2 English6Q2Week4
2 English6Q2Week4
Second Quarter/ Week 4/ Day 1
2. Adverbs of Indefinite Frequency – don’t specify an amount of time. The amount of time
described by these words is unclear because it depends on the context they are used in.
Adverb of indefinite frequency mainly go before the main verb (except the main verb “to
Study the following examples below:
Occasionally, sometimes, often, frequently and usually can go at the beginning or end of a
sentence. Rarely and seldom can go at the end of a sentence
Mary has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early so she
can run before work. She doesn’t often have time to swim but occasionally goes
on Saturday during summer. Mary often rides a horse at a stable near her home.
She sometimes goes after work but she usually goes horseback riding on
Sundays. She loves music. She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday
evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She doesn’t have extra money so she
rarely goes to concerts in the city. She seldom watches TV because she likes
doing things outside. She isn’t often alone because she has a lot of friends. She
occasionally does something alone, but she usually does her activities with one of
her friends. She is a happy woman.
What do you call the underlined words in the text? What type of adverb of frequency?
How often does Mary get up early?
How often does she go to concerts? Why?
What is the percentage of her time used in choir practice?
How often does she watch TV?
What do you notice in the placement of adverbs in the sentence?
The adverbs of frequency used or found in the sentence are indirect so the adverbs are
placed before the verbs.
Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. Can you now describe the
difference between the two types of adverbs of frequency? If today’s lesson is clear to you
then you are ready for more exercises.
Enjoy working and learning.
A. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate adverbs of frequency. Encircle your
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
C. Underline the correct forms for the frequency adverbs to complete the paragraph.
I go to sixth grade in public school in Pasay City and I love my school. The principal
1.(always comes, comes always) early. Because she 2.(often drives, drives often) to school
where as most of us take jeepney or other public transportation. 3.(Sometimes I, I sometimes)
see her at lunch time. She 4.(is always, always is) very neatly dressed. Our school has a large
backyard. We 5.(usually play, play usually) basketball or volleyball there. I 6.(see seldom,
seldom see) our principal there as she 7.(often stays, stays often) in her office. Our teachers
8.(play sometimes, sometimes play) with us too. But I (am never, never am) happy playing
against them because they 9.(win always, always win). So I 10.(play usually, usually play)
table tennis when the teachers are around.
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
A. Answer the following questions using adverbs of frequency. Write your answer on the blank
B. Interview a family member about his/her daily routine. Use the questions using “How often”
Be sure to write the answers on the blank.
Adverbs of frequency are adverbs that answer the question “How often?” or “How frequently?”.
They tell us how often something happens.
Adverbs of frequency can be subdivided into two categories: definite and indefinite.
Definite adverbs of frequency specify an amount of time. They include words like hourly,
daily, weekly, yearly all of which give a definite amount of time. These adverbs are usually
used at the end of the sentence.
Indefinite adverbs of frequency don’t specify an amount of time. They include words like
always, rarely, often, always, never, sometimes, etc. The amount of time described by these
words is unclear because it depends on the context they are used in. These adverbs are
used before the main verb.
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Write 10 sentences that are true for you use the adverbs of frequency and phrases below.
Be sure to write the definite adverb of frequency at the end of the sentence and indefinite adverb
of frequency before the main verb.
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________
Write five sentences about prevention strategies to stop the transmission of corona virus
disease 19 known as COVID 19. Use the following adverbs of frequency.
1. _______________________________________________________.
2. _______________________________________________________.
3. _______________________________________________________.
4. _______________________________________________________.
5. _______________________________________________________.
Second Quarter/ Week 4/ Day 2
differences differences
Include topic sentence. Make sure that you include both topics that your paragraph is
going to cover so you want your readers to know exactly what it is you’re going to
compare and contrast.
Follow your topic sentence with supporting details grouped together. For example, if you
want to start your paragraph with how your two subjects are the same or maybe you
want to say how they are different first, make sure you group them together. Don’t jump
around all over the place because your readers will have a very hard time following your
Include clue words such as:
For similarities - For differences -
Is similar to on the other hand while
both however unlike
also but
too in contrast to
as well differ from
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Read the following composition showing the similarities and differences of dogs and cats.
