
• The jog function is activated via the serial
• The DC brake cut-in speed is reached in • The jog function is selected as a reaction
parameter 2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed [RPM] for a monitoring function (for example, for
and a stop command is active. the no signal function). The monitoring
function is active.
• [5] DC-brake inverse is selected as a
function for a digital input (parameter Motor check In parameter 1-80 Function at Stop, [2] Motor
group 5-1* Digital Inputs). The Check is selected. A stop command is active.
corresponding terminal is not active. To ensure that a motor is connected to the
frequency converter, a permanent test current
• The DC brake is activated via serial
is applied to the motor.
OVC control Overvoltage control is activated via
Feedback high The sum of all active feedbacks is above the parameter 2-17 Over-voltage Control, [2]
feedback limit set in parameter 4-57 Warning Enabled. The connected motor supplies the
Feedback High. frequency converter with generative energy.
Feedback low The sum of all active feedbacks is below the The overvoltage control adjusts the V/Hz ratio
feedback limit set in parameter 4-56 Warning to run the motor in controlled mode and to
Feedback Low. prevent the frequency converter from tripping.
Protection md Protection mode is active. The unit detected a Stop The frequency converter received a stop
critical status (overcurrent or overvoltage). command from the LCP, digital input, or serial
• To avoid tripping, switching frequency is communication.
reduced to 4 kHz. Trip An alarm occurred and the motor is stopped.
Once the cause of the alarm is cleared, the
• If possible, protection mode ends after
approximately 10 s. frequency converter can be reset manually by
pressing [Reset] or remotely by control
• Protection mode can be restricted in
terminals or serial communication.
parameter 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault.
Trip lock An alarm occurred, and the motor is stopped.
Qstop The motor is decelerating using When the cause of the alarm is cleared, cycle
parameter 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time. power to the frequency converter. The
• [4] Quick stop inverse is selected as a frequency converter can then be reset
function for a digital input (parameter manually by pressing [Reset], or remotely by
group 5-1* Digital Inputs). The control terminals or serial communication.
corresponding terminal is not active.
Table 7.3 Operation Status
• The quick stop function is activated via
serial communication.
7 7 Ramping The motor is accelerating/decelerating using
the active ramp up/down. The reference, a
In auto/remote mode, the frequency converter requires
external commands to execute functions.
limit value, or a standstill is not yet reached.
Ref. high The sum of all active references is above the
reference limit set in parameter 4-55 Warning 7.3 Warning and Alarm Types
Reference High.
Ref. low The sum of all active references is below the
A warning is issued when an alarm condition is impending,
reference limit set in parameter 4-54 Warning
or when an abnormal operating condition is present and
Reference Low.
may result in the frequency converter issuing an alarm. A
Run on ref. The frequency converter is running in the warning clears by itself when the abnormal condition
reference range. The feedback value matches ceases.
the setpoint value.
Run request A start command was given, but the motor
remains stopped until a run permissive signal
An alarm indicates a fault that requires immediate
is received via digital input.
attention. The fault always triggers a trip or a trip lock.
Reset the system after an alarm.
Running The frequency converter drives the motor.
Sleep Mode The energy-saving function is enabled. The Trip
motor has stopped, but restarts automatically An alarm is issued when the frequency converter is
when required. tripped, meaning that the frequency converter suspends
Speed high Motor speed is above the value set in operation to prevent frequency converter or system
parameter 4-53 Warning Speed High. damage. The motor coasts to a stop. The frequency
Speed low Motor speed is below the value set in converter logic continues to operate and monitor the
parameter 4-52 Warning Speed Low. frequency converter status. After the fault condition is
Standby In auto-on mode, the frequency converter remedied, the frequency converter can be reset. It is then
starts the motor with a start signal from a ready to start operation again.
digital input or serial communication. Resetting the frequency converter after trip/trip lock
Start delay In parameter 1-71 Start Delay, a delay starting A trip can be reset in any of 4 ways:
time was set. A start command is activated, • Press [Reset] on the LCP.
and the motor starts after the start delay time
• Digital reset input command.
Start fwd/rev [12] Enable start forward and [13] Enable start • Serial communication reset input command.
reverse are selected as options for 2 different • Auto reset.
digital inputs (parameter group 5-1* Digital
Trip lock
Inputs). The motor starts in forward or reverse
Input power is cycled. The motor coasts to a stop. The
direction depending on which terminal is
frequency converter continues to monitor the frequency
converter status. Remove input power to the frequency
converter, correct the cause of the fault, and reset the
frequency converter.
Status 1(1)
0.0Hz 0.000kW 0.00A
0 • Check connections on all the analog input
terminals. Control card terminals 53 and 54 for
signals, terminal 55 common. VLT® General
Earth Fault [A14] Purpose I/O MCB 101 terminals 11 and 12 for
Auto Remote Trip
signals, terminal 10 common. VLT® Analog I/O
Option MCB 109 terminals 1, 3, 5 for signals,
Illustration 7.2 Alarm Example
terminals 2, 4, 6 common).
• Check that the frequency converter programming
In addition to the text and alarm code in the LCP, there are and switch settings match the analog signal type.
3 status indicator lights. • Perform an input terminal signal test.
7 7
No motor has been connected to the output of the
frequency converter.
in case of a fault in the input rectifier on the frequency
converter. Options are programmed in
Alarm parameter 14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance.
Warning indicator light Alarm indicator light • Check the supply voltage and supply currents to
the frequency converter.
Warning On Off
Alarm Off On (flashing) WARNING 5, DC link voltage high
Trip lock On On (flashing) The DC-link voltage is higher than the high-voltage
warning limit. The limit depends on the frequency
Illustration 7.3 Status Indicator Lights converter voltage rating. The unit is still active.
WARNING 6, DC link voltage low
The DC-link voltage is lower than the low-voltage warning
7.4 List of Warnings and Alarms limit. The limit depends on the frequency converter
voltage rating. The unit is still active.
The warning/alarm information in this chapter defines each
WARNING/ALARM 7, DC overvoltage
warning/alarm condition, provides the probable cause for
If the DC-link voltage exceeds the limit, the frequency
the condition, and details a remedy or troubleshooting
converter trips after some time.
WARNING 1, 10 Volts low
The control card voltage from terminal 50 is <10 V.
• Connect a brake resistor.
Remove some of the load from terminal 50, as the 10 V • Extend the ramp time.
supply is overloaded. Maximum 15 mA or minimum 590 Ω. • Change the ramp type.
A short circuit in a connected potentiometer or improper • Activate the functions in parameter 2-10 Brake
wiring of the potentiometer can cause this condition. Function.
Troubleshooting • Increase parameter 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter
• Remove the wiring from terminal 50. Fault.
• If the warning clears, the problem is with the WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage
customer wiring. If the DC-link voltage drops below the undervoltage limit,
• If the warning does not clear, replace the control the frequency converter checks if a 24 V DC back-up
card. supply is connected. If no 24 V DC back-up supply is
ALARM 14, Earth (ground) fault WARNING/ALARM 22, Hoist mechanical brake
There is current from the output phases to ground, either When this warning is active, the LCP shows the type of
in the cable between the frequency converter and the issue.
motor, or in the motor itself. 0 = The torque ref. was not reached before timeout.
1 = There was no brake feedback before timeout.
• Remove power from the frequency converter and WARNING 23, Internal fan fault
repair the ground fault. The fan warning function is an extra protective function
that checks if the fan is running/mounted. The fan warning
• Check for ground faults in the motor by
can be disabled in parameter 14-53 Fan Monitor ([0]
measuring the resistance to ground of the motor
cables and the motor with a megohmmeter.
• Perform current sensor test.
• Check the fan resistance.
ALARM 15, Hardware mismatch
A fitted option is not operational with the present control • Check the soft charge fuses.
board hardware or software. WARNING 24, External fan fault
The fan warning function is an extra protective function
Record the value of the following parameters and contact
that checks if the fan is running/mounted. The fan warning
the local Danfoss supplier:
• Parameter 15-40 FC Type. can be disabled in parameter 14-53 Fan Monitor ([0]
Disabled). 7 7
• Parameter 15-41 Power Section.
• Parameter 15-42 Voltage. • Check the fan resistance.
• Parameter 15-43 Software Version. • Check the soft charge fuses.
