The Concept of Tragedy in Shakespere's Julius Caesar
The Concept of Tragedy in Shakespere's Julius Caesar
Elizabeth and Shakespearean Tragedy
towering protagonist, as in Tamburlaine. In Elizabethan tragedy,
the individual leads to violence and conflict. A distinctly non-
Aristotelian from of tragedy developed during this period was
the tragic comedy. In a tragic comedy, the action and subject
matter seem to require a tragic ending, but it is avoidable by
arerevrsal witch leads to a happy ending; sometimes the tragic
comedy alternates serious and comic actions throughout the
play, Because it blends tragedy and comedy, the tragic comedy
is sometimes referred to as a "mixed' king of drama drama.
" Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy"
F. Scott Fitzgerald
3. Internal and External conflict:
The external conflict between two people, the tragic hero
and another main character of the story. It can also mean the
conflict between two parties, one of which isled by the tragic
"Julius Ceasar"
murder has been averaged, order has been restored and most
important, the Rome has been preserved. Brutus is prond of his
reputation for honor and nobleness, but he is not alwyas
practical, and is often naïve. He is the only major character in
the play intensely committed to fashioning his behavior to fit a
strict moral and ethical code. [Leonard.F. Dean, October, 1961]
"Then fan, Caesar" Ceasor utters after his famous line "et
tu, Brute?"
the previous days. Therefore, Decimus Brutus was sent to fetch
him and manged to persuade Caesar toattend so as not
disappoint the senate.
"Et tu, Brute"
adying Caesar turned to one of the assassins and condemned
him with his last breath. It was Caesar' friend, Marrcus Junius
Brutus, Decimus was closer to Caesar than either Brutus or
Cassins alas. In fact, they opposed Caesar daring his bloody rise
to power in a civil war. Only when he started winning the war
did they defeat to his canse. Caesar pardoned Brutus and
Cassins and rewarded them with political office, but he did not
trust them. Decimus was different. He always fought for Caesar,
never against him, and so he held a place in Caesar's inner
wife, who came from a family that was opposed to Caesar. In
winter 44 B.C. Cassins originated the conspiring to kill Caesar.
Cassing inspired Brutus to move. Brutus was no soldier but he
was a philosopher and orator and much admiral in Rome.
Decimns joined the plot as well, as did more than sixty
prominent Romans.
The creatures outside looked for pig to man, and from man to
pig, and from pig to man again, but already it was impossible to
son which was which".
[Chapter 10, P118.]. In the end, the pigs betray their ten
commandments, their own comrades, and their very own words.
"Did Shakespeare owe Anything to Seneca?"
The first well koaln reference to Shakespeare's classical
learning is Ben Jonson's famous comment of 1623 to the effect
that Shakespeare had "small Latin and less Greek" (Jonson
1623: line 31). This comment was intended to exalt
Shakespeare, not to denigrate him. Jonson used the phrase in the
context of expressing his admiration of the fact that, although
Shakespeare had little classical learning, he surpassed (in
Jonson's opinion) not only all previous English poets but also all
classical writers of tragedy and comedy. (Whitaker, VK 1969,
Shakespeare's use of learning).