Appellee, V. Josefa Ignacio, Macario Ignacio, Appellants
Appellee, V. Josefa Ignacio, Macario Ignacio, Appellants
[G.R. No. 6207. August 4, 1911.] "Under the provisions of the Civil Code (arts. 657-661), the
rights to the succession of a person are transmitted from the
SIMON MALAHACAN, administrator of the goods, chattels moment of his death; in other words, the heirs succeed
and credits of GUILLERMA MARTINEZ, deceased, Plaintiff- immediately to all of the property of the deceased ancestor.
Appellee, v. JOSEFA IGNACIO, MACARIO IGNACIO, The property belongs to the heirs at the moment of the death of
PAULA IGNACIO and AGUEDA BUNAG, Defendants- the ancestor as completely as if the ancestor had executed and
Appellants. delivered to them a deed for the same before his death. In the
absence of debts existing against the estate, the heirs may
M. P. Leuterio, for Appellants. enter upon the administration of the said property immediately.
If they desire to administer it jointly, they may do so. If they
No appearance for Appellee. desire to partition it among themselves and can do this by
mutual agreement, they also have that privilege. The Code of
SYLLABUS Procedure in Civil Actions provides how an estate may be
divided by a petition for partition in case they can not mutually
1. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS; RECOVERY OF agree in the division. When there are no debts existing against
REALTY FROM HEIRS. — The only ground upon which an the estate, there is certainly no occasion for the intervention of
administrator can demand of the heirs at law the possession of an administrator in the settlement and partition of the estate
real property, of which his intestate was seized at the time of among the heirs. When the heirs are all of lawful age and there
his death, is that such property will be required to be sold to are no debts, there is no reason why the estate should be
pay the debts of the deceased. burdened with the costs and expenses of an administrator. The
property belonging absolutely to the heirs, in the absence of
existing debts against the estate, the administrator has no right
to intervene in any way whatever in the division of the estate
DECISION among the heirs. They are co-owners of an undivided estate
and the law offers them a remedy for the division of the same
among themselves. There is nothing in the present case to
MORELAND, J.: show that the heirs requested the appointment of the
administrator, or that they intervened in any way whatever in
the present action. If there are any heirs of the estate who have
not received their participation, they have their remedy by
This is an appeal from a judgment of the Court of First Instance petition for partition of the said estate."cralaw virtua1aw library
of the sub-province of Marinduque, Province of Tayabas, the
Hon. J. S. Powell presiding, awarding the possession of the The judgment appealed from is reversed and the complaint
lands described in the complaint to the plaintiff, with costs. dismissed on the merits, without special finding as to costs.
The action is brought by Simon Malahacan as administrator of
the goods, chattels, and credits of Guillerma Martinez,
deceased, against the defendants, the only heirs at law of the
said deceased, to recover possession of the real estate of
which the said Guillerma Martinez died seized, which said real
estate the defendants had been occupying for some years
before the commencement of this action.
follows then that the intrinsic validity of partition not executed partition executed by the heirs of Jacinto Pada after explicitly Region, Branch XVIII, Bato-Matalom, Leyte.
with the prescribed formalities is not undermined when no admitting in their Answer that they had been occupying the
creditors are involved.17 Without creditors to take into subject property since 1960 without ever paying any rental as 3
Civil Case No. 91.
consideration, it is competent for the heirs of an estate to enter they only relied on the liberality and tolerance of the Pada
into an agreement for distribution thereof in a manner and upon family.25 Their admissions are evidence of a high order and bind
a plan different from those provided by the rules from which, in them insofar as the character of their possession of the subject In a Decision dated November 6, 1997 copy of
the first place, nothing can be inferred that a writing or other property is concerned. which however does not appear in the Rollo.
formality is essential for the partition to be valid.18 The partition
of inherited property need not be embodied in a public
Considering that petitioners were in possession of the subject Regional Trial Court, 8th Judicial Region, Branch
document so as to be effective as regards the heirs that
property by sheer tolerance of its owners, they knew that their 18, Hilongos, Leyte.
participated therein.19 The requirement of Article 1358 of the
occupation of the premises may be terminated any time.
Civil Code that acts which have for their object the creation,
Persons who occupy the land of another at the latter's
transmission, modification or extinguishment of real rights over In a Petition for Review docketed as CA-G.R. SP
tolerance or permission, without any contract between them, is
immovable property, must appear in a public instrument, is only No. 46101.
necessarily bound by an implied promise that they will vacate
for convenience, non-compliance with which does not affect the
the same upon demand, failing in which a summary action for
validity or enforceability of the acts of the parties as among
ejectment is the proper remedy against them.26 Thus, they 7
Fourth Division.
themselves.20 And neither does the Statute of Frauds under
cannot be considered possessors nor builders in good faith. It
Article 1403 of the New Civil Code apply because partition
is well-settled that both Article 44827 and Article 54628 of the
among heirs is not legally deemed a conveyance of real Penned by then Court of Appeals, now Supreme
New Civil Code which allow full reimbursement of useful
property, considering that it involves not a transfer of property Court, Associate Justice Minerva P. Gonzaga-Reyes
improvements and retention of the premises until
from one to the other but rather, a confirmation or ratification of and concurred in by Associate Justices Ramon A.
reimbursement is made, apply only to a possessor in good
title or right of property that an heir is renouncing in favor of Barcelona and Demetrio G. Demetria, Rollo, pp. 31-
faith, i.e., one who builds on land with the belief that he is the
another heir who accepts and receives the inheritance. 21 The 41.
owner thereof.29 Verily, persons whose occupation of a realty is
1951 extrajudicial partition of Jacinto Pada's estate being legal
by sheer tolerance of its owners are not possessors in good
and effective as among his heirs, Juanita and Maria Pada
faith. Neither did the promise of Concordia, Esperanza and Annex "D" of the Petition for Review
validly transferred their ownership rights over Cadastral Lot No.
Angelito Pada that they were going to donate the premises to on Certiorari dated August 11, 1998, Rollo, p. 44.
5581 to Engr. Paderes and private respondent, respectively.22
petitioners convert them into builders in good faith for at the
time the improvements were built on the premises, such
Second. The extrajudicial partition which the heirs of Jacinto promise was not yet fulfilled, i.e., it was a mere expectancy of Decision of the Municipal Circuit Trial Court dated
Pada executed voluntarily and spontaneously in 1951 has ownership that may or may not be realized.30 More importantly, February 29, 1996, pp. 4-6, Rollo, pp. 26-28.
produced a legal status.23 When they discussed and agreed on even as that promise was fulfilled, the donation is void for
the division of the estate Jacinto Pada, it is presumed that they Concordia, Esperanza and Angelito Pada were not the owners Decision of the Court of Appeals, pp. 8-9, Rollo, pp.
did so in furtherance of their mutual interests. As such, their of Cadastral Lot No. 5581. As such, petitioners cannot be said 38-39.
division is conclusive, unless and until it is shown that there to be entitled to the value of the improvements that they built
were debts existing against the estate which had not been on the said lot.
paid.24 No showing, however, has been made of any unpaid
Id., p. 4, Rollo, p. 34.
charges against the estate of Jacinto Pada. Thus, there is no
WHEREFORE, the petition for review is HEREBY DENIED.
reason why the heirs should not be bound by their voluntary Decision of the Court of Appeals, pp. 6-8, Rollo, pp.
Bellosillo, Mendoza, Quisumbing and Buena, JJ., concur. 646, 659 (1991), citing Madamba v. Magno, et al., 10
allocated the subject property to Marciano and Ananias,
produced no legal effect. In the said partition, what was Phil. 86, 88 (1908); De Guzman, et al. v. Pangilinan
allocated to Amador Pada was not the subject property which and Azarcon, 28 Phil. 322, 325 (1914); and De
was a parcel of residential land in Sto. Nino, Matalom, Leyte, Garces, et al. v. Broce, et al., 23 SCRA 612, 615-616
but rather, one-half of a parcel of coconut land in the interior of (1968).
Sto. Nino St., Sabang, Matalom, Leyte and one-half of a parcel
of rice land in Itum, Sta. Fe, Matalom, Leyte. The donation Footnotes Id., citing Hernandez v. Andal, 78 Phil. 196, 205,
made by his heirs to petitioners of the subject property, thus, is 208 (1946).
void for they were not the owners thereof. At any rate it is too
late in the day for the heirs of Amador Pada to repudiate the Decision of the Municipal Circuit Trial Court
legal effects of the 1951 extrajudicial partition as prescription promulgated on February 29, 1996 and penned by 17
Id., citing Hernandez, supra, p. 209.
and laches have equally set in. Judge Venancio E. Rances, Rollo, pp. 23-29.
Ibid. Geminiano v. Court of Appeals, 259 SCRA 344,
351 (1996).
Alejandrino v. Court of Appeals, 295 SCRA 536,
Id., p. 553.
Leaño v. Leaño, 25 Phil. 180, 183-184 (1913).
Ibid.; De Garces, supra, pp. 615-617 (1968).
Decision of the Court of Appeals, p. 7, Rollo, p. 37.
2. The persons to whom the estate was thus turned After the partition and division provided for in sections 596 and (1) In the case at bar no debt was discovered during
over became absolute owners of the same, subject 597 have been fully consummated, no further administration of the prescribed period. It was nearly four years after
to be devastated, wholly or only partly, on the the estate can be had unless there occur the following the partition of the estate and the taking possession
happening of certain events and the taking of certain requisites: by the heirs of their respective portions before it was
proceedings thereon. But even such divestiture could even discovered that Palanca had been guilty of
not have been avoided by the payment by the converting the property of the estate to his own use;
1. There must have been discovered a claim against
parties, or any of them, of the debt which was the and, so far as the records shows, it was nearly five
the estate "within two years after such settlement
moving cause thereof. years before the alleged claim against the estate of
and distribution of estate."
Mariano Ocampo was fixed.