• Parameter 15-45 Actual Typecode String. WARNING 25, Brake resistor short circuit
• Parameter 15-49 SW ID Control Card. The brake resistor is monitored during operation. If a short
circuit occurs, the brake function is disabled and the
• Parameter 15-50 SW ID Power Card.
warning appears. The frequency converter is still
• Parameter 15-60 Option Mounted. operational but without the brake function. Remove power
• Parameter 15-61 Option SW Version (for each from the frequency converter and replace the brake
option slot). resistor (see parameter 2-15 Brake Check).
ALARM 16, Short circuit WARNING/ALARM 26, Brake resistor power limit
There is short-circuiting in the motor or motor wiring. The power transmitted to the brake resistor is calculated as
a mean value over the last 120 s of run time. The
Troubleshooting calculation is based on the DC-link voltage and the brake
• Remove power from the frequency converter and resistance value set in parameter 2-16 AC brake Max.
repair the short circuit. Current. The warning is active when the dissipated braking
WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word timeout is higher than 90% of the brake resistance power. If [2] Trip
There is no communication to the frequency converter. is selected in parameter 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring, the
The warning is only active when parameter 8-04 Control frequency converter trips when the dissipated braking
Timeout Function is NOT set to [0] Off. power reaches 100%.
If parameter 8-04 Control Timeout Function is set to [5] Stop WARNING/ALARM 27, Brake chopper fault
and trip, a warning appears and the frequency converter The brake transistor is monitored during operation. If a
ramps down until it trips, then it shows an alarm. short circuit occurs, the brake function is disabled and a
Troubleshooting warning is issued. The frequency converter is still
• Check the connections on the serial communi- operational, but since the brake transistor has short-
cation cable. circuited, substantial power is transmitted to the brake
resistor, even if it is inactive.
• Increase parameter 8-03 Control Timeout Time.
Remove power from the frequency converter and remove
• Check the operation of the communication the brake resistor.
This alarm/warning could also occur if the brake resistor
• Verify a proper installation based on EMC overheats. Terminals 104 and 106 are available as brake
requirements. resistor Klixon inputs, see Brake Resistor Temperature Switch
in the design guide.
WARNING/ALARM 28, Brake check failed
The brake resistor is not connected or not working.
Check parameter 2-15 Brake Check.
• Remove power from the frequency converter and 1302 The option SW in slot C1 is too old.
check motor phase W. 1315 The option SW in slot A is not supported (not
ALARM 33, Inrush fault
1316 The option SW in slot B is not supported (not
Too many power-ups have occurred within a short time
period. Let the unit cool to operating temperature.
1317 The option SW in slot C0 is not supported (not
WARNING/ALARM 34, Fieldbus communication fault allowed).
The fieldbus on the communication option card is not 1318 The option SW in slot C1 is not supported (not
working. allowed).
WARNING/ALARM 36, Mains failure 1379 The option A did not respond when calculating
This warning/alarm is only active if the supply voltage to the platform version.
the frequency converter is lost and parameter 14-10 Mains 1380 The option B did not respond when calculating
Failure is NOT set to [0] No Function. the platform version.
7.5 Troubleshooting
Symptom Possible cause Test Solution
Missing input power. See Table 4.3. Check the input power source.
Missing or open fuses, or circuit See Open fuses and tripped circuit breaker in Follow the recommendations provided.
breaker tripped. this table for possible causes.
No power to the LCP. Check the LCP cable for proper connection Replace the faulty LCP or connection cable.
or damage.
Shortcut on control voltage Check the 24 V control voltage supply for Wire the terminals properly.
(terminal 12 or 50) or at control terminals 12/13 to 20-39 or 10 V supply for
terminals. terminals 50–55.
Incompatible LCP (LCP from Use only LCP 101 (P/N 130B1124) or LCP
VLT® 2800 or 5000/6000/8000/ – 102 (P/N 130B1107).
FCD or FCM).
Wrong contrast setting. Press [Status] + [▲]/[▼] to adjust the
Display (LCP) is defective. Test using a different LCP. Replace the faulty LCP or connection cable.
Overloaded supply (SMPS) due To rule out a problem in the control wiring, If the display stays lit, the problem is in
to improper control wiring or a disconnect all control wiring by removing the control wiring. Check the wiring for
fault within the frequency the terminal blocks. short circuits or incorrect connections. If
converter. the display continues to cut out, follow the
procedure for display dark.
Service switch is open or Check if the motor is connected and the Connect the motor and check the service
missing motor connection. connection is not interrupted (by a service switch.
switch or other device).
No mains power with 24 V DC If the display is functioning but no output, Apply mains power to run the unit.
option card. check that mains power is applied to the
frequency converter.
LCP stop. Check if [Off] has been pressed. Press [Auto On] or [Hand On] (depending
on operating mode) to run the motor.
Missing start signal (Standby). Check parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Apply a valid start signal to start the
Input for correct setting for terminal 18 (use motor.
Motor not default setting).
running Motor coast signal active Check parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Apply 24 V on terminal 27 or program this
(Coasting). Input for correct setting for terminal 27 (use terminal to No operation.
default setting).
Wrong reference signal source. Check the following: Program the correct settings. Check
• Reference signal: Local, remote, or bus parameter 3-13 Reference Site. Set preset
reference. reference active in parameter group 3-1*
• Preset reference.
• Terminal connection.
• Scaling of terminals.
Motor rotation limit. Check that parameter 4-10 Motor Speed Program the correct settings.
Direction is programmed correctly.
Motor running Active reversing signal. Check if a reversing command is Deactivate reversing signal.
in wrong programmed for the terminal in parameter
direction group 5-1* Digital inputs.
Wrong motor phase See chapter 5.5 Checking Motor Rotation.
Motor does
Possible incorrect settings in Check the brake parameters. Check the Check parameter groups 2-0* DC Brake and 7 7
the brake parameters. Possible ramp time settings. 3-0* Reference Limits.
not brake
too short ramp-down times.
Phase-to-phase short circuit. The motor or panel has a short phase-to- Eliminate any short circuits detected.
phase. Check the motor and panel phase
for short circuits.
Motor overload. Motor is overloaded for the application. Perform a start-up test and verify that the
Open power motor current is within the specifications. If
fuses or circuit the motor current exceeds the nameplate
breaker trip full load current, the motor may run only
with reduced load. Review the specifi-
cations for the application.
Loose connections. Perform a pre-startup check for loose Tighten any loose connections.
Problem with the mains power Rotate input power leads into the If imbalanced leg follows the wire, it is a
(See alarm 4, Mains phase loss frequency converter 1 position: A to B, B to power problem. Check the mains supply.
Mains current
description). C, C to A.
Problem with the frequency Rotate input power leads into the If imbalance leg stays on the same input
converter. frequency converter 1 position: A to B, B to terminal, it is a problem with the unit.
C, C to A. Contact the supplier.
Problem with the motor or Rotate output motor cables 1 position: U to If imbalanced leg follows the wire, the
motor wiring. V, V to W, W to U. problem is in the motor or motor wiring.
Motor current Check the motor and motor wiring.
imbalance Problem with the frequency Rotate output motor cables 1 position: U to If imbalance leg stays on same output
>3% converter. V, V to W, W to U. terminal, it is a problem with the
frequency converter. Contact the Danfoss
Motor data was entered If warnings or alarms occur, see Increase the ramp-up time in
Frequency incorrectly. chapter 7.4 List of Warnings and Alarms. parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time.
converter Check that motor data is entered correctly. Increase the current limit in
acceleration parameter 4-18 Current Limit. Increase the
problems torque limit in parameter 4-16 Torque Limit
Motor Mode.
Frequency Motor data was entered If warnings or alarms occur, see Increase the ramp-down time in
converter incorrectly. chapter 7.4 List of Warnings and Alarms. parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time.
deceleration Check that motor data is entered correctly. Enable overvoltage control in
problems parameter 2-17 Over-voltage Control.