Cats and dogs make excellent pets but appropriate choice depends on pet
management, cost and accommodation.
Cats and dog both have the ability to form strong bonds with their owners. Cats enjoy
human company and require love, attention and affection from their chosen family and dogs,
too. Cats show affection to their humans as well as the dogs.
On the other hand, cats don’t have to be watched during the day and they are easier to
get care if the owner travels. In contrast, dogs should not be left alone for they may get in
trouble if left by themselves and it is more difficult to look for someone to look after them when
the owner travels. Cats are less expensive and are less likely to damage property or hurt
themselves. However, dogs are more expensive and often chew on furniture and sometimes
they get into fights and hurt themselves. Cats don’t take up much space or need a large area
to run around. Unlike dogs, they often need a yard or fence because they like to run around.
When adopting a pet one must consider the management, cost and accommodation
that the pet would require. Owners who don’t think about this aspect will often not care for their
pet in a safe manner.
After reading and understanding about comparing and contrasting two different things, you are
now ready to answer the following exercises. You are expected to be honest in giving your
answers. Good Luck!
Analyze the following sentences. Write compare if the sentence expresses similarities and
contrast if it expresses differences. Then encircle the joining word that shows comparison and
_______1. Pepe and Pilar have black eyes and black hair.
_______2. Pepe and Pilar are both tall and slim.
_______3. Pepe likes to read science fiction but Pilar likes to read poetry.
_______4. Pepe runs three kilometers a day while Pilar hates to exercise.
_______5. Pepe works as a manager twenty hours per week unlike Pilar who works 15 hours
per week as an usher in a theater.
_______6. Pepe is an engineering major while Pilar has not found a major yet.
_______7. Both dogs and wolves shows similar displays when greeting, being friendly or when
_______8. They also have the ability to hunt prey using their senses.
_______9. Dogs are natural barkers while wolves seldom barks.
_______10. Wolves have eyes that are varying shadows of yellow in contrast to dogs that
have either brown or blue eyes.
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Basketball and soccer are sports with many similarities and differences. Both sports are
fun to play and each one has many beneficial qualities. Here are some of the similarities and
differences with basketball and soccer.
Basketball and soccer are played with a round ball. They both provide a ton of
cardiovascular exercise such as running; so if you want to get in shape these are the sports to
play. A referee judges each game. When a player breaks the rules he or she is called for a
foul. A soccer player receives a red or yellow card and a basketball player is called for a foul.
Finally, a score is kept in each game. The team with the highest score wins.
Even though basketball and soccer are similar, differences do exist. Even though an
athlete dribbles the ball in both sports, a basketball player uses his hands and a soccer player
uses his feet. Usually soccer is played outside on a large field and basketball is played indoor
on a court made out of wood. Basketball is played with 5 players and soccer has 11. Lastly,
basketball has four quarters and soccer has two halves.
In conclusion both sports are fun and exciting to play. Each one offers exercise and
competitiveness. Also, they are unique in their own way.
Basketball Soccer
Use the similarities and differences of two breeds of dogs to complete the paragraph.
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Together with a family member, talk about the similarities and differences of the two top
noontime shows in the Philippines, Eat Bulaga and Showtime. Make a list of comparison and
contrast between the two shows and write a 4-paragraph composition about it.
Examples of topic compare and contrast:
Format (Running time, etc.)
Hosts (Number, Personalities)
Games and prizes
Comparing is showing the similarities and contrasting is showing differences between two
things that are related in some ways. In making a 4-paragraph composition, the first paragraph
should include an introduction. The second paragraph must focus on the similarities while the
third paragraph is on the differences. The fourth paragraph is the conclusion of your
composition. Use word clues in comparison such as similar too, both, like, also too and as well
as. In contrast you may use on the other hand, however, in contrast, but, unlike, while,
whereas, etc.
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Below are some topics for you to choose from. Select one topic then write a compare and
contrast paragraph.