From these premises it is the merest conclusion to say that the
2. The creditor holding the claim must be the person
decedent's estate was merged in their partitioning parties; and (2) No creditor made his application.
who moves the court for the appointment of an
this no matter whether the partition occurred before or after the
appointment of an administrator. When one has been named to
The requirements of section 597 not having been met, there
perform certain acts in relation to a given thing, and before said
could be no administration under section. Therefore, the
acts have been begun, or, having been begun, are completed, If those requisites are lacking, there can be no administration.
appointment of commissioners for the hearing of the claim
the appointing power has placed the thing upon which those When one fails the right too such administration does not arise
against the estate of Mariano Ocampo presented by the
acts were to operate wholly beyond the possession, jurisdiction and any person intersted in the estate may oppose any effort to
plaintiff in this case was an appointment without warrant or
and control of the one so appointed, there is a complete administer under such circumstances. These requisites
authority of law. It was appointment in respect to an estate that
revocation of such appointment, so far as all subsequent acts combined are that and that alone which give to the
did not exist and in relation to an administration that had never
are concerned. An administrator cannot be held to any administrator when appointed the right to recover the assets
been inaugurated. Under section 597 the commencement of
accountability for property over which he has absolutely no from the persons who received them on the a partition. Indeed,
the administration is the application of the creditor and the
power or jurisdiction and in which he has not the slightest legal if these requisites are lacking no administrator can lawfully be
appointment of the administrator pursuant to such application.
interest. The thing on which he was appointed to operate appointed, and, if improperly appointed, he fails of legal power
Without such appointment there is no administration. As we
having been withdrawn wholly beyond his ken by the very to maintain an action to recover the assets in the hands of
have before stated, when the property was partitioned a
power (the law) which appointed him, there is a complete those among whom they have partitioned; in other words, he is
described heretofore, the estate, as such, ceased to exist and
revocation of the appointment. powerless to administer. If these requisites fail, then the real
the administration thereof by Doroteo Velasco was wiped out.
estate in the hands either of the persons among whom it has
There was no administrator to carry on the administration. By
been partitioned or of their assignees is free from the lien
Moreover, the sureties of an administrator so appointed can not operation of the law the estate had been passed on the heirs
created by section 597 and any attempt to enforce such lien
be held liable for property which by force of law has been taken who had become the absolute owners of it. They were subject
can be successfully opposed by any person interested in such
from the principal and its ownership and control turned over to to the orders of the old administrator and they held rights
property. The appointment of an administrator without the
others. Their obligation is that their principal shall obey the law inferior to no one. To be sure, as we have already stated, those
concurrence of these requisites is without warrant of law and
in the handling and distribution of the estate. Their obligation is rights might be modified to a certain extent by the happening of
the appointee is powerless to perform any act of administration.
discharged when the estate is legally turned over to those subsequent events; but until those events transpired their rights
The statute must be strictly complied with in every essential
entitled thereto. The law requires the principal to turn it over to were absolute. Those conditions never having been met, a fact
before it operates. Every essential requirements must be
those who bring themselves within the provisions of section admitted by both parties in the case at bar, there was
fulfilled before it will be permitted that a partition which has the
596. Having turned over the whole estate under the compelling absolutely no estate at all, much less one in the process of
clear sanction of the law and which is strictly in accord with the
power of the law, his obligation ceased. The responsibility of administration, at the time the commissioners were appointed
public policy of the estate shall be set aside and destroyed with
the sureties ceased at the same time. Without their consent to her the claim for P30,000 presented against the estate of
all the evil consequences thereby entailed.
another obligation could not be imposed upon them in relation Mariano Ocampo, deceased, by the plaintiff herein. Add to this
to the same principal, and the same property, or apart thereof, the fact that there was no administrator of said estate in
especially after the lapse of two years. Their undertaking was It is necessary deduction from the provisions of the sections extense at the time, and we have before us the absurdity of the
that their principal should discharge one obligation, not two. mentioned that the appointment of an administrator ought not appointment of the commissioners to report on a claim against
an estate which did not exist and under the direction of an good sense and sound judgment of the persons concerned. on such administration the administrator is authorized to
administrator that had never been appointed. Usually no difficulty will be experienced in solving the problem recover only the amount of property necessary to pay the debt
presented by this conclusion. It is obvious that creditors always presented, leaving the partitioning parties in undisturbed
know who owes them and that debtors generally know whom possession of the remainder. Moreover, the partitioning parties
The necessary conclusion is that the appointment of
they owe. It is equally obvious that, generally speaking, a may still pay the debt and preserve undisturbed the partition in
commissioners to hear the claim above referred to was beyond
creditor is one of the first to learn of the death of the debtor, all it parts and thus assure and maintain the rights of the
the powers of the court and was without jurisdiction. The
and that heirs of the latter are the first to begin to calculate how parties thereunder. The mere fact, therefore, that a creditor
finding of the commissioners had no force or effect. It gave no
much of his property they are to receive. This cannot be known was not paid before the partition took place furnishes no
right against the estate and none against the so-called
until the debts are determined. The heirs know they cannot ground for a revocation of the partition. It simply provides a fact
escape payment of the debts. A surreptitious division behind which he may urge as a reason for the appointment of an
the backs of the creditors would not avail as the latter have two administrator and the consequent administration of so much of
It must be remembered that it is only debts discovered within years thereafter in which to throw at least a portion of the the estate as may be necessary to pay the debt discovered.
the prescribed period that can be made the reason for an estate into administration and thereby nullify the attempt to
administration of the estate subsequent to its partition. The overreach them. Even the transfer by the partitioning persons
But, as already seen, in order that it be a reason for such
necessary result is t hat a debt not discovered within that of the property received on the partition to third persons would
appointment and administration, the claim must be presented
period cannot be made the reason for an administration of the not profit them, inasmuch as the consideration received on
within two years from the date of the partition and distribution.
estate. The debt in the case at bar having first discovered more such transfer would, if necessary, be subject to seizure to pay
than four years after the partition of the estate of Mariano the debt presented and the real estate would go into the hands
Ocampo, deceased, an administrator, even though appointed of the vendees charged with the lien of said debt. Summarizing, we have seen that lack of opportunity, either by
under section 57, would not no authority in law, over the want of notice or otherwise, and the consequent failure to
objection of one interested, to pay the debt in question or to present a claim before partition, is, under the sections we are
The method of ascertaining claims against the defendant's
maintain an action or other proceeding for the recovery of discussing, of no consequence whatever in so far as
estate not being prescribed, it is apparent that no objection to a
property for that purpose. This section creates a statute of the validity of the partition is concerned.
partition can be urged by a creditor whose claim has not been
limitations which deprives all debts which are not discovered
paid, due to the faulty method adopted by the partitioning
within the prescribed time of the power of requiring an
parties to ascertain claims, or, even, the absence of any effort We have also seen that the fact that there were debts
administration of the estate. The administration of the estate
at all to ascertain them. outstanding and unpaid at the time the partition took place is of
after the partition under the law has been accomplished
no importance so far as the validity of the partition is
depends upon the discovery of the debt "at any time within two
concerned, leaving out account the question of fraud to which
years after such settlement and distribution of the estate." The In the second place, it must be on served that express
we have already adverted and left undecided.
law does not operate unless that discovery is made within the provisions is made by sections 596 and 597 for the payment of
time prescribed. a claim discovered by them or presented after the partition.
That is one of the main provisions. It is a necessary deduction, We have also seen that the fact such claim exists and is valid
therefore, that it was not the intention of the law to pronounce and subsistent against the estate is of no consequence
We have not overlooked the contention that at the time this
the partition void of no effect simply because not all of the whatever with respect to the right of its holder to require an
partition took place there was a contingent claim against the
debts were paid before the partition was made. The fact of non administration of the estate unless such claim is discovered
estate partitioned, namely, the claim which would arise on the
payment cannot, then, because by the creditor as a reason for and presented within two years.
contingency that the administrator for whom Mariano Ocampo
attacking the partition directly; that is, by asserting that,
was surety might default or otherwise fail to perform his duties
inasmuch as a payment of all the debts is a condition
thus rendering Mariano Ocampo liable on his bond; and that The fact that the claim in the case at bar was, during a certain
precedent to the right of partition, such partition cannot legally
contingent claim, being one expressly recognized by sections period, a contingent one is of no importance. The sections
and validly take place while a debt is outstanding. While a
746 to 749 of the Code of Civil Procedure as a claim entirely under discussion make no distinction between claims.
partition manifestly fraudulent in inception and result might
proper to present, no partition of this estate under section 596
possibly be attacked directly by an action to set aside, a
and 597 was legally possible until such claim was provided for
question which we do not discuss or decide, the manner of The creditor himself is not without duties. In the case at bar it
by the petitioning parties. This contention goes upon the
attacking the partition prescribed by the law is the one, was five years after the petition before the alleged creditor
assumption that a partition under the sections of the Code of
generally speaking, preferably to be followed; and that is to made any attempt whatsoever to "discover" or present his
Civil Procedure so often referred to is void unless every debt is
throw into administration so much of the estate as is necessary claim. He knew of the death of Ocampo very soon after it
paid or provided for by the petitioning parties, and may
to pay the outstanding claim. The method, though indirect, occurred. He knew that it was among the possibilities that
therefore be entirely disregarded by the creditor holding a claim
accomplishes a better result than a direct attack. The latter, by Ocampo's estate might be called upon to respond for the failure
either unpaid or provided for. We do not believe that this
destroying the validity of the partition, would throw the whole of Palanca to perform his duty as administrator. It was his duty
assumption is warranted. In the first place, we must remember
situation into confusion and uncertainty, something always to to see to it that he would be protected in that event.
that the partition proceedings in question are proceedings out
be avoided. The former does not produce that result. Where Nevertheless he permitted the estate of Ocampo to be
of court. Consequently there is no prescribed method of
there is no fraud, and possibly where there is, a direct attack on partitioned and distributed without protest and without the
ascertaining and settling claims. The appointment of
the partition is impossible under the provisions under presentation of his contingent claim, and sat quiet and passive
commissioners, the publication of notice to creditors, and all
discussion. A claim discovered and presented within the two for nearly five years thereafter knowing that it was very
the other proceedings necessary in cases of administration in
years serves not to destroy, primarily, the partition. It does not probable that the property of the estate was being consumed,
court are not required in partition out of court. The law is silent
even permit the whole estate to be thrown into administration. incumbered, and transferred by the persons among whom it
as to how the claims are to be ascertained, presented and
Only such portion as is necessary to pay the discovered debt had been distributed.
determined. We must assume, therefore, that the method of
can be administered. This is apparent when it is observed that
ascertaining them and determining their validity was left to the
The judgment appealed from is hereby affirmed, without
special finding as to costs.