7 7
8 Specifications
Type designation P1K1 P1K5 P2K2 P3K0 P3K7 P5K5 P7K5 P15K P22K
Typical shaft output [kW] 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7 5.5 7.5 15 22
Typical shaft output at 240 V [hp] 1.5 2.0 2.9 4.0 4.9 7.5 10 20 30
Protection rating IP20/Chassis A3 – – – – – – – –
Protection rating IP21/Type 1 – B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B2 C1 C2
Protection rating IP55/Type 12 A5 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B2 C1 C2
Protection rating IP66/NEMA 4X A5 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B2 C1 C2
Output current
Continuous (3x200–240 V) [A] 6.6 7.5 10.6 12.5 16.7 24.2 30.8 59.4 88
Intermittent (3x200–240 V) [A] 7.3 8.3 11.7 13.8 18.4 26.6 33.4 65.3 96.8
Continuous kVA at 208 V [kVA] 2.4 2.7 3.8 4.5 6.0 8.7 11.1 21.4 31.7
Maximum input current
Continuous (1x200–240 V) [A]
Intermittent (1x200–240 V) [A]
189.2 8 8
Maximum pre-fuses [A] 20 30 40 40 60 80 100 150 200
Additional specifications
Maximum cable cross-section (mains, motor, brake)
0.2–4 (4–10) 10 (7) 35 (2) 50 (1/0) 95 (4/0)
[mm2 (AWG)]
Maximum cable cross-section for mains with 5.26 2 x 50 (2
16 (6) 16 (6) 16 (6) 16 (6) 16 (6) 25 (3) 50 (1/0)
disconnect switch [mm2 (AWG)] (10) x 1/0)9) 10)
Maximum cable cross-section for mains without 5.26
16 (6) 16 (6) 16 (6) 16 (6) 16 (6) 25 (3) 50 (1/0) 95 (4/0)
disconnect switch [mm2 (AWG)] (10)
Cable insulation temperature rating [°C (°F)] 75 75 75 75 75
75 (167) 75 (167) 75 (167) 75 (167)
(167) (167) (167) (167) (167)
Estimated power loss3) at rated maximum load [W]4) 44 30 44 60 74 110 150 300 440
Efficiency5) 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Table 8.1 Mains Supply 1x200–240 V AC, Normal Overload 110% for 1 Minute, P1K1–P22K
Table 8.6 Mains Supply 1x380–480 V AC, Normal Overload 110% for 1 Minute, P7K5–P37K
8 8
A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5
Protection rating IP66/NEMA 4X
Output current
Continuous (3x380–440 V) [A] 1.3 1.8 2.4 3.0 4.1
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 2.0 1.4 2.7 2.0 3.6 2.6 4.5 3.3 6.2 4.5
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.4
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.8 1.3 2.4 1.8 3.2 2.3 4.1 3.0 5.1 3.7
Continuous kVA at 400 V [kVA] 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.8
Continuous kVA at 460 V [kVA] 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.4 2.7
Maximum input current
Continuous (3x380–440 V) [A] 1.2 1.6 2.2 2.7 3.7
Intermittent (3x380–440 V) [A] 1.8 1.3 2.4 1.8 3.3 2.4 4.1 3.0 5.6 4.1
Continuous (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.0 1.4 1.9 2.7 3.1
Intermittent (3x441–480 V) [A] 1.5 1.1 2.1 1.5 2.9 2.1 4.1 3.0 4.7 3.4
Maximum pre-fuses [A] 10 10 10 10 10
Additional specifications
Protection ratings IP20, IP21
maximum cable cross-section2) for 4, 4, 4 (12, 12, 12)
mains, motor, brake, and load (minimum 0.2 (24))
sharing [mm2 (AWG)]
Protection ratings IP55, IP66
maximum cable cross-section2) for
4, 4, 4 (12, 12, 12)
mains, motor, brake, and load
sharing [mm2 (AWG)]
Maximum cable cross-section2) for
6, 4, 4 (10, 12, 12)
disconnect [mm2 (AWG)]
Estimated power loss3)
35 (0.05) 42 (0.06) 46 (0.06) 58 (0.08) 62 (0.08)
at rated maximum load [W (hp)]4)
Efficiency5) 0.93 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.97
8 8
Intermittent (60 s overload)
– 20.9 30.4 27.5 40 34.1 49.6 39.6 57.6 51.7
(3x441–480 V) [A]
Maximum pre-fuses [A] – 63 63 63 63 80
Additional specifications
Protection ratings IP21, IP55, IP66
maximum cable cross-section2) for
16, 10, 16 (6, 8, 6) 35, –, – (2, –, –)
mains, brake, and load sharing
[mm2 (AWG)]
Protection ratings IP21, IP55, IP66
maximum cable cross-section2) for 10, 10,– (8, 8,–) 35, 25, 25 (2, 4, 4)
motor [mm2 (AWG)]
Protection rating IP20 maximum
cable cross-section2) for mains,
10, 10,– (8, 8,–) 35, –, – (2, –, –)
brake, motor, and load sharing
[mm2 (AWG)]
Maximum cable cross-section2) for
16, 10, 10 (6, 8, 8)
disconnect [mm2 (AWG)]
Estimated power loss3) 392 392 379 465 444 525 547
291 (0.4) 291 (0.4) 739 (1)
at rated maximum load [W (hp)]4) (0.53) (0.53) (0.52) (0.63) (0.61) (0.72) (0.75)
Efficiency5) 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Intermittent (60 s overload) (3x441–
70.5 64.9 88.5 80.3 110 105 143 130 177 160
480 V) [A]
Maximum pre-fuses [A] 100 125 160 250 250
Additional specifications
Protection rating IP20 maximum
cable cross-section for mains and 35 (2) 50 (1) 50 (1) 150 (300 MCM) 150 (300 MCM)
motor [mm2 (AWG)]
Protection rating IP20 maximum
cable cross-section for brake and
35 (2) 50 (1) 50 (1) 95 (4/0) 95 (4/0)
load sharing
[mm2 (AWG)]
Protection ratings IP21, IP55, IP66
maximum cable cross-section for
50 (1) 50 (1) 50 (1) 150 (300 MCM) 150 (300 MCM)
mains and motor
[mm2 (AWG)]
Protection ratings IP21, IP55, IP66
maximum cable cross-section for
50 (1) 50 (1) 50 (1) 95 (3/0) 95 (3/0)
brake and load sharing [mm2
Maximum cable cross-section2) for 185, 150, 120
50, 35, 35 95, 70, 70
mains disconnect (350 MCM, 300
(1, 2, 2) (3/0, 2/0, 2/0)
[mm2 (AWG)] MCM, 4/0)
Estimated power loss3) 570 698 697 1083 1022 1384 1232
843 (1.1) 891 (1.2) 1474 (2)
at rated maximum load [W (hp)]4) (0.78) (0.95) (0.95) (1.5) (1.4) (1.9) (1.7)
Efficiency5) 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.99
Continuous (3x525–550 V) [A] 1.9 2.4 3.5 4.4 5.5 8.1 9.9
Intermittent (3x525–550 V) [A] 2.9 2.1 3.6 2.6 5.3 3.9 6.6 4.8 8.3 6.1 12.2 8.9 14.9 10.9
Continuous (3x551–690 V) [A] 1.4 2.0 2.9 4.0 4.9 6.7 9.0
Intermittent (3x551–690 V) [A] 2.1 1.5 3.0 2.2 4.4 3.2 6.0 4.4 7.4 5.4 10.1 7.4 13.5 9.9
Additional specifications
Maximum cable cross–section2) 4, 4, 4
8 8
for mains, motor, brake, and load (12, 12, 12)
sharing [mm2 (AWG)] (minimum (24)
Maximum cable cross–section2)
6, 4, 4
for mains disconnect
(10, 12, 12)
[mm2 (AWG)]
Estimated power loss3)
at rated maximum load [W (hp)]4) 44 (0.06) 60 (0.08) 88 (0.12) 120 (0.16) 160 (0.22) 220 (0.3) 300 (0.41)
Efficiency5) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
Table 8.16 B2/B4 Enclosure, Mains Supply 3x525–690 V AC IP20/IP21/IP55 – Chassis/NEMA 1/NEMA 12, P11K–P22K
Table 8.17 B4, C2, C3 Enclosure, Mains Supply 3x525–690 V AC IP20/IP21/IP55 – Chassis/NEMA1/NEMA 12, P30K–P75K
For fuse ratings see chapter 8.8 Fuses and Circuit Breakers.
1) High overload=150% or 160% torque for a duration of 60 s. Normal overload=110% torque for a duration of 60 s.
2) The 3 values for the maximum cable cross-section are for single core, flexible wire, and flexible wire with sleeve, respectively.
3) Applies for dimensioning of frequency converter cooling. If the switching frequency is higher than the default setting, the power losses may
increase. LCP and typical control card power consumptions are included. For power loss data according to EN 50598–2, refer to
4) Efficiency measured at nominal current. For energy efficiency class see chapter 8.4.1 Ambient Conditions. For part load losses see
5) Measured using 5 m (16 ft) shielded motor cables at rated load and rated frequency.