Science and Mathematics Television and Radio
Sun and Moon Spaghetti and Pancit
Chinese and Japanese Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio
Apples and Oranges Smartphone and Laptop
YouTube and Facebook Christmas and New Year
Write a four paragraph composition about your parents or guardians using comparison and
contrast. You may include what they do that are similar and how do they differ. Observe
indention, capitalization, punctuation marks, spelling and neatness. You may use extra sheet
of paper if the space provided below is not enough. You are expected to write it yourself
Timoteo Paez Elementary School
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Second Quarter/ Week 4/ Day 3
OBJECTIVE: Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using –context
clues, -affixes and roots and other strategies
(Literary Terms)
When you figure out the meaning of an unknown word from other words you are finding word
meaning in context. The words and phrases around of an unknown word often provide clues to
the word’s meaning. These clues are called context clues.
Read the passage below. See if you can figure out what the word scant means
Many gardeners collect seeds for their gardens from their favorite wildflowers. They
collect seeds from dying blooms, put them in plastic bags, and later, sow the seeds in their
garden. Wildflowers are popular because they thrive in areas where soil is poor. Since water
is in scant supply in many communities, you may want to consider wildflowers for your garden.
Many gardeners who live in a city or town using deep well water have thriving wildflower
Look carefully at the sentences that come before and after the word scant. Focus on what the
clues on the sentences tell you.
Wildflowers grew well, even if there is a drought or poor soil.
They are good for gardeners who live in areas dependent on deep well water.
So the word scant must mean ________.
A. Insufficient B. adequate C. enough
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Each paragraph has two underlined words. From the given choices, copy the word that
contains the meaning of each underlined word. Write your answers on the blank provided.
A. Dark heavy clouds were rapidly forming in the sky. There was a sign that a storm was
coming. The boys made a hasty trip back home.
1. sign – strong, signal, wind __________
2. hasty – happy, frightful, hurried __________
B. Tina thought the day would never end. But at last, Father came home. How delighted
she was when she saw what Father have brought. It was the cutest dog she ever saw.
3. delighted – saddened, frightened, gladdened _________________
4. cutest – ugliest, prettiest, biggest _________________
C. Long ago, many kings governed the countries of the world. Good kings visited their
subjects often. In return, the subjects loved and respected them.
5. governed – punished, ruled, hated ____________
6. subjects – people, enemies, friends ____________
D. The fisherman tried to row his boat to the shore. The wind began to blow and the waves
grew bigger. Suddenly, a big wave splashed against the boat and capsized it. The fisherman
fell in to the sea.
7. splashed – blew, pushed, struck ________________
8. capsized – overturned, sunk, threw ________________
E. One warm pleasant day, Anita and her friends roamed the beach. They looked closely
at the seashells along the seashore. Anita found an oyster shell. Eagerly, she forced it apart.
A precious pearl was hidden inside.
9. roamed – ran, played, wandered _______________
10. precious – costly, useless, cheap _______________
Read the sentences and the types of context clues below. First encircle the word that means
about the same as the underlined word in each sentence. Then, identify and write the type of
context clue used by selecting from the given list in the box.
1. America has become a nation of immigrants, people who come to a new land to make their
( settlers natives official )
2. Type of context clue used: __________________
3. The doctor described the patient’s condition as grave, in other words, it was extremely
( serious necessary temporary )
4. Type of context clue used: __________________
5. When Rico saw the gym was full of noisy, unruly, rough-looking people, he decided not to
join the rowdy crowd.
( popular disorderly peaceful )
6. Type of context clue used: __________________
7. The coach insisted that the timing of the play was crucial; on the other hand, some team
members thought the timing didn’t matter.
( disturbed required important )
8. Type of context clue used: __________________
9. Celso is pursuing the title of National Swimming Champion. To illustrate, he has been
training hard for months and hopes to win the title at the next swim meet.
( ignoring seeking not seeking )
10.Type of context clue used: __________________
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Fill in the blank with the correct word. Choose your answer from the words in the box. Do it
patiently and honestly
-graph -er/or
pro- -ism
Context clues are often in the sentence where the unknown word appears. They can also be in
a sentences before or after the word. Context clues for an unknown word are often synonyms,
definitions, contrast or comparison or description.