On August 28, 1974, the CFI denied the petition and upheld the Thereafter, petitioner sent her daughter, Loreto Jocelyn, to II. ……CONCLUDING THAT THE CLAIM OF PLAINTIFF-
validity of the adoption. Thereafter, the private respondents claim their share of the properties from the Rodriguezes. The APPELLANT HAVE ALREADY PRESCRIBED TWO (2)
appealed said decision to the Court of Appeals. latter refused saying that Maria Elena and Loreto were not YEARS AFTER PUBLICATION OF THE EXTRAJUDICIAL
heirs since they were not their blood relatives. SETTLEMENT AND PARTITION IN THE NEWSPAPER OF
On March 11, 1983, while said appeal was pending, the
Rodriguezes entered into an extrajudicial settlement with Petitioner, then, filed a complaint to annul the 1983 partition.
respondent Rosalina for the partition of the estate of Miguel The said complaint was filed on January 28, 1987. Said III. ...…CONCLUDING THAT THE CLAIM OF PLAINTIFF-
and of another sister, Pilar. Rosalina acted as the complaint was later amended on March 25, 1987 to include the APPELLANT IS BARRED OR ESTOPPED IN FILING THIS
representative of the heirs of Miguel Rodriguez. Pilar had no allegation "that earnest efforts toward a compromise were CASE (sic) IN VIEW OF THE DISMISSAL OF THE APPEAL IN
heirs except his brothers and sisters. made between the plaintiffs and the defendants, but the same CIVIL CASE NO. OZ 349 INTERPOSED BY HEREIN
The Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement and Partition covered
fourteen parcels of land covering a total area of 224,883 The Regional Trial Court dismissed the complaint.
IV. ……SUSTAINING THE DEFENDANT-APPELLEES' CLAIM said lots as a co-owner of respondent Rodriguezes under the succeeding section; but no extrajudicial settlement
THAT AS THEY HAVE NOT AS YET RECOGNIZED provisions of Article 1620 of the New Civil Code. 15 shall be binding upon any person who has not
PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT AS AN ADOPTED DAUGHTER OF participated therein or had no notice thereof.22
Lastly, petitioner asserts that she will suffer lesion if the
partition would be allowed. She asks for the rescission of the Under said provision, without the participation of all persons
said partitioning under Articles 165-175 of the Civil Code. 16 involved in the proceedings, the extrajudicial settlement cannot
be binding on said persons. The rule contemplates a notice
V. ……CONCLUDING THAT THE PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT which must be sent out or issued before the Deed of
Respondents, in response, claim that the action of petitioner
HAD NOT CONCLUSIVELY SHOWN THAT MIGUEL Settlement and/or Partition is agreed upon, i.e., a notice calling
had already prescribed. In addition, they argue that petitioner,
RODRIGUEZ WAS A CO-OWNER OF THE LANDS SOLD all interested parties to participate in the said deed of
Maria Elena, and Rosalina already have their shares in the
AND HENCE IT FOLLOWS THAT SHE HAS NO RIGHT OF extrajudicial settlement and partition, not after, which was when
estate of Miguel Rodriguez reflected in the compromise
REDEMPTION OF THOSE LANDS publication was done in the instant case. Following Rule 74
agreement they entered into with the respondent Rodriguezes
and the ruling in Beltran vs. Ayson, since Maria Elena did not
in AC- G.R. SP 00208. Finally, respondents aver that the non-
participate in the said partition, the settlement is not binding on
VI. ……FINDING THAT PORTION OF LOTS NOS. 504 AND participation of Maria Elena in the extrajudicial partition was
560 SOLD TO THE OTHER DEFENDANTS–APPELLEES understandable since her status as an adopted child was then
WERE CLEAN AND FREE FROM ENCUMBRANCES OR ANY under litigation. In any case, they assert that the shares of
FLAWS HENCE WERE VALID Miguel's heirs were adequately protected in the said partition.17 The provision of Section 4, Rule 74 will also not apply when the
deed of extrajudicial partition is sought to be annulled on the
ground of fraud. A deed of extrajudicial partition executed
VII. ……FINDING THAT THE PLANTIFF–APPELLANT NEVER Section 4, Rule 7418 provides for a two year prescriptive period
without including some of the heirs, who had no knowledge of
APPEARED IN COURT TO TESTIFY OR REBUT THE (1) to persons who have participated or taken part or had
and consent to the same, is fraudulent and vicious.23 Maria
ASSERTIONS OF THE DEFENDANTS–APPELLANTS THAT notice of the extrajudicial partition, and in addition (2) when the
Elena is an heir of Miguel together with her adopting mother,
THERE WAS A VALID PARTITION provisions of Section 119 of Rule 74 have been strictly complied
Rosalina. Being the lone descendant of Miguel, she excludes
with, i.e., that all the persons or heirs of the decedent have
the collateral relatives of Miguel from participating in his estate,
taken part in the extrajudicial settlement or are represented by
VIII. ……AWARDING PLAINTIFF–APPELLANT DAMAGES following the provisions of Article 1003 of the Civil Code. 24 The
themselves or through guardians.20
FOR THE INCOME OF HER SHARE IN THE PROPERTIES IN private respondent Rodriguezes cannot claim that they were
QUESTION11 not aware of Maria Elena's adoption since they even filed an
Petitioner, as the records confirm, did not participate in the action to annul the decree of adoption. Neither can they claim
extrajudicial partition. Patently then, the two-year prescriptive that their actions were valid since the adoption of Maria Elena
In sum, the issues to be resolved in our view are (1) whether or
period is not applicable in her case. was still being questioned at the time they executed the deed
not the complaint for annulment of the "Deed of Extrajudicial of partition. The complaint seeking to annul the adoption was
Settlement and Partition" had already prescribed; (2) whether filed only twenty six (26) years after the decree of adoption,
or not said deed is valid; and (3) whether or not the petitioner is The applicable prescriptive period here is four (4) years as patently a much delayed response to prevent Maria Elena from
entitled to recover the lots which had already been transferred provided in Gerona vs. De Guzman, 11 SCRA 153 (1964), inheriting from her adoptive parents. The decree of adoption
to the respondent buyers. which held that: was valid and existing. With this factual setting, it is patent that
private respondents executed the deed of partition in bad faith
Petitioner argues that the complaint for annulment of the [The action to annul] a deed of "extrajudicial with intent to defraud Maria Elena.
extrajudicial partition has not yet prescribed since the settlement" upon the ground of fraud...may be filed
prescriptive period which should be applied is four years within four years from the discovery of the fraud. In the case of Segura vs. Segura, the Court held:
following the case of Beltran vs. Ayson, 4 SCRA 69 (1962). Such discovery is deemed to have taken place when
She also avers that Sec. 4, Rule 74 which provides for a two- said instrument was filed with the Register of Deeds
year prescriptive period needs two requirements. One, the and new certificates of title were issued in the name This section [referring to section 4, Rule 74] provides
party assailing the partition must have been given notice, and of respondents exclusively.21 in gist that a person who has been deprived of his
two, the party assailing the partition must have participated lawful participation in the estate of the decedent,
therein. Petitioner insists these requirements are not present in whether as heir or as creditor, must assert his claim
Considering that the complaint of the petitioner was filed on
her case,12 since she did not participate in the "Deed of within two years after the extrajudicial or summary
January 28, 1987, or three years and ten months after the
Extrajudicial Settlement and Partition." She cites Villaluz vs. settlement of such estate under Sections 1 and 2
questioned extrajudicial settlement dated March 11, 1983, was
Neme, 7 SCRA 27, 30 (1963), where we held that a deed of respectively of the same Rule 74. Thereafter, he will
executed, we hold that her action against the respondents on
extrajudicial partition executed without including some of the be precluded from doing so as the right will have
the basis of fraud has not yet prescribed.
heirs, who had no knowledge and consent to the same, is prescribed.
fraudulent. She asserts that she is an adoptive daughter and
thus an heir of Miguel.13 Section 1 of Rule 74 of the Rules of Court is the applicable rule It is clear that Section 1 of Rule 74 does not apply to
on publication of extrajudicial settlement. It states: the partition in question which was null and void as
Petitioner also contends that the respondent buyers were far as the plaintiffs were concerned. The rule covers
buyers in bad faith since they failed to exercise the necessary The fact of the extrajudicial settlement or only valid partitions. The partition in the present case
due diligence required before purchasing the lots in administration shall be published in a newspaper of was invalid because it excluded six of the nine heirs
question.14 In the alternative, petitioner wants to redeem the general circulation in the manner provided in the next who were entitled to equal shares in the partitioned
property. Under the rule, "no extrajudicial settlement award is given in view of the peculiar circumstances cited and stating that the complaint was indeed filed on
shall be binding upon any person who has not the special reasons extant in this case. 33 Thus, the grant of January 28, 1997. However, it still held that the
participated therein or had no notice thereof." As the ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (P100,000.00) PESOS to action had already prescribed since the prescription
partition was a total nullity and did not affect the petitioner as damages is proper in view of the technical injury period is not four (4) years (as it previously stated),
excluded heirs, it was not correct for the trial court to she has suffered. but rather, it was two (2) years, as provided for in
hold that their right to challenge the partition had Section 4 of Rule 74.
prescribed after two years from its execution in
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed
decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby REVERSED and Rollo, pp. 36-38.
Beltran vs. Ayson, 4 SCRA 69, 72 (1962),
citing Sampillo, et. al vs. Court of Appeals, et. al., 55
Off. Gaz., July 27, 1959, pp. 5775-5777,
citing McMicking vs. Sy Conbieng, 21 Phil. 211
(1912), underline supplied.