6) Enclosure sizes A2+A3 can be converted to IP21 using a conversion kit. See also chapters Mechanical mounting and IP21/Type 1 Enclosure kit in
the design guide.
7) Enclosure sizes B3+B4 and C3+C4 can be converted to IP21 using a conversion kit. See also chapters Mechanical mounting and IP21/Type 1
Enclosure kit in the design guide.
8) Enclosure sizes for N75K, N90K are D3h for IP20/Chassis, and D5h for IP54/Type 12.
9) Two wires are required.
10) Variant not available in IP21.
8 8 The unit is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 100000 RMS symmetrical Amperes,
240/480/600/690 V maximum.
Analog inputs
Number of analog inputs 2
Terminal number 53, 54
Modes Voltage or current
Mode select Switches S201 and S202
Voltage mode Switch S201/S202 = OFF (U)
Voltage level 0–10 V (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri Approximately 10 kΩ
Maximum voltage ±20 V
Current mode Switch S201/S202=On (I)
Current level 0/4-20 mA (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri Approximately 200 Ω
Maximum current 30 mA
Resolution for analog inputs 10 bit (+ sign)
Accuracy of analog inputs Maximum error 0.5% of full scale
Bandwidth 200 Hz
The analog inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
PELV isolation
8 8 18 Mains
voltage Motor
RS485 DC-Bus
Analog output
Number of programmable analog outputs 1
Terminal number 42
Current range at analog output 0/4–20 mA
Maximum resistor load to common at analog output 500 Ω
Accuracy on analog output Maximum error 0.8% of full scale
Resolution on analog output 8 bit
The analog output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
Digital inputs
Programmable digital inputs 4 (6)
Terminal number 18, 19, 271), 291), 32, 33,
Logic PNP or NPN
Voltage level 0–24 V DC
Voltage level, logic 0 PNP <5 V DC
Voltage level, logic 1 PNP >10 V DC
Voltage level, logic 0 NPN >19 V DC
Voltage level, logic 1 NPN <14 V DC
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Input resistance, Ri Approximately 4 kΩ
All digital inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
1) Terminals 27 and 29 can also be programmed as output.
Digital output
Programmable digital/pulse outputs 2
Terminal number 27, 291)
Voltage level at digital/frequency output 0–24 V
Maximum output current (sink or source) 40 mA
Maximum load at frequency output 1 kΩ
Maximum capacitive load at frequency output 10 nF
Minimum output frequency at frequency output 0 Hz
Maximum output frequency at frequency output 32 kHz
Accuracy of frequency output Maximum error 0.1% of full scale
Resolution of frequency outputs 12 bit
1) Terminal 27 and 29 can also be programmed as input.
The digital output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
Pulse inputs
Programmable pulse inputs 2
Terminal number pulse 29, 33
Maximum frequency at terminal 29, 33 110 kHz (push-pull driven)
Maximum frequency at terminal 29, 33 5 kHz (open collector)
Minimum frequency at terminal 29, 33 4 Hz
Voltage level
Maximum voltage on input
See Digital inputs
28 V DC 8 8
Input resistance, Ri Approximately 4 kΩ
Pulse input accuracy (0.1–1 kHz) Maximum error 0.1% of full scale
Relay outputs
Programmable relay outputs 2
Relay 01 terminal number 1-3 (break), 1-2 (make)
Maximum terminal load (AC-1)1) on 1-3 (NC), 1-2 (NO) (resistive load) 240 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) (inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 1-2 (NO), 1-3 (NC) (resistive load) 60 V DC, 1 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) (inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Relay 02 terminal number 4-6 (break), 4-5 (make)
Maximum terminal load (AC-1)1) on 4-5 (NO) (resistive load)2) 3) 400 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) on 4-5 (NO) (inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 4-5 (NO) (resistive load) 80 V DC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) on 4-5 (NO) (inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-1)1) on 4-6 (NC) (resistive load) 240 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) on 4-6 (NC) (inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 4-6 (NC) (resistive load) 50 V DC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) on 4-6 (NC) (inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Minimum terminal load on 1-3 (NC), 1-2 (NO), 4-6 (NC), 4-5 (NO) 24 V DC, 10 mA, 24 V AC, 20 mA
Environment according to EN 60664-1 Overvoltage category III/pollution degree 2
1) IEC 60947 parts 4 and 5.
The relay contacts are galvanically isolated from the rest of the circuit by reinforced isolation (PELV).
2) Overvoltage category II.
3) UL applications 300 V AC 2 A.
Control characteristics
Resolution of output frequency at 0–590 Hz ±0.003 Hz
System response time (terminals 18, 19, 27, 29, 32, 33) ≤2 ms
Speed control range (open loop) 1:100 of synchronous speed
Speed accuracy (open loop) 30–4000 RPM: Maximum error of ±8 RPM
All control characteristics are based on a 4-pole asynchronous motor.
8 8 Connection to a PC is carried out via a standard host/device USB cable.
The USB connection is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
The USB connection is not galvanically isolated from protective earth. Use only an isolated laptop/PC as a connection to
the USB connector on the frequency converter, or an isolated USB cable/converter.
1) For different cable dimensions x/y, where x≤95 mm2 (3 AWG) and y≥95 mm2 (3 AWG).
Use of fuses on the supply side is mandatory for IEC 60364 (CE) and NEC 2009 (UL) compliant installations.
• gG type fuses.
• Moeller type circuit breakers. For other circuit breaker types, ensure that the energy into the frequency converter is
equal to or lower than the energy provided by Moeller types.
Use of recommended fuses and circuit breakers ensures that possible damage to the frequency converter is limited to
damage inside the unit. For further information, see Application Note Fuses and Circuit Breakers.
The fuses in chapter 8.8.1 CE Compliance to chapter 8.8.2 UL Compliance are suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering
100000 Arms (symmetrical), depending on the frequency converter voltage rating. With the proper fusing, the frequency
converter short circuit current rating (SCCR) is 100000 Arms.