Greek and Latin words form the basis or root for several words in the English language. So
understanding the root of as many as possible words will help us understand complex words
that are unfamiliar to us.
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Fill in the blank with the roots or affixes from the box to complete each sentence.
-or poly - -ist -al pro-
anta- bio- -er
1.Jose Rizal was an invent___. He created a wooden machine for making bricks.
2. At twelve years old, Jose Rizal was a vis___ artist. He was already painting using the food
coloring called atsuete.
3. He was a poet, essay___ and novel____.
4. He also became a _____glot. He spoke or was conversant in 22 languages.
5. In his novel Noli Me Tangere, Crisostomo Ibarra is the ____tagonist or the main character
who attempted a reform.
Read each item carefully. Infer what is being described using roots and affixes. Encircle the
letter of your answer.
1. A literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come in the story.
It often appears at the beginning of a story or chapter and helps the readers develop
expectation about the coming events in the story.
A. foreshadowing B. backshadowing C. aftershadowing D. midshadowing
2. In the TV series “Ang Probinsyano”, Cardo is the good guy. He advocates for a particular
cause or idea.
A. antagonist B. adviser C. protagonist D. director
3. The use of symbols in art, literature, films to represent ideas rather than represent the real
world using the power of words and images is called __________.
A. symbolist B. symbolic C. symbols D. symbolism
4. If progovernment means for government or in favour of the government, what is against the
A. loyalist B. anti-government C. government-allied D. non-government
5. The bad guy In the movie who opposes and stands against the main character is the _____.
A. psychiatrist B. receptionist C. antagonist D. biologist
Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the underlined word in each situation.
6. Robert always shows compassion for animals. He treats them with kindness and takes good
care of them.
A. uncaring and unloving C. mean and harmful
B. kindness and courage D. sympathy and desire to help
7. The young bear found itself in a predicament. After climbing the tree, it discovered that it did
not know how to get down.
A. troubling situation B. normal situation C. pleasant situation D. cheerful situation
8. Katrina will make her debut as a violinist. This is also her first time to appear in public.
A. private appearance C. first appearance
B. public appearance D. last appearance
9. Peping went to the forest. There he saw many birds having brightly- colored plumage.
A. bills B. feathers C. eggs D. wings
10. If you don’t curtail your spending, you’ll lose money and will be unable to continue your
A. follow B. buy C. forget D. reduce
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Second Quarter / Week 4 / Day 4
1. Make sure to plan an introduction and conclusion. If possible, take a few moments to think
about what you want to say to introduce the topic and have some ways of concluding.
2. Make a few notes for yourself on a card or phone or text yourself a few words to remind
yourself on the important ideas.
3. Consider the simple three-part outline of an introduction, body and conclusion and fit your
ideas into that pattern.
Introduction - Use to command the attention of the audience and get them interested in
the speech. Avoid gimmicks and stay consistent with your speech topic and style of
speaking. It may include humor, startling ideas, drama, suspenseful story, quotations, etc.
Body – State the point and present the supporting evidences. Audiences have to
remember all of your ideas and their connections. Most speakers should work to limit
themselves to the main ideas which are organized in a clear pattern that is highlighted for
the audience.
Conclusion - Summarizes your main points. Remind the audience of the main ideas
explored in your speech. Try to finish with a sentence or two that leaves your audience
with a sense of the significance of what they just heard. This may be accomplished by
returning to the focus of the introduction, ending with a powerful and appropriate
quotation, or concluding with your own assessment of the importance of the topic.
4. If you do not know what to say next, you can summarize and paraphrase what you have just
said and then will be probably be ready to move on to the next topic.
5. Remember that in most situations you will know more about the subject than the audience.
Usually you will not be called up to speak impromptu about something you know nothing
about, so you have probably spoken about the general topic before or you have
knowledge to share with others.