Brent Hospital, Inc. vs. NLRC, 292 SCRA 304, 311
China Air Lines, Ltd. vs. CA, 185 SCRA 449, 460
EN BANC business in Gingoog as agent or attorney in fact (apoderado). present the will to the court, but the latter dissented from this
While absent on this visit to China Joaquin Cruz died. Before opinion and stated that if he should now present the will he
[G.R. No. 12184. September 27, 1917. ] his departure from the Philippine Islands he had executed a will would suffer prejudice as a long time had already elapsed. In
before Anastasio Servillon, notary public, in which Chiu Guimco deference to this determination of the accused a letter was
THE UNITED STATES, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. CHIU and Co-Iden were named as executors. In August 1910, Chiu written for him by Yacapin to Ramon Contreras, in which the
GUIMCO, Defendant-Appellant. Guimco and Co-Iden appeared before Anastasio Servillon; and accused asserted that the will in question had never been in his
at their request the latter drew up a petition for the probate of possession and that he had never seen it.
Jose A. Clarin and Irureta Goyena & Recto for Appellant. the will. This petition was signed by Co-Iden and the accused.
The will itself was not produced before the notary public upon A few months later the complaint in this case was filed, under
Attorney-General Avanceña for Appellee. this occasion, and he was not informed by them as to who then section 628 of the Code of Civil Procedure, charging the
had possession of the will. Nothing further was done in the defendant with the failure to produce the will within the time
SYLLABUS matter of the probate of the will and Co-Iden subsequently required by law. The principal witness for the prosecution was
died. Antonio Yacapin, who meanwhile had ceased to have friendly
1. CRIMINAL LAW; FAILURE OF EXECUTOR TO PRODUCE relations with the defendant. The court found the accused
WILL. — The testator, having executed his will, confided it to In September, 1910, the accused, as attorney in fact guilty. That the will was duly executed and that the accused
the keeping of one of the executor named therein. After the (apoderado) and manager of the estate of his deceased and his coexecutor appeared before the notary public and
death of the testator this executor failed to present the brother, entered into an arrangement with Maria Villafranca procured the latter to prepare a petition for the probate of the
instrument to the court within the time provided by law; and a whereby, in consideration of the conveyance of certain property will are facts which are not disputed. The action of the accused
criminal prosecution was thereupon instituted against him to her, she relinquished in favor of the other persons interested in possession himself of the property of his deceased brother
under section 628 of the Code of Civil Procedure. It was held in the estate of the deceased all her claims in respect to the and in refusing to take the proper steps to distribute the estate,
that in this action the court could not commit the defendant to same property. as well as his refusal to comply with the contract for the
jail under the authority conferred by section 629 of the same payment of rent to the wife and child in China, all tend to show
code. No further action was taken by the accused to distribute the that he was acting in bad faith; and we have no doubt that the
estate to the persons in interest. In 1914 Uy Cuan, the Chinese will was in his possession at the time when Yacapin professes
2. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS; COMMITMENT wife, secured a special permit to enter the Philippine Islands for to have seen it. In finding the defendant guilty and imposing
FOR FAILURE TO PRODUCE WILL. — A court cannot make a the period of six months to effect some settlement of the estate upon him a fine of P1,800, the Court of First Instance therefore
valid order committing a person to jail for failure to produce the of her deceased husband. When she arrived in Misamis, the committed no error.
will of a deceased person, pursuant to section 629 of the Code accused made the claim that he and his brother had been
of Civil Procedure, except when acting in the exercise of its partners in the business which had been conducted originally During the hearing of this cause the trial judge formed the
jurisdiction over the estates of deceased persons. by Joaquin Cruz. He also asserted that another brother living in opinion that the accused still had possession of the will. He
China, named Chiu Tamco, was also a partner in the business, therefore, upon July 22, ordered the accused to produce the
though he had never been in the Philippine Islands. In a will in court and addressed to him, while he was testifying as a
document which was then drawn up, it was agreed that Uy witness in his own behalf, the following words: "I serve notice
DECISION Cuan and her child Chiu Machay were to receive 40 per on you now to produce the will of your deceased brother
centum of the estate of the deceased, that the defendant Chiu Joaquin Cruz or make a reasonable and satisfactory
Guimco was to receive another 40 per centum, and Chiu explanation as to why you cannot do so. And be back here on
STREET, J. : Tamco 20 per centum. Later upon the same visit, Uy Cuan, on the 8th of August and we will take up the case again." The
behalf of herself and child, entered into a contract with the accused, however, failed to produce the will at the time
accused whereby he agreed to pay the sum of P350 per specified in the notice, alleging that though he had searched
quarter by way of rental on their interest in the real estate of the diligently among his papers he was unable to find it; and he
This is an appeal brought by the accused Chiu Guimco to decedent. No payments have, however, been made by him in reiterated his previous assertion that the will had never been in
reverse a judgment of the Court of First Instance of the compliance with this contract. his possession. The judge was not satisfied with this
Province of Misamis, subjecting him to a fine of P1,800 for a explanation, and upon deciding the present case against the
violation of section 628 of the Code of Civil Procedure and In 1915 Ramon Contreras, a Chinese merchant of Cagayan, defendant he not only imposed the fine mentioned above but
ordering him to be confined in the provincial jail until he should Misamis, acting on behalf of Uy Cuan and her child, began to also included in the judgment an order to the effect that the
produce the will of his deceased brother, or until the further make inquiries into the affairs of the estate and on January 26, accused should be committed to the provincial jail until he
order of the court. 1915, wrote a letter to the defendant Chiu Guimco, urging him should produce the will or until further order of the court.
to produce the will of the defendant for the institution of lawful
It appears that the testator, Joaquin Cruz, alias Piaua, had for proceedings in accordance therewith. The letter called his The judge of first instance believed that he had authority to give
many years resided in the municipality of Gingoog, Province of attention to the penalty denounced by section 628 and 629 of the notice and make the order in question under section 629 of
Misamis, where he had lived as a Chinese merchant and had the Code of Civil Procedure for withholding a will, but assured the Code of Civil Procedure which provides that if a person
amassed a considerable estate, worth possibly forty or fifty him that if he would then produce the will no penalty would be having custody of a will after the death of the testator neglects
thousand pesos. On or about the year 1898, Joaquin Cruz incurred. without reasonable cause to deliver the same to the court
visited Chin and was there married to a Chinese woman, Uy having jurisdiction, after notice by the court to do so, he may be
Cuan, and by her had one child. In the year 1902, after his Chiu Guimco was somewhat disturbed by this letter and called committed to the prison of the province by a warrant issued by
return from China, he was married in Gingoog to a Filipina in his friend Antonio Yacapin, then municipal president of the court and there kept in close confinement until he delivers
woman named Maria Villafranca. In the early part of the year Gingoog, for advice. Upon this occasion he showed Yacapin the will.
1910, Joaquin Cruz again visited China, leaving his brother, the will; and the latter says he advised the Chinaman to
Chiu Guimco, the accused, in charge of his property and
It is our opinion that this provision can only be applied when a Code of Civil Procedure to compel production of a will after
court is acting in the exercise of its jurisdiction over the judgment of conviction under section 628; or, that, when no
administration of the estates of deceased persons; and where criminal action is pending, commitment may be had under
administration proceedings are not already pending, the court, section 629 in a proper case.
before taking action under this section, should require that
there be before it some petition, information, or affidavit of such MALCOLM, J., concurring:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
character as to make action by the court under this section
appropriate. I concur in the resolution of the case.
Separate Opinions
I concur.
January 24, 1948 — Appellants’ Joint Petition for last extension of two (2) days. April 21, 1949 —
Notice of appeal to Supreme Court and petition for thirty (30) August 10, 1948 — Court granted extension prayed for to expire May 1, 1948.
days’ extension by Appellant Rosario Guevara. April 21, 1949 —
Filing of amended joint record on appeal. (This is also again so
January 29, 1948 — defective and incomplete as to constitute another mere token Second Re-Amended Record on Appeal filed.
record on appeal as required by the Rules.)
Order granting petition for extension. June 11, 1949 —
August 24, 1948 —
Appellee’s opposition to ‘Second Re-Amended Record on The Court of Appeals denied said motion to dismiss for the good only insofar as he is concerned, and cannot profit Rosario
Appeal’. following reasons:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary Guevara, she having ceased to be his client long before the
filing of said original record on appeal and petitions for
June 29, 1949 — “A preliminary question was posed by the Appellee who prayed extension of time; chan roblesvirtualawlibrarythat this interest in
for the dismissal of the appeal on the ground that Petitioners- the case arises from his rights as former attorney
Appellants’ joint notice of hearing on Second Re-Amended Appellants had unreasonably delayed the perfection of the
Record on Appeal for July 12, 1949. for Respondent Rosario Guevara, and, as such, is subordinate
appeal, as the Second Re-amended Joint Record on Appeal to, and dependent upon, the interest therein of said Rosario
July 10, 1949 — was not certified to this Court until December, 1949. After Guevara and the success of her claim therein; chan
considering the voluminous record, and the arguments of both roblesvirtualawlibraryand that, her appeal not having been duly
Appellants’ joint reply to opposition. parties, we are of the opinion that both parties have contributed perfected, his appeal must be deemed to have no legal effect.
to the delay with lengthy memoranda, and repeated motions There is no merit in this pretense, for it appears, at the foot of
July 12, 1949 — and objections. Moreover, the points in question are important said record on appeal, that Pedro C. Quinto had filed the same,
Action on record on appeal deferred on petition of Atty. Quinto. enough to deserve adequate consideration upon the merits. “for himself as Appellant and in behalf of Rosario Guevara, who
Wherefore, the motion to dismiss the appeal should be and is authorized him to perfect the appeal for both Appellants,” and
September 3, 1949 — hereby, overruled and denied.” (Appendix to Brief for that similar statements were made in the body and at the foot
the Petitioner-Appellant, pp. 6- 7.) of said petitions for extension of time. It is clear, therefore, that
Appellant Quinto’s notice of hearing on Second Re-Amended
Record on Appeal for September 28, 1949. It is urged by Petitioner herein that Respondents’ appeal from the aforementioned record on appeal and motions should be
the decision of the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan had deemed submitted, also, by Respondent Rosario Guevara. The
September 28, 1949 — position then held by Pedro C. Quinto, as special prosecutor in
not been duly perfected because:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary (a)
the original of the record on appeal did not comply with the the office of the Solicitor General, did not nullify his aforesaid
Order of court approving same.