8.8.1 CE Compliance 8 8
Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Recommended Recommended Recommended circuit Maximum trip level
fuse size maximum fuse breaker [A]
A2 0.25–2.2 gG-10 (0.25–1.5) gG-25 PKZM0-25 25
(0.34–3) gG-16 (2.2)
A3 3.0–3.7 gG-16 (3) gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
(4–5) gG-20 (3.7)
A4 0.25–2.2 gG-10 (0.25–1.5) gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
(0.34–3) gG-16 (2.2)
A5 0.25–3.7 gG-10 (0.25–1.5) gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
(0.34–5) gG-16 (2.2–3)
gG-20 (3.7)
B1 5.5–11 gG-25 (5.5) gG-80 PKZM4-63 63
(7.5–15) gG-32 (7.5)
B2 15 (20) gG-50 gG-100 NZMB1-A100 100
B3 5.5–11 gG-25 gG-63 PKZM4-50 50
B4 15–18 gG-32 (7.5) gG-125 NZMB1-A100 100
(20–24) gG-50 (11)
gG-63 (15)
C1 18.5–30 gG-63 (15) gG-160 (15–18.5) NZMB2-A200 160
(25–40) gG-80 (18.5) aR-160 (22)
gG-100 (22)
C2 37–45 aR-160 (30) aR-200 (30) NZMB2-A250 250
(50–60) aR-200 (37) aR-250 (37)
C3 22–30 gG-80 (18.5) gG-150 (18.5) NZMB2-A200 150
(30–40) aR-125 (22) aR-160 (22)
C4 37–45 aR-160 (30) aR-200 (30) NZMB2-A250 250
(50–60) aR-200 (37) aR-250 (37)
Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Recommended Recommended Recommended circuit Maximum trip level
fuse size maximum fuse breaker [A]
A2 1.1–4.0 gG-10 (0.37-3) gG-25 PKZM0-25 25
(1.5–5) gG-16 (4)
A3 5.5–7.5 gG-16 gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
A4 1.1–4.0 gG-10 (0.37-3) gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
(1.5–5) gG-16 (4)
A5 1.1–7.5 gG-10 (0.37-3) gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
(1.5–10) gG-16 (4-7.5)
B1 11–18.5 gG-40 gG-80 PKZM4-63 63
B2 22–30 gG-50 (18.5) gG-100 NZMB1-A100 100
(30–40) gG-63 (22)
B3 11–18 gG-40 gG-63 PKZM4-50 50
B4 22–37 gG-50 (18.5) gG-125 NZMB1-A100 100
(30–50) gG-63 (22)
gG-80 (30)
8 8 C1 37–55
gG-80 (30)
gG-100 (37)
gG-160 NZMB2-A200 160
gG-160 (45)
C2 75–90 aR-200 (55) aR-250 NZMB2-A250 250
(100–125) aR-250 (75)
C3 45–55 gG-100 (37) gG-150 (37) NZMB2-A200 150
(60–75) gG-160 (45) gG-160 (45)
C4 75–90 aR-200 (55) aR-250 NZMB2-A250 250
(100–125) aR-250 (75)
Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Recommended Recommended Recommended circuit Maximum trip level
fuse size maximum fuse breaker [A]
A2 1.1–4.0 gG-10 gG-25 PKZM0-25 25
A3 5.5–7.5 gG-10 (5.5) gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
(7.5–10) gG-16 (7.5)
A5 1.1–7.5 gG-10 (0.75-5.5) gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
(1.5–10) gG-16 (7.5)
B1 11–18 gG-25 (11) gG-80 PKZM4-63 63
(15–24) gG-32 (15)
gG-40 (18.5)
B2 22–30 gG-50 (22) gG-100 NZMB1-A100 100
(30–40) gG-63 (30)
B3 11–18.5 gG-25 (11) gG-63 PKZM4-50 50
(15–25) gG-32 (15)
B4 22–37 gG-40 (18.5) gG-125 NZMB1-A100 100
(30–50) gG-50 (22)
gG-63 (30)
C1 37–55 gG-63 (37) gG-160 (37-45) NZMB2-A200 160
8 8
(50–75) gG-100 (45) aR-250 (55)
aR-160 (55)
C2 75–90 aR-200 (75) aR-250 NZMB2-A250 250
C3 45–55 gG-63 (37) gG-150 NZMB2-A200 150
(60–75) gG-100 (45)
C4 75–90 aR-160 (55) aR-250 NZMB2-A250 250
(100–125) aR-200 (75)
Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Recommended fuse size Recommended Recommended circuit Maximum trip
maximum fuse breaker level [A]
1.1 (1.5) gG-6 gG-25 CTI25M 10-16 16
1.5 (2) gG-6 gG-25 CTI25M 10-16 16
2.2 (3) gG-6 gG-25 CTI25M 10-16 16
A3 3 (4) gG-10 gG-25 CTI25M 10-16 16
4 (5) gG-10 gG-25 CTI25M 10-16 16
5.5 (7.5) gG-16 gG-25 CTI25M 10-16 16
7.5 (10) gG-16 gG-25 CTI25M 10-16 16
11 (15) gG-25 gG-63 – –
15 (20) gG-25 gG-63 – –
18 (24) gG-32 – – –
22 (30) gG-32 – – –
30 (40) gG-40 – – –
37 (50) gG-63 gG-80 – –
C2 45 (60) gG-63 gG-100 – –
55 (75) gG-80 gG-125 – –
75 (100) gG-100 gG-160 – –
37 (50) gG-100 gG-125 – –
45 (60) gG-125 gG-160 – –
8.8.2 UL Compliance
8 8 (10)
80 FWX-80 KTN-R80
JKS-80 JJN-80 – – – 080
– A2K-80R HSJ80
(20) 150 150 R150 JKS-150 JJN-150 – – – 150 R150 – A2K-150R HSJ150
22 FWX- KTN- 2028220- KLN-
(30) 200 200 R200 JKS-200 JJN-200 – – – 200 R200 – A2K-200R HSJ200
• KTS-fuses from Bussmann may substitute KTN for 240 V frequency converters.
• FWH-fuses from Bussmann may substitute FWX for 240 V frequency converters.
• JJS-fuses from Bussmann may substitute JJN for 240 V frequency converters.
• KLSR fuses from Littelfuse may substitute KLNR fuses for 240 V frequency converters.
• A6KR fuses from Ferraz-Shawmut may substitute A2KR for 240 V frequency converters.
Table 8.31 Power Ratings, Weight, and Dimensions, Enclosure Sizes A2-A5
Table 8.32 Power Ratings, Weight, and Dimensions, Enclosure Sizes B1–B4, C1–C4
9 Appendix
9 9 LCP
Local control panel
Motion control tool
ns Synchronous motor speed
PM,N Nominal motor power
PELV Protective extra low voltage
PCB Printed circuit board
PM Motor Permanent magnet motor
PWM Pulse width modulation
RPM Revolutions per minute
Regen Regenerative terminals
TLIM Torque limit
UM,N Nominal motor voltage
Numbered lists indicate procedures. Bullet lists indicate other information.
Italicized text indicates:
• Cross-reference.
• Link.
• Parameter name.
• Parameter group name.
• Parameter option.
• Footnote.
All dimensions in drawings are in [mm] (in).
0-03 Regional Settings 1-10 Motor Construction 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz] 3-93 Maximum Limit 5-40 Function Relay
0-04 Operating State at Power-up 1-1* VVC+ PM/SYN RM 1-86 Trip Speed Low [RPM] 3-94 Minimum Limit 5-41 On Delay, Relay
0-05 Local Mode Unit 1-14 Damping Gain 1-87 Trip Speed Low [Hz] 3-95 Ramp Delay 5-42 Off Delay, Relay
0-1* Set-up Operations 1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const. 1-9* Motor Temperature 4-** Limits / Warnings 5-5* Pulse Input
0-10 Active Set-up 1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const. 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection 4-1* Motor Limits 5-50 Term. 29 Low Frequency
0-11 Programming Set-up 1-17 Voltage filter time const. 1-91 Motor External Fan 4-10 Motor Speed Direction 5-51 Term. 29 High Frequency
0-12 This Set-up Linked to 1-2* Motor Data 1-93 Thermistor Source 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] 5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
0-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups 1-20 Motor Power [kW] 1-94 ATEX ETR cur.lim. speed reduction 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value
0-14 Readout: Prog. Set-ups / Channel 1-21 Motor Power [HP] 1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points freq. 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM] 5-54 Pulse Filter Time Constant #29
0-2* LCP Display 1-22 Motor Voltage 1-99 ATEX ETR interpol points current 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] 5-55 Term. 33 Low Frequency
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small 1-23 Motor Frequency 2-** Brakes 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode 5-56 Term. 33 High Frequency
0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small 1-24 Motor Current 2-0* DC-Brake 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode 5-57 Term. 33 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed 2-00 DC Hold/Preheat Current 4-18 Current Limit 5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. Value
0-23 Display Line 2 Large 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque 2-01 DC Brake Current 4-19 Max Output Frequency 5-59 Pulse Filter Time Constant #33
0-24 Display Line 3 Large 1-28 Motor Rotation Check 2-02 DC Braking Time 4-5* Adj. Warnings 5-6* Pulse Output
0-25 My Personal Menu 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA) 2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed [RPM] 4-50 Warning Current Low 5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable
0-3* LCP Custom Readout 1-3* Adv. Motor Data 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed [Hz] 4-51 Warning Current High 5-62 Pulse Output Max Freq #27
0-30 Custom Readout Unit 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) 2-06 Parking Current 4-52 Warning Speed Low 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable
0-31 Custom Readout Min Value 1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr) 2-07 Parking Time 4-53 Warning Speed High 5-65 Pulse Output Max Freq #29