6. Talk like you mean it. In other words, speak with conviction You are explaining your ideas or
knowledge and you are an authority.
7. Relax.
References for Further References:
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Tony was asked by his teacher to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the
internet. He was caught off guard by the sudden request of his teacher but instead of refusing
he smiled and accepted the challenge. He was given by his teacher three minutes to think
about what to say. So he got a piece of paper and wrote down some notes.
Here is Tony’s impromptu speech:
Good morning, teacher and classmates. What is life without internet? Can you last a
day without it? Internet has become a part of our daily lives. We use the internet for
communication, entertainment, commerce and even in education.
Internet is a very powerful tool that we can use to enrich our lives but we should also be
aware of its disadvantages. We should use its potential for good and avoid using it to harm or
destroy someone. Thank you!
How did Tony start his speech?
How did he end it?
What did he explain in the second paragraph?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the
Did Tony make a great speech about the topic? Why?
Do you agree that the internet is good tool for humans? Why,
In your own experience, how is internet useful and harmful to you?
Have you ever asked to stand and share your thoughts on a topic you haven’t considered
before or weren’t prepared to discuss? How did you do it? Now that you have read about what
to do when asked an impromptu remarks about a certain topic, are you now ready to do more
practice exercises? If yes, then you may proceed. Enjoy and have fun!
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Below is a brief remarks about the topic How To Be A Successful Student. Complete it by
supplying your thoughts on this topic.
Introduction How to be a successful student? It takes a lot of effort on the part of the
student to be successful.
Body First and foremost a student has to be very hardworking.( Explain)__
In addition being disciplined is very important (Explain) ____________
Besides, time management is important. .A student has to study, does
school work, prepare homework, examinations and also needs to cope
with extra-curricular activities. It is equally important to spend time with
family and friends. So a student has to manage his or her time. Lastly, you
should choose your friends wisely. Good and sensible friends will help you
succeed in studies.
Conclusion Well , in short, to be a successful student you need to_____________,
be ___________with positive values and attitudes. Don’t forget ________
_____________________is important.
Thank you.
Give an impromptu remarks by following the outline below. Be sure to follow the steps
My first favorite animal is ____________________________________________
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Work with a sibling. Take turns to talk about this topic “Why your parents are Special”. Make
short notes about what you will say on the topic. Speak to your partner then write below the
remarks you shared with each other.
Make a Commercial
Get a bunch of things from your room or from your bag and make a commercial about those
items. Show a random product. It might be a lotion, a perfume, or it could be anything.
Present a one-minute commercial on this product. Talk about why the product is so awesome
and why people should buy it. Develop an outline then a complete text of your commercial.
You may do this with a friend, a neighbour or with one of your siblings and find out who is good
in making commercial.
Work with a partner. Take turns to talk about your preferred topic. Choose from the following
topics. Think for 30 seconds. Make an outline or notes about what you will say on the topic.
Speak to your partner. Write your thoughts about the selected topic.
The Best Surprise Ever The Smartest Cartoon Character
How To Achieve Your Dreams IF I were president I would ……..
A Trip To Remember If I were an animal I would ………..
My Three Wishes If I had a million pesos to give away
Share an impromptu remarks about your favorite subject in school. Describe it and explain why
this subject is your favorite one. Write it on the space provided below.
Legibly written with no distracting errors
Timoteo Paez Elementary School
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Second Quarter/ Week 4/ Day 5
Online references are the resources that are accessible via the
Internet and World Wide Web.
In general, web pages and documents on the internet that provide
useful information are known as online resources. Websites such as
www.wikipedia.com, www.dictionary.com and www.youtube.com are just
some of the most popular online resources that people tend to go to for
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Xyrille has an assignment. She has to search in the internet the following:
When searching online, it’s important to always use the correct keywords and shorten your use
of phrases to narrow your searches. If you’re looking for an image always add the word image
after your keyword to pinpoint what you’re looking for or use the tab and choose image on the
search engine to specifically look for a picture.
Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. Can you now distinguish the
different kinds of online references? If today’s lesson is clear to you, then you are ready for
more exercises. Enjoy working and learning!