Rules of Court; chan roblesvirtualawlibrary(b) the record on acts on behalf of Rosario Guevara. Besides, said acts would
December 8, 1949 — appeal was filed after the lapse of the reglementary seem to have been performed by him, more as attorney-in- fact
period; chan roblesvirtualawlibrary(c) there has been an than as counsel for Rosario Guevara, and this merely in
Clerk of lower court sends records to appellate court. connection with the perfection of her appeal. We do not find
unprecedented delay in the filing of a satisfactory record on
appeal; chan roblesvirtualawlibraryand (d) the appeal should therein anything objectionable, either legally or morally, in the
December 10, 1949 —
be deemed abandoned for violation of Rule 48, section 3, of light of the circumstances surrounding the case.
Appellant Quinto’s motion ex-parte to have records sent up to the Rules of Court. The second proposition is based upon the following
appellate court.”
The first ground is predicated upon the fact that, instead of reasons:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
(Petitioner-Appellant’s Brief, pp. 41-47.) transcribing the motions, petitions, orders and resolutions (a) The aforementioned record on appeal and motions for
incorporated in the original record on extension of time filed by Quinto on behalf of Rosario Guevara
Based upon the foregoing, Oppositor and Appellee Ernesto M.
appeal, Respondents herein merely attached to the original did not inure to her benefit, for which reason the reglementary
Guevara filed, with the Court of Appeals, a motion praying that
copy of said record on appeal, filed with the Court of First period to appeal had expired before the perfection of her
the appeal be dismissed:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Instance of Pangasinan, their own copies of said motions, appeal. For the reasons already adverted to, this argument is
“(a) Because due to the Appellant’s many and repeated petitions, orders and resolutions. Accordingly, the copy of said clearly untenable.
dilatory tactics, the prosecution of their appeal has been unduly record on appeal furnished to Petitioner herein did not contain
and unreasonably delayed for a period which should strike or enclose the aforementioned parts of the record. It appears, (b) The petition for reconsideration filed by Respondents on
anyone as totally without justification. The resolution appealed however, that the Respondents were given several extensions July 14, 1947, did not suspend the running of the period to
from was dictated by the lower court on June 23, 1947, so that of time within which to comply with the pertinent provisions of perfect the record on appeal, because said petition did not
a period of over two (2) years and nine (9) months until the the Rules of Court and that Respondents eventually did so. comply with the provisions of Rule 37, section 1, of the Rules of
date of this writing has elapsed, thus establishing a record- There being no question about the authority of the court of first Court, reading as follows:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
holding delay which should not be sanctioned by the Courts as instance to grant said extensions of time, it is clear that the first
ground, relied upon by Petitioner herein, is untenable. “Within thirty days after notice of the judgment in an action, the
prejudicial to the administration of justice.
aggrieved party may move the trial court to set aside the
“(b) Because Appellants, in violation of Rule 48, section 3, did In support of the second ground, it is judgment end grant a new trial for one or more of the following
not diligently prosecute their appeal by failing to have the alleged:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary (a) that the original record causes materially affecting the substantial rights of said
record sent up to this Honorable Court within thirty (30) days on appeal was filed by Pedro C. Quinto only, and does not party:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
from the time their Second Re-amended Record on Appeal inure to the benefit of Rosario Guevara; chan
roblesvirtualawlibraryand (b) that Respondents had lost their (a) Fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence which
was approved on September 28, 1949; chan
right to appeal by the lapse of the reglementary period. As ordinary prudence could not have guarded against and by
roblesvirtualawlibraryand it was only so transmitted on
regards the first proposition, Petitioner asserts reason of which such aggrieved party has probably been
December 8, 1949, that is after the lapse of two (2) months and
that Respondent Pedro C. Quinto had withdrawn his impaired in his rights;
ten (10) days.
appearance as counsel for Respondent Rosario Guevara; chan (b) Newly discovered evidence, which he could not, with
“(c) Because, at any rate, the first Amended Joint Record on roblesvirtualawlibrarythat Quinto had, thereafter, intervened in reasonable diligence, have discovered, and produced at the
Appeal was filed beyond the extension granted by the Court the case in his own behalf, in order to enforce his attorney’s trial, and which if presented would probably alter the result;
and, consequently, the Appellants’ right to appeal has lapsed.” lien, as former counsel for Rosario Guevara; chan
(Exhibit A, pp. 1-2). roblesvirtualawlibrarythat, consequently, the original record on (c) Because excessive damages have been awarded, or the
appeal and the petitions for extension of time to file an evidence was insufficient to justify the decision, or it is against
amended record on appeal, filed by Pedro C. Quinto, were the law.”
Said petition for reconsideration appears, however, to be is barred by the statute of limitations, considering that the cumplimiento de las ultimas voluntades’, asserted as one of the
predicated, in effect, upon the ground that the evidence is testator died on September 27, 1933, and that the petition for royal prerogatives in the ‘Real Cedula’ of March 18, 1776.
insufficient to justify the decision of the court of first instance, probate of said will was filed twelve (12) years later, or, to be
and that said decision is contrary to law. It partakes, therefore, exact, on October 5, 1945. The Court of Appeals resolved the “It is not without purpose that Rule of Court 77 prescribes that
of the nature of a motion for new trial, stating specifically the question in the negative, upon the following any ‘person interested in the estate may, at any time after the
reasons in support thereof, and, hence, it suspended the period grounds:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary death of the testator, petition the court having jurisdiction to
to appeal until the determination of said motion. have the will allowed’. Taken from the Code of Procedure of
“We are of the opinion that the Court below was in error when it California, this provision has been interpreted as meaning that
Relative to the alleged unprecedented delay in the filing of a declared that the petition for probate of the will of Victorino the statute of limitations has no application to probate of wills.
satisfactory record on appeal, we agree with the finding of the Guevara was barred by prescription. The provision of Article In the case of In re Hume’s Estate, 179 Calif. 338, 176 Pac.
Court of Appeals to the effect that the delay was due to the 756 of the old Civil Code (1042 of the New) and of Rule 76 of 681, the California Supreme Court ruled
acts of the Respondents, as well as of the Petitioner herein, for the Rules of Court, reiterating those of the old Code of Civil that:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
both had asked several postponements and extensions of time, Procedure (Act 190), point out that the presentation of a
filed memoranda and reply memoranda, and raised or decedent’s will to the competent court has always been ‘The chapter of the Code relating to the probate of wills does
provoked a number of other issues or incidents which deemed by our law as more of a duty than a right, and the not provide for opposition to such probate on the ground of the
necessarily delayed the perfection of the appeal. neglect of such obligation carries with it the corresponding bar of the statute of limitations, but, in effect, excludes it from
Obviously, Petitioner should not be allowed to profit by said penalty and it is inconsistent with that policy that the court the category of grounds allowed as a basis for such opposition.
delay, to which he had actively contributed. 1 should refuse to admit wills to probate, without inquiry into their Section 1299 declares that any person interested in the estate
validity. The authority given to testators to dispose freely of a ‘may at any time after the death of the testator, petition the
Lastly, Petitioner maintains that, although the record on appeal portion of their estate would be imperfectly safeguarded, unless court having jurisdiction to have the will proved.’ This implies
had been approved on September 28, 1949, it was not adequate measures were provided by the state to assure that that there is no arbitrary time limit.’
forwarded to the Court of Appeals until December 8, 1949. the wishes of the deceased would be carried out. Because the
Section 3 of Rule 48 of the Rules of Court As additional reasons, the same Court
decedent may no longer act to have his testamentary stated:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
provides:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary dispositions duly executed, the state authority must take over
“If the record on appeal is not received by the Court of Appeals the opposite vigilance and supervision, so that free ‘ cralaw Section 1317 declares:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary If
within thirty days after the approval thereof, the Appellee may, testamentary disposition does not remain a delusion and a the court is satisfied, upon the proof taken or from the facts
upon notice to the Appellant, move the court to grant an order dream. This was expressly recognized by the Supreme Court found by the jury that the will was duly executed and that the
directing the clerk of the lower court forthwith to transmit such in its previous decision, G. R. No. 48840 (Exhibit E) when it will testator at the time of its execution was of sound and
record on appeal or to declare the same abandoned for failure said:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary disposing mind and not acting under duress menace fraud, or
to prosecute.” undue influence, a certificate of the proof and the facts found,
‘ cralaw We hold that under section 1 of Rule 74, in relation to signed by the judge and attested by the seal of the court, must
Considering that Respondents herein were not notified of the Rule 76, if the decedent left a will and no debts and the heirs be attached to the will.’
approval of the record on appeal until December 8, 1949, on and legatees desire to make an extrajudicial partition of the
which date the record on appeal was forwarded to the Court of estate, they must first present that will to the court for probate ‘This excludes the bar of the statute of limitation from
Appeals, and that the aforementioned provision of the Rules of and divide the estate in accordance with the will. They may not consideration as one of the matters which may be shown in
Court does impose upon said court the mandatory duty to disregard the provisions of the will unless those provisions are opposition to the probate. This is further emphasized by section
declare the appeal abandoned for failure to prosecute, we contrary to law. Neither may they do away with the 1341, which, in substance, declares that, if upon the verdict of
believe that no error was committed in giving due course to the presentation of the will to the court for probate, because such the jury the facts mentioned in section 1317 as aforesaid
appeal and that the same has been duly perfected. suppression of the will is contrary to law and public policy. The appear to be established, the court ‘must’ admit the will to
law enjoins the probate of the will and public policy requires it, probate. Section 1314 thus makes it imperative that the court
(2) Did the Court of Appeals have jurisdiction to try the case, because unless the will is probated and notice thereof given to shall admit the will to probate if the execution is proven and the
on appeal from the decision of the court of first the whole world, the right of a person to dispose of his property grounds of opposition authorized by section 1312 are not
instance? Petitioner maintains the negative, upon the ground by will may be rendered nugatory, as is attempted to be done established. This clearly implies that no grounds of opposition
that the appeal involved only questions of law. This is not in the instant case. Absent legatees and devisees, or such of other than those enumerated in section 1312 may be set up,
correct, for the very motion for reconsideration adverted to them as may have no knowledge of the will, could be cheated and it leaves no place for the application of the statute of
above, indicated that the appeal raised some issues of fact, of their inheritance thru the collusion of some of the heirs who limitations.