0-32 Custom Readout Max Value 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1) 2-1* Brake Energy Funct. 4-54 Warning Reference Low 5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable
0-37 Display Text 1 1-34 Rotor Leakage Reactance (X2) 2-10 Brake Function 4-55 Warning Reference High 5-68 Pulse Output Max Freq #X30/6
0-38 Display Text 2 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm) 4-56 Warning Feedback Low 5-8* I/O Options
0-39 Display Text 3 1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe) 2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) 4-57 Warning Feedback High 5-80 AHF Cap Reconnect Delay
0-4* LCP Keypad 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld) 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function 5-9* Bus Controlled
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq) 2-15 Brake Check 4-6* Speed Bypass 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control
Operating Guide
0-41 [Off] Key on LCP 1-39 Motor Poles 2-16 AC brake Max. Current 4-60 Bypass Speed From [RPM] 5-93 Pulse Out #27 Bus Control
0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM 2-17 Over-voltage Control 4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz] 5-94 Pulse Out #27 Timeout Preset
0-43 [Reset] Key on LCP 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat) 3-** Reference / Ramps 4-62 Bypass Speed To [RPM] 5-95 Pulse Out #29 Bus Control
0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat) 3-0* Reference Limits 4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz] 5-96 Pulse Out #29 Timeout Preset
0-45 [Drive Bypass] Key on LCP 1-46 Position Detection Gain 3-02 Minimum Reference 4-64 Semi-Auto Bypass Set-up 5-97 Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control
0-5* Copy/Save 1-47 Torque Calibration 3-03 Maximum Reference 5-** Digital In/Out 5-98 Pulse Out #X30/6 Timeout Preset
0-50 LCP Copy 1-48 Inductance Sat. Point 3-04 Reference Function 5-0* Digital I/O mode 6-** Analog In/Out
0-51 Set-up Copy 1-5* Load Indep. Setting 3-1* References 5-00 Digital I/O Mode 6-0* Analog I/O Mode
0-6* Password 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed 3-10 Preset Reference 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode 6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time
0-60 Main Menu Password 1-51 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [RPM] 3-11 Jog Speed [Hz] 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function
0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password 1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] 3-13 Reference Site 5-1* Digital Inputs 6-1* Analog Input 53
9 9
9 9
6-31 Terminal X30/11 High Voltage 8-37 Maximum Inter-Char Delay 10-** CAN Fieldbus 12-34 CIP Product Code 14-** Special Functions
6-34 Term. X30/11 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 8-4* FC MC protocol set 10-0* Common Settings 12-35 EDS Parameter 14-0* Inverter Switching
6-35 Term. X30/11 High Ref./Feedb. Value 8-40 Telegram Selection 10-00 CAN Protocol 12-37 COS Inhibit Timer 14-00 Switching Pattern
6-36 Term. X30/11 Filter Time Constant 8-42 PCD Write Configuration 10-01 Baud Rate Select 12-38 COS Filter 14-01 Switching Frequency
6-37 Term. X30/11 Live Zero 8-43 PCD Read Configuration 10-02 MAC ID 12-4* Modbus TCP 14-03 Overmodulation
6-4* Analog Input X30/12 8-5* Digital/Bus 10-05 Readout Transmit Error Counter 12-40 Status Parameter 14-04 PWM Random
6-40 Terminal X30/12 Low Voltage 8-50 Coasting Select 10-06 Readout Receive Error Counter 12-41 Slave Message Count 14-1* Mains On/Off
6-41 Terminal X30/12 High Voltage 8-51 Quick Stop Select 10-07 Readout Bus Off Counter 12-42 Slave Exception Message Count 14-10 Mains Failure
6-44 Term. X30/12 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 8-52 DC Brake Select 10-1* DeviceNet 12-8* Other Ethernet Services 14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault
6-45 Term. X30/12 High Ref./Feedb. Value 8-53 Start Select 10-10 Process Data Type Selection 12-80 FTP Server 14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance
6-46 Term. X30/12 Filter Time Constant 8-54 Reversing Select 10-11 Process Data Config Write 12-81 HTTP Server 14-16 Kin. Backup Gain
6-47 Term. X30/12 Live Zero 8-55 Set-up Select 10-12 Process Data Config Read 12-82 SMTP Service 14-2* Reset Functions
6-5* Analog Output 42 8-56 Preset Reference Select 10-13 Warning Parameter 12-83 SNMP Agent 14-20 Reset Mode
6-50 Terminal 42 Output 8-8* FC Port Diagnostics 10-14 Net Reference 12-84 Address Conflict Detection 14-21 Automatic Restart Time
6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale 8-80 Bus Message Count 10-15 Net Control 12-85 ACD Last Conflict 14-22 Operation Mode
6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale 8-81 Bus Error Count 10-2* COS Filters 12-89 Transparent Socket Channel Port 14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit
6-53 Terminal 42 Output Bus Control 8-82 Slave Message Rcvd 10-20 COS Filter 1 12-9* Advanced Ethernet Services 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault
6-54 Terminal 42 Output Timeout Preset 8-83 Slave Error Count 10-21 COS Filter 2 12-90 Cable Diagnostic 14-28 Production Settings
6-55 Terminal 42 Output Filter 8-9* Bus Jog / Feedback 10-22 COS Filter 3 12-91 MDI-X 14-29 Service Code
6-6* Analog Output X30/8 8-94 Bus Feedback 1 10-23 COS Filter 4 12-92 IGMP Snooping 14-3* Current Limit Ctrl.
6-60 Terminal X30/8 Output 8-95 Bus Feedback 2 10-3* Parameter Access 12-93 Cable Error Length 14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain
6-61 Terminal X30/8 Min. Scale 8-96 Bus Feedback 3 10-30 Array Index 12-94 Broadcast Storm Protection 14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time
6-62 Terminal X30/8 Max. Scale 9-** PROFIdrive 10-31 Store Data Values 12-95 Inactivity timeout 14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time
6-63 Terminal X30/8 Output Bus Control 9-00 Setpoint 10-32 Devicenet Revision 12-96 Port Config 14-4* Energy Optimising
6-64 Terminal X30/8 Output Timeout Preset 9-07 Actual Value 10-33 Store Always 12-97 QoS Priority 14-40 VT Level
6-7* Analog Output X45/1 9-15 PCD Write Configuration 10-34 DeviceNet Product Code 12-98 Interface Counters 14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation
6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output 9-16 PCD Read Configuration 10-39 Devicenet F Parameters 12-99 Media Counters 14-42 Minimum AEO Frequency
6-71 Terminal X45/1 Min. Scale 9-18 Node Address 12-** Ethernet 13-** Smart Logic 14-43 Motor Cosphi
6-72 Terminal X45/1 Max. Scale 9-22 Telegram Selection 12-0* IP Settings 13-0* SLC Settings 14-5* Environment
6-73 Terminal X45/1 Bus Control 9-23 Parameters for Signals 12-00 IP Address Assignment 13-00 SL Controller Mode 14-50 RFI Filter
6-74 Terminal X45/1 Output Timeout Preset 9-27 Parameter Edit 12-01 IP Address 13-01 Start Event 14-51 DC Link Compensation
6-8* Analog Output X45/3 9-28 Process Control 12-02 Subnet Mask 13-02 Stop Event 14-52 Fan Control
6-80 Terminal X45/3 Output 9-31 Safe Address 12-03 Default Gateway 13-03 Reset SLC 14-53 Fan Monitor
VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202
6-81 Terminal X45/3 Min. Scale 9-44 Fault Message Counter 12-04 DHCP Server 13-1* Comparators 14-55 Output Filter
6-82 Terminal X45/3 Max. Scale 9-45 Fault Code 12-05 Lease Expires 13-10 Comparator Operand 14-56 Capacitance Output Filter
6-83 Terminal X45/3 Bus Control 9-47 Fault Number 12-06 Name Servers 13-11 Comparator Operator 14-57 Inductance Output Filter
15-11 Logging Interval 16-01 Reference [Unit] 16-76 Analog In X30/12 20-21 Setpoint 1 21-40 Ext. 2 Normal/Inverse Control
15-12 Trigger Event 16-02 Reference [%] 16-77 Analog Out X30/8 [mA] 20-22 Setpoint 2 21-41 Ext. 2 Proportional Gain
15-13 Logging Mode 16-03 Status Word 16-78 Analog Out X45/1 [mA] 20-23 Setpoint 3 21-42 Ext. 2 Integral Time
15-14 Samples Before Trigger 16-05 Main Actual Value [%] 16-79 Analog Out X45/3 [mA] 20-6* Sensorless 21-43 Ext. 2 Differentation Time
15-2* Historic Log 16-09 Custom Readout 16-8* Fieldbus & FC Port 20-60 Sensorless Unit 21-44 Ext. 2 Dif. Gain Limit
15-20 Historic Log: Event 16-1* Motor Status 16-80 Fieldbus CTW 1 20-69 Sensorless Information 21-5* Ext. CL 3 Ref./Fb.
15-21 Historic Log: Value 16-10 Power [kW] 16-82 Fieldbus REF 1 20-7* PID Autotuning 21-50 Ext. 3 Ref./Feedback Unit
15-22 Historic Log: Time 16-11 Power [hp] 16-84 Comm. Option STW 20-70 Closed Loop Type 21-51 Ext. 3 Minimum Reference
15-23 Historic log: Date and Time 16-12 Motor Voltage 16-85 FC Port CTW 1 20-71 PID Performance 21-52 Ext. 3 Maximum Reference
15-3* Alarm Log 16-13 Frequency 16-86 FC Port REF 1 20-72 PID Output Change 21-53 Ext. 3 Reference Source
15-30 Alarm Log: Error Code 16-14 Motor current 16-89 Configurable Alarm/Warning Word 20-73 Minimum Feedback Level 21-54 Ext. 3 Feedback Source
15-31 Alarm Log: Value 16-15 Frequency [%] 16-9* Diagnosis Readouts 20-74 Maximum Feedback Level 21-55 Ext. 3 Setpoint
15-32 Alarm Log: Time 16-16 Torque [Nm] 16-90 Alarm Word 20-79 PID Autotuning 21-57 Ext. 3 Reference [Unit]
15-33 Alarm Log: Date and Time 16-17 Speed [RPM] 16-91 Alarm Word 2 20-8* PID Basic Settings 21-58 Ext. 3 Feedback [Unit]
15-34 Alarm Log: Setpoint 16-18 Motor Thermal 16-92 Warning Word 20-81 PID Normal/ Inverse Control 21-59 Ext. 3 Output [%]
15-35 Alarm Log: Feedback 16-20 Motor Angle 16-93 Warning Word 2 20-82 PID Start Speed [RPM] 21-6* Ext. CL 3 PID
15-36 Alarm Log: Current Demand 16-22 Torque [%] 16-94 Ext. Status Word 20-83 PID Start Speed [Hz] 21-60 Ext. 3 Normal/Inverse Control
15-37 Alarm Log: Process Ctrl Unit 16-23 Motor Shaft Power [kW] 16-95 Ext. Status Word 2 20-84 On Reference Bandwidth 21-61 Ext. 3 Proportional Gain
15-4* Drive Identification 16-24 Calibrated Stator Resistance 16-96 Maintenance Word 20-9* PID Controller 21-62 Ext. 3 Integral Time
15-40 FC Type 16-26 Power Filtered [kW] 18-** Info & Readouts 20-91 PID Anti Windup 21-63 Ext. 3 Differentation Time
15-41 Power Section 16-27 Power Filtered [hp] 18-0* Maintenance Log 20-93 PID Proportional Gain 21-64 Ext. 3 Dif. Gain Limit
15-42 Voltage 16-3* Drive Status 18-00 Maintenance Log: Item 20-94 PID Integral Time 22-** Appl. Functions
15-43 Software Version 16-30 DC Link Voltage 18-01 Maintenance Log: Action 20-95 PID Differentiation Time 22-0* Miscellaneous
15-44 Ordered Typecode String 16-31 System Temp. 18-02 Maintenance Log: Time 20-96 PID Diff. Gain Limit 22-00 External Interlock Delay
15-45 Actual Typecode String 16-32 Brake Energy /s 18-03 Maintenance Log: Date and Time 21-** Ext. Closed Loop 22-01 Power Filter Time
15-46 Frequency Converter Ordering No 16-33 Brake Energy Average 18-3* Analog Readouts 21-0* Ext. CL Autotuning 22-2* No-Flow Detection
15-47 Power Card Ordering No 16-34 Heatsink Temp. 18-30 Analog Input X42/1 21-00 Closed Loop Type 22-20 Low Power Auto Set-up
15-48 LCP Id No 16-35 Inverter Thermal 18-31 Analog Input X42/3 21-01 PID Performance 22-21 Low Power Detection
15-49 SW ID Control Card 16-36 Inv. Nom. Current 18-32 Analog Input X42/5 21-02 PID Output Change 22-22 Low Speed Detection
Operating Guide
15-50 SW ID Power Card 16-37 Inv. Max. Current 18-33 Analog Out X42/7 [V] 21-03 Minimum Feedback Level 22-23 No-Flow Function
15-51 Frequency Converter Serial Number 16-38 SL Controller State 18-34 Analog Out X42/9 [V] 21-04 Maximum Feedback Level 22-24 No-Flow Delay
15-53 Power Card Serial Number 16-39 Control Card Temp. 18-35 Analog Out X42/11 [V] 21-09 PID Auto Tuning 22-26 Dry Pump Function
15-54 Config File Name 16-40 Logging Buffer Full 18-36 Analog Input X48/2 [mA] 21-1* Ext. CL 1 Ref./Fb. 22-27 Dry Pump Delay
15-58 SmartStart Filename 16-49 Current Fault Source 18-37 Temp. Input X48/4 21-10 Ext. 1 Ref./Feedback Unit 22-28 No-Flow Low Speed [RPM]
15-59 Filename 16-5* Ref. & Feedb. 18-38 Temp. Input X48/7 21-11 Ext. 1 Minimum Reference 22-29 No-Flow Low Speed [Hz]
15-6* Option Ident 16-50 External Reference 18-39 Temp. Input X48/10 21-12 Ext. 1 Maximum Reference 22-3* No-Flow Power Tuning
15-60 Option Mounted 16-52 Feedback[Unit] 18-5* Ref. & Feedb. 21-13 Ext. 1 Reference Source 22-30 No-Flow Power
15-61 Option SW Version 16-53 Digi Pot Reference 18-50 Sensorless Readout [unit] 21-14 Ext. 1 Feedback Source 22-31 Power Correction Factor
15-62 Option Ordering No 16-54 Feedback 1 [Unit] 18-6* Inputs & Outputs 2 21-15 Ext. 1 Setpoint 22-32 Low Speed [RPM]
15-63 Option Serial No 16-55 Feedback 2 [Unit] 18-60 Digital Input 2 21-17 Ext. 1 Reference [Unit] 22-33 Low Speed [Hz]
9 9
9 9
22-61 Broken Belt Torque 24-11 Drive Bypass Delay Time 26-14 Term. X42/1 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 27-3* Staging Speed 29-15 Derag Off Delay
22-62 Broken Belt Delay 25-** Cascade Controller 26-15 Term. X42/1 High Ref./Feedb. Value 27-30 Auto Tune Staging Speeds 29-2* Derag Power Tuning
22-7* Short Cycle Protection 25-0* System Settings 26-16 Term. X42/1 Filter Time Constant 27-31 Stage On Speed [RPM] 29-20 Derag Power[kW]
22-75 Short Cycle Protection 25-00 Cascade Controller 26-17 Term. X42/1 Live Zero 27-32 Stage On Speed [Hz] 29-21 Derag Power[HP]
22-76 Interval between Starts 25-02 Motor Start 26-2* Analog Input X42/3 27-33 Stage Off Speed [RPM] 29-22 Derag Power Factor
22-77 Minimum Run Time 25-04 Pump Cycling 26-20 Terminal X42/3 Low Voltage 27-34 Stage Off Speed [Hz] 29-23 Derag Power Delay
22-78 Minimum Run Time Override 25-05 Fixed Lead Pump 26-21 Terminal X42/3 High Voltage 27-4* Staging Settings 29-24 Low Speed [RPM]
22-79 Minimum Run Time Override Value 25-06 Number of Pumps 26-24 Term. X42/3 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 27-40 Auto Tune Staging Settings 29-25 Low Speed [Hz]
22-8* Flow Compensation 25-2* Bandwidth Settings 26-25 Term. X42/3 High Ref./Feedb. Value 27-41 Ramp Down Delay 29-26 Low Speed Power [kW]
22-80 Flow Compensation 25-20 Staging Bandwidth 26-26 Term. X42/3 Filter Time Constant 27-42 Ramp Up Delay 29-27 Low Speed Power [HP]
22-81 Square-linear Curve Approximation 25-21 Override Bandwidth 26-27 Term. X42/3 Live Zero 27-43 Staging Threshold 29-28 High Speed [RPM]
22-82 Work Point Calculation 25-22 Fixed Speed Bandwidth 26-3* Analog Input X42/5 27-44 Destaging Threshold 29-29 High Speed [Hz]
22-83 Speed at No-Flow [RPM] 25-23 SBW Staging Delay 26-30 Terminal X42/5 Low Voltage 27-45 Staging Speed [RPM] 29-30 High Speed Power [kW]
22-84 Speed at No-Flow [Hz] 25-24 SBW Destaging Delay 26-31 Terminal X42/5 High Voltage 27-46 Staging Speed [Hz] 29-31 High Speed Power [HP]
22-85 Speed at Design Point [RPM] 25-25 OBW Time 26-34 Term. X42/5 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 27-47 Destaging Speed [RPM] 29-32 Derag On Ref Bandwidth
22-86 Speed at Design Point [Hz] 25-26 Destage At No-Flow 26-35 Term. X42/5 High Ref./Feedb. Value 27-48 Destaging Speed [Hz] 29-33 Power Derag Limit
22-87 Pressure at No-Flow Speed 25-27 Stage Function 26-36 Term. X42/5 Filter Time Constant 27-49 Staging Principle 29-34 Consecutive Derag Interval
22-88 Pressure at Rated Speed 25-28 Stage Function Time 26-37 Term. X42/5 Live Zero 27-5* Alternate Settings 29-35 Derag at Locked Rotor
22-89 Flow at Design Point 25-29 Destage Function 26-4* Analog Out X42/7 27-50 Automatic Alternation 29-4* Pre/Post Lube
22-90 Flow at Rated Speed 25-30 Destage Function Time 26-40 Terminal X42/7 Output 27-51 Alternation Event 29-40 Pre/Post Lube Function
23-** Time-based Functions 25-4* Staging Settings 26-41 Terminal X42/7 Min. Scale 27-52 Alternation Time Interval 29-41 Pre Lube Time
23-0* Timed Actions 25-40 Ramp Down Delay 26-42 Terminal X42/7 Max. Scale 27-53 Alternation Timer Value 29-42 Post Lube Time
23-00 ON Time 25-41 Ramp Up Delay 26-43 Terminal X42/7 Bus Control 27-54 Alternation At Time of Day 29-5* Flow Confirmation
23-01 ON Action 25-42 Staging Threshold 26-44 Terminal X42/7 Timeout Preset 27-55 Alternation Predefined Time 29-50 Validation Time
23-02 OFF Time 25-43 Destaging Threshold 26-5* Analog Out X42/9 27-56 Alternate Capacity is < 29-51 Verification Time
23-03 OFF Action 25-44 Staging Speed [RPM] 26-50 Terminal X42/9 Output 27-58 Run Next Pump Delay 29-52 Signal Lost Verification Time
23-04 Occurrence 25-45 Staging Speed [Hz] 26-51 Terminal X42/9 Min. Scale 27-6* Digital Inputs 29-53 Flow Confirmation Mode
23-1* Maintenance 25-46 Destaging Speed [RPM] 26-52 Terminal X42/9 Max. Scale 27-60 Terminal X66/1 Digital Input 29-6* Flow Meter
23-10 Maintenance Item 25-47 Destaging Speed [Hz] 26-53 Terminal X42/9 Bus Control 27-61 Terminal X66/3 Digital Input 29-60 Flow Meter Monitor
23-11 Maintenance Action 25-49 Staging Principle 26-54 Terminal X42/9 Timeout Preset 27-62 Terminal X66/5 Digital Input 29-61 Flow Meter Source
23-12 Maintenance Time Base 25-5* Alternation Settings 26-6* Analog Out X42/11 27-63 Terminal X66/7 Digital Input 29-62 Flow Meter Unit
23-13 Maintenance Time Interval 25-50 Lead Pump Alternation 26-60 Terminal X42/11 Output 27-64 Terminal X66/9 Digital Input 29-63 Totalized Volume Unit
23-14 Maintenance Date and Time 25-51 Alternation Event 26-61 Terminal X42/11 Min. Scale 27-65 Terminal X66/11 Digital Input 29-64 Actual Volume Unit
VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202
23-1* Maintenance Reset 25-52 Alternation Time Interval 26-62 Terminal X42/11 Max. Scale 27-66 Terminal X66/13 Digital Input 29-65 Totalized Volume
23-15 Reset Maintenance Word 25-53 Alternation Timer Value 26-63 Terminal X42/11 Bus Control 27-7* Connections 29-66 Actual Volume
23-16 Maintenance Text 25-54 Alternation Predefined Time 26-64 Terminal X42/11 Timeout Preset 27-70 Relay 29-67 Reset Totalized Volume
35-03 Term. X48/7 Input Type
35-04 Term. X48/10 Temperature Unit
35-05 Term. X48/10 Input Type
35-06 Temperature Sensor Alarm Function
35-14 Term. X48/4 Filter Time Constant
35-15 Term. X48/4 Temp. Monitor
35-16 Term. X48/4 Low Temp. Limit
35-17 Term. X48/4 High Temp. Limit
35-2* Temp. Input X48/7
35-24 Term. X48/7 Filter Time Constant
35-25 Term. X48/7 Temp. Monitor
35-26 Term. X48/7 Low Temp. Limit
35-27 Term. X48/7 High Temp. Limit
35-3* Temp. Input X48/10
35-34 Term. X48/10 Filter Time Constant
35-35 Term. X48/10 Temp. Monitor
35-36 Term. X48/10 Low Temp. Limit
35-37 Term. X48/10 High Temp. Limit
35-4* Analog Input X48/2
35-42 Term. X48/2 Low Current
35-43 Term. X48/2 High Current
35-44 Term. X48/2 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
35-45 Term. X48/2 High Ref./Feedb. Value
35-46 Term. X48/2 Filter Time Constant
35-47 Term. X48/2 Live Zero
43-** Unit Readouts
43-0* Component Status
43-00 Component Temp.
Operating Guide
9 9
Index VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202
G voltage.......................................................................................... 25, 37
Transient................................................................................................ 8
Ground connection.............................................................................. 23
Maintenance.......................................................................................... 36
Ground wire............................................................................................ 14
Manual initialization............................................................................ 27
Grounded delta..................................................................................... 19
MCT 10............................................................................................... 20, 24
Grounding.......................................................................... 18, 19, 23, 24
Menu key.......................................................................................... 24, 25
H Menu structure...................................................................................... 25
Modbus RTU........................................................................................... 22
Hand on............................................................................................. 26, 36
cable.............................................................................................. 14, 18
Harmonics............................................................................................. 8
current............................................................................... 8, 25, 30, 43
High altitude.......................................................................................... 65 data........................................................................... 28, 31, 40, 44, 47
High voltage...................................................................................... 9, 24 output.................................................................................................. 64
power..................................................................................... 14, 25, 43
Humidity.................................................................................................. 65 rotation................................................................................................ 31
speed.................................................................................................... 27
I status....................................................................................................... 4
thermal protection.......................................................................... 35
IEC 61800-3............................................................................................. 19 thermistor........................................................................................... 35
Initialization............................................................................................ 27 wiring............................................................................................ 17, 23
Output current.................................................................................. 40
Input Output performance (U, V, W)..................................................... 64
Analog input........................................................................ 20, 39, 66 Thermistor.......................................................................................... 35
Digital input........................................................... 20, 21, 38, 40, 66 Unintended motor rotation......................................................... 10
disconnect.......................................................................................... 19
power................................................................... 8, 14, 17, 19, 23, 38 Mounting.......................................................................................... 12, 23
power wiring...................................................................................... 23
signal.................................................................................................... 22 N
terminal.......................................................................... 19, 22, 24, 39
voltage................................................................................................. 24 Nameplate............................................................................................... 11
Pulse input.......................................................................................... 67 Navigation key.................................................................. 24, 25, 27, 36
Check list............................................................................................. 23
Installation................................................................................... 21, 22
environment...................................................................................... 11 Open loop............................................................................................... 22
Intended use............................................................................................. 4 Operation key........................................................................................ 24
Interference isolation.......................................................................... 23 Optional equipment.............................................................. 19, 21, 24
Interlock................................................................................................... 34 Output power wiring.......................................................................... 23
Items supplied....................................................................................... 11 Overcurrent protection...................................................................... 14
J High overload............................................................................. 63, 64
Normal overload................................................................. 49, 53, 64
Jumper...................................................................................................... 21 torque................................................................................................... 64
Overvoltage....................................................................... 37, 47, 64, 67
LCP............................................................................................................. 24 P
Leakage current............................................................................. 10, 14 Parameter menu structure................................................................ 79
Lifting........................................................................................................ 12 PELV............................................................................... 35, 65, 66, 67, 68
Load sharing........ 9, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, Phase loss................................................................................................ 39
62, 63
PM Motor................................................................................................. 28
Local control panel............................................................................... 24
Potential equalization......................................................................... 15
Potentiometer........................................................................................ 33
Main menu.............................................................................................. 25
Q Switching frequency........................................................................... 38
Danfoss A/S
Ulsnaes 1
DK-6300 Graasten