Match the websites under column A with the type of online references under Column B. Write
the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number.
Column A Column B
___1. www.facebook.com A. Internet forum
___2. www.pinoyexchange.com B. Social media sites
___3. www.wikipedia.com C. Journals
___4. www.youtube.com D. News sites
___5. www.gmanetwork/news E. Blogs
___6. www.yahoo.com F. Online reference books
___7. https://journals.upd.edu.ph G. Video sharing platform
___8. www.philstar.com H. Search engine sites
___9. www.google.com
___10. www.homecool.ph
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Write the online reference that will be used in each item. Select your answer from the box
1. Father wants to check the latest journal of his alma mater. ______________
2. A teacher wants to make a personal webpage where he can share his ideas and thoughts
for his students and other people to see. ______________
3. Rita wants to join an online forum for flower enthusiasts to ask and learn from the
professionals. _____________
4. Lolo missed the news yesterday, so he plans to check it out by using the internet._______
5. Encyclopedia.com, Mirriam-Webster.com and Yellow-pages.ph are among the sites in this
group. ______________
6. You skipped two days of school because of fever. Now you want to communicate with a
classmate to ask her of the lessons you missed. _____________
7. Your group was assigned to perform a folk dance in your MAPEH class but none of your
members know the dance steps. _______________
8. Father wants to look up on how to fix his broken coffee maker. _______________
9. My friends and I like to make stories about everything so we decided to create our own
webpage about it. ________________
10. I want to view how to make an origami of a swan. _________________
Supply the relevant information you can get from the following websites. Choose your
answers from the words/phrases given below.
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
With one of your siblings or any member of your family, guess what online reference would be
used to get the information. Take note of the keyword in each item.
1. dance steps of Philippine folk dance, Cariñosa
2. video presentation about the nervous system
3. picture or image of a brain, its function and parts.
4. lyrics, tune of your graduation song
5. updated information about your friend
6. score of last night PBA game
7. a new post appears on your favorite artist in his personal webpage
8. a newly released publication of the City University of Pasay
9. a member of your group replied to your question
10. world’s latest update about the pandemic
11. you want to know the biography of Jose Rizal
12. reading a post from 2015 about people’s disaster readiness
13. tutorial about origami flower
14. your teacher shared a link about a topic relevant to next week’s lesson
15. the meaning and correct pronunciation of the word monsignor
Before, all information came in printed form, that changed with the advent of the internet.
Different information become more accessible by browsing the internet, much as you would
browse the shelves of a library, you can access information on seemingly limitless
topics. There are billions of pages of information on the World Wide Web, and finding relevant
and reliable information can be a challenge. Search engines are powerful tools that index
millions of web sites. When entering a keyword into a search engine, you will receive a list with
the number of hits or results and links to the related sites. Students often uncritically accept
information they see in print or on computer screens. Students should be encouraged to
carefully evaluate sources found on the internet. The evaluation will help students
analyze web resources in terms of accuracy, authority, objectivity, timeliness, and coverage.
Consideration of these factors will weed out many of the inaccurate or trivial sites students
may encounter.
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Name: ___________________________________ Section: _____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _____________
Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer that tells what online
reference is used to gather relevant information.
1. Your sister wants to see and learn the dance steps of “Pandango” to be performed in their
school. What online reference will she use?
A. youtube C. gmanews
B. blog D. forum
2. Mario would like to know the exact location of Japan using the exact longitude and latitude.
What online reference would he use?
A. online atlas C. www.mirriam-webster.com
B. news site D. social media
3. Lilia asks you what serendipity means. You also don’t know the meaning. What website
will you visit to know the meaning of serendipity?
A. facebook.com C. pinoyexchange.com
B. dost.gov.ph D. dictionary.com
4. What online reference gives up to date local and international news?
A. forum C. journal
B. news site D. youtube
5. You were asked to browse the internet about the different breeds of dogs. What website did
you use to get such information?
A. google.com C. Instagram.com
B. abscbnnews.com D. thesaurus.com
Timoteo Paez Elementary School
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