such as, for instance, whether or not the will in question was in might agree to the partition of the estate among themselves to
the possession of Respondent Rosario Guevara and the exclusion of others.’ (Italics supplied) ‘It is further to be observed that, notwithstanding the positive
whether Respondent Quinto had been authorized by her to and comprehensive language of sections 343 and 369, if taken
perfect the appeal on her behalf. At any rate, the case is now “In holding the statute of limitations applicable to the probate of literally, there can be no doubt that they cannot apply to all
before us and, upon examination of the record and wills, the court below failed to notice that its doctrine was special proceedings of a civil nature. Proceedings for a change
consideration of all the issues therein raised, we are of the destructive of the right of testamentary disposition and violative of name, or in arbitration, or for voluntary dissolution of a
opinion that, had the appeal been forwarded directly to this of the owner’s right to control his property within the legal limits. corporation, or for guardianship, or for a married woman to
Court, we would have disposed of it in the manner set forth in The appealed order in fact leaves wills at the mercy and whim become a sole trader, are all within the definition of the phrase,
the decision of the Court of Appeals, the review of which is of custodians and heirs interested in their suppression. The and each is enumerated, classed, and defined as such
sought by herein Appellant. lower court would in effect abdicate the tutelary power that proceeding by the Code. If the statute of limitations applied, it
passed to the Republic from the former sovereigns, that would begin to run against such proceedings as soon as the
(3) The last question for determination in this case is whether ‘potestad suprema que en mi reside para velar por el puntual right to institute them accrued. Yet from the very nature of
or not the petition for probate of the will of Victorino L. Guevara
these proceedings it is obvious that neither of them could be Matter of Drake’s Estate, 160 Misc. 587, 598, 290 N.Y.S. 581). allegation contained in paragraph 10 of the original petition,
subject to such limitation. To that end, the court is, in effect, an additional party to every that ‘the will, or its testamentary dispositions, had been de jure
litigation affecting the disposal of the assets of the deceased. revoked in so far as the parcel of 259 hectares described in
‘This construction of these Code provisions is confirmed by the Matter of Van Valkenburgh’s Estate, 164 Misc. 295, 296, 298 said will’ is concerned, does not justify the finding that the
long-continued and uniform practice and the universal N.Y.S. 219. A determination, therefore, that the mere non- probate would be pointless. What is alleged is a partial
understanding of the bench and bar of the state on the subject.’ action of a person upon whom no legal duty rested in this revocation, only as to the parcel of land affected; chan
x x x x x x x x x regard, could have the effect of subverting the wishes of one roblesvirtualawlibrarybut as previously shown, the will disposed
who was no longer able to protect his own unquestionable of other property besides that one. And even granting that the
‘Action to quiet title frequently involve wills of persons who rights, would strike at the very foundation of all conceptions of next allegation to the effect that Plaintiff sought to probate ‘only
have died many years before the action was begun. The justice as administered in probate courts.’ for the purposes of her acknowledgment as natural child in said
section contemplates that such a will, although not yet will’, constitutes an averment that the will had been fully
probated, may be construed in the action and may be “These decisions are of high persuasive value (Cu vs. revoked, the same would at the most constitute a conclusion or
afterwards probated, and it clearly shows that the Legislature Republic, G. R. L-3018, July 18, 1951); chan inference that the lower court was not bound to admit. Because
did not understand that the right to probate such will would be roblesvirtualawlibrarythey represent the trend of authority (57 the Appellant claimed or believed that the revocation of the will
barred if the testator had died more than four years before the Am. Jur. 585), and enable us to conclude that reason and as to the large parcel of land, constituted a total revocation of
petition for probate was filed. precedent reject the applicability of the Statute of Limitations to the testament is no reason why the court should concur in the
probate proceedings, because these are not exclusively same belief or conclusion, especially when the will itself,
‘This uniform practice and understanding of the bench and bar, established in the interest of the surviving heirs, but primarily appended to the petition, showed that there were other
and of the legislative department of the state also, is a strong for the protection of the testator’s expressed wishes, that are properties and other heirs or legatees, and the trial court had
argument to the effect that the statute of limitations does not entitled to respect as an effect of his ownership and right of before it the decision of the Supreme Court ordering the filing
apply to such proceedings. The authorities on the effect of such disposition. If the probate of validly executed wills is required of the will for its probate because, as stated in its decision,
long acquiescence are numerous.’ by public policy, as declared by the Supreme Court in the such a step was enjoined by law and public policy. Moreover,
previous case, G.R. 48840 (Exhibit E), the state could not have the defect, if any, incurred in failing to ask for the probate in
“The Statute of Limitations upon which the court below has intended the statute of limitations to defeat that policy.
relied, sections 38 to 50 of the old Code of Civil Procedure, Act toto of the will, was subsequently cured and corrected in the
190, undertakes to fix limits for the filing of ‘civil actions’, but “It is true, as ruled by the trial court, that the rights of parties amended petition, where not only the objectionable statements
none for ‘special proceedings’ of which probate is admittedly ‘should not be left hanging in uncertainty for periods of time far were eliminated, but others added indicating the existence of a
one. The distinction is not purely verbal, but based on in excess of the maximum period of ten years allowed by partible estate.
differences that make the limitation to ‘actions’ inapplicable to law’; chan roblesvirtualawlibrarybut the obvious remedy is for “Assuming that the original petition violated the order of the
‘special proceedings’. In this regard, the Supreme Court of New the other interested persons to petition for the production of the Supreme Court in so far as it did not ask for the allowance of
York has adequately remarked (In re Canfield’s Will, 300 NYS will and for its probate, or to inflict upon the guilty party the the entire will, the court below erred in dismissing the petition,
502):chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary penalties prescribed by Rule 76 or declare the unworthiness of for it thereby sanctioned further disobedience to the order of
the heir under the Civil Code for concealing or suppressing the the superior court. Once again, it must be repeated that the
‘A Respondent in a private proceeding owes no legal duty or testament; chan roblesvirtualawlibrarybut not to dismiss the
obligation to the proponent as such, wherefore it is impossible order of dismissal failed to take into account that the case
petition for probate, however belatedly submitted, and thereby involved not only the interests of Rosario Guevara, and those
for him to violate such non-existent obligation. Furthermore refuse sanction to testamentary dispositions executed with all
such a proceeding is not instituted for the vindication of any of the Appellee Ernesto Guevara and the other legatees, but
the formalities prescribed by law, incidentally prejudicing also specially the express desires of the testator; chan
personal right to the proponent. The subject-matter is therefore those testamentary heirs who do not happen to be successors
wholly absent which could give rise to any ‘cause of action’ roblesvirtualawlibraryand that the protection and defense of the
ab intestato. That in this particular case the appealed rule may latter developed upon the court itself, since no one else made
against any Respondent therein. not work injustice would not excuse its adoption as a general any move to enforce them.
‘The primary purpose of the proceeding is not to establish the norm applicable to all cases.
existence of the right of any living person, but to determine “Even if the other heirs had failed to show interest in the case
“It is likewise reasonable to assume that if the Supreme Court (a fact not properly inferable from their non-intervention in the
whether or not the decedent has performed the acts specified had considered the ten-year limitation applicable to probate
by the pertinent statutes which are the essential prerequisites case, because the order of publication of the petition only
proceedings, it would not have ordered the parties on called for those interested to ‘appear to contest the allowance’
to personal direction of the mode of devolution of his property December 29, 1943 ‘to present the document Exhibit A to the
on death. There is no legal but merely a moral duty resting and not to support it) (Rec. on App., p. 7), and even if the other
proper court for probate in accordance with law’, because the heirs had already received their shares, the order refusing the
upon a proponent to attempt to validate the wishes of the ten years from the death of the testator expired in September
departed, and he may and frequently does receive no personal probate remains indefensible. If the other heirs were not
of that same year, two months before the decision. It is safe to interested, there remained the wishes of the testator to be
benefit from the performance of the act. assume that the high Court would not order a useless step. supported and protected, if validly expressed. If the heirs had
‘One of the most fundamental conceptions of probate law, is The reasoning that the phrase ‘in accordance with law’ was a distributed the estate, the distribution was illegal and improper
that it is the duty of the court to effectuate, in so far as may be qualification signifying ‘if still legally possible’, appears to be unless the will be first probated. The Supreme Court so ruled in
compatible with the public interest, the devolutionary wishes of far-fetched and unjustified. The plain import of the words its previous decision (G. R. 48840) heretofore quoted.
a deceased person (Matter of Watson’s Will, 262 N.Y. 284, employed by the high Court is that the probate should follow
294, 186 N.E. 787; chan roblesvirtualawlibraryMatter of the procedure provided for the purpose.” ‘Even if the decedent left no debts and nobody raises any
Marriman’s Estate, 124 Misc. 320, 325, 208 N.Y.S. 672; chan question as to the authenticity and due execution of the will,
x x x x x x x x x none of the heirs may sue for the partition of the estate in
roblesvirtualawlibraryFoley, S. affirmed 217 App. Div. 733, 216
N.Y.S. 842; chan roblesvirtualawlibraryMatter of Lensman’s “The other reasons advanced by the court a quo in support of accordance with that will without first securing its allowance or
Estate, 137 Misc. 77, 78, 243 N.Y.S. 126, Henderson, S., its order dismissing the petition are also untenable. The probate by the court:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary first, because
the law expressly provides that ‘no will shall pass either real or
personal estate unless it is proved and allowed in the proper
court; chan roblesvirtualawlibraryand, second, because the
probate of a will, which is a proceeding in rem, cannot be
dispensed with and substituted by any other proceeding,
judicial or extrajudicial, without offending against public policy
designed to effectuate the testator’s right to dispose of his
property by will in accordance with law and to protect the rights
of the heirs and legatees under the will thru the means
provided by law, among which are the publication and the
personal notices to each and all of said heirs and legatees. Nor
may the court approve and allow the will presented in evidence
in such an action for partition, which is one in personam, any
more than it could decree the registration under the Torrens
system of the land involved in an ordinary action for
revindicacion or partition.’
“From whatever angle the case is viewed, a hearing on the
allowance of the will is unavoidable. The persistent, albeit
obnoxious, attempts of Rosario Guevara to sidetrack the will
are not remedied by dismissing the petition for probate of will,
and allowing Ernesto to retain a greater interest than that
intended by the testator.” (Appendix to brief for the Petitioner-
Appellant, pp. 7-15, 17-20.)
We are fully in accord with these findings which we adopt as
In view of the foregoing, the decision appealed from is hereby
affirmed, with the costs of this instance against the Petitioner.
Padilla, Reyes, A., Jugo, Bautista Angelo and
Labrador, JJ., concur.
1. The record shows that the petitions for postponement and
extension of time, and other motions filed by Petitioner in the
court of first instance had delayed the perfection of the appeal
by over 100 days.
1. This statement does not include some petitions filed by
Petitioner, which likewise delayed the perfection of the appeal.
EN BANC availing himself of the provisions of Article 838, Civil Code.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles
paragraph 2, of the new Civil Code, which permit a virtual law library
testator to petition the proper court during his lifetime
G.R. No. L-12207 December 24, 1959
for the allowance of his will, but to such petition on
It is clear that the trial court erred in entertaining the
Maria Catimbang filed an opposition alleging that she is
opposition and in annulling the portion of the will which
JUAN PALACIOS, Petitioner-Appellant, vs. MARIA the acknowledged natural daughter of petitioner but
allegedly impairs the legitime of the oppositor on the
CATIMBANG PALACIOS, oppositor-appellee. that she was completely ignored in the will thus
ground that, as it has found, she is an extraneous
impairing her object to the probate of the will insofar
matter which should be treshed out in a separate
Augusto Francisco and Vicente Reyes Villavicencio for as it due execution is concerned or on the ground that
action.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law
appellant. it has not complied with the formalities prescribed by
Laureano C. Alano and Enrique A. Amador for appellee. law; rather she objects to its intrinsic validity or to the
legality of the provisions of the
will.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law Wherefore, the order appealed from is set aside,
BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.: library without pronouncement as to
costs.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law
Juan Palacios executed his last will and testament on library
We hold that such opposition cannot be entertained in
June 25, 1946 and availing himself of the provisions of this proceeding because its only purpose is merely to
the new Civil Code, he filed on May 23, 1956 before determine if the will has been executed in accordance Paras, C.J., Bengzon, Padilla, Labrador, Concepcion,
the Court of First Instance of Batangas a petition for its with the requirements of the law, much less if the Endencia, Barrera and Gutierrez David., JJ., concur.
approval. In said will, he instituted as his sole heirs his purpose of the opposition is to show that the oppositor
natural children Antonio C. Palacios and Andrea C. is an acknowledged natural child who allegedly has
Palacios.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual been ignored in the will for issue cannot be raised here
law library but in a separate action. This is especially so when the
testator, as in the present case, is still alive and has
On June 21, 1956, Maria Catimbang filed a opposition merely filed a petition for the allowance of his will
to the probate of the will alleging that she is the leaving the effects thereof after his
acknowledged natural daughter of petitioner but that death.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law
she was completely ignored in said will thus impairing library
here legitime.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles
virtual law library This is in line with our ruling in Montañano vs. Suesa,
14 Phil., 676, wherein we said: "The authentication of
After the presentation of petitioner's evidence relative the will decides no other questions than such as touch
to the essential requisites and formalities provided by upon the capacity of the testator and the compliance
law for the validity of a will, the court on July 6, 1956 with those requisites or solemnities which the law
issued an order admitting the will to probate. The prescribes for the validity of a will. It does not
court, however, set a date for the hearing of the determine nor even by implication prejudge the validity
opposition relative to the intrinsic validity of the will or efficiency of the provisions; that may be impugned
and, after proper hearing concerning this incident, the as being vicious or null, notwithstanding its
court issued another order declaring oppositor to be authentication. The questions relating to these points
the natural child of petitioner and annulling the will remain entirely un-affected, and may be raised even
insofar as it impairs her legitime, with costs against after the will has been authenticated."chanrobles
petitioner.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual virtual law library
law library
On the other hand, "after a will has been probated
From this last order, petitioner gave notice of his during the lifetime of a testator, it does not necessarily
intention to appeal directly to the Supreme Court, and mean that he cannot alter or revoke the same before
accordingly, the record was elavated to this he has had a chance to present such petition, the
Court.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law ordinary probate proceedings after the testator's death
library would be in order" (Report of the Code Commission,
pp. 53-54).The reason for this comment is that the
rights to the succession are transmitted from the
It should be noted that petition instituted the present moment of the death of the decedent (Article 777, new
proceeding in order to secure the probate of his will
G.R. No. L-23638 October 12, 1967 the question of adjudication of the properties is opportunely the Court of Appeals that the appellant's stand is untenable. It
presented." is elementary that a probate decree finally and definitively
settles all questions concerning capacity of the testator and the
proper execution and witnessing of his last will and testament,
REYES, petitioners, Oppositors Fernandez and Reyes petitioned for
irrespective of whether its provisions are valid and enforceable
vs. reconsideration, and/or new trial, insisting that the issues of
or otherwise. (Montañano vs. Suesa, 14 Phil. 676; Mercado vs.
ISMAELA DIMAGIBA, respondent. estoppel and revocation be considered and resolved;
Santos, 66 Phil. 215; Trillana vs. Crisostomo, 89 Phil. 710). As
whereupon, on July 27, 1959, the Court overruled the claim
such, the probate order is final and appealable; and it is so
that proponent was in estoppel to ask for the probate of the will,
---------------------------------------- recognized by express provisions of Section 1 of Rule 109, that
but "reserving unto the parties the right to raise the issue of
specifically prescribes that "any interested person may appeal
implied revocation at the opportune time."
in special proceedings from an order or judgment . . . where
G.R. No. L-23662 October 12, 1967 such order or judgment: (a) allows or disallows a will."
On January 11, 1960, the Court of First Instance appointed
MARIANO REYES, CESAR REYES, LEONOR REYES and Ricardo Cruz as administrator for the sole purpose of
Appellants argue that they were entitled to await the trial
PACIENCIA REYES, petitioners, submitting an inventory of the estate, and this was done on
Court's resolution on the other grounds of their opposition
vs. February 9, 1960.
before taking an appeal, as otherwise there would be a
ISMAELA DIMAGIBA, respondent. multiplicity of recourses to the higher Courts. This contention is
On February 27, 1962, after receiving further evidence on the without weight, since Rule 109, section 1, expressly
Jose D. Villena for petitioners. issue whether the execution by the testatrix of deeds of sale of enumerates six different instances when appeal may be taken
Antonio Barredo and Exequiel M. Zaballero for respondent. the larger portion of her estate in favor of the testamentary heir, in special proceedings.
made in 1943 and 1944, subsequent to the execution of her
1930 testament, had revoked the latter under Article 957(2) of
REYES, J.B.L., Actg. C.J.: There being no controversy that the probate decree of the
the 1950 Civil Code (Art. 869 of the Civil Code of 1889), the
Court below was not appealed on time, the same had become
trial Court resolved against the oppositors and held the will of
final and conclusive. Hence, the appellate courts may no longer
The heirs intestate of the late Benedicta de los Reyes have the late Benedicta de los Reyes "unaffected and unrevoked by
revoke said decree nor review the evidence upon which it is
petitioned for a review of the decision of the Court of Appeals the deeds of sale." Whereupon, the oppositors elevated the
made to rest. Thus, the appeal belatedly lodged against the
(in CA-G. R. No. 31221-R) affirming that of the Court of First case to the Court of Appeals.
decree was correctly dismissed.
Instance of Bulacan, in Special Proceeding No. 831 of said
Court, admitting to probate the alleged last will and testament The appellate Court held that the decree of June 20, 1958,
of the deceased, and overruling the opposition to the probate. The alleged revocation implied from the execution of the deeds
admitting the will to probate, had become final for lack of
of conveyance in favor of the testamentary heir is plainly
opportune appeal; that the same was appealable
irrelevant to and separate from the question of whether the
It appears from the record that on January 19, 1955, Ismaela independently of the issue of implied revocation; that contrary
testament was duly executed. For one, if the will is not entitled
Dimagiba, now respondent, submitted to the Court of First to the claim of oppositors-appellants, there had been no legal
to probate, or its probate is denied, all questions of revocation
Instance a petition for the probate of the purported will of the revocation by the execution of the 1943 and 1944 deeds of
become superfluous in law, there is no such will and hence
late Benedicta de los Reyes, executed on October 22, 1930, sale, because the latter had been made in favor of the legatee
there would be nothing to revoke. Then, again, the revocation
and annexed to the petition. The will instituted the petitioner as herself, and affirmed the decision of the Court of First Instance.
invoked by the oppositors-appellants is not an express one, but
the sole heir of the estate of the deceased. The petition was set merely implied from subsequent acts of the testatrix allegedly
for hearing, and in due time, Dionisio Fernandez, Eusebio evidencing an abandonment of the original intention to
Oppositors then appealed to this Court.
Reyes and Luisa Reyes and one month later, Mariano, Cesar, bequeath or devise the properties concerned. As such, the
Leonor and Paciencia, all surnamed Reyes, all claiming to be revocation would not affect the will itself, but merely the
heirs intestate of the decedent, filed oppositions to the probate In this instance, both sets of oppositors-appellants pose three particular devise or legacy. Only
asked. Grounds advanced for the opposition were forgery, main issues: (a) whether or not the decree of the Court of First the total and absolute revocation can preclude probate of the
vices of consent of the testatrix, estoppel by laches of the Instance allowing the will to probate had become final for lack revoked testament (Trillana vs. Crisostomo, supra.).
proponent and revocation of the will by two deeds of of appeal; (b) whether or not the order of the Court of origin
conveyance of the major portion of the estate made by the dated July 27, 1959, overruling the estoppel invoked by
testatrix in favor of the proponent in 1943 and 1944, but which oppositors-appellants had likewise become final; and (c) As to the issue of estoppel, we have already ruled in Guevara
conveyances were finally set aside by this Supreme Court in a whether or not the 1930 will of Benedicta de los Reyes had vs. Guevara, 98 Phil. 249, that the presentation and probate of
decision promulgated on August 3, 1954, in cases G.R. Nos. L- been impliedly revoked by her execution of deeds of a will are requirements of public policy, being primarily
5618 and L-5620 (unpublished). conveyance in favor of the proponent on March 26, 1943 and designed to protect the testator's, expressed wishes, which are
April 3, 1944. entitled to respect as a consequence of the decedent's
ownership and right of disposition within legal limits. Evidence
After trial on the formulated issues, the Court of First Instance, of it is the duty imposed on a custodian of a will to deliver the
by decision of June 20, 1958, found that the will was genuine As to the first point, oppositors-appellants contend that the same to the Court, and the fine and imprisonment prescribed
and properly executed; but deferred resolution on the questions order allowing the will to probate should be considered for its violation (Revised Rule 75). It would be a non sequitur to
of estoppel and revocation "until such time when we shall pass interlocutory, because it fails to resolve the issues of estoppel allow public policy to be evaded on the pretext of estoppel.
upon the intrinsic validity of the provisions of the will or when and revocation propounded in their opposition. We agree with Whether or not the order overruling the allegation of estoppel is
still appealable or not, the defense is patently unmeritorious "no consideration whatever was paid by respondent Dimagiba"
and the Court of Appeals correctly so ruled. on account of the transfers, thereby rendering it even more
doubtful whether in conveying the property to her legatee, the
testatrix merely intended to comply in advance with what she
The last issue, that of revocation, is predicated on paragraph 2
had ordained in her testament, rather than an alteration or Footnotes
of Article 957 of the Civil Code of 1950 (Art. 869 of the Code of
departure therefrom.1 Revocation being an exception, we
1889), which recites:
believe, with the Courts below, that in the circumstances of the 1
Scaevola (Codigo Civil, Vol. XV, 4th Ed., p. 378)
particular case, Article 957 of the Civil Code of the Philippines,
aptly remarks:
Art. 957. The legacy or devise shall be without effect: does not apply to the case at bar.
Moreover, petitioners failed to inform the Court of the said Division Chairman’s Attestation, it is hereby certified that the
pending case in their certification against forum- shopping. conclusions in the above Decision were reached in consultation
Neither have they done so at any time thereafter. The Court before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
notes that even in the petition for annulment of judgment, Court’s Division.
petitioners failed to inform the CA of the pendency of their Id. at 70.
Id. at 103.
Id. at 107.
Dated 8 February 2002 and 12 November 2002.
Associate Justice
Id. at 108
Cynthia C. Alaban, et al. v. Gerardo D. Diaz, et al.
Id. at 109.
Rollo, pp. 47-52.
Entitled "In the Matter of the Issuance of Letters of
Entitled "In Re: Petition for Probate of Will of Administration in the Intestate Estate of Soledad
Associate Justice Decedent Soledad Provido Elevencionado, Provido-Elevencionado, Dolores M. Flores,
Francisco H. Provido, Petitioner"; Id. at 31-32. Petitioner."
Id. at 34-37. Rollo, pp. 109-110.
Id. at 41-45. Id. at 79.
Associate Justice 9
Id. at 42-44. Id. at 21.
Id. at 53-56. Sec. 1, Rule 37.
Docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 69221. Section 1. Grounds of and period for filing motion for
new trial or reconsideration.- Within the period for
Associate Justice 14
Rollo, pp. 58-59. taking an appeal, the aggrieved party may move the
Chairman, Second Division
trial court to set aside the judgment or final order and
grant a new trial for one or more of the following
causes materially affecting the substantial rights of Pinlac v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 91486, 19
of Appeals, supra note 42 at 187.
Meanwhile, Sections 1 and 2 of Rule 38 state:
Bobis et al. v. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No.
(Emphasis supplied.)
Vol. 1 (2001) p. 297.
It will be noted that in the above cited case the last of the three
publications was on December 18, 1919, and the hearing on
the administrators's final account was set for December 19 of
that year, only fifteen days after the date of the first publication.
The appellants also contend that the trial court erred in ruling
that the weekly newspaper, Ing Katipunan, in which the notice
of hearing was published, was a newspaper of general
circulation in the Province of Pampanga.
V. Sanchez Roam, Derecho Civil (2nd Ed.) (1910)
Vol. 6 pp. 343, 350; Castan, Derecho Civil Español
(1944) Tomo 4 p. 337; Valverde, Derecho Civil
(1939) Vol. 5, p. 77.
V. Sanchez Roman Op. Cit. Vol. 6, p. 357.
Manresa, Codigo Civil, 1932, Vol. 5, p. 481.
We have no doubt that this concept and these
doctrines concerning the Spanish Civil Code apply to
our New Civil Code, since the Commission in its
Report (p. 52) merely "revived" holographic wills, i.e.,
those known to the Spanish Civil Law, before Act
Perhaps it may be proved by a photographic or
photostatic copy. Evena mimeographed or carbon
copy; or by other similar means, if any, whereby the
authenticity of the handwriting of the deceased may
be exhibited and tested before the probate court.
We are aware of some American cases that
admitted lost holographic wills, upon verbal
testimony. (Sec. 41, American Law Reports, 2d. pp.
413, 414.) But the point here raised was not
discussed. Anyway it is safer to follow, in this matter,
the theories of the Spanish law.
Intestate of Suntay, 50 Off. Gaz., 5321.
G.R. No. L-58509 December 7, 1982 (4 ) The deceased did not leave any will, MOREOVER, this Court notes that the
holographic or otherwise, executed and alleged holographic will was executed on
attested as required by law. January 25, 1962 while Ricardo B. Bonilla
died on May 13, 1976. In view of the lapse
of more than 14 years from the time of the
RODELAS, petitioner-appellant, The appellees likewise moved for the
execution of the will to the death of the
vs. consolidation of the case with another
decedent, the fact that the original of the
AMPARO ARANZA, ET AL., oppositors-appellees, ATTY. case Sp. Proc. No, 8275). Their motion
will could not be located shows to our mind
LORENZO SUMULONG, intervenor. was granted by the court in an order dated
that the decedent had discarded before his
April 4, 1977.
death his allegedly missing Holographic
Luciano A. Joson for petitioner-appellant. Will.
On November 13, 1978, following the
consolidation of the cases, the appellees
Cesar Paralejo for oppositor-appellee. Appellant's motion for reconsideration was denied. Hence, an
moved again to dismiss the petition for the
appeal to the Court of Appeals in which it is contended that the
probate of the will. They argued that:
dismissal of appellant's petition is contrary to law and well-
settled jurisprudence.
(1) The alleged holographic was not a last
RELOVA, J.: will but merely an instruction as to the
On July 7, 1980, appellees moved to forward the case to this
management and improvement of the
Court on the ground that the appeal does not involve question
schools and colleges founded by decedent
This case was certified to this Tribunal by the Court of Appeals of fact and alleged that the trial court committed the following
Ricardo B. Bonilla; and
for final determination pursuant to Section 3, Rule 50 of the assigned errors:
Rules of Court.
(2) Lost or destroyed holographic wills
cannot be proved by secondary evidence
As found by the Court of Appeals: HOLDING THAT A LOST HOLOGRAPHIC
unlike ordinary wills.
... On January 11, 1977, appellant filed a Upon opposition of the appellant, the
petition with the Court of First Instance of motion to dismiss was denied by the court
Rizal for the probate of the holographic will II. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN
in its order of February 23, 1979.
of Ricardo B. Bonilla and the issuance of HOLDING THAT THE DECEDENT HAS
letters testamentary in her favor. The DISCARDED BEFORE HIS DEATH THE
petition, docketed as Sp. Proc. No. 8432, The appellees then filed a motion for MISSING HOLOGRAPHIC WILL;
was opposed by the appellees Amparo reconsideration on the ground that the
Aranza Bonilla, Wilferine Bonilla Treyes order was contrary to law and settled
Expedita Bonilla Frias and Ephraim Bonilla pronouncements and rulings of the
on the following grounds: Supreme Court, to which the appellant in
turn filed an opposition. On July 23, 1979,
the court set aside its order of February The only question here is whether a holographic will which was
(1) Appellant was estopped from claiming 23, 1979 and dismissed the petition for the lost or cannot be found can be proved by means of a
that the deceased left a will by failing to probate of the will of Ricardo B. Bonilla. photostatic copy. Pursuant to Article 811 of the Civil Code,
produce the will within twenty days of the The court said: probate of holographic wills is the allowance of the will by the
death of the testator as required by Rule court after its due execution has been proved. The probate
75, section 2 of the Rules of Court; may be uncontested or not. If uncontested, at least one
... It is our considered opinion that once
Identifying witness is required and, if no witness is available,
the original copy of the holographic will is
(2) The alleged copy of the alleged experts may be resorted to. If contested, at least three
lost, a copy thereof cannot stand in lieu of
holographic will did not contain a Identifying witnesses are required. However, if the holographic
the original.
disposition of property after death and was will has been lost or destroyed and no other copy is available,
not intended to take effect after death, and the will can not be probated because the best and only
therefore it was not a will In the case of Gam vs. Yap, 104 Phil. 509, evidence is the handwriting of the testator in said will. It is
522, the Supreme Court held that 'in the necessary that there be a comparison between sample
matter of holographic wills the law, it is handwritten statements of the testator and the handwritten will.
(3) The alleged hollographic will itself,and But, a photostatic copy or xerox copy of the holographic will
reasonable to suppose, regards the
not an alleged copy thereof, must be may be allowed because comparison can be made with the
document itself as the material proof of
produced, otherwise it would produce no standard writings of the testator. In the case of Gam vs. Yap,
authenticity of said wills.
effect, as held in Gam v. Yap, 104 Phil. 104 PHIL. 509, the Court ruled that "the execution and the
509; and contents of a lost or destroyed holographic will may not be
proved by the bare testimony of witnesses who have seen
and/or read such will. The will itself must be presented;
otherwise, it shall produce no effect. The law regards the
document itself as material proof of authenticity." But, in
Footnote 8 of said decision, it says that "Perhaps it may be
proved by a photographic or photostatic copy. Even a
mimeographed or carbon copy; or by other similar means, if
any, whereby the authenticity of the handwriting of the
deceased may be exhibited and tested before the probate
court," Evidently, the photostatic or xerox copy of the lost or
destroyed holographic will may be admitted because then the
authenticity of the handwriting of the deceased can be
determined by the probate